i . II I I If . , ; , k ; " The Valentine : Democrat VALENTINE , NEB. . ' " L M. RICE , - - - - Publlsl , - NAVAL BILL ADOPTED I , HOt"JSE : " FAVORS CONSTRUCTIC : OF TWO BATTLE SHIPS. , -In Addition to Big Dreadnoughts the Measure Provides for Two Fleet Colliers and Four Submarines Other Amendments Proposed. By a decisive vote of 162 to 110 : , JTourteen being present and not voting the house late Friday authorized the construction of two battle ships to , cost $6,000,000 each. Thirty-three I democrats voted for two battle ships and twenty-four republicans against I the proposition. I The action was taken just prior to ; appropria- : -tion bill , carrying 128037602. t t The amount is about $3,000,000 less : than was recommended by the navy I ; department. In addition to the battle ships the bill also provides for the construction of two fleet colliers and : four submarine boats. As amended on motion of Mr. Fitz- 4 gerald of New York the two battle ; ships and two fleet colliers must he } r. -constructed by firms working under the eight hour law. I , NOTED OUTLAW PUT TO DEAT - - Alf Hunter , Triple Murderer , Hanged in Oklahoma. Alf Hunter tho negro desperado and , triple murderer , notorious throughout | the southwest WSLS hanged at Waken- 'r s 'rsa , Okla. , at 11:05 Friday morning. He f made a short speech on the scaffold , f [ saying he was ready to go. It was .seventeen minutes before Hunter was , pronounced dea. : Hunter declarod that Ed Ellis , now serving a life term at McAlester for < abetting the murder of ex-Sheriff Gar- rison was innocent. Hunter murdered Sheriff George W. ) ' Garrison , of Oklahoma county , in June , 1908 , near Hitchcock , Okla. f .Sheriff Garrison and his deputies were : f f .attempting to arrest the negro , who a . few days before had killed a negress In Oklahoma City , because he feared she would betray his whereabouts to | " , the authorities in Arkansas , where he i , , was wanted on a murder charge. Af- | ter killing Garrison and seriously ; wounding a deputy , Hunter escaped . and returned to Arkansas. He was captured at Pine Bluff last September. He made a confession and was brought to Oklahoma and sentenced to deat ] - COMMITTED MANY CRIMES. San Francisco Burglar Makes a Cor fcssion Before Dying. Harry Hall or Clyde S. Can field , a burglar who was shot by a policeman -in San Francisco , Cal. , Thursday even- ing , confessed before dying Friday ' that he had committed many crimes. : "I know I am about to die , " he said , "and I want to confess everything I .did , so no one else will suffer for anr : crimes that I have committed. " After saying that Harry Hall was a not his right name and that he would not give his right one the dying man : told of holding up a Seattle bank and shooting the cashier. "Then I went to Salt Lake City , " he continued "where I twice held up a drug store. The next week I held . < up a cafe and engaged in a running pistol fight with eight policemen. They blamed it on a sailor named , Haley who is doing time for desert- ion. " Hall concluded his confession with 'the story of several holdups in Log : Angeles and San Francisco. . i | Tortured by Prison Guards. Frank Shatira , an East Indian negro -convict on trial at White Plains , N. Y. , lor murderous assault on a Sing Sing Iceeper , pleaded in justification that he < : was driven -to his act by the cruelty of the guards. A favorite torture he -said , was to spray ammonia into a prisoner's cell. He described it as excruciatingly agonizing. Emigrants Become Unruly. The emigrants who were transferred io the steamer Kanawha from the < -steamer Cairnrona after a fire broke out on the latter vessel near Dover , Eng. , Thursday , became so unruly Fri- day morning that the captain of the .x nawha was obliged to ask for naval assistance. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Friday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Tor "beeves $7.95. Top hogs $10.22. Banker Coghill Dying. All hope for the iccovery of Thom- . as Coghill , a former banker of Sey- mour , WIs. , who Is serving a sentence in the federal prison at Leavenworth , - ICan. , was given up Friday. Mistaken : for Burglar. Mrs. John W. Bomgardner , of Har- risburg , Pa. . , wife of a plumber , was shot by her husband in mistake for a burglar at their home in that city ear- Jy Friday and died in a few hours , s V PANIC ON A STEAMER. Explosion Occurs on British Vessel Cairnrona. I An explosion early Friday morning on the British steamer Cairnrona off Dungeness , Eng. , wrecked the wo- men's quarters , killing one child and injuring : va number of women and children. The steamer caught ftre and a panic ensued , in which mon fought for the possession : ef the boats and had to be beaten back by the crew to allow the women to be taken off first. A large number of passengers were landed at Dover Friday evening , many of them in an exhausted condi- tion. In all twenty were seriously In- Jured and not less than fifty were slightly injured by the explosion and the panic that followed it. The Cairn- rona sailed from London to Portland. She carried 200 passengers , for the most part emigrants and a general cargo. Fortunately the steamers Up- land and Kanawha were near when the Cairnrona caught fire. They stood by and took off several hundred passengers and landed them at Dover. Several of the first class passengers and American cattlemen gave thrill- ing details of the accident. A number ! of women with children in their arms were sitting on the hatch when a vio- lent explosion hurled them to all parts of the deck. Some of them were < shockingly injured and one child wa.s killed. The hatch was blown to frag- ments. A terrific panic ensued. The emi- grants , mostly Russians , were running up and down , screaming and wrins- ing their hands. Their horror was increased by the volumes of smoke which poured from the burning hold. BANK : CLOSES ITS DOORS. Another Brooklyn Institution Forccd to Suspend. The Borough Bank of Brooklyn , N. Y. , closed its doors Friday and the superintendent of banks has taken possession of the institution's business. The bank has a capital of $200,000 , with deposits aggregating over $2- 000,000. B. R. Shears is president of the institution. This is the second bank failure in Brooklyn within a week the first being the Union banI\ : , of Brooklyn. Superintendent Cheney said that the conditions attending the closing of the bank were Almost identical with those which led to the closing of the Union bank. As was the case with the Union bank the Borough was obliged to sus- pend during the panic of 1907 and was ; reorganized later. The new man- agement was obliged to assume lia- bilities which have been a heavy load , and the suspension of the Union bank had a bad effect on the Borough , which was known to be in the same position. YOUTHFUL SWINDLERS. toys Convicted of Conducting Fraiuli lent Banking Scheme. Three : youths each less thatr\ : ears old , were taken to the federal prison at Atlanta , Ga. , Friday to serve sentences of a year imposed by the United States district court at Covinj ton Ky. , for a fraudulent banking scheme which they conducted in the little mountain town of Orr , Ky. A fourth boy was sentenced to four months in jail. The boys profited about $2,300 by their scheme , which included the es- : tablishment of a mythical "bank" which gave wholesale dealers glowing accounts of their credit enabling them to obtain large shipments of mei chandise. David Prince and Marion and Richmond Sparks were sent to prison , George White receiving the jail sentence. To Examine Des Molnes Plan. James E. Porter , mayor-elect and lour commissioners-elect of Kansas City , Mo. , have decided to visit Des Moines to investigate the workings of the commission form of government in that city. I School Boy Ends Life. Cupert Ernest , a 14-year-old pupil of a school in Turtle Creek Pa. , com- mitted suic'de Thursday by hanging , during a fit of despondency over gibes of other boys because he was back- ward in his studies. Load of Dynamite Explodes. A lighter loaded with dynamite in the harbor of Kobe Japan caught fire FrIday , causing an explosion that kUled three persons , wrecked many : houses on the water front and caused a monetary damage of $250,000. Feud Causes a Murder. John Duesnbury was called from his house at Marceline , Mo. , Thursday and shot and killed. James M. Ka- body and two suspects were arrested on the charge of killing Dusenbury. Two Killed In a Wreck. In a wreck on the Georgia Thurs- day morning near Berzelia Ga. , two nen were killed and one white man ld four negroes seriously hurt. Water Tank Overturns. Awater tank on the Atchison , To- peka and Santa Fe railroad'er - turned at Malvern , Kan. , Thursday , Idlling engineer Thomas Kelly and seriously injuring two men. Old Scout Found Dead. Joseph Sturtevant , a scout famous throughout the western country as Rocky Mountain Joe , was found dead near Boulder Colo. , Thursday morn- ing. ' , , ' . , AMAZING RACE SWINDLE. "Con" Man's Arrest Reveals Startlli Story. For lavish stage setting , workma - like execution and ample financing : the story of a racing swindle as told the New York police Wednesday night by Henry Wagner , senior member ot a firm of billiard table manufacture of New York , has no equal. Th Btory came out with the arrt . of a man who gave his name as John Brown 68 years old , and described himself as a broker and speculator , but who , the police say is George C. Rockwell , alias George C. Hammond , alias "Old Joe" Eaton , a noted con- fidence man. Late last month Wagner met a man representing himself to be Alfred San- ford , private secretary to a Pennsyl- vania millionaire with money to spend on coal lands. , Would Wagner take an option on 2,000 acres at $7 : an acre ? He could sell at a huge profit. The secretary lacked funds to finance the deal himself. A trip to Baltimore followed , where entered the "millionaires" including "H. H. Rog- ; ers , jr. , " "Col. Moffett " of Colorado , one Palmer and one Marshall. From Balti ' \ re the entire party journeyed to J. onville , Fla. , by private car- all on the millionaires-and at the racetrack was heavy betting "between friends" in which the victim was not asked to join. Indeed his conscience was soothed by his being made stakeholder until at one time he held 106000. His draft for $10,000 was obligingly cash- . ed and he generously loaned the mon- , ey to one of the crowd to fill out a $20,000 bet. Then came the getawa CASH GRAIN HOUSE SUSPENDS Failure of W. H. Merrltt & Co. Is Duo to the Decline in Corn. Suspension of the cash grain house of W. H. Merritt & Co. was announced on the Chicago board of trade Wee nesday. Customers were notified to close out their trades. W. H. Merritt & Co. has for man years been one of the most important firms in the cash grain trade and the failure caused great surprise. The reasons for the suspension are closely analogous to those which on Monday forced another cash grain house-the Burns-Yantis - - company- to suspend namely , the decline in corn prices recently. Eastern CUE tom- ers of the Merritt company ha\"ing , bought at the high price for later de livery , are said to have repudiated ! their contracts when the market de ilmed. This forced the brokers to seek oth- er outlets for their grains and while holding it much of it "went hot , " or in other words , rotted. A member of the : firm declared that creditors would be paid in full. CONFESSES TO 3IURDER. Bertram Spencer , Burglar , Admits He Murdered Woman. Bertram Gage Spencer confessed Wednesday to the murder of Miss : Martha B. Blackstone at the home of Mrs. Sarah J. Dow , on Round hill , Springfield , Mass. , last Thursday night Spencer also confessed to the com- mission of a long series of burglaries Miss Blackstone and Miss Harriet P. Dow school , teachers were shot by a masked burglar who entered the Dow home on the evening of March 31. Miss Dow is recovering. New Speed Record. A speed in excess of thirty-five miles an hour for four consecutive hours Fas the record made in the gulf near Pensacola , Fla. , by the torpedo boat Flusser ' , of the seventh torpedo flo- tilla. Pork Declines $1 a Barrel. Possibility of a drop in the price of at least one item which enters into the cost of living-cured hog products -is seen in a sharp decline , averaging $1 per barrel , in pork , on the board of trade Wednesday. Flights Called Off. Owing to a persistent gale whi h blew : twenty miles an hour throughout the entire afternoon all the official flights of the first aeroplane meet at emphis : , Tenn. , were called off latf Wednesday afternoon. Trans-Andine Tunnel Opened. The Trans-Andine railway tunnel was formally opened Tuesday. The tunnel is 12,000 feet above sea level and links the republics of Chile and Argentina commercially. Raise for Engineers. It is announced that the engineers of the Central of Georgia railway will be j given an increase In wages of 5 per cent. . Colorado Bank Robbed. The Weldona Valley State bank' at eldona , Colo. , was robbed of $2,000 early Wednesday by "yeggman , " who blew open the safe and escaped. New Mexico Town Dry. The no license ticket was success- ful at Tuesday's election in Roswell N. M. , Geo. T. Veal , for mayor having a majority of 39 votes. Roswell is the first city in New Mexico to go dry. Chosen Head of Mining Company. * Quincy A .Shaw , of Boston , was elected president of the Calumet and Hecla Mining company Wednesday , succeeding the late Prof. Alexander j Agassiz. : ' I " . - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - , . - . . - - - - - - - - - - ' , . - - - - . . - ' - - > . . . . - - , . . I I mam IbeNebraska ; : News of the . In Concise = - Week . . . . State t News form - STEPS IN FRONT OF TRAIN ' Laborer ut Fremont has His Ll1e Crushed Out. William M. Dodson , a laborer at the Northwestern coal chutes at Fre- mont , stepped In front of an outgoing passenger train and was almost in- stantly killed. He died on an engine which was used to take him from the 1 coal chutes , where the accident hap- pened to the city. Dodson recently had suffered two serious accidents at the chutes , one of which resulted in his being con- fined at the Fremont hospital for a long period with a crushed foot. The accident last week was thE' third for him within six months and ! it proved fatal. Dodson had been ! working at the chutes and stepped around the corner onto the track just in time to meet the incoming train. The engineer saw him but did not : have time to sound an alarm. He was. . about 50 years of age. A wife and two ' : children survive him. ACCUSED OF ILLEGAL SALES. Man Under Indictment in Nebraska , Found in Kansas. Albert Craig , formerly in the res- taurant business at Odell , Gage coun- ty , was arrested recently at Summer- field , Kan. , by Sheriff Sullivan of Mar- I shall county Kan. Craig is wanted in : Gage county to answer to an indict- . ment returned against him by the ; grand jury at the June , 1909 , term . charging him with selling intoxicating liquors without a license. There are six counts in the indictment returned against him. Craig refused to accompany an of- ficer to Gage county without a requi- sition. County attorney F. O. McGirr and Sheriff J. L. Schiek secured the necessary papers at Lincoln. The Gage county officials have been con- : ducting a search for him since the indictment was returned last June. BATTLES WITH THIEF. Omaha Woman Caught Him in Act of < Robbing Her Pocketbook. A thief in a hand to hand struggle with a stenographer , who after dis- covering him in the act of searching her pocketbook tried to keep him ; imprisoned in an office in the Barker < block , at Omaha , escaped only to be recaptured by a policeman in a run- ning fight. Mrs. Kate Massey discovered the man steal her purse from a desk and she ; leaped to the door and screamed for assistance. A struggle at the door with the intruder followed , and the in- truded overpowered Mrs. Massey and escaped , dropping the purse in the struggle. After being arrested the thief gav " his name as C. C. Wilson. FOUND DEAD ON HIS CLAIM. Homesteader Near Bartlett Expire While Alone. Hans E. llansen , a homesteader ; , who lived alone on his. claim near Dumas , in Garfield county , was found dead in his house last Friday morn- ing by neighbors. Indications were that he had been dead about three days. Doctors had dvlsed him some months ago that his life was short and he had made all ! preparations for death , although he continued to work on his claim as had been > his custom. He had relatives at Yankton , S. D. , and Spokane , Wast Farmer Victim of Accident. Wm. Binder , Jr. , living two miles west of Table Rock was spreading manure on the farm with a spreader when the team became frightened and ran away. He was thrown under the preader and dragged quite a distance eceivlng severe bruises. Burled at Old Home. The. remains of Frank Dillon who died at Portland , Ore. , Sunday were taken to Nebraska City Friday and the funeral was held Saturday after- noon under the direction of the Eagles. Mr. Dillon was a resident of Nebraska City for many years. Prize Pig of Dodge County. A hog weighing 1,315 pounds said < to be the biggest pig that ever went to market in Dodge county , was kill- ed at Fremont recently. The hog . was three years old and brought the own- ers an even hundred dollars. A Tie Vote for Mayor. The election at Crawford resulted In a tie for mayor between Leroy Hall , candidate on the citizens' ticket , and P. G. Cooper , representing the peoples ; caucus. It is not yet determined how the decision will be made. A School of Instruction. A school of instruction for thecen- sus enumerators of Beatrice and Gage counties was held at Beatrice las week by Phillip H. Bross of Wahoo , census director for the Fourth district. Accused of Selling 'Beer. A complaint has been filed , against W. C. Peterson of York , who keeps a restaurant in the north part of that city , charging him w'th selling beer. He was placed under $200 bonds. i t \ MAY CONDONE , SUMMER BALL. Steps Being Taken at Nebraska Unl- Terslty to Remove Ban. The Nebraska Athletic board prob- ably will take some radical action in regard to summer base ball at its next meeting and openly sanction the 1 playing of its athletes on professional ; teams during the vacation months. The matter is now being discussed by the Cornhusker mentors and the at- ; titude of a majority the board is in favor of permitting summer base ball by all college players in this sec- < tion of the country. The five student members have openly declared them- : selves in favor of the proposition and two faculty members openly admit that they see no wrong in allowing the men to earn money during vaca- tion by playing base ball. One member of the board has ex- pressed himself in the following words : "I have never been able to regard summer base ball as an evil and I am free to admit that I am in sympat with the college athletes who try to earn money during vacations by tak- ing part in professional , or rather , semi-professional , games. There is no evil in allowing them to do so , and the ant'-summer base ball cranks can not give a single solid argument in favor of their case. "The athletic board of the west might just as well officially recognize the summer base ball playing as to secretly condone it as they do now at every college in the country. In the western athletic conferences we have rules against summer base ball , but I am certain that there Is not a school in either the Missouri Valley or Chi- cago conferenece league that does > not have several of its players on semi-professional teams each summer. I , myself , know of many college men who played the so-called professional ; ball last year and several years be- < fore. Nebraska has a precedent for its action in the course adopted by Col- gate recently in stating that all its players should be allowed to become members of semi-professional teams in order to earn money during the . summer months. MADISON ELOPERS CAPTURED. May Lyons Returns to Her Home and Harry Boyd is Locked Up. Perry DuBois , allias Harry Boyd and Miss May Lyons , were taken in custody by Sheriff C. S. Smith of Mad- 3 ison county , Monday aftrnoon at Corn- lea and taken to Madison , Miss Lyons' : home. The father of the young wo- man took charge of her upon arrival at her home and DuBois was place in the city's bastile for safe keeping. Suspicions were aroused when Miss Lyons unexpectedly left town on the passenger train going south Sunda afternoon. It was DuBois' intention ; to do so also , but he was detained at the depot by City Marshal : Kennedy on > the charge of jumping his board bill. > He promptly paid this and then quietly but hurriedly left town , tak- ing a 'tie pass to Humphrey , where he met the young woman , returning from Columbus on the evening train and beguiled > her into accompanying him on > the late train to Cornlea. DuBois is a tailor by occupation and has been employed at Madison for : some time. He has a wife who now resides at Sioux City , Ia. BUSH HAS CRIMINAL RECORD. lun Captured with Stolen Team Con vlcted of Murder at Chadron. It now developes that Ernest Bush , the young man who was captured at Central City with a team of horses ; belonging ' to a party from Council Bluffs , and taken back there to ans- wer to the charge of horse stealing , is a criminal out of the state peniten- tiary on parole. In 1899 it seems he was employed by a farmer near Chad- ron , and an old man was employed with him. One day while the farmer was away from home Bush killed the old man , hitched a horse to his body and dragged it to a creek. His crime was discovered and he received a life sentence in the penitentiary. In 1906 he was paroled , and has been under the supervision of his parents since. He was but 16 years of age when he murdered the old man at Chadron. Narrow Escape From Death. Dr. Claude Watson , of Nebraska 'ity ' , while riding in his automobile , , had a narrow escape from being kill- ed. He lost control of his machine and it skidded , turned turtle , falling on 'him , breaking his left shoulder and bruising him badly. New Bank to Start. The Farmers bank is scheduled to open its doors for business at Suther- land about the first of next month. It will have a capital stock of $10,000. Local capitalists are behind it. Nebraska Pioneer Dead. A. C. Palmantier , an old pioneer - and war veteran of Tekamah , died rednesday at the home of his daugh- ter : , Mrs. I. X. Bramhall. He leaves a wife , two daughters and a son. " - . - - - - . - - - - . - - - . . - . ' - . . . . . MM dI _ , . . - . . - ! ; iWL : : j : a APID , 1 , CHICAGO. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review ot" , Chicago trade says : "Business generally exhibits a. , prompt response to the seasonable- weather. Payments through tfa . seen to- banks , deposits and loans , are - be far above all previous reccrds , x convincing testimonial to improve ac- and in- tivity in the leading industries vestments. Movements ha : oc become- remarkably extended In heavy n terl- als , raw supplies and factory outputs , _ but those of grain , live stock and pro- . . visions show declines. Forwardings of , * general merchandise to the Interior- exceed those of a year ago. "High prices still affect the markets- for the principal foodstuffs and buy- i ers operate cautiously. Farm reports. - - /-I reflect gratifying progress in seeding . and the anxiety to complete spring work soon accounts for smaller crop marketings at this time. "Heavy deliveries indicate that. manufacturers increase outputs 0 : ma- chinery , implements , hardware leath- The mar- - er and brass and woodworkThe ket for factory needs reflect strong , buying against future consumption , . . and hides recovered 1 cent of tie re- cent decline. Building operations here- and at interior points compare favor- ably in the aggregate with this time' last year and the eagerness of buyers- causes firmer prices. "Despite the largely increased . re sources of the banks the discount rate- for choice commercial paper is held > t firmly at 41h @ 5 per cent. " , ex- "Bank clearings , 269,3SO,6TS . ceed : those of the corresponding week : , in 1909 by 6.4 per cent , and ccmpare- : . with $234,232,663 in 1908. Failures , I reported in the Chicago district num- bered 27 , as against 24 last -week , 21 in 1909 and 16 in 1908. Those with , labilities over $5,000 numbered 8 , as ; - against 10 last week , 4 in 1909 and 3- to 1908. " NEW YORK. Trade reports are rather more irreg ; ular , with distribution rather less act- ive than in the preceding two weeks' . ' ' ' - been better - . ; , Retail trade so far has - than a year ago , but from many cen- . N. ters reports say the volume of jobbing - j trade is not up to expectations for- which high prices and industrial un- rest are assigned as the reasons. The- two features really attracting chief in- terest have been the outburst of ac- tivity in agricultural sections and the- , many movements toward readjustoient- : , in industrial lines. Business failures for the week end- ing with March 31 in the ITnitedi. tates were 229 , as against 231 last week , 204 in the like week of 1909 , . . 247 in 1908 , 137 in 1907 and 2G1 in 1906.-Bradstreet's. ,4 y - 4 O . Chicago-Cattle , common to prime : , . $4.00 to $8.65 ; hogs , prime heavy $7.00- to $10.80 ; sheep , fair to choice 4.50 to $7.75 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.18 to ยง 1.20 ; corn No. 2 , 59c to 60c ; oats , standard , . 42c to 43 ; rye , No. 2 , 79c to 80c ; hay , . . i timothy , $10.00 to $18.00 ; prairie , $ S.OO1 . to ? 14.50 ; butter , choice creamery. 27c- to 31c ; eggs , fresh , 18c to 21c ; pota- toes , per bushel , 18c to 28c. . | I I Indianapolis-Cattle , shipping ' $ 1.00- to $8.00 ; hogs , good to choice heavy . . . . j j I $7.00 to $10.95 ; sheep , good to c oice- . ; i $3.00 to $7.00 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.14 ter. j $1.15 ; corn , No. 2 white , 61c to 52 : . I oats , No. 2 white 45c to 46c. < j St. Louis-Cattle , $4.00 to $8.25 ; j hogs , $7.00 to $10.00 ; ' sheep , $3 . a0 to - ! $8.25 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.17 to $1.18 ; j corn , No.2 , 59c to 60c ; oats , rfo. 2 , - 41c to 43c ; rye , No. 2 , 79c to 82c. . 1 CincInnati-Cattle , $4.00 to ? S.OO ; hogs , $7.00 to $11.00 ; sheep , $ ' . . oo tot $6.75 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.18 to $1.20 ; r-- r ; , corn , No. 2 mixed , 61c to 63e ; oats , . i No. 2 mixed , 45c to 47c ; rye- * N x : 2 _ . 84c to 86c. Detroit Cattle , $4.00 to $7.00 ; hogs . $7.00 to $10.85 ; sheep , $3.50 to $ 8.00 ; wheat , No. 2 , $1.16 to $1.17 ; corn. NoL 3 yellow , 60c to 61c ; oats , standard 45c to 46c ; rye , No. 1 , 79c to 80c. Milwaukee-Wheat , No. 2 northern. $1.13 to $1.15 ; corn , No. 3 , 61c to 63cp < oats standard , 43c to 44c ; ryev No. 2F. 78c to 80c ; barley , standard , 59c to 70c ; pork , mess , $26.00. Buffalo - Cattle choice shipping , steers , $4.00 to $8.25 ; hogs , , fair to . . choice , $8.00 to $11.25 ; sheep , cauunon , . . j1 to good mixed , $4.00 : to $7.40 ; lambs , , ' fair to choice , $5.00 to $10.00 . i STew York-Cattle , $4.00 to 53.00 ; ; hogs , $8.00 to $11.25 ; sheep , $4.00 to . $8.00 ; wheat , No. 2 red , $1.21 to $1.23 ; : corn , No. 2 , 63c to 64c ; oats , natural , . white , 47c to 48c ; butter , ereamerjv 30c to 34c ; eggs , western , 19c to 23c ! Toledo-Wheat , . . . No. 2 mixed1.15 : . , f to $1.16 ; corn , No. 2 mixed , . -fre to * 0 ( 60c ; oats , No. 2 mixed . 44c tc 45c ; rye , No. 2 , 78c to 79c ; clover seed , . _ 1 $7. SO. Z ! . . M Re-enactment in A Cincinnati a-.uo , _ " " . . . shooting gallery . of the drama of ' \VH1- " ' . .tt iam Tell inshooting the apple from tha , ) head of his son sent Harry Lacken of \ mtreal , Canada , to a hospital. The- bullet , fired by D. H. Bunce. struck. Lacken's lip instead of the cigarette- which he held between his teeth. . II I I , - , \