Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 05, 1910, Image 8
- - r 1 . , , . . - " . : ' : , . " " , . ' . , ' - ' . " , . . , . , ' , . . . . . ' , " ' " ' " 1 . ' : , - . . . . . . . . . I l 0 , , ; J' I W . - A * PARKER , . , pr : t' . . . . ) ' - tit , II I " ,0- General .Merchandise , 0 , I ! : Men's Clothing and Furnishings , L dies' ' S . ij ) J Skirts , : Waists , . Pattern Hats , IVJallinery I l t\ 1 \ . . Goods , Notions , Ladies' . Furnishings. 'iJ Underwear and Hosiery , ' Boots and , I , Shoes , Groceries , Patent Medicines. e e Flour , Ground . Feed . . - and Grain. . . \ ' " Wood Lake , = = Nebraska . e _ @ 8 - - _ . . " . . . . . ' _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . A' " . . . . _ . , . . - _ _ . , . . . . - . - . ; . . - --J.- . . " . A < " A ; & ' " /i AL- . / t 7 * TTjj K'I K'F H I = DAY , > : - . : ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE l F- We Buy and Sell Horses : : < Wood Lake , - Nebraska j , . . _ . , . . . . . . . . . . " " . ' _ . _ . . _ _ . . ' " . ' " . . ' < . . . ' " ' " w . . . i ® ® o eoaofx neo to . , . , ! ) u.U" UU.w .w , , , ai ! nm-A ; - i" K tE RY 3 TA8 HOWE & MONTAGNE i te ! I _ f Livery , Feed and & H Sales Stable. tt . . . . . . * _ - - S Wood Lake , Nebraska Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. e ' . . 6 'fi .e j . * , H. A. L YON S , ( Successor to Welkcr & Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving . , . and freighting. . Special . attention to hunting 1 I . S , " t. and fiching parties. I S : hi . A. M. Lotspeich , _ . , ' ( Successor to Ed Young. ) " Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods Millinery > ! Goods and Ladies' Furnish _ ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clotiling and Furnishings . . . . , . . FLOUR , FEED .A ND GOAL. Wood Lake = Nebraska Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office Valentine. Nebr.i.ska. I l A pill 8. 1910. ! ) | A sufficient contestaffidavit having ] been liled in this office by Frederick W. Kichardson con- testant. , afniinst / homestead entry No. 16GS7 , serial Ni ) . 02811 made Ancnst 16 1901. for the SW ; < f of section 22. N\VM 01 section 27. Sys of f , section 2 $ . township 2fn , raime Uiiw : , hj- Lester H. Mason , contested , in which it is alloyed ! that said claimant has wholly abandoned : said tract : - for more than six months pri r to the expiration of five years from date of entry ; that lit- has never resided upon , cultivated or improved said tract as required by law and that all pf the jtbove defects exljt at this date and have Lot been cured. Said parties are herpby notified to appear re - - spond and oiler ev.denee ; touching said alleg- tiou at 10 o'clock a. m. , on May : [ 18 , 1910 ! , Up.- lore the judge of the county court lor Hooker county at his office in Mullen : , and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. o , . May , ) , HIlO before the rt' lwtcr and receiver at the United states : land ottlce in Valentine Ne- braska. , fhe said contestant having , in a proper affi davit , , filed March 18. 1910. set fortn facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made it is hereby ordered and oirected that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 14 4 ii K. E OLSON , Keeeiver. . Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OK NKHKASKA i . In the County ClIKlillY COU = 'iT\ ' " . j BS Court. In the mattor of the estate of Delia E. Burr deceased : To the Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the Cornty . Court Itoom in Valentine in said coiiury on the 7th day oi : May 1910 , at 10 oVlock . a. in. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta- tion of claims against said estate is six : months from the 7th nay of Nov. . A. J ) . 1909 and th . time limited for payment of debts is i one year from said 7111 day Jxovemuer. . 190J ! , , Witness my hand and seal of said county court - . .Jthis 13th day April. A. II. l 1910. SEAL JaMES C. QUir.LKY. - v)4 ) 4 Couuty Judge. Walcott & Morrissey , attorneys. t : . JOHN F. POEATH I . Burge , Nebr. " ' - : Tubular wells and windmills. I eC ll me " up ' Hy Telephone. J , . . < , - . . ' . ; 4 - . . . . - . . . . ---5- i Order1 Hearing and Notice on Petition for i Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. i i State of Nebraska. I j Cherry County ( I ss I j To the heirs and all persons interested in i the estate of Carl Beckman. deceased. On reading the netition of L. D. Tice pray- ing a linal settli m * nt and allowance of his account liled in tins court on the 12th day of April l)10and ) for a decree of distribution. It is hereby ordered that you and all per- sons interested in said matter may , and do appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 2nd day of May A. I ) , 1910. at 1 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted and that not- ice of the pendency of said petition and the I liearing thereof be given to all persons inter- . ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat a weekly newspaper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. JAMES C. QUIGLBY. [ SEAL ] U-l County Judge. ! 1 . . . . - - The Secretary of the Fort Scott . Commercial Club , who has lived in Kansas twenty-five years , writes : I "Kansas , with its natural ; resources , ' is the most productive state in the Union ; , and yet we have gained less in population than almost any other state , the increase of immigrant population in this state being less than the birth rate. " Tax payers of small towns in Ne braska are . asked' 'to vote for the scheme of so-called county option , the ' only result of which- would be to in- 'I' crease the taxes on every dollar's worth of property. Clandestine booze would be consumed in the town , for which the people would se'nd their money abroad. . In 1894 Iowa abandoned the policy of prohibition and returned to the li. cense tax system. Vermont and New Hampshire abandoned prohibition in 1903 , and Rhode Island in 1SS9. , : f - - - I , , ' . . . , . t ' . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . r . . . , " _ . _ w' y , r ; : : ' " " - , - - / / J J r' r J J r J J J v i J : r , . 1 'J v i Wood r Lake Department0 ' 0 : ADVERTISING HATES : : Locals or reading notices 5 ; cents per line each insertion. Display advertising Jte > 50 cents per inch per month each ' issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column. * L eotsp.e : : O.I * * r . , , , . I \ fi&J < J < J3&JJ < &Ji < * _ 2 ! i 'V m. Klingamaii _ shipped a car of cattle Tuesday. ; Earl Kayla returned from Sioux City Monday flight. / ' I W. F. Parker went to Valentine Thursday evening. I Jean Cobbey spent several days in town the past week. 1 W. A. Parker returned from Missouri a few days ago. T. L. and Bernie Tinkham were I in town Friday of last week. The dance held here last Satur- day night was a great success. The Odd Fellows held their reg- ular meeting Saturday evening. Miss : ' Dora Grewe visited in our village Wednesday and Thursday of last week. C. F. Miller has been busy with painting and paper hanging for several weeks. Ed Young and wife have gone to Peru to visit their daughters , who are attending school there. Mrs. J. B. Leader returned a few days ago from Chadroh , where she was called by the dea'th of a friend. The Eastern Star held a meet- ing Wednesday night , April 27th. Many : out of town members were present , " Sherry's Comedy Co. , were here Friday night. They gave a good show and everybody got their . money's worth. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Arabia on Saturday , May 7 , at 10 a. m. In Valentine on Sunday , May S. First mass at 8 a. m. second mass at 10. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass. In Crookston on Sunday , May I 15 , at 10 a. m. I The Mission that is to be con- ducted by the Eev. Fathers , John I J. Donoher , S. J. , and Simon A. I Ryan , S. J. , of Chicago , Ill. , will be held in St. Nicholas church in Valentine , Sunday , May 22 to 28 , inclusive. Everyone is most cor- dially invited to attend said Mis sion. Children will not be allow- I ed at the evening services. I LEO M. ' BLAERE , Rector. J , Presbyterian Church. I J. 31. CALDWELL , D. " * D. PASTOR. I Preaching morning and evening I I each Sabbath. i ! Sunday school at 10 a. m. I Christian Endeavor : at 7 r. m. I The services next Sabbath will be a recognition of the fact that this is Mothers' Day. All mothers II and all who ever had mothers to honor and love and have no other I ' place of worship , are invited to I worship with us at this service. j I All are cordially invited to our services. I It seems as though the managei i ment of our State Fair did not make any mistake when on the last day of the 1909 fair , the only day on which the track was fit for t racing on account of the incessant rain , they allowed ten harness I races to be completed ; making a record only equalled once in the United States. The racing could have been delayed and not more than one-half as many finished , but they as true sportsmen gave the horsemen and people just what had been agreed , and the r 1910 State Fair , Sept , 5th to 9th , I promises a field , of horses worth going thousands of miles to see. . . - - - The increase of tax levies -in Kan sas for state purp' ' sc's lh& last : ten years is $7,000,000. This does not in clude the municipal tax levies through- c/ut / ' the state. . - ' - - - ' - J , , . .1 ; - \ . . . . ( , - . t , 2 I Thursday of last week , Earl Hanna had the misfortune to break both bones of his right arm just above the wrist. ' I The Misses Dora Wiesner and Lottie Grady went down to Ains- worth Saturday morning , return- ing on the freight. , Thursday of last week there was a large prairie fire which started near Jack Cronin's ranch. Much I hay was lost and considerable I damage done to the range. Russ Carter was in from the ranch last Thursday and reported : a large prairie fire in his neighbor- hood the day before. It did con- siderable damage , burning a shed and team belonging to Wm. Car- ter , besides much hay and range. Several Valentine people came down and went fishing with some of our local sportsmen last Sun- day. The day turned out bad , however , and the fishermen were nearly I ' frozen when they reached town , with about twenty trout , and a fixed determination to try it . again. i The Tennessee Minstrels show- here Wednesday of last week , drawing the largest crowd and giving the poorest show of the season. It was the biggest fake that it has been our unhappy lot to promote for some time. How a company of men and women I have the nerve to impose upon a community in such a manner is a puzzler. r For Sale. * * I have for sale 1 Shorthorn and 1 Red Poll Durham bull ; also one high grade Jersey bull. No furth- er use for these bulls ; will sell them cheap. J. M. } RALYA , 16tf Burge , Nebr. Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine = Nebr , II I Old ' Dutci ) r Cleanser Will Clea11 It ! Easier , quicker and better than soap , soap- powder , scouring-brick or metal-polish. Just you try itand see. This new , handy , all-'round Cleanser does all kinds of clean J ; j ing - 10 } Q 4. . ' o C o > % S % _ I ; . r 4'r Ftleans 1 o , . S ru s ' q. PoSSshesm Milk pails , separators , glassware , cutlery , floors , . woodwork , bath-tubs , paint- ed walls , pots , kettles , cook- ing utensils ; brass , nickel , steel and metal surfaces , etc. , etc. , in a New and Better Way , Wet the articlesprinkle : with Old Dutch Clean- ser , rub well with cloth or brush , rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Nothing equals OldDutchCleanser for quick , easy and hygienic cleaning. ® rar e ier . . . " . . . . , ' ' , ' ' < . " r' " . . , - " . ' - ' p Furniture and _ Paints and Oils , Cattle i Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. I ( II ' Johnso Bros. , Lumber , Machinery , Hard ware , Harness , Saddles . Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. t Wood Lake , - - Nebraska / - - - CZJ W. . F. PARKER & CO . . Wood Lake , Nebraska " Everything in Fancy and Staple Groceries - - - 8 w- We have a complete line of. OVERAllS and GLOVES KXSX8XSXSX8XSX8XSXSXSXS CI e _ _ S Uck , lausen & Co. , t > ! , General Hardware , - Wagons and , Machinery. . . . @ ' . e . A complete line of Harness and Saddles : Household * and Kitchen Furniture e Lumber and Fence Posts . WOOD LAKE , . -m , NEBRASKA -G _ 8 _ _ e - - Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded , SOS on left side OSO on rtehtside Some cattle also have a -f- } on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across * hind quar- ' . - ters. Some Texas - - ' rj = ff I I " l- ir - jffr " " " cattle branded ft O on left side and some on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle I branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses - - - - - - - - D. M. \ 'Sears. M Kennedy , Nebr. ; Cattle branded as on cutleft side I Some on left hip. S - Horses same on left shoulder. Range - Square Lake. , a , : : I Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. I 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P . Chas C Jamison Sec&Troas : f - Cattle branded on r . " ; , N any part of animal : t 'i ! . . . also the following r i 1 Ii ' ' " , < fl. ; brands : V4V- . : . : . . . . . . . . ; . ; W' . " . ' : : - ) . . ' f. . . I' . ! : - . . . I , . ' " . .r. . . : $ J.i" - .r- ; ) , 'IV II Ji ! .Jf. : R g . . $ , . . . , r b.r i(1 : horses randed tb ' - : " same t- fft . . . , , ; J s Range between tr : : . . . . ' : Gordon on the F.E. & M V. , R. R. atd Hyannis on H & M. R.1J. in Northwestern Nebr. BA.RTl.ETT UIOHA.11DS. : Ellsworth , Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charue of these cattle. II rses S _ S 1i S ! on IHt ] shoul - der. Some left side. HorsesG ; . same left thigh. . ; - - : kange : : ; on Snake river. Metzger Bros. Rolfe Xebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on eft thigh. .ter Ranpe on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will be paid ' to any person foi luformstion leading to the arrest and inill ( conviction of any person ! or persons stealing onttie with al > ovo brand. / J. A. Yaryan. Fullman , Nebi . . Cattle branded .n on right side Horses branded JT . on right shoulder Reasonable rewarO for any informatlor leading to the re - covery of cattle : strayed from on range. , , , ' . , t - R. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address-Valentine . or Kennedy. Some branded on left . . Bgon . . thigh : : ; . . / - r r/ Horses branded ion left Donlen [ or thijrh . . . -u.- - - R K J Some - - Some branded branded on / brandedi1 on left p ; or shoulder. shoulder or thUh : .I .IP. P. H. Yours . Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side ' ° 1\ , Some a. yon left side. -77- on left Jaw of V horses. i - _ _ _ - - S Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon , ' 1ST. S. Rowley. Kennedy.4 . Neuraaka. Same as cut on left , ' side and hip , and on ' left shoulder of hor- ses. Also , on left Alsolon hip. _ : De F X on lert : se . - - . . . -.r- Some ' , . . r- oafc- tIe brand _ _ . . . " . ' ' ed husk- ing peg ( eitber side up ) on left side or hip. F on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. uj , ujQ on left hip of horses. - N [ on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Bosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right . hip. ARosebud Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of atock bearing * ny of these brands. R : M. : Terrill 1 Pr . r > , Propr. , Brownlee , \eo. Cattle branded as in c'it on left side. Some V branded JK. T Y on left hip. Range on North Loup river two miles west of Brewnlee John Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis : sion Itosebud. S. D. . Cattle branded as in cut ; horses JKJA same or .1 Kj I' " , . ° Q left thigh Kange rtetweeu Spring C'k and Little White river. " - . -