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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1910)
_ . /t- / . . . --u. . . I f " Historical Society ! . . , . ' . . . , _ . . . . . . , . . . , . . - . , . . . : ' pJJI\u'if" ! ! . " ; ' , , , : " " ' ' ' ' ; "Tv.'w . ; toI" ' . . . . . . . . . , ; . ; . . ' - - - . , _ 'r. " , " " " ' " ' . . , - . ' . - - r . ' . - - . " , : ' ' " . - , " " . ' . . , . . " . t'O'T . . ' ' ; < ( ' ' ' ' ' , . > " . , . ' > - 0" - , . . . . , . . . _ , , , . . . . . ' - . ' " ' . ' " , . " . , ' " , ' . . . . . . .It , . . . . . " ' . . ' ' : > " , . . . or ' . ' : , - \ , i ' ; t ' . - 11HE ALENTINE DEMO \j Jt.A. . JL. a . r . , . 1. 1 1. Bice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBK. , THURSDAY , JUNE 16 ; 1910. . Volume 25 , No. 23 . - - - - - .0 _ _ . . 0 0 . . 1..JIE..ilIfIXalEC. 1 - ii RED JACKET PUMPS are GOOD PUMPS -I2ED THEY RAISE : WATER FROM 1 -Rep . THE DEEPEST WELLS WITH t THE LEAST WORK. CHILD ' , , ' lt ( AOKEt , CAN PUMP THEM. Y LPUMR THE RED JACKET COSTS NO MORE . 0 a . . THAN ANY OTHER . . . NR i. , . ° - . 1 a3 a GOOD PUMP s. 'r'oles / ' ' AND THEY ARE r'r p. y1p = , " So Easy to Fix " ' . .i PA ' f " Fix 'Em Yourself" N ( : : ' B l o ' dart A RED JACKET PUMP THl3 . GIVES YOU A A - ana _ , . _ , , - . f PRIVATE . , A/unV " p tY""d . WATER WORKS. Corns In and Let Us Talk to You About H , qtr . I We have come : Booklets to Distribute FREE \ " \11\ \ , \ \ 'tom . . . . " .1 Ire , , , , Tho . .fl . ti I' t ' I.I. ' . Ii" ' RED \ . ' , , ; r. ; ; " . iit JACKET 'c' { ' ' , . Out of . ' . . . \ - - - . - : . g . . - \ p Sight ! " " ' " . / - p . - "Remember also that we handle D. M. Fer- ( < < o . , ( < < o } ry's and Sioux City Seed Go's seeds. v Op. ) q . Fresh stock just received. D .Qs " " 9 Q I "REn FDOL IT" . U n 11 ( < < 0 > > ) ) A . I HARDWARERIL . I . . L.K ( . KCx.BK.I' . - . . . = " " " 8 : g = = : ' pr. " . r , , Saloon1 : Eureka Saloon ' . McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars . . Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : ' t Old Crow , * Sherwood , ' Hermitage , . . Guchenheimer , ' Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , - and 29/year/old . t _ and Jas E , Pepper 0 , F , ' C , Taylor. . t.I . These whiskies were purchased in bond r . and came direct from the IT. S. gov p ernment warehouse. They are guar- : anteed pure. and unadulterated. Un ' . - excelled for family and medical use. , Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported zo. : Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , , : l Valentine = = : Nebraska J , 4y , Chartered as n state , Bank : Chartered as a National Bank : June 1 , UiS ! . August 12 , UK- ) ) : . , The FIRST NATIONAL BANE . _ _ ( Successor to Bank of Valentino. ) . I Valentine , - Nebraska. OARITAL PAID IN A General . Banking , Exchange $ 2 5,000. ' . " and Collection Business : : : : - 1 . . . ; O. H. CouNET/n , President. ' M. V. NICHOLSON , Oashler. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GI.KX HOKNIG , Ass't Cashier. . - . " " ' " 3C L ' . . : Try our . _ " : , , j . f "Velvet9' Ice Cream Ji// I . . Home Bakery. - : : , b E P h" .b' d : . I , . . . . .1.- , - - , . , : : T . Read the Advertisements . a Jim Breuklander is home on a visit. visit.Mrs. Mrs. Moon and Queen returned home last Thursday evening. Alfalfa , Millet , Timothy and Clover Seeds at Fischer's Hard ware. Boys' suits , from 8 to 16 , value &L50 , to be sold for § 2.50. 21 3 - Mike ' Davis. Mrs. Floyd Valentine is home fr , m a visit to her mother at Hot Springs. W. R. McGeer went to Omaha Tuesday . night , stopping enroute at .Norfolk. C. H. Cornell and wife returned home last Friday from Omaha and Sioux > City. Wm Johnson had a three year ; old steer struck by lightning Mon day night the 13. No 1 boys' suits , from 4 to 8 years , value $4 00 , to be sold for $1.95. - Mike Davis. 21 3 Byron Shaw is home for a two weeks visit. He works for the ' Omaha Kubber Co. There will be a box social at the Ward school house , Saturday , I June 25. Everybody come. ' Why is an aristocrat a tramp ? There is a reason. See "Aristo cratic Tramp" Mo'n. ' June 20. I ' Our VACUUM CLEANEB will do your spring house cleaning. Order it from Fischer's Hardware. 14 To enjoy life , one should live by the way. See "An Aristocratic ' Tramp" in the big tent June 20. Bernie and Lester Tinkham were in town Tuesday on business. Lester filed on a homestead near Marsh lake. Why wait for better when the best is at hand. See "An Aristo- cratic Tramp" under water-proof ; canvas Mon. June,20. What is funnier than a tramp ? A tramp plus funny situations. See 'A-n-rfAristocratic Tram p' " ' next Monday evening. J. 11. Ayers has had a new porch put on his house which _ is a dinger. Veach and Rasmus Anderson did the work. It an't trowed it's trun. See Willie the tough messenger boy in "An Aristocaatic Tramp" und- er canvas Ionday , Jun , 20. The Loyal Temperance Legon will give a picnic in Shelbotircn's grove , Sat. 18. All parents and 'friends are invited to come. Bas- ket picnic dinner at noon. Jas. M. Coutts of the Chicago Newspaper Union was here Tues- day. We're always glad to meet this genial Irish lad and seems like somebody from home. Charley H. Gardner is back in Valentine on a visit from Hartville , \V yo. He lived here some years ago when the soldiers were here and the town was wide open day and night. G. A. Chapman and wife de parted Tuesday night for Onawa , la. to see Mr. Chapman's mother , who is ill. Mrs. Chapman ex- pects to visit her sister Mrs. Log- an Barker at Tekamah before re turning home. The Aulger Bros. have been very fortunate in securing Thos. R. Beaty the eminent character comedian to impersonate the title roll , in their production of "An Aristocratic Tramp. " As a laugh maker he is second to none. Services Sunday , June 19 , in St. John's Church as follows : Ear- ly Eucharist at 7:30 : , Sunday school at 10 , Matins with address at eleven A. M. and Evensong with sermon at eight p. m. Choir rehearsal at eight p. m. Friday evening. The Presbyterian Church , J. M. Caldwell D. D. Pastor. The morning subject , "Sunday the only Permanent Sabbath , or dain- ed by God. " All other Sabbaths transitory. Evening subject , "From Joppa to Jerusalem , with the story of Jacque , " by request. All welcome. Look at the billboards and see the pictures of the automobile race and train scene in Aulger Bros. "An Aristocratic : Tramp" . Then come to the show and if you : do not see them produced in the play exactly as advertised your money will be refunded. We intend playing your town once every year , therefore , we cannot afford to misrepresent , - Aulger Bros. . . . . On hand in two weeks , a c/ir of salt at 5 per cent less than usual price. - MIKE DA ' 'Is. 22 3 The CRYSTAL WHITE REFRIG ERATOR is what you need this slimmer. Buy it at Fischer's ; Hard ware. 14 Men's suits , summer wear , from $5.45 to $9.45. Step in and see and save money for cash. 22 3 MIKE DAVIS. See the big sale advertisement of Rowley and Swanson in this paper of 200 horses at auction Saturday , July 9. Venus Pierce went away Tuesday ' night to visit his parents at Rock- port , Mo. He is a new homestead- er southwest of town. . Mrs. Fred Vincent and baby are home for a visit with Gus Carlson and family. They live at "Dvvight , where Fred is operator. \V. H. Dennis , Wm. Brown , J. H Searby , Anton Fischer and a number of others from Croohston and vicinity were in town show day. Mr. Kuhn is an assistant to the cashier , taking the place of Mr. Hiett , at the First National bank , and Mr. Campbell is the new ste - nographer. . ste-I I An Omaha man , O. G. Shurtleff , is erecting a hunting and fishing lodge at Willow lake , south of Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. Willow lake abounds in black bass and bluegill sunfish and is a great resort for wild foul in the spring and fall. Shurtleff purchased 640 acres up there and intends to make the place a resort for Omaha sports men. - "r orld- Herald. Junior Normal Notes. Gerald Boyer is the faithful boy in the 5th grade in attendance. Marion Anderson told the story of a picture in well chosen words before the model school recently. f Ruth Bachelor entertained. each division of the observation class a few mornings ago by reciting well a beautiful I selection. ! Zita Haley must love the birds if we may judge from the excellent manner in which'she told a Lird s'nr.v recently before the model , school. The model school is an import- ant feature of the normal and it is being made a suecess under the skillfull ! work of Miss : Driscoll. However , we would like to havp. a few more pu pils in grades 1 and 5. The Misses Mahaffa visited the normal Wednesday and had many kind words to say of the work , all of which were much appreciated. These young ladies are two efficient teachers in one of the best city schools in Iowa and are on their way to Trip county , S. D. , to spend the summer. Tuesday morning during chapel hour we were given a treat when Dr. Caldwell addressed us. He told the story - an experience in his life-of "My Friend Jack. ! " The Doctor is a very entertaining speaker and he had an equally in- teresting theme. The two blended in such an impressive way that a lesson was left which we will nev- er forget. Friday evening , June 10 , Supt. and Mrs. Story entertained the students and faculty of the junior normal. For the time being , all pedagogical cares were laid aside to enjoy the hospitality ; of Cherry county's new superintendent. It is the consensus of opinion that if Mr. Story attends to county edu- cational matter as considerately as heentertains , the school system of old Cherry is booked for success. The county officers , who were present , looked wise but consider ately refrained from expressing their opinion of any comparisons. Games were played in which all entered with zest , and coupled with the general merry-making the evening passed all too rapidly. Punch and wafers were served which went far toward keeping the faculty in good humor. A brief program was rendered. Among the orators of the evening were speeches by Judge Walcott and L. C.Sparks. The latter be- came so enthused that he finally became too full for utterance and staggered to his chair amid the applause of the entire company. At a late hour the guests departed , fully persuaded ! , that as entertain I : ers , Mr. and Mrs. ' Story are sec- . and to none. . ' - . \ T \ KEJOUVED-I 1 _ . THAT T1MFFLIES AND ? TM FIRST THING YoUKNOHt , fill THE CHOICE THINGS . WILL ] BE GONE-THEY ARE pLL rl , \ CHOICE AT OUR 5TORE - BUT f . 2e SOME ARE PRETTIER ° ' . BUSTER X.73 " " ! i' < > . r . . , . . ' . ; : : . . . - = : : . -r - ; : = - : ; . : - _ . . : . - .J - = - COPYRIGHT ' 11 .GYTKE CASTER SRGwN : . CHICAGO. . THE GooDS FOR , THIS . ,5E4ON WERE DESIGNED AND MADE LoNfi AGo. * So IT IS I ALWAYS THERE ARE MORE KINDS OF CHOICE THINGS THAN oNE--fIRST CHOICE , SECOND CHOICE , THIRD CHOICE , AND So ON ; YOU WISH THE fIRST CHOICE DO YOU NOT ? IF YOU COME NOW AND BUY YOU WILL GET THE FIR-ST CHOICE OF THE PRETTY SPRING OXFoRD,5 , OF THE SUM- MER DRESS GooDS , LADIES' . WAIJTJ , ETC. - - _ , . - RESPECTFULLY , . / ! f ) ; eAmKW . . . . ' " . . . . . - - - " . ' . " Farm ImpIementj _ r.'U 'U We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. . Call and try us. , CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. VIERtEL. DEALER IN EVERYTHING. - = " ' r , ----TTQ 0 TO THE ' THE l [ ; . 9 1. FOR Good Clothing , * Shoes and Oxfords , , : * . Gent's Furnishings AT RIGHT PRICES ' THE FAIR r.7. , Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr. t _ : J J&v Stetter & Tobien , Props. I 17 , DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your ; Cattle , Hogs , _ Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. . . "