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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1910)
. " . . , _ . . - - - - , - - - - - - - . _ - - - - - " " # " . IJ.riaMUt KII ! t- ] " ! T' J , .I. . < ! : . " ' 4 L. . - " . " - - - - : . . ' " " " " P1 ! . , I I \ , . - ; . - . - " " ' ! e e-o I 'I h . I W A. PARKER t. . I I ; ' . , : I. . - - " , . . . . r . ! General Merchandise . I . I - , j \ i , : Men's Clothing and Furnishings , Ladies . . Skirts , Waists , Pattern Hats , Millinery : i ! Goods , Notions , Ladies' Furnishings. I I i Underwear , and Hosiery , Boots and i z Shoes , Groceries , Patent Medicines. : j , I . I . H : i e e : , . ' . Flour , Ground Feed and Grain. r I I II I " I . i - t Wood Lake , = = Nebraska I I if t _ r @ G r z ° @ ' . ' . ' . . . . . . A , - A - . , . A . . ' . ' . . . " " . - , . . . . ' - . , - " - . , . - I . i. ' : : > ; : : ; : 3. / - J ' > ' " A" " ' " ; 'r' . JH1DAYi i. 1 E ' . : CENERAl MEROHANDISE ] i ' , We Buy and Sell Horses ' C Wood Lake , - Nebraska , ' I : ' e o ! t . ! , U -.UJUl.U--.U.tJJ . i I - ; e : y I 1 Ii' i + , JRYS 1 TA I1IHOWE MONTAGNE e * , . . , : i . . . I".I " ! Livery , Feed ! and .5 I - J Sales Stable. . . . . . . . . ! y , ; i S " l" ) " , . , Wood Lake , Nebraska jj E Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. ? § s ni" i 1.nr60b , rtifa & " ( i 'iHi .i'.cr i" " n" . sn&1rw JS ; - " II I I ' , . , ! , ; - - . . . H. A. : LY.ONS , , , ' ' , \ ( Successor to Welker & Lyons' ) ' * , - Wood Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting . and fishing parties. , . A. M. Lots . peich , ( Successor to Ed Young. ) i _ Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods i ; Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish- - . i ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. I Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . . . FLOUB , FEED AND COAL. i Wood Lake = Nebraska. , lyi , ,1 . . 1 U. S. Land office Valentine Nebraska , - March 18. 1910. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Frederick W , Richardson. c'1n- ' testant. against homestead entry l' o. 16680 , serial No. 0280i. : made August 16 , 1J04 ! , for SEJi , section 2n , and NJ4 of section ° 9. Township 28n , ' range 32\v , ctli l'1. . , bv Joseph H. Wiley , I i contestee. in which it i * allied that Joseph H. Wiley has wholly abandoned .iid tract for . more than s'x months last pist ; tlia said claim- j J . ant has never resided upon cultivated or im proved said iract us required by law , that there is no improvements of anv kind on said lamt , that said trJ.ctsLre in then wild and native - state and wholly unimproved that all said defects exist at this date . aud have not been cured. r Said : parties are hereby notified to appear ' respond and offer evidence touching said ; allega ) tion at 10 o'clock m on * prll 27 , HHO he- fore County Judge of Hoooker Uonntr. Mullen. I Nebr. , and that the final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a , in. on aiay : 4. 1910 , be I fore the register and receiver at tllM United States land Office in Valentin1 , Nebraska : , The said contestant having in a jnoper attl- davit liled March. 18 , I HO srt forth facts which show that niter due diligence : peisonal service of this notice cannot be nitde it is hereby ! lire I - r- ed and directed tnat such notice be given by due and proper publication. . 114 E. OLSON , Receiver. . . 'Notice of Hearing on Petition for Adoption. . - . . Tn the county court of Cherry county , Ne b , ' ask11. - 'In the matter of the adoption of Carrie Darling Provo , minor. . All persons interested will take notice that on March 8rd : , i''lO , Louis II. Weaver mid Louise C. .Denver , his wlie , lilcd their - petition for the adoption of said Carrie Darling Provo , aud that on the same day I the Child Saving Institute , n corporation , within the Btate. : of Nebraska , with Its prin cipal place of business at Omaha in said state , Hied their relinquishmeiit and con ] sent to the proposed adoption of said Carrie 4 " Darling Provo by said Louis II. Denver and Louise 0. Weaver , his wife ; that l said matter will be beard by the county court at the I . county court room in said ] county on the ' . . . SJrd : day of May , 1)10 ! ) , at 9 o' < : locl a. in. , at A which time and place objections to said proposed adoption will be heard. I " : ; band and official seal this 5th day : of April , 1010. . 4 . . . JAMES O. QUIGI/KT , t [ Seal ] 1U : ! a County Judge. I , . . - - - _ . - I JOHN JP. POEATH I a , . _ . Bnrge , K ekslr . , " Tubular wells and windmills. - , " . ; . .Call me up by Telephone. . . ' " , . - - , , , ' . . . , - - - - , sa'Y.Q _ HI " . . r In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne- , braska. In the matter of the ap- " I plication of William Bejuner , gimrdiun of I Mubul : : Sadl'rianinsanc I II I i'rsonlo sell real estate J I This cause came on for hearing upon the I ; petition William Beamer , guardian of i Mabel Aa nder5 , an insane person , praying ) ' for license to sell the dower and homestead interest ol the said Mabel Sanders In the southeast quarter : of section 2i ( ; , township 31 , range 31. : ) , In Cherry ; county , Nebraska : , said petition alleging : that the said Mabel San ders has been for a period of more than three years last past insane and incurable. It is there-lore ! ordered that all persons in- I terested in said estate appear before me at my chambers . in Rushviile in Sheridan I county , Nebraska , on the aoth ; day of April , I'.UO ! , at 10 , o'clock a. in. of said day. : to show ] cause wliya license should Hiot be granted to said guardian to sell the said : interest in said estate as prayed ; for in said petition. It is further ordered that this order be published for three successive weeks : in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly I paper of general circulation in said . Cherry county , Ncin ask11. Dated this JMst : day of March , 1010. A\r. WESTOVEK , 1U : 3 Judge of the District court. Contest Notice : ! U. S. Land Office Broken Bow , Nebraska l ( March 23,1910 I A sufficlnnt contest affidavit having ! been filed In this otUce by Georgia B . CIOIISt' . contestant again-t Homestead entry No. 0256 made August ! 2 ; ; . 1908 , for mvli , wJSneJi , se.ine4 ; u } sSj'S , 54seM , sekswif , s'ction 11 , and the nejinwjf ; , \ \ ' /in-Iof / section 14 , township 25n. rang'1 3iw , by WHiitm .L Thomas , contestee. in which K is alleged : that claimant has wholly abandoned said Intel for more than six mouths last past ; that he has never established a residence upon t lie said laud ; that ther is no p J ac . ol abode ; that said land is in its wild aud native state and wholly unimproved : that all ot s-iiil defects exist at this date and have not been cured , a/iid / . , arth's are hereby notified to appear , respond aui offer evidence ! touching said alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 0 1910 , before W. E. Bowers county judsre of Hooker countv , Nebr. . at his otUce in Mullen Nebr. , and that the final hearing will oe held at 10 o'clock a. in. , on May : 11 , 1910 , before i I the register and receiver at the United t I I S'ates ' : ! Land Ortice in Broken Bow , Nebraska The sain c.onte-tant hnvlII ; ' : . In a proper am" davit lile Mar. : 21. 1'JOI , set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ) service ot this notice can not hI hereby order ed and directed that such notice be given by due and proll < : publication. , JOHN REESE U 1114 lWglStLo'l' , f j , ' . " " . ' . . ' . . . ' ! ' . . , . - " - " 1\1"1 \ r I . . . . . . . . . . . ! " . , rT r JJI. J1 , - . . . . . . alliw.Mh , : ; - . - . - - . . : ; ; ; ; : : ; : ; - - " : : ' : : - : : . . . . : . 1 > " " " - . . ' . : > 3 = 35 . . , , _ . . . - - - - - ' ' ' L , : . . - l 1 l v v r . ' Wood Lake Department ' - ADVERTISING RATES : Locals or reading notices 5 cents per Hue ; each insertion. Display advertising J' Sc 50 , cents per inch . per month each Issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column. - I John Tucker was in town last week. . . . . - Joe Leader took a trip east last - Monday. .Walter Tinkham was in town Tuesday. . Harry , McDill was in town a few days ago. Neil Hanna was up from the ranch Sunday. The water bonds carried by a large majority. Earl Ralya left for Sioux City last Thursday. The teachers' meeting Saturday I I was well attended. * Sylvester Hagen is visiting his parents in this eity. Jesse 1 McVey took out a load of corn a few days ago - . Dr. Noyes ; of Valentine was in town Friday evening. Sheriff Rosseter was in town several days last week. Uck , Lausen & Krampert are building a lumber shed. B. Tinkham made a business trip to Valentine Sunday. I Rev. Carpenter preached to a large congregation Sunday. , Pierce Duncan spent Saturday and Sunday visiting in town. W. G. Ballard has been freight- ing to his ranch the past week. Miss Chloe Waggoner has been on the sick list for several days. I Jos. Kreyclk will have a dance at the Barney Denaeyer place on April 16. The outbuildings of the Lake View hotel have been treated to' a new coat of paint. . Mesdames W. V. Jackson , Ly- ops , Uck and Krampert spent Sunday ih Ainsworth. , Hazel Waggoner aud Marthena Morris rode out to.the . Morris ranch Friday afternoon. . I Dr. Tische and August Klop- I ping were given the first mysteries of masonry on April 2. George Wang purchased a Red River Special separator which was unloaded here Monday. Wash Honey returned from Omaha Friday evening. He says rain is needed for the small grain. - Miss Marguerite Wiesner went to Ainsworth Saturday morning , I returning on No.1 in the evening. A. M. Lotspeich has taken charge of the Ed Young merchan dise store and is doing a very nice business. The Odd Fellows met Saturday evening and initiated a member idto the third degree and one into the first. I Clyde Cunningham and Cliff Iott have returned from a hunting trip at the lakes and report good shooting. I 1 D. A. Hancock expects to take bunch of horses to South Dakota this week where he intends to dis pose of them. , Workmen are busy laying the foundation for a building to be erected on the site of the new lumber yard. . . , Mr. Lake returned from Iowa a few days ago and reports every- thing in good condition , though rain is j needed badly. O. W. McDaniel is home from Bloomfield where he was looking over property with a view to pur- chasing or trading for. Lew Cole , ' Mr. King , John Uehling , Henry Jellinek and Carl Micheel , all of Goose creek , were in town Wednesday. Alderman Weisner treated the boys to cigars after his election on the board Tuesday and now wears quite an aldermanic smile. The teachers here are busily en- gaged in looking up suitable ma- terial for an entertainment to be given at the close of school. County Surveyor Junod has been surveying the streets of Wood Lake and establishing curb and grade lines , Chas. Hostetter assisting. 1 A very pretty "Merry Widow" hat has arrived and is one of the latest productions of the Parisan millinery art. Miss Maud Bailey is the happy owner. Saturday evening the "Four Hundred" club gave a card. party and dapce ; ; , followed by refresh- ments , consisting of coffee , sand- wiches , olives , cake and sherbet Oswald Uehling was in from Goose creek visiting his daughter , I Mrs. C. T. Miller , and departed for the east to visit a sister of Mrs. Miller who is very sick at Hooper. Dave Hanna has gone to New Orleans , La. , to attend the masonic encampment of Shriners. Some good stories are expected from Dave when he returns from the South. There is considerable excitement over the developments in the cat- tle stealing case. All indications point to a well organized band of rustlers who have grown bold with continued success. The evidence seems strong and will no doubt be sufficient to convict at least a few of the gang. The community at large vill be greatlyrelieved I when all is settled. Sunday morning , while attend- ing to his duties about the stable , Frank Ricket went into a stall with a horse which became fright- ened , crowding him against the wall in such a manner and with ' " - ( sufficient force to break the small end of his shoulder blade. Dr. McCullough was at once * summon- ed and brought the fractured ends into place. BAKINGiPbOW O . ti9THAOEaiTnt TFii5f : rALUM The Baking Powder Story in a nutCDsheli" H i u Adulteration " ] Cheap CA. 1YcG Impurity } Baking ItQFnNCFC Unhealthfulness J Powder- CHICAGO High Price ] Trust Indifferent Leavening } Baking Residue of Rochelle S 1 Its J Powder " Most Leavening Power 1 CALUMET Purest _ _ - IngredientsBAKING . I . Moderate Price J POWDER . Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition , Chicago , 1907. . I r Call on THE-DEMOCRAT , for First Class JOB 'V ORE : , . ' . . . . . . . . . I . . . 'F. If _ _ iii , ' 10" ' . " . . . - - - - , . , , , , , , , , , , . , , . , , , . - < - . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . - , . - - . . _ . . . . . . , " . " - - , - . " . - - - - . - - - - , - . - " . _ w. . - . " . . < ' , , - . - ii"w .s:2i : H : : . L. : : - . _ ! . . . - . . , ' j. -ii- . . . i I f III ! . . . . . . - . . " . < _ r' " _ - . . . : : J'1 " Ie " , , . a - . . Furniture , and , Paints and Oils , Cattle ' Undertaking . Goods Dip , Stock Foods ; ate. . / i Johnson Bros. . ' , . . . j , . . Lumber , Machinery , Hard- , ware , Harness , Saddles ' . Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. . Nebraska Wood Lake , - - . . - C8C8'J r W. F. PARKER & CO. ' Wood Lake , Nebraska . Everything in Fan'cy : , , . . . and Staple Groceries ' : ' . ; IG * * * . ' JU v - * We have a complete line of OVERALLS and GLOVES BCSXSXSXSXSX8XSXSJCSXSXSX8JIS : I e _ _ ee4ll _ Uck , lauseh , & Co. " , , \ o General Hardware , , Wagons and , . , Machinery. . . . . o * -S complete line of - . . , * Harness and Saddles : , , ; . . . ' -4 , " e . Household ; and Kitchen Furniture Lumber and Fence Posts i WOOD LAKE , - NEBRASKA - J ( ) - - e _ e e - Albert Whipple & Sons. I Eosebud S. D. Cattle branded I SOS on left side OSO on rlehtslde Some cattle also have a -f- { on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars across hind qnar- F _ _ tel\.c \ : ; . Some Texas cattle branded t3 0 on left side and some on left side. . . . " ! Horses branded : : : SOS on left l hip. Some cattle j branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. ] Sears. Kennedy Nebr. . Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip. S - Horses same on left shoulder , Range- Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards ires WIll G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Troas Cattle branded on - - any part animal ; - - . also the following { j. . : brands : . f Jl - . horses rands tht } same M Range between Gordon on the FJL & M. V . , R. R. ard Hvannis on B & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nehr. BARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth , Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. Jr , Sawyer has charge of these cattle. H rses r _ _ S I > S on left shoul der. Some left side. f.A some. . Horses _ o _ _ . same left thigh liange on Snake river. . . . , Metzger Bros. Rolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. . Earmark , square - , 'A . . . . ' , ; . : . . . . . , . . crop right ear. 'P : . : .1 tl c ; , , ' . ' - ' Horses have same brasd on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks A Reward of $250 will be j > aid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of " person or. persons stealing cattle with above brand. I J. A. Yaryan.Pullman Pullman , Nebr : Cattle branded JT ; . onTightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable rewaro for any infonnatlor leading to the re covery of cattlt strayed from m' range . .I . ' , - - . . _ ' . . . . - . ' . ' - . . . . . . . - . - ' , - ' " ' " R. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address - Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded j I on itft . iron ' . : .J ' \ . , , ' " ' - > ! ; ! / Horses brnnl .d Horseson on left shoulder Don or thifh I Some ' , Some branded branded on hranciedil on shouldei left I ! or shoulder. or thigh P : H. Young. Bimeoth-N ebr. Cattle branded as cut on left aids Rome a. yon left side. 77en left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon N. fi. Rowley. Kennedy , - Nebraska. . Same as cut on left , side and hip and on ' left shoulder of hor- ses. Als < on left side . nd hip. F ! X on left se. : fA- fa Some rat ' tie brnnd- Ell ed husk- 'ing ' peg ( either Hide up ) on left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses : : , UJ Q on left hip of horses w N on left Jaw of horses c. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 8D Horses and cattle - same an cut ; also \ } CJ BE JJ on right C- hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rust.1ers of stock bearlng : auy of these brands R. M. : Terrill , Propr. Brownlee ; Net Cattle branded as In cr.t ; on left sid e. Some branded K T Y on left hip. Range on North Lonp river two miles vrest of Brewnlee John Kills Plenty. . St Francis Mis- sion , Rosebud , s. D. Cattle branded ' j is in cut ; horses ' , same dr , - .1 . KP . . - on : eft thigh. Kange I letween Sprin * 3'k and Little , White river. . , . - - . . > - . . . . ; . . " " 3'f v - _ . . _ _ _ . _ ) II