Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 07, 1910, Image 5

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    - ' . . . . "T . . . . " " " " " . . . . " , . , , . . , . , . - > . ,
. , .
. . . . ' .
. Y.JI'Ii' . . . ' . P , , \ " . > . . . . .
r . . . : ' - " - . ' -
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: : X'
Powdfe * :
1 ' The only high-clssa >
Baking Powder sold at
a moderate .price. .
, Are You Going to Do It
. This Spring
or put It off and not have the benefit
- ' and , lose the value it jiiyes to a
, ' . .place ? . .
Put out a few of the best varieties.
It'E most interesting and Will do you
more . good - we want them to do you .
' .good. . . i
11 .good.We
We have the following varieties in
the . . . nursery - :
We have 22 varietieR of Summer ,
: Fall and Winter Apples , 7 varieties
: of Crab Apples , 5 varieties of Cher-
; ries , 7 varieties of Plums , Peaches ,
Currants , Gooseberries , Blackberries ,
1 Raspberries , Grapes , Strawberries ,
Evergreens , Shade Trees , Forest
Trees , Roses and other Ornaments
adapted to this part of the state.
time usefulness. A TREE IS A PER-
' ' . i MA-NENT INVESTMENT. Get trees
c. jjfown n . are t JlOme. They are ac-
climated and { ! rown . ' , under same con-
ditions you want them to ' grow , .and
: where ; .thejT can be had fresh and
' planted the quickest , and from .those
that are growing orchards for' them-
selves and . are producing fruit and
will iurnibh any information desired
. for you to succeed , " . . .
I . Come to ' the nursery and see the
. ) write ' and
y . J stuff or for catalogue
I. , ' ) ' ! -l pnices . . .65-acresin . nursery and . our
' ' .
own orchards. - :
. - . ' . : . ' .
: " : Chas , J.- Boyd ,
, . . - - Brown County Nursery
' . . - Ainsworth , Nebr
: Nursery one block north-east of the
" 'i . , ' { Court House.
' .
, , . '
. . .
- . " ,
U.S. Weather Bureau Report
WEEK ENDING MAR. 21 : , 1910.
. . ' . , ,
: Daily mean temperature .P .
. .
" Normal temperature 37 : =
r ' . / Highest temperature 82 = .
Lowest temperature 29 ° .
, ) Kange of temperature 5.T3. :
Precipitation for week 0.36 ( of an inch.
. Average for 22 years 0.33 of an inch.
Precipitation 1\Iarc111st to date 00.86 inches.
. Average ' . for 23 years 01.15 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
. . . . . ' . I
" .
A Safe , I
. : _ . Simple System -
The system of paying
by check was devised
' by all men- for any
man - for you. It , is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
_ a month. A checking
. . . : . account will serve your
Pay by check the
: . . . . . . . Y ,
w.a tso '
. : " method puts system in-
. . . _ to your business and
. " . > " . g Ives you -a record of
. . gevery '
every transaction.
. - . # VALENTINE. , NEBR.
. Dentist.
. . . . .
= . Office . over the grocery deparment
. .
' of T. C. Hornby's store. I
W. H. Stratton .
, 1 ' , Dealer in ,
' . FLOUR & FEED :
. General Merchandise
j PHONE 125
" cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
4 Burge , Kelr.
, Tubular wells and windmills.
- < ' * Call me up by Telephone.
, . -
- - '
i ' ;
. ,
. , , . ; ' , , Per Cwt. Per Ton.
. ; , , Bran , sacked. . . . $1 10 $21 00
I Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
; ' Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00
' sacked 1 40 27 00
f . Chop Corn ,
. ; Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 28 00
i . " ' Oats , sacked 1 45 28 00
I :
. . ' : : John Kills Plenty.
' - ' , : st ' Francis Mis-
. r 'sinn Kostbud.
; / 8. D. .
\ '
. . . . ' Cattle branded .
18 in cut ; horses
same or . - . > KP on
" left thigh , anle
- ' . between Spring
Ht1 ; . , . . ' C'k and Little 1
WUJ rt veg. '
I ,
. . I
' - ' '
- : I'
Talk of the Town.
Garden seeds at the Red Front.
' \
Four-room house for rent.
I. ' 1. RICE.
, All ' kinds of seeds at the Red
Front. . - . , 8
Fresh garden seeds in all va-
rieties . - ( at Fischer's . Hardware. 9
Bert-Ward and wife returned
I from ashington Tuesday night.
Jim Hudson and P. F. Simons
of Sparks were in town last Fri-
day and Saturday.
Ed Brown of Dallas and Ed
Brazzel of Carter , S. D. . were in
Valentine last Saturday.
A. John & Co. have moved into
tbeir new store. See their ad-
vertisement in this paper.
Wm. Ferdon was in .the city . .
last Saturday. He is now living
in Wyoming . most of the time. i
5 room house for rent on Cher-
ry street north of the Presbyterian
cfiurch. - MRS. CLARA EELCH. 124 :
J. A , Kirkwood of Simeon : spent
Friday and Saturday in town ,
- old friends and .
meetingold enjoying-
a good time.
O. F. Swanson of Stratford Ia. ,
who is interested in the Erickson
Cattle Co. . of Kennedy , was in
town last Saturday. '
Joseph , Yo Simmons and Miss
Phoebe R. White Woman were
married last Saturday , April 2 ,
in Valentine by S. Q. Spain , J.P. I
T. W , Cramer sold George ;
Elliott's household goods on the
I ,
street last . Saturday and we un-
derstand it is the intention of the
family to soon remove to Cali-
A. A. Munn of Cody came down
to Valentine last week with an
extra gang of men to ballast the
road on the new cut off between
Valentine and the river and begin
work this week.
We hear that Alex Charbon-
neau has sold his ranch of 320
acres on the reservation to a Holt
county man for 10,000. . This
ranch is situated about 18 miles
northeast of Valentine.
Presbyterian Church - J. M.
CaMdwell , D. D. , pastor : Preach-
ing morning and usual.
Sabbath School at 10 a. m. , W. S.
[ Barker , superintendent. Christian
Endeavor at T7 p. - mAll : are
I cordially invited.
C. Stewart Geddes. an old man ,
formerly of Norwalk , la. , was
found dead on his claim about 40
rods from his shack , which is
about 6 miles southwest of Mc-
Neely , S. D. The body indicated
that he had been dead three or
four weeks.
John G. Stetter departed Sun-
day night for Omaha where ho is
called on the grand jury."T e
don't know how John happened to
be drawn on the grand jury but
he's a pretty good single handed
talker and we suppose that's what
they want.
Mrs. Elsie Sherman McClelland
came up from Fullerton Sunday
to visit two or three weeks with
'her parents and relatives. It's
her first visit home and she came
near beating the train in and
wasted no time in getting home
from the train , .
Eldon C. Newby , a splendid
newspaper man , succeeds Isaac
Moon : as editor of the Randolph
Enterprise , our old home town in
Kansas. We notice the death of
John F. Beckmanu , a pioneer
merchant , of pneumonia.Tuesday
of last week in the last issue.
J. M. and Wm. Ballard were in
town Tuesday from Barley pre-
cinct. They were transferring B. '
piece of land that they sold to
James Cooper of Bassett. It is a
little late now to speak of it but
their mother , Mrs. Agnes BallaH ] ,
died March 1st , at the age of 72
I years , 2 months and 5 days. She
I fell ] ] on the ice Feb. 19 , fracturing
her hip which resulted in her
Alex Kief of Woodlake had an
experience one night last ] week
that he will never want to. re eat.
I For two or three nights he had
been up with his wife , who is on ,
the sick list. Monday night he
had gone to his room upstairs and
I was soon in a deep sleep. Alex is
sometimes a victim of nightmares.
At this particular time he imagin-
ed that someone was after him.
He jumped from bed and through
the window , fell to the ground be-
low , picked himself up and ran
several yards into a fence before
he finally awakened. He was a
sorry , sight when discovered. His
limbs were cut by the glass and
torn by the wire. Dr. Tische was
called to dress his wounds. At
present he feels stiff and sore and '
wonders why he wasn't , killed j'
outri ht.- Brown County . Demo- .
. . .crat..f.t" 4. . - . . . . . ' .
* Grass seeds at the _ Red Front. ' -
i , Lines Ghcens was in town Mon
, '
I Frank Kime was in town last
" '
M. Hale and wife were in town
shopping Tuesday.
John Yeast has begun excavat
ing for his store addition. I
. I
Miss Jordan took charge of the
county treasurer's office , relieving i
W. H. Kennedy who went out
home Tuesday. II
Mrs. O. W. Noyes entertained
the 500 club at an "April Fool" ;
party last Thursday evening. The
ladies dressed as clowns , ghosts or
spectres , and , upon reaching the
Koyes' home found the lights out
and the house dark. Numerous
surprises were sprung. Bananas I
were stuffed with cotton and a I
stick of candy. Finally , the low-
est score won the prize.
C. P. Gay , about 25 miles south-
east of Gordon , while plowing
Monday , at 4:00 : p. m. , heard a
strange noise overhead which
frightened his team , and lo'oking l
saw the flight of a large meteor
'descending , leaving a trail of
smoke , and fell about one mile
eastward. Soon a smaller meteor
struck the ground 20 rods in front
of him. ' It sunk into the earth
three feet and . continued so hot
that he was unable ! to dig it out
until Tuesday.
S. D. A. Church.
Sabbath school every Sabbath
( Saturday ) afternoon a 2:00. :
Bible study at 3 p. m.
Prayer meeting next Wednes
day evening at 7:30 : at the church.
Subject Sunday night : "Mod
ern Spiritualism . . in the Light of.
the Bible. " This system of re
ligion is sweeping over the coun-
try like a hurricane , capturing
ministers , laymen and worldlings.
Is it right ? What does the bible
say of it ? . . . . .
Music a special feature.
On the evenings of April 17 and
24 : , there will be no services owing
to the pastor's absence. Sabbath
services as usual April 16 and 23. :
Liquor Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond d.ul.y'at -
tested , said . petition ) ' prayingi / that
I be granted a license to sell 'raalj ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 6 , lot 17 , in said village of
Valentine Cherry county , Ne- I
braska , for the ypar ending May
1 , 1911. HENRY STETTER. i
Liquor Notice.
Notice is hereby given that we I
have filed with the clerk of the
hoard of trustees of the village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , .
accompanied by a bond duly .at-
tested , said petition praying tjiat
we be granted a license to. sell
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
in block 5 , lot 25 , in said village
of Valentine , Cherry county , . Ne
braska , for the year ending May
1 , 1911. W. R. MoGEEi '
Every Feeder in Nebraska Inter
ested in Keeping Near Market '
J. A. Ollis , state senator from Val
ley county , and a well known stock
man , has given out a significant state
ment in reference to the conspiracy of
the railroads , led by the Burlington ,
to advance the freight rate on dressed
meat from the Missouri river , and
thus rob the stockman of his profits.
"This is a more serious thing for
t.he stockmen of this state than most
of them imagine at first : thought , " says
Senator Ollis.
"Th advance of 30 per cent in the
rates on dressed meat from the Mis- '
souri river to Chicago means a great
many cattle and hogs will be taken
through the South Omaha market and
kilh'd in Chicago. The same men-
with one exception - are killing there
who are slaughtering in South Omaha.
If they can ship live stock as cheaply
as dressed'meat , or cheaper , they will
kill in Chicago.
"There I is every reason why the
stockmen should be interested In
building up the market in South Oma can get the South Omaha
quotations one mornjing ) and be there
with the stock the next morning , and
do not run much risk of a break in the
market. But if we ship to Chicago
we cannot get there for three days ,
and there is danger of getting there
on a break of 30 to 40 cents , which
happens many times. This wipes out
the entire profit of feeding What
the stockmen must have Is good ,
strong markets on the Missouri river.
These markets can only : he buUt up
by giving them business and the only
way they can get business is to have
rates which will enable them to com
pdte with Chicago. *
"This " is a matter In which every
stockman west of the MlssOtt'ri' river
has a vital interest and should , help
the South Omaha market in getting
tfe * fclfc . . . . aaa . Towbr r&ta . reBtOt i1.
. . . . _ _ - : . : . . . . : : : - -1.- ; : -.J.J. . ; , , ; ' _ . : "
. ,
. I
. ,
. '
. -
1 /
i 1
I t P i ] .
: . L" " . - 111 j
i New Store. New Stock .
Call and see us in our new store. We have left in our old store
' { j 400 pairs of shoes , odds and ends , and lots of other goods , such
as Underwear , Hats , Piece Goods and Laces that we will close .
out at great reduction in price. Sale begins Saturday morning .
and will continue for one week. Do not miss this opportunity. . .
I A. . John & Co. -
. _ . _ , r _ . . . . , , ' " . ' . , . , . " - . . . . . . . . , .
Old . c. , . : . . . . - " . " / " , / " . > : T " " . ' / ; . : . . . . . . . . : " All Leading . .
Brands .
Hermitage z--
and . . Bottled , "
. - . . . . " ' 4v
- * * : * .
GKichen- ' ' Under : " . the . .
lieimer ; j a ynLttt ri'/ Supervision
.a A > *
Eye , of the :
Whiskeys. \ . ' . . . . : . . y.S . ' . . Gbv. ' . .
\ V'also handle the Budweiser Beer.
. , . - - = ANNUAL SALE . . . , , " ' . . .
'at Valentine , Nebr..T' ; '
Commencing promptly at 1:00 p. m. , on Wednesday , "
AprIl 20 , 1910 .
. . . " .
On the above date I will sell
From 16 to 24 months old , richly bred fellows with good % me , good back ,
good Hereford head and horns , in good flesh but not pampered . All healthy.
They were tested for Tuberculosis March : : 21 , 1910 , by one of the Iowa-State Yeterin-
aries and all found to be 0. K. , and a certificate from him showing same will go with .
each bull. Now is the time to buy good Hereford bulls , they are lower now than.
they will be again in years. Right at grass , with stockers and feeders , the highest on
record and all other stock the same. Now is the time , the best show up. Come to
Valentine April 20 , and we will show you a better lot of bulls than you ever saw in
one bunch from one man's herd and breeding. Write at once for catalogue. . .
1 Geo. J. Anstey , Propr.
Fairview Herefords Massena , Iowa
Cols. Tracewell and Flannagan , Aucts. W. E. Haley , Clerk.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank the Ladies'
Aid , Degree of Honor , Order of
Eagles , I. O. O. 'F. lodge and all
others who so kindly assisted dur-
ing the sickness and death of our
wife and mother. .
Woodruff Ball returned last
week from Denver and says the
storm was quite severe i there , of
which we got but alight snow . and
. . . .
and , rain. - - ' -
Vt : . c .
St. Nicholas Church.
% . . -
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine on .Sunday , April
10. First mass at 8 a. m.1 I
second mass at 10. Benediction I |
of the Blessed Sacrament Jlft . . r"j
Mass. ,
In Crookston on Sunday , April
17 , at 10 a. m.
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
P. Sanford is in town enjoying : ; f
s visit : from his son , George , of I j
1 Wiunepeg , Canada. '
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine = s Nebr ,
' . #
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus IT ,
No. 160050 , and Clirnnx 2 , No. 289 ,
822 ; also , Mel via , No. 327072 , reg.
, Bulls for Sale at All Times
, .
' - -
, .
. . _ . . , . . . ' . . ; : : : . , .
- < a : ilf.