. . . . - - . . . . . . . . . Historical _ Society _ , 1 . - . ; - " " ' . , . . . 'j , ' - . - . . iu.K.r ' . - _ . ' . . _ i"--- - - r.a. . ' ' ' . - ' - " - , - " , , , . , , , , , - . > I , , , , , , . _ . . . . " . , - . . . " . - I " : ' . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , - - : ' ; . - ' S \ ' , . ' . . , ' r ' ' - . . . i t " : ; ' : : i'i ; . ; 11HE"V j ALENTINE DEMOCRAT . " " " : : . 1i i " . J _ . , . 1. ' M. : Rice , Editor and Proprietor'l A.LEN { \ rINE , NEBR. , 1 TJJUKSJJAY JUNE * 23 , 1910. Volume 25 , No. 24 . t . - - - - - - - O I { X 0 0000 Q ? , . . " - d . Q Q i , . I l RED JACKET PUMPS are GOOD PUMPS . , , I THEY RAISE WATER FROM D . . . THE DEEPEST V/ELLS WITH till THE LEAST WORK. ACHILD Ic1'1 ( dI1.CIr.J CAN PUMP THEM. . d'UMP. , THE RED JACKET t. . . . A COSTS NO MORE THAN ANY OTHER „ pww 4w , GOOD PUMP . wt 1'y' ' 4 .r + w f t : AND THEY ARE b . It " + , : : w tpii. _ : * I w + w r " So Easy to Fix " . f , p JcR " Fix 'Em Yourself" Ofn ) ' IF r - 1 Just A RED JACKET PUMP i TXl3 GIVES YOU A an. a PRIVATE ! : 47 Nonkq Wnnek WATERWORKS. Come In and Let Us Talk ! to You About It fh . We have some Booklets to Distribute FREE 'r The II RED . JACKET . + , Pl il . . r.a'S. out of ' 1\ . " : : SJght ! Wl Remember also that we handle- . M. Fer- i ni d , : ( ( { . ; - O ry ' s and Sioux City Seed Go's seeds. . : ! " ' ssfo G . Fresh stock just received. o , @O > > ) ) ; I "RED FRONT" , I' 7 > = S ? . Q1)P. 0 ) I . ; I HARDWARE . . . 'a < < o j : : I . . . o J . ( ( io { . tI"EGx c . .ml ' " - - - = = - -Q r ' . I Eureka Saloon . ' McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. kN\ , . Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars' , Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : 1 ' Old Crow , . : Sherwood , , Hermitage , - " Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , , . Spring Hill , and 29 " year/old and Jas. E , Pepper , 0 F , C Taylor . , These whiskies were purchased in-bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar- anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- I J excelled for family and medical use. . . ' r Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported , Gordon and DeKuyper Gins Guinness's Extra Stout , Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and , Budweiser . Beer , : . l Valentine ti2S2 - Nebraska J . . ' ' ' ' ' ' National Bank GLurlured as a State Bank Chartered : as a . June 1,18S1. August li : ? , IW2. : : , f % . The FIRST NATIONAL BANK , , . :110. : . ; - , ' " , - ( Successor to Bank : of Valentine. ) . # , Yalentine , . . - Nebraska. . - CAIUTAL PAID IN A General Banking : , Exchange ' . : $ 2 5 ,000. . and Collection Business : : : : S C. H. COKNKI President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. . J . ' 1' . Ulay , Vice President. Miss GLEN HOJ- ; IG , Ass't Cashier. \ - . . . " " ' .AJ ! Q" " ' * Try our . - 'I "Velvet" Ice Cream : Home Bakery . j . a L J ii lij' ; . = " b' : ; , ' JZ . , Read the _ ' Advertisements. I. - . r C. & N. W. New ' Time / Table. WKST 75OUNI : No.1 , 7:17 l p. in. TJew assenger train. : No. 8 : $ , lton. : m. Old " " No. llll ! , II : ; ) p. } in. Through freight train. : No. 81 , " OO p. in. Local freight train. : KAST IJOUND : No.2 , 10:1-2 p. in. New passenger train. No. 0 , 5:05 ( ) ; a. m. Old" " No. 110 , ( ! :20n.in. Through freight train. No. 82 , II :00 a. in. Local freight train. Talk of the Town. - . Ed Clarke is home from a three weeks outing ' at Excelsior . . Springs , Mo. ' Alfalfa , Millet , Timothy and Clover Seeds at Fischer's Hardware. The box social at ihe Ward : school house has been postponed to July 2nd. Born to Clem Hahn and wife on north table , June 14 , 1910 , a sev- en-pound bo.y. R. M. Faddis returned from his western and southern trip last Thursday night. ' A party has asked us to place a loan of § 600 at 10 per cent for one or more years on good se- curity. We are requested to announce the First M. E. church of Kilgore will be dedicated Sunday June2if 1910. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to be present. N. J. Uck , John C. Applegate and Arthur Hamilton ofV ood Lake were in our city last Satur- day on' business. Also W. G. Ballard and son Ed were , in town. E. E. Butler , who has been at- tending institute and junior norm- al ) , returned to his home south of Wood lake last Saturday. I > Ir. . . Meyers also returned to George Beamer's place after attending in- stitute. F. F. Gordon and family , who have been spending the winter with Mrs. Gordon's father , A. Williams , near Arabia , left last veniiig for lndianolaf--Ne- Friday evening , - - - ' braska where Mr. Gordon has been employed , as superintendent of schools for the coming year. A business Meeting will be held at Sparks , July 2 , at 2:30 : p. m , for the purpose of appointing com- mittees to arrange for the Old Settlers' reunion at Sparks : , and organizing an agricultural and stock raisers' association in con- nection with the reunion. JOHX SHELBOUKX , JR. , Sec. Geo. Tellier writes us from Walker , Ore. , that he is located there in the Willamette Valley and likes the place. All kinds of fruit from strawberries to prunes. Crops he says are good. Wheat and oats principally and ' torn goes 25 to 40 bushels per acre. Saw milling is quite extensive and plenty of fine fir timber. Lumber sells at § 14 : : to § 20. Some gold and silver mining. He sends re- gards to all inquiring friends. $50 Reward for the thief , who , on early Sun- day morning , June 19 , 1910 , stole from the Mission Ranch , near Kilgore , Nebr. , one bay saddle horse , six years old , branded H on right shoulder , weight about 1000 pounds. 24 2 ED HEELAN. West - Morris. Wednesday evening , June 22 , it the home of the bride's parents , Vlr. and Mrs. Jesse West of Wood Lake , Miss Kathryn Leola West was united in marriage with Tames Alfred Morris , the Rev. Wells of Valentine officiating. A large number of guests were pres- ent and the ceremony was pre- ceded and followed by beautiful strains of music by the Misses Hanna and Nation. A delicate wedding supper was served , and , after a joyous time , the bridal pair departed on the evening train for Hot Springs amid the showers of congratulations of a host of friends. Mr. Morris is the eldest son of A. E. Morris : , ex-county commissionerwho owns a fine ranch south of Wood Lake and is interested in the Val- entine Lumber Co. Miss : West is an accomplished and beautiful voung lady , growing up in Wood Lake , and one of Cherry county's teachers. THE DEMOCRAT extends con- gratulations. , . . - COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. ( Continued from last week ) Valentine , Nebr. , Ajay'23 , 1910. ) Office of County Commissioners f The petition of the St. Francis Mission Co. for a refund of per- sonal taxes assessed to said com- pany for the year 1909 , the amount of said taxes and interest beinj ; § 86.25 , was rejected for the reason that said tax was correstly charg ed against and collected from said com panJ7 . The county clerk is authorized to ship one road plow and one scraper to J. J. Campbell , road overseer of district No. 17. The bridge petition of W. W. Co ' ll et al , requesting that a bridge ' be l constructed across Big Creek at a point located 160 rods more or less south from the north- east corner of section 12 and on the section line between sections 11 and 12 , township 27 , range 30 , was approved. The county clerk is instructpd to notify the road overseer of dis- trict No. 5 , Valentine precinct , to post up . notices on the Minnecha- cluza bridge near Valentine , warn ing all persons not to fish oil'said bridge , complaint having been made to the commissioners that it has been dangerous to' drive a. . team across that bridge on ac ' count of the fisherman and tat all violations of this order will be I prosecuted. The surety bond of Charles E. i Swanson , deputy county treasur er of Cherry county , in the sum of 10,000 , was approved. I The surety bond submitted by 41ie Canton Bridge Co. , covering r-heir contract dated April 26 , , Oj.0 , was approved. Bids for furnishing twelve plows and s' . : C scrapers usr the use of the county road overseers were open- ed as pv2r advert , ' ement and the contract for furnishing same was awarded to . the Vo : 3ntine Lumber Co. Co.The - The board made an appropria- tion of-a sufficient sum to pa.y the railroad fare of D. F. Story , coun- ty superintendent , to attend the , annual session of the Nebraska state institute , to be held in Lin- coln from May 30 to June . Henry Auguston was appointed road ov.erseer of district 7 and . , his official bond approved. W. F. Parker was appointed justice of the peace of Woodlake ' precinct and his official bond ap proved. Whereupon the board adjourn- ed to May 24. . May 24 , 1910. The board , into a contract with C. G. Overman for doing certain grading and road work on the county road leading north from Crookston to the state line said work to be done at places desig- nated by the board of commission- ers , the - contract price being $350. ' The board entered into - a con- tract with E. A. Searby for grad- ing and repairing the road lead- ing from Crookston to Valentine , said work to be done at points I designated by the board , the con- tract price being § 415. The following commissioner fees were allowed : James Mone . , . . . . . . . . . . . $21. 30 N. S. Rowley . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.50 The following was allowed on the fund . general : Red Front Merc. Co. supplies § 74 i Whereupon the board adjourn . ed sine die. . JAMES : MONE , Chm. N. S. ROWLEY. J. A. A DAi\ISOX. Attest : F. A. CUMBCW , County Clerk. On hand in two weeks , a car of salt at 5 per cent less than usual price. - MIKE DA \ s. 22 3 Our VACUUM CLEANER will do your spring house cleaning. Order . it from Fischer's Hardware. 14 The CRYSTAL WHITE REFRIG- ERATOR is what you need this summer. Buy it at Fischer's Hard- ware. 14 , Men's : suits , summer wear , from 5.45 to' $9.45. Step in and see and save money for cash. 22 3 MIKE DAVIS. , The C. W. Way Co. , Architects , Hastings , Nebraska , will furnish you with plans and specifications I for any class of building you wish i to erect. Ask them for informa- II tion lotf I , . - - I RESOLVED , . ( c : THAT OUR BU5/NESS / IS t/ / : ' ) BOOMIG@ECAU5 G ( ? . : . I BOOAf ' [ T WE. BOOM OUR BUSINESS" / nt ; BY GIVING OUR PATROts/S / \ - 4\\J \ GOOD STUFF FOR.THE/R / f10NE , ( ERowiJ ! \ ' . . fcW . \\c. * -W C 9 II , r pr R \ l is co"Y.t a. . . , .He . . " - , .ca- . : . . eJUsT NOW WHEN sINEss Is so RUJHIN6 IT I Is BARELY PoJJIBLE THAT YOU MAY NOT GET THE GooD QUALITY OF GooDs YOU DESIRE , UNLEsS YOU COME TO THE sToRE THAT CARRIEs NoTH- ING BUT GooD GooDs. WE KNOW YOU ARE Go- ING TO CELEBRATE BUT YOU ARE NoT GOING To WAJIE ALL of YOUR MONEY ON FIREWORKS , ARE YOU ? WHY NOT BUY GOOD THINGS To WEAR FIREWORKS DON'T LAsT LONG BUT CLoTHEs Do IF YOU GET THEM AT THE RIGHT PLACE. IF YOU COME To Us WE WILL sELL YOU 1 1 I THAT sUIT , THE NECKTIEJ , JHIRTJ , UNDER- WEAR AND HOSE ; , so REAsoNABLE THAT YOU CAN AFFORD To BUY fIREWoRKs , TOO. n . REJPECTFULLY , . . J , . . ' , . .B a \ . . - . , 1 . . . . - - - Farm Implemertts- I " : . We sell farming implements as well as other , merchandise at reasonable prices. . Call and try us. \ CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. - . . , , a , : GO TO THBLJT' : - I j - 1 THE FATE FOR . . .c Good Clothing , , Shoes and Oxfords , V : Gent's Furnishings I ij . AT RIGHT PRICES t - THE FAIR , to Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr. 2E rS H IS Mil &r M&tr Stetter & Tobien , Props. p 4 . , Q IIIIIIII'IIII ! ' ll' 4 DEALERS IX ( g | . I I's ' j. ' ' il ' i ; ' 'II i ° bII Ilu , ' s All Kinds of Fresh S and Salt Meats. . . . ( j Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , _ Poultry , Horses , vMules and = anything you have to sell. \ . , ; , 1 . ' - - # . .