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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1910)
j-- - - - - - - - - - - - 1gr J' ; : _ _ . . - - - - = - - " - - F . - + . , . . . . . . . - . ' " . . . . . . , , . . ' . ' . . . . . . . ' , . " , " : " " , . : .l . ' ; , " ' ; ' ' _ . _ : 'r ; , . . . - - - - - - - . " ! 44 @ t @ @ 1'A 1's 1'i i ' s R ' . a Cost : . I lr . I ' t We will close out our line of . i / ! _ Manure \ Spreaders , . Corn ; Planters , r ( . , Gang Plows , Listers , Jclin Deere Rid. ing Attachments and.Freigllt . Wagons j .J " I : .i at cost. You will save money by look- \ i I , e ing over our lineof @ I : , ; . Breaking Plows , Stubble Plows and f Cultivators. r I' i - - e - vV c sell the Superior Drill and have a' ' full line of the Rock Island Plow Goods. i We are satisfied with a small profit and , , 1 will close ou t our John Deere goods at _ _ cost. Save money by getting our prices before purchasing. ' , LUDWIG ! LUMBER Ct , _ Valentine , Nebraska _ f ) .r @ @ . - - - - - - I The DayIig > I1t Store . Spring is here. Meet her with the springy I I step that shows your feet have the spring = time gladness , which means wear the , I . ' Gotzian or Wats Shoes I They are snappy and stylish ; they fit like Ii i 3'our foot print. Call and take a look. i I , A olln : , . Co EI ) Ij j Ii I i BASEBAll SUPPLIES ! ' We carry the lines of A/ G. Spalesmg & Bros. A. J. Reach Co- Victor Sporting Goods C0 Baseball Shoes , Bats , Balls , Uniforms , Masks : , Gloves , Mitts : , Basket Balls and supplies , Tennis Rackets , Balls 1and. .r and Nets. A classy assortment of Pennants. In fact f we carry the only complete line of sporting . goods in the city. Send us your mail orders. L 3 - : .1 i Fischer's Hardware. . I _ t I , . , . r : - 1 I . , . ; , - I . r a { W . . ; rf a { r W , C r F n tr l _ l d e f3 ® i s3 0 i o r r , f Sold by , i r C ® McCleer ( Carroll ( , o e Y Valentine , Nebraska. : S _ ' vw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . f J lleiry ! Schaefer , ' - , . . Nenzel , , Nebr. , * - 1 Has received three car . . . loads . of Farm Im , . , ' plements , Harness and Hardware. He . , . . . - ' : wants the farmers to know that he can , supply them at a saving in price. ' Every- . , thing needed on a farm. . Gall and see me at / NENZEL = NEBRASKA " t ' : - . ; . . . , \ - - * - - , . . ' 1 \ " , ' , " ' . " . . . . i . " ' . . . - ' . . . " ' " J" " , ' - . . . - , ) VALENTINE DEMOCRAT . " I. M. RICE - Editor and , - Propr. . f Mark Zarr - _ - Foreman. Subscription. - § 1.50 Per Year. Local Notices , 5c per , line per ' issue . Thursday , June 2 , 1910. To my friend , Col. Bixby , of "Daily Drift" fame in the State Journal : Please take note , and give Porter a rest until Ludden . 'puts it back. " Junior Normal , , Valentine , Nebr. ] The Valentine junior normal I will begin June 6 , 1910. The first weok will be Cherry county iostit te. All Cherry county teachers are expected to attend. I have the names of ladies who w'll furnish both board and room to the teachers for § 3.75 per week. I have the names of some who will rent rooms furnished for light house keeping. It will be well for those who expect to find board- ing places through this office to write as soon as possible. , We will arrange for the enroll- ! ment June 4 and all are requested to enroll not later than June 6. : Tuition and use of necessary text books are free , but an enroll I ment fee of $2.00 will be charged , I which will entitle the student to all the privileges of the junior normal , county institute , and the lecture and entertainment course. Those who enroll for institute only will be charged only the regular institute fee of § 1.00. The first f number of the enter tainment course will be an ill us- trated lecture by Mr. \ Abbott of. Lincoln , Thursday evening , June 9. , h. 9Ji.The The faculty ; has been selected from among the strongest educa tors of the state , and provision has b § en made for special instruc- tion in all ' the important lines of . the teachers' work. Anyone who wishes to take ad- . vantage of this opportunity t'o. i ! better prepare themselves espec- ially for the work of teaching , cordially invited to attend. D. F. STORY , Registrar. "For God's Sake , ( I Do Something. " We have answered this call in oar new book- " Fighting the Traf- . fic in Young Girls , " by Ernest A. Bell , U. S. . District Attorney Sims and others. The most sensational , , indictment of the White \ Slave Trade ever Published. It tells how thousands of young girls are lured from their homes annually and sold into a life of shame. The Cincinnate Inquirer says : "Of all the books of the season the war on the white slave traffic is the most helpful ; it should be read b . ; every man , woman and child. ' I : Agents are making from § S to I § : 17 a day selling this book. Over I 500 pages. Many pictures. Price ; $ 1.50. Best , terms to agents. Out ( ' I fit free. Send 15cfor forwarding ! charges. Book sent to any ad- dress postpaid upon receipt of price. Address , James E. Shark- ey , sec'y.,123 Plymouth Court , Chicago. v 21 4- . - - - - - - " . , ' , , . . , , ' I ' , , . . . . ' . , . , - " - . - - ' - . - . . . . , - - - - - - - - I Strayed' from my place , 7 miles northeast 'of ' Simeon , one bay 2-year-old filly , branded II on right shoulder ; 1 bay yearling filly , unbranded , has wire cut on top of left fore leg. l FKAXK J. B. BIGGIN , ' 20 3 Simeon , Nebr. For Sale. I I have for sale 1 Shorthorn and I 1 Red Poll Durham bull : also one I high grade Jersey bull. No furth- er use for these bulls ; will sell them cheap. J. M. : ' KALYA , 16tf Burge , Nebr. JACK ! I have a good jack , ! { miles south of Burge. Service , § 10. 20 2 J. M. KALYA. , Japanese and German millet seed for sale , five miles northwest of Valentino. 17 JESSE BKOSIUS. Local Eepresentative - Salary § 100 to § 150 monthly. Extra commission and office expenses. Representative must have suf- ficient cash to carry stock to sup ply the demand created by New Laws and other conditions. Send references. Position permanent. Rapid advancement to good man. Address Sturgis Thayer , Sales Director , 400 National Bank Com- merce Bldg. , Minneapolis. : Minn. : The . . FaFeB r s Wiie9s Best F triegglB . .r , Old Dutch CleaDSer Docs cil he cleaning about the house @ and tavm , and keeps everything spick ( and span or1 : 0o a month -iU5 try 51. The farmer's wifehas a ready help in this handy , all-'round cleanser that will save her much labor and time. It does the work of all old-fashioned clean : ers-easier , quicker , better Cleans 9 SerVJIbs , SCoiIrssPolishe { Pots , Pans , Kettles , Milk Pails , Separators , etc. The Best l/lfcy--- / To clean woodenware , tables , pantry shelves , etc. , etc.Vet the article , sprinkle with , OlcL Dutch Cleanser and rub with wet cloth or brush ; wipe up with clean water ; wsrr\ wring cloth tight- ly and wipe dry. It cleans clean a and is hggien1 1 cn ic , no caustic or cnDuty 1l acids- avoid them - ' I to * LARGE SUF1ffEFi _ iJilifj _ C . . . . , - . : ) - ' # : > / c I . 't GRANT OY FH , .1 1M 1 I ' CARPENTER & BUILDER. ' X z All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska C References : lfy'lany Cu t''TDer . -nrR 111 i &T & 1iIiMF - w i nrl j = Z-p < & 9Mv4 A. > l X - vAvoy * Stetter & Tobien , Props. w on ' DEALERS IN I' ' 'I I ' w 1 c rtv I I I Iii onD All Kinds of Fresh 1 . i D and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to . sell. ' V . . ' .f . . - - . . " . , - - . , . . - ' , , " . . " , , ' : ' - ' " . ' , . . - , , ; . . . . . . . . . - . . (1' ( - - _ . . , . . - ' L'--- - - - If - . . . I Accurate Edge / Aq i-m inl1fil a DEERE Selection . ' Drop r @o 9 CornPaner faw - ' HE great accuracy of . . 1 T drop iswhat naturally in s terests you most. Deere { f _ V . ' genuine selection of corn gives ties J tr tne'nlghest ! ! accuracy of drop attain , , , ( , _ s- . . , ' ! . Kepeated tests show ten to fif _ - - teen bushels per acre In favor of ac wheels. _ . , , .s'f 1 curate planting. . This , combined with Fertlliz-1 : . ' . ! ' many other exclusive , desirable fea er attach I ; j ! ; tures , makes , the No. 9 a profitable in- ment that hills or . vrstrnpnt. You profit by tho increased drills , . . furnished acrsa ' 'i . yield due to perfect stand , by the addi- tra. . Every detail Is addigrJ.r Ii ! tional years of service and freedom from worked out ia the best ( break down. possible - , " t ' ' and . Come an see us ; . ma mer. ' Most progressive farmers and planters 't / n't faave any other. Best informed and IJCCD . posted. Wo Lave but briefly dealers icfuso to consider . handling . mentioned soaiQ of tho strong fea . . . r' ' 1 any ) ( r.In , estigatothotimesavtyros above. Or drop us a post . ; ; ing and profitable reasons why. " , . " . . . c card , and we will promptly send detailed " free. Deere goods , nedp1"oofBfrec. ; Main seed ' ' . shaft driven 'en directly . Y , . , , the standard and , r' ' aro of highest by traction wheels takes ! all the- ' . ! i : - . 'Ask tho Ask most exacting. strain from check , wire and avoids , satisfy : a . " . . - . . foronrlatest book. The sitle d raft. Compensating valves . our corn , whole subject of insure perfect check of . regardless - , , , . and .tho seed team speed. o Ing curing testing-the , as well as planting , treated in c. Instantly changed . . from check to small space fully illustrated ; a drill drop. Tip-over hoppers - very con book for the man who wants better venient in changing plates. Plates for corn. Handsome pocket ledger free all kinds of corn. Five sets always . furnished. Standard ' , -t-q ; runner , stub run- , : _ . . ' } ncr , , or single disc ' - . t1'r ? ? - - - - furrow , - - .fl u rrovv openers as w 'sa t'.a - < . Pordered. . . ' ? J ; ( Concave . . . . ' . I . . . . . - - ' , 'iCr < ' J z ' .Ji' " or open tire ifJ : . . ( : ; . . lS"-f ; Y y - = 3'f + . - " " " .w _ .r ' [ Jr' : X- = - . . . . d' . . ' - " : . } ; 'I J ? and "orne 0 U with a . , - Jtai % 6W9 Corn Crop " ' ? . ' . J. - 0"'SJ.1 . . [ , G6 : : : J.-Ct ' . : t .E.Ulf , U Jl r ! ! " ' . VALENTINE LUMBER CO. S A. E. Morris W. W. Morrissey 0. W. Noyes . - - @ fj- @ ) _ - I - i W 11iske ' ! V 'or Y Q ) I Go to the , . e _ - e Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER . Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. 0 8 rrj _ . \ : . . . . FGREENFRONTI $ No. 1 Tomatoes at lOc per can. No. 1 Rice , three pounds for 20c. Everyth 1g - else at low prices. , ' Valentine & MiKE DAVIS . " , l Nebraska AVISj ' ' = : iSZS SSSEE2 22 K2KS - NORSE l V SALE , ' The undersigned will sell at Kilgore Neb. , . , Saturday , June 18 1910 I i , , . commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the \ , following property : 100 HEAD OF-HORSES , consisting of some good work horses , brood mares with colts by side , saddle horses , dry mares ; one , two and hree-year-old colts. This is all nice , clean stuff , and of Percheron and Shire breeding. , _ - TERI\/S \ ! OF SALE ! Six months time will be . given purchasers , on approved notes with 10 per cent s interest from date. 5 per cent discount for cash. Frank RofhJeutner. cash.'t i s 't Col. G. E. Tracewell , Atict. W. E. Haley , Clerk. - - - P. ' . - There are two kinds of hor e sales : _ the kind j we have at Kilgore , and the other kind."r e have what . we advertise and will sell what we have. ] - ' . - Dr . M. . T. Meer , I DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store alentine . = . Nebr , . . - - - . , . . . . - - - - . , l I , , : Loup Valley Hereford Ranch C. H. FAL-LHABEE & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. \ : I . :1 Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 , - , ' , ' No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. ' 289 , ' . } 't 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg- ' ; . Bulls for Sale at All Times , \ ° f S . . . , , r ,1 t , . I y . Ji i l