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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1910)
. . : . . . - . ' " ' : . - . - : < - - - ' W . . " . 1ft' : . , . "j . , . . TF. - ; : : . . . , 'i . . ff' . t , _ . . 7v" . . . . > ' . . , . ' , < ' ' ' ' ; _ J ' < , . . . : . ' - ' - . , . . . . . , , ' - " . , ' . " - , 'r > > r ! ' _ . - [ " ' . ' ' , .r1. : . ; / t : ? ; , ; . ' : ' : " ; : fI'.J. . : - . , - . , _ " ' " " " . ' . , , , . , , , . . . . . . . . _ . ; ' - . - ' : _ . . " , . ' . K- , : . , . : ; : - " . . i - , j - - ' i. " ' " , " ' _ ' - , , ' I I. : t tj j r . , j' . ' . I # . po- ; ; l . . @ " " ' . L A- . . . ! I . ' \ \ . APARKERi i - - - - i . 1 . General Merchandise I Ir I I , . , .S . . . I I Men's : Clothing and Furnishings , Ladies' i e . Skirts , Waists , Pattern Hats , Millinery I Goods , Notions , Ladies' ] Furnishings. Underwear and Hosiery , Boots and I Shoes , Groceries , Patent Medicines. , - , tI 4I I Flour , Ground Feed and Grain. . [ " Wood Lake , = . . . Nebraska _ @ ) - - - . . , . . . . . . . - ' . / : ' " , " - - , . - . , . . . . ' " ' ' . . - . " ---L- , ; ; r i : . J.H. DAY , I : . GENERAL , \MEROHAN.D1SE , : ' I i 1 , . We Buy and Sell ! Horses . : t.-WOOd Lake , - Nebraska > . ' , . . . - . , . . Y. . - . . - - , _ - T- . - - . . . .i' , . " e. mo m v oo a o ! .tl..UI . q . . : i ' RY s TAB l:1HOWE & MONTAGNEl [ , . " - - , . 1IIIiJ , t ! . . " ' I ' : : . . 1' , - i Livery Feed and . I ! * Sales tae. . . . . . . . . _ -J i c : - , < " ; " " " ' " - . - , Wood Lake , Nebraska e e : t Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. * } . I r .5 . . H. Ae L YON S , ( Successor to "Welker Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. _ Special attention to hunting and fiching parties. . , , _ . , . . _ . . . . , . , . . . , . _ , , , _ _ re' - - - m ' ' ' ' ' ' = : EoOr-- ' ' .ff " ' ' ' n' ' ' r. " F" en. " A. M. 4B' ' . . Lotspeich , 1 ( Successor to Ed Young. ) I , Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods. . Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish- , ! ings. Boots and Shoes Hosiery. I Men's Clothing and Furnishings . . . . " . : ! I FLOUR , FEED AND , COAL. I / Wood Lake = Nebraska. 1 . . U. S. Lund Office , Valentine. Nebraska , March 18. 1910. A . sufficient contest affidavit havinu been ! filed In this oince by Frederick . Richardson , con testant against homestead entry fco. : : IGOSO. serial No. OJSOi. made Augu 10. l'M4 ! , for SE'f. : ! I section 20. and NJ4 of section ) . Township 12811 : , ; range 32\v , Gtn P M. , bv Joseph H. Wiley contesree. in'which it is alteited that Joseph H. Wiley has wholly abandoned said tract for more than s'\ months last past that said ciaun- ' aut lias never resided upon cultivated clallll'I 'I proved said tract as required by Jaw , that : there is no improvements of anv kind on said land , that said tracts are In thdr wild and native state and wholly unimproved that all said defects exist at this date and have not been cured. jSaid parties are hereby nojilied to apt ° ar . respond und offer evidence touchuiir si'H alle ; a- tion at. 10 o'clock a. in on * . prll -27,1910 be fore Comity Judge of Hoooker Count . Mullen. JNebr. , and that the final hearing will b. I . held at . 1 II o'clock : L , m. on way 4. IfllO. lie fore the regif-terand receiver at thr United States Jand Office In Valentine , 'icbra-Im , . . The said contestant having in a JII oper affi davit liled March 18 , 1910 ! ST forth facts which show that niter due Olliuence J personal service of this notice cannot be mide it is hereby IIrlt -r- ed and directed mat such notice be given by due and proper publication. 111 E. .OLSON , Receiver. K'otice of Hearing on Petition for Adoption. x . . In the county court of Cherry county , Ne : braska. In tho mat tor of the adoption of Carrie Darling 1'rovo , inindr. . All persons interested will take notice that on -March :11" < .1 , ISUO , Louis II. Ueaver ! and Louise O. Deaver his wif \ filed their I petition for the adoption of said Carrie I Darling Provo , and that on the jaine : ; , day the Child Having Institute , a corporation , within ! the Slain of Nebraska , with its prin I cipal I place of business ; at Omaha in I said state , tiled their re'limiulslnneiit and eon- sent to the proposed adoption ! of said Carrie ] hurling. l' said Louis II. Deaver and IjouiseC. Deaver , his wife ; that said matter will be heard by 1 the county court tit the county court room In said-county on the J5rd : day of May , 1010 tit U 1 o'clock a. hi. , at which time und place ] objections to suid proposed adoption will ho heard. witness my baud and olllciul seal this 5th day of April , UUO. ) ' JAMES : C. QUIOLKV. . [ Seal ] 13 : a County Judge. . Wanted : A middle aged wom an and girl , or two girls , , to cook and do restaurant work. jVJust understand restaurant work. es E. D. CbfrtfrA : ; Valentine Neb. , , I In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne braska. In the matter oftllPlP-l - I plication ! of AVilliam . liear.ier , gual'tlianf ! j I Mabel Haclersan insane I . nersoiiflo&c-U real I estate j I Thicause came on for hearing upon the , . petition "William Beamer. guardian of Mabel Sanders , an insane person : ' , praving ) for license to sell the dower and homestead lntl'r ( ' > t of the said Mabel Sanders in ! the southeast quarter ) . of section .1G : : , township aI } , range 8.1 : , in Uherry . county , Nebraska , said petition ] alleging that the said Mabel Sun ; ders hn > 1 > l't'n for a period ) of more than three years last past insane and incurable. It Is therefore ordered that all persons ) in - . terested in said estate appear ] before me at ! ' my chambers in Itushville in Sheridan : ' county , Nebraska , Oil the nith day of April , 'I j I'.UO , at 10 o'clock ! a. in. of said day. to show | cau e why : license should not be granted t5 said guardian to sell the said interest in said l'Stlltas ) )1'a Ye(1 lor in said : petition. I It is further ordered that this order be published ) for three successive weeks in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly paper ) ) of general I circulation in said Cherry county , Nebraska. Dated this 31st : ! day of March : : , I'.UO. ! Vr. WKSTOVKK , KJ : J Judge of the District court. : I Contest Notice. U. S . Land O.Bce : Hroken How. Nebraska. I March :8 , 1910 i I A sufficient ( cnnteyt affidavit having bppn filed In this otlice oy Georgia B. Clouse. contestant xgaiii't 1Ionu ' stead entry No. 0250 m ; de August ; : : 25 ; 1908 , for inv' 14 , w ? " = nei-'i , seline'4 ! ! , nVfcsi * ! , s / sejf , se % swtf : , s cti"ii 11 , smd the I nein\\ ! , mvknpj-i of sei-iion 14 , township ! : . jn. rang1 :5t\v. : by Wmitm J Thomas. coutestee. ! : I in whicti it is i aliened that claimant has wholly atmiidoiiedsuid ) tract for more thai [ six I months past ; tllal. he has uever established ! a n.Mdeiice upon the said land : that then- is no p ac . of jibude ; that s/\1I1Iallll is in its wild and native state and ! wholly ' unimproved that lill of snid defects exist at this ! : date and have not bet-u cured ! , j-aitl turtles \ are hereby notified ' to appear , respond aii.1 ofler evi - ' ( 'nce touching said alle gation ct 10 o'clock a. in on way 9 HI 10. Before " W. E Bowers county judcc of Hooker county , iNehr. . at his ollic in Mullen Nebr and that the li al hearing will no held at 10 r o'clock ! a . in. , on May 11. inio , Before tho 1 register and receiver nt Ihe United S'atew ! : ) Land Oincc in BroKuu How. Nebraska i The said conte-taut havlII ; ! . In a proper atli davit filed Mar. ill. Mm ! SBC : forth tacts which show that after due diligence personal ser . h'e of thi > notice can not 1. l ) . made it is I hereby order ed and directed Unit such notice be given by due I und proper publication. jl JOIJN UEI' ' ; E. U J3 4 l gl9ttr ; l " . . I . J : ; : : . . . . . - ' : ; = - ' : : : . , : : : . . : - - : - - . - . . . . . - - -.7. : = ; : : - , , - - ; - - . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . -7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' - . - - - . - - . . , ; . . - . . . . . . - - - , - . . , . _ , . , y - - - - - - - _ ------0---- . . ' - - . . , " . . I . . . / , - - - - . . . . . - - l " rrrfv * f f * * T' < : - r- / r"r . Wood Lake Department , ADVERTISING RATES : : . : Locals or reading notices 3 ! cents per line each insertion. Display advertising ' C r ,0 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 I per Inch per month l double I column. L : , : , nolt.h : .C tCh/.I . e.l' , : : : N. J. Uck is still on. the sick list. list.A. A. G. Ward was in from the ranch Tuesday. Dr. Shipperd was in town Mon day and Tuesday. Mike Davis of Valentine was on our streets Tuesday. James Kreycik has returned to the ranch for a time. I Lawrence Lenox and John Ueh- ling ] drove in Monday. . 11rs.L Isanhart returned Sat- urday from a visit east. Miss Alta Applegate rode out to her homestead Saturday. C. A. Kuby made a business visit to Valentine Saturday. Miss Norma Kirkman spent I Saturday and Sunday at home. Mesdames Tinkham and McVey I were shopping in town Tuesday. Miss Lottie Graddy went to Arabia Saturday to attend church. Will Morrissey and C. W. Helz- er spent Sunday at the Morris ranch. Wm , Francke stopped in our city over Sunday ' enroute to Ains- I worth. , Shall the town be wet or dry was the question before the voters ' Tuesday. W. A. Parker recently purchas- ed several head of young mules of McClain Bros Joe Waggoner and Earl Hanna took dinner with Charles Hanna at his ranch Sunday. The Masons held a special meet- ing Saturday night , initiating three new members. United Doctors Make Free Offer Will Cure Few Patients Free to Show the Won = ders of the New System Free examination , free consulta- tion and free treatment until you are entirely well. Such is the gen- I erous offer made by the United Doctors to all patients accepted for treatment during their visit at Val- entine at the Dohoher hotel on riday : , April 8th and Saturday , April 9th , and at Wood Lake on Thursday ' , April 14. The only charge that will be made is for the medicine used , which must be paid cash. To very poor patients the I medicines will be furnished free also. The object of the United Doctors in making this grand free offer is to secure a few supposedly incurable cases quickly to demon- strate the tremendous curative powers of this wonderful new sys- tem of medicine as used by the United Doctors. _ These , specialists solicit one or two of the most difficult cases from each locality in order to show what can be done by scientific treatment , even in the worst forms of diseases. The treatment used by the United Doctors is non-surgical. They nev er : use the knife , never mutilate the body which God has built in his image. Only the best and purest of drugs are used by these special- ists , their motto being that every sick person is entitled to the best medicines to be found in nature. I In order to obtain pure drugs I they compound in their own labora- tory all the medicine used in their treatment and thus every patient is assured pure medicine , the beat ob- tainable regardless of cost. The expensive and elaborate In- struments used in diagnosis and the extreme care used in securing pure drugs and preparing them es pecially for each case makes the treatment used by the United Doc- tors more expensive than ordinary treatment , yet the large number of patients treated makes it possible to put the price within the reach of all. This is is really a very remark- able and generous offer _ by these great specialists. It is an offer of free treatment until well , regard- less of the length of time. This offer is good only in cases accepted for treatment during their visit in Valentine on Friday , April 8th and Saturday , April 9th , and Wood Lake on Thursday , Aprill4. Consultation and examination is free , but only curable cases will be accepted for treatment. If your case is incurable you will be told so and not one penny of your money ' , . accepted. However many casBS that are in- ] . . ; . . , . - . - Ed Young : finished invoicing last Thursday 0. W. McDaniel left Sunday night for Bloomfield , expecting , to be gone several days. - A government homestead in- spector spent several days in this neighborhood last week. For Sale : Percheron stallion , G years old , broke to work. - Klopping Bros. , Wood Lake , Nebr. 10 4 M. Isanhart spends a part of . each day looking over the site for his proposed residence. The Misses Vivian and Veda Young left Sunday night for Peru where Miss Vivian is attending school. Mrs. G. A. Waggoner returned I from Indiana Saturday where she was called recently 1j > .y the death of her mother. . Roy Randall has placed another chair in his barber shop and se cured the services of an exper I ienced assistant. Ed Justice of Goose creek was II in town the other day and ex- ! pressed his intention of going to Alberta and taking a homestead. Last Saturday evening a party of young people gathered at the home of Miv : s Florence Hanna. A very enjoyable evening was spent. It is reported that a homestead rolinquishment of something over 400 acres near our burg sold for § 1500 recency. Real estate is on the boom. I Friday , April 1 , several sports- men ( ? ) were induced to walk down to the lake by the report that there were several ducks there. Need- t less to say the ducks were wooden. curable by old methods can be quickly cured by this wonderful new treatment of tne United Doc- tors. Crookston News. H. \Vakefield was in Kilgore Monday : and Tuesday on business. A. B. OTerman'and wife spent Sunday with relatives north of town. I i Fred Fowler is getting : : ready to go to southern Missouri to join his parents. Wm. Palmer and wife of north table marketed hogs in Crookston last Saturday. ' There is two car loads of ma- terial on the ground for the erec- tion of a new elevator. , Several car loads of emigrant goods have been unloaded in Crookston the last couple of weeks. Mr. Williams , manager of the lumber yard , has been doing a good business and had to get an extra man to help out. The play given by the Royal i Neighbors Friday evening was i good , and well attended. The receipts , 91.20 , will be paid on the new piano. Arthur Richardson has returned from Hot Springs where he has I been taking treatment for rheu- matism and stomach trouble and is not much improved. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS IIJPU.LM.IULU i DESIGNS rmTT * COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending R sketch and description mav oulcKly ascertain our opinion free whether an pntentable. Communica- fiivention is probably Pte K o tioisstrlotlyco it de ti . HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest acency ! for securing pate ItS. Patents taken turouKh Jlunn & Co. receive special notice , without charge , Intho Stj ntifi J1iurka0 handsomely lllnstrnf ! weekly. T.nrsrest clr- ctilutiou of nny flcientllle Journal. Terms . $3 a year : four inontha , $ I. Soldbyall newsdemers. MUNN & CO.3 tBroadway , New York Branch Office 625 F St. Washington. D. C. . i I - Mi H Af McCALL PATTERNS Celebrated for btyle , perfect fit , simplicity reliability nearly -JO ye r5. Sold in nearly every city and town in t'le ' United St-itcs and Cnn.ula , or by mail direct. More ; told than any other make. Send for free catalogue. McCALL'S MAGAZINE More subscribers than any other fashion I mlraine-miIJion ! a month. Invaluable. Lat- . c-st ilylcs , patterns : , drcsimriKini : : : , , millinery I plain 5cwin , fancy nccdlcwoil : , hairdressing , etiquette , good . s'orics , etc. Onlv 50 cents , a 3-car ( north , double ) , including a frco pattern. Subscribe : today , or send for sample copy. WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS r . to , A ; ent5. Postal ; brinies ! premium catalogue ! Q TJnd new cash prize oilers. .Address - FUS HcUll CO. : , 233 ) to 28 W ; 3(11 ( SL'l ; NEW YORK . r . .I : . ' ' : : : ' - ; : - ' : - : : : " ' : - : : ' : ' ' : : : : : : : > - -----.i.- : : : ; J ; - ijr - ' - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ' " , ' . . " ' . _ . _ , - - _ - - . . ' ' ; , _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ . _ _ . - - - = - : - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . , - - _ n ; ' . . . . : " - - . . > , . . . . . . . \ , . ' . ; t 1 - " . , . - , - . : I . . Furniture and Paints : and Oils , Cattle Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. I : . Johnson- Bros. , \ I Lumber , Machinery , Hard- . ware , Harness , . 'Saddles. . ! Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. ; " Wood Lake . : [ , = - Nebraska ' , _ , . - - : cg cgC&j \ W. F. PARKER & CO. t ! I Wood Lake , Nebraska I II . Everything in Fancy . . . . . . and Staple rocerles. - ' . ' . We have a complete line of OVERALLS and GLOVES ffl e-e Uck , lausen & Co. , . General Hardware . . ! , , S Wagons and , Machinery. . . . . ? . . . e ; A complete line of ' Harness and Saddles / . , . , Household and Kitchen Furniture _ Lumber and Fence Posts I WOOD LAKE , a NEBRASKA . . . _ e8. @ _ e - .1.lbertVhipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. , Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riehtside S Some cattle also have a - { - on neck Some with A on left shonlder ] and some branded with two bars across ! ' hind quar- , _ i _ , . _ _ gjters. Some Texas : cattle branded S O on left side and some on . left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip. S - Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. . .6 Nebraska . Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards - l'res Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of2.nimali also the following J. : brands : g' .1 , ' ! a y : I Y I horses Branded the . k rri same + f Range betweea Gordon on the F . .E. & -\1 : Y. , R. R. ard Hvaunis on B & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr. HARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis Nebr G. K. Sawyer has fiiaree of these cattle. II rse- . , u Son let ] t shoul der. Some left Romefl llors1s : . . " - ' same left thigh. : w = Kunge l on Snake ! : ) river. , Metzger : BroS. Kolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. ti Horses have same braid on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward - of $250 will he raid , to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or , persons stealing ( * jttrl with ahove rand. J. A. Yaryan. Pullman , Nebr 1 Cattle branded JY on right side , Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable rewarfl ! for any information leading ] to the re covery of cattle strayed from my _ range. . \ , - . , , . - . ' . E. M. : Faddis & Co. . , Postofflce address - Valentine . or Kennedy. , Some branded - , " on ] t-It , . / " . , , ; thigh j r , 1 , r ; : > oo Horses . branded - J on. left ] ' Don.pft ' I . [ or thfpli . , I Some " Some branded branded on right thigh hrandedi 011 leftn E ! or shoulder. ) shouldci ! : ' . ' or thuh P. H. Young. , Bim on. Nebr. u1 Cattle branded as cut on left aide Some a. yon left Bide. - en left -77-en Jaw of V horses. , Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon , if. S. Rowley. . Kennedy , - N-eoraaka. ! M Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on - left shoulder of hor- ses. AlsoJJSJB on hip. left side bland * X on left se. . Some cat - r ! tie . rat-a _ , . , : ed husk-iaaBMMing pe/ / ( either side up ) on left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder of horsesjj \ ; . . . jjQ on left hip of horses. - N " on left jaw of horses . . p , C. P. Jordan. I Bosebud 3D I Horses and cattle same aa cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right I hIp. Range on Oak and \ j Butte creek ! . . A liberal reward . for information ! leading to detection - = - of rustleraof stock K bearing any of these brands E. M. : Ten-ill , Propr. . Brownlee Neo. . . _ Cattle branded as ' ' In cat on left . sid e. Some . 'v' .i branded K. T Y h J _ _ . . on left hip. Range . , , on North Lonp n river two miles ] . west of Brownlee - , , I " Roan Bros. - . . \ Woodlake ( Neb ; V ' . Range on Long R B Lake and Crook- , id : Lake. - . , , . i ' : J ,3 . . " , " . . . - , . ' . . , . - > ; . . . . - . ; .A'- & . ' . - ' _ : \ ,