Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 14, 1910, Image 5

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, k - . .
: \ A Safe ,
! \ Simple System
The system of paying
t by check was devised
f by all men- for any
man - for you. It is
i . suited to the need of
f any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or § 10000
) a month. A checking
1 account will serve your
t needs.
Pay by check , the
method puts system 1n-
to your business and
gives you a record-
every transaction.
Office over the grocery department
I of T. C. Hornby's store.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
PHONE : 125
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
c /
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine = Nebr ,
Prune Your Trees Now.
Simple and easy at the riffht ! time.
NOW. If you do not want a bud to'
grow into limb rub oil the bud from
which the limb starts , MOW. Prun-
ing any other time of year is a jrreat
deal more work and sacrifices the
best development and fruiting of the
trees. There should be from 3 to 5
main limbs and the limbs balanced
up. Keep center of tree moderately
free from limbs. Where limbs inter-
" ' - J.ere ; or rub each other cut off the end
irat can be best spared and keep the
tVee cood shape. Never cut oil a
limb an inch or more from a bud or a
limb or trunK of tree. It will leave
a dead stub } that will not heal over
and it will decay back into the heart
ot : limb or trunk of tree. Cut close
and it will heal over completely in a
short time. Paint large wounds with
any kind of paint or white lead to
prevent decay until wound heals ov-
er. Prune fruit trees now for fruit-
fulness. Thus the tree has reserve
streniith and will put that extra
strength into fruit budb which are
formed in August of this year for
next years fruit.
We have all the varieties of Cher-
ry , Plum , Apple and Forest and
Shade Trees , Evergreens. Small Fruit
Shrubs , Roses and other ornamentals.
time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER-
grown nearest home. They are ac-
climated and grown under same con-
ditions > ou want them to grow , and .
where they can be had the quickest. i
We have 25 acres in our nurseries ;
and 40 acres in our bearing orchard.
Write for catalogue or any informa-
. Chas , ] , Boyd , I
Brown County Nursery
Ainsworth , Nebr ,
Nursery one block north-east of the
Court House.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
TATK OF NeiiuAsrca tss I
To the heirs ana to all persons interested in
the estate ot Matilda A. l.obnisou.ieeeased ; . :
On reading the petition of .Joshua Kmauiial
proving that the administration ot said estate
be Riauted to Mary Kmanuel as adminis-
"it is hereby ordered that you and all persons
interested in said matter may \ , and do. appear
at the County Court to be held in and for said
county on the 13th day of Jul > - . A. D. . 1910. at
10 o'clock a. tn. to show cati-ii1 , if any there be ,
why the prayer of the petitionerhould not be
Kraiued aim that I notice of the pendency l ! of said
petition and that th- hearing thereof be given to
all persons : interested in said matter by publisii-
hiS a copy of this order in the Valentine Demo
crat a weekly newspaper printed in said count } ,
for 3 successi'cVel'ks prior to said day 01
bcarln - - " - ' Witness mv hand and the .seal of said !
SEAL courtthis21stdayJmie , A. I.1 liwi. :
- Y - - JAMES U ( UWI.KY ,
24 3 County Judge.
E. I ) . Clarke , attorney.
Dysentery is a dangerous disease but
r can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera , and Diarrhoea Remedy has
been successfully used in nine7 epidemics
/ of dysentery. It has never been known
to fail. It is equally valuable for chib
dren and adults , and when reduced
L with water and sweetened , it is pleasant
I- to take. Sold by Chapman Drug Co. . .
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Daily mean temperature 09s.
' Normal temperature 73 =
Highest temperature 90s.
Lowest temperature . 17 ° .
Range of temperature 13 ° .
Precipitation for week 0.58 ! : ! of an inch.
Average for 22 years 0.71 of'an inch.
; Precipitatibn March 1st to date II S ) 27 inches.
Average for 22 years 12.12 of an inches.
JOHN J. McLKAX. Observer. .
' Talk of the Own.
. .
- - -
Binder twine for sale at the Val-
entine Lumber Co.
Ed Heelan has moved down
from the Mission ranch.
Two good ball games at Valen-
tine. O'Neill vs Valentine , July 22-
' . > . 3 .
Ainswoiih and Valentine will play
base ball at Valentine Sunday , July ]
17 , 1910.
A good second hand De.ering Bin-
der for sale cheap.
Valentine Lumber Co.
Miss Laurentia Haley and Miss :
Allie Cyphers were both quite ill
the first of the week.
Miss Maud ltolya : has organized :
a large . music class at Kilgore I
which she instructs on Thursdays. ;
Henry Logan and son Charles
were over from Norden the past
week in , a big new 40 horse pow-
er auto.
.1. C. Vincent , a brother of Mrs.
J. F. Siiepard , is here from Eugene ,
Oregon on a visit. He was here six
years ago.
The town board should serve
notice on their country friends to
briug a jug of water with them if
they desire to come to town on
J. W. McCloud of Simeon came
to town last week to see his new
son born , Wednesday night , July
6 , at the home of the wife's father ,
J. 11. Ayers' in this city.
Grant Boyer has completed the
M. E. parsonage and now begins
work on the new residence of Geo.
Lamoreaux , which is to be a simi-
lar building but larger , south of
Martin Christensen's.
Floyd Pettycrew and wife arriv
ed in Valentine from Ann , Arbor
Michigan 'Sunday enroute to Pierre ,
South Dakota where Floyd is a drug
clerk. Floyd was married June 28 ,
to Miss May Louise McCormick.
Martin Becker came in Mon
day evening to get repairs for his
binder. He had started harvest-
ing i his fall wheat which he thinks
will be about a half crop , though
his spring wheat is good as is also
his corn.
Sheriff Clyde A. llosseter and
William Henry Francke , deputy
sheriff " , of Cherry county , in com-
pany with Henry Stetter , made a
trip to Dwight , 111. , where Mr.
Stetter will take a course of treat-
ment for his health.
Judge Quigley's new residence
is i being built on north Cherry
street the plumbing of which he
has given the contract to H. I.
. . .
"Weinzimmer who also has the job
of a lavatory lor the Valentine
Lumber Co. , for the office of their
new building.
Mr. and Mrs. : 0. D. Carey have
been in town the past week taking
their vacation. We understand
that Mr. Carey has been trans-
ferred as gardener to the Pine
Ridge boarding school , that po
sition being abandoned at the
Rosebud boarding school.
Tom Spratt was in town on
prohibition day to get some re
pairs for his binder preparatory
to going into his fall wheat which
he says is not so good as his spring
wheat , much of it freezing out .
during the severe winter , bat .
thinks it will make a half crop.
Fred Buechle returned last Sat-
urday night from a visit with his
father at Seward , who is doing
well and sends regards to Cherry
county friends. Fred . says- the
crops look well around Seward
but bad around Fremont and this
side for nearly a hundred miles.
He says crop prospects look better
here than anywhere along the
line. _
On Sunday , July 17 r , there win/ J
be services in St. John's church
both , morning and evening. Lit-
any and choir rehearsal on Friday
evening , July 15. '
We have the semi-annual state- I
ment of County Treasurer Gertrude I
Toidon which will be published
next vre-jk. ; Could have published
it this \\eek had ik been necessary
but our paper is full and the time
short for setting up the table which
requires time and careful work.
Herman Ross and wife are visit-
ing Henry Becker and wife on north
table. Mr. Ross is a brother of
Mrs. Becker and comes from Grand i
R tpids , \Vis. Ee reports crops
very poor back east and is favorab-
ly impressed with this part ; of the
country. This is his first visit here.
Thomas Jelly , who owns a farm
adjoining ours on north table , was
in town . l\Ionday getting a mower.
He bought the Mell Hale 160 acres
last spring and has a good crop of
potatoes , corn oats and spring
wheat. His wheat is the nicest
we've seen this season and looks ,
like 20 to 25 bushels per acre. | ,
Ben Roberts and Tom Coffee of
Merriman attended the Rowley-
Swanson sale of horses last Satur-
day. This week we printed sale
bills for them for a similar horse
and mule sale at Merriman , Satur-
day , July 30 , 1910. We believe
the time is too near at hand for a
general notification to buyers un-
less they scatter their bills pretty
well. Keep the date in mind.
Tom Spratt tells us that the
spring wheat out north of town
is all looking fine and filling nicely
in the recent showers. He saj ' s
0. W. llahn has 70 acres of as
fine spring wheat as he's seen this
year or any other. It stands waist
high and has big heads well filled.
D. A. Melton : , he says also has
fine wheat and Wm. Grooms has
a fine field of wheat adjoining , and
that ! Dave Dunn has the finest
field { of corn on the table. Crop
prospects are looking good around
Valentine. .
Colonel Albert L. Towle died
last Friday noon at his home
in this city after a lingering illness.
He left instructions for the Masons
to take charge of his funeral and -
wanted to be buried by the side of
his first wife at Niobrara City , this
state which were carried out and
E. D. Spencer accompanied there -
mains to Niobrara starting t Sunday
night. Col. Towle had been failing
in health for some time and suffer
ed from rheumatic pains and " was
finally paralyzed in his lower limbs
for [ several weeks before his death.
Alex Burr and son , J. N. and
wife , Theodore Phillips and wife ,
Jason Garwood and J. T. Hawley , I
all of Pullman , were in town this
week proving up on their home-
steads , acting witnesses for each
other which lessens the expense.
-Alex Burr tells us that he is go-
ing to Canada in a month or two
to visit his son , A. C. , and may
stay during the winter. These
citizens appear to be opposed to
county division of any kind. Mr.
Burr also says that he fails to find
any republicans who favor the
Taft administration.
The big horse sale here last Sat- I
erday of Rowley and Swanson
brought a big crowd of people. A
careful estimate placed the num-
ber at 200 people on the sale
grounds. * I ot all were bidders I
but there were many who did not I
get the horses bid on who tried to
buy. The prices were good and
though there were numerous bar-
gains such as is always found at
big sales , some stock brought more ;
than enough to counter-balance I
and the sale was said by many to
be the best horse sale they ever
saNot a horse Was bid in.
There were buyers for all and
wanted more horses. It is , need-
less to say that another big sale
could be pulled off here.
If your liver is sluggish and out of 1 I
tone , and you feel dull , bilious , consti-
pated , take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach , and Liver Tablets tonight be-
fore retiring and you -will feel all right
in the morning. Sold by Chapman I
Drug Co. I
, I . . . . ,
r . Ai ' . , , / . ' . - - - ; . ' / . \ ' . . .
Old Crow , . _ - - : < < All Leading - . .
, .
tM1 p
Brands .
Hermitage . . r :
. c .
. ' $ IftKsifflte
& : * * m
and BoUlcd
! i 1
Guchell- Under the
. W - ! { 1 F , t r . . . ' 4 ,
heimer a Supervisiun : >
, . ,
kt4C4 r.- % > tf : 4
Rye I of the .
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. . A
- ,
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
HENRY - STETTER , Propr. .
= = - _ . : : - : . _ _ . _ _ _ - - . .I _ _ . _ _ . _ w _ .
* - r w T
, ) L * * . ,
at the -R. Ro Stock Yards , .
Thurs@July 28 , , 10
Commencing ; at ! o'clock p. rn. , sharp , . .
L.zdI _ _ ' r
r 1'
. I
M ; : '
4 N. 1 orses'
Consisting of mares , geldings , brood mares with } colts by side * . ,
saddle horses ; one , two and three-year-old'colts. A part of these
horses are well broke to work and will be sold in teams , car load
lots or anyway to suit the buyers. This will be a clean , bona
fide sale and the horses will be sold to the highest bidder with
out reserve.
- . . . - -
. Also 3 three = year . . = old Jacks
- - -
TEEMS OF SALE : One years timewill , be given purchasers ,
giving note with approved security , at 10 per cent interest from
date , or 5 per cent discount for cash.
Stotts & l\\one.
Col. G. Eo Tracewell , A e lCt.'V. . E. Haley , Clerk , i
- - -
In the County Court of Cherry County. e.1
hrasKa. I
State 0 Xohraskn , i '
[ 'Utility Of ( iHMT.N , t '
To tlu heirs and all por-ions ) intonated ) in
tin. otsiti' of .loliu ) II. Miller , k'ioiM' I :
On reading tlu1 petition ) i t of Im'l' JO. Ifooton
praying that administration t1' ! bonis \ mm .
of said ( estate be granted to . \)1. .Morrissey : : I
us administrator de bom : . ; non : I
It Is lu-reln oideied that you , and tll pot-
! sons interested said matter ma\ . a nil 1 do.
appear at . the rounty court to be held ill i
ilid : for said comity , on the _ ; ' . Ith d.iy of July ,
I'.MO , at 10 \ o'clock a. in. , to sho\\ f.uisiif any
there be . why the pra\er } of the petitioner I
should not be granted ; , and that notice ol
the pendency ) of said petition and that the
hearing ; thereof be ghen to ail persons ) in -
terested in said matter by publishing a copy
of tins Ol'tll'l"In The Valentine Democrat , a
\\"l'l'ld nett " spliper ) printed } ( in said county , I
for three sucl'l'ssiYl'"l'l'ks prior to said day
of henring.
\\itness my hand and the --cal of said
court this nth day of July ! , HUO.
County ' Judge.
AValcott & : Morribsey \ attorneys. - _ > 7 a ;
Leone Anderson returned Sunday
from a three weeks visit at her > 1 n-
cle's in Rosebud S. D.
Mrs. G. A. Corbin departed for
Omaha Tuesday in order to take
treatment at the hospital. _
Mrs. : ' Margaret Keplinger enter
tained five ladies at a dinner party
Thursday. A lovely dinner is re
The youngest child of Mai Jeff-
ers and wife is reported very ill ,
whooping cough being the starting
point of the , trouble.
, . . ,
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ = - = - = - = . - - = - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
q"ij.k- f .
All kinds of wood work done to order. . Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , moxE 72 . Nebraska.
- Refprences : My lany Cu f"typr ! ' .
I , i.l
I l rr II I
i - r
I , boifY r ' .
I . . . .
- t
Whenever you want Busi-
ness . Cards , Letter Heads
Circulars or anything else
in the printing line.
JI. . . . . I : . .
I Drayman . .
I Light and Heavy D1 ayIng
it i .
Furniture and pianos handled
! ' t in a careful manner. Coal .
? hauled and trunks and grips
> - a specialty. Phone No. 131.
t , : : . _ : J
Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with you when starting on your
trip this summer. It cannot be obtained
on board the trains or steamers. Chang-
es of water and climate often cause sud
den attacks of diarrhoea , and it is best
to be prepared. Sold by Chapman Drug
I -