Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 30, 1910, Image 8

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    r. . . . ' < : : - - - - - - - . . . . . . . , . . . . - . - - - - - : ; : ; : : : ; - - , . - - . . . . . . . - - , - -l - - ' " - . 'V. r , . .
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f I : ' . . . " "Q " .
_ _ I s ! ; T have just returned from St. Joseph , : Mo. , where
! p i ! . I bought at RECEIVER'S SALE ; at a BIG
i I ! Discount a lot of ,
I . i s '
Il r t , - ,
II ! Ladies' Shirt i Waists , .
I , I \1 \ I. 1 Belts , Ties , Notions , , etc. ,
I .
! ( . Also many other articles of fancy and * useful
t. : , ' wearing apparel that enables me to sell at less
( , i _ _ than the usual price. Come and see them while - -
. A the stock is new and complete. Every article is
- - r J a.bargain. Something new and uptodate.
I f
\ ' : I .w. A. PARKER.
. T T . /JL . .
' ; r -General ' Merchandise '
. . . . .
! , .
_ \ \ '
'l Wood Lake , = = Nebraska
. _ @ ( fJ O O
- - i , , " . . - , . . . . . ' . . . . _ ' - " . - , . : . L : : , ' " , " - ' / - ' " - . " ' " " " ' J ' - - < -
! : . . ,
! We Buy and Sell ! Horses .
< Wood Lake Nebraska ;
, . , . . - - . - . - - . - " - , - . , n : - . ' " " , " " - ' . . . . . . . - , ' " - - . , , ' " . ' " . , . " .
, "
. ! . v.tU I , , . . .
J *
i , ir/i.1 I R n + i aS , , SirHOWE & iV10NTAGNE =
I I Livery , Feed and
l . Sales Stable. . . . . . . . .
- " Wood Lake , Nebraska !
I d
3 i Special Attention to Hunting' and Fish 1g' Parties. .
'ien n'iGQ' ir nnn.
J .
1 . H. , A. L , YON S ,
' ( Successor to " \rell ( 'l" & Lyons )
c Wood Lake , Nebraska -
! ' , Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
' ) and fUhing parties. .
. : . --I _ .
' -
' , - " . . . . _ _ . . . . . , . . , _ > , ' ' r v _ . ' _ , . . " . . . . _ . _ . . u _ . . . .
A. M.
" / _ . . ,
r ( Successor to Ed Young. )
t Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
I ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
i , Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . " .
t " ,
f Wood Lake = Nebraska.
; I
\ : "For God's Sake ,
j . Do Something. "
' . We have answered this call in
J .
r our new book "Fighting the Traf-
; : fic in Young Girls , " by Ernest A.
Bell , U. S. District Attorney ; Sims
and others. The most sensational
1j 1 j - indictment of the White Slave
, 4 Trade ever Published. It tells
\ ' ; . how thousands of young girls are ,
i ! lured from their homes -aimually
I I . and sold , into a life ot shame. The
\ t Cincinnate Inquirer says : "Of
} I \ all the books of the season the
ki t i war on the white slave traffic is
1j I the most helpful ; it should be read
I' : by every man , woman , and child. "
l i I ! Agents are making from § 8 to
j § 17 a day : selling this book. Over
I I 500 pages. Many pictures. Price
1 ! i § 1.50. Best terms to agents.
I ' Outfit free. Send 15c for forward-
, t . ing charges. Book sent to any
/ I ! address postpaid upon receipt of
f I price. Address James E. Shark- I
I ey , sec'y.,123 Plymouth Court
I I Chicago. 21 4
. !
I f Notice to Creditors.
. i
! . THE STATK OF NKISKASKA < . * In the Countv
) I ' I . sCHKHHY COUA-TV. I Court.
' ' , In the matter of the estat , of Herman
'I' T. schleu ter , deceased :
- To the Creditors of said Estate :
I You are hereby notitled . That 1 will sit at . the
I Coi nty Court Itoom in Valentine in said county
l on the 16th day o . July , 19in , at 10 o'clock
i . u . in. to receive and e.xaiuiae all claims ag iiibt
J said estate with a view to their adjustment and
I allowance. The time limited for the presenta
I . tion of claims against ! said estate is six mouths
I from the IGlh rtay of .Tan . A. D. 1910 and the
I \ time limited for payment of debt i. i , one . year
, from said IGtli day of January. JOIO.
I Witness my hand > ' and seal of said county court
( ! . -lA this 21st day of June. A. 1) . 1910.
I I , - - . , - 24 4 CouutyJudge.
, , , JValcott & JJIorrissey , attorneys.
, . , ' . , . , . - . . ' " r . . ' . . . . 4
; ; . , L : " : . . > . -ff..i ! , . - _
, . ' . . . " d . . -
Notice to No - Resident Owners.
To .Tolln Lee and Mrs. ! Leo , wife of John
Lcc , lirst and true name unknown :
You , and each of you , are hereby notified !
t ha t on November _ . 11N1ti ! , at private tax sa fl' ,
Ceorge : Iuckeypurchased : l the south half
of the southeast : ' quarter of bet-lion : : _ : ! S , town-
hliip : L'7 , rangeiiin : ( Oherry countyNebraska ; .
that said land was taxed in the name or.
John Lee , and l the said purchase of tax bale
was made for the year 117 ! > , and said pur
chaser has paid the subsequent taxes for
the years 1908 ! } and 1SKKI ! ! ! ) ; that the time of re-
demptiotf of said : land from the aforesaid
sale will ' ' ' the Jrd : " N , ' '
I ( expire on day of November ,
r.Ui ! ) , and on , or after said last named date I "
will apply ; to the county treasurer of Oher-
ry county , Nebraska , for a deed to said ' "
Dated ) I at Valentine ! , Nehraska , June .9 : : ) ,
r.HO. ) . GKORGK 11. LACKEY ,
_ ; j :1 : ? Owner of said certificate.
Notice to Non-Resident Owners.
To Annie M. Roberts and 1 Amos N. Rob
ertswife and husband , , and to :1. \f. Hob-
erts :
You , and each of you , are hereby notified
that on November i' : ! , 111 \ ! % ! ( at private tax
sale , Jeorne : R. Lackey purchased the north- I
east quarter of the southwest quarter and
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section : 2s ? . township i7 , range m : ! ( i ,
In Oherry ' county , Nebraska ; that said land
was taxed In the i.ame of A. 3f. Hoherts ;
and the snlt - purchase of tax sale wa s made
for the year 107 ! , and said purchaser has
paid the subsequent taxes for the years 1MVS \ ! ; !
and IJOIl . ! ; that the time of redumption of
said laud from the aforesaid sale will l'X-
pire on the : lt ! rd day of XO'"t'mlwr1I0.nnd \ ! )
on , . or after , said last . named . date I will ap-
ply . to the county . treasurer of Oherry coun-
ty. Nebraska , fora deed l to said In ad.
Dated at Valentine. Nebraska. June 2J ) ,
, I'.UO. ! ( , EOIW g R. LACKEY ,
M : ! ; j : > Owner of said certificate.
- - - -
In the twelve Kansas counties bor
dering on Nebraska the increase of I
population between the years 1890 and
:900 was but 1,810 - practically a I
standstill. The increase in those
counties : from 1880 to 1900 was but '
tS,549 for the twenty , vears. , The
IJurteen ; : Nebraska counties bordering
oa Kansas enjoyed an increase of
population from 1SSO to 1900 of 79-
920. -
. , .
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Wood Lake Department ;
' j- , *
, Locals rending notices 5 cents per line each Insertion. Display advertising
' 1
, 50 cents per Inch per month cach [ issue ; $1.00 per Inch per month double column.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - . " _ . . . . , A . . ; , . . - . - - - . " .a. .
- - -
I .
W. F. Parker and : ; wife have
moved into their residence again.
Miss Dorothy Weisner has gone
east ona " visit with friends in O'
Neill and Omaha. '
f /
W : A. Parker has a change of
advertisement on this page. It
will pay you to read it.
C. A. Ruby was here for the
Morris-West wedding and went on
a tour west Monday night. .
John Newberry of. Crookston
held a sale of horses here Satur-
day but it proved a failure. ,
The Lutheran people of this
community held services Sunday
evening and a large number turn-
ed out.
The annual : school meeting was
held here June 27 and W. A.
Parker was re-elected to the di-
Washington News.
( By a Special Correspondent. ) )
t l
Why is it . that the price r of art-
icles on which'the tariff was not
advanced , has increased since the
Payne-Aldrich bill ? '
I put this question to United
States Senator Moses E. Clapp of
Minnesota : , one of the genuine
progressive Republicans of Con-
"I can answer ' that question"
plied Senator . Clapp , "in less than
two minutes , and no one will suc
cessfully contradict my statement.
"In the Payne-Aldrich revision
of the tariff the rates on scores up-
on scores of articles were advanc
ed. Those increases have advanc-
ed the price of everything ; yes ,
have increased the price of articles
on which the tariff was not chang-
"You can't raise the cost of liv I \
ing to a man who is producing
something to sell , without forcing
that man to raise corresponding
the price of what he has to sell.
"Suppose both of us are in bus- .
iness , and each has to use what
I the other produces. Suppose the
I tariff on the article I handle in
creased , while the tariff on the ar- :
icle you handle is not increased.
By virtue of my increased protec-
tion , I force you to pay increased
prices. What are you going to
do about it ? What must you do
about it ? f Answer : you must in-
crease the price of what you have
to sell ! And that's just ' be way
it works out all along the line , and
in the end all of . the increases fall
upon the broad shoulders of the
consumer. I I
"But you will hear it said constant-
ly with reference to something on
which the price has been advanced
'Oh that isn't in the tariff at all.
That increase has nothing to do
with the tariff. ' But the 'fact isj
tariffjevision upward on a few
articles reaches all along the line.
"The new tariff law has cost ,
and is costing the American peop-
le millions on millions of dollars ,
in increased cost of living. And
if the Payne-Aldrich bill had been
beaten , those millions would have
been saved to the people. "
Congress has authorized two more
battleships. It estimated . each
ship will cost 12,000,000 to build I
and $1,000,000 a year during its
20-year life-time to maintain. The
aggregate ultimate cost of each
ship , as a matter of fact , is , there-
fore 32,000,000 !
The cost of each ship would buy
8,000 farms at § i,000 : : each ; it
would construct 1,600 churches
throughout the country at 20,000
each ; it would furnish the means
of education through a four-year
course to 16,000 men br women at
t" :
§ 500 , per annum ; it would 'build
and equip 50 manual l training :
schools with necessary tools and
appliance , giving a trade to 75,000
young people eaclryear ; it ' build a
macadam road between Chicago
. : . . . . " " . . , . ' . " "
David 1 Hanna has returned from
his trip in the east and brought
back with him a 40-horse power
automobile. - / , :
Mrs. : G. W. Klingaman left on
the midnight train Monday June
20 , for Boulder Colo. , where she
will make her future home with
her aged mother. "
Miss : . Charlotte Monnick of
Hooper and 1Iiss.gnes Bott of
South Omaha are visiting with
their aunt Mrs. C. F. Miller ! of
, ,
oodlake and their grandfather ,
Oswald Uehling of Goose Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Isenhart were
called suddenly to attend the fun-
eral ! of Charles Griffith , a brother
to Mrs. Isenhart , who met with
sudden death Saturday afternoon :
I at Casey , Iowa , having been struck
by lightning. The entire com-
munity extends sympathy to the
and New York , or equip 40 Y. M. :
C. ' , A. buildings of magnificnt pro-
portions , each building accomoda-
ting the young ; men in a city ; of
200,000 people !
Old Dutch
- - "
: your clean-
ing work in
the kitchen
. } ; o ut the
: ThisOilJe Cleanser
in handy sifter can
keeps the house and
everything in it spick
and span with half
the time required . .
with old-fashioned cleaners.
I ScoursPoI IsKes
For porcelain ware and on the
bath tub. Old Dutch Cleanser
is the' one safe cleanser to use.
. I tch U
The 83 e w i
Q s
and ® sn
Better Way
Sprinkle Old' ® p
Dutch Cleanser on
a wet cloth , rub
well , wipe with a ,
clean , wet cloth. .
Takes off all dis-
coloration and
scum and will not
scratch. Use it R
for all yourclean- ,
ing. The one .
best cleanser for *
the farm. EY rnauc
31 i
LARGE 'I II. . . . sehi l
, hi
s (
1I h !
ecJ :
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment , ecJol
of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb N
raska. "
To'tlie heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Matilda : A. Robinson , oeceaeed :
On reading the petition of Josllua Emanual
praying that the administration ot said estate
be grabted to Mary .hmauuel as adminis-
It is hereby ordered that you and all persons
interested in said matter may , and do. appear
at the Comity Court to be helll 111 , and for said
county ' on the 13th : day of July , A. D. , 1910 at
10 o'clock a m. 10 show cause , If any tht're : \ ,
why the prayer of the petitioner should not be
grouted aim mat notice of the pendency ! of said
petition and that thf hearing thereof be given to be
all persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Valentine Demo- -
crat a weekly newspaper printed m said county.
for 3 : successive . weeks prior to said , day oi
he . tring.
- - - Witness ' my hand and the seal of aitl ! ct :
SEAL court this 21st : day June , A. D. 1901.
- , - JAUES U. iuioLKV ( ,
24 : 3 County Judge.
E. 1) . Clarke , attorney.
Under the proposed scheme of the
county optionist , all ballots cast for
the dry policy would be counted , and Lf
all ballots cast against such policy -
would be suppressed ; or , in other
words , under the terms of the pro. ,
posed bill , the "will of voters favoring si l
the license policy cannot be registered Is.
and made effective. This means that
thousands of legal voters in Nebraska as
would , be disfranchised by legislative
enactment if the Anti-Saloon League lei be
manipulators shall succeed in promot G'W !
ing their schemes.
. ' ,
, -
. . . .
; -
- ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - '
-r . . . ; : ; -
. .
: - - : ; ; : : : : : : ' " . - . . " " . _ . , , . . . .
: : : ' : : . ' - . . . . . . . - , , . . , , - . . . - . . . " " "
- . . . \
. .
. / . . . .
- - - , . " -
Furniture and . Paints and Oils , Cattle . .
Undertaking Goods I- Dip , Stock Foods , etc. I
Johnson Bros. a'
. .
LumberMachinery , Hard- '
" ware , Harness , Saddles . . , < ' .
, '
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills . ,
' Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , - - - Nebraska
- - - -
W. F. PARKER & CO. _
Wood Lake , Nebraska
' _ .
, , Everything in Fancy "
and Staple Gro ries.
We have a complete line of
. ,
o -
e8411 8e _
Uck , la .USeI & CO. ,
\ ,
! General Hardware , , _
i .
Wagons and " .
. Machinery. . . . ' . '
? ' - \ * . - .
- A. complete line of '
Harness and Saddles : " ,
. Household and Kitch . Furniture . .
. . . .
Lumber and Fence Posts
. .
. ,
- - - - e
E. M. : Faddis & Co
ostotllce address-Valentine or Kennedy.
, Some branded
' - . % . . R3 < . fr on , left
? * - 4 thigh
* * t
Horses branded
on left
Ii ; shoulder
- a , or thifh
. "
onie . . Some branded
randed p * < on brandedij
u left I or sl1 ulder.
hotilder '
r tliU h ]
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
. . Cattle branded
. as cut on left side
Some QY ° n left
- en left jaw of
V horses.
ange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
1ST. S. Row1 ey.
Kennedy , - . .Nebraska.
Same as cut on left ,
de and hip , and on
ft shoulder of hor-
; s. AlsoKSH on
ft Alsomon
tL W : ,
' X on left se .
> me cat- , _ ( '
brcnd- - _ " " .
L husk- ing peg ( either side up ) on
ft side or hip. < F on left Jaw and left shoulder
' : horses , yj
yjQ on left hip of horses.
J" on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
- Horse's and cattle
same as cut ; also
1 CJ BE JJ on right
hip. .
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
; . . . ; : ; - - of rustlers of stock
jaringany of these brands.
* R. M. : Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Neo.
Cattle branded as
In c-t ; on left
side. Some
V .J branded ii. T V
_ . . on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river two miles
west of Brewnlee
John Kills Plenty '
Francis Mis-
nn , Eosebud ,
Oatile branded
iiu cut ; ] horses JKP
me or .UCl t l on
[ [ tthigh. Kauge
'tween ' Spring
k and Little ,
'hite river. -
. '
Albert Whipple & Sons. '
Rosebud 8 , D.
Cattle branded
_ _ SOS on left side ,
OSO on rIghtside ' "
o S Some cattle also - - '
have a 4- on neck '
Some with A on / /
left shonlder and
some branded /
with two bars
across hind qnar-
= , ters. Some Texas
cattle branded S O on left . side and some
on left side. i
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle *
brandPd A.W bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. : Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded .
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip. v S ( .
Horses same on
left shoulder. 4 ,
Range : Square
.Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part animal :
also the following
? . brands :
- lYf . I1IK
' . . lorses 1 rande t e
Range betweea
Gordon on the F .E. ,
& M. V. , R . R . atd
Hyannis on B R M. R.R. In Northwestern Nebr.
ARTI .LTT RICf1AltDS Ellsworth .Nebr
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyerhas
cnanre of these
cattle. H rses
o S I > Son left shoul
der. Somel .
left side. L , . .a
Horses Sg , Wi
'I same left thigh.
Hauge on Snake
river. .
Metzger Bros. i' ;
. -Kolfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left ,
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
E. E
Horses have -
same brand on
e/t thigh.
.Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A iuforntaton Reward of $ ZSO , will be Paid to any person for
ton : , leading to the arrest aud final
eom"lction of any person orpersons : stealIng
cLttIe with ahove brand ,
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr : -
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY \
on right shoulder
J y
Reasonable reward"J
for any Information N
leading to the re-
covery of cattle
strayed from my
range. .
, - -t. . - - .
- or
. .