Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 09, 1910, Image 4

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8F arlll mp I ements 1 COSt j -
I We . will close out our line : of , -
t ! " tit Manure Spreaders , Corn Planters ,
I A Q Gang Plows , Listers , John Deere RidJ J
: ing Attachments and Freight ] Wagons
, .
I , ' i V at cost. You 1 will save money by look-
I e ing over our line of
t I
i Breaking Plows , Stubble Plows and
f I
i Cultivators.
I , e s
, " I It We , sell l the Superior Drill and have a
- v
" full line of the Eock Island Plow Goods. -
We are satisfied with a small profit and '
I will close out our John Deere goods at-
It @
cost. Save money by getting our prices
. . before purchasing.
, _ LUIWIG ; ) LUMBER Ct ( ,
, .e Valentine S , Nebraska
e _ _ r' } ' 4 , maSSffiPi i
I' I -
Ii i t I . The DayligohtStore
I j
I !
: I
: i : . Spring is here. Meet her with the springy
iI I
! step that shows your feet have the spring =
I '
i time gladness , which means wear the
, . . .
" Gotzian or Watson Shoes
! They , are snappy and stylish ; they fit like
, I .
Ii t , your foot print. Call and take a look.
7 I A. John & CO
We carry " the lines of
M . .
- "
, A. G. SpaSdsng & Bros.
A. J. Reach Co.
II Victor pcH'ith1g Goods 'C .
Baseball Shoes , Bats , Balls , UniformsMasks , Gloves ,
. Mitts : , Basket Balls and supplies , Tennis Rackets , Balls . . . .
and Nets. A classy assortment of Pennants. In fact
, we carry the only complete line of sporting goods in the
, city. Send us your mail orders.
I J Fischer's Hardware
- - - -
t I o ' \if Gag Ji. oq 11W o0 ? Q\ \ . 0 ' : .f @ o0 : ; 0 S 'dig , Wj ' 7 flr flfi'
. \ : : ; J ! .g ? B :9 : :
i ; SIG
f ' I I Pool and Billiard Hall I
j i , If . Cirars , and t ,
Ut < < I )
t ° 1
1 ; I 7 ' oJP Soft Drillks Q t 0 GI I
d . o
: 1r : . : 'f : ? { o
\ . A' ' 1 ' & dj ! ! ! 4 ) { ! l' { g ( g Wrl''g ' AJb lOmJ \ < <
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Sold by
McGeer : & : Carroll ,
Valentine , Nebraska. ,
J I I : ,
. Barge , Nebl" > . i
. * Tubular wells and windmills.
BCall me up Telephone. : .
. . _
t * -t- - - - - - - - - - -
Japanese and German millet
seed for sale , five miles northwest 1
of Valentine. ' '
Let ' us print your sale bills. , l
, . . .
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- -
I. ! M. RICE I r - Editor and Propr. .
Mark Zarr - - Foreman.
x /
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year.
Local Notices , 5c per line per issue
Thursday , June 9 , 1910.
In Valentine the school board ,
many business men and our coun ' -
ty officers buy their , stationery
and job printing mostly out of
town. Notice the big bills paid
to the State Journal ) , Hammond
and Omaha Printing Co's , which
might be spent partly with home
printers. In O'Neill they patron-
ize the home printer.
Want of space this week for-
bids us giving more than a- brief . ;
account of the E. V. E. A. at
O'Neill Saturday , June 4 : . #
"T e enjoyed a good time there , .
visiting with the fraternity and 1
O'Neill citizens. We . especially ,
have reason to kindly remember
the attentions of our host , Col. W.
T. Evans and Geo. A. Miles , for
their royal entertainment.
The following officers were
elected : A. II. Backhaus , presi-
dent , W. L. Kirk , vice president ;
I. M. Rice , secretary-Treasurer.
Valentine was chosen as the
meeting _ place next June and we
all go to the lakes fishing.
read by the ' live people who move
ar ound and get to the front ; men
who transact business buying ; or I
selling ; by women and the young
people everywhere in Cherry
county. Why ? Ask them. They
will tell you : that IT tells the news
fearlessly and impartially.
IT doesn't blackguard nor use
language that any member of the
family would hesitate to read ; it
is clean morally , typographically
and with a marked progressive-
ness that cannot help ) impressing
the mind of the reader , inspiring
better thoughts , greater energies
for industry/ and CQ01 deliberate ,
judgment upon a basis of under
standing. ' ' - . .
IT'S ideas are progressive but
not foolish air castles that lead to
restless ) recklessness , chaos and
disorder. . . .
IT'S doctrines are sound , logical
and reasonable and IT'S language
smooth , melodious , descriptive
and concise.
That's why they read THE VAL- '
That's why live , uptodate busi- t
ness men like to advertise in IT'S I
columns , and likewise live uptodate '
people like to read such advertise-
ments of the live uptodate busi-
ness men because they know some-
thing's doing.
That's why the columns of THE
sought for advertising purposes
and that's why the reader finds
the paper : chock . full of bright
news of business or happenings
that happened , that is going on or
about to take place.
That's why you , into .whose ,
hands this item may chance to '
fall should have your own copy of ,
ing to your own address to better I
identify yourself with the business I
men with whom you'll become ac
quainted through its columns and
associations. Prosperity , pleasure ,
amusement and inspiration : awaits : :
you. Come and join this asso- . I
ciation and all is yours. ' . I
- - - -
Junior Normal began Ivlonday I
wi th an enrollment of about 78
D. M. Jeffers bought Tom Van-
Buren's interest in the HomeBak- " '
ery yesterday. j
See the big sale ads this week :
which takes place of reading matI ! I
ter. Read them. * j I' I
Rain every day the past week. I
A small hail storm passed over '
yesterday , shattering vegetation
in its path.
A. M. : \
Morrissey , Miss Holly ,
formerly ' a teacher here , Miss" Gor-
don : and Mrs. Compton took a ride
to : St. Francis Mission : yesterday
in the former's auto. Miss Holly
has been vjsiting freinds here . the
? ast week : " 1
- - " " x :
- = - = - = "
- - - - ' - . -
1 . - .
. " - . . < ,
- - . ' _ . - _ . . . - - - - . . -
Carl Olson a freighter for Nels
Rowley fell off his wagon at Peter
Goger's corner IS miles out and
his head was crushed under the
wheels yesterday evening. An-
I other fieighter following thinks
I the team started to run and threw
Olson off the wagon. Coroner's
inquest is being held at the Goger
farm where Olson was taken.
Superintendent G. A. Gregory ,
inspector of _ normal train-
ing , and formerly principal of the
Valentine junior normal , is visit-
j ing the normal here today. Prin.
I Gregory reports work here in fine
t' shape and an excellent corps of in-
structors. He says the quality of
the young people in attendance is
superior , and are already taking
hold of the work in commendable
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office. Broken ; Bow. Nelin.ska. : t J
Msiy 10 , lulO. / f
A sullicient conies'affidavit ; having been tiled
in this office by /vinos F . Arend4. contestant
, jujaii t lioineAend : ! F ntry \ o . ( M'-'RI ! : ; l ina ' le ) May
12. 1HO ! ) , f' > r tl'e sVish , f M- : t'o..30 , anil \ I the n ! f
and DV > nysnl section : .11. tow-hip iltfn , ranne
35w ) , 6th P M , bv C'hnrhs Henry Jeier. < : .
contestue. in which Jt is alleged tint said .
R'ainiHiil has . wholly abandoned said tract I
for more tha six months last past , that he has I
I never resided upon , cultivated or improved said
tract asHMiuiretl ! by law , that said ! laiid is in II
its wild and native state and wholly unimproved I
and that all of the above ! dehcts exist at this
date and have not been cured.
Maid parties arp hereby notified / to appear , re-
spond and offer evidence touching said alleg-
tion at 10 0 ' ( ' lok } a. m. . on June 21 I , 1910 , DP-
fOI"l the judjie of the comity conn lor Hooker
county , at his ollh-e ! in Million , Xebr. , and that
final hearing will be held at , . 10 0 ' ( ' IOCk a. m. . on
du11e'2 5 , HHO ) before the pi-ter and receiver at
the United states : laud ofllee in Brjkeu Buw. ? c-
bmska. .
I he said contestant having in a proper affi
davit. liled May to , 1910. ! ) set forth facts
which show that after due diligence personal : I
service of this notice cannot be made it is
hereby ordered and ' directed that such notice
. be given by due and proptv publication.
20 4 11 JullN KliEbE : : : , Register.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry count } * , Ne
State of Nebraska Jss i
Cherry County j \
To the heirs , and all persons interested in
the estate of Delia E. Burr deceased.
On reading the petition of Alex Burr pray-
ing a tinal settlemenfaml allowance of his
account filed in this court on the Jth ! ) clay
of May. 1910 and for a decree naming the
heirs of said estate.
Jt is hereby ordered that you and all per-
sons interested in said ! matter may and do ,
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county on the 7th day of , June
A. D , 1HO. ! at 10 o'clock a. in. to show cause ,
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted. . and that not
ice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons inter-
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The Valentine Democrat a
weekly newspaper printed in said county for
four successive weeks prior to said iay of
hearing. JAJIES : C. QUIGLEY
[ SEAL. ] 18-4 County Judge.
Notice of ! - -
Hearing. .
To sill persons : intorosU-d ( in the estate of
Tom II. Uolenian , late of ( 1l1'1' ' + ' county , N l'-
' It'ce.'iM'd. :
brasltiatleccaseI. : ,
You ar I 1i. ' hereby \ notified that ' on the lith < !
day of MJIV , A. 1) . 11110. 1 ! > 1 < > l' . 1) . Jlsirko . Hied ! a
Ijt'titibn.lh.tho . county court Cherry ! coun
ty , Nobraskn : , piayinir ] ! that mlministnition !
in said alumestate1 he -tteiiMcl ! with , : and 1
that the prolnito court make a Until decree
naming the heirs of the drrrdnnt , Jind ! that
said petition will In1 heard in the county
court room in A Jilentiiu1. in said : : : countv , on
the llth day of June , A. D. I , iyio-at the hour
of 1 10 ) o'clock . in.
It is lurther ordered that notice of said ! !
hearing be given all persons interested ! in
said estate by \ the publication of this notice
for three su - eesslxeeilts ! ; in Valentine
Democrat , a nev.s : : ] ' apei-printd" " and ; u ) > lIhlbh-
edanil ! circulated in said coi nty.
. Dated : : ( day or . ra . % ' , . . . D . , I'.HO.
JAJIKS 0 . Q Ji'iGi/KY ,
[ SEAL. ] 5 : O ( ) J5 : I County ( ,1 ullg.\ ' .
{ Cleanser ; ; 1. : ' )
For The ) ' /
Farrn : . M
.tt '
i -
. Cleans , Scrubs ,
" ' Polishes
Y rC/
1/hip -
> v 1 II Ie
, .
. . c
01 f
Dutcti I I
Cleanser' I
Is the only thing you need j
to do all your cleaning-in the ,
kitchen , dairy , bath-room , I .
parlor , pantry and throughout I j
the house and in the barn. i
Old Butch Cleansetf '
polishes brass , copper , tin , nickel and C
all metal surfaces. Excellent for clean- j
ing harness ; no acid or caustic ; ( not a
soap powder ) , - ,
For Gleaning Harness :
Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser1
on wet sponge rub harness well ,
rinse with clean water and _ wipe v
dry-removes all dirt and will , _
not harden or crack. i -
FQF Polishing Kleiah
Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser ; [
on wet cloth , rub briskly , rinse
with clean water , wipe dry and
polish with a little dry pov/der
easiest and quickest.
" 10 e Lai'ge ' Slte Can i !
Iv ,
- - -u-- . . . _ . . . _ p '
- - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - : : . - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - -
- - - . iit
. - , _ - ,
" - - . tI-- . . ' . . . . - : _ . . : - . . t. . . " .
- . - - - , - . " ' " " " - - - - . ' - - . . . . , . , . , rr.- I - - - - - . , ' , - - . . # f " . . \ , " I
- ' y- } . ' \t
: . } : . V.J iI (
Accurate Edge / 'f '
" ' m Selection \
. \
Drop 't , i
c\ \ i
g . 1 , \ ' .
'TpHE great accuracy of
i drop is what naturally In- , \
terests you most. Deere
genuine edge selection of corn pi ves . . , ' .
thQhlRhest accuracyof drop attain - . ' ' \
I . Repeated tests show ten to fif : ' * rl \
teen bushels per acre in favor of ac wheels. -
curate planting. This , combined with Fertillz-
other exclusive , desirable fea er attach .
, . in- ment that hills or i
tures makes the No. 9 a profitable -
. increased drills furnished ex-
I vrstment. You profit by the
. Is
yield duo to perfect stand , by the addi tra. Every
tional years o service and freedom from worked out iii tho best
break own. possible . VOIRK > , Sn and SCC US
Most progressive farmers and planters ,
L won'i l have any other. Best informed and keep posted. We have but briefly
fu toother. of the strong fea
mentioned some
dealers refuse to consider bundling .
. above. Or drop us a post
any other. 1 n vestigate the time sav
r ing and profitable reasons why. ° n' . card , and we will promptly . send
detailed proofs free. Deere goods
Main seed shaft driven directly p . , . are of the highest standard , ana
by traction wheels takes all the 'f ; t' , ' satisfy the most exacting. ASK
strain , from check wire , and avoids , ' for our latest corn book. The
sale d raft. Compensating valves whole subject
insure perfect , . check regardless . - ing. curing nnd testing the seed ,
I speed. as well as planting , treated In 'a
Instantly changed from check to small space , fully , illustrated ; a
drill drop. Tip-over hoppers - very con book for the man who wants better
venient in changing plates. Plates for corn. Handsome pocket ledger free
all kinds of corn. Five sets always
furnished. Standard
. , . : , runner , stub run-
ner , or single disc
furrow openers
r- ordered. Concave ,
or open tire .
and Come Out with a
J far Better Corn Crop
A. E. MorristV. . W. Morrissey \ 0. W. Noyes c
--.or _ _ _ _ ,
- Y --e ( _ e
, .
Go to the
e _
8 e a
tock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
d . e 4I - I " '
= ' sa s ; " ' = = \
4 No. 1 Tomatoes : at lOc per can. No. 1 Rice , three
. J pounds for 20e. Everything else at low prices. ,
L Valentine Nebraska = = , MIKE DAVIS .f. .
ii 1 . . , .f
SALE , i
. ,
The undersigned will sell at . ( . : t
- -'t' a
Kilgore Neb.
, . ,
Saturday , June 18 , 1910 , .
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp , the following property : :
consisting ; of some good work horses , brood mares with
colts by side , saddle horses , dry mares ; one , two and
three-year-old colts. This is all nice , clean stuff , and of
Percheron and Shire breeding. .
. . .
Frank Rothleutner. - i
Col. G. E. Tracewell , Auct. W. E. Haley , Clerk.
P. S. - There.are two kinds of hor r sales : the kind
we have at Kilgore , and the other kind. We have what ,
we advertise and will sell what we have.
Dr. M. T. Meer , .
Rooms over Red Front store
ralentine = Nebr ,
. r.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , \ !
- '
Herd headed / S. C. Columbus 17 , ' 1\ I
No. 160050 , and Climax 2
, No. 289 ,
822 ; also , Melvin No. .
, 327072 , . reg.
I Bulls for Sale at All Times
9i i