. . ' " " ' . " ' . " " ' : " 't.- . , , , , . _ . . .wa-.1 , . . . . .1.-- . . . r _ _ .F _ _ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . 55 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ' " - - ' ' t' .t' a. Y . . . . , - . , ' , . Stei.iiJ4 . : , . 1w. A. PARKER I r e / . e i General Merchandise , $ I I I I - I Men's v < . ? Clothing and Furnishings , La4ies'e ji Skirts t , Waists , Pattern Hats , 'Millinery : I Goods ' , ' Notions , Ladies' Furnishings. . . . f il . TInq.erwear and Hosiery , Boots and I Shoes , Groceries , Patent Medicines. . . , - T. 1i e * . ; 1 Flour . , Ground Feed and Grain. . p . + . Wood Lake , . = = Nebraska e _ . - _ , , , e _ _ . - - , ' ; ' " ! J > ' : ; ; : : I .1 : . : - ; ' - " - . A4 ' ' . : : ' ; ; i\ , . - . L.a.k" ; - . . . . . . . . . 'kL . . _ , " . ) - - - " ' - . - . - ' fr ; J. ' H. DAY > . , . : . , j i GENERAL MERCHANDISE ' . . We Buy and Sei " ! Horses \ : . < Wood Lake , d Nebraska : ) . . . . : . ' > . . . * ! . - vavf > frvvr - - > - fjT * < "v " 1 cr. f ) .e . .t ° . ! . .9..uu..9 . U.Jl - . . RY 3 HOWE I & MONTAGNE / ' G _ t Livery- Feed and u6 Sales Stable , , . . . . . , . f Wood Lake , Nebraska Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. I 8bt f'Ylyb I - H. A. LVON S , . . . - : - \Huel.'e.sOL' to M't-lker & Lyons ) \ Wood' Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting - and fkhing parties. - . . . _ _ , . _ _ _ c. . . . . . . . . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - A. M. Lotspeich . . , I . ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods. Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . . . , FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. r Wood Lake = Nebraska. , , - - - - - - - Contest Notice. , U. S. Land Office , Valentine r sl\t. I April ) S . luio. f . A sufllcient con test affidavit having been Hied - in this office by * Frederi'-k W. Richardson con . te taut. against homestead entry No. 1(3087 ( , i serial No.,02811. made ) Ausiist 16 1901. for the' SWjf / of section 22. N\Vot ! section -27. NU of section 'r8 . township ; range / 32u : ! ' , by .Lester i H. Mason , contest.ee.in which It is i : alleged tlmt' I ' said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months pri - r to the expiratIOn of five years from date of entrjH ; that helms " never resided upon , cultivated or improved snid ; tract as required by law iind that all pf the above defects ex13t at this date and have LOC been cured. Said parties arp hereby notified to appear re- hpoud. and offer evidence touching sjuii al1c ? - tiou at 10 o'clock : ! a. in. , on May 18 ] , ] 1910 oe- fore the jndiXof the county court lor Hooker county at -oils office Mullen. . Nebr. ! , and ihat I final ht"a.ringwill be held at 10 o'clock a. in. , on May ' ; 1910 before the rwter : and receiver at tho United btates land olcce in Valentine Ne- bra. a. Ihe said contestant having , in a nroper .affi davit tiled March 18 1910. set fortu facts ) which ! show that after due diligence personal .service of this notice cannot be made it Is hereby ordered and directed that ' such notice be given by due and propui publication. 14 4 11 E. OLSUN , Receiver. _ Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF NKWIASKA . * . In the County CHKKUY COUNTV. j S3 Court. _ In the matter of the estate of Delia E. J > nrr. deceased : To the Cieditors of saltl l Estate : You are hereby notified. That I will _ sit at the . Cotnty Court Room valentine . in said conn'v : on the 7th day ot May : 1910 , ft . 10 n' . - inck a. In . to receive and examine all claims against ! said estate ! with a view to their aijnsun"nt and allowance. The time limited for the presenta- S tion of claims against said estate is si.\ months from the ? tlt day of ! 'tov. . A . 1) . HK)9 ) and tho )0 ) time limited for payment of debts is i one year , t from said 7lh day of November. 190J , . Witness my hand i\uclleal of said : county court . - - Jthis 13th day of April. A. 1) . 1910. SEAL JAMES : QU1GLEY. , - , - 14 4 Couuty Judge. \ tValcotfc & Morrissey : : ; , attorneys. v , . . . 41 " . JOHN F. POKATH I i 1 . . . t- ' . , ' . : r ; , ; > . DJ'ge ' , ' : Nebr. : : : I Tubular wells and windmills. " an me utf bV Tfclepfco'ne . . . r - . , . . _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - r ; Order of Hearing and Notice ! on Petition for . Settlement of Account. ' - - -In the county court of Cherry countv , Ne braska. braska.of State of Nebraska , i Cherry County ii ( 'S To the heinrand all persons interested in the estate of Carl Beckman , . deceased. On reading the petition of I. . . D.Tice pray- I ing a linal settlement and allowance of his account tiled in this court on the 12th : day of April ISJIU.and for a decree of distribution. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may , and do appear at the county court to be held in and for saic county , on the 2mt 1 'day of May : , A. D . 1910 at 1 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted and that not ice of the pendency said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter- ested in said matter by publishing a copy or this order in The Valentine Democrat " a ' weekly : newspaper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to said day : of hearing. JAJIES C. QUIGLKY. [ SCALJ ll-l County Judge. , .5/ Contest Notice. I U. S. Land Offlee Broken Bow. Nebraska. I March 28 , 1910. f A sufficient : contest ! : affidavit having been filed in this office Dy Georgia B. Cloust' . contestant. agaimt Homestead entry , No. 0260 made August . , : ; . 1808 , for mv > 4 , w iieH. ! seMne& , njis1s , scif , seUsw'i ; , section 11 , and the neKiiwJj , mvJinejtf of section ! .t ! , township 5n . rannf 34 v , by \Vil i ' ! m J Thomas contestee. ill which it. iSuillejred that claimant has wholly abandoned said tract for more thai six months las' past ; thai he has never established a evidence upon the said laud : that ther- is no p . ac of abode : ; that said land is In its wild aLd native state and wholly unimproved that all of Said defects exist at this date and have not been cured , oaid i artirs are hereby rotifled to appear ; respond an.1 ! oiler c"Pellce touching snid alle gation \ atvio o'clock a. m on jv i ay 9 1910. neforeV. . E Bowers qounty : judce of Hooker county Nebr. . at his otllce in Mullen Nebr. , anri that the fi. . al hearing will uo held at 10 o'clock a. m. , on May 11 , 1010 ) t'efore the register and iccelver at the United S's ! : ) , tf.s Land Onico In Brokeu Bow Nebraska The said cnr tenant having , , in a proper am davit llleo Mar. 21. HWO , set forth lacts which show that after due diligence ! personal service of this notice can lJot bl made . it is hereby order pa and directed that such , notice be given by due . aud proper publication } , . JOHN REESE. H JB'4 Btk1s : ; I , . , , . . . . . . . - . - : . : - : " - : , . J : ' . - ' . , - J' . . _ . , < < . - - : ' ' ' 5..L . . : _ _ - A . . ± - - . ' - , . ? r ; .t- , : . ' - . . . . . , . . . . . " ' > ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . " ; : : , . . . ; . . . . . . . " " " 'q- . Wood . ' - L " * 1.et D&j'titetha ; ) . ' . : " , . . . . , . . ADVERTISING RATES' „ ' ' * ' „ , Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line each lip rtion. Display advertising . r SO cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month l double column. :1 : Pet. ? e.r . . : . , . . . . : , . . . . . . .1. : _ . - ' . . Sylvester Hagen is again visiting here. here.G. - G. AT YY aggoner is leveling his yard. . - \ . ; . Bob Evans was on our streets Tuesday. , . Jack Cronin and wife were in town Tuesday. Mr. Murray of Sioux City is again in Woodlake. A. G. Ward .left Friday night for ' Ravenna , Nebr , r < John Kief is busy hauling baled ! hay ' these days. ! = : . I Lawrence Lennox is employed Montagne & Howe. ' : Joe Waggoner worked on the dray several days last week. Miss Chloe Waggoner took a drive into the country Monday. MeFdaines Tinkham and . McVey were shopping . in town Tuesday. Mrs. : C. R. Kinkead visited her . daughter Longpine : Tuesday. Oswald Uehling is visiting with his daughter , Mrs. Chas. Miller. ' Austin Howe drove Wm. Francke out in the southwest country Tues day. Mr. Uck has been entertaining I some Omaha and Iowa friends this week. v Saturday and Monday evenings I there were moving pictures at tie I o pei a house. * Cash Hagan and Mrs. ranks'C. Felton were married this week at Ainsworth. I W. Honey , U. G. Welker and W. F. Parker made a trip to Val- entine this week. . Will Parker may be seen most any evening exercising in his back yard with spade and hoe. Chas. Sail took several "snap shots" Sunday . of his friends. The I girls say it was a put up job. J. M. ' Tucker was in the city recently in connection with the I Brown vs The State cattle case. Almost a Circus Train. When the Omaha business men arrive in Valentine on May 23 : , they will come in a solid steel train of Pullman cars , having on board an electric lighting outfit , moving picture show , Omaha mili- tary band , thirty thousand sheep , bells to "ring for Omaha" and give away ; , many tons of ad vertis- ing matter and souvenirs ; a barber shop , press bureau , corps of ste nographers and the whole cO lnect- , ed by a telephone system of forty i ' thousand nstruments i and a rea "central. " This almost makes a ! circus train. Then there will be a "free pa- rade , " the Omaha business men preferring to do things in order I and not in . * a haphazard way. When they arrive at the depot here they will not break ranks I t 'C. R. Kinkead is busy these days locating homesteaders. Monday [ morning , John McKen- na left for Longpine , where _ he has accepted a position with a' lumber : company. Thursday evening a company of "young" people took possession of , the hall and had a little dance of their own. A number of our 'young people attended the dance in Valentine last Friday evening and all report a good time. The baseball season is here once more. All the boys are dreaming of the things they might do to some rival team if they only had a chance- Dr. Tische is having his drug store put in : readiness for a com- plete line ] of drugs and will be ready for business in a few days. C. A. Ruby is having more troub le over his spri ig suit than most people do over their whole ward- robe. Don't say "Chicago Tailoring Co. " to him. Sunday evening Cash H-jgen , who was married April 20th , to Mrs. I Anna Felton , was serenaded in the good old way . , after which cigars and ice cream were passed around to the crowd. The old restaurant building is be ing fitted up by Dr. Tisch e as a drug store. Report also has it , that he intends to install a soda water fountain and dispense ice cream. I'C. 'em up , boys. I The entire town turned out to charivari Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Randall on Thursday night and presented many valuable ] presents to the young couple who enter- tained their guests royally. Among the gifts was a combination book- case and . writing desk from the sports around town. After re freshments at Uck's had been served , the boys and girls repaired to the opera house where a social dance was enjoyed , the music be- ing furnished by Hostetter's or : chestra. and scatter , but march behind their i band up from the depot to the main street and principal street intersection. From there they will go direct to" the stores , offices , banks and places of busi- ness they desire to visit. They are on the investigate all the time , and displays of farm products , live stock and t other resources of the country through which they pass are always of interest. Every member of the party I ivill carry a bright colored sun- I shade and wear a'white ' hat. j It was Omaha which originated J such trips-away back in 1883- and parties have been going out every since. The telephone sys- tem on board is an Omaha idea. The carrying of a moving picture show is also an Omaha stunt and wherever the train is in the eve- ning a show is given either in the open air or in a hall. . I , More Economical thaft the Cheap and Bi.g Can Kind : - - and MUCH BETTER O WHY ? Because Calumet Baking Powder is more . certain in its rett " lts - the baking is always lighter , more delicious ana more evenly raised. You never have a spoiled batch of baking by its use. owo r 4KI It further. B = I b requires less - hence goes CALUMET jtUMi BALING POWDER 1 Q , 1J..1' IS the ' ' full value" baking powder1 - tbe highest quality b i baking powder at medium : : price. And we guarantee that Q iA , - it will give ypu more real satisfaction than any baking pow iA'h ' n ' d der you have ever used - ask your ' grocer. . 'h G PU'ts Frfee - large handsome . . recipe . book - , illustrated in colors. 11 . . , BAKItiG . . .u.rJftrP Send 4c and slip found in pound can CHICAGO \ Cafuratf { fte lM a Hf l hrdtwiiLwor d"S Wo r : b'd.Ex , pbsitloi , . - ' . " . ' . . . " . . ' " , - - . . : . . - . . . , . - - ' . . . . - ' , ' . . . . : . - - , . - . . . . . , . " . . . ' . . . Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle . _ . " ' . Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods . . , . etc. . . " Johnson Bros. ; ' . " ' rb5. son , . . , . . . . - Lumber , Machinery , Hard- ware , Harness , Saddles . . Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , 1Vln.dmdlst - - Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts an'd Barb ' Wire. , Wood Lake , = , - . . = Nebraska . ' . . ' - ' . Nebraska'J F , .PARKER. & , CO. , . Wood Lake , Nebraska Everything in Fancy. , . . " and Staple Groceries . , . . ; . \ ' We have a complete line of ' . OVERALLS and' GLOVES M CSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSSS . ; J _ 0 ee4ll _ _ e Uck , lausen & Co. , V. , . I Jr o General Hardware , : " J ! " . I I Wagons and " . , S Machinery. . . . . J , i ? ' ' , . . e , , ' . A- complete line-of . } : , . . . t . . , , , Harness \ " and Saddles ' " " x 'Household I Household and . Kitchen Furniture . \ Lumber and Eence Posts " , . WOOD LAKE , , , m NEBRASKA ' ' ' ' . . J -8 ee _ _ e - - Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded r SOS on left side OSO on riehtside S Some cattle also have a -f- } on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- , ' teis Some Texas 1IT1 Tlfl i Igl I-l cattle branded S O on left side and some on , left side. ' Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar I connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. : Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip. S - Horses same on left shoulder Range Square , , Lake. , ' - - S Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. I 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following ! , brands : LP 4 . EIB ; horses branded tht ifr same Range between Gordon on the F.E. & M. V. , R. R. ard . Hyannis on B. & ; : .i. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr. BARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebr . Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charae of these cattle. II rsea ® l > Son ieftshoul der. Some + left somefA Horses :0" : , . . ; , . . , same left thigh. - : Kauge on Snake river. Metzger : Bros. Rolfe N'ebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. . . . . - Earmark square ' $ , _ : . , crop right ear. : . .r ' . . ii' ; [ i ; . > norses have same brand on eft thigh. _ Range on Gordon and Snake Cree s. A Reward of $250 wih be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing C'I.ttle f wIth above brand. J. A. Yaryan. Pullman , Nobr Cattle branded JT on rightside Horses branded JY t on right shoulder Reasonable rewarO for any information leading to the re1 1 covery of cattle strayed from mj C range. t \ R. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address-Valentine or Kennedy. . Some branded II'Ii' on left w , . i thigh . I 't r Horses branded ion left ; [ shoulder or tbfrh N , . . . I Some - Some branded branded on right thigh on left 11- or brandedil l shouldei I or thfeh _ , I - P. H. Young. - ' Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side 1\ Sonie a. yon left 't : : side. ' . I -TT-enleftjuwot } : I . . * ; V horses. . . . . 5 " _ I Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon " , ; 1ST. S. R 1 . . Jf j 1'1. . Kowley. I Kennedy , - Weonwka. ' . - 11- t Same , ' as cut on left 3lde and hip , and on . } t ' left shoulder of hor- t . se' . Also a , . on left side IWiand Also. l nll . - fCij _ F X on left se. ; Home cat- ' - . . ( ' . _ . , - : - , : : tie b C'at-rel S 'S , ed husk-tgiSsflJng peg ( either BIde up ) on II + j ' left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder J , of horses , qj Sp ' : _ _ Q on left hip of horses. .f iI N | on left jaw of horses . ! , C. .P. Jordan. . ' 'I ' . Rosebud , 3D . . I Horses and cattle - , same as cut ; also I h1p CJ BE JJ on right - i Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward f ° J. information leading to detection i of l1l8t.1ers of * * < * bearing any or these brands. ? > R. M. : Terrffl . ' _ . . e rrill , Propr. Brownlee , Neu. ; T , Cattle branded as : , ; t in .cit won left - side. V8ome branded K. T Y on left hip. Range , . . . - , on North - ' Loup = river , two miles west of Brewulee p- s , i i r ; John Kills Plenty. ' ( St : ; . Francis Mis- sion , Rosebud , ' / itl . 3. D. f r'I 'I \ . Cattle branded ( is in cut ; horses . lame orl _ ' I\P on ( a KPi _ ' eft thigh Range ) etween Spring ] 'k and Little . JVbite river. I - - . . . . " . " ' y