1/ / ' . , . , fJlitoricil Society M1 . . , I . . r , - . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , , . . . , . . ' - - , , . ' . ' - . , . . . . . . , - - - " ; Ann e .to.- ; ' ' ' - , . . . . - , , . ' . . , . ' , . . , , ' " y . : . . . _ . . : ' . ' " _ " , - , . ' ' . - , " - ' " ' . ' , ' " 7 , ' ' , , . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . . . I. . . > ' : ' ' . . ? ' . 'I".l,1. , : - . . Z- " " " " ' I < ' . . . . . . -.c. Y ' t ; " - . . , . . . 4 , . . . . - - . ' ' . . . . . . . . . , ' 1. " . . . ' ' . ' . . ' . _ ' . . ' . . w . A . . ' , . . . . " . " . . . . . . . . ' . . . . , 1 . . .i . . " . "THE .V AI ENTIN'E nEMOcRA1 ' . . . , , " . . : " " . 1. , M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURS JAY , JUNE 2 , 1910. . Volume 25 , No. . 21 - - - - . - Al . - - - - - - - - - M _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a 00 0000 1 0 00 , , GooO 1 1 RED JACKET PUMPS ar GOOD PUMPS ' ' THEY RAISE WATER FROM 'TRE9 I THE DEEPEST WELLS WITH t THE LEAST WORK. CHILD r CAN PUMP THEM. . c _ ) 7) ' 41 ter. . THE RED JACKET - - , , COSTS NO MORE ) e 'M % , )1 1 I THAN ANY OTHER ffi ' GOOD PUSVJP s i . /i11N . , . . . qOq S " -.r.r . = yY. rr. I'11.111 I.ry , AND THEY 1 ARE i n # I P l i.0' 6 W . ( ' " "So Easy fo Fix" 1 t J . / v 1E yr 1 E " Fix 'Em Yourself" r i . n . , r 11. . QU . r - w. f" Yet A RED : PUMP is i 71113 , i . . 4 GIVES YOU A - , i i fs an a r PRIVATE : llunkoy S ; Wnnck p WATERWORKS. . . : : t Come In I : and let Us Tak ! to You About It t We have seme Booklets to Distribute FREE r Tha 1111 = , ' I + , , ill RED ; r , . ; 111 111 JACKET ri Out of Sght ? ! . @O | Eemember also that . we handle D. ' : M. Fer @o 01 > > ry's and Sioux City Seed Go's seeds. . 0 q . Fresh stock just received. " W D 0 , . . O " ' ' " , QW I o "RED FRONT' @om ) ru : ( \\OQ \ \ { > > . f I HARDWARE i A III I S . w * _ , i : : , . ' @o..Clt.rajl j i - - - 8 2S2 S2I532 ! § ! 2I2E = r , -'f 1 Eureka Saloon : ' , I . McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. 4 Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars ; Bourbon * Whiskies : . . Rye Whiskies : . _ . . . . . , . Old Crow , . . , . " . Sherwood , l Hermitage , , , , , . . ' Guchenheimer , ' I . \ ' Cedar Brook , : _ . Sunny Brook , , . Spring Hill , and 29/year/old ' - and Jas E , Pepper , 0 , F , C. Taylor. , I I iS ' , , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov- ernment warehouse. They are guar- - anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- excelled for family and medical use. , Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies Imported . ' Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. ' Bass Ale Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer . Valentine = Nebraska l = = l - - 2 F Chartered as a State Bank Chartered . as u National Bank : June 1,1881. ; August li' : , H:0-1. : The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. OARITAL PAID IN A General Banking , Exchange 25000. . and Collection Business : : : : o. II. ( : omn I.J. , President. 1\ [ . V. NICIIOI.SOX , Cashier. J. ' . ' . May , Vice President. Miss GI.KN HOEKIG , Ass't Cashier. = S3S r ' ZZsKs&sL.i'2K-SL.-Z SE.J Jg K R' ! . 32I' . ' . There' : a Difference , : . . between quality and quantity. We . give you the best quality at a reason- e ' able price. r I Bakery. J ' . 1' , : . . ' b - .s . .lY.bi i"W' d I ; . i Read the Advertisements. 1 . . , . . ! ' . . - . , I i C. & N. W. New Time Table. WEST UOUKD : No.1 , 7:17 p. in. Ne\v passenger train. , . . . . No. :1 : , lJ55si. : in. Old " " No. lit ) , 11rap. in. Through freight train. No. 81 , 2:00 p. m. iMcul freight truin. TAST HOUXIJ : No. 2 : , 10 : Ji' I : ! p. m. Now passenger train. No. Ii ( i , ! iO i ( J5 ) ; a. m. Old" . . No. 11(5 ( ; , ( 1i : 'IIIl ) . m. Through freight train. No. 82 : ! , 11:00 a. m. Local freight train. SCHOOL NOTES Edna Brown was absent for the first time this year because of the illness of her aunt. The greater part of the fresh- men class think it wise to be soph- mores next year. A few still be- lieve there is nothing like being freshmen. Miss ? Drisco.ll and the' 4th and 5th grades are heartily thanked by the superintendent for a model picture book and bird book which they presented to him as a souve- nir to remind him of the pleasant ] school days of this passing year. Miss Driscoll entertained the I pupils of her room with a picnic at the park Wednesday evening , from 4 : to .6. A most enjoyable time was had. Miss VanDriel and , Supt. and Mrs. Bettenga were . I I among those present to share in. the merry time. Friday morning the primary . room will ] have their annual party. I If the weather is i good the party I will ] be held on Levi Sparks' lawn , otherwise in the school room. We will ] I have May pole dances , bean I bag race , and several other games. The lunch will ] ) be meat sandwiches , cake , strawberries and cream. cream..The .The sophmore . - class * * " . . * . was / - pleas- * antly ] entertained by j\Jihnie Ad ' amson at the home of Mrs. Mel- ! tendorff last Friday evening. Flower . and occupation games called for quick wit and was high- ly enjoyed by all. Miss VanDriel and Blanche Hutchison were the prize winners. A dainty two- course ; luncheon was vserved , and when the party disbanded every one felt that the evening had been an enjoyable one. Leno , or whoever it was that said that the high school girl is lacking in business ability , must and will revise his opinion when he hears of the candy sale planned , advertised and managed by the gentler sex of the high school last Thursday. They made and sold ] an abundance of it and so well was " it advertised , so great was the de- mand , that bushels ] more might have been sold. The net proceeds . added to the piano fund $18..75. One of 'the most enjoyable ; oc casions of this school year was the annual high school picnic last Sat- urday. The day was ideal , the picnickers were all in a happy , jolly mood , and the way they did justice to sumptuous viands pro vided by our excellent cooks-the high school girls ] - reminded one of pioneer days of the long ago : The botany class was fairly ] fran tic because of the abundance of specimens , and seven basketsfull were carried away. The hill climbers , the waders , the artists , the idealists , one and all , were overjoyed in conditions ideal. The trip was fatal to one huge spread- ing adder. Aside from a few sun-burnt faces there was naught < < : > but good results ] from the day's outing : in the ozone-laden air. Last Friday during the rain the A class ] of the primary room wrote some rhymes about the rain : Rain , rain , go away , I want to play Today , in the hay , So does May. Morris Eosseter. Hear it rain ' On the pane , If it would rain harder , It might sound louder. . . -Paul Ninas. , : bin' in'r.ain - . .ip ; r -'r.ain ; rain"r r , ' _ See it rain . On the window pane. Rain , rain , _ rain , Margaret Sparks. Fee the rain on - the pane We are glad ] . because it came. . Kobert Hoxsey. See the rain , It is coming on the pane. The tr ees are happy and gay , But the children cannot play. -Reva Rosseter. It is going to rain. . I cannot take the train. It is hitting the pane , . See it come down in the lane. - Kuth Shaul. Eain , rain , go away- Kiss the flowers some other . da. , . . ' Albert Francke. v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commencement : Program , June 3. Piano diu't , Electric 1 Flash Gallop ! , CJoerdeler Kuth Lainoreuux and Martha Halc ' . Invocation - - . He"r. . , , ' . "SVells Orchestra - Poet and Peasant - Lupjie Oration " ' ' * ' : \ ' ' ' ' - "Poetry - Margaret Haley Oration - "The ! American Idol , , ; . Haymond Jones. * ' . Piano trio - - - Selected Claude and Howard Lamoreaux and Harold Dunn. . Oration - - - Nobility Labor Edna K. Hobson. Piano Duet - Lustsniel - Eela Helen Sparks and Kate Ilel/.er. Oration - ' United ( States Tomorrow Lee StIllwcll. Oration - Ideals - Florence Jackson Vocal duet. See the Pale Moon , Campania Helen Sparks , AII McLean. . . Valedictory - ' Effort Decides Success Hazel E. Graham. Girls Quartette - Springtime , Donizettee Presentation of class to Board of Education Supt. E. P" : Kettenga. Presentation of Diaplomas - "NV. E. Haley GleeOIub ; - .Stars of tlie Summer Night Benediction - Rev. J. E. Baker. Gollmar Brothers Ar = range for the Chilnren . Gollmar ! Bros. show , which is booked to exhibit one day only in . Valentine ] , Saturday , June 11 , has made unusual efforts to entertain thgi little folks as , well as the i' alults I with holesom " ' and " profit able amusement. The date of a visit by the Gollmar Brothers be i comes a veritable : children's day. " In this country there are hun- dreds of large cities and good towns where the Gollmar Bros. show is popular. It is always ac corded a hearty welcome and a liberal patronage wherever it ex hibits. The Gollraars would like to please ] the children of every community , bub it is a physical : impossibility for their circus to visit all of its towns at just the right time. To do such a thing would necessitate the dividing the show , and this would ] not do. No matter how small a town the Gollmar Bros. Circus may visit , it is never divided. It is one of the little ] rules that has made the combination what it. is. It is a fact that the Gollmars made greater efforts , and have gone to more expense to entertain the little folks than any other managers. Older people can al- ways find entertainment , but it is the little ones that are neglected by many. Almost ] one-half of the space in the animal tent is filled with objects of special interest to the little people. ] The entire cen- ter is filled with the finest Shet land . ponies ever seen in one col lection. They are of all sizes and colors. Thee ponies are used in the'magnificent parade to pull the little cages of the minaiature me- nagerie. Almost ] one side of the big menagerie tent is filled with little , cute and costly cages , made in imitation of the larger dens. These small cages are inhabitated by small animals ] , such as monk : eys , etc. In the circus proper , there are mauy clowns , who are employed for the sole purpose of entertaining the children. Bus- ter Brown is there , too. In addition to these attractions must be added the several act § of trained animals. The child who is so unfortunate as to be deprived of enjoying : ! such amusement is losing much in .an educational way. Alfalfa , Millet , Timothy and J' ' ' Clover Seeds at Fischer's Hardware \ . . , , . . - - - - - - . . - I. II. I RE50UVED THAT SOME PEOPLE LIKE , - BRILL/ANT / PATTERNSV/Hll-ESoME ' UKE QUIET THINGS , BUT WHAT ; EVFR YOU WEAR IT5HOUUD \ BE' , \ . ' GOOD MATERIAL , FASHOMSi { ( t' i ) 1J1 ) tl ' . . ' t CUT AND WEULMADE THAT 15 . . f \ j ) ) ' ij THE ; ' HAl..L I1ARK - / / BISTER ( BROWN/ ' . . : : : . . . . _ I . - : : : . - - . . : ; : : : : : : : - 11r . . . _ . : ' . . . . , , : , - - _ \ 1'- . _ , - - - . ; T . : . . 1'I ; : ; ' . . " ! " ' ' \ . : : - ; : : ( " : ( - ; ' " : : ' . \ , , . rq.\ . - ' " . , t I ! 'J . \ ; ; l I' eiI ! - : \ \ . " / rr- ' . ' : : : : : : Z Ir. lIb 'i , , . . / 0 I.- : 1.\ \ : tJ'ilh ' . , ' /Jl \ ' I . JI " - : I. ' \ \ ' > l @ ' - II \ . . //11 \ \ ' . ff1 . . //1 . \ . . . . . . . . . _ . J _ : " _ , ' . _ " ( - 1 " 1) 'r. O"J ' - _ , ' ) --qas . - - . , .f - .j . . . . . . . . . " ' "BRILLIANT - - PATTERNS o w + I90 BY THE BU1TS 3KQWN CO.CHICA O. ' : IF YOU ARE PAYING THE MONEY THERE 1,5 No REASON WHY YOU SHOULD NoT HAVE WHAT PLEA5E5YOU. IF YOU LIKE ,51711,5 IN BRIGHT PATTERNS , BRIGHT NECKTIEs , BRIGHT , sHIRTs AND BRIGHT HOSIERY , WE HAVE THEM. _ FOR THO-5E HAVING MORE SUBDUED TA-5TE-5 , WE ALSO HAVE THE BEs.T IN , soBER , STAPLE ! PATTERNS. WE HAVE THE REPUTATION OF CARRYING ' THE BEsT LINE oF' WEARABLES FOR MEN IN THIJ CITY - - WHETHER : BRIGHT OR SUBDUED , OUR GooDS ARE MADE OF THE BEsT MATERIALS. IT 15 IMP055IBLE FOR VS TO ACCURATELY. DE- SCRIBE-C , . . . ; ; . F , . J-AND CoLoR COMBINATIONS. I B-RI-NG : MYES . . TO.OURT.O&E. . .AfUJ.LET- I { . * - - . ; . THElLooK [ AT THE { ATTRACTIVE THINGS WE HAVE TO SHOW. . WE CARRY EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND LITTLE- MEN. RESPECTFULLY , I e. . & Ssv7jSLfirw'1ir''s * Pl57 - Farm Implements , " We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. , . : , . . S ' I CROOKSTON : , 'I NEBRASKA. MAX E VIERTEL . DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . . r ' 11 GO TO THE : - - - : . THE FAIR . \ . , : ; FOR I' ; . c' . Good " . . Clothing , " Shoes and Oxfords , . . . . Gent's Furnishings . . . I AT RIGHT PRICES r : , . . . . . . - ; , " . , FATR t . , Phone 145. H. W. HOENIG , Propr y = = : J , Ii , 1' < . J