Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 19, 1910, Image 8

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" . In.
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1 ; _ etl _ ,
. I' . 1w. A. PARKER
. . - . ,
. - - I
H ' j i i I . : I
- I : . Gener ; Merchandise . i 1
- - - - - - - -
- - - -
f Men's : Clothing and Furnishings ; Ladies'
\ e 8
f Skirts , Waists , Pattern Hats , Millinery :
i' I ' ! t Goods , Notions , . Ladies' 1 ui nishiilts. - I
; Underwear and Hosiery , Boots and I
1 Shoes , Groceries , Patent Medicines. I
I j
( e e
i i , Flour , . Ground , Feed and G ! ain. .
PI P .
I 1 Wood Lake , = l' c : Nebraska
'e _ @ @ _
- - -
. . , J. H. DAY
. , . . ,
. . We Buy and SeS ! Horses .
Wood Lake Nebraska
' , wNebraSk
. . . . _ . ' . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . J _ : - - _ , . _ _ _ . " _ _ . , - " " . - ' , ' . -
. . o ® mtege m moo0 9.P1S &W 2
+ re
. r t Li vE RY STA . > g t HOWE &MONTAGNE
* *
„ Y Livery , Peed and J 4
l " Sales Stable . . , . . . . . .
. . . Wood Lake , Nebraskarm jj
= Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. e
. . . . .
. . .
e t i1 ' 75r i a bittt w. .
_ - H. A. . L YON S ,
_ ( Successor to WVlker : Lyons )
-ii Wood Lake , Nebraska
_ _ Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
_ . and fkhing parties : -
_ I .
j , , A. Mo Lotspeich , I
. ,
( Successor to Ed Young. , ) ,
, Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods
, Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish i i
ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . " .
Wood Lake . . = Nebraska.
Contest Notice.
. U. S. Land Office , Va'entine. Nebraska \ ,
May 7. 1910.
A sufficient contest aflldavit having been filed .
in this olllce by Oliver JJarto , contestant. I
against homestead entry .No. 05125. made I
January 5. 1910 ! , Jnr the SE 4 N \V , 4. S' NKfc. ' i
1 NK ! 4S\Vtf , and SEtf of Section 19 ; SWUXWjf ? I
and W ; : w4 of section 20 : ; and N tvy \ \v'i.t of i
section 29 : , and WHUNXV ? 4 , N W JiNliJi ! ! of sec- 1 I .
tlon 30. Townslun : ; ' . range :13 : , bv Walter XV. '
nus' ' . contesree , if' which it is i allured that saul i II I
WalterV. . I mt , . on launaiy , 1910. made the I
above described entry. Timt prior to making ; I i I I
said entry the said It list determined ' 0 J -ave 'lie .
Unit d Sixties ana go : to Canada , and liucomu a '
citizen of Canada and enter land under tue laws ' ! .
' yf that country but in onit-r that ho might I
speculatate on his rights as a homestead eniry- I
maii under the laws of the I'ntiea State he I
selected the land herein desc ibed { I
and made the filing herein sui out. :
That prior ' to making said filing :
- lie ) . discussed the matter with one of his neigh
bors and to.d him what he Intelll1 d to do. That I
he ) said he would lily on this trafct of land ] ami
then execute < a relinqnishinent mid leave ; it with
his lather to sell. That when ht\ made said
entry he did s ; ) not with the intention ( com
plying ) with the laws as to residence and culti
vation but for the purpose } only ufselliim the
reliiKiuishmcnt. That hi pursuance or this pur
pose he made said tiling ino immediately ,
there-alter .vcutod a ivlinquisliment to saiil I
laud and placed the .same in the hands of Ins I <
lather. O. I ( J. : ] Jtust of Uord ' tu. Nebraska , lu s-H. |
'J'liat having : exicuteu : . said : rclinqu-shmcnt , the I |
eutrymau tuen departed lor Canada mid de '
clared his intention of becoming a citizen of
Canada , and has renounced ( his allegiance / to the
United states. That said re inquisiimenr. is sttll
in the hands of the said 1) I . C. luibt for sale and
trie sum J ) . U. UII , t. : * s the gt-nt of tne said
. Walt . r XV. Rust is uttering Hie same for ihe
sum ot ' :0o. ; That said entry was not made in I
good faith and IIH anmavit in relaiiuii thereto
was false and fraudulent
Said parties are hereby notified to app- ar
rcspuud and otter evidence touchum sai't : alle ; ! a-
t 011 at 10 o'cluck a. m on .tune _ : 7 . 1910. i.e-
lore tile regtrterand receiver at ili " Uiuted l ; :
States laud Ollice in Valentin / ' cl.u a ; ka. r
The said contestant having ' in n pmper am-
.davit Hied . ! \la , ' , 7 , lulu set' forth facts which
show that ultrrdUM uiliirence personal ) service
ot this notice cannot be . nude ! it ishereoyordcr-
, ed and directed tnat such uutice be given by ,
. due and proper publication. I
I M is -1 E. OLSON , Receiver.
. ' . I
JJSurge , Nebr.
" '
. : ' . . Tubular " wells and windmills. - , I ; lm e. u , . b. Y 'relc bane. . . , . _ )
. . .
. ,
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne-
State of Nebraska , I . ,
tis : :
Cherry County is t
' To the" heirs and all persons interested in
I the estate of Delia K. Burr. deceased.
! On reading the petition of Alex Burr pray
ing a llnal settlement and allowance of his
account tiled in this court on the Jlth ! day
of May. 1910. and for a decree naming th < ?
heirs of said estate.
It is hereby ordered thai you and all per.
sons interested in said matter may , and do.
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 7th day of June
A. D 1SUO , at < 10 o'clock a. m. . to show cause.
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted. and that not-
ice of the pen ency of said petition and the
hearing ) thereof be'given to all persons inter-
ested in said matter by publishing a copy . of
this order in The Valentine Democrat. a
weekly newspaper printedin ; said county for
four successive weeks prior to said day of
hearing. JAJIES : C. QUIGLKY.
[ SEAT ] 18-4 County Judge.
480'AcVes good farm land
for rent 12 miles northeast of
Valentine. Renter can have lease
for 3 or 5 years and paid for im
proements.1. M. RICE. tf
4 d l
Anyone sending a BI.etch and description tmv
ulcltly lScortnln onr opinion free whether an
1II v Oil 11 Oil Is iinnuiutv palentaLle. Communlcn-
tlonsstricUyconiiaciiHal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oiliest neencyfor Bccurlnp patents.
Patents taken through Slunn & Co. receive
spt'cialnotlcc. without charge iu the
; eienfif ic Jliticricari
4 handsomely illnstrotPfl weekly. Lnrpeat elf.
cnlation ot my ecicntlUc \ Journal. 1 ' crms. ' 3 a
year : four nibutlia , ? 1. Soldbyull newsdealers.
r Mt ! * 0 1361Broadway , New 1 r
litanth Ulfcd , 625 h t.r wa9hh toU.D. . i I
. - . . , - - '
- - - ' - -
- - , " - , . " - . . . . . . . . . . . . -
. . , . . , . . . . . -
( : N . - ' " , - .i { ; ! ' ' = " < : ' 1
Wood Lake Department r I
i. Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line each insertion. ] ) Isphl ' advertising
.A ) cents per inch pur month each issue ; $1.00 per inch / per month l double column.
LfA = A tAAJtAAAAAA : : : . : _ _ . : : : : : : : J
. .
Pat Peiper is in Valentine.
Halsey Downing and wife are
rejoicing over the arrival at their
home uf a son.
, Marsh Hyde , formerly or our
city but now of Fremont , is in J
Valentine attending court.
Mrs Will Johnson and Mrs.
Barnes returned from the. state
chapter of the Eastern Star and
report a good time.
Dr. Jennie McCullough has be-
gun the erection of a new drug
store on her lot where the other
burned down.
S. E. Smith had to have an as -
sistant to finish his work as cen-
sus enumerator of Woodlake pre-
cinct , and Vance Smith was ap-
pointed assistant.
Mrs. H. A. Lyons was elected
conductress of the Eastern Star
chapter of Woodlake , taking the
place of Mrs. Andrew Johnson ,
who will be absent during the
Mrs. Andrew Johnson starts to
Europe next week to spend the
summer visiting relatives and
places of childhood interest. We
I wish her an enjoyable visit and a
I safe and pleasant journey.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lots-
peich , last week , a son. Mr.
Lotspeich is the new merchant ,
taking the place of Ed Young ,
who , with his wife , recently de-
parted for the western coast.
The young folks sat up last
night to watch for the comet. We
forgot to tell them last week that
they might see it in the papers.
They didn't get to see it where
they looked , but MAY see it on
' the western horizon during the
next week if they fail to see it in
the papers.
Most of our townsmen are at-
tending court this week at Valen-
tine. Those we learn of being
there are W. V. Johnson , Dr. J.
M. Tische , H. A. Lyons , A. J.
Wilson , ' T . G. Ballard , Lou Mc- '
Dill , D. A. Hancock , W. L.
Klingaman , Carl Micheel , Jesse
West , and Russ Carter , T. Byron , ,
Oswald. John and Joe Uehling
from south of Woodlake , and a
number of others.
Our Lincoln Letter.
( Special Correspondence. )
Extra session talk has been re-
vived by a letter sent out by W. J.
Bryan urging that an extra session
be called for the purpose of enact
ing an initiative and referendum
law. To be more exact , Mr. Bryan
urges that an extra session be called
for the purpose of submitting a
" 1\
constitutional amendment provid-
ing for the initiative and referen-
dum , the same to be voted on at the
coming general election. Mr. Bryan
has written to each democratic
member of the legislature asking
for a definite reply at to the mem-
ber's position on the question. At
the same time he has asked the Di-
rect Legistation League to sound
the republican members of the leg-
islature. An initiative and refer-
endum measure was before the last
legislature , but failed to pass for
the reason that many members who
are in favor of the bill refused to
vote for it or any other law until
the platform pledges were enacted
into law. The ' platform contained
no declaration on the initiative and
referendum. Taking this position
the bank guaranty bill was sup
ported , because it was a party
pledge , ' by democrats who were per-
sonally opposed to it.
_ _
-0- .
Rumors of candidates for state
and congressional offices are grow-
ing more and more numerous : , now
that ; the sun is shining on both
sides of the fence. It may be in-
ieresting to know the names of men
nentioned for the various offices.
For governor the democratic can-
; .
- .
didates are Shallenberger and Dahl-
man , and the republican candidates
are Aldrich and Fries. .
For secretary of state the avowed
candidates are Pool , democrat ; and
\Vait , republican. Both of them
have filed.
For railroad commissioner the
republican candidates who have I
filed are Clark of Douglas , and Ewel
of Hall. For the democrats , Brooks
of Gage and Hayden of Lincoln
have filed , and Trenmore Cone of I
Saunders has been mentioned. I
For treasurer , George of Custer ,
republican , and : Sturdevant of Fur-
nas , democrat , have filed.
For Senator , \Vhedon of Lan-
caster and Burkett of Lancaster ,
both republicans , have filed. Gil-
bert M. Hitchcock has announced
his candidacy as a democrat , but he
has not yet filed."r. . B. Price of
Lancaster is also a democratic can-
Congressman , Sixth district. - J.
B. Dean of Broken Bow , W. J. Tay-
lor of Merna and G. L. Shumway
Scotts Bluff , all democrats have
filed. Frank E. Beeman of Kearn-
ey and M. P. Kinkaid of O'Neill , re
. .
publicans , have filed. 0
"When is a lake not a lake ? "
Fish and Game Commissioner Geilus
would like to have an answer to
that conundrum. , - Recently be
prosecuted a couple of men for
seining in Jackson's lake , near
South Sioux City. The prosecuting
attorney and the county judge wepe I
in sympathy with the defendants :
Jackson's lake was formerly the bed
of the Missouri river , but today is
entirely surrounded by platted land I
that pays taxes to ' Nebraska. Once
in a while , when the river gets un
usually high , it overflows into the
lake. The county judge held that
this made it a part of the Missouri
river , and discharged the defendants.
- - o - .
Auditor Barton has announced
that he will issue a warrant in pay-
ment of the Falary claimed : by Sec.
Ludden unless enjoined from so do-
ing. * This is on ' the basis of an
opinion rendered by the attorney
general to the effect that the legis
lature cer.tamly did. not expect a
man to perform the work without
compensation. Yet the law dis-
tinctly states that the office shall
be unsalaried. Evidently , the ne
cessity , of having the Ludden voice
on tap at g. o. p. conventions is
thoroughly recogiiizacl.
. -0-
i The democrats "of Southwestern
Nebraska will banquet at Beaver
City on May : 16 , and one . of the
greatest meetings in the history of
that section is anticipated. Gov.
Shallenberger , E. D. Sutherland
and others will speak.
I am anxious to taarn l the names . .
of all the farmers in Cherry coun-
ty who are practicing "clean sum-
mer fallowing , " which is the most
important. practice in connection
with the so-called "dry farming
methods , of which so much is be-
ing written at the present time.
There are fertile soils in the ex
treme western part of Nebraska
on which it is folly to use the
summer fallow , while there others
appearing much the same on the
surface and often not more
than one-half mile distant from
the former on which the summer-
fallow should be made use of. If
any are practicing clean summer
fallowing [ whether they call it this
or summer tillage , or summer
culture , or the Campbell system ,
I [ wish you would send me your
name and address.-F. J. Alway ,
Experiment Station , Lincoln ,
Nt br.
4-0 Acres pasture with run-
ning water , near town , for rent.
" \ Would make good garden and
chicken farm.-I. M. KICE. 17 Lt
. . . . . . .
h4 -
- . . . .
. - . ' . '
- " . ' . . ' , -'f - . ' . ' . . , . . . . . . - , . " . . .
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle /
Undertaking Goods , Dip , Stock Foods , etc. J
Johnson Bros. ,
Lumber , Machinery , Hard- .
ware , Harness , Saddles . .
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Having Tools , Windmills . ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , - = Nebraska
. Wood Lake , Nebraska
Everything in Fancy
and Groceries
Staple . . .
- = .U
We have a complete line of
' " .
_ ee..e _
Uck , Lausen & . Co. ,
T General Hardware ,
Wagons and
V Machinery. . . .
? . . . H e
- I
. . A complete line of
Harness and .Saddles .
- '
. Household and Kitchen Furniture . --t-
. Lumber and Fence Posts
G- @ e _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Albert Whipple & Sons. )
Rosebud S . D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riuhtsiae
Some cattle also
have a .J. - on neck
Some with A. on
left shoulder and
some branded !
with two bars
across hind qnar-
_ _ / r _ Jters. | Some Texas.
cattle branded S ! ! O on left side and some ,
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle :
branded AW oar connected on both sIdes and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.w'
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip. S
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range - Square
Lake. ; . . , i
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co
Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
, fit s any part of animal ;
r also the following
brands :
> , horses branded tht
Range between
Gordon on the F.K.
&M. v. , R. R. ard
Hvannis on K & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr.
feARTl.KTT RIG ! ! AR.DS. Kllsworth , Nebr
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
( ; . K. Sawver has
charge of these
cattle. II rse- ,
- If sto It'ftshoul-
dor. \ Some
left side. . r IJ.
. : iS
llors k
, same left thigh.
< r4 Kange on Snake
Metzger : Bros.
Rolfe N'ebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear. 11.I ,
. . . . . 91
Horses have
ame ! brasd on
eft thigh. , _
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be 1 aid to any person foi
iufornuition leading : to the arrest ! : and final
conviction of any person or persons : stealing
l'tttl with above brand.
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebi I
Cattle branded JT
on right aide
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
J y Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from an
. , , , . . .
- - ' " = - - - - - - - - - - r - - ---0- - -
. _ _ _ n _
R. M. : Faddis & Co
Postofflce address-ValentIne or Kennedy.
Some branded
Hrf * on left
s. tbfgh "
r Horses brande
ion left . .
gonlen [ r i
or tnipu
J Some Some branded
branded on hranctedil
< > n left i1 or .shoulder ;
or thi - h I
PH'T Ol1g. ! .
- Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left c sIde
Some Q.yon left
I - An left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon
N. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , - JNcuraaka.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and on
left shoulder of hor-
se ? . Also , on
left Alsomon .
F X on leit se.
. .
Some rat . r
tle brnnd- _ " .
ed husk- ' ing ' peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses , MI
MIQ on left hip of horses.
N | on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
' CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for _ information
leading to detection
. - of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
R. M. : Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Net
Cattle branded as
in c - . t on left
sId e. Some
branded > i T V
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river two miles
west of lirewulee
, , , , ,
- - - + . n1
= , .
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis :
sion , Rosebud
S. D.
Rattle branded
as in cut ; horses " ' . . . .
same orn h I * on
IL = = : D
leftthiuh. . Range
between Spring
C'k and Little
White river.
; .
- - - -