Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 30, 1910, Image 5

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B . . .
. . . "
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, - " . . . .L _
r RedI
Cedar '
: . Flakes
r A sure protection
against moths. Com
posed of Red Ced a i r re-
I enforced with ; some of
the best Moth killers . . . . I
Get a box when you
put away your furs andJ J
woolens for the sum
a mer. . . sUIn-j
I - _ . Large box for 15c. I
I ,
QA * '
JlUf- --ran7ffiH2Bfc !
- -
e _ _ _ ' - " - ' . . . . . " " '
' A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man - for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
. Pay by check , the
method puts system in-
to your business and
, gives you a record of
every transaction.
\ Dentist. .
Office over the arrocery , department t
" of T. C. Hornby's store.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
" I FHONE 125 I
cor. Hall & Cath. Valeptine , Nebr.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
" ' "
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All/Times ,
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
. . .
Valentine - Nebr ,
. :
Now : is the Time
to cultivate your trees cultivate sev-
-eral Linches dtep about every two
weeks and as soon as the ground dries
after rains to bold moi&ture. Where
grass or other crop is grown between
trees they must be given xtra care
. and on town lawns ' watered. The
other f.crop takes the most of the
moisture in the ground. Trees on
farms should be planted in rows each
way as work can be easily and qui . k-
. ly done with horses and a cultivator.
We have all the varieties of Cher-
ry , Plum , Apple and Forest ! and
. . Shade Trees , Evergreens , , Small Fruit
Shrubs , Roses and other ornamentals.
' GET THE CHEAPEST for a long
- ' time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER
grown nearest home. They are ac
climated and grown under same con-
ditions you want them to . grow , and
where they can be had the quickest.
We have 25 acres in our nurseries
. . . .
and 40 acres in our bearing orchard.
4 i Write for catalogue or any informa- ,
tion. I
' . Chas , J. Boyd ,
Brown County Nursery
, Ainsworth , Nebr ,
Nursery . one block north-east ! : of the
- , , . Court House. ' '
- , .
> . '
. : ' ( - . < ' ' r.
' . . " . ,
. . - . - , .
. - .
' -
t. . '
I U. S. Weather Bureau Report
WEEK ENDING JUNE 30 ; . 1010. .
Daily mean temperature 73 = : . '
" . Normal temperature Oft0
Highest temperature 94 ° . .
Lowest temperature 55 ; ° .
Kange of temperature 39 = . '
I Precipitation for week 2.12 of an inch.
Average for 22 years 0.90 J of an inch.
{ Precipitation Tiarchlstto date 7 . : S inch's.
Average for 22 year 10.54 of an inches.
I JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
U .
I I Talk of the . Town.
, Born to Dr. Hoxey and wife
Wednesday June _ ' 9 , a girl.
A. L. Nicholson and wife re-
turned Monday to Chadron.
Miss Edith Adamson is visiting
friends in Merriman this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spirk return-
ed to their home in Neligh Sun.
James Smith and wife are home
I from Omaha and Jim is i feeling
C. 0. Shane and wife , who get
the . Salmon farms , were up here
last week. .
, .
Tom Hornby is home after a.
three months' ' visit in Seattle , I
Yes , it was a good rain of al-
I most two inches Friday evening
and badly needed.
. I
Our VACUUM CLEANER will do '
your spring house cleaning. Order
it from Fischer's Hardware. 14
'Miss llosa Hooton and Mrs.
Ella Davis are in town looking
after their hotel interests.
Dr. ' Perrigo , registered eye
I specialist of Omaha , will be hel e
again at Donoher hotel July 18. ' at
Fred J l'nes is back in town af
I ter graduating at Bellevue and is
I clerking in T. C. Hornby's store.
Hammond & Bullis have a fine
big auto which they will use in
connection with their livery busi-
Milt Latta came in Saturday
and started for Washington , D.C. ,
to get a patent on his new steam
W. E. Miller , formerly a drug
I gist of Springfield , has bought
the Charles Smith ranch near Sim-
eon and was in town last week on
The annual school meeting was
held Monday evening in the court
room. D. E. Sherman and M. V.
Nicholson were elected again each
for a term of three years.
C. L. Harvey and 'Ben Roberts
and their wives of Merriman : and
Misses Jessie and Eva Ross of
Gordon were in our town last
Thursday seeing the carnival.
Wm. N. Ballard was in town
the first of the week from Oasis.
It's so far out to his home now
that he -can't come but twice a
.ear- Xmas and 4th of July.
Weaver Crabb and sister , Mrs.
Ethel Stevens of Spokane have /
been visiting relatives here the
past few weeks. They , departed
Tuesday morning for their home
in Tacoma , Wash. .
Ben K. Cowdery came up Sun-
day night from Omaha to visit the
local agent of 'the German Fire
Ins. Co. , and adjust a loss of two
head of cattle for F. Porath , sr. ,
which occurred Wednesday night
of last week.
; Frank Kaplan lost his wife's
pocketbook last Friday evening
and handed us a notice. to put in I
THE DEMOCRAT , which was later
countermanded , Mrs. ' Gould hav
ing found the same and restored
it to -the owner.
Services in St. John's church
Sunday , July 3 , as follows : Sun-
day school- at 10 a. m. . Holy Eu-
charist with sermon at 11. ' Ves
pers with address at S p. m. Lit-
any on Friday evening at 7:30. :
Choir practice at S.
Miss Maud Tracewell departed
Monday : evening for Sheridan , :
Wyo. , and on Wednesday , June
29 , was united in marriage with
James 0'BI yar.They will im
mediately start for weir new
home in Canada , where Mr. 0'-
Bryan has a homestead. THE
DEMOCRAT extends congratula
tions - .
, . ' . .
' . - . . - . . , .
Pritchard = = Preston. '
On Monday , June 27 , in St. :
John's ; church , MissMablePritch-
ard and Frederick J. Preston were
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony by Rev. \ \ ' . * W\ \ : . Wells. ]
Boyd W. and Miss Mary Pritch-
ard , brother and sister of the
bride , acted as groomsman and
bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Pres-
ton left on No. 2 for , Sioux City.
After a few weeks outing they
will return to their ranch south of I
Wood , ake. THE DEMOCRAT ex-
tends congratulations to this es -
timable couple.
Alfalfa , Millet : , Timothy and
Clover Seeds at Fischer's Hardware
Skillful , honest treatment arid
moderate prices are guaranted by I
Dr. Perrigo of Omaha. At Dono-
Her hotel July 18 , 25 3
What do you ; think of this ? We
have before us an announcement
from the Grand Island Business
and Normal College of Grand Is- , I
land , Nebraska , . stating that five i
hundred young men and women
will be admitted in. the College
next term and given a full course
without the payment of any fees
until they have time to graduate ] ,
then they will be given a position
and allowed to pay in monthly in-
stallments. This school has a re
putation extending over many
states and we advise all
who are interested to send circul-
ars ;
Mrs. Ray Rusk , formerly Ruth
Pf under , is visiting her aunt , Mrs. :
Kittie Cyphers , returning with
her from Norfolk two weeks ago
when the latter visited her sister
after school closed here. Mr.
Rusk is an electrical engineer in
Norfolk. Norval Pfunder is now
a freight conductor on the Scrib-
ner branch. Garnet married H.
W. Mitchell , a confectioner , and
they are living Mn Kansas City.
Maud married \ I. H. Swift , aa I
orderly sergeant who is stationed
at Ft. Oglethorp , Ga. Mr. Pfund
er is working at the harness busi-
ness in Norfolk and he and wife
are [ enjoying good health and seiid
regards to Valentine friends. c
: , . . . _ _ I , _ , _ , _ I . " . - - , - . I'
I. l < f ' . .
j I FOURTH OFJULY . . Y. Y - . .
I . 4
II I , .
I . IN VALENTINE I . , : - : t
f . , . . . ,
- - - ' : : ; : ; . r - ,
, ' ' . /i '
The following is of the
a part o e program : .
- , . '
- - -
Good music. Wheelbarrow race , free for all , 50 , yards , i
. ' each contestant to furnish his own :
" 1. own
Speaking - by able speakers. . wheelbarrow ; first $2.00 , second § 1. , . ; . I
Boys' foot race , under 12 years 'old , 50- Water \ \ battle , 4 men to each team ; win-
yard dash ; first $1.00 , second 75c. * - ners § 5.00. ' - . 4 s I
Girls foot race ; tinder 16 years old , 50 Auto slow lace , one block , cars must' { J. :
yards ; first $1.00 , second 75c. ' run straight from start to finish : t .
. - without a stop , cars to carry drivers : . .
Ladies race , 50 yards , free for all ; first , : -
: , . .
only ) to two-cylinder , . .
open any car ;
. . . .
$2.00 , second . , $1.00. , first 200. - : )
Fat men's ; ; race , 25 yards , weight 200 Relay horse race , first § 15 , second $5. . ' : :
pounds ? 0 r over ; first $2.00 , second , , .
, $1.00. Pony race i mile dash ; first 10.00 , sec- :
. ond , $ 5.00. . ' , : ; .
100 yard race , , , . free . for all ; first $2.00Horse race , Jr mile , free for all ; first § 10 , . ' .
second $1.00. . / second § 51 , third 83. < " "
B.AS'I3B ' ALL ! '
- , .
FreeBowery Dance- : H
. \
FIRE \ .ORKS ; . ' - ' .
The grandest display ever shown in NW Nebraska.
, -
. 'i. . . ' A rest room ' will be provided for the ladies , at which tea \ and .
offee , nd other refreshments , may be had free. -
- - - - - /
- . F
- . II .
. . . \
, The undersigned will sell at , . , : _
. . '
e " , . . ,
Valentine NebrH . . ' 1
, , ' -
. ; . At the R. R. Stock . Yards , , : , .
\ ' , - - .
5t' I . , July 9 , . 1910 , ' .
, . . , . . . , .
Commencing at 1 o'clock : p. m : , the following property : : "
, I' " ; .
200 Horses . 200 '
Consisting of broke geldings . and mares , brood mares with colts by side saddle horses ,
one two and three " yeatvold colts . The most of these horses are well bred with
Percheron and other draft breeds , Reason for selling ? We are crowded for pasture
V *
TERMS OF SALE : Six months , time will be given purchasers , giving notes with
\J I ' ! v ;
approved security at 10 1 per cent interest from date , or 5 per cent discount for cash - \ .
Rowley & Swanson. . .
Col. ! G. E. , Tracewell , Auctioneer. . . . - . W. E. Haley , Clerk. .
. , .
to " ' . - . : ' . , ' . . _ '
.oX I ,
. .