tl . 1 1 t . r , Constipation Varnishes . Forever I. I Prompt Relief--Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS never fail. Purely veget . ' able - act surely QRTESS h 11TE but gently on 'the liver. 1TTLE , Stop after 1VER : , dinner PILLS. distress cure indi gestion - improve Ine complexion - brighten 'the eyes. Small Pill , Small Dote , Small Prico GENUINE must bear signature : . -4 ! . - - - - WESTERN CANADA What Prof. Shaw , tho idllelI - 6tnewn Agrl culturiat. Says About It : " " "I would sooner raise cattle In Western ( Canada than in tho corn belt of tho United States. Feed : t t is cheaper nnd cllmato [ better for the purpo o. Your market ! will i n- t1 prcvo faster than j-opr farmers will produce tiio r supplies. Wheat can be crown _ up to the 60th pa - - ullel ( 8UO miles north i f , tho International bound ( ary ] ' Vonr vacant Inn 1 uryl' be Luken at a r i / vrill be taken at a rat 3 ( beyond present concep , . tion. < \o haio enong-j eoplo In tho Unite tates : ! nlone who wa. - . homes to tako up thla land. " Nearly 70,000 Americans a I d . , wlllcntcrandinakothclrhoinc9 , l ' in \Voatern Canada this } 'car. ? r ; 1009 produced another large crop of wheat oats uiicl barlor. ' In addition to which tho cattle . exports was an Immense item. , ) , - Cattle raising , dairying mixed : , - , farming and grain growing in tho I. . p , . provinces of Manitoba , Saskat chewan and Alberta. Free homestead and pre-emp 1 t y a tion areas as well as lands held I W u' " k I by railway and land companies , will , ltilT : ' . .1 I , provide homes for millions. , , I Adaptable soli , healthful cli ' . p mate , splendid schools azid I , churches and good railways. , For settlors' rates descriptive „ I I , . . 1/1 / ii ' I I literature "JLast Best West. how 'I" t 1I to reach the country and other par. t I I ticulars write to Sup't of Immi gration. Ottawa Canada or to the following Canadian Oov't Aecnta : E. T. Holmes 815 Jackson St. . St. Paul Minn. , and J. HacLachlan ' Box 116 Watertown South D- kota. . ( Use address nearest you. ) Please Kay where you saw this advertisement. - - - - - Elil . . . Pay When PILES..FISTULA CURED I B la & All RECTAL DISEASES cured without a "surgical operation and GUARAN TEED to last a LIFETIME. No chloroform , ether or other general anaesthetics used. EXAMINATION FREE. Write for FREE BOOK DR. E. R. TARRY 224 Bee Building Omaha , Neb. . But He Wasn't. Senator Depew , in his Washington residence on his seventy-sixth birth- day , told a reporter that his health was perfect. "You do , indeed , sir , " said the re porter , heartily , "look the picture of health. " "Yes , " said the senator , "I shouldn't have said I was well if my appearance didn't bear me out. A self-contradic- tory statement is merely ludicrous. You have heard about the census taker ? "A census taker rang the bell of a Hillyer place residence the other day and an elderly gentleman opened the door. " 'I'd like to see the head of the house said the census taker. " 'S - sh ! Not so loud ! ' whispered the elderly gentleman. 'Now , what is it ? I'm the head . of the house ? " Wrong Angle. , , ' \ "There's a" bright side to every thing. " "A bright' side ! Bah ! " "Well , there is. " "Do you mean to tell me , 'doctor , that there is a bright side to my hav- ing had my leg amputated ? " "Indeed , there is ; and if you : could .put yourself In my place you could really see it" Faster. Teacher-Children , nature Is supe rior to man in everything. For in stance , there is nothing that travels so fast as the unseen wind. \Villie-Huh ! You ought to hear what my pa says about a sight draft ! Few of us use to the full the re sources of happiness that are avail- able. Happiness depends upon the treatment of what we have , and not of what we have not.-E. J. Hardy. " " A "Corner" ) In Comfort For those who know the pleasure and satisfaction there is in a glass of . ICED . POSTUM Make it as usual , dark and rich-boil it thoroughly to bring out the distinctive flavour and food value. Cool with cracked ice , and add sugar and lemon ; also a little cream if desired. Postum is really a food-drink with the nutritive elements of the field grains. Ice it , and you have a pleasant , safe , cooling drink for summer days - - an agreeable surprise for those who have never tried it. "There's a Reason" for J' POSTUM Postum Cereal Co. , Limited , - - Battle Creek , . Mich. 1 RATES ARE LOERED ( . ; COMMERCE CCMMISSION TAKES ACTION IN CASES AFFECTING ENTIRE COUNTRY. SOME REDUCTIONS A HALF Shippers of Spokane and Reno Win In Contest Against Paying Tariffs to Coast and Back to Destine- tion. . . Washington.-Reductions in class and commodities on all shipments west from Chicago to the Pacific coast were ordered Wednesday by the Interstate commerce commission. The commission decided that the cap- ital invested in railroad property and betterments did not justify the ad- vance In rates to the point marked in the new schedules filed by the rail- roads. The decisions are in what are known popularly as the Pacific coast cases. These cases were heard last autumn by the commission on its six weeks' trip to the Pacific coast and Intermountain territory and had been under consideration ever since then. In every instance reductions In the existing rates were made. The commission found a remark- able rate situation on the Pacific coast , and even a more remarkable one in intermountain territory. This "is true especially of the rates to and from Spokane , Wash. , and Reno , Nev. The Spokane rate issue had been be- fore the commission in one form or another for several years. The ship- pers of that city complained Insistent ly of the tariffs on freight classes and commodities from eastern points of origin , because they were required to pay the Pacific coast terminal plus the local rates back to Spokane from those terminals , although the freight was discharged at Spokane on the western trip. Substantially the same slate of facts existed at Reno and other Nevada points , which had to pay the rates to San Francisco and the back haul local rates from San Francisco or Sacra- mento to destination. These local rates in the majority of instances amounted to two-fifths or more of the entire rate from eastern points of origin to Pacific coast terminals. The decisions of the commission af- fect all class and commodity rates be- tween eastern points and the far west. No complaint was made of the rates of the eastern lines between Atlantic points and Mississippi river transfers I and all of the reductions ordered by the commission affect ra'tes from Mis sissippi and Missouri river transfers to Pacific coast terminals and inter- mountain territorial points. In a case involving class freight rates from eastern territory , to Phoe- nix , Ariz. , the commission * held the rates to be unjust and unreasonable and ordered reductions of approxi' mately 30 per cent , MANY DIE IN CLOUDBURST Three Kentucky Counties Are Swept by Storm and Flood-Deaths , May Reach Forty. , i Saylersville , Ky.-Fifteen people are known to be dead , fifteen addition- al are reported as having died and fully forty are missing as the result of cloudburst in Magoffin , Floyd and Knott counties , Ky. , late Tuesday. i Twelve bodies of the known dead have been secured by the workmen In Saylersville and the towns affected by the terrible cloudburst. When late reports came in from sections lying near Saylersville , it was estimated by the people here that fully forty have been killed in the floods and that forty are missing from their homes. Saylersville is the county seat of Magoffin county which Is in eastern Kentucky. There are no railroads running to the town and little else than farming is done in this vicinity. Floyd and Knott counties lie adjacent to this county and have several small towns lying directly on the Licking river and large creeks which were af fected greatly by the downpour. It has been raining in this section for three days and the rivers and streams were all full of water when the down- pour from the cloudburst broke over this section. Instantly many houses in this section were carried from their foundations and were swept into the streams. Many of the people in these three counties are homeless. The property damage is estimated to be fully $100- 000 and the losses in stocks and grains will go to even higher figures. I DESPERADO SHOT BY MILITIA Man Barricaded In His Georgia Home With Six Children Laid Low With Bulle . s. Atlanta , Ga.-After being barricaded in his house for many hours and kill- ing two of his besiegers , W. T. Bost- wick was killed by soldiers in a rush on his house near Irwinville , Ga. His six children were taken unhurt. Wife of Vice-Prersrdent Better. Baltimore , Md. - Mrs. James S. Sherman , wife of the vice-president , who is a patient at Johns Hopkins hospital , was reported Tuesday some- what improved , since her arrival , and that her case was not considered critic cal. Two Hurt in $5COCOO Fire. Paterson , N. J . - Five hundred thou- sand dollars' worth of property in the business section of Paterson -jvas destroyed by fire Tuesday. Two fire- men were seriously ! injured. , , . r . SISTER'S BASHFUL BEAU DOESN'T CALL AS OFTEN SINCE THE HAMMOCK SEASON . OPENED ea , e t ; ; - , 4 ro a / / / , /j7 / , K Cc.4 Q EYE///N4 Putr ( t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - " SENATOR J. W. DANIEL DEAD OLDEST DEMOCRAT IN SENATE DIES AT LYNCHBURG. Has Third Paralytic Stroke , but Cause of Death Was Cerebral Hemorrhage. Lynchburg , Va. - John W. Dan- iel , senior senator from Virginia , died at the Lynchburg sanitarium Wednes day night , his death being due to a , recurrence of paralysis. The immedi- ate cause of his death was cerebral hemorrhage. This was Senator Daniel's third paralytic stroke. He suffered the first last fall while in Philadelphia and the second in Daytona , Fla. , during the winter , having gone to Florida to re- cuperate. He had not been in Wash ington for several months. Senator Daniel was sixty-seven years old. With Senator Daniel were his wife and his son , Edward M. Daniel , and his daughter , Mrs. Fred Harper , whose husband , also here , is Senator Daniel's law partner. The death of Senator John Warwick . Daniel removes the oldest of the Democratic senators in point of serv- ice. Of the entire list he was the only one who could be said to belong to the old regime. And , as he was the oldest in service , he was one of the most conspicuous in popular favor. New Orleans.-Samuel Douglas Mc- Enery , United States senator from Louisiana , suddenly expired at his home here Tuesday from an attack of acute indigestion. i The senator arrived here Monday I from Washington. He was seventy- three years old , and death was super- Induced by old age. The senator is survived by his wife , who was before marriage Miss Eliza- beth Phillips of Monroe , Pa. ; ; his daughter , Mrs. Warren B. Parker , and his two sons , Charles P. McEnery and Dr. Douglas W. McEnery of Wash- , ington. In all probability Gov. Jared Y. Sanders will be chosen by the Louis- iana legislature , now in session , as Senator McEnery's successor. It is thought that the leading figures in state politics have figured upon the aged senator's passing for some time , but it was not anticipated , exactly at this Juncture. CONGRESS COMES TO CLOSE Adjournment Sees Most of the Taft Program of Legislation Car- ried Out. - " Washington.-With President Taft's legislative program practically carried out in its entirety the first regular ses- sion of the Sixty-first congress ad- journed sine die Saturday night signed the rivers and harbors bill but sent a message to congress in- dicating that he > had made up his mind to do so practically at the last min ute of time at his disposal , so far as that measure was concerned. Congress was warned that It must chango Its method of framing river and harbor improvement measures and announcement Is made that un less reforms which he suggests are carried out In future bills the with- holding of executive approval will be justified , even though a rivers and har- bors bill fail. The president also signed without comment the postal savings bank bill , the omnibus public building bill , the latter carrying authorization for im- provements aggregating $23,000,000 , but leaving the items of appropriation to be attended to later , in connection with the regular estimates of the treasury department with respect to work authorized by congress. Warship Hit by Lightning. Norfolk , Va.-During a severe elec- iric storm Tuesday night lightning struck the wireless mast on the battle- ship Delaware , the only American dreadnaught , completely : wrecking it and causing injuries to at least one member of her crew who was knocked down a hatchway. Grandson of Deposed King Dead. London. - The Duke : d'Alencon , grandson of King Louis Philippe , who was deposed in the revolution of 184S , died here Wednesday . \ - - . . - - . . . I TRIUMPH FOR AMERICANS German Campaign of Slander Against the Deutsche Vacuum Oil Company Fails. Berlin.-The long and venomous campaign waged by German newspa- pers and rival industrial interests against one of the German branches of the Standard Oil company - the Deutsche Vacuum Oil company-has just been brought to a vicorious end for the Americans involved. A well-known Hamburg newspaper for months printed such a series of attacks on the "American graft meth- ods" alleged to have been practised by the vacuum company in the con- duct of its German business that the public prosecutor of Hamburg felt constrained to make an official inves- tigation with a view to eventual ini i dictments. The prosecutor has now I concluded his investigation , especially of the work of E. L. Quarles , Ameri- can manager of the German com- pany's sales department , and an- nounces that no necessity exists for pursuing the inquiry further. No evidence of anything warranting prosecution was found against Mr. Quarles , and the costs of the entire in- quiry will be borne by the state. The result of the investigation con- stitutes a notable triumph for Amer- I ican interests in Germany. It is not the first time that Germans finding themselves unable to compete with Americans on ordinary terms , have resorted to slander. ROB PASSENGERS ON TRAIN Three Bandits Escape After Raid on Oregon Short Line In Ogden , Utah. Ogden , Utah.-Three masked ban : dits held up the second section of Oregon Short Line train No.1 , northbound , which left Ogden at 1:30 a. m. , in the northern part of this city. All of the passengers were robbed of their valuables and the ex press messenger was compelled to de liver the contents of the safe. The exact amount the robbers obtained has not been ascertained. Two passengers and two trainmen were injured. After the train had been robbed the bandits fired into the air to frighten the passengers , got into their buggy and drove away. Sheriff Wilson gath- ered a small posse and started in pur- suit. PICTURE SHOW RUINS EYE Omaha Attorney's Frequent Attend ance at Nickel Theater Said to Have Affected Optic. Omaha , Neb. - Over-indulgence In moving picture shows may cost Attorney C. W. Britt of Omaha his eyesight He went to Clarkson hospital where an operation was per formed on his right eye by Dr. Harold Gifford Sunday. Flickering of the moving pictures at- tended almost nightly for two months by Mr. Britt and members of his fam ily is said to have aggravated former eye trouble. A growth under the lid of the right eye resulted. Mr. Britt was totally blind in the right eye be- fore going to the hospital , but hoped that the operation would restore the sight. Curtles May Fly Across Lake. Chicago. - Glenn H. Curtiss , fa mous aviator and Inventor of aero- planes , while in Chicago said he might be one of the contestants for the Walter Darlington prize of $5,000 for the first successful flight across Lake Michigan from Chicago during the aviation meet July 2 , 3 and 4. Hyde Denied New Trial. Kansas City , Mo. - Dr. B. C. Hyde , convicted May 16 of poisoning Col. Thomas H. Swope , the millionaire phil- anthropist , Wednesday denied a new trial by Judge Ralph S. Latshaw in the criminal court here. Congressman Booker Is Robbed. St. Joseph , Mo. - Congressman Charles F. Booker of the Fourth Mis souri district was robbed here Tues- day on board a train , and he couldn't even negotiate a ham sandwich at the Union depot lunch counter. .J Ii'I/ / . FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES Johnny Probably Told the Truth , but at a Dreadfully Inopportune Time. A teacher In one of the lower grade .schools was entertaining two visitors to the classroom. Several days pre ! viously the teacher had furn bed amusement and at the same time in- creased the children's store of knowl- edge by a series of questions of the following nature : "What do we sit on . that rhymes with hair ? " Some child would answer : "Chair. " Today the visitors would be pleased to observe how readily the pupils could answer. "What do I wear on my head 'that ' rhymes with cat ? " asked the instruct- ress. ress.Up Up went the hand of a boy with red hair. "Well , Johnny , ' ! said she , "you may tell us. " ' Johnny arose and appeared fright- ened. "It's a rat , " he blurted. And then the tableau. Try This , This Summer. The very next time you're hot , tired or thirsty , step up to a soda 'fountain and get a glass of Coca-Cola. It will cool you off , relieve your bodily and mental fatigue and quench your thirst delightfully. At soda fountains or carbonated in bottles-5c everywhere. Delicious , refreshing and wholesome. Send to the Coca-Cola Co. , Atlanta , Ga. , for their free booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola. " Tells what Coca- Cola is and why it is so delicious , re- freshing and thirst-quenching. And send 2c stamp for the Coca-Cola Base- I ball Record Book for 1910 - contains I the famous poem "Casey At The Bat , " records , schedules for both leagues and other valuable baseball informa- tion compiled by authorities. A Hibernian Verdict. A New Yorker is the happy employ- er of an aged Irishman , who grows eloquent over the woes of the Em- erald isle. Said the boss. : "Pat , the king of England Is dead. ? The old man was silent for a mo- ment. Then he took off his hat. "Well , " he said slowly , "as a man he was a fine bit of a boy. As Eng- lishmen go , he was as good as yez can make them. As a king , there was nobody - on earth as could beat him. But still , I'll keep me eye on George. " Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that it - Bears the n Signature of , . In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Why Bother About It ? "Do you think a man who will neg- lect his business to go to baseball games Is of'sound mind ? " "Oh , come , let's be optimistic. I , ' ' . " : can't believe everybody's crazy. Girls don't take much interest In pugilism , but they will continue to train for the engagement ring. Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrnp. ; Forcblldren teething softens tho gums , reduces 1n. BiunmatioD lays pain . cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Don't throw kisses , my boy ; deliver them in person. , Some people would accomplish a- lot more If they didn't waste so mack time telling others what they arn go- Ing to do. Dr. Plercc's picasant Pellet ! cnrr ennstlpaUe . . Constipation Is the cause of many llwusrv t'ur * . the cauta and you euro tho disease. Easy ! totals. A man is never so easily deceive as when he is trying to deceive other . - p r i , , / . I s . IiI , I b .t : I , ! i'ii : . L , GuaraIt. -i Try Gillette Shaving : NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER ' - - - - - - - - STOCKERS & FEEDERS . Choice quality ; reds and roans , white faces or angus bought ou orders. Tens of Thousands to select from. Satisfaction Guar- anteed. Correspondence Invited. Come and see for yourself. National Live Stock Com. Co At either Kansas City Mo. , St. Joseph , Mo. , S. Omaha. Pa's . . - - - - - - - - DAISY FLY KILT ERuiuniilw : : r ; ; o : S atelran.tlfnam _ tslconnlll'lIt.cheaJllo . I.siU .111 Sea. . . . ' Uane01 wetaJeanJael * iS - phi or ti p uter , wUZ * 'j nutaoilonnjuro * ay - . thlnf. GiuramerdiV . frcttTF. U fmll drain- or ten t µ forZOfe. HAROLD SOJIEM ' 130 : U " alb A. . . Eroolljn Sew I ta PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM \ Cleaniea and beautifies the h3x J _ _ _ Promote a Inruriant l growth. ] = = = . * JTM Never Falls to Hcatoro Gray t : Hair to lto Youthful Color. Curei icalp diieaief 4 hair falllnpr : roc. and $ 1.00 at Drugg-'ta - - - - FREE INFORMATION about farms intheSao I Irrigate - ramento Valley , Cal. Itleiil climate . Rich soil. Six and seven cuttings of alfulfa.- First class poultry and dUlry country. All the frnlta . Easy terms. II. L. IlollUter it Co. , 203 : LaSalle St. , lMea t _ . . . - - - - - - - THE PAXTON HoteH ; I HA 0UB1 European Plan ; Rooms from Sl.OO up single , 75cents up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLZ- . . - - - - - - - - - - - - THE GREAT DAIN HAY TOOLS- : / ARE THE BEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY , OMAHA , NEBL. Tire rtaDj AUTOMOBILE TIRES Tire Supplies r rtU I UIIIUUlbL. I 1IIL.U . hI hest highest quality. CENTRAL TIRE & RUBBER CO. 4 Ole Hibner , President G Both Phones. 2127 Farnam St. , Omahx. . - - M. Spiesberger & Son Co . - Wholesale Millinery The Best In the West OMAHA NEB. Watsoa E.ColemanWas > s . PATENTS Ing-ton. eat references. B.C. Books .Best free. Hlgb- W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 28-191Q. . . . . Remedies are Needed \ Were we perfect , which we are not , medicines would not often be needed. But since our systems have be- come weakened , impaired and broken down through indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages , through countless generations , remedies are needed to aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise ' acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles , there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery , a glyceric compound , extracted from native medic- inal roots-sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For Weak Stomach , Biliousness , Liver Complaint , Pain in the Stomach after eating Heartburn , Bad Breath , Belching of food , Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements the "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy. The genuine has on Its t outside wrapper the Signature , , Yon can't afford to accept & secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco- Iiolic , medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION not even though the urgent dealer may. thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take as candy. AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy MICA in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer , everywhere STANDARD OIL GCX ( Incorporated ) - . . . . - - . . . . I I - It is not a surrey with a rattling air-cooled power plant. It is a reg- ular Automobile , made in Jackson. Moderately high wheels , 2-inch solid rubber tires. Detachable rear tonneau seat. A really handsome as well as strong car. It is not a racing car , but it climbs the big hills , handles the muddy roads and with top ( storm front always in- cluded ) it is a perfect winter car. PIONEER IMPLEMENT CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Send this ad. to us and we will send you a circular with full in formation. t . . . . . Send postal for 1 F R E E Free Package : of Paxtine. : Better and more economical than liquid antiseptics FOR ALL TOILET USES. : " TO I LET ANTISEPTIC . Gives one a sweet breath ; clean , white , . . germ-free teeth-antiseptically clean mouth and throat-purifies the breath ' after smoking - dispels all disagreeable - I perspiration and body odors - much ap . . preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. o A little Paxtine powder dis solved in a glass of het walcr makes a delightful antiseptic ! : : : Io- . a lution , possessing extraordinary I cleansing , germicidal and heal j r ing power , and absolutely haisi- ! less. Try a Sample. 50c. a , large box at druggists or by r ziL : 1 ; THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , BOSTON. Mr. : ; ! ; . " . - - - - - - - U aCUcted mth i Tho111 ! ' Eue.Gn'i''S' \ " , Etsrearesnsei Thompson's Eye Water