, - 4 } , . The Important , 'Problem i t < confnraUng anyone in need of a laxa- .t ' live is not a question of a single ac- , 'tIon only , but of permanently bene- , " . : ficial effects , which will follow proper 'I efforts to live in a healthful way , with the assistance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , whenever it is re- , quired , as it cleanses the system gently yet promptly , without irritation i' ' and will therefore always have the . , preference of all who wish the best of . , .family laxatives. ! , The combination has the approval 'Of physicians because it is known to " : be truly beneficial , and because it has . ' . , Uiven satisfaction , to the millions of . 'well-informed families who have used . It for many years past. I To get its beneficial effects , always 'buy the genuine manufactured by the , . : < ; alifor = : a. Fig Syrup Co. only. , - . . .ter j , Whnt She Should Have Said. t Two colored women were standing ! . .on a downtown corner yesterday after moon : talking. * i uflssVllliams : have came home , " 1 ' said one. The other laughed. "Ma goodness ! " "She said. "Why dont | you leahn yoh , .gra.mmah : ? " I . "What did I say that wah grammah Jess ? " asked the other. . " ' ' " "You said 'have came. The first speaker was provoked " Well yo' . . . knows so much about gram- , - nah . now tell me what should . I .ca - saId , " she demanded. "Yo' should a-said 'Miss Williams HA3 came home , " replied the other. Denver Post. I DELAY IS DANGEROUS. 'When the kidneys are sick , the " hole body is weakened. Aches , pains and urinary ills ' . come , and danger of diabetes and fatal B rig h t' s disease. ' Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and impart strength to a _ the whole system. James Greenman , , ' 142 East Front street , , ) Ionia , Mich. , says : . "I - 4 GJ had the worst case of t f , I kidney and bladder trouble that thedoc- ttors had ever seen. For three months .1 was confined to my bed. I was In i constant pain and voided blood. On using Doan's Kidney Pills , I passed iforty-nlne gravel stones. Since then II have been well. " ' Remember the name-Doan's. For sale at all dealers. 50 cents a tor. Foster-Milburn ; Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. . .C1Iarl ; Rendc's Literary Method. " ' zReade's literary work was , Sir Rob -ert Anderson remarks , a rare combi- nation of genius and plodding. A brass .scuttle which stood by the fireplace .iield : the illustrated and other papers - . which , reached him week by week. { - 'From these he culled anything that \ \ took his fancy , and the cuttings were -thrown into a companion scuttle , to be afterward Inserted In scrapbooks and -duly indexed. Materials for his novels . mnd plays were thus supplied or sug- .gested. The accuracy of his descrip- tions of events and places was phe nomenal. - Blackwood's Magazine. Whea Rubbers Become Jfecessary And : your shoes pinch , shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease the antiseptic -powder for the feet. Cures tired aching : feet and takes the sting out of Corns and Bunions. Always use it for Breaking in : : Jew shoes and for dancing parties. Sold .everywhere 25c. Sample mailed FREE. 'Address , Allen S. Olmsted Le Roy , N. Y. The Was and the Waggrer. "Fountain pens , " snapped the wife whose tongue had found out the sec ret : of perpetual motion , "remind me , Horace , of some husbands ! " "Why ? " responded the meek little .man. Expensive , can't be depended on , won't work , and half the time they're Broken ! " she snorted. "That's pretty rough , Maria ! " bleat- ed Horace. "I call it most unkind , in : act. Really ! But you couldn't com pare : a fountain pen with some worn- < sn. " tn."Of "Of course not ! " "No , Maria. You see , a fountain pen -Will : dry up , and some wives won't. And then he made a bee line for the 11nderground.-Life. Kldlnc Away With the Bride. In many of the border counties ol "England the quaint old bridal customs of hundreds of years ago are still in -vogue. The parents carefully abstain -from appearing at the marriage cere- mony , clinging to the idea that the .bridegroom still rides away on a foam- ing steed with his bride 'behind him I as in the goodold days. The brides J : prefer the custom to the modern meth- od of being given away at the altar in the orthodox fashion. I d : v ' I 1 t . v 1 b n .j cs Ci . . . . ? r . , , ' --L-- " " i : ! - - , , , : census When enumerator you see the , . fc t , iier Comes coming well get you ready may . as to t : f o' . e answer the thirty- two questions that , are going to be C IU , : : : Man schedule tossed at ! is bUT a cou- n . JU LI . . pIe of feet. long , and when it is filled out it will present twenty-four pretty solid inches of information. When the schedule is filled out it will also pre- sent a reasbnably detailed account of the person who is being enumerated. With each succeeding census it has been found necessary , in meeting the growing demands of the .Country , to obtain fuller and fuller information. The present thirty-two questions offer something of a contrast to the modest six interrogations which were asked at the first census taken under Presi- Washington's direction in 1790. The first blanks on the schedule are for house and the number of the family in order of the enumerator's visit. Then comes the name of the person enumerated and then his or her relationship to the head of tha family. Under the heading of "personal de- scription" there are seven questions. They deal with sex , color or race , age at last birthday , whether single , mar- ried , widowed or divorced , number of years of present marriage , number of children born in the family and num . ber of children living. Then come the questions relating to nativity. The place of birth of the person enumer ated , the place of birth of the father and that of the mother of the person are the next questions to be answered. Then come the blanks for answers as to citizenship. It will be necessary to tell the year of immigration to the United States and. whether the person is naturalized or alien. Then the enumerator will set down whether or not the person can speak English. If the person does not speak English it will be necessary to write in the lan- guage' which is spoken. There are this year five questions as to occupation. The first deals with the trade or profession and 'the second with the general nature of the indus try business or establishment in which the person works. : The reply to the third question determines whether or not the person is an employer , em ploye or working on his or her own account. The last two questions un der the occupation heading are as to whether or not the person , if an em- ploye , is working on April 15 , and the number of weeks he or she was out of work during 1909v Then follow three questions on edu- cation. It will be set down whether or not the person can read , whether , he or she can write and whether he : or she attended school any time since- Sept. 1 , 1909. Next comes the subdi- vision as to the ownership of the home. The enumerator will record whether the home is owned or rented ; if it is owned , whether It is free or mort gaged , farm or house , and the number of farm schedule. A new question to be asked this year Is whether or not the person is a survivor of the Union or Confederate army or navy. The last two questions of the 1910 schedule TO FIGHT THE , TRUST. _ I'ittsbnrs Capitalists to Build Mill for Union AVorkmen. Pittsburg capitalists are interested in a large independent sheet and tin plate plant to be erected at Glenova , , ' v. Va. , and which is to be run in op- position to the United States Steel Corporation. Glenova is.a suburb of Wheeling , and the plant will give em- ployment to thousands of men who formerly were employed by the La Belle plant at Bellaire , O. The latter has not turned a wheel since June 30 , 1909 , owing to a strike. j United States Senator H. B. Scott of West Virginia heads the movement , j which will involve the expenditure of $500,000 , and no secret is made of the * fact that itis a fight against the United States Steel Corporation. Some time ago Senator Clark , having the interests of unemployed workmen at heart , made an authorized proposition to the steel corporation to buy the La Belle Iron Works : , owned by the United States Steel Corporation , but which has been practically boarded up by the corporation because of the strike. There was no effort to conceal this object which lay back of the offer to start the mills as union and as in- dependent mills. But the offer to pur- chase was declined. ONION , KINGS NOW. . " , Pnnjjent Bulbs Raising a New Crop of Millionaires. : ; The Texas Bermuda onion crop is the largest in the history of the in- dustry there. The profits are enor- mous and comfortable fortunes have been made off a few acres in a single year. The net returns run from $250 to $70 an acre. The expense of grow- ing the crop is large , however , aver- aging from $150 to $200 per acre , where 'intense cultivation is practiced. All the onions are raised by means of Irrigation. The cost of water per sea son is about $10 per acre. The supply is obtained from the Rio Grande by means of pumping. ' Around Laredo the Mexican laborers have been lifted out of poverty by the good wages : that are paid and the constant work that is given them upon the onion farms. If present conditions and prices pre- vail the near future should see a new crop . . of millionaires. Onion kings may be as plentiful in future as wheat kings or cotton , kings y 1 ( . .1 l 't ° o I I t 4 V 1 i ' Il 1 A I I UIft ilti1 ' I'I I' I I are as to whether the person is blind and whether he or she is deaf and dumb. Mucli Farm Data. In the agricultural districts most ex- tensive and detailed information will also be gathered by the enumerators , there being fifty-nine subdivisions of I subjects of inquiry. The census of agriculture will give farm acreage , I farm values , farm expenses , number and value of farm animals and a vast mass of other information of the ut most value to the national government \ and to individuals. . , Analysis of the array of the ques \ tions to be asked in cities and rural districts shows that Uncle Sam is go. ing to have a pretty full description of each of the dwellers in his domain by the time the census is completed. The census Is to be taken through } 70,000 enumerators , inspectors and su cl ( pervisors , the whole work being done under the general direction of E. Dana ] Durand , director of the census bureau - ' at Washington. The difficulties of tak ing the first census were many and W j perplexing. The area of the United States was 827,000 square miles , but Sa : the settled area was only 239,000 = square miles , or about 29 per cent of the whole. The population in 1790 OJ was found to be 3,929,000 and the cost of taking the census was $44,000. The seventh census , taken In 1850 , marked the beginning of really scientific cen sus taking in the United States , and in consequence the census of that year is known as the first "modern" cen Fii sus. In 1880 the census taking was removed from the province of the mar- shals and by the law providing for that census there was created a new body of census officers , known as su- pervisors. Ml ADMITS THE MURDER OF -TWO. Ad Dletus : } Willaman Held for KillingAd Wife's Parents in Canton , Ohio. i Cletus Willaman , a young farmer 3f Orville , Ohio , confessed to the Chi cago police that he killed his father- in-law and his wife's stepmother , Mr. I and : Mrs. Warren Koons , of Canton , Sta Ohio. Willacnan at first insisted that rar he did not know why he committed out t the crimes and talked maunderingly wr : : about being influenced by evil spirits. Ad : Later , however , the police say he con- of fessed. Ad : Willaman is a farmer , whose home val is near Massillon , Ohio. . The murders ed , . - - - No - - - - - . . . . . ; . . 'por ' por pIa . Bqu wal } . . , r ' ' err to the 5 I Ka : prii : sot ; a , Ha } „ S gia Isl : la , vis \ \ . der w\ ; .c f 4 . . flee his ; Th : Del Deli - i ma pla -hi j l dre die ; 4h , , " ; fee ' 0' 0' \ teLETUS'r JC . . . . - ; o He ; ' Y'1.LLAMANJ J to lati "I were committed at night and ama man took a train for Chicago , where a i he was arrested. In a suitcase carwa ried by " Willaman the police found a the revolver , fro.ni which three bullets had na < been fired. The young farmer said he ga,1 in was on the way to Glasgow , Mont. , j ch where he intended t6 raise sheep. Hech ste : had stopped at the home of his fatherogJ ogj in-law in Canton overnight. The dou- atr ble murder was committed before Id morning. lIiz : : - - . . y , . . . . - - DEFENDANTS IN A NOTED MURDER CASE. , , . , . 2 'r 94 r J' : ; t rZ + : i . ' " , tt- . : ' ; ' : ' 4 } . 3 ; + : kiij''i : : ' : : ici > 'i Yf'G'r : ' : ' ? ? ' i'i ' > + ' : % ' ' i i , : \ < ' , " " / ; ' : > . . \ ' 1' \i ' ' \ : ' \ I . ' . . " i " , Dr' / ( & . - rrr , a " " = - - : "W."R. , Yr'on."W."R. : . . . . . . . e . , , Yr'on. : e31a1e . . Woman and Her Alleged Affinity , , Who Have Been on Trial at atseka , IILr as- Being Connected with the Killing of Banker J. B. ' yler of Crescent City. nILE SHIP FLEET I ON FOREIGN CRUISE fteen of the Largest Vessels of the Navy to Make Voyage 1 Next Fall. SDITERRANEAN IS THE GOAL miral [ Seaton Schroeder to Com- nand Formidable Force on Trip to Foreign "Waters. 3lans for the cruise of the United ites Atlantic i fleet to the Mediter- lean next fall soon will be mapped : by Rear Admiral Richard Wain- ight , aid for naval operations ; Rear miral Reginald F. Nicholson , chief the bureau of navigation , and Rear miral William P. Potter , aid for na- personnel. The fleet , it is expect- will leave Hampton Roads next ve.mber. Only battle ships , it is re- ted , will make the cruise , and the n is to divide tne fleet into four iadrons after it reaches Eastern ters , each squadron to visit Medit- anean , ports separately. According present plans , the ships to make cruise will be the Connecticut , nsas , Louisiana and Vermont , com- sing the first division ; the Minne- a , Idaho , Mississippi and New mpshire , second division ; the Geor- , Nebraska , New Jersey and Rhode and , third division , and the Virgin- Wisconsin and Missouri , fourth rli- ion. Rear Admiral Seaton Schroe- . , commander-in-chief of the Atlantic jt , will command the cruise and fly pennant from the Connecticut . ' buiIding-t1e ree battle ships 'now building - laware [ , Michigan and North Dakota f completed in ti.nie for the cruise , ay make up a fifth squadron or re- ice the oldest of the other battle ps. Half for the State At a banquet at Los Angeles An- jw Carnegie said that a man who s with millions of dollars should for- t half of his fortune to the State. said that" combinations were bound exist and that we must have regu- ion or the consumer would not have chance. [ He predicted that before inj1 : year every workman would be pa'rtner in the business in which he .s employed. He did not believe in income tax , as it would "make a tion of liars. " Speaking of stock mbling , he said : "The day Is com- ; when men who operate on the ex- ange as parasites upon values In- ad of creating them will not be rec- nized as men of affairs. I have very ong ideas about these gamblers , and o not consider they should be recos- tzed. " _ _ _ . _ _ _ 1 : OCIALIST CHOSEN NEW MAYOR OF MILWAUKEE. , r r4 r , : : ; " 1 I _ 'mil eic le1 J ' , I ctrl// Ii lllp 1" - - / , r . International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union has a membership of about 2oQOO. : : . Over $12,000,000 worth of working- men's shirts and overalls are produced annually in our prisons. On May 2 , at Philadelphia , Chartered Society of Amalgamated Lace Opera- tives will convene. A local union of the Cloth Hat and Cap Makers' Union of North America has been formed in Brooklyn , N. Y. San Francisco ( Cal. ) Garment Work- ers' Union is giving a practicaj dem- onstration of its work in the show window of a large store to help the union label and create a demand for goods bearing the same. The directors of the Toronto ( Cana- da ) Labor Temple Company , have de- cided that the only tenants that may rent rooms in their building for the fu- ture will be those affiliated with inter- national organizations. In Missouri in 1908 there was an in- crease in the average pay an hour over 1907 , the average being 36.45 cents , as compared with 36.29 cents for the oth- er year. There was also a decrease in the average daily working time over the year before from 9.01 hours a day I to 8.95. - ' . P" ' , n . o , , - ' " 0 ; . . " " , - < . . ' ! . ; : . : ; , ; , - - . 1. I c By virtue of an order issued by Seo tetary of Agriculture Wilson bona fide squatters on unsurveyed lands rrhich have been included within na- Honal forest reserves since the tim . of actual occupancy by the squatter tvill receive a much more liberal treat ment ] from the government with re gard to their land rights. Under the homestead law it is impossible for any one to secure legal title to uhsurveyed I public land , but occupancy pending Eurvey is recognized as giving a prior claim to the land after survey , under what Is known as : "squatters' rights. " A squatter 'who had , in good faith taken possession of a piece of forest land before the national forest system was created , is not dispossessed of his claim bv the forest service , and if ha lives upon it and cultivates it until the land has been surveyed , he is able ! o get his homestead just as if he had settled on any part of the unreserved public domain. ' . ' . - - " President Taft has called the atten tion of Congress to the slowness of promotion in the navy , which results in a high average of age among those who reach the rank which entitles them to fleet command. He submitted figures to show that in the navies of the principal nations of the world the average age of rear admirals is fifty years for Japan , fifty-one for Germany , fifty-three for Great Britain , fifty-five for Austria , fifty-six for Italy , fifty- nine for France , and sixty and one-half for the United States. It is desirable that naval officers attain commanding rank at an age when their bodily as well as their mental vigor is unim- paired. The American plan of arbi trary retirement at sixty-two makes I this difficult , but the President hopes that some way may be found to lessen the difficulty. " * - * - More land in Montana and Wyoming was designated for settlement under the enlarged homestead act by Secre- tary Ballinger. In Wyoming 363,880 acres which -were not susceptible of successful Irrigation at a reasonable cost from any known water supply were placed under the terms of that act , making 13,582,040 acres in the state which been so designated. In Montana 155,040 additional acres will be disposed of as enlarged homesteads , bringing ' the total up to 28,466,370 acres. In aid of proposed legislation affecting the disposal of water-power sites on the public domain , Secretary Ballinger . has ' withdrawn ' temporarily from all forms of disposal 22.406 acres in Washington , California , Colo rado and Idaho. - * . - . * * The ordnance department of the army has decided to adopt a new arm -the Benet-Mercie automatic rifle also known as the Hotchkiss portable. Brig. Gen. William Crozier reports that 100 of the guns will be imported and arrangements made eventually to manufacture the arm here. It is said to be the simplest machine gun made , and to have an "almost perfect" mechanism. It may be fired in sin- gle shots , as a semiautomatic or as a full-fledged automatic. In general ap- , pearance it resembles an ordinary rI- fle. In action one man does the firing , while the other loads. At Monterey , where it was tested , 7,500 shots were 5red ! without a hitch. - * - * - Ninety-two years ago Congress adopted the , American flag as we know it , from a design by Capt. Samuel C. Reed. Then there were twenty stars and thirteen stripes. To-day the stars number forty-six. In less than a cen tury the United States of America has become the richest nation of the world , advancing with a rapidity unequaled in history. What prophet so bold as to look back upon the glorious record of achievement under the Stars and' Stripes in the hundred years just past and attempt to foretell the destinies of this giant nation during the hun- dred to come ? V * - * - No estimate of the value of the es- tate of Justice David J. Brewer , of the United States Supreme Court , is given in his will. His home in Washington , with most of his personal property , is bequeathed to his widow. His cottaga at Thompson's Point , with its contents , and also $30,000 life insurance , are left to his three daughters. Each of his grandchildren is to select some ket.J- ! : ake from his personal property. - . - : - President Taft is not as strenuous in his sports and exercises as his pred- ecessor , but he is getting to be quite . an adept < with the gloves and it will probably be news to many that there is hardly a day he is in Washington that he does not have a round of box- ing , wrestling and such like violent ex- ercises. - : - : - . Er-President : Roosevelt and all other ' ex-Presidents of the United States or their widows will be granted the franking privilege during their life- time under the terms of a bill passed by the House by a vote of 120 to 76. The measure .met some opposition oa the Democratic side. Mr. Sisson of Mississippi offered an amendment ex- iluding from the franking privilege all political correspondence. It was voted . town , 44 to 86.