Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 28, 1910, Image 4

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I , e A Farm Imple ments . Cost e
, . . We will close out our line 1 of
e Manure Spreaders. , Corn Planters , 4
' A Gang Plows , Listers John Deere Rid
s . ing Attachments and Freight Wagons
. . at cos . * You will save money by look-
t It ing over our line of . , 9
.I 6 ( Breaking Plows , Stnbble Plows , and' 1
.Ih h ' J
tIt./ e
l tit We sell the Superior Drill and have a - -
I full line of the Ruck Island Plow Goods.
We are satisfied with a small profit and
will close out our John Deere goods at
} . cost. Have money by getting our prices .
E I - before purchasing.
i' C ' LUDWValentine CON ,
H e Valentine , Nebraska ( I
. f. _ O--- '
A' " ' = = 7 = =
E J pay cash for l hides. New shoes on hand. . Save a
E monev for cash. Fresh Groceries. 8
Valentine 'lUKE DAVIS 1
f ' Nebraska ,
a A : : b"
I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr. .
Mark Zarr C - Foreman.
. I Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year.
! Local Notices , 5c per line per issue
Thursday , April 28 , 1910.
\ .
r , Washington News.
, .
By ( a Special I COi'l" ( pOIlellt. ) )
Senator Aldrich's announcement
that.he will not be a candidate for
re-election is being regarded with
, increasing suspicion here in Wash
ington as a manifest political trick.
1 It is doubtful if a single one of
the genuine progressive republi
cans really believe that the Rhode
Island boss intends to relinquish
his control of legislation a moment ' .
sooner than he has to. Even a
few "regulars" have privately ex
pressed the belief that Aldrich
' might consent to a re-election ,
basing this conclusion upon what
they characterized as the "enorm
ous pressure'1 which will no doubt
be brought to bear , I upon Aldrich
to' cause him to change his mind.
JLJecause of his record of under-
handedness and trickey in dealing
with the senate and the public ,
everything Senator Aldrich does
- - or says should be carefully analyz-
ed before accepted on its face
, Aldrich does not say anywhere
I that he will not accept a re-elec
tion. He says he will not be a
"candidate. " It would be no sur-
prise to senators who know' l Aid-
rich if the words , "I am not a
candidate for re-election , " should
turn out after the fall congression I
al elections to have been but an-
other of his famous "jokers , "
with which the Payne-Aldrich tar
iff law is overloaded , j
- The corporation interests served
by Aldrich can best maintain the
excessive tariff rates , which give
them monopolies on American
markets and make it possible for
them to collect enormous profits
from consumers , through a repubj.
lican administration. Therefore ,
it is but natural that Aldrich's
primary object at this time is to
keep the republicans : in power.
What move on Aldrich's part
I could relieve the republicans of so
" heavy a responsibility in the ap-
proaching congressional election
as the announcement of his retire
ment ? Realizing that his retire-I
"big business"
, representation of "big
has earned for him the enmity of
P ihe American pfebglty and that his
M - -
- -
II I I name is to be one of the main is-
sues in the fall campaign , it is but
J giving due credit to Aldrich's re
sourcefulness to assume that he
figured it out he could not serve
the special interests better at this .
time than to announce his retire- :
ment , if such announcment would
help the republican party over
dangerous shoals
Aldrich taking no chances in
announcing .that he will not again
be a candidate. He can oliange
his mind easily , or he can have
reelectionHforced" upon him.
Should the next house be demo-
cratic , however , Aldrich might
not care to come back to the sen-
ate , , for it would then be obvious
that he could put through none of
his own peculiar style of legisla-
. Our Lincoln Letter.
( Special Correspondence. )
Peter Sturdevant of Furnas
county has announced himself as
a candidate for state treasurer on
the democratic ticket. Mr. sturde-
vant bears the distinction of being
the only democrat ever elected .to I
the office of state treasurer. Ev-
ery state treasurer with the ex-
ception of Mr. Sturdevant and J. ;
B. Meserve , populist , has been a
republican. Mr. Sturdevant was
elected in ISStJy defeating Loran
Clark of Boone county , The
Omaha Bee bolted Clark's ' nomi-
nation and succeeded in defeating
him. No one has ever been able
to explain why the older Ruse-
water refused to support Clark ,
and the cause of the "bolt" must
forever remain a mystery.
- o -
, * Ex-Congressman Pollard , after
reading the returns of the special
congressional election in the Roch-
ester , N. Y. , district , immediately
reached the conclusion that his
private business was such as to
prevent him from seeking the con-
gressional nomination in the First
Nebraska district. Those same
election returns too , seem to have
taken the "snap" out of several
other near-aspirants for the re-
publican nomination. Will Hay-
ward of Nebraska City , and Geo-
Tobey of Lincoln , are the only
avowed candidates in the race.
Hayward , who is secretary of the
republican national committee ,
pretends to be anti-Cannon , but I I
a great many people fear that his
intimate relations with the "big
wigs" of the g. o. p. have in
fluenced him the wrong way.
Tobby is * antiCannonand ; is :
. . . .
- - - - - - - - -
, . . ,
- „ y
, 4
- - - . - . - . , , . - , . ' . .
seemingly counting on county
option support rather than upon
any political policy he may es
pouse other than anti-Cannonism.
-0- '
Democrats are naturally jubi-
lant over I the returns from the
election the
special Thirty-sec
, ond New York congressional dis-
trict. In 1908 that district , in
which Rochester , a great manu-
facturing city , is located , elected
a republican by a plurality of
9,000. Last week a democrat was
elected at the special election by a
plurality of over 5,000. Coming
so soon after Foss' remarkable
victory in Massachusetts : , it is
clear proof that , the people are in
open rebellion against the corrupt I
political machine that is in abso-
lute control of the republican
organization. The city of Roch- ,
ester is the largest clothing manu-
facturing center in the United
States. The wool schedule ser-
iously cripples that industry , and
pochester ] went democratic by a
plurality of over 5,000. The
democratic , candidate carried every
town in the district , which . com-
prises but one county. The New
York election has already had the
effect of causing a lot of republi-
can aspirants for nomination in
Nebraska to pause and consider.
It does not look like a republican
year , here or anywhere.
The fourth grade are making
.tverJ" ! nice bird books.
Leroy Brosias of the 7th grade
is out of town for a short visit.
Cletus Haley has been absent
a few days with a sprained hand.
The fifth grade are doing . good
work . on their picture sturdy books. i
Frank Wilson of the 8th grade
hasbeen on the absent list for a
few days.
The flowers in the third room
add greatly to the attractiveness
of the room.
The children of the fourth and
fifth grades are making pretty
may baskets.
Some of the third room pupils
are busy preparing for their part
in the open program. :
The 8th grade gave a very
pleasant class party last Friday.
They were entertained at Carlson's
farm about two miles south of
town. The moonlight ride on a
hayrack , the games and sumptu-
ous refreshments were much en-
joyed by all.
The Valentine-O'Neill debate
was won by Valentine. The de
cision was contested by O'Neill
and carried to the supreme court ,
so to speak-to the state execu-
tive committee , consisting of one
member from each of the eleven
districts. This co'mmittee decided
that Valentine won , and Marie :
Christensen , who was marked the
highest by the judges , has been
selected to represent this district
at Lincoln May 6 , when the state
championship contest takes place.
The winning school gets , a silver
On the 23rd , the last teachers'
association of the school year was
held. Very . interesting papers
were read. Those deserving es
pecial mention were " Iode1n ; Re-
ligious Painters" by Miss Kath
leen McLaughlin ; Miss ' Jennie
Bennett's paper on the Panama
Canal , read by Supt. Kendall of
the Gordon schools , and Mr. Ma-
ban's paper on the Colony of my
people in Cherry county , read by
Supt. Story. Supt. Kendall spoke
very interestingly on the lock sys-
tem of canals. F. Kemp Heath
of Cody encouraged the teachers
in their high calling. The series
of meetings held ] this year have
proven very interesting and help-
ful , not the least part being the
study of the reading circle books.
The inter-high school debate be-
tween Valentine and Gordon took
place last Saturday evening in the
hall. TJie question debated was !
"Resolved that labor unions' are
on the whole beneficial. " The
affirmative maintained by Gordon
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was held by Helen Jacobson ,
Hazel Reynolds and Ross Rash.
I The negative was maintained by
Valentine and was ably argued by
Lawrence Rice , Helen Sparks
and Ed ward Cohota. The decision
of the judges was in favor of the
affirmative , and the debate wa
interesting and well maintained.
The hall was beautifully decorated
in blue and gold , the Gordon col
ors , and red and white the Valen-
tine colors. Music was furnished
by the high school orchestra and
glee club and the program was en-
livened by high school yells. Al
though : Valentine did not have the
honor of winning , yet the debaters
are complimented not only their for
excellent delivery and intelligent
discussion but also for the spirit
in which they leceived the de-
. .
! .
Simeon Items.
P. H. Young has his nev barn
almost completed. This is one of
the most substantial and conven-
ient buildings in the county.
George Christopher is hauling
material for a large ] barn to be
erected soon. His herd of white-
faces show good stockmanship and
will grow better under his man-
A new school house is in course
of construction . in district No. 72. ,
The location is north of Mr. Dan-
iels' grove and will be one of t e
leading schools of the county . in
time to come.
J. W. Daniels is doing his part
to keep the improvement ball roll
ing. Before haying he expects to
build a concrete residence 30x30
just east of his splendid grove.
His friends rejoice to see this evi-
dence of prosperity and feel that
none are more deserving than he
and Mrs. Daniels.
Mr. : and Mrs. Hudson have their
home neatly kalsomined and other-
wise made very attractive. This
I is one of the neatest and most .
profitable ranches in Cherry coun- .
ty. Mrs. Hudson did not lose in- !
terest in her county when her sal-
ary stopped , but keeps in touch
with all public topics.
Messrs. Lora and Thackrey
spent a pleasant day fishing on
! Trout lake recently. They say
they caught eight very large bass
which they put in a sack and hung
over the side of the boat while
they angled for more. When
hey returned at night they dis-
covered their large fish had all
escaped and we must .take their
word for the size of the catch.
' The Maple Lawn Literary so-
ciety wish to announce that they
will give the drama , " Out of the
Shadow , " on Saturday evening ,
May21 , at . 8 o'clock , at the resi-
dence - ef C. S. Reece. The play
is given for the benefit of the
school district. Admission 25c. I
After the play ice cream and cake
will be served at lOc. The room
i. , 28x28 and will accommodate all
who will likely attend.
Baseball News.
Valentine won one game and lost
one with Brown's Tennessee Rats.
Monday : , the first game was won
by the "Rats" 20 to 14.
Score by innings :
Valentine. 24 07 000 0-14
Batteries : Valentine-Grimes
and Fischer ; Rats-Brooks , Tackson
and Wilson. . . Umpire , Brown.
The second game Tuesday found
our local team in better shape ? and
they defeated the rats 10 to 5.
Score by innings :
Rats . . . . . 001040000
Valentine..0 0123310 x - 10
Batteries : Valentine - DeSilva
and Fischer ; Rats-Brooks and
Bell. Umpire , Grimes. .
Struck out : By DeSilva , , 10 ;
Brooks , 5. Hard hitting by the
locals featured the second game , as
well as good pitching by DeSilva.
. . . . .
Red Millet Seed For Sale
I have 50 bushels. Two miles
northeast of Crookston , Nebr.
lt > 2 , DsbAK ELKi I'ON.
. .
. . . .
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I / Accurate Edge '
S t in with a DEERE Selection
. Drop .
Noo i R 'Corn Planter -
; ; ; HE great accuracy . of =
. I drop is what naturally in- i
- terests you most. Deere
genuine edge selection corn Rives I
thehifthestaccuracYofdroPattainc ? ' . . .
. able. Itepeated tests show ten to fif n . ,
teen bushels per aero in favor of ac- wheels.
curate planting. This , combined with Fertiliz , '
many other exclusive , desirable fea- er attach- . / .
tures , makes the No. 9 a profitable Inment that hills or .
vestment. You profit by the increased drills furnished ex-
yield due to perfect stand ' by the a.ddItra. . Every detail Is
tional years of service and freedom from : worked out In the best t
break down. munner. possIble Come in and see us .
Most progressive farmers and planters
voa't have any other. Best informed and keep posted. We have but briefly .
, dealers refuse to consider handling mentioned . some of the strong fea
any other. Investigate the time sav ' tures above. Or drop us a post
ing . and profitable reasons why. .1 . ' ; . tfU-N , It card , and we will promptly send
. . $ t"JIt. detailed proofs free. Deere goods
Llaln seed shaft driven , standarU
directly of tfie highest standard and
by traction wheels . takes all the . I .c- . ( v : are satisfy the most exacting. Ask
strain from check wire , and avoids , book.
5 .
; ! . . for our latest corn book. The
side draft. valves
Compensating . .
Insure P erfectchecI . regardless ° ' 1n g , curing and testing the seed ,
team . speed. as well as planting treated in a ;
z Instantly changed from check to small space , fully illustrated ; a
drilldrop. Tip-over hoppers - very con book for the man who wants better
venient in changing plates. Plates for corn. Handsome pocket ledger free :
all kinds of corn. Five ! sets always _
j g > . . & 2SZ& furnished. Standard
< > runner , stub run-
$ @ . J.W ner , or single disc
: : : furrow openers , as
" \ . . > " " = "a . _ _ ordered. Concave
iJ . . ; ; c. - \ d . or open tire
- - . - " ' < " -r.- . ; : , I. _ ,
, . ' . .
( " ; ; ' > > ' J'f' - - .
iI " fM ' ff and Come Out with a
S \.T . it . , f'ir o4,1rI 1i1) Corn Crop
" " ' " ; . ; ? , g ; . " ; ; co ' i J2 mr' Y : JiU ' & "la " 4
I .yr"S : : : ; "tn''Jt , ; :
,7- ; ; #
A. E. Morris W. W. Morrissey 0. W. Noyes !
Spring is here. Now is the
AT LAST ' time to tend to your garden 'ov
. . .11 lawn. Our stock of Garden
and Grass Seeds is complete. Garden Hose and Lawn
Mowers : at all prices. Purchase them at our store.
Hardware and
Frank Fischer . ,
Furniture. . . .
- - - -
- - - - - - -
ri . m. . P 7 @lQ. rg , , : r 1 ' . @ iW1
! ' .
f - ' ' ; : ; i ? I.'Jf..a. ) ( : l : (
I. Pool and Billiard Hall I , .
g ,
. , Cigars and I
@UIU ! . "
Soft Drinks - oi > > '
' I' ' R \
, .
. . . ; tt !
- . .
- " " ' ' - , - < - - - -
- -
@ -
l. ' @ l .JID IJr o = - ; l 'J iII \ , I ' lltl
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, - 1 :
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" 1'l > o.
" . . , -4
. ,
Henry , Schaefer , . . : /7
Nenzel Nebr. [
enze , . , yam ,
I vaft -
Has received / three car loads of Farm Im * It- >
plements , Harness and Hardware. He i , .
wants the fanners to know that he can ' . ] I. .
supply them at a saving in price. . Every- '
thing needed on a farm. Call and see me at
- s
i. o e . .
k ° Whiske ) 1 1
-Go to the
9 _
- , e
. Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. y . .
o _ e-e e
. . -
. _ , .
' - 5
X- ' .f , ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. . - '
Valentine , PHOSE 72 Nebraska
References ! ; : My Many CUJt-rnners.
- - - -
W. H. Stratton
. Dealer in
General Merchandise .
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine Nebr.
\ ' .
I -
( Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , .
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 , . - '
No. 160050 ; , and Climax 2 , No : 289. - - s
822 ; 'also , Melvin , No. 327072
. , ' , reg- . . , . ' .
t. ' ' - \
Bulls for Sale at AH . Times , . . \
- . .