- 1 f . I 1 I ' , , " Historical . . . Society . \ ' . , . . . , . . . _ . . . , , . . . . . , . . . , . . , - I . i . . . , ' , . . , Zr4 ; . : , , : . ' . ; _ . p . ' . . - . ' . . ; ' ' " t. : . . " . . - . ' . ' .r . , ' - - . - . : : ! ' < ; ' " , - . ; , . - , , ' , . . - - . , . , To " "n n. . . - . . . : . _ . . . . ' - , --t , : " . . 7 . : ; " " ' . . , - . - . , - . . . . ' " " : . 'If' , . : . ' . - . ' , _ . : , - - _ . . - : . . . , - . J . . Y. - r \ i * _ , s _ 1 1 rn AL / DEMOCRAT. - , . - . , 1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor . VALENTINE , NEBK. , r - SJAYJL ? T E 9 , 1910.'T > .unc 25 , No. 22 _ . . . . . - - - - - - - - 4 . ? - - 00 G 00 0 1 Oo o , 000 1 Q I i RED JACKET PDMPS aro GOOD PUMPS - - ( 4 ( I 4-P THEY RAISE WATER FROM - THE DEEPEST WELLS WITH THE LEAST WORK. CHILD cjACK ; CAN PUMP THEM , 4t ; \ . . " - - ' tl JLkrJfflro THE REDJACKET _ - r COSTS NO MORE THAN ANY OTHER GOOD PUMP t pMP NY7 A a i M4M1 . + ' AND THEY ARE t . . . ore r.'A ' M Nt " So Easy So , Fix " : ; : : ; : ; wld i " Fix 'Em \ ourself " + ' Juet r A RED . , JACKET PUMP I , 1Nf3 . w GIVES YOU A J .w n am a PRIVATE - . Wrtnck : - WATERWORKS. I , " : Come In and Let Us Talk to You About It r . We have some Booklets to Distribute FREE I' r f h ( , Th9 } , , ' . . ; RED _ _ _ _ .ilI 1 JACKET " 'se ' . , ' Out of . , Sight ! .f , Irfto Eemember also that . we handle D. M. Fer- O y ' anci Sioux Seed Co's seeds. O \ ry's au 10UX City . I Fresh stock just receivedN : ' oID ) / I - "DlLn 99 . QW : _ d - FRO BT' 0 "LEU 11 ( < < ) \ ) 01 > > , I HARDWARE. I . .esQ . . , . } " ! : Wl . @ . @ V . < < < < o 00 1 OooO w r Oo X o0 OooO . . r ! = 1 : J Eurela Saloon , h ' . McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. \ : Fine Wines , Dqtiors and Cigars . Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : ' ' . Old Crow , . - Sherwood , , Hermitage , ' . : _ . Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , . . . , , Sunny Brook Spring Hill , : : and 29/year/old and Jas. E Pepper O , F. C Taylor These whiskies were purchased in bond " I and came direct from the U. S. gov- . ernment warehouse. They are guar- B i . _ anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- . excelled for family and medical use. ' , Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and .DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon ; and Budweiser Beer , -z ' Valentine h' = Nebraska J ¶ I OLtirtered as a Stntc Bnnk Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , ISSI. August 12,11K-J. : ) : J The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Yalentine. ; - Nebraska. . . . OARITAL PAID IN ' : A General Banking , Exchange $ 2 5,000. and Collection Business : : : : O. H. CoKJfKiii. , President. ) [ . V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GJ/KX HOKNIG , Ass't Cashier. , , - - = " " - " " " " F--T L ' , Try our . , "i V Wi I HomeBakery. s L _ d . : K Ki Jf Jfre yf IAA o Read the Advert sements1 . 1 C. & N. W. New Time Table. WKST HOUND : No.1 , 7:17 p. in. New passenger train. No. : 3 : , l : : 5a. ) in. Old " " No. llli ! , 11:55 : p. in. Through freight train. No. 81 , " : OO p. m . Local freight train. EAST'BOUND : No. 2 , 10:12 : p. m. Now passenger train. No. 0 , 5:03 ( ; a. in. Old" . . No. 11(5 ( , ( 0:20 : ) a. m. Through freight train. No. 82 , 11 :00 ( ) a. m. Local freight train. - , Talk of the Town , . Four- room house for rent. I. M. RICE. M. : Katie Noble : is home from California. Will Metzger : was Til town last week on business. ' ' Wm. Smith has bought Harry Harper's red auto. : J. C. Salmon's big sale Friday June 10 , on north table. Alfalfa , Millet , Timothy nnd Clover Seeds at Fischer's ' Hardware. J. C. Salmon's big sale of stock and farming implements June , 10 , 1910. ' 1910.Mrs. Mrs. Quigley and Gertrude are in Bellview attending commence ment. . / Walter Tinkharn and Jesse ] YJc- Vey were in Valentine Tuesday on business. Mrs. Olson and son Elmo are visiting friends in Bassett and Long Pine this week. - t A car or two of Early Ohio po- tatoes for sale. E. ORMESIIEK : 9 Valentine , Nebr. Mrs. McClean is visiting friends and taking lersons in Christian Science in Omaha. Bo.ys' suits , from 8 to 16 , value § .50 , to be sold for $2.50. ; 1 3 - Mike Davis. No ,1 boys' suits , from 4 to S years , value § tt 00 , to be sold for § 1.95. - Mike Davis. 21 3 Our VACUUM CLEANEtt will do your spring house cleaning. Order it from Fischer's Hardware. 14 Frank Biggie of Coffeyville , Kan. , visied : his son Earl last week and . goes to White Lake S. D. to work. ! The CRYSTAL WHITE KEFBIGr ERATOE ] s what you need this summer. Buy it at Fischer's ' Hard7 ware. 14 L. E- Garlock and family left 'for Geneva , Nebr. Saturday , where they expect to visit relatives for a few weeks. . The C. W. Way Co. , Architects , Hastings , Nebraska , will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for informa- tion. 15tf At a banquet given by his college club : at the Hotel Lojal last week , Chester Wells was chosen as one of the speakers to respond to a toast. His effort is very liignly y spoken of by t > his Creighton classmates , also is mentioned in the Daily Bee with credit to the speaker. . . ' . . : , Simeon . . Items . . ) - : . . " J Conservation is spreading into Cherry county. We notice the manure spreader in operation at C. S. Reece's place. Miss Cora Thackrey returned to her home from Kilgore where she was principal of the school. P. H. and Mrs. Young : are in Valentine attending to their duty as county assessor. P. H. has made a good officer. W.L. Cohee is spending : ; his time on his Kinkaid. He has a neat little home , where various small fruits , evergreens and shade trees please the eye. Mr. Lawless and wife who went ' ' to Canada have returned to Cher- ry county. Steps are being taken to organ- ize a local telephone line that will reach most of the neighbors. The telephone is the most useful farm implement of , its Value , that we have. - . Our people are taking some in- terest in good roads. It is time that roads be made as fast as prac- tical. While roads through the ranges of hills will not be good , the valleys can be graded and good substantial roads made where now it is wet and very soft. Poor roads are a very live cause of dis- tisfaction with country , life , Gollmar Bros. Circus Has Great Ensemble of Clowns. Buster Brown , Little Nemo , . Happy Hooligan and Foxy Grand- pa , would certainly make a great quintette , at least , so the Gollmar Brothers think , and they back their opinion by paying notorious mis- chief-makers a large sum to travel with the Gollmar Brothers' Circus. These grolesque characters have been impeisonated on the stage , with satisfactory results. A great deal better opportunity will he given them to display their en- centric disposition on 1 the ten acre exhibition grounds of the Gollmar Brothers Circus. Happy Hooligan and Foxy Grandpa will be very con spicuous about the Gollmar tents this year , and , with Little Nemo nnd Buster Brown and thirty-five other jesters to assist them , u very funny time is expected. AnoMier laughable clown stunt will be an ostrich hunt with a comical clown as Colonel Theodore Boose velt. : The South African ostrich hunt will for convenience , take place on the great hippodrome track of the Gollmar Brothers Show and it will , prove to be the most comical Bur- lesque ever seen under canvas. Then Little Buster Brown and his "pup" have a lot of funViv ' stunts , along with the jolly crowd of other funny clowns. Gollmar Brothers Circus will cer tainly furnish' plenty of genuine and innocent fun for the patrons of that circus .when it exhibits in Val- entine , Saturday , Junell. I Eli Chat. Harry Springer went to Merriman \ Friday. N . D. Smith and family went to MerrIman Friday. ' Miss Ester Ricketts spent last Sunday at home. ' J' _ Chas. Wallworth went , to Merr- iman "Wednesday. I Walter and Mable ] Bicketts went to Merriman ednesday. Wm. Alder and family took din- ner at , , , . D. Smith's Sunday. . Lnla Ricketts went Merriman : Thursday : morning on the freight. "There was a box-social and dance ' at the club house last Saturday night. A good time is reported. Walter ; , ujketts ! went to George rcNanl ? ? trSunday afternoon , and then took in the decoration services at Center on Monday. H. G. Quible and family , Paul Quible , Alice and Ada Neisoi and Gilbert Marral accompanied . D. Ricketts home from church Sunday. There was was a good attendance at Sunday School n.nd church Sun day A. 1Sunday , [ School will be held at 2:30 : o'clock P.1. . next Sunday. Misses Genevieve Fagan , Gladys ] Fairheap , Mamie 010,1'1and Mable Ricketts went to Valentine Sunday night. . The young ladies will at tend the normal. . , . . . . - Peck's naughty boy ' loves ' beauti . . . . . . ful sights ( don't know whether To' call it scenery or not ) . He was p eakin' out of the winder and saw . oh , such a sight. He was as badly excited as he was the time he put a Dancake , smeared with molasses on his pa's chairVhat ( ) did he see ? Oh ! A young man and a young wo man horse-back-ridin' ! bof h on the same horse , too ! and oh ! he had his arm around her holdin her on. ( And the lady didn't care a bit , her cheeks looked like a big apple , and then the young man looked like - he was happy-very happy. PECK'S BAD BOY. Presbyterian Church. J. M. CALDWELL , D. D. PASTOR. Next Sabbath eyeing , at the Presbyterian Church , the pastor , Dr. Caldwell will commence a series of things be sawin the Lond's Land. These talks will continue during the Summer Sun- day evenings , and are hoped to be instructive and entertaining. They will aid all to a better under- standing of the Bible , and will be 'attractive to those unaccustomed to attend church services. The topic next Sunday will be "Joppa and from Joppa to Jerusalem , by I way of Ramleh and Ludd" . The I morning subject will be the "Best , Stimulant" . All cbrdially invited.1 i > 1 j ' . . . . . - . RESOLVED + THAT A HOUSE SHOULD'BE WELL MADE FROM THE GROUND UR- A MAN SHOULB BE WELL D&E.&SED ! FROM THE GROUN&UP. SHOES ADD MUCH To MAN'S ' APPEARANCE AND COMFORT. . \ XRF AT YOUR fEET WELL , ' 1 ' ' ; ' , ; r THEY STAND THE STRAIN . Ac1' , - . ' . Li1I'a . - _ eopyraqtaC 19 : : ; , . L . . . Pf ; s-o : . -I/N. ) . , WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS IN OUR TOWN FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF SHoES : " fLoRSHEIM * SHoES FOR MEN. \ SELBY SHoES FOR , WOMEN. EDUCATOR SHoES FOR CHILDREN. - THE REASON WE RECOMMEND THESE SHoES To YOU IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE STooD THE TESTf . OF TIME. WE KNOW THEY ARE GooD SH.6ES AND THAT \ /E GIVE YOU GooD SHoES FOR YOUR GOOD MONEY. COME TO US AND LET US SHoE . YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. , . . , . . RESPECTFULLY , . . : . . . ' Le Qc1OtJ.4 ; 'r'e'r . Farm Implements - V\T e sell farming implements well as other . . merchandise at reasonable prices. f. Call and try us. ' - CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , ' MAX E. VIERTEL I - - DEALER IN EVERYTHING. - r + 4 , Ji---L = = -GO TO TH' . : _ ' THE KA1TT 1 ' g : . FOR . I : Good Clothing9 . - F Shoes and Oxfords , . " I' ? ' Gent's Furnishings 1 , AT RIGHT PRICES , I I THE 11 A1R 9 ; . .r ; - 9 R Phone 145. H. W. HOENIQ I , Propr. : = : = .S f a s a H5 S UTliTi iJT , Stetter & Tobien , Props. xJP | | ' I I ! I I III ( DEALERS IS : = + 1 , . , ' , ' 'i s : i i All Kinds of Fresh ! ltii'flB * * ? Asf L' t . ( ' and rait Meats. . . . . Will ! buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. - -