Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 21, 1910, Image 4

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: : r We will close out our line of
1 e Manure Spreaders j , Corn Planters , @
Gang Plows , Listers , . Jolin Deere Bid
Il ing Attachments and- Freight Wagons . .
i at cost. Ypu I will save money by look-
e ing over our line of . 0 ! i
t Breaking Plows , . Stubble Plows . : and
k Cultivators.
_ I e
_ We sell the Superior Drill and have a e .
full line of the Rock Island Plow Goods.
\ "We are satisfied with a small profit and
ad will close out our John Deere goods.aJ .
, , : . cost. Save money by getting our prices
f before purchasing. .
t „ ; SMebraska-
e Valentine I , - e
'e8. _ 4l G
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L . " ' = 2 ! "
I pay cash for hides. New shoes on hand. Save -
money for cash. Fresh Groceries. -
' Valentine ; MIKE DAVIS ra
: : : 4
ii : L Nebraska
- . . iZ .iZIi" !
= : ; ! 'z = < i : < ? :
, I. M. t RICE - Editor and Propr.
.Mark Zarr - - Foreman.
I Thursday ' , April 21 , 1910.
rI -
I W ashin ton ) News.
. I By a Hpeciul Convspondenl. )
_ _ Blind tovthe last , ' the stand pat
faction ofthe republican party -
which is by far the biggest half , of
' it-has decided to "stand pat" on
these propositions . :
i '
That Aldrichism . is a good : 'thing.
for the country.
That Gannonism is a good thing
for the country. - . -
Thatthe Payne-Aid rich tariff
- law - is. a God-send totbecommon
r- peoplefof . Unitccr States.
any-republican , . . member of
congtfeslf who / , ' ; Ot"S against Icgis-
latio ] ' recommended by the presi-
i dent -thereby reads himself out of
the , party. *
. Right or wrong ; win , lose or
draw , the republican regulars have
resolved on a desperate attempt to
I bluff the American people on
these propositions. There is but
one thing that will make a better
impression on a campaign audience
than a bluff , and that is astupend-
ous bluff. The Cannonites and
. the Aldrichites , master politicians
' that they are , will play . this trump
card. Political gamblers , they
see a chance that the people may
not . have the courage to call their
hand. .
There is no time to turn back
now. The regulars have crossed
the Rubicon. The .die has been
5 ; .1 cast.
- Whether the American people
are vigilant , or whether they are
indifferent to conditions affecting
the government of the country , is
to be demonstrated once more.
There are some who go so far as
to say that the next two national
elections involve such important
- issues as . to make them in reality
; . in the nature of a crisis in the his-
1 . tory of this republic. Both demo-
1 0 cratic and republican partisans
) f t. , . may consider ! this view as they
. , : ' : : will ; either lightly or with respect ,
as . may best r please them.
. ) 1 None 4' will . . deny , however , this
1. ' . fact : That the next'two elections
. . will be a crisis in the history of
one of the two great parties of
1 this country. It requires no flight
. . of . imagination foresee that the
progressive wing of the republi-
can party , now in the minority ,
must become the majority. Oth-
rwise the republican party would
seem to be destined forta . . long
( term out of power.
i ' " 1 am now fast ! getting be an
old man. I have seen the great
corporations and the trusts and
combinations grow in this country
at a rapid and well-nigh irrestible
pace , and thay will grow faster
and faster until we adhere faith
fully ! to the provisions of the anti-
trust law. ] The pending railroad
regulation bill will give the rail-
road companies'-immunity from
the anti-trust law and will confer
.upon ' them unlimited power to ef
feet mergers. ' ,1. for one can nev-
er consent to . such legislation. ( , "
In what ' was probably the most
remarkable speech in his career ,
United States Senator Knute Nel-
son of Minnesota thus spoke of
the Taft-Wickersham railroad
regulation bill. That such an at-
tack could be made by a republi-
can senator upon a bill which the
president has declared to repre-
sent true republican policy and
doctrine , and -support of which
Attorney General Wickersham
and all the reactionaries have ] e-
clarecl is a test of true republican
ism , indicates i how far apart the
stalwarts and progressives really
The Minnesota senator was lis-
- tened to with marked attention.
The reactionaries were so amaze'd
they forgot to' even make inter-
ruptions : as is customary when
progressive republicans have the
floor. It was so obvious that Sena-
tor Nelson was deeply impressed
with forebodings of disaster to the
nation in the event of the passage
of such bills as the one under con-
sideration , that the speech was
strangely i ' effective. The occu-
pants of the galleries were silent
and attentive , and all eyes were
centered upon the picturesque
Senator Nelson related how the
western section of the country had
suffered under railroad oppression
and the long fight that had been
made , until the legislation of 1906
was forced by public sentiment.
He talked of the anti-trust law as
. the shield which had been created
to protect the public against fur-
ther oppression by trusts and com-
binations of all sorts , and then
proceeded to show how the pend-
ing bill proposes to destroy that
protection abd to give the rail-
roads unrestricted' power to re-
sume their oppressive methods.
"If we are not wise , " warned
r the Minnesota sonatorj : ' "if we are
no wiser than the French were in
the days of Louis XV and Louis
XVI and allow these trusts and
- - - a _ an - -
\ !
- ' / . ' . . . ' - .
monopolies to grov and go on un-
trammaled the day will come-it
will not be in our day , but the day
will come-when the American
people will resort to a revolution ! I
as the people of France had to do ,
but it will be peaceful revolution'
' \
-an American . . rey-olution-not as
violent and- repulsive as the .
French , but as'thorough and ef- I
fective in its results. " , .
United States Attorney General i
Wickersham was once more re
vealed as having dropped an im
portant suit against corporations
when Senator LaFollette had con-
cluded his speech against ; the Taft-
Wickersham railroad regulation
bill. The speech was chiefly the
story of monopolization of trans-
portation facilities throughout
New England by the New York ,
New Haven and Hartford railroad ,
the manipulation of state legisla
tion to make this monopolization
possible and the final crowning
achievement of the monopolists in
obtaining the dismissal of the gov
ernment suit begun under Roose-
velt to check the process of merg-
ing all the railroads , steam and
electric. The dismissal of this
suit by Wickersham came three
months after he had taken office :
It was ordered by him without in-
vestigation and without explana '
tion , except such as does not ex
plain at all. It is being recalled
that Wickersham also dropped im
portant suits against the beef trust
soon after taking office ; that 'he
1L '
rendered a legal opinion uphold :
ing Ballinger and viciously at- : ,
tacking Louis 11. Glavis ; that he :
rendered another opinion legaliz-
ing the sale of" 55,000 acres of
rich Philippine sugar lands to the
Hiveme.ver interests in the face
of the organic law of the Philip-
p-nes ; forbidding the sale of more
than. 2,500 acres of land to any
single corporation ; and that he
framed the Taft . railroad regulation' '
. fyill which has . been condemned . by' } :
Republican Senators LaFollette- ?
Clapp , Nelson , Cummins , Borah
and Bri&tow. ' . W ,
- Notice to Creditors. . ,
CIINItitYCOU\T1. i i ss Court. '
In the matter of the estate of DiliaE. .
IJurr. deceased :
To the Creditors of said Fstnte :
You are hereby notified. That 1 will ! sit at the
Coi nty Court Room in Valentine in said cotmry
on the 7th day ot lilay 1910 , at 10 o'f ' lock )
a. in. to receive anrt examine all claims acainst )
said estate with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The rime limited for the presenta '
tion of rlnims } airninst ; ! said estate is six months
from 1 the 7th day of P nv . . A. V. 1909 ! ) and the
time limited for payment of dehts is one year
from said 7lhdayot : Nove'iiOer. ! ) ,
Witness my hand and seal of said : county court
- - ' - - this 13th dav of April A. . O . inio. !
. - . - 14 4 County Judge.
Walcott & Murrissey : , attorneys.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry comity , Ne
State of Nebraska. I. I ss
Cherry County 1 '
To the heirs and all persons interested in
the estate of Carl Beckman. deceased. r
On reading the petition of T . . D. Tice pray-
ing a linal settlement and allowance of his
account tiled in this court on the 12th : day
of April HllOaml for a decree of distribution.
It is hereby ordered that you and all per-
sons interested in said matter may and do ,
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county on the 2nd : day of May ,
A. D , 1910. at l o'clock p. m. . to show cause , '
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted. and that not-
ice of the pendency pt said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The Valentine Democrat. a
weeklv newspaper printed in said county for
four successive weeks prior to said day of
hearing. JAMES : C. QUlGI Y.
[ SEAL ] 11-4 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valentine , ? br.ssl\a t )
A pul 8.1910. )
A suflicient contest affidavit having been flied
in this oHlce b > ' Frederick W. Kichardson con
testant. aj-ainsc ! homestead entry No. lttoS7 ,
serial No. 02811. made Atnjn&t : : 16 ] 1901 for the
SW'4 : : : of section 22. NWkf ot section 27. NJ ; $ of
section 28. township ! 2Sn , range 32\v , by Lester
H. Mason , contestee. in wtiich it is alleged that :
said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract
for more than six months pni'r ) to the expiration
of live years iroln dare of entry ; that hr has
never resioed upon , cultivated or unproved said
tract as required by law and that Mil A $ ] the
iibove defects exl-'t at this date . and have mi
been cured. *
Said parties are hereby notified to appear re-
spot.d. and oiler evidence touching said alleg- , .
tion at 10 oVlock ] a. in. , on May 18 , 1910 , oe-
fore the judue of the county court lor Hooker
county , at his oflice in Mullen , Nebr. , and that
final li , . . arinjr will he held at 10 o'clock a. in. , on ,
Ma : > : ! . l , Hun before Hie gi-ier and receiver at
the United btates : : land omce in Valentine Ne
the said : : contestant having , in a nroper affi
davit , IIII'dlareh 18 1910. set forth facts
which show t'lnt ' after due dtliuence personal
.servit e of this notice cannot be made. it Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be Riven by due and propt-i publication.
141 11 E. OLSON , Receiver.
- cu1KF - ' - ' . . '
r7 NG' .145c : )
Jjj. , . .
"i hOT Uftjtbe + nT : : ; : -
A l Purel the
I baking *
I ! ( ' h ; " Neves '
. ! Fails.
I ll , Fails. .
' . Try it
IIr. _
T B itliiG (
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. . . .
. . . . . - - - - - a w - - y. - - -
HairHealth '
If You Have Scalp or Hair
Trouble , Take Advant = I
age of This Offer. ,
We could not afford to so Ftrong- ,
ly ] endorse Eexali " 93" Hair Tonic
I and continue to sell it as we do , if j
we were not certain that it would
do all we claim it will. Should our
enthusiasm carry us away , and
I Eexali 93" Hair Tonic not give
entire satisfaction to the users ,
they would lose faith in us and our
business prestige would suffer. I
Therefore , when we assure you
that if your hair is beginning to
unnaturally fall out or if you have
any scalp trouble , Eexali " 93"
! Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate
dandruff , stimulate hair growth and
prevent premature baldness , you
may rest assured that we know
what we ore talking about. I
Out of one hundred test cases
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic gave entire
satisfaction in ninety-three cases.
It has been proved that it will grow
hair even on buld heads , when , of
course , the baldness had not ex-
' isted for so long a time that the
follicles which are the roots of the
hair , had not become absolutely
lifeless. ,
Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic is vastly
different from other similar prep-
arat.ions.Ye believe that it will
do more than any other . human
agency toward restoring hair growth
and hair health. It is not greasy I
. and will not gum the scalp or hair I
or cause permanent stain. It is as
r I
pleasant to use as pure cold water.
, Our faith in Eexali " 93" Hair ,
Tonic is so strong that we ask you i
to try it 0:1 our positive guarantee t
that your money will be cheerfully I
refunded without question or quib
ble if it does not do as we claim. ,
. Certainly we can offer no stronger
argument. It comes in two sizes . . ,
, prices 50 cents and $1.00. "Re -
. member you can , obtain it only at
pur store , - The ' Eexall R Store.
. , Chapman - , The Druggist ,
. .
Auction Sale. :
M. Kennealy , J. B. Gaskill and
Henry Morris , school board , will
offer at public auction on Friday ,
.April 29 , 1910 , at 2 p. m. , to the
highest bidder for cash , the frame
school house in " district No. 25 ,
at the school house 6 miles north
west of Valentine. Size of build-
ing 18x28x10 and in good . repair.
Grass seeds at the lied Front.
Fresh garden seeds in all va-
rieties at Fischer's Hardware. 9
5 room house for rent o'n Cher-
ry street north of the Presbyterian
church. - MRS. CLARA FELCII. 12i
Liquor Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at-
tested , said petition praying that
I be granted a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 6 , lot 17 , in said village of
Valentine , Cherry county , Ne-
braska , for the year ending May
1 , 1911. HENRY STETTER.
Liquor Notice.
Notice is hereby given that we
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at-
tested , said petition praying that
we be granted a license to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
in block 5 , lot 25 , in said village
of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne-
braska , for the year ; ending May
1 , 1911. . W. K. McGEER.
Liquor Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the Village of
Valentine Nebraska , a petition i ,
accompanied. by a bond duly at-
tested , said petition praying that
I be granted a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 12 , lot 4 , in said village of
Valentine , Cherry county , Ne-
braska , for th e. year.'ending May
1 , 1911.
Dated April ; ' . 7 , . , 1910 . < ; , . . . /t. . :
' '
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. DISCH RRoW ' " , . /
A A r
a = '
a1 " ' "
r'lfiO do gjOOd work and be durable seems to us strong points
TO on the disc harrow question. Good work demands a harrow
that pulverizes the ground thoroughly , that cuts out dead furrows
that adapts itself to any uneven condition of the ground.
To he durable a harrow must have a SiTO2ig frame , Steel
S ! Lq7 & " gang feolts , lasavy gauge discs , and a
general l construction throughout that leaves no room for question
as to the strength of nny part.
All these points have been built
into the. Deere Model B.
, o / It ta flic ) most
r comfortable
! tisllieon1y . y Ii ' barrow . to
> arrow iliat ride upon.
is cziblen [
" ' . 1
- _ & 32 . .
S t
- *
It is made in all sizes from 4' to 10' eat , 16 * , 18" and 20"
mse5 , has improved oscillating scrapers , extension oil tubes
I' with or without weight boxes , and all sizes are furnished with a
stub tongue. - If you are in the market for a disc harrow be
f3me n o see fifee Mo3e& & at GET store. \
. Valentine Lumber Co. . I \
, . , " . . . .
, "
A. E. Morris W. W. Morrissey 0. W. Noyes .
. .
. ra.vr.ij i Spring is here. jSFow is the .
.t '
A 6 i lAST' ' S time to tend to your garden or .
lawn. Our stock of Garden
* . -
and Grass Seeds is complete. Garden liose and Lawn
Mowers at all prices. Purchase thorn at our store.
. ; ; N
Har ! EEr. ! Frank , , Fischer "
- - " - -
. '
o0c- 1 , ( .900- jhi ) r ° : ac 1) ) , rrrr0o ifv ; c c' it b @ et Wff&mJ ( \ > > - , . ,
. I l S Pool , and , Billiard. HaU-I I" < .
. 1 :
sA Cigars and - .
pzu > > ,
' @I ) S 0 ft D rill k S "Ii ) ,
. .
1 , . . . . . .rll'
: : : : \ = - "I $ = - . ' 2 : , , , " , . . . .
j1 . < < @r
. .
. " ' u. > _ . , , = < . _ . .y. _ . _ H ' . ' _ , on _ " . _ _ _ " _ ' " ' _ H
Henry Schaefer , ' . .
Nenzel , Nebr. , .
Has received three car loads of Farm Im- . ; I '
j" ) *
plements , Harness and Hardware. He . .
wants the farmers to know that he can .
supply them at a saving in price. Every-
thing needed on a farm. Call and see me at
_ , _ _ . . . _ . " _ , . , r.ft'M ' _ . " . _ . . _
e e _ ii .e-
W ii j I
.1 : ( .Or . hiske Y k _
. Go to the .
. - . i
- ;
A Stock Exchange Saloon
| Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. i
o e _ _ e I
, ; .
- .
. . - - . . ' . - - . . " . . . . . . . . . . ' . -
--.X'-- /
--1 : ; : ; :
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks
! made in all sizes , .
ResIdence and shop one block south of passenger ' depot ? . . ' - -
Valentine , ' PHONE 72 Nebraska . " , , "
References : My : Many , . . . . Customers. , . . . . . . : . . ( . ; . ' . ' . / ' ' - . < : . . . - , ' . . . . . . - . . . . .
- - - ' "
' - - - '
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, . .