Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 05, 1910, Image 7

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- Cured LydiaE.Pinkbum's
, Vegetable ' mpol1fid
t Galena Kans. "A
, - year ago last
_ _ _ L March I fell , and a few days after
. there was soreness in my right side.
In a short time a bunch came and it
,1 bothered me so much at night I could
- ' , : . : : : : : : : , : , : : . . , . : : : ; . . . " ' ; ; : ! : : : : : : : : : i" not sleep. It kept
I i ! 1t ' . . . . fi > : m growing \ \ { larger and
! : mr : . : j : ' fall it
" ' . I ) by was as
I' . i : : ; " . . . } + ' ! ; . " . . . ' ' .
. . iY : i ! Jf\ . large as a hen's egg.
. fim ; I could not go to
- ' : mij : : - : : $ - . j [ bed without a hot
- mm m ( . jam water bottle applied
mn t' . : : ) .ii1m ; ; to that side. I had
J ! 1Hm , . , : ' - - 'I' ! \ij \ one of . the best doc
t' : : : : ' ' . : ' :
. . : : : : : : : : :
? : * * tsIu.III.I.6 # - : : ! : : , : , . ' : : : : ' ' ; ' i ; : ! ! ; tors in Kansas and
_ I : : : : " : ' : ' : ' : : : : ' : "
mmmjn ! : : : ; ; : ; 1. be told my husband I
- - c . . : : ! . :1j : , ; ; ; : : " . ! that would have to
r be operated on as it
, a tumor o caused by was a rupture. something I wrote like
- I to you for advice and you told me not
to get discouraged but to take Lydia
: E. : Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
_ . I did take it and soon the lump in my
_ . side broke and passed away. " - Mrs. : :
_ R. : E. HTJEY , 713 Mineral Ave. , Galena
- Kans.
_ _ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
- pound , made from roots and herbs ,
- r bas proved to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
i female ills , including displacements ,
- I inflammation , fibroid tumors , irregu.
larities , periodic pains , backache , bear-
_ , 1 ing-down feeling , flatulency , indiges-
tion , and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trifle to try it , and the result
- / has been worth millions to many
, - suffering women.
_ If you want special advice write
I orit toMrs.PinkhamLvnnMasS.
-i It - is free and. always helpful.
1 Besides Great Britain , the countries
_ which have old-age pensions are Den-
mark , France , Belgium , Germany , New
_ _ _ - Zealand and Australia.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first
I put up 40 years ago. They regulate
and invigorate , stomach , liver and
J bowels. Sugar-coated tiny granules.
7 _ .
, : .4 Ruse by Which He Escaped Arrest
t , ' . and Had His Debts Paid.
Many amusing stories are told of Joe
Haines , a comedian of the time of
: Charles II. , sometimes called "Count"
- Haines. It is said that he was arrest-
p ed one morning by two bailiffs for a
. . debt of 20 , when he saw a bishop to
L whom he was related passing along in
his coach. With ready resource he im
4 mediately saw a loophole for escape ,
and. turning-to the men , he said , "Let
_ me speak to his lordship , to whom I
am well known , and he will pay the
_ _ _ _ debt and your charges into the bar-
1 * gain. "
1 The bailiffs thought they might ven
. _ \ , ture this , as they were within two or
three yards of the coach , and acceded
r - ; ' -4.\ to the request. Joe boldly advanced
1 \ \ and took off his hat to the bishop. His
I lordship ordered the coach to stop ,
when Joe whispered to the divine that
_ : the two men were suffering from such
. scruples of conscience that he feared
they would hang themselves , suggest-
. ing that his lordship should invite
I them to his house and promise to sat-
isfy them. The bishop agreed , and ,
calling to the bailiffs , he said , "You
two men come to me to-morrow morn-
Ing , and I will satisfy you ! "
I The men bowed and went away
pleased , and early the next day waited
I en his lordship , who , when they were
ushered in , said : "Well , my men ,
what are these scruples of con-
science ? "
- ( 1 "Scruples ? " replied one of them. "We
I . . have no scruples ! We are bailiffs , my
lord , who yesterday arrested your cous-
- in . , < Joe Haines , for a debt of . 20 , and
your lordship kindly promised to satis-
, fy us. "
- The trick was 'strange , but the re
_ _ _ sult was stranger , for his lordship ,
1 either appreciating its cleverness or
I considering himself bound by the
. promise he had unintentionally given ,
there and then settled with the men in
full. ,
- Comfort and
New Strength
Await the person who discovers
: that a long train of coffee ails can
I be thrown off by using
_ _ . : , in place of Coffee
The comfort and strength
, come from a rebuilding new
I nerve cells by the food elements
in the roasted wheat used in
making Postum.
And the relief from coffee ails
come from the absence of caffeine
I -the natural drug in coffee.
- / . . . Ten days' trial will show any
/ '
/ -
' ' ' "
'There's a Reason" for
- - . ' : ; . . . POSTUM
_ ,
- .
Ohio CornmiNisSoner Abo UllwIlIln
to DccidcVl1o "Won tJie Prize.
The people of a certain township in'
Delaware county are excited over a
recent spelling bee contest , and as
opinion is divided as to who won it ,
the facts have been placed before the
state school commissioner for deci-
sion , but be has declined to settle the
matter , the Columbus (0. ( ) correspond-
ent of the New York Herald says.
The teacher wrote to the commis-
sioner about the contest. The prize
was a dictionary to the pupil who
spelled down the others. The whole
township turned out for the bee. Fi
nally s 11 the pupils except Florence
'and Catherine dropped out. Florence
stood on the left and Catherine on the
right and the spelling started from the
After si.-.lling some time Catherine
missed a word and Florence . . missed it
also. Now , because Florence spelled
the first \ord she spelled one more
-vord correctly than Catherine. Did
Florence , a& a consequence , deserve
the prize ?
It was decided that Florence did not
spell down Catherine because she
missed the same word that Catherin.0
did , and so they : continued to spell for
quite a while , when , greatly to her
admirers' disappointment , Florence
missed a word which Catherine spelled
correctly. Catherine was awarded the
The commissioner is asked if this
decision is right. He is also asked if
the spelling had been started on the
right side would Florepce have spelled
down Catherine.
Commissioner Zeller found ; this let-
ter waiting lor him after his return
from a trip to Indiana and anotheB
to a l obt. in Ohio , where he made
an address , ' and being filled with con-
siderable ennui he felt that he wa !
hardly equal to the task of endeavor
ing to find a solution for the weighty
problems presented in the letter. How-
ever , he has no objection } to anyone
else finding the answer. If any per-
son cares to take a day off to figure
out who should have received the prize
he or she is welcome to assume the
; - r 4sc& : L - -
_ _
# r
. . . . . .ru.- " " ' "
Talcing aiedicine. :
When one observes the general at.
titude of the public at large , even
much of the instructed and intelligent
public , on the subject of medicine-tak
ing , the wonder is that more people do
not perish of their own folly.
It is to be supposed that when a
physician prescribes a drug he , and he
alone , is equipped to know what he
prescribes , what for , and how much ,
and how often it should be taken. It
may be , it often is , a dangerous poi
son If taken in excess , or at the wrong
time , or in the wrong combination , and
yet , although it seems incredible , one
continually finds otherwise intelligent
persons arguing that if a spoonful does
good , the process of cure may be
hastened by a spoonful and a half ;
or that , having forgotten the medicine
the day before , double doses to-day will
help them to catch up ; or that , al -
though the writing on the bottle says
"before meals , " they never can remem-
ber it till they have finished eating.
There are also the ridiculous personi
who seem to think that they can
hasten matters by taking a patent
medicine , or something that "helped
them so much once before , " or a pre
scription that a friend recommended
at the same time that they are taking
the medicine prescribed by a physi
cian , but of course without saying any.
thing about It to him.
He , poor man , may be wondering
why a certain drug should be failing
of its expected effect , or perhaps act-
Ing In some curious manner unknown
to science. Sometimes he even writes
b'ewlldered letters to the medical pa-
pers , telling of a mysterious patient he
has encountered , who has proved to be
utterly unresponsive to the action of
some well-proved drug , or who has re
acted to the same in a new and , terri
fying manner.
The sins of omission are as frequent
as - those of commission , and the sins
of carelessness are the most frequent
and most dangerous of all. There la
no excuse for the person who leaves
medicine bottles around where chil.
dren can reach them , or who has the
carbolic acid or the ammonia on the
washing stand. A few simple rules in
this regard can be made and kept by
everyone. Let there be an Inaccessible
shelf for medicine bottles wherever
there are children. Never pour out
and drink from any bottle until the
directions have been read. Alwaya
keep dangerous fluids. such as strong
ammonia , carbolic acid , insect poisons
and the like in corrugated bottles.
A Call for Cou . ; ' h Dropa.
"I tell you I must have some mon-
ey ! " roared the king of Maritanla ,
wJio was in sore financial straits.
"Somebody will have to cough up. "
"Alas ! " sighed the guardian of the
treasury , who was formerly the court
jester , ' "all the coffers are pty.-
It is the opinion of every man who
has made a fool of himself over a
woman that he had the best excuse . In
the world.
Many a man who expects : : to go to
heaven pays out a lot o ! good monijr
for fire Insurance
A Cry el Joc.
f Oswa'd , a witty and original Pari 1 I
r.ianhad \ a mania for practical jok
I ing lie was very amusing to jOk'l
friends , but -when his talents were ex
erted to avenge scna'r0113' there
v.-ns more bitterness than fun in hjs
wit. . One evening when a man who
had not treated him politely save : a rc-
cepticn he avenged himself crutily.
The man was slightly deformed. All
the hunchbacks of Paris , 500 in num
ber , presented themselves at his re
ception. They had received notices .
from Oswald that "if they should go to
this address on this evening they .
would learn of a legacy which had
been left them.
Terrible ! Suffering from Kldne ;
Trimble and Gravel.
Samuel J. Taylor , 312 North Secon/1 )
. .
street. Goshen. Ind. . savs : "Any per
- - - - - - , - - . .
' ri
- - -
son desirous o
learning of m : ,
e xperienct.
with Doan' . <
Kidney , Pills
can obtain tii
facts from nu
direct. I suf
fered from kid-
ney trouble fc
\ thirty years. 1
: : ? often passed
gravel and at
times had to use
crutches. Ire.
ceived no relief until I began takinr
Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me
and I have been free from the trouble
for some years. "
Remember the name-Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo
N. Y.
lie.sson from the Pant.
Macduff had amputated Macbeth's
head. :
"I didn't mind his talking to me as
if I were an old hen , " explained Mac-
duff ; "but I couldn't stand his hideous
profanity. There's already too much
of it on the stage ! "
Feeling that he had done his duty ,
he then took a layoff.
$100 ! Re\VardJj , $100.
The reader of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
In all Its stages , and that Is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease , requires a
tonstltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken Internally , acting directly
upon the blood and mucous ! \ surfaces of the
system , thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease , and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution aud
assisting nature In doing Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith In its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that It fUs to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Addre . F. J. CHENEY CO. , Toledo , 0
Sold by all Druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation
Ants and Colors.
It was proved long ago that antE
have the power of seeing the - to us-
invisible rays of the ultra violet. por-
tion of the spectrum. They fear the
light for their larvae and when al -
lowed choice between different degrees
of light always carry them to the
darkest place accessible. When given
the choice between a compartment
lighted with yellow light and one dark
to our eyes , but under the actinic ray ,
the ants unhesitatingly chose the yel -
low light , showing that to their eyes
It was darker than the other , to man
His IVume Fitted Him.
Not very long ago a wealthy Wash ,
ington gentleman had a new valet
whose name was somewhat of a puz-
zle to him. The initials were V. D. C.
Cheney , and his employer wondered at
times what Oheney's name could be.
One morning he inquired.
"It's like this , sir , " replied the valet ,
who happened to be an Englishman.
"My mother dearly loved to read nov
els when she was young , and some of
the names stuck in her memory. One
was valet de chambre. She never
knew just exactly what it meant , but
the French sounded well , and she had
me christened that. It fits me , don't
you thing so , sir-National Maga.
i ? _ I L'V
( g Y I
1l _
& 'tf- ' _ iA
- _
' . , p
PL _ _ '
tiUfl&J 14flhILIiI
r- Send postal for
F R E E Free Package
t9 of Paxtine.
Better and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Gives one a sweet breath ; clean , white ,
germ-free teeth - antiseptically clean
mouth and throat-purifies the breath
after smoking dispels all disagreeable
perspiration body odors - much ap
preciated by dainty women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
A little Paxtine powder dis
solved in a glass of hot water
I ' makes a delightful antiseptic so-
' . . % - lution , possessing extraordinary
! cleansing , germicidal and heal-
I # ing power , and absolutely harmI I
: , ' ) less. Try a Sample. 50c. a r
large box at druggists or by mail.
- j
( : -4 i x4 - 'ff.svAfMa
; q :
. . ,
.J- ( ) /-J' ? - ; - - .
Top ( who has dined off hashed mut- -
ton ) - Bill , waiter. Waiter - What did
you have , sir ? Top ( sarcastically-I )
haven't the faintest idea.
"Did .you get in without your
wife hearing you : last night ? " "No ,
and I didn't get in without hearing
her , either.-Houston Post.
"Who is the gentleman seated in
the large touring car ? " "That is the
poet laureate of a well known biscuit
factory. " - Birmingham A6 -Herald.
"Do you think there is really any :
such thing as plaonic ; : love ? " "Yes.
It exists between most husbands and
their wives. " - Chicago Record-Herald. 1
"Papa , what is faith ? " "Well , my ,
boy , they say your baby brother sleeps ,
but I've never seen him do it. Yet , if
I believe he does , that's faith. " - Life.
She ( as they dance-I'm afraid I'm
tiring you rather. He - Oh , not at all.
I i : used to be attendant in the elephant
house at the zoo. - .Meggendorfer Blat-
Knicker - Jones is all the time want-
ing more money. Bocker - No won-
der ; his father was a college president
and his mother was a woman. - New
York Sun.
"Do you really believe this aviator
will come back to thestarting point ? " ;
"He won't dare do otherwise. His
wife is waiting for him- there. " - File-
gende Blaetter. I
Vicar-And what induced you to
send for me , Mr. Russett ? Russett-
What's 'e say , Betty ? Betty-'E says :
"What the deuce did you send 'im
for ? " - M. A. P. '
I .
"Why don't you teach your son a les -
son by making him live without his
allowance for a while ? " "Goodness !
I can't even make him live within it ! "
-Cleveland Leader.
Lady-My cooking always tastes so
good to you , and it never suits my hus
band at all. Beggar - Well , why don't
you : get a divorce and marry me- .11 .
Meggendorfer Blaetter.
"I am a plain-spoken man , " said the
applicant for a job. "I'm afraid you
won't do , " replied the railroad official.
"We are advertising for an experienced
train announcer. " - Philadelphia Rec- -
"Father , " said little Rollo , "what is
an epigram ? " "An epigram , my son ,
as modernly propounded , is any sen
tence containing less than two con
junctions and three commas. " Wash -
ington Star.
"Does she seem to take kindly to so-
ciety ways , now that her husband has
made such a pile ? " "Oh , yes , indeed.
She was the loudest talker at grand I
jpera the other night.-Cleveland I
Plain Dealer.
"John , " queried her husband's wife ,
"if some bold , bad man were to kid
nap me would you offer a reward ? "
"Sure thing , " replied the wife's hus
band. "I always reward those who do
me a favor.-Boston Courier.
Inquisitive Lady-And what is this
little box for ? Nerve-Racked Clerk
Oh , for odds and ends ! Inquisitive La-
iy - But it has two compartments. Why
is that ? Nerve-Racked Clerk-One for
odds , madam , and the other for ends.
-Harvard Lampoon.
"Would it be any harm to deceive
her about my age ? " inquired the elder
ly millionaire. "Probably not. " "I'm
sixty. How would it do to confess to
fifty ? " "I think your chances would
be better with her if you claimed sev
enty-five.-Kansas City Journal.
"How nicely you have ironed these
things , Jane ! " said the mistress , ad
miringly , to her maid. Then , glancing
at the glossy linen , she continued in a
tone of surprise : "Oh , but I see they
are all your own ! " "Yes , " replied
Jane , "and I'd do all yours just like
that if I had time.-Central Christian
"My : brother , my poor brother ! " she
moaned , as a halfback was carried un -
conscious from the field. "Ah , but how
thankful we should be , " her escort , an
old player , cried gayly. "Thankful !
Thankful for what ? " exclaimed the
girl. "Thankful that it wasn't a full
back , " said he. "We haven't a decent
fullback sub , you know. " - Minneapolis
Friend-So yours was a case of love
at first sight ? Mrs. Getthere-Yes , in.
deed. I fell desperately in love with
my dear husband the moment I set
eyes upon him. I remember it as dis
tinctly as if it were yesterday. I was
walking with papa on the beach at
Long Branch , when suddenly papa
stopped , and , pointing him out , said :
" is worth ten
"There , my dear , a man
millions. " - New York Weekly.
"Jane , " said a lady rather sharply
to her cook , "I must insist that you
keep better hours and tnat you have
less company in the kitchen at night.
Last night you kept me from sleeping
because of the uproarious laughter of
one of your woman friends. " "Yis ,
mum , I know , " was the apologetic re -
ply ; "but she couldn't help it. I was
a-tellin' of her how you tried to make
cake one day. " Ladies' Home Jour
The perpetually clever man listened
solemnly to the' tramp's hard-luck
"That's the same old yarn you told
me last week , " he said , winking at his
"Maybe tt is , " admitted the weary
one as he started on. "I'd. forgotten
laving [ met you. I was in the peniten.
iary ; last week. " - ( Success Magazine.
Many : a girl passes for a beauty ber
cause 'her ' feet don't show.
. . . .
: ! _ _
' . _
: : _ ;
- . . . . . '
lf ; , '
Delicately formed and gently reared , women
will find , in all the seasons of their lives , as
maidens , wives or mothers , that the one simple ,
wholesome remedy which acts gently and
pleasantly and naturally , and which may be
used with truly beneficial effects , under any
conditions , when the system needs a laxative
is - Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well known to be a simple combination of the
laxative and carminative principles of plants
with pleasant aromatic liquids , which are .
agreeable and refreshing to the taste and .j\ ! % :
acceptable to the system when its gentle
cleansing is desired. . . ;
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to get its ; f
beneficial effects , and as a guarantee of the
excellence of the remedy , the full name of the ' 1 ,
company - California Fig Syrup Go. - is printed " -
on the front of every package , and without it
any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should be
declined. To those who know the quality of
this excellent laxative , the offer of any substi .
tute , when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna i
is called for , is always resented by a transfer
of patronage to some first-class drug establish -
ment , where they do not recommend , nor sell
false brandsnorimitation remedies The genu-
ine article be of all
may bought rellable drug- ' " 1r'
gists everywhere. ; one size only. Regular
price 50 cents per bottle. Get a'bottle today
to have in the house when needed.
Awful Bnrning1 Itcli Cured In a Day.
"In the middle of the night of March :
30th I woke up with a burning itch in
my two hands and I felt as if I could
pull them apart. In the morning the I
itching had gone to my chest and dur
ing that day it spread all over .my
body. I was red and raw from the top
of my : head to tfcs soles of my feet and
I was in continual agony from the
itching. I could neither lie down nor
sit up. I happened to see about Cut-
cura Remedies and I thought I would
give them a trial. I took a good bath
with the Cuticura Soap and used the
Cuticura Ointment. I put it on from
my head down to my feet and then
went to bed. On the first of April 1
felt like a new man. The itching was .
almost gone. I continued with the
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment
and during that day the itching com
pletely left me. Frank Gridley , 325
East , 43rd Street , New York City , Apr.
27 , 1909. " Cuticura Remedies are sold
throughout the world ; Potter Drug &
Chem. Corp. , Sole Props. , Boston , Mass.
A schooner built in Amesbury , Mass. ,
in 1805 and used in the war of 1812 as
a privateer , still is in active service in
the Maine coasting trade.
Mrs. Wln low's Soothing Syrup for :
children teething , softens the gums. re- I
duces Inflammation , allays pain. curf
wInd colic. 25c a bottle.
In the Ha-ste of Getting : Ready.
"George , " said Mrs. Ferguson , "have
you done anything with my hairpins ?
I had them a moment ago ! "
"They're right under your nose , my
dear , " answered Mr. Ferguson. "Re-
move them , and you can talk plainer. "
- -
What Governor Deneen , of Illinois ,
Says About It :
. . - .Governor Deneen. of Illinois. owns a sec
. tion of land in Saskatchewan.
. t \ , 1- ' " ' . Canada. Ho has said in
. , J : . " ' an Interview :
"As nn American I am
. l delighted to BOO tho re
markable proproas of
J tt' ittJ Western Cancdn. Oar
A people ore flockinc across
S tp' tho boundary in thou
A fl : - sands , and I havo not yet
VI ri met ono who admitted
. ho had mado a mistake.
' . They are all doius vrelL
. There is scarcely n com
_ _ _ munity in tho Middle or
' -
Western States tiint has
. not a representative In Manitoba ,
- Saskatchewan or Alberta. "
: ; _ _
r _ _ 125 Million Bushels of
-'n- Wbeal m 1909
Western Canada flold ! cropq for
- ' . 1909 will onaily yield to tlia farm
3- , . . er$170.000,000.OOlnca.41L.
, - - - - - Freellomesteadsof 10O acres
and pre-emptions of ICO acres
7 . . _ . ' _ at 53.00 an acre. Ilailwny and
- "te' - , ' . Land Companies have land for sale
. , . at reasonable prices. Many farm
. - , . - . ers have paid for their land out
of tho proceeds of ono crop.
" ' , , Splendid climate pood ; schools
q lflY.f'4 . _ % excellent railway facilities , low
! J , . : ' ,1 ' freight rates , wood water and
, , / ' . , :70lumller : easily o.'itainc
- " T..t < . " . . " ' "
r.'t. For pamphlet "Las-t Hesfc ! : West.
it ' ' . ' 'f ' particulars as to suitable locution
- { : and low settlers'
1. tiWJi ID' rate , apply to
. : .I7J , ' . Bnp't of Immigration. Ottawa.
Can. . or to tUo following Canadian Gov't Agents :
E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson ! : St. . St. Paul. Minn. . and
J. M. JIacLaehIan.Box llC.Watertown. South Dakota.
( Useaddress : : nearest you. ) ;
Please say where you saw this advertisement.
Wnt8onE.Col manWa3h-
PATENTS I In DD.C. Books free. Hlefae.
eat references. Best result .
, .
Sere fl afflicted Eyes , will use THOMPSON' rs 8 HE in. :
S. C. N. U. - No. 19.-1910.
" '
An English agricultural society ! S'
raising a fund with which to extermi *
I nate the sparrow.
A Clean Man
Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. : A man may
scrub himself a dozen times a day , and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside , but inside. It means -
a clean stomach , clean bowels , clean blood , a clean liver , and ' -
new , clean , healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way . - 4 ? '
will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think
clean , clear , healthy thoughts. : '
He will never be troubled with liver , lung , stomach or blood j2
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom-
achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. i
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ' .
prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean r i
and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs , makes pure '
clean blood , and clean healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the nervous system , and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy.
- .
- -
$175 PIANO PUSH BOND Given for a Solution to this Rebus
Send in your solution aft - _ - _ - - _ - _
onco , also send with your so
lution the names of two or " 'JJ -
more families in your vicinity GL-t
who have no pianos. I am of / . , . , - . t L. . . R-
. . : .
fering this Purchasing Bond \ _ _ . \ .
to apply only as part payment .
on tho purchaso of the Pnrcell _ r I . / _ _ _
names Piano , in and order addresses to secure of fami the _ _ . , _ . Ik : @ : : ' - '
lies who have no pianos , so I 41flE ' ; , @ 1 : (
can set them Interested in my , .t r t' '
method of Factory-to-Home - \ .
Selling of the high / grade Par 8 ) . aJ- :
cell piano. 0. . Bt.oo J44 ifi ' _ . _ . . J -
will send you tho bond , . . . : -r : . )2 . : : : =
free trial order blank , cata ' - i ' . ! " - " . . . . . l . , . . . ' - ' .r..Ji
. \ - " , - J. - < . . . , ( \
and full
logue particulars. . . " ' " ,
Send in your solution , on 12 ) T H E-- . _ _
this , or a separate sheet of J - - - - ! V ' - I
paper at once to -
! I. : ! PURcm , fadory-to-Home Piano Man , Dept. ) 32 , 10 Western JIB. CHICAGO , IllINOIS ,
The Right Way
In all Cases of -
- I-
Of all Horses , Brood Mares , Colta , . : . c
Stallions , is to . . .
; ;
On their tongues or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid e - ,
Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. It .
acts on the blood and glands. It routs the disease , ifr
by expelling the disease germs. It wards off the ' '
trouble no matter how they are "exposed. " Abso - ,
lutely free from anything injurious. A child can , . .
safely take it. 50 cents and Sl.OO ; 55.00 and 810.CO - . , , ,
the dozen. Sold by druggists , harness dealers , or .
sent , express paid , by the manufacturers.
Special Agents Wanted \
Chemists and Bacteriologists %
GOSHEN. IND. , U. S. l ! ; .
I ,