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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1910)
, . J 1 ' < * * . / , * " " ' , ' , ' . t ' " . , . ' , . . , ' . ' . . ' ' ' 1 . .1'f - ! . . 1 _ . . . , - - . " - _ ) _ _ 8 I' 1 \ f . . I W. A. _ PARKER L . . , , General Merchandise . ' . : Men's Clothing and Furnishings , Ladies' . . j I , . ? Skirts , Waists , Pattern Hats , Millinery ' 'I I ' Goods , Notions , , Ladies' Furnishings. -144' Underwear and Hosiery , Boots and t Shoes , Groceries , Pat nt Medicines. : . , e - ' " e .L Flour , Ground Feed and GI * ain. _ : . Wood Lake , . = = Nebraska' " i S _ ( ) @ e _ _ , _ . - - - - ' - _ . - - AAAA.AAj : J. . . AAAAA A.A.M : i ' S' iie F J. H. DAY , * - - : GENERAL /'MERCHANOISE , . We Buy and Sell Horses f i Wood Lake , Nebraska ; . " 'ltf . isf , l f . . . f'tf . f . . f . Y ! , . . y . . _ . . . v' " 'U yr " , . , ru'yf ! Swwv - . _ . o . . J s . o . g4oogoQ9pe Q . ! -SlUU . . ' . . ! ? ! , . ! . .uUJl 2 r I 1 RY J g HO\tVE & fJiONTAGNE 4 I . , II l . I I ' Ii. iI Livery , Feed ! and i A" Sales Stable . . . . . . . . . i * i . . . r Wood Lake , Nebraska Ie 5 _ : Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. a J . . . . " . . . " ' ' . " 4 08 < S 3 C. nl * 4J' i"n . - . H. A. LYONS , . _ ( Successor AVelker & Lyons ) _ , Wood Lake , Nebraska . Am still doing driving and freighting. Special . attention to hunting . and fUhing parties. . . T . . A Lotspeich . JLVJH . , JB if jP * r&JP j r * sJLT&JLJl , . ( Successor to Ed Young. ) , : I Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods. . Millinery Goods and Ladies' Fnrnish- _ , ings. , Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. L . Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . " . _ . FLOUR , FEED .A ND COAL. - Wood Lake Nebraska. I _ = . . - - - . , . . . , j - - : S < > 9. - - . - , . . . . . . . . . - fi . Vl 3ezto : . _ -I \MALT EXTRACT _ IL m1Fl\\UJ \ \ I , isn 1.e , . i gyp r , * rl , . . , . . - For the Tired HOUSeMie i m , ' ! ' The dull monotony of the housewife's daily , routine is wearing i on both body and mind. She ' , r will find in Digesto Malt Extract a splendid # " ' . ' . . R tonic whose mildly stimulating effect drivcs away that feeling of apathy and listlessness and gives life renewed interest. I : . . , Palatable and Efficient , MAt.T I . uAt , EXTRACT , , , , , . . p At all Drug Stores 1 rl ° MU// 11n NrY MI i.'M" p , . UADC ONLY BY - THEO. HAMM BREWING CO. , ST. PAUL SCFE rH. . I - PAIAr Bi ; I Ott ratrKru > , o " nehvfrnH r"IrlrMntlrlsr"y DREWCRS OP TilE BEER THAT tp ° j" la6YwonaanY.utr1"r' diuY' ' . Ih.a " . . . " . . , A " g : ' f "Leads Them All" . . . "pt ir6Mlnc ; Wacwrnn. Ca.51. PALL. iiL , rY' , , Y + + uYYr. . , L . ! xArp tW.7J t s II a r I t \ . . . 4 , - . . ' - ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . . . . . , . . . - . . ' . - - -r ' : , ; . i : : * . , ' - _ I .r - < lf ' . . _ r" , . . . . . ' . . s : : " ; . Wood Lake Department : ADVERTISING RATES : r Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line each insertion. Display .advertising Ss50 cents per Inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double co .uun. r . . . ' . ' , . . . . . , . . , . . . . , , . . . . . , , , j"li ! " * k &JJA&AJ &J " ' " A ' " ' ; ; * > - * > * * * * - it ; ; ; ; o ; I ' - I I' i I S. E. Smitb was in town Mon day. Charlie Ballard was in town Monday. J. C. A'f Nal'e is slowly improv- ing in Omaha. Sylvester Hagen is learning the barber trade. Several early risers have seen the comet lately. Rev. Carpenter preached' here . Sunday evening. ' George Roan spent a few hours in town Monday. John Kief took out a load of lumber Tuesday. I Oscar Turnquist was on our streets Saturday. Albert Story is visiting with his sister , Mrs. Iott. Clarence Groves went to Valen- tine Monday evening. Harry Hagen has charge of the town herd this season. J. W. Groves and wife were Wood lake visitors Tuesday. Henry Lay ton is reported very sick , old age being the cause. August Klopping and Harry McDill were in town Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Redick is very sick. Dr. Tische is attending. Mesdames Tinkham and Ward were shopping in town Saturday. Austin Howe and N. J. Uck' paid a visit to Valentine , Friday. . Waggoner is , working for John Applegate a mile west of town. Mrs. Russ Carter is in town under the medical care of Dr. Tische. The work upon'the drug store building is being rapidly com- pleted. Miss Lottie Grady attended I church services ' at Arabia last II Saturday. I John Deihl and wife , Mr. Lamb I and wife visited Mrs. Cunningham recently. W. A. Parker tells us that he expects his wife home in a couple of weeks. : Pat Pieper , with a complete line of good stories and jokes , was in I our _ village Tuesday. I A. G. Ward has returned from an extended visit in the east and ; j I I reports bad weather there. r 0. W. McDaniel has been fitting up a bath room in the residence of I A. M. Lotspeich , the past few da 's. Marshall Hyde and wife have gone to their farm near Beatrice. Mrs. John B. Wood came from Longpine last Friday to visit her husband's homestead south of Wood lake. Mr. : Wood is era- ployed at Longpine by the railroad : company at their pumping station. All improvements have been stopped pending the settlement of the controversy between the C. & N. W. , and local residents as to the validity of title to town prop- erty claimed by the railroad com- pany. The way some of our citizens turn their cattle loose around town is a shame as these cows are ruin- ing the cemetery and gardens around town. It is to be hoped that the newly elected town board will put a stop to this outrage. Sunday evening a party of young : folks , carrying well laden lunch baskets , gathered at the lake shore , where fire was built and coffee boiled. After supper , which was pronounced a success , those who desired enjoyed a boat ride , S . The Arabia baseball team play- ed a game of ball here Sunday afternoon with the Breezy Sum- mit team , which turned out dis astrous for the latter. Score 10 to 3. Umpire , M. Isenhart. The Breezy Summit team was also de feated by a scrub team of Wood Lake by a score of 7 to 3. U m- pire'T. . F. Parker. Charles Ruby pitched for the scrubs. On Monday , May 23 , at 5:15 : p. m. , the Omaha business men will arrive in Woodlake in .solid steel train of Pullman cars. They will have on board their own elec- tric light plant , a moving picture show , an apparatus for taking moving pictures of the people in the streets of your town , the prize band of Omaha , and thousands of sheep bells to "ring for Omaha. " They will also have on board a barber shop , press bureau , stenog- raphers , and a complete telephone equipment of forty instruments I connecting the whole train , and will be prepared at most places to connect up with Omaha. On this trip will be given away tons of advertising matter and attractive souvenirs. Every member of the party will wear a white hat and carry a bright colored sunshade , which will bear the name of the house he represents. The band will lead a parade from the train to the center of your : town. It will then break ranks , and each man'will visit the dealers in his line of business. . r , y r I r = + , er + 3 G I _ . in the baking that is where Calumet Baking Powder proves its superiority ; it : wonderful raising power ; its never-failing ability to produce the m . . . . sn delicious baking-and ita economy. In the baking-that is the only way I . you can successfully test it and compare it with the J I high price kinds. You cannot discredit these kOTHA"EBYTHtti statements until you have tried : CALUMET the only high grade baking powder -selling at a moderato 4 , , cost. $1,000.00 is offered to anyone finding the least ] 11 trace of impurity , in the baking , cauactl by Calumet. "t yE' , tfD' ' Alk your Grocer-and inciii : that you jjet Calumet. qtr 6ilt11G ' { , Received Highest A"aTd World's ] Pare CMICpOb- . Food Exposition ' ' > \ 1907. _ _ - - - - - - - Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine = Nebr , , ' 1. : ! for rent. j I. M. RICE. . . . . - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - Loup Valley Hereford Ranch - , - - C. II. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. ; Ii I i I Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 , 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg- Bulls for Sale at All Times , . - - - - - - - . - , - . J ' . . , c . - ' , " , . - . : . " ' , . , # " " . . . , - - ' - " - - " , Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle . Undertaking . Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. Johnson Bros , t Lumber , Machinery , Hard- ware , Harness , Saddles . . Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills . , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , - - Nebraska - - - - - 8C8jcg : r W. F. PARKER & CO. Wood Lake , Nebraska ' Everything in Fancy . 'F11 - ' 'ij and Groceries Staple t" < oG' ' We have a complete line of OVERALLS and GLOVES C8j . .J ti ) _ _ eO" " _ r 8 8 Uck lausen & CO. , , r CI . General'Iiardware , ' . . Wagons and V ' . Machinery. . . . ' . - \ . . , . complete line of Harness and Saddles e Household and Kitchen Furniture ' Lumber and Fence Posts WOOD LAKENEBRASKA " ' @ - @ _ . . . . _ _ : . o , , _ - - AlbertTllipp1e & ( : Sons. Rosebud S : , D. " Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO : 011 riehtside 0 S Some cattle also have a -f- { on neck Some : with A on left sh6nlder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- IJters. Some Texas < : = cattle branded s * O on left side and some on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattiti branded A.W bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip. S - Horses same on l < 3ft shoulder. Eange Square i Lake. i Nebraska Land and Feeding Co iartlef Rlc-hards Hres Will G Comstock , V. P Ohas r Jamison Sec&T . oas Cattle branded on any part of animal ( s w ; ky ? ; ti" ; , also the following I wx brands : Eg-I I . - v- * * ! ! ij tm m\ : horses branded the . same .rJ Range between Gordon on the F.E. & 1\1 v R. R. and : Uyannis : on H & 11.1',8. : in Northwestern Nebr. BARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Elkworiti Nehr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawver has charge of entile. II rse : , ® - S n S em 1l'ltslioul. ' der. Some k-ft SUIIlt'fij . ilors s _ req-- _ same left thigh. " " ' . ' ' t Kange on Snake F iver. Metzger : Bros. i Kolle Nebr Cattle branded mywhere on left ide. : Ear mark , square crop right ear. y N Horses have same brand on eft ( thigh. h- Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will he paid to any person for iuforiiiiition i leading 1 to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with al'ove brand. J. A. Yar yall.Pullman . Pullman , Nebr I Cattle branded JT . on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from an I range E. M. : Faddis & Co Postofflce ! address-Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded , y IIIJII ! " ' ? con left . . oT , " j t _ - - . "thigh t ; ' ' ; : , ; f ' to ; 38 ( / Horses brain ; d on left gon [ ' uldpr or tuifh . _ I Some . - Some branded branded on hrandediJ Oil lefto or blioulder. shoulder or thigh I RP. P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. . Cattle branded as cut on left side Rome Qyon left jCattle ' - on left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , N. S. Rowley. KenueUj , - Neoraska. Same asrcut on left , ide and hip , and on left shoulder of hor se ? . AlsoEfSli on left AIsoRon ' 1F ) . ai F X on left se . + Some 'at- ' . r tie bJT.I1d. _ : 'or . .c- ' ed busk-5 $ 2BJ8jfinE : peg ( cither sIde up ) on left side or hip. F on left jaw and left shoulder of horses : : , QJ QJQ on left hip of horses. ] N " on left jaw of horses . C. P. Jordan. . Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also . CJ BC JJ on right r. } . ' b + hip. - ; Range on Oak and , Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection - of rustlera of stock bearing any of these brands. R. M. : Terrill , Propr. Brownlee Neo. . . Cattle branded a r in c-it on left side. Some \ ( branded Ji. T Y _ on left hip. Range on North Lonp river , two miles west of ttrewnlee John I Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis sion [ , Rosebud. S. D. . , Cattle : : branded as in cut ; horses P same or a .U\l on left thigh Range between Spring C'k and Little White river. i