Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 21, 1910, Image 4
- - - - : : : : : : : . : ; , - ; ; - - : : - - : - : = - - : - - : = - : = : - - = - - - - ' - - i _ J _ , - , . . , . ? f , , . . . - , _ . . - - " - , " ee _ _ G9 . e FarmmpehientsCost : : r We will close out our line of 1 e Manure Spreaders j , Corn Planters , @ Gang Plows , Listers , . Jolin Deere Bid Il ing Attachments and- Freight Wagons . . i at cost. Ypu I will save money by look- e ing over our line of . 0 ! i . t Breaking Plows , . Stubble Plows . : and k Cultivators. _ I e _ We sell the Superior Drill and have a e . full line of the Rock Island Plow Goods. \ "We are satisfied with a small profit and d ad will close out our John Deere goods.aJ . , , : . cost. Save money by getting our prices f before purchasing. . I E , LUDWIG LUMBER CO. , t ; SMebraska- e Valentine I , - e 'e8. _ 4l G _ . - - - L . " ' = 2 ! " / I ' G.RENFRONT1 . : I pay cash for hides. New shoes on hand. Save - money for cash. Fresh Groceries. - ' Valentine ; MIKE DAVIS ra . : : : : 4 ii : L Nebraska - . . iZ .iZIi" ! = : ; ! 'z = < i : < ? : . IIH VALENTINE DEMOCRAT , I. M. t RICE - Editor and Propr. .Mark Zarr - - Foreman. I Thursday ' , April 21 , 1910. rI - I W ashin ton ) News. . I By a Hpeciul Convspondenl. ) _ _ Blind tovthe last , ' the stand pat faction ofthe republican party - which is by far the biggest half , of ' it-has decided to "stand pat" on these propositions . : i ' That Aldrichism . is a good : 'thing. for the country. That Gannonism is a good thing for the country. - . - Thatthe Payne-Aid rich tariff - law - is. a God-send totbecommon r- peoplefof . Unitccr States. any-republican , . . member of congtfeslf who / , ' ; Ot"S against Icgis- latio ] ' recommended by the presi- i dent -thereby reads himself out of the , party. * . Right or wrong ; win , lose or draw , the republican regulars have resolved on a desperate attempt to I bluff the American people on these propositions. There is but one thing that will make a better impression on a campaign audience than a bluff , and that is astupend- , ous bluff. The Cannonites and . the Aldrichites , master politicians ' that they are , will play . this trump card. Political gamblers , they see a chance that the people may not . have the courage to call their hand. . " There is no time to turn back I now. The regulars have crossed the Rubicon. The .die has been 5 ; .1 cast. - Whether the American people are vigilant , or whether they are indifferent to conditions affecting the government of the country , is to be demonstrated once more. There are some who go so far as to say that the next two national elections involve such important I - issues as . to make them in reality ; . in the nature of a crisis in the his- 1 . tory of this republic. Both demo- 1 0 cratic and republican partisans ) f t. , . may consider ! this view as they . , : ' : : will ; either lightly or with respect , as . may best r please them. . ) 1 None 4' will . . deny , however , this 1. ' . fact : That the next'two elections . . will be a crisis in the history of one of the two great parties of 1 this country. It requires no flight . . of . imagination foresee that the progressive wing of the republi- can party , now in the minority , must become the majority. Oth- rwise the republican party would . seem to be destined forta . . long ( term out of power. i ' " 1 am now fast ! getting be an old man. I have seen the great corporations and the trusts and combinations grow in this country at a rapid and well-nigh irrestible pace , and thay will grow faster and faster until we adhere faith fully ! to the provisions of the anti- trust law. ] The pending railroad regulation bill will give the rail- road companies'-immunity from the anti-trust law and will confer .upon ' them unlimited power to ef feet mergers. ' ,1. for one can nev- er consent to . such legislation. ( , " In what ' was probably the most remarkable speech in his career , United States Senator Knute Nel- son of Minnesota thus spoke of the Taft-Wickersham railroad regulation bill. That such an at- tack could be made by a republi- can senator upon a bill which the president has declared to repre- sent true republican policy and doctrine , and -support of which Attorney General Wickersham and all the reactionaries have ] e- clarecl is a test of true republican ism , indicates i how far apart the stalwarts and progressives really are. are.The The Minnesota senator was lis- - tened to with marked attention. The reactionaries were so amaze'd they forgot to' even make inter- ruptions : as is customary when progressive republicans have the floor. It was so obvious that Sena- tor Nelson was deeply impressed with forebodings of disaster to the nation in the event of the passage of such bills as the one under con- sideration , that the speech was strangely i ' effective. The occu- pants of the galleries were silent and attentive , and all eyes were centered upon the picturesque I Minnesotan. Senator Nelson related how the western section of the country had suffered under railroad oppression and the long fight that had been made , until the legislation of 1906 was forced by public sentiment. He talked of the anti-trust law as . the shield which had been created to protect the public against fur- ther oppression by trusts and com- binations of all sorts , and then proceeded to show how the pend- ing bill proposes to destroy that protection abd to give the rail- roads unrestricted' power to re- sume their oppressive methods. "If we are not wise , " warned r the Minnesota sonatorj : ' "if we are no wiser than the French were in the days of Louis XV and Louis XVI and allow these trusts and . I - - - a _ an - - y \ ! - ' / . ' . . . ' - . monopolies to grov and go on un- trammaled the day will come-it will not be in our day , but the day will come-when the American people will resort to a revolution ! I as the people of France had to do , but it will be peaceful revolution' ' \ -an American . . rey-olution-not as violent and- repulsive as the . French , but as'thorough and ef- I fective in its results. " , . United States Attorney General i Wickersham was once more re vealed as having dropped an im portant suit against corporations when Senator LaFollette had con- cluded his speech against ; the Taft- Wickersham railroad regulation bill. The speech was chiefly the story of monopolization of trans- portation facilities throughout New England by the New York , New Haven and Hartford railroad , the manipulation of state legisla tion to make this monopolization possible and the final crowning achievement of the monopolists in t obtaining the dismissal of the gov ernment suit begun under Roose- velt to check the process of merg- ing all the railroads , steam and electric. The dismissal of this suit by Wickersham came three months after he had taken office : It was ordered by him without in- vestigation and without explana ' tion , except such as does not ex plain at all. It is being recalled that Wickersham also dropped im portant suits against the beef trust soon after taking office ; that 'he 1L ' rendered a legal opinion uphold : ing Ballinger and viciously at- : , tacking Louis 11. Glavis ; that he : rendered another opinion legaliz- ing the sale of" 55,000 acres of rich Philippine sugar lands to the Hiveme.ver interests in the face of the organic law of the Philip- p-nes ; forbidding the sale of more ' than. 2,500 acres of land to any single corporation ; and that he framed the Taft . railroad regulation' ' . fyill which has . been condemned . by' } : Republican Senators LaFollette- ? Clapp , Nelson , Cummins , Borah and Bri&tow. ' . W , - Notice to Creditors. . , THB STATIC OK NKKKASKA i In the County B CIINItitYCOU\T1. i i ss Court. ' In the matter of the estate of DiliaE. . IJurr. deceased : To the Creditors of said Fstnte : You are hereby notified. That 1 will ! sit at the Coi nty Court Room in Valentine in said cotmry on the 7th day ot lilay 1910 , at 10 o'f ' lock ) a. in. to receive anrt examine all claims acainst ) said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The rime limited for the presenta ' tion of rlnims } airninst ; ! said estate is six months from 1 the 7th day of P nv . . A. V. 1909 ! ) and the time limited for payment of dehts is one year from said 7lhdayot : Nove'iiOer. ! ) , Witness my hand and seal of said : county court - - ' - - this 13th dav of April A. . O . inio. ! SEAL JAMES C. QUT ( LEY. . - . - 14 4 County Judge. Walcott & Murrissey : , attorneys. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry comity , Ne braska. State of Nebraska. I. I ss Cherry County 1 ' To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of Carl Beckman. deceased. r On reading the petition of T . . D. Tice pray- ing a linal settlement and allowance of his account tiled in this court on the 12th : day of April HllOaml for a decree of distribution. It is hereby ordered that you and all per- sons interested in said matter may and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county on the 2nd : day of May , A. D , 1910. at l o'clock p. m. . to show cause , ' if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted. and that not- ice of the pendency pt said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat. a weeklv newspaper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. JAMES : C. QUlGI Y. [ SEAL ] 11-4 County Judge. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office , Valentine , ? br.ssl\a t ) A pul 8.1910. ) A suflicient contest affidavit having been flied in this oHlce b > ' Frederick W. Kichardson con testant. aj-ainsc ! homestead entry No. lttoS7 , serial No. 02811. made Atnjn&t : : 16 ] 1901 for the SW'4 : : : of section 22. NWkf ot section 27. NJ ; $ of section 28. township ! 2Sn , range 32\v , by Lester H. Mason , contestee. in wtiich it is alleged that : said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months pni'r ) to the expiration of live years iroln dare of entry ; that hr has never resioed upon , cultivated or unproved said tract as required by law and that Mil A $ ] the iibove defects exl-'t at this date . and have mi been cured. * Said parties are hereby notified to appear re- spot.d. and oiler evidence touching said alleg- , . tion at 10 oVlock ] a. in. , on May 18 , 1910 , oe- fore the judue of the county court lor Hooker county , at his oflice in Mullen , Nebr. , and that final li , . . arinjr will he held at 10 o'clock a. in. , on , Ma : > : ! . l , Hun before Hie gi-ier and receiver at the United btates : : land omce in Valentine Ne braska. the said : : contestant having , in a nroper affi davit , IIII'dlareh 18 1910. set forth facts which show t'lnt ' after due dtliuence personal .servit e of this notice cannot be made. it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be Riven by due and propt-i publication. 141 11 E. OLSON , Receiver. - cu1KF - ' - ' . . ' r7 NG' .145c : ) Jjj. , . . "i hOT Uftjtbe + nT : : ; : - . A l Purel the I baking * I ! ( ' h ; " Neves ' . ! Fails. I ll , Fails. . ' . Try it IIr. _ T B itliiG ( CHICAGO . . i ' . - - . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - a w - - y. - - - HairHealth ' _ If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble , Take Advant = I age of This Offer. , We could not afford to so Ftrong- , ly ] endorse Eexali " 93" Hair Tonic I and continue to sell it as we do , if j we were not certain that it would do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away , and I Eexali 93" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users , they would lose faith in us and our business prestige would suffer. I Therefore , when we assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble , Eexali " 93" ! Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff , stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness , you may rest assured that we know what we ore talking about. I Out of one hundred test cases Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction in ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will grow hair even on buld heads , when , of course , the baldness had not ex- ' isted for so long a time that the follicles which are the roots of the hair , had not become absolutely lifeless. , Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic is vastly different from other similar prep- arat.ions.Ye believe that it will do more than any other . human I agency toward restoring hair growth and hair health. It is not greasy I . and will not gum the scalp or hair I or cause permanent stain. It is as r I pleasant to use as pure cold water. , Our faith in Eexali " 93" Hair , Tonic is so strong that we ask you i to try it 0:1 our positive guarantee t that your money will be cheerfully I refunded without question or quib ble if it does not do as we claim. , . Certainly we can offer no stronger argument. It comes in two sizes . . , , prices 50 cents and $1.00. "Re - . member you can , obtain it only at pur store , - The ' Eexall R Store. . , Chapman - , The Druggist , . . Auction Sale. : / M. Kennealy , J. B. Gaskill and Henry Morris , school board , will offer at public auction on Friday , .April 29 , 1910 , at 2 p. m. , to the highest bidder for cash , the frame school house in " district No. 25 , at the school house 6 miles north west of Valentine. Size of build- ing 18x28x10 and in good . repair. Grass seeds at the lied Front. Fresh garden seeds in all va- rieties at Fischer's Hardware. 9 5 room house for rent o'n Cher- ry street north of the Presbyterian church. - MRS. CLARA FELCII. 12i Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , accompanied by a bond duly at- tested , said petition praying that I be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 6 , lot 17 , in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne- braska , for the year ending May 1 , 1911. HENRY STETTER. Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given that we have filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , accompanied by a bond duly at- tested , said petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 5 , lot 25 , in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne- braska , for the year ; ending May 1 , 1911. . W. K. McGEER. FRANK P. CARROLL. Liquor Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a petition i , accompanied. by a bond duly at- tested , said petition praying that I be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 12 , lot 4 , in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne- braska , for th e. year.'ending May 1 , 1911. WALTIIER F. A. MELTENDORFF. : Dated April ; ' . 7 , . , 1910 . < ; , . . . /t. . : ' ' - - . . _ : - . _ - - - : . . . - - = - - = = = - : - : ; : = . . . : : ; : : : = - = : - _ : : : : ' ' ' : - - . . : . . - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - I . . . or ' 't < , . - - - . . . . . . . . . _ - - . DISCH RRoW ' " , . / A A r D y STRONGEST : EAVIEST.BEST [ . a = ' a1 " ' " Durability r'lfiO do gjOOd work and be durable seems to us strong points TO on the disc harrow question. Good work demands a harrow that pulverizes the ground thoroughly , that cuts out dead furrows that adapts itself to any uneven condition of the ground. To he durable a harrow must have a SiTO2ig frame , Steel S ! Lq7 & " gang feolts , lasavy gauge discs , and a general l construction throughout that leaves no room for question as to the strength of nny part. All these points have been built into the. Deere Model B. , o / It ta flic ) most r comfortable ! tisllieon1y . y Ii ' barrow . to > arrow iliat ride upon. is cziblen [ " ' . 1 "io'JoriL - _ & 32 . . , - S t "h . - * I It is made in all sizes from 4' to 10' eat , 16 * , 18" and 20" mse5 , has improved oscillating scrapers , extension oil tubes I' with or without weight boxes , and all sizes are furnished with a stub tongue. - If you are in the market for a disc harrow be f3me n o see fifee Mo3e& & at GET store. \ . Valentine Lumber Co. . I \ , . , " . . . . , " A. E. Morris W. W. Morrissey 0. W. Noyes . . . - . ra.vr.ij i Spring is here. jSFow is the . .t ' A 6 i lAST' ' S time to tend to your garden or . II lawn. Our stock of Garden * . - and Grass Seeds is complete. Garden liose and Lawn i Mowers at all prices. Purchase thorn at our store. . ; ; N Har ! EEr. ! Frank , , Fischer " - - " - - . ' o0c- 1 , ( .900- jhi ) r ° : ac 1) ) , rrrr0o ifv ; c c' it b @ et Wff&mJ ( \ > > - , . , . I l S Pool , and , Billiard. HaU-I I" < . . 1 : sA Cigars and - . pzu > > , ' @I ) S 0 ft D rill k S "Ii ) , . . 4Z I JOHN G. STETTER m PROP. . 1 , . . . . . .rll' : : : : \ = - "I $ = - . ' 2 : , , , " , . . . . j1 . < < @r . . . " ' u. > _ . , , = < . _ . .y. _ . _ H ' . ' _ , on _ " . _ _ _ " _ ' " ' _ H C Henry Schaefer , ' . . Nenzel , Nebr. , . . Has received three car loads of Farm Im- . ; I ' j" ) * plements , Harness and Hardware. He . . wants the farmers to know that he can . supply them at a saving in price. Every- thing needed on a farm. Call and see me at NENZEL = NEBRASKA _ , _ _ . . . _ . " _ , . , r.ft'M ' _ . " . _ . . _ - e e _ ii .e- W ii j I .1 : ( .Or . hiske Y k _ . Go to the . . - . i - ; A Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER I | Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. i o e _ _ e I GRANT BOYER , ; . - . CARPENTER. & BUILDER.'r : . . . - - . . ' . - - . . " . . . . . . . . . . ' . - --.X'-- / --1 : ; : ; : All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks ! made in all sizes , . ResIdence and shop one block south of passenger ' depot ? . . ' - - Valentine , ' PHONE 72 Nebraska . " , , " References : My : Many , . . . . Customers. , . . . . . . : . . ( . ; . ' . ' . / ' ' - . < : . . . - , ' . . . . . . - . . . . . - - - ' " ' - - - ' ; ; 1 " - , . . 1