4" _ ; .J. , . . . . . - - - . . . . . , . . . . . ' . . , 'J . . , . . . ' , _ . , . . " . - - . . . - - - . . . - . . . . . . . . " " " " . . . . - - - - - ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 ' . . eee" , ( _
: - Farm Implements - Cost
We will close out / OUT .line of
_ _ _ Manure Spreaders , Corn Planters ,
A Gang Plows , Listers , John' Deere Kid-
ing Attachments and Freight Wagons
at cost. Yon will save money by look
. tit ing over our line or' to ,
I Breaking . Plows , Stubble Plows and
Cultivators. I
e 0
_ _ We sell the Superior Drill and have a e
full line of the Rock Island Plow Goods.
. ' We are satisfied with a small profit and
' . will close out our John Deere goods at .
. cost. Save money by getting our prices i
" before purchasing.
. I .
e Valentine , Nebi4aska i e8
f S _ , - 8 I
- - - -
- . . . .
. . .
! J' .q
I pay cash for hides. New shoes'on hand. Save i
money for cash. Fresh Groceries.
Valentine DAVIS i
lUKE r
L Nebraska
: = IZ
\ . - '
fiTt fiiFSiffiil ! M ! ! &T
, M 41 iTMllall lli ) ® lia t &Ti
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , , i ' , ,
. '
All Kinds of Fresh ,
, and Salt Meats. . . .
" '
, - . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and = '
, anything you . have to , sell. ' } ' -
I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
P 1 . Mark Zarr - - Foreman.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year.
Local Notices , 5c per line per issue
. Thursday , May 5 , 1910.
. , .
- - - '
Have you seen the comet ? Ask
j the freshmen.
_ _
. . The state debate . at Lincoln has
been postponed to a later date. . .
r ' that
We are 'sorry to report
Margaret Haley is on the sick
Die deutche Klasse will give a
short _ play in German in the open
I : : The corn sent to the agriculture
class by Mr. Brosius to be , .tested
was very good.
The 8th grade is preparing a
program to entertain the 7th
grade some time in May.
Everett Northrup , formerly a
.student here but now living I in
Chadron , visited the 7th grade
classes Monday.
s i . . The freshmen boys prepared .
breakfast for the rest of the class
at the park ' Wednesday morning
a 5 o'clock. Nine were brave
enough to venture out.
. The gardens have v all been
plotted and a number are all plant-
ed. We sincerely hope the frost
will not hurt them after so much
hard labor has been spent on
The only open program given
f _ this year ! in which every room
- takes part will be given Saturday
: , : . evening , May 14 , at 8 o'clock , in
Church's ball. Seats reserved the
: 13th and 14th : at Chapman's ; 25c.
The proceeds of this entertain-
ment will be added to the piano
' . . fund. There is § 50 in this fund
. . . . . I
. . . ' now. Do you want to see the j I
. . . daisies around . . the . May pole l
: ' - : : --'Jrf 9r.- t6 this .
: , / -.mtnc ji--0oizie ( program.
Do you care to see boys and girls
I transformed to grown-ups by a
magic spell ? Come to this pro-
It will be a treat to hear the
m usic at the open program. The
following is listed to date : Or-
chestra ! . , glee club , quartette , trio
piano , solo , duet , violin solo , and
I others.
The field day was interesting
I and pleasant , marred only by a 40
mile breeze that made it somewhat
disagreeable to be out doors. The .
I thirty prizes were donated , thanks ,
to the generosity of the Valentine 1
business men and were secured by !
winners in the thirty events"bf the 1
afternoon. It is believed that an
i i annual field day is a benefit in
i I I developing in young America
physical ability and the will to
use it , besides diverting , the mind
from ways not beneficial and hel p-
ful. A sound mind in a sound
body is a good maxim. The glory
Greece and Rome in ancient days
had for its basis well developed ,
body. Education , to be of any
value , should be three-fold. Not
intellectual alone , but the physical
and moral development as well ,
must not be neglected. The fol
lowing the winners in the various
events :
1st room-
A and B boys' race , - -
- - Arthur Marshall
C boys'race - Verne Layport
Boys' sack race , Arthur Marshall
Girls' sack race I , Marjorie Reigle
2nd room-
Potato race - John Peters
Short run - Loyd Breuklander
Broad jump - Leo Christensen
Girls' sack race - Bessie Joseph
Boys' sack race , Sherman Herrick
3rd room-
Boys' sack'race - James , Randall
50-yd ; dash - Arthur Shawl
Potato race - Corneil Sherman
f Clarence Cyphers ,
Relay race - i Arthur Shawl
- ( . " Lelond . . . Reagan
Girls' short race. Grace Holsclaw
Egg race - Mable : Spain
4th room- * ;
_ .c _ _ _ ' = -
_ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ w-
. .
, - - - -1" ' , . . y . . 1 - . . . , . . - . , . , - -
50-yd dash - ' ; Harry Salmon
Potato race , tie' between Joe
Sparks and Milton Nicholson
100-yd dash - Emmett Holsclaw
Running broad jump -
" - - -Harr T Salmon
5th room - . >
50-yd dash , - e Cletus Haley
100-yd dash - Roy Tessier
i mile run - Frank Wilson
Bicycle race - Carl Harden
Basket race , 5th room won from
the 4th room.
Relay ra'ce , 8th grande won from
the 7th grade.
High l school
Nail driving contest - -
Minnie :
- - Adamson
1 mile relay race - Freshmen
i mile race - Ralph Brosius
Basket ball , Boys win from girls
Baseball-freshmen vs sophmores
and juniors , tie.
Hurdle race - Harold Dunn
Sjmeon Items.
A. E. Spall , our merchant-post- I I
master , is taking the census. He
has four precincts and will be
very busy during - the allotted
time. Mrs. Spall attends to the
store and office during his absence.
W. E. Miller recently purchased
I the Spall-Smith ranch and will en- ,
gage "in the stock business. He I
comes from eastern Nebraska.
Gray , his son , will live on the
ranch. In connection with his
ranch duties he is prepared to do
all kinds of telephone work.
, C. S. Latta is disking in oats.
The hay flats may become a small
grain producing region yet. Var-
ous persons are taking up the
proposition of raising their grain
and thus avoiding extra expense
and freighting. C. S. is one of
our most up-to-date dairymen , a
neighbor who stands for higher
and better things in life. Such
citizens are a credit to any com-
munity. ,
George Bucy recently purchased
an imported Percheron stallion.
He is giving considerable atten-
tion to raising good horses. While
the purchasing - of this kind of
stock often v works * : a hard
ship on those who do so , it is the
only method of raising the stand-
are of our domestic animals. We .
believe that men who make the :
necessary outlay to improve the ,
herds in this locality is a benefact-
or of mankind.
J. H. Baker is hauling stone for
the erection of a concrete house.
High prices for all kinds of stock
is making it possible for our stock-
men to provide more comfortable
and desirable homes. We rejoice
to see the crude buildings of early
days replaced by modern ones ,
and see no reason for complaint at
high prices of agricultural' pro-
ducts. Our day has come. Those
who toil in storm and heat are en-
titled to better things than were
possible in the 90's when the in-
come from farm or ranch would
barely meet running expenses.
Let the good times go on. , '
Garden seeds at the Red Front.
Alfalfa , Millet , Timothy and
Clover Seeds at Fischer's Hardware.
ERATOR is what you need this
summer. Buj it at Fischer's Hard-
. ,
ware. 14
- . - . . .
. . T _ , . _ > ' , _ _ . . M _ . . - - .
Attention 'Stockmen !
We want to sell our dipping
plant , with 20-horse po\ver boiler ,
complete , situated at Crookston.
Inquire of C. H. Cornell at Valen
. tine or'of Max E. Viertel at
Crookston. 17 2
A car or two of Early Ohio po
tatoes for sale. E. ORMESHER : ,
9 ' Valentine , Nebr.
40 Aci'es pasture with run-
ning water , near town , for rent.
Would make good garden and _
chicken farm. - I. M. RICE. 17 4
The weather has been quite
changeable the past week. Warm , I
cold , rain snow and' frost. The
snow melted as it fell , excepting
where it lodged in sheltered
Frank Swearingen was in town
Tuesday to consult a doctor. He
was kicked by a horse a week ago
Monday and pretty badly hurt.
He was also suffering from a cold
and hoarsness.
The V. H. S. alumni will hold
its annual business meeting and
eloct officers for the coming year ,
Saturday May 14. at S p. m. , at
Geo. H. Hornby's residence. On
account of those who are obliged
to work later than this hour the
first part of the evening will be
used to discuss matters of interest
to alumni members , so that those
arriving later can have a voice in
the business. Members are urged
to be present.
A Special Offer.
The big daily papers find it nec-
: essary and profitable to. keep in-
casasing their subscription list ,
and one of the fastest growers is
the Lincoln State Journal. This
splendid state daily has just open-
ed up another big subscription
campaign , offering the paper to
Jan. 1 , 1911 , for only $2 ; with
Sunday § 2.50. This special rate
will bring the business. The
Journal has a way of its 'own-
cutting out a lot of expensive
methods of getting subs cribers
and making the low rate to its
readers direct. The people of the
state as never before are looking
to the Journal for the real doings
in the state. It is building up its I
business through reliability and
enterprise , especially in covering
the state news. Another good
thing about The Journal is its
policy of stopping every paper
when the time is up. If you don't
pay for it don't get it , and when
you ; do pay for it you ; are only
paying for your own paper , not
helping to pay for the one sent
some deadbeat. You will like the
cleancut methods of The Journal
Grass seeds at the Red Front.
\ranted-A woman cook at the
Wood Lake hotel.
1"6 2 Jos WIESNFR. :
Eggs for hatching , from pure
bred single comb White Leghorn ,
§ 1 per 15 , $4 1 per 100.
8 M. D. CY PIIERs.
480 Acres good farm land
for rent , 12 miles northeast of
Valentine. Ronter can have lease
for 3 or 5 years and paid for im
provements. I. M. RICE. im-I
- - , . . ,
The Daylight Store
Spring is here. Meet her with the springy
step that shows your feet have the spring =
time gladness , which means wear the
Gotzian ! or Watson Shoes
They are snappy and stylish ; they fit like .
youi\foot print. Call and take a look. :
'A John & CO.
I' _ f _ _ . . . ' . . .
I , ' \
. .
" % \
_ _ xt _ a s - .
. ,
. - - . . , rn , . . . -
- Accurate Edge
E a 0 i wDEE Selection
No. Com Planter
* TpHE great accuracy of
| drop is what naturally in-
f terests you most. Deere
genuine edge selection of corn gives Y
the highest accuracy of drop attain ,
able. Repeated tests show ten to fif - r '
; teen bushels per acre in favor of ac- wheels.
, curate planting. This , combined -with Fertiliz- „
r , er attach-
many other exclusive desirable leaor
tures , makes the No. 9 a profitable in- ment that hills or
vestment. You profit by tho Increased drills furnished ex -
yield due to perfect stand , by the addi tra. Every detail Is
- tional years o f service and freedom from worked out In the best . (
r break down. possiblo manner. Come in and see us .
Most progressive farmers and planters
won't have any other. Best informed and keep ; : posted. We have but briefly
dealers refuse to consider handliug mentioned some of tho strong fea
. any other. Investigate the time sav tures above. Or drop us a post
ing and profitable reasons why. - , e card , and we will promptly send
de tailed proofs free. Deere goods
Main seed shaft driven
directly , and
r are of the standard
. wheels takes all the
" by traction ' " satisfy the most exacting. Ask
otrain from . check wire , and avoids for our latest corn book. The
sidodraft. Compensating valves .
whole subject of gatherlng.select-
r injure . perfect . check regardless of Ing. curing imd testing tho seed ,
team speed. plantin , treated In
as well as planting a
Instantly changed from check to small space , fully illustrated ; a
drill drop. Tip-over hoppers - very con book for the man who wants better
. venient in changing plates. Plates for corn. Handsome pocket ledger freo
; all kinds of corn. Five sets always
'furnished. ' Standard
, .r runner , stub run
4y ; r ner , or single disc
r ! r , ! furrow openers , as
k - ordered. Concave , ,
. : - - ; or > open tire
I ; ?
nd Come Out with a
erCora Crop
A. E. Morris W. W. Morrissey 0. W. Noyes
Spring is here. Now is the
i AT LAST' ' time to tend to your garden-or
H lawn. Our stock of Garden
and Grass Seeds is complete. Garden Hose and Lawn .
i Mowers at all prices. Purchase them at our . store. .
Ha Ihn dware ' r- and - Frank ischer
- h - . . . - - . - _ - - _ -
, , @
' '
- ' . " " '
f .ff- ; l 5 @
I Pool and Billiard Hall I I
1 Q
J1 Cigars and I
I ru Soft Drinks t
.y y .
. , . , ,
, . --:7e' " " " 8. - . 0
a a , g _ R@u
. - - - - . _ . , , - - - , - -
Henry Schaefer , 'f - ' i
Nenzel , Nebr. ,
Has received three car loads of Farm Im
I. plements , Harness and Hardware He
wants the farmers to know that he can
i I supply them at a saving in price. Every- . .
! thing needed on a farm. Gall and see me at -
. . -
A et ) _ e
, Of Whiske
i Go to the .
e _
- e
Stock Exchange Saloon
, . . .
Walt her F. A. Meltendorff , Propr : .
'e ' e ) --e e
, - ,
. : x - .
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , HOXE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Cut.n'tlers. :
_ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W. H. Stratton t
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
I .
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch \
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 ,
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg-
Bulls for Sale at AH ! Tknes ,