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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1910)
1 , , 1' ' ' o. - p . ' i - - t0 . \ iDEATH ; . : 1-4 iHj' - " : ' - ' - . FOR . . . t , ' ; ; ) . I % ' i : ' INSECTS , , Something can now be had : for the destruction of every r t. I insect that flies , creeps , jumps 8 ! or crawls. This is an es- . ' : . : pecially good season to de- . ' J" ' stroy them as a little later .t " - : : _ they will multiply with . : marvelous rapidity. _ . . I For bed bugs you will find I no surer antidote than i - Balls' Bed Bug Killer ' ar . , It is well to use jt now and hrr - kill off these pests before ( . I they lay eggs for a new crop. n . We can supply you with the ' best insectides for every purpose-for those that in - fest the home , the barn , or I that attack vegetation or I stock. @ sa . . I VALENTINE. O g ( ] ' ' . . . . . , , , . - ® - - " 1J JAI'I"'t"4tto ! : : caa ft - - - - - A Safe , . Simple System The system of paying ' . by check was devised , by all men- for any ' man - for you. It is suited to the need of " . any business , either . . . large or small. It makes no difference whether < t we pay out $10 or 10000 a month. checking account will serve your : needs. Pay by check1 the _ I method puts system in- _ 1 to your business and . gives you a record of every transaction. r ' : e VALENTINE I STATE BANK . 4 ' VALENTINE. NEBR. . - , - - ' . . . - - - . - . . . . - - , " ! - ? ' . ' ' ' ? " " ' , 1'1 : JOHN l D. EATON 1 1 Drayman ' : ' ' Light . and Heavy Braying- , . . Furniture and pianos handled : ' ' . Coal ! ' 'in a careful manner. - hauled and trunks and grips < v : a specialty. l Phone No. 134 : y . _ . . , , , , " " 'j " MILL PRICES FOR FEED - _ Per Cwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked.1 10 § 21 00 , - . , Shorts . , sacked 11 20 23 00 Corn , , sacked 1 35 26 00 " - k . -Chop.Corn ; - , sacked 1 40 27 , 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 28 00 f : Oats , sacked 1 45 28 00 ' - - - r - , Ti I Are You Going to Do It ! This Spring ' or put it off and not have the benefit and lose the value it gives I to a t place 1 ? ' Put out a few of the best varieties. It'e most interesting and will do you more good-we want them to do you : good goodWe I We have the following varieties in the nursery : We have 22 varieties of Summer , ' Fall and Winter Apples , 7 varieties . 'of Crab Apples , 5 varieties of Cher- ries , 7 varieties of Plump , Peaches , , Currants , Gooseberries , Blackberries , Raspberries , Grapes , Strawberries , Evergreens , Shade Trees , Forest 1 Trees , Hoses and other Ornaments adapted to this part of the state. GET THE CHEAPEST for a long time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER ' t , MANENT INVESTMENT. ) Get trees grown nearest home. They are ac- , climated and grown under same con- ditions you want them to grow , and where they can be had fresh and planted the quickest , and from those . 0 . that are growing orchards for them " selves and are producing fruit and will furnibh any information desired . for you to succeed. Come to the nursery and see the t stuff or write for catalogue and t , , prices 65 acres in nurserv and our own orchards. I t . . Chas , } . Boyd , : Brown . County Nursery ' . Ainsworth , Nebr. ' I It , : . -Nursery . one block north-east of the I * ' , Court House - j ' ' : ' I . . house for 'rent. t . . : : , . : Four-room , . ' " " " " " " " " - * , I . . . * : . ' 5- ' r I. M. ! { ] : ds. . + I " ; . - . , . - ' . \ . . , t - - - $ oJc i Given for any substance in- jurious to health found iu food secultieg froth the use of ' . . , , .uw0 nfrrtf ! a U J , Jwder - U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING APR. 28 , 1910. Daily mean temperature 47 ° . . . " Normal temperature 49 ! = Highest temperature 87 ° . .Lowest temperature 25 ° . Range of temperature GJ = . Precipitation for week 0.00 of an inch. Average for 2 : : > years o.Gl of aninch. Precipitation March : 1st to , date 00.98 inches. . Average for 22 years 3.21 of an inches. JOIIK J. MCLEAN. : Observer. Talk of the Town. . . Thacl Jelly returned Sunday from Sheridan , \ \ ' yo. * D. A. Hancock was up from Wbodlake last week. We pay the highest cash price for cream. - A. JOHN & jCo. 15 Fresh garden seeds in all va rieties at Fischer's Hardware. 9 All kinds of seeds -at the Red Front. 8 Born , to Mr. : and 1irs.T \ esse , Brosius , Thursday , April 28 , a ten-pound boy. . I I Byron DeGraff and Miss Dru- cilla Bassford were married last Sunday week. R. H. Emery of Rosebud was .in town Friday. Morris Walker was here Tuesday. , Henry Schaefer , the Nenzel hardware and implement dealer , was in Valentine Monday \ on busi- ness. ness.Office Office building on Catherine ! street for rent , near Democrat of- ; fice.-I. M. Rice or Frank Bray- ' ton. - tf The 500 club met at the home of Mrs. I M. Rice last Friday evening. Mrs. Hqenig won the prize for the highest score. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartman died at 5 o'clock this morning of congestion of the lungs , aged S weeks. Max. : E Viertel of Crookston has three 2 and 3-year-old half Jersey heifers for sale ; one fresh and the other two coming fresh soon.- 17 2 P. S. and Julius Peterson and Wnv Baumgart of King were in town Monday. Also A. J. Vaughn and Thomas : Richards were in town today. . The eight months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver DeCory is very ill of whooping cough. They are staying at the home of Yank O'Bryan. ! Miss Margaret \ Eobinsonre - turned home from Lincoln last Thursday because of her mother's serious illness. Mrs : Robinson I has been gaining strength the past week and is able to sit up part of the time. . Report comes to us 'of the birth of a 9 $ pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. I Carl Bivens of Purdum Apr. 30. Mrs. Bivens will be remembered by I Valentine people as Sadie ; Thackrey I for several years a teacher in I this county. You've seen that new building going up near the M. E. church. It's the parsonage , 28x38 , with : basement under the whole , and I I two stories high. Ten rooms and ; ; I I four closets. Grant Boyer has ' the contract and the work will be I done right. Miss Orah L. Britton died at the ! . , home of her father , Frank L. Brit- ton in Ra\-ennalVIonday , May 2 , at 2:15 : P.M. of tuberculosis of the lungs. ] . Miss Britton had made her home in Valentine the past twelve years , working the first four years in W. E. Haley's office and later for F. M.Valcott. : \ . then as assist- ant cashier in the Valentine State ; . . of ' i3aiik. , . . . . " . : . ' . ' . " - ' 1 . . , , " . - , - ' - Crookston News. : Tom Kelly was in Crookston precinct taking the census this week. Arthur Richardson is not im- proving much from rheumatism , but is over the measles. The government freight house was moved from Valentine tc ' Crookston upon four flat cars Tuesday. I. M. Jones and son , Carlos : : re turned home last Thursday. They built a nice house for Charley Tackett's aunt. Mr. Embree moved his family and household goods Tuesday to the new house J. 11. Fee had built on the school section near North Star. The M. E. S. S. was well a t- I tended Sunday regardless of the rain , but the light snow prevented the young ; people's association meeting. I. M Jones and son are work- ing at their new dwelling this week. They are also having a well put down. John Massingale is doing the work. 'Mary : Eyschon went home Sun- day , after working for Mrs. A. B. Overman for some time. She will be missed by Mrs. Overman , and we hope she will return soon. Little Ernest Jones , was attack- ed by two dogs last Monday near the Mission house and bit quite , badly. ] They tore the skin in one place about three inches long but not deep enough to make a bad s ) re. re.Who Who said an automobile could'nt travel . . in the sand hills. Four gentlemen on their way from Chi- cago to Poplar Mont. : , came thru her Monday and plowed through the deepest sand south of Crooks- ton in their automobile. George Williams and Fred Ed- wards took a trip upon the reser- vation Sunday , returning Monday , and they looked hungry. Likely they were , .for the parties they went to see were not at homo , ' therefore they had to fast from Sunday until Monday. Our VACUUM CLEANER will do your spring house cleaning. Order it from Fische'rs Hardware. 14 Japanese and German millet seed for sale ; also seed corn , live miles northwest of Valentine. ' 17 JESSE Buosius. The Christian Endeavor will give a box social Friday evenins , May 13 , at Quigley's hall. All are cordially invited. On Sunday , next , May Sth the lit. Eev. Anson R. Graves , D. D. , L. L. J ) . , Bishop , of Kearney , will officiate in St. John's church both morning and evening. Holy i communion and confirmation with I sermon at 11 a. m. , evensong with I address at 8 p. m. Sunday school ! at 10 a. m. All are welcome. The Valentine high school resl- men class got up early Wednesday morning and took provisions to the park where they were . to wait for the appearance of the comet. ' Their teacher , Miss Carlson , ac companied them and assisted in preparing a breakfast over a camp fire. They had a jolly time but it was cloudy and they failed to see the much talked of Ilalley's ; comet. April 27 , 1910 , at high noon , at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. ' Jacob Hower , of Sparks , John Wesley Osborn and ! Miss Florence Elnora Hower were married , Rev. J. S. Campbell of- ficiating. } Il' ' O burn is the son of Richard Osburn , an old settler of Cherry county. John is one of Cherry county's enterprising : farmers , and the bride a success- ful teacher. Both of the young people have hosts of friends who wish them the greatest prosperity. They received many fine presents. I I H. DAILEY , ! . . Dentist. : . : . Q1 ce - qyer the grocery. department : . of T. C. Hornby's store . . , , : - . . . I _ _ , .e. - . . . - , . \ . \ - , - , - , - - - . , _ . . ' \ - - - - t t , 1 . ] ' II ' . ' " " ' . . . . ] I . ' 0 . " Vale 'tinkBakery 1 . . . r I . Co. ; , . ; < - i . I have opened to the public a first class restaurant and k ' ' ; ' ' : \ ' . bakery , and will serve . my friends with nice * clean short . , I. . order : : meals and baking goods , Try our : "T" bone- . . steaks , take home a dozen whipped cream puffs , stop in ; . \ ' "hello , We be friend and want . , ' and say o e want to your i t to please youVf e are : thankful for your patronage , - : . s. . . t Openr and Night . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . - se. , trc + .v.n . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - " . . . . . . . . 1.--- . , : All Leading Old Crow . , , Lea1ing . .j : Wt , Brands : / * Hermitage and Bottled. . " f , Guclien- t Y. , Under the . . , L 4 p'I heimer " - a. Supervision , - . , . , cf ! , .E of the Rye c : , . . Whiskeys. U. S. G v. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "We also handle the Budweiser Beer. . _ o THE PALACE . SALOON , Tk. T rp % 7 < " * TT * B " " * * Tr"Tr * ar * rtk ? * " " > ENRY SlETTER , Propr - . - . . . - ( if Aui.iLitir : : : a ' a 'e , . , i By Special Administrator. , _ . As special administrator of the estate of the late George W. Monnier , the undersigned will sell at public auction at the ranch south of Kilgore , Nebr. , Wednesday , 1kaT . , . , commencing at 10 0 ' clocl { aa m , the following property , to-wit : 48 Head of Cattle , consisting of 21 cows and 16 heifers and steers two years old , . * and . 11 yearlings. - 32 Head' of . Horses- . consisting of 5 work horses , 2 saddle horses , 1 driving team , 12 mares and geldings , halter ! broke ; 5 head of two-year-old colts , 6 " head of yearling colts. - - - , Farm and Ranch lflachinery - , . in a large quantity ; chickens , harness ] , tools , utensils , and other articles too numerous too mention , . FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE : All sums of $ iO and under , cash. Sums over $10 , six months time will be given purchaser giving notes with approved security at 10 per cent interest from date. 5 per cent discount for cash on sums over $10. Me V NiCholsonct { : " ' r , ; .O . < E ! TRACEV ELM Auct'V , ; . E. . IiA.LE 1 , . . Clerk . ; ' . - r