Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 02, 1910, Image 5

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' " '
: -
- i I \
\IIL . _ -
j ® A
i\IRed *
G CedarI
1 Flakes ' I
A sure protection
against moths. Com
posed of Red Cedar re-
enforced with some of
i . '
the best Moth killers
, t I Get a box when you A
' put away your furs and
woolens for the sum
mer. -
I Large box for 15c. . m
, ( ! A * .
MlJr- --i7Trra3EiaHl
. - . . . . - - - . . . . - - . . - . . 4 EllJG :
- - - . .
- - - - -
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man - for you. It is
suited to the need of I
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
t , Pay by check , the '
method puts system in-
to your business and
gives you a record of
t ' : every transaction.
' . ' . . _ . _ . - . . . - ivwwv = = ,
Ir rwwvw ,
. : * : JOHN D. EATON
1 Drayman
: Light and Heavy : Draying J < ,
. , Furniture and pianos handled : < t
, in a careful manner. Coal
, hauled and trunks and grips :
> a specialty. Phone No. 13i.
Are You Going to Do It
This Spring
or put it off and not have the benefit
and lose the value it gives { to a
place ? .
Put out a few of the best varieties.
It'e most interesting will do you
more good-we want thein to do 3-011 :
good. .
good.We I
We have the following varieties in
the nurser ) ? :
We have 22 varieties of Summer ,
Fall and Winter Apples , 7 varieties
of Crab Apples. 5 varieties of Cher-
ries , 7 varieties of Plums , Peaches ,
Currants , Gooseberries ; : , Blackberries ,
Raspberries , Grapes , Strawberries ,
Evercreens , Shade Trees , Forest
Trees , Roses and other Ornaments
adapted to this part of the state.
GET THE CHEAPEST for a lonir
time usefulness TREE IS A PER
prown nearest home. They are ac
climated and grown under same con-
ditions jou want them to grow , and
where they can be had fresh and'
planted the quickest , and from those
that are gowingorchan : s for them-
selves and are producing fruit and
will lurnibh : any information desired
for you to succeed.
Come to the nursery and see the
stuff or write for catalogue and
prices. 65 acres in nurserv and our
own orchards. .
, Chas , } , Boyd ,
Brown County Nursery
Ainsworth , Nebr ,
Nursery one block north-east : of the
) Court House.
) .
i W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
1 25
I 1 1/ . Nebr.
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine ,
: _ '
1 H. AILEY ,
1 Dentist.
Office over the grocery department
erf T. C. Htrnb 's store
. .
- -
. , C w v
The only high-cis
; Baiting Powder sold at
a moderate price.
f' '
r : ii'
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
WEEK ENDING ; .J1J1'l 2 , 1910
Daily mean temperature G0 = .
. .
Normal temperature 02 =
Highest temperature 81 ( ° .
Lowest temperature ° .
Range of temperature 40 ° .
Precipitation for week O.IW : of an inch.
Average for a . : ; years 0.8of \ an inch. .
Precipitation March 1st to date 2 li ] inches.
Average for 22 years 6.97 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
- _ _ u _ _ _ _ _
Talk of the own.
. .
Four-room house for rent.
„ ! . , M. RICE.
M. Katie Noble. home from
"repay the highest cash price
for , creaml . - A. JOHN & Co. 15
Fresh garden seeds in all va-
rieties at Fischer's Hardware. 9
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Zarr : , Monday , May 30 , 1910 , a
Boys' suits , from S to 16 , value
$ i.50 : , to be sold for $2.50.
21 3 - Mike Davis.
There will be services Sunday ,
June 5 , in St. John's church both
morning and evening.
Combined book case and writing
desk for sale at about half price.
- \V. B. Grace , Donoher Hotel. 2
ERATOR is what you need this
summer. Bus it at Fischer's Hard-
ware. 14
The C. W. Way Co. , Architects ,
Hastings , Nebraska , will furnish
you with plans and specifications ,
for any class of building you wish ,
to erect. Ask them for informa- (
tion. 15tf
There will be a cradle roll con-
test Sunday June 5 at 2:30 : p. m. ,
at Ward school . house , 4 : miles
northwest of Valentine. Every
body invited. Admission free.
Collection taken.
The mission at the Catholic
church last week was well attend-
ed by Catholics from all parts of
the county. The Reverend Fath-
ers , John J. Donoher and Simon
A. Ryan S. J. , of Chicago assist-
ed Father Blaere in conducting
the services. .
A memorial program was given i
in the high school Monday , at-
tended by the old soldiers and fol-
lowing aM 1 went in autos and wag-
ons to the cemetery to decorate. :
Rev. Caldwell preached a memor-
lial sermon at the Presybterian
church Sunday , with the old sold-
iers as guests. -
Rev. Father Leo M. Blaere ex-
pects to depart Friday night for
New York where he will take the
steamer for his old home at
Kortrijk , Belgium , to visit his
mother and sisters whom he. has
not sppn for a number of ypars.
HP will ! also attend 'The Passion
Play" atOberammergau , Bavaria ,
while in Europe , and expects to be
gone fiboufc three months The
Fathers of St. Francis Mission
will have charge of the parish
here during Father Blaere's ab
John M. Roan of Woodlake and
Miss Eda V. Broad of Britt , were
married at 2:00 : p. m. , May 12 ,
1910 at the St. Nicholas church ,
the Rev. Father Blaere officiating.
Mr. Roan is too well known in
this part of the county to need
comment. Suffice it to say that
he is still a young man , engaged
in the ranch business southwest of
Woodlake , and by fair dealing ,
industry and sociability has made
many friends besides accumulated
a competence. Miss : Broad is one
the Cherry county teachers and
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Broa'd , living 12 miles
northwest of Valentine.
. .
I .
S Stetter Fischer.
Wednesday , June 1 , at eight
o'clock , occurred the marriage of
Miss Anna Stetter and Mr. Frank
Fischer jr. , HCT."r. . W. Wells :
performing the marriage cere-
no ony.
Miss Margaret Haley presided
at the organ.
Miss Caroline Stetter acted as
bridesmaid and the groom was at-
tended by his brother , Mr. Roscoe
Only relatives were present.
Autos took the bridal party to
the borne of the bride's parents ,
the newly ] married pair taking the
10:30 : train for Chicago. - I
THE DEJIOCIIAT \ extends con-
Presbyterian Church.
The sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered at
the close of the morning service.
. . All members of the church as
well as others desiring to commnue
with us are requested to -be pres ,
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the
Citholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday , June
12. Low mass at 8 a. m , 2nd
mass at 10 a. m.
County Clerk Cumbow was in
Omaha last week.
E. H. Bohle of Johnstown was
in town yesterday. '
E. L. Hutchison was up from
Penbrook , Tuesday.
Judge Quigley visited Wahoo
last Saturday to Tuesday.
Col. Towle has been quite ill
and has a nurse from Omaha.
Mrs. Nicholson departed this
morning for Seattle to spend the
Grant Boyer and - assistants . built . , . . . . '
a fine porch this week for ye edi-
t > r , I. M. Rice.
Mrs. Geddes is fitting up the
Borman building on Main street
for an ice cream parlor.
George Tobien and wife came
down from Crawford to attend the
Stetter-Fischer wedding.
Robert Koontz and family have
moved here from Merriman into
Mrs. Carter's smaller house.
Elden Sparks is back from Seat-
tte and has resumed his position
with the Ludwig Lumber Co.
The Valentine Lumber Co , is
building a large shed on the cor- I
ner of Catherine and Hall Streets. 1
No 1 boys' suits , from 4 to S '
value § 4 00 to be sold for' '
years , \ e : OS , sold' : I tl }
§ 1.95. - Mike Davis. ' ) l 3 II t
. ,
s :
A car or two of Early Qhio po-
tatoes for sale. E. OIIMESIIER , 0
9 Valentine , Nebr. s '
Our VACUUM CLEANER , will do ' '
your spring house cleaning. Order
it from Fische'rs Hardware. 14 t
The Valentine Bakery was pur-
chased by the Horne Bakery May C
20 , and Mr. ' Valentine binds him1 1 )
self to not engage in the business ti
in Valentine for five years. : 1
August Detgen and Miss Anna 1 ;
Giese were married at Hancock
Minn. , April 3 , 1910. The bride
is a daughter of Herman Giese , e
who moved from the German C
Settlement 15 years ago.
The Masons had third degree
work Tuesday night , conducted v
by Rev. Wells , who has also been
chosen as delegate to the grand
lodge in Omaha next week. He
goes today to Woodlake as in- t
stalling officer of the 0. E. S.
A. L. Stewart , T. W. Carr , f
I \ Ir. Boyer , Mr. Bohner and Theo- t
Folk from the south central part \
of the county were in town this r
week , making returns to the a
county * Also Ira Johnson of Latl
vaca , Mat Boltz of Nenzel , ' \Y 1Il. a
Wray of Kilgore , Frank Lee of rt ]
Brownlee and . several others were ) h
. , - ,
in town.4 c
- I
' . . ,
- - - - - - -
. . . .
; is
. ' , . J !
- : b -
I , -
I. I I Kiigoe : , 1 . e b r . , .
- /
, : ' : Two Days = = = July.4th and 5th. .
, . , . . - - -
. '
" , -H . . .
I t e
Plorse race - - . . - Prize 20.00 ( I : ' I Bucking contest ' - Prize $10.00.
Saddle horse race - " 15.00 Fat man's race' - " 5.00 *
Pony race J \ . - " 10.00 . Sack race - - " 5.00
Foot . race - " - 1" 5.00 _ Greased pig - . ' - , " 2.50 , . . \ '
Girls' 1 race - - - _ " 2.50 IT' I1 race - - " 2 .D .0'
. -
, Eoping contest , prize 1000. , - : " .
- ' .
Two Stands. Beef for Indians.
= - = -
Fire Works in the Evening.
Everybody.Come !
. "
- ' - -
. . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . . ' _ ' .n. . _ . . . . . _ . _ . . _ , . _ I _
Old Crow'
. , , '
t- 'f.
Hermitage i .4 D .t , firt , , Brands '
and . Bottled
. ,
Sr. ,1 ;
Gruc'hen- n tjjffKKivg - .r ft Yvi' ' . ' . _
- y' D ; Under the
y %
- A&s , , $ & * i i
- -/vss-f a I i <
heimer . Supervision :
Rye of the . '
- ' ' "Y : ' .
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.V : :
\ , \T e also handle the S5udweiser Beer. . .
- - - - -
Notice of Hearing.
' 0 all iKT.sons } interested in the estate . of
' 0111 II. Ooleniau , Into of Cherry county , Ke-
iraska : , deceased.
You are 1ll'I'Chnotlfll'd thnt on the : + :
ay : of May : , , J' : . n. 11.(1. ) ( E. 1) . Clarke : Hied ' a i
iPt ' Itlon in thl'l'ountl'ourt of Cherry ' coun-
y , Nebraska , praying ] ! : ihnt administration
ii said above estate he d spen.M'd ] with and
hat the probate court make a final decree
miiing the heirs of the decedant. ' and that
iiid petition will be heard in the county
ourt room Valentine , in said county , on
lie llth d : ' \ " of June , . \ . 1) I . , UUO , at th ' hour
f 10 oVloi k a. in.
It is ordered that notice of said
earing be given all persons interested ' in 1
iiid e.state'by the publication ) of this notice i
: > r throe successive ' weeks ' : in Valentine
) lenioerat ' , a newspaperprintedantlpublish- : ] 1 ]
il and circulated ( county. ' .
Dated this : : : ( day of May : , A. P. . I'.UO.
SEA i. ] . 0 : .5 County Judge. !
Last ! week a day operator at
> dy , A. II. iMcShever , who had
teen there a short time imbibed
oo freely of the t cup that cheered ( !
ilm , going into the Cody hotel
: itchen and raising a disturbance.
Vhen ordered out by one of the
girls he slapped her and brand ish- i
d a revolver in her face. The
ashier ordered him out and he
ailed her vile names , pointed a
fun : at her head and threatened to
hoot her full of holes. His abu. = e
ras \ endured until the landlady ar-
ived home. She applied to the
ustice of the peace , F. Kemp
Jeath , to get papers served on
he outlaw and hold him in cus-
ody until the sheriff could arrive
rom Valentine , but the justice of
he peace didn't act in any way.
Vhen Deputy Sheriff Francke ar-
ived some persons hid the outlaw
way , but he re-appeared after .
he sheriff left , brave and fral'less.i i
s before. Complaint was made to :
he railroad officials , who reported
im and he was immediately dis-
harged A. CODYITE.
- - - -
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_ 1 P 009 an d BiHiard ! H a II I '
Id' p
I Cigars and
, . )
" , Soft Driilk
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:1/1 : . " ' . - & - = C"JW ' 1. " . 1i' ' , - - @g = = -v..J ; > ; : "f.'I " ' ' - . . ; W-d'n'T'i.Jtr'It ; ; - ' . . ; ' " ' " , - - = g' N : . . . . . . . . , . ; . . j . . . h.9".r. . . , ; : - = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1 / . . _ , - - = - = : ; 'p67 < .J'- ? \ I ' I J
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I Do it Now - Tomorrow may be
I braa = Itoo late.
It isn't safe to figurethat a hail
storm will not strike your crop this yea c'
I Figure that it -will and insure in this-
I time tried and reliable company , where
z 1- r wry policy issued is guaranteed j b y ; a
* . . - < in cash capital and surplus.
t , z Ask for prices and terms.
I ! J' F TDf11 ! ( -v
Jl ! A < ( "Vw V jD d : d
" . Mll NAbJ39 MINN.- . ;
. ' _ . _ . . . . . .
. . .
. TI ' VDra l1 , r ; .rtgent1"V . lent ne'Nebr. . .