Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 21, 1910, Image 5

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U. S. Weather Bureau Report
, . * . . . ' . . . .
. ' * , .I . . " , ' . ,
WJ2EK ENDING APR. : .21 , 1910. , .
Daily .mean temperature 43 = . . . '
. .
Normal temperature 40 = '
_ , Highest - temperature 90 ° . '
Lowljttemperature 21 ° ; ;
Itangdbf : temperature 63s.
Precipitation for week 0.12 of an inch.
Average for 22 years 0.50 of an inch. „ "
Precipitation March 1st to date 03.08 : ) 'i inches.
Average for 22 years 2.57 of an inches.
v ' .7oiiN J. McLKAN. : Observer. , '
Garden seeds at the Red Front.
Four- room house for rent. ,
, L JM. RrcE.
Alfalfa , TUillet , Timothy find
Clover , Seeds at Fischer's Hardware.
A : car or two of Early Ohio po-
tatoes for sale. J2. o IrMgSHER.
9. . , Valentine , Nebr.
"V = anted : Married man to work
on ranch. Apply to Wm. Stead-
. man , Kennedy Nebr.
Our VACUUM : CLEANER will do
* your spring house cleaning. Order :
it from Fischer's Hardware. 14
J ; T. Keeley back from Oma-
ha and was accompanied home by
his son , Carl's , wife and children.
Robert Robinson is home from
Hot Springs , where he had been
visiting his wife who is doctoiing
Spring fever got astern ethack
last ] week and the fruit blo ; oms
ought to have known better , " than :
to jump out too soon. The weath .
er was only pla } 'in' spring
Wanted : A middle \ aged tvt ' m-
an afnd \ girl , or two girk , to cook
, and { do restaurant work. Must
understand restaurant work. >
88 E. D. OOUOTA , Valentine : , Neb.
" ' , m. and Ben Bachelor wore in
town last week , , the former , t.o t g > . 'I \
his collar bone set , whir.h w-ts
broken by his horse falling witn /
him while cutting out a steer / lat
llonday'eek. .
The C. W. Way Co. , Architects , ,
Hastings , j Nebraska , will furnish
you witrTplans aud specifications )
for any class of. building you wish
to erect. Ask them for .in [ orma-
tion. lotf
J. L. McElderry was up from
, oodlake Mon'day as a witness in
the Brown case but was not called
to testify. Mr. McElderr.v tells
us that he expects to go to Kansas
in a few days , , . to spend . the sum-
_ mer.- A , . ,
OnSundsy * priI21there. .
; , y ' next priI2-1- ,
will be services in St.Johri's \
church both ' morning and evening. '
Early Eucharist at 7. Sunday
school at 10 , morning prayer and
a sermon at 11. Evening prayer
and address at 8. All are. wel-
\ come.
\ E. B. Quible and family were
\ released from quarantine Friday.
April 8th , as being completely re
1/ covered from the scarlet fever.
The little boy was confined to his
bed " a fe1 w * days after that with
erysipelas which followed the fev
er but he is now recovered.
The C. / & N. W. depot O'Neill
burned to the ground Wednesday
of last week during the high wind.
Considerable of the contents were
saved as the fire burned slowly at
I first. The origin of the fire is
supposed to have been from a
spark or cinder of a passing train
_ I blown under the depot and catch-
l ing ' in some trash or rubbish.
Oswald Uehling a witness
in the case in which he had re-
' covered cattle having : his brand
that were sold by T. J. Brown a
couple of \veeks ago and delivered
at Arabia. His sons John and
' Joe , and also Ed Belsky and Tom
Byron were here as witnesses ,
' . they , too. having lost and recov-
ered cattle in the same case.
This community was suddenly
clothed in mourning when the
t word was passed around that Elder
Scamahorn , who had been in poor
! health for some time , passed away
at 1:50 : this morning. The Elder
was some better last week . . . but be-
gan failing rapidly the fore part
of this. Funeral services will be
held from the M. E. church Sun-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock with
Rev. Kuhler in charge. Former
Pastor W. S. York will also be
here to assist with the services.
Gordon Journal , April 8.
I oO
, Pq ey M4
t r '
1 f HIS A F
" -
r1 . Celebrated for style , perfect fit , simp'icity sn-l
t reliability nearly 40 ) ' Sold in rtaily
every city and town in t'c United StiU-s , and
Canada , or by mail direct. Moreo'd ! than
j ; any other make. _ Send for ficc catalogue.
: ' orc subscribers than any other fashion'
, p/ mag-azine-million a month. 1 0\:11 lIahk' : . Lai-
cst styles , plttl'rn , dressmalin' , millinc1"\ . ,
plain scwing , fancy nccdcworl ! : , Lail dressing ,
etiquctte , good storic" " , .te. Oniv ! W cellts :1
: ycar ( worth douhc ! ) , including a hcc pattern.
Subscribe : ; today , or send for sample copy.
A to Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue
andTiew ; cash prize offers. Address
QgJ&itt W. 23 | ftHIJftfflfcfti HHJtaUl
" . ,
. . . .
; J. F. Young . and E. C. Cole of
Cody were in town Monday. -
j Floyd Valentine is , , getting his
' . building . in shape . for uusiness.
, Mrs. Templeton returned to her
home in Mary ville , Mo. , yester
' day. r
day.The j
The Home Bakery has been
making some changes and repairs
lately. *
J. fi. 'Qu'ig ley has about com-
pleted his new opera house , and if
is a beauty.
Plant that garden now and put
in the crop of oats and wheat.
Corn should also be planted early
this year. t \
Eggs for hatching , from pure
bred single comb White Leghorn ,
SI per 15 , $4 per 100.
IIalley's comet , may now be
seen before sunrise until May 18 ,
when it drdps behind the sun and
can be seen in the evening there-
after. ,
Fred Green fell off a shed he
was building last week and broke
a bone in his wrist , but is able to
be around at his work and was in
, town ) yesterday.
To the People of Valentine : I
take this means of thanking you
for the. many kind remembrances
I of us during our seige of sickness.
i District ( C"U't for Clw rr . \ ' C"imt.\
has been Mcljouund from Msiy : 2.
. VJlu. until . .Mi.16 . , 1910 Petit
jurors : : are ( 'xcus.rJ until the morn
ing cjf May IT , at 10 a. m.
Presbyterian Church : Preach-
. in * r morrfinjr and evening b.thp .
I pastor : , , J. \1 CaMwHI , D 1) I
Sa.Ihdh'.ItllIl : ' . ! - d 10 a : in C.'ins
tUl'i ElHi' : vor : nl I 7 p. 111 ) All
are tn : rI' / d !
. D I ' W Farina ' ( t' ami . tt Iff' ' ( if )
R' -fttid departed ] for L\on , , Sun
day to ) visit Mrs Parmalee's
. ,
brCltllPrIm : -e 1 i . Warner , fnH
from there they go to Excelsior !
Springs , Mo , for a health recre-
John Stetter returned from
Omaha last : night. Says he en-
joyed a good time visited his
daughter : at Peru saw Theodore
Tillson's daughter , Alice , who
has a good husband and is looking
fine and they are prospering in
Oddie Spain was arrested yes ;
terday charged ' - Avith incorrigibil- ' ;
ity , - had a loaded revolver at
school and had it in for one of the .
other boys , wanted to shoot him- , !
and was taken before Judge Quig- ;
ley who paroled bm : to .Prof. ;
Bettenga , in lieu of sending him ;
to tjare reform school. I ,
Roy Kandall and Miss : Mildred : I
Day of Woodlake were married at !
the home of Frank Randall in this !
city yesterday evening , at 8'K : . ; ) ,
the Rev. Caldwell officiating. Mr.
and Mrs. Hyde , C. R. Kinkead .
and wife and Mrs. Mary Hooker
came up from Woodlake with
them. Roy is the Woodlake bar-
ber. -
The board of county commis- ,
sioners of Cherry county will be
in session on Monday , April 25th ,
1910 having been called in extra
session by the county clerk for
the pur-pose of receiving and open-
ing bids for two new steel bridges
in said county and for transacting
any other business of the county
properly presented.
Mrs. J. H. Quigley entertained
the 500 club last Friday eve in
honor of Mrs. Parmalee ; ; who was
visiting in the city. A special
feature was the music by Mrs. : .
Parmalee with violin and Mrs. :
Mark : Cyphers at the piano. Mrs.
Parmalee , receiving the highest
score of the evening was presented
with a cut glass mustard jar.
Numerous complaints have been
made to the editor of the refusal
of the Rosebud agent to permit
the Indians to go off the reserva-
tion to trade. : They _ complain of
high prices at the agency and that
they can buy much cheaper in
Valentine , Crookston , Kilgore nd
Cody , hut they are not permitted . .
to go to these towns. The excuse
or reason given , mostly , is that
there is "bad disease" in these
places , and the Indians seem to
have no recourse.
The management of the State
Fair , recognizing the value of new
attractions for the week , Sept. 5
to 9 , are figuring on securing an
aeroplane. There are several
companies who are endeavoring to
close contracts , but owing to the
fact that the patentee of some
parts of the aeroplane has secured
an injunction against their use by
some of-the most successful avi-
ators , which , if sustained by the
courts , will practically result in a
monopoly for the Wrights , there-
by placing the expense of such an
exhibit so high as to prevent its
general use this year.
\ . "
News From District 100.
I Mr. Williams has been enjoying ,
a visit from three brothers and a
{ I sister-in-law from near \V ood lake
the past we" k.
J. A. Adamson and wite attend-
tended Mr. : and Mrs. : J. M. Ralya's
thirtieth wedding reception , A i
splendid dinner and an enjoyable
time was reported. , J'
J. A. Adamson and wife enter-
tained for supper Thursday week
Judge Cornish and wife with Vir
ginia , Joe and Albert ; Grandpa
Rocky and Charley O'Donnell.
A pleasant evening was enjoyed. !
One of the best dinners of the
season was served by Mr. and
Mrs. Vogal last Sunday week.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Dan McLeod of Valentine , Miss
Bloom of Valentine. J. A. Adam-
son and daughter , Elizabeth , John
Ormesher , Vera Crippen and
Howard Burdic.
Report of school district No.100'
for the six months ending ) April 1 :
Those neither absent nor tardy
were John and Elizabeth Adam-
son , Vera and Herbert Hartraar ! ,
Anna Sarah , Lettie Lloyd and I
Gilbert Dotson. Those ! tardy but
not absent were Verna and Bill
VERA . ( % fIPPIN , Teacher.
Grandpa Rocky entertained for
dinner last Friday week , J J A.
Adanxm and wife and 'dall htpl' .
Alic , Oliri Hartman and wife aiu4 ;
Dsiisj and Paul , .ludjie Cornish '
and wife and Virginia , .Joe ami
Alhert , Mr. : and Mrs Tyrell and !
Charley O'Donnell. , T lIc1 ? " Cor
nish entertained the children much
to their t delight The older truests t
enjot\i the dinner and a plea-an
conversation ) '
, , < * *
There , 't ill ! lv : a baski : ; } , tnpj" \
in ( nnection with cur proyi [ " ' ,
S'ttird-i\ , ni'h1l , , r' 7 Uriny !
htskPt.ut(1 : : all come : and h. ve
tfood till ( ' . The following , is tht "
proirpani : : v . >
One hour of song.
Reading Speech "Welcome , Gco. Rush
Reading or iro 1J - Kettle Dotson
nl'adlng-Tomm ' on the School Ques
tion - - .J Adanibon
Reading -Tencliiiig School , Laurel Martin
Reading A Jubilation , Herbert Hartman :
Reading -Vacation - Martin :
Solo - Love Me and the "World is Mine I
- - - l".1izaheth Ada II1son
Reading- : Tl'dllSmith . - Uoyd Kotson
' '
Reading-Iittensind : . ' . Babies : . . ' , Vern - ' Hartman .
Reading Mixed Order - Gilbert Dotson
Reading - - Eli'/abeth : PoLson
Solo - Black : Piekaninnie - John Adamson
ReadingAt Home and at School -
- - - - Albert Bush
Reading - - Verna Thompson
Reading - Pretty Keen - "Win. Thompson
Reading : - Milking TimeEtta Thompson
Reading . - My Neighbor's Call , Sarah Dotson
Reading- Dolly - Nettie Dotson
Duct-The Daisies and the Rain Drops
- - Nettie and Gilbert Dotson
Reading - An Order - Vera ) Hartman
Reading Love Knot - Anna Dot.son
Duet Learn Little : '
- ru a Every Day - -
, . '
- - Albert I ) Rush : and Lloyd Dotf-on
Reading : - The Legend Maiden Rock
- - - - Mary Bush
Song. _
Train for Omahans
Hotel on Wheels
To take a modern hotel which
will accommodate one hundred
guests and pull it across Nebraska
and South Dakota , would be some
thing of an effort but the North
I western railway company has con-
tracted to do about the same thing
for the one hundred Omaha and
South Omaha business men who
are coming here in May.
The- train will be a double-
header all the way around , and
will consist of 60-ft. dynamo bag
gage car , two new dining cars , a
14-section club car for the band
accompanying the party , one 10-
compartment sleeper one 12-sec-
tion drawing room ar.d head
quarters sleeper , two 16-section
I sleepers and one 10-section ob
servation car.
Speaking of a palace on wheels ,
the Northwestern and thePullmc.ri
l companies have . agreed to make
II this train one if possible. All
cars being new ' and run through
1 the shop especially for ! this trip in
Nebraska and South Dakota.
I .
I , . - COPYRIGHTS &c.
Anyone ending a eltetrh and description mn
. aulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is prolmbly puientable. : Communica
tions Rtrictlr t'onUdenUal. HANDBOOK on Patents
I sent . free. Oldest acency ; for securing patents.
Patents taken through Alunn & Co. receive
special notice , without charge , iutho l .
. ,
I "Stjt ttifitjfm i , i atVo
handsomely Jllnstrntpcl ! weekly. T-nrcest clr
culntion of Ilny acianUUc : \ journal. Tcima , 13 a
yenr : four months .
MUNN & Co 361Broadway , New York !
Crunch Office 025 F B'l' , r WIl biDiltOD. D. C.
' .
, . ,
, . , '
- . , - -
' .
. , ' , - - . - - - - . . , - ' - , = , - ; . - - ' . . : : : : - . - ' . ; - , . . - . ; . , . . , . "ft4- . . - "f'1 . ' . " . .
- - , : , . ; --0-- , , . . "ft4ft' . : A < t .J" ' . " " ' , . ' ' - - : * - '
' ; , ' . . - - . . ' . - : - . " < , - ' , " . /t . . All Leadin' - '
Old Crow JI-
. 'r , ' : : - ' ' ' . . < ' . : -
* * * * . 3 * f j , ttt'j tr . . ; "
t > \t . 3Sfj *
Hermitage . , . . > v * ? < ; L * r3 * $ ? gfe ! : , Brands * !
- ; i . * . . .
and - . i , Bottled
. * tff a + { a7lDil '
. " .
Gruchen- , Under the" if
heinier . . . Supervision , : At4
. . iY Yyh. ' Wt 1 1.M - , # ' F-
, .
f ! : j
\ . ' ,
Eye- f . a 7Gr a' i yy ; $ ' , f sx + , p. . ; Mvf st ° of the '
. / .
f - ,
" r .
- <
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. ' . # j .
' .
- . . . -
t . " . . " . .
' ; ;
We also handle the Budweiser Beer. ;
, HENRY . , STETTER , - - - . Propr. .
- " - -
- )
. . - ; . , - , . . . . . . . - Y' A , . . .
h !
,1 I r
cam' ' t
4 _ :4j Ei
. -4 V .
For the Convalescent
. : F 1 i'i ; . Weakness follows sickness. : , I
' -v-r. 11i , 9t The cure for weakness is
, nourishment. Digesto is
/ ' -ri : - --V nourishment. It is hio
: Y f + t . , a highly
, , - concentrated liquid food , pre-
digested , and during the period , .
' - . AV of convalescence proves most - ' :
{ rt t ALT EX7RAC 1 , V AIp valuable aid to nature in her , . ,
, . , : ; " . ,
, ,
1n h lidos Ttrrin Mrm ur.r a % work of reconstruction. ' e
1ynw , ailwt.r . I .
l.yy Mrl Ongin. : , , t. a.ual .IMP j *
: PATE , na r.uwnw0.r.rcnrr" rr 7 Palatable and Efficient
* : p , , + , ? IMV t7 ! ' m h. nnar f , wir , ' trcpr"'POr' , . ' i { _ ' - & At all Drug Stores
Rtp tuurvtccd hmu : .t *
, tl , , , N"Y , II , ICIti3l . ll.tb L7 . A „ tC I . , (
aInM .rnhnntD.e /
lf 1d'1 % "
lywg , . r , + 1 gF naaLrertt pelt ti A , . : Za'J ) ' v THEO. HAMRS BREWING CO. , ST. PAUL
, '
r ' < "T "
> "Leads Them Air
' 1j ; - s
J r {
. . .
. -
All kinds of seeds at the "Eed
Front. S
J . M. Lane ( \ : and a friend i of Ccdy
were in town Tuesday.
Don't forget the Eagle's ball to-
morrow night. All are invited.
Red Millet ' Seed For Sale.
I have 50 bushels. Two miles
northeast of Crookston , Nebr. :
of Polled Durham Cattle
INafcYN , NEB. , APHII 2G.
On account of poor health I
have decided to disperse my entire
herd of Double Standard Polled
Durham cattle at your own price ,
on my farm known as Pond's Ex-
perimental Station consisting of
S Bulls ready for service , 30 Cows
and heifers with several calves at
foot. i of herd are roan f red.
All good age good color , good
individuals. This popular breed -
Shorthorns with the horns off-
sprung from three families. I
have two of them , the best herd
bulls in Nebrasks. „
Prince of Pallas II , is pure red ,
of great scale , 6 yrs. old , tracer to
imported Rose of Sharon , X No.
6051 : , S. Ii. 1"40. l\.T 267871. I
Roan Hamilton , 4 years old. !
Traces to imported Constance X
No. 7333 S. M. No. 313879.
D. L. POND , Owner.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in the !
Catholic church a $ follows :
In Valentine on Sunday , April
2i. First mass at S a. m.
second maps at 10. Benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament after
LEO M. : BLAERE , Rector.
Dr. M. T : Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 ,
822 ; also , Melvin " No. 327072 , re i-
Bulls for Sale at All Times
, ,
- - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - -
. - - - -
, : '
:1' :
. . , V
1 @nfn 3&K Ii i&T
I Stetter & Tobien , Props. I. . ,
* U. I iI , ii , L , d .
! I r "
. 1 I I
DEALERS IX li I I II I , , ) ly ' I
. . . . . ' i , Llli I ,
i'i , i
u ll ii r i li
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . . L + /C 'off 1 r
, .
Z '
\Vill buy your Cattlo , Hogs , _ - -
t Poultry , Horses , Mules and = wT
nything you have to sell. '
- - - -
I .
Are ' , You Going to Do Itl
This Spring I
lor put it off and not have the benefit ,
i t and l lose ] : the value it gives to a
fI i place ]
; , Put out a few of the best varieties.
; It' mo&t interesting and will do you
, more _ _ good - , ve want them to do you
: , goodWe
We have the following varieties in
the nursery : I
We have 22 varie-tie of Summer ,
Fall and Winter Apples , 7 varieties : ;
of Crab Apples. 5 v ; ! rirtus of ( ; her-
! ries , 7 varieties of Plum , Peaches ,
r Currants , Gooseberries , Blackberries ,
: . Raspberries , Grapes , Strawberries ,
Evergreens , Shade Trees , Forest
Trees , Roses and other Ornaments
adapted to this part of the state.
I GET THE CHEAPE : for a long
. time usefulness ] A TKEE IS A PER
I ; rrown nearest home. They are ac-
, I climated , and grown under same con-
: I Idiiions . you want them to grow , and
where they can 'be had fresh and
planted the quickest , and from those
I that are growing t orchards for tbem-
| selves ! and are producing frui I and
will j lurnifch any information desired
I I for you to succeed
I Come to the nursery and see the
; ' stulY or xvrite for catalogue and I
I prices. 65 acres in nursery and our i
own orchards.
i I
I Chas J . Boyd , ! I t
I Brown County Nursery ; !
I Ainsworth , Nebr. ' '
Nursery one block north-east of the
Court "Roupe I
Per Cwt : Per Ton.
Bran , Racked. . . $1 10 § 21 00
Shorts , sacked' 1 20 2300
I , Corn , sacked 1 35 , 26 on ,
' Chop Corn , sacked 1 40 27 00
Chop Feed , Racked 1 45 28 00
. Oats sacked ' 1 45 28 00
} I. DAILEY. : : > * .
Dentist. : ' " "
. "
i Office over the grocery department . .
' " of T. C Hornhv's store.
. -
- , .
A Safe , I .
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all IT en- for any
man - for you. It is
suited to the need of
'any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out ' $10 or 10000
a month. A checking /
account will serve your _ _ !
Pay by check , the
method puts system in-
to your business and . /
gives you a record , of
every transaction. I
W. H. Stratton . '
Dealer in V
General Merchandise :
cor. Hall & Gath. Valentine , Nebr.
" ; , if ' ! ' : - . ' " , , ' . . . ' ! _ _ ' . _ _ . _ '
. .
. .
. Drayman J 3
_ , J
, Light - and Heavy Drawing" w1 / . .
- i. Furniture and pianos handled '
, . in a careful manner. Coal " '
hauled . and trunks and grips
_ a specialty. I Phone No. 134. r
La \ : 7 . ' , : s
. . . - " ' jFtA ; _ .J " ' ' ' ' N .