Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 14, 1910, Image 5

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    . " . . . . . . . '
. , . . .
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. . . . . ' " . - - - . . . . . . " - - - - - .
, , 1" \
. _
c. " , Tlhere : . . , is no prob- . ,
* . ? ' . . ; r- ; ; ' , . . ; ; . - - " ti.
lem . ; ; .o fincreased . : COst
lit < . ' " ' -
' 1' I of f oodif ' , ydu ea-t : .
. .
1 Quaker Oats
Ah ideal ' food ; delicious ;
V. / < . ,
Co appetizing ; . strengthening. .
' '
. *
- < - I
Comparedwith other
foods Quaker Oats costs
almost . nothing , and yet it
builds tHe ' best. - ' 62' ? .
1 . .
Are You Going to Do It
ThSpring , , '
- . . .
or put it off and not have the benefit
and lose the value it gives to a !
place ?
Put out a few of the best varieties.
It'e most interesting and will do you
more ood-we want them to do you
good. ' t
We have the ' - foJlowing varieties in
the nursery :
We have 22. varieties of Summer ,
Fall and Winter Apples , 7 varieties '
of Crab Apples. 5 varieties of Cher
1 ries , 7 varietiesof , Plums , Peaches ,
Currants , Goosrberries , Blackberries ,
Raspberries , lGraes , Strawberries ,
Evergreens , Shade Trees , Forest
Trees , Roses and other Ornaments ;
adapted to this part of the state.
, time usefulness. A THEE IS A PER
' ' ' ' ,
1 grown nearest home. 'l'h'y.are - ac
climated and grown under same con-
. .ditiortsyou want them to grow , and
where they oan be had fresh and
planted the quickest , and from those
that are growing orchards for th m-
selves and are producing fruic and
will Jurnibh any information desired
for you ' to succeed. ,
Come to the nursery and see the
- stuff or write for catalogue and
prices. 65 nursery and our
own orchards. '
Chas , J , Boyd ,
1 . Brow.n : County Nursery
r 1 A orth Nebr
Ainsworth . ,
Nursery one block north-east of the
t Court House.
. . .
' .
, A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
- by : check was devised
b Y ' all ' ' .m eF for _ . any
man--'for : yo It is
man - - ' ' you. s
, suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no . difference whether'
we pay out.$10 or e $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve . your
Pay. by. check , the
method puts system in-
to your business and
gives , you a record of
, every transaction. .
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
' cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
. MDXJPfiICES- - . FEED , . . .
Per Cwt. Per Ton.
< . . . , .
. . ' '
Bran , sacked. . . . . § 1 10 § 21 00 .
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
I Corn , sacked 1 . 35 26 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 40 27 00
, . Chop Feed , sacked 1. 4 = 5 28 00
, . t Oats , sacked . 1 45 28 00
' Contest Notice.
w ' U. S. Land Office Valentine. Vebrska , |
April 8. 1910 f
sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this ottlce _ by Frederi'-k W. Jticliardson con-
te tnnt. , ' against homestead , entry No. 16687 ,
, serial No. 02811. . made August 16 1904. for the
S W W-of section 22. > 'WK of section 27. NY or
. section 28 . township 28n , range 32\v : , by Lester
H. Mason , contestee. iu which It is alleged that
j said claimant lias wholly abandoned said tract
1 for more than six months pri 'r to the expiration
I of jive years from date . of entry ; that he has
,1 l t neverresiaed upon , cultivated or improved said
tract as required by law and that all ft the
above defects exist at this date and have COG
'J been - curtL > "
, I Said parties are hereby notified to appear re
spond . and'offer evidence , touching said aliena : -
' r ' tion at 10 o'clock 1\ . in. , on May 18 , 1910 on-
fore the jndKe of the county court , for Hooker
f county , at his office in Mullen , Nebr. , and that
I final hrarinp will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. . on
May 25,1910 before the n-jiMer and receiver at
t the ' United btatesiand . office in Valeiiiine Ne-
' braska. . . . . .
"T.1ie"said contestant havinjj , in a proper affi
davit , filed March 18 1910. sen forth facts
wblch show that alter due diligence personal
i servke of this notice ' cannot be made it la J
I hereby ordered and directed that such notica
be given by due and propei , ntblict tiou.
144 11 fe. OLSON , Keceiver.
. ,
- Dentist.
1 OMce ' over " $ .6grocery ' department
l Q 1 ; 1 : Qio : rn hF 's store ;
i _
. . . . ' . .
. .
t , ,
U. S. Weather Bureau Report '
! WEEK ENDING MAE. , 31 , 1910.
' , /
Daily mean temperature 52 ° : : . " ' : '
'j Normal temperature . 37 =
Highest temperature 82s * : . '
Lowest temperature 29 ° .
Range of temperature 53 ? : : .
Precipitation for week 0.36 of an inch. -
I Average for 22 } 'cars 0,33 of an inch.
Precipitation March'1st to ' date 00.8C inches.
I Average . for 22 years 01.15 of an inches
. . JOHX J. McLEAN Observer.
Talk of the Town.
' - Garden seeds at the JRed Front.
Four-room house for rent.
D. H. JLoyejoy was in town
J. H. Baker was in from Sim-
, eon Monday.
Mrs. Len Bivens is enjoying a
visit from f , her mother.
The JIasons had a big time at
their lodge ] Tuesday night.
"V\fash \ Honey and W. F. Parker
of Wood lake were in town Tues-
Mrs. C. H. Cornell and children
returned from Omaha last Thurs-
Mrs. : M. V. Nicholson is enjoy
ing a visit.from her mother and ,
A car or ' two ' of Early Ohio po
tatoes for sale. E. ORMESHER
9 { ) Valentine , Nebr.
Andrew Benson was in town
Tuesday to attend the Masons'
Wanted : Married man to work
on ranch. Apply to Wm. Stead-
man , Kennedy : , Nebr.
O. L. Miller , Indian trader acd
merchant of Oak creek was in
town Tuesday on business.
your spring house cleaning. Order
it from Fischer's Hardware. 14
Evart Harvey is home from
York , Nebr. , where he has been
in the employ of J. A. Parks.
Leonard Piercy came in from
Kennedy Monday and went east
. , on - tbe . train to be gone a few days.
- " , , _ . . .
-t '
Jim Lawless'-/came into town
Monday from J. H. Baker's ranch
where he'd worked the past win-
Charles Latta , John Daniels and
the Carr Bros were in town Mon
day to haul out lumber for the
new school house to be built near
Mike Monewas down from
Cody last week and we intended to
have a visit with him but he was
probably kept busy . all the time he
was here.
Sam Tetherow and wife were in
town Tuesday proving up on Mrs.
Tetherow's homestead. Charles
Yingst and Ben Jfaxton were the
Mrs. Milt Latta and daughter ,
Vaunna , were in'town Monday do-
ing some shopping. She tells us
that they are not keeping fisher I
men this year.
Tom Hornby and Eldon Sparks
departed Sunday to join their
wives - atOmaha for a trip to
Seattle where they ' expect to re
main several weeks.
H. A. Davis returned last Fri-
day night from a two week's visit
at Buffalo , Wyo. , with his broth-
er , J. G. Davis and brought his
mother home with him.
John S. DeWalt and family ar
rived in Valentine Tnursday night
from Harrisburg , Pa. , to make
this their home and expect to find
work here. They have rented a
the P. F. Simons house.
On Sunday next , Apiil 17 , ser-
vices in St. John's church both '
morning and evening. Early ] eu-
charist at 7 a. m. * Sunday school
at 10 , morning prayer and sermon
at 11. . Evening prayer and ser-
mon at 8. Choir rehearsaf Friday t
evening , April 15 , at the church. i
Ed Satterlee , the Nenzel merch-
ant : , . was in town Monday and we
both went to the barber shop to-
gether to get a bait cut in hopes
of improving our - appearance and
looking y'unger. . ft helped Ed
but we feel just about as old . as J'1
bBfore. t I
I The J sale at A. John & Co. . still
. continues. . -
' I
. . . C. . F. Johnson is back from
Ge. r - va , la. I
' ' I
* . , Ge ' * * 9. Chapman has bought Val i
Nicholson's auto.
Len Ballard and Howard Fer-
> t .
rel drove in , yesterday. I
Alfalfa , Millet , Timothy and
Clover Seeds V at Fischer's Hardware. I
R. W. Carter and John Uehling
were in town last Friday from
their ranches south of Woodlake. :
G. ; . A. Chapman removed the
Ellidtt soda fountain last Thursday
to his own store and will be ready
for business in a few days.
Wanted : A middle aged wom-
an and girl , or two girls , to cook
and do restaurant work. Must
understand restaurant work.
88 E. D. COIJOTA , Valentine , Neb.
C. W. Bennett andAlbert < Spall
were in , town yesterday : after a
load of freight and because Char-
ley hadn't been in town since last ]
summer and wanted to take a look
at his old friends and say hello.
Mrs. Mark Cyphers entertained
a dozen lady friends at a 500 party
Tuesday evening and it was
Mark's time to hide out. Mrs. I.
M. Rice won the prize , a beautiful
souvenir spoon , for the highest
score. The ladies ] , as usual , had
a splendid time and something to
Thomas J. Brown was brought
to town Thursday night by Sheriff
Rosseter , charged with , disposing
of cattle carrying the brands of
other parties who had not disposed
of them. There were three counts
against him and failing to give
bond for § 3600 was held in jail to
await the preliminary hearing
which is set for next Monday. '
Britt Items.
J. Broad was a Valentine caller
Will Bullis has his barn well
under cover.
. .
Bertha Ryschon . . spent . . Sunday .
J. - -i ' - - . - '
on Dry creek. " , " : , ' *
Wm. Novak left Tuesday for
Tripp county.
Roy Brown has been on the sick
list but is improving. I
Mrs. Novak and son James of
Brunswick are here on a visit.
Marcus Smith and wife are re-
joicing over the arrival of a boy.
Dewey Kellogg ] ] and wife visited
his brother , Don , on Beaver creek
over Sunday.
Oscar Graeff had the misfortune
of being kicked by a horse but. ;
was not seriously injured.
John and Will ' Ryschon have
returned from Tripp county , hav-
ing finished the latter's ] barn.
Quite a number of Brittites at-
tendeded the social and dance at
Crookston Friday night. An en-
joyable time is reported.
Wm. Janssen was thrown from
a ! wagon recently in a runaway , the
wagon passing over his body. He
was considerably ] bruised but no
bones broken.
Notice to Creditors.
- ss
CUKRRY COUN'l'I jD3 I Court.
In thfi matter of the estate of Delia E.
Burr dem ased :
To the Creditors of said Estate :
You an herettv notified. That 1 will sit at the
Coi nty Court Room in Valentine in said county
on the 7th day oJay 1910 , at 10 o'clock
a. in. to receive and examine all claims apainst
said e ' tate with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta-
tion of Claims against said estate is six months
from the 7th day of Nov . A. I ) . 1909 and the
time limited for payment of debts is one year
from said 7th day of November. 1901. :
Witnens my hand and seal of said : county court
- Jthis 13th dav of April A FV 1910.
- , . - 14 4 County Judge.
Walcott & Morrissey , attorl1 . Ys ,
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for .
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cnerry county , Ne-
State : of Nebraska , I „
Cherry County \ss I
To the heirs and all persons interested in
the'estate ; of Carl Beckman. deceased.
On reading the petition of L. D. Tice pray
ng a final settlement and allowance of his
account tiled in this court on the 12th day
of April I'JIO.and for a decree of distribution.
It is hereby ordered tha you and all per _
sons interested in said matter may , and do
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 2nd ? day of May ,
A. D , 1910 at 1 o'clock p. in. , to show cause ,
if any there be , why the prayer of the pc-
litioner should not be granted and that not-
cc of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be givtm to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a - coy oi
this order in The Valentine Democrat a
weekly , newspaper printed in said county for ,
four : successive weeks prior to said iiay of
h'earlngi : JAMES C QUIGLHT.
: sgAL71 H4 County Juts & e.
. .
. , . i
- :
. C8j:8j ' . i
I - . , : f 1
t '
: . -
' { j . .
New Store. New Stock .
. Call and see us in our new store. We have left in our old store
' { i. : ' . . : . 400 pairs of shoes , odds . and ends ' , , and lots of other goods , such
as Underwear , Hats , Piece Goods and Laces that we will close o- , . . . .
out at great reduction in price. Sale begins Saturday morning
. . and will continue for one week. Do not miss this opportunity.
a _ . ,
. . .
" ' ' . . . , - - - . , - . . . - . . . , . . .
, : > . ? : : ' . : 'i. : . .
C. . . < < : . . : : ; < = Y " All Leading .
Old Crow , ' . " , " - ' . ' ' . - . . , 0 , -
< * - :
. ,
.ax"n r < Brands
Hermitage ; .
, ,
" ' .
, - 'r.
. .
and - - ' y i : m Bottled -
. , . .
t T ( .a.- t . + f , }
Guchen- sr < : - - wy Under the \
. . , \ . t ; : ; : : th ; " j . i " , .
heimer , 5 : , AILi : , Supervision : . : " : . . ' , .
Supervision ' . ' : . . .
Rye of the . . .
p . .
' ' ' :
V\T hiske s. U. S. GOT" ' ' ; ; - ;
' , . .
. . . . . - ; ,
. ' : ' We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
: ; THE PALACE. SALOON , " f ,
, ; . ' HENRY . . - STETTER - - , Propr.
L , I . - TA N N U A L S A LE : _ ' .
or to . , . - ' ' . . .
' .1' . " , .
, . .
! , , , ' at Valentine Nebr. . , '
: , ,
. . ,
' . .
' J'
: ' " Commencing . promptly at 1:00 p. m. , on Wednesday , . . : . . . .J. - . . "
A p rl I 2-0 , s 1 9 1 0 . . .
On the above date I will sell . '
From 16 to 24 months old , richly bred fellows with good bone , good back ,
good Hereford head and horns , in good flesh but not pampered. All healthy.
They were tested for Tuberculosis March 21 , 1910 , by one of the Iowa State 'T eterin- '
aries and all found to be 0. K. , and a certificate from him showing same will go with
each bull. Now is the time to buy good Hereford bulls , they are lower now than
they will be again in ye i's. Right at grass , with stockers and feeders , the highest on
record and all other stock the same. Now is the time , the best show up. Come to
Valentine April 20 , and we will show you a better lot of bullsthan you ever saw in
one bunch from one man's herd and breeding. Write at once for catalogue. :
Geo. Js Anstey , Propr. ' I ;
Fairview Herefords ' - 4 " . Massena , Iowa
Cols. Tracewell and Flannagan , Aucts. W. E. Haley , Clerk.
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Eed Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
. * .
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
3erd : headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
STo. 160050 { ) , and Climnx 2 , No. 289 ,
322 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg-
Bulls for Sale at AH Times ;
-f :
'GnTl ! . . S'j M Iuir OOl&I1I1 . .ot T
I iStette ; Tobien * Props. / I 111 I i
t . , . . . . . . , , . . . jo
DEALERS IX , I ; fl Ig l , .
All Kinds of Fresh jp
I and Salt Meats. . . . *
Will buy you ? Cattle , Hogs , 7 - ' .
i Poultry , Horses , Mules and
} anything 1 you have to sell. N .
, . .
. . . :
- - - . . .
- - -
- - - - -
- - - -
- - - - - - - -