WOMEN ; ; OF MIDDLE ! . A6E _ fteed Lydia E. Pinkham's yegetable Compound Brookfield , Md. : - "Two years ago I 'wa.s unable to do any kind of work and only weighed 118 pounds. My trouble ' " : : : = , : : : : : , . : : j , . . : . : iiijHjjijj . : . : : . : . : . ; . . j . : dates back to the : : : " " : ' : ' : : - ' j : : : : ; : : - : ; r : ; : . 1j ; : : ! ! ; " ; : : : : : ! : : : : : ; : : time that women : ' . : : : " : ; H1mHRj1 . . . . . " " . . I mav .L expect . nature ) : jj ! " ; j . . 1 . . ; . . to bring on them . - : : : :1 the Change of Life. HH . . II , . got a bottle of ' : - d ' 1r Lydia E Pinkham's - - : : . : . mH Vegetable Com ; - : :11m : . Wi : pound and it made ; . . . m . . me feel much better , ' " ' : : : : : : . m 1 and I have contin. : / f ued its use. I am . - very grateful to you . _ . - for the good health b' am now enjoying. " - Mrs. : SARAH c , USIGNONT , 414 S. Livingston Street , Jrookfield , Mo. : , The Change of Life is the most criti .ea.l period of a woman's existence , and aieglect : of health at this time invites - ' -disease and pain. I Women everywhere should remem- fcer that there is no other remedy 'no ; v-n ; to medicine that will so sue- * cessfully carry women through this ΒΆ "trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's " . "Vegetable Compound , made from na- tive roots and herbs. , For 30 years it has been curing wo- Jnen from the worst forms of female 'ilia - inflammation , ulceration , dis - : lacements , fibroid tumors , irregulari- iies , periodic pains , backache , and nervous prostration. If you would like special advice -mbout your case write a confiden- 4ial ; letter to Mrs. Pinkliaxn , at Iiynn , Mass. Her advice is free and always helpfuL . tL1 For Lame : Ba.ck . An aching back is instantly - - . ' relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. ' . This liniment takes the place of massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates -without rubbing- through " the skin and muscular tissue iright to the , bone , quickens the blood : , relieves congestion , and . . gives permanent as well as - : relief. _ temporary ' 1' Here's the Proof. Mr. : JAMES C. LEE , of 1100 0th St. . . J3.E.Wa8hlngtonD.O.'ffrites : "Thirty U ears ago I fell from a scaffold and scr - -onaly Injured my back. I suffered terri- = "blyat times ; from the small of my back . -lJI around my stomach was just as if I ad been beaten with a club. I used -every plaster I could get with no relief. " Sloan's Liniment toolt the pain right out , and I can now do as much ladder S ' aerk as any man In the shop , thanks to \ Sloans . . . Liniment Mr. J. P. EVANS , of Mt. : Airy , Ga. , says : "After being afflicted for three . Tears with rheumatism , I used Sloan's Liniment , and was cured sound and well , and am glad to say I haven't been 'troubled ' rheumatism since. -troubled with My leg was badly swollen from my hip to -my knee. One-half a bottle took tho tpain and swelling out. " = 'Sloan's Liniment : lias no equal as a -remedy for RheuJ matism , Neuralgia or any pain or stiffness in the nnuscles or joints. ! ? ; ' 'Prices , 25c. , 50c. and $1.00 .i Sloan's hook on rfaorsca , cattle , sheep. - - - ' -&nd poultry sent f3 _ UL1I" _ _ ii'11 free .A.ddre _ _ : : = _ ' \ Dr. Earl S , Sloan M . . _ - , _ _ - _ _ " _ - Boston , Mass. , U.S.A. - - " " " - - - z . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 * i7C/ ( \ ( 'C- . CHAUFFEURS , DRIVERS and REPAIR MEN EARN BIG SALARIES & 20 to $30 r Work : the 1'i.ual : Pay. Learn Tlilt Fa jing ! Trade WE : WANT UESIDKST ACCXTS ETCKYWIIKKE : TY > you want to become our agent.and make from 810 . . . , * -f to $ 35 per week during your - paro time f We will pay -you a liberal commission all sales of Autos. Auto Bup- T > lle * ; . Parts and Accessories . and fit > BTTk m v m * you for the Automobile Business B > 4 R Vh- + E "by clvlnjt : you a Complete CorreFS1 B . -SpondcncoCoursolnAutomoblllnE " On r Course Is Intensely Interesting easily learned and - d.utood , and profusely Illustrated in detail by blue prinU. AIIR DRnDftQITin&i Inves * your money In Our OUR PROPOSITIOU UUFS a nUiUwt I lUll l'reterredStock.7percect . I .ccumulat ! vc dl vldends. N on-plutlcl 1'4 tin : . Only shares { ttlOpersharols necessary to quallfr . : . ! resident cent -and obtain our Complete Course 1'JJEE. Others oak 150 . Hrlthoutany return or Invertment on your money. We offer you : Interest In a ood-paylnc business and fine - opportunity for making BIG MONEY while you study. Tlrst Courpe Is sent upon receipt of payment for flrat ' ah & re of stock. Part payments accepted. Write to-day * hllo your territory Is open. Only a. limited a.mountlett. ATLAS AUTO SUPPLY CO. " 0 to 826 But 4Crd Bt CniCAGO , ILL. / , FOB. SALE-175-acre Illinois farm. I IA11 fenced. Running water. 8-room house , 71 2 : barns. C. D. Milleson , East St. Louis , .Illinois. 4i rll- : < $ S itsLyesus afflicted wilt TllAllflflll' EYE WArn f ! - : . . ' . , , : Y . . . . I , . . , ' . , , - t , J " - r:1 I r-r11 I : i I A ' I A rz- . J 1 I Li . _ - - , 4. It ( ' : ' : . 'J ww-ww The Experimental Plot. Every farmer should have , and easi ly can have , a small experimental plot of ground for testing the soil and dif ferent crops. No farmer can ever know the highest capacity of his soil till he has fertilized a small portion of his land very heavily with a com plete balanced mixture of fertilizers , planted the very best of seed , and given the crop , or crops , extra good cultivation. Many : farmers hear or read of 100 bushels of corn to the acre , or several hundred dollars an acre made in growing special crops , and do not believe that It is possible. They do not believe it because they have never done half so well on their own land , but they never put half the amount of fertilizers , nor half as good seed , nor half as good cultivation , to the crops they grew. Try an acre , or even a half acre , of ground on youV own farm this coming season and see what results can be had from it. Be- gin now to fertilize and do not stop till the piece of land is as fertile as It can well be made with at least three different kinds of fertilizing mat ter. Prepare the land in the very best manner , use the best seed , and give a dozen cultivations. You will surprise yourself with results.-Journal of Agriculture. Bran Mash. Can you make a bran mash ? Like coffee , mashed potatoes and a few of the everyday things , the average fur nished is not of good quality. To make a bran mash , take a clean bucket , well scalded out , and put In the measure of bran. Then pour Into the center , stirring all the time , scald- Ing water enough to make it moist. Cover it closely while hot with a blan- ket , and let It stand three or four hours , until cold. There are many times when a cow or horse Is sick . Last year Chile produced 19,000,000 bushels , and was encouraged by the results to sow many more acres this year. Experimental stations of the Chilean government are distributing the best varieties of seeds among the farmers. If American farmers keep down their production to hold up prices they may find they had such a good thing that they tempted all the world Into it and broke up the snap. -New York rress. To Prevent Feed Bolting So many horses , especially nervy drivers , get in the habit of gulping their feed down in great mouthfuls. Here is a device that I have found " ' : very convenient 0. . and effective In preventing fee d - . - . bolting. The feed . Is put into a hop- . per ( b ) outside , th'e manger , and is allowed to run into the manger box ( a ) in a thin stream. ; The size of this stream is reg ulated by the slide ( c ) , and it is Im possible for the horse to get more feed in his mouth at one time than he can easily masticate. - Farm and Home. . - < Making Good Butter. The best butter is made from cream collected about the same time. Mixing cream from three or four days' skim- mings is what makes the texture of butter uneven and the flavor poor. Keep the different skimmings sepa rate , and churn them separately , as far as possible. This requires some more work , 'but it makes better but- ter. If several skimmings are mixed , stir the mixture well when cream is added. All cream should be frequently stirred when ripening in order to make the ripening progress evenly through the mass. Always skim milk before it becomes coagulated. The Alaska Wheat Falce. The "Alaska wheat" fake , which ha been pretty thoroughly exposed in the west , in now attracting attention in the east Commenting on the result of some experiments made by a New Jersey farmer with this cereal "gold brick , " the Boston Transcript re marks : "If the wheat of Alaska can THREE-HORSE HITCH. . $ . . . . , . ll. . . _ . . . * ' " ' . . . - . . . . . . . . .N ! : I . . . . - . . . . . . rFl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > ' . . . . . . . - . . , ] : ; , , ! Z . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . _ . . _ . r JJ . r : T-O--- - - r . This arrangement enables one horse to walk in the furrow when ploughing and two on the unploughed land. The length Is marked on each of the parts. The draught chain must be set well toward the left of the head of the plough. _ _ _ . and weak , and needs a bran mash. The usual proceeding Is to use any old bucket and some hot water. A hand ful of bran Is stirred into a slop , and , scalding hot , is put under the sick animal's nose , only to be rejected. It should be cool , or cold , and only moist enough to hold together when pressed in the hand. Then add a little salt , and It is relished by the sufferer.- California Cultivator. How to Fasten Mallet : : Handles. The old method ! of fastening mallets to handles by boring a hole through the head and inserting a wedge from the outside may be superseded by a new way that makes the tool much t : : = ' abater - and one that conceals the wedge and eliminates all possibility of the head flying off as the wedge can- not come out. This new way is to bore a hole the size of the handle and three-fourths the distance through tho head , then cut a slot in the handle and insert a wedge as shown in figure 1. Put the wedge end into the hole bored in the head and drive it in. When the wedge touches the bottom of the hole ( Fig. 2) ) it will be driven . into the split of the handle. thus forc i ing the sides out and making a tight fit. - Popular Mechanics. ' PreserTln& Flour. A new method of preserving flour nas recently been adopted with suc cess in England. It is done by means of compression. With hydraulic appar- atus the flour is squeezed into the forms of bricks , and the pressure de stroys all forms of larval life , thus presarving the flour from the ravages of insects , while it is equally secure from mold. Three hundred pounds of . compressed flour occupy the same ! space as 100 pounds in the ordinary ! state. Farmer and Autos. The number of automobiles owned by farmers is growing rapidly. Out of 10,000 autos in Iowa , 5,000 are owned by farmers. Kansas farmers spent $3,200,000 for automobiles dur ing 1909 , and $2,750,000 in 1908. In one Nebraska town of 800 population , forty autos were sold last year to farmers near the town. Careful esti mate of the number of automobiles owned by farmers in the entire United States is 76,000. The Wheat Situation. The high prices which our farmer have run up for wheat have stimulat- - ed the cultivation of the gratn wherever It is possible to raise it . " . . ! reclothe our old but still responsive acres with harvests of the golden grain , it will be an obligation of no mean magnitude to be added to what we already owe her for past and po tential yields of gold and copper , lum ber and coal. " Unfortunately for the responsive acres which are awaiting the coming of Alaska wheat , that fa mous cereal has been repeatedly ex posed as a fraud. Its latest previous appearance in the limelight was in Idaho , and the Saturday Evening Post , by giving it a page of praise , brought it to the attention of scien tists and agricultural experts , with the result that the government issued a fraud order which prohibited the Ida ho promoters circulating any litera ture regarding it. Straw In Manure. Owing to its abundance , straw h added to barnyard manure , but it can be made more serviceable if made fine with the feed cutter before being used. While straw may soon rot after being mixed with manure , yet in a fine con dition it is a much better absorbent and can be forked into the manure . with advantage. When loading and spreading manure there is a saving of labor when handling that which is fine , and the manure will be more val uable because the loss of ammonia will be arrested by the use of suitable absorbent materials. The Barley Crop. Six states appear to have a monop o'ly of the barley crop. In the year 1908 , Minnesota raised 32,500,000 bush- els ; California , 25,427,000 bushels ; Wisconsin , 24,750,000 bushels ; South Dakota , . 24,592,000 bushels ; North Da kota , 18,330,000 bushels , and Iowa , 13- 500,000 bushels. All the balance of the United States , 41,157,000 bushels. To- tal , 166,756,000 bushels. Deep PlowIng. Results of experiments at the Kan sas station show that deep plowing (8 ( to 10 inches ) tends to increase the number of soil bacteria in both sandy and silt soils. Deep plowing tends to increase bacterial activity. More am i , monia is produced. Deep plowing tends to decrease denitrincation of the reduction of nitrate and the liberation of free nitrogen. Land aa an Insurance. Good land-and there are millions of acres of it still available in this country : at a moderate figure-is the best form of insurance not only for the family in event of your death , but for yourself during life , while you can enjoy it to the full. No better legacy can be left to your children. - - Increase IK Form Home Government reports show that farm horses have increased in number from 13,000,000 to 20,000,000 since 1900 and in value from $44.61 to 05.64 each Illinois has more farm horses thaa any other State in the Union. : - , : " . - . . . I _ DON'T NEGLECT S YOUR KIDNEYS. . ( ) _ / . _ . ' Iii /4r4----- ) I i IWJ/1 T fA1ARRH OF SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE-To dem onstrate the value of Peruna inall ca- tarrhal troubles we will send you a sam pIe bottle absolutely free by mail. The merit and success of Peruna is so well ! known to the public that our readers are advised to send for sample bottle : Address the Peruna Company. Columbus , Ohio. Don't forget to men- tion you read this generous offer in the _ u _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . . .u. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ theIf If in need of advice write our Medical Department , stating your case fully. Our physician in charge will send you advice free , together with literature con- taining common sense rules for health , which you cannot afford to be without. uncle Allen. "A preacher who draws a big salary " said Uncle Allen Sparks , "sometimes gets a tempting offer to go somewhere and give a lecture , and he asks a col- fege young man who Is studying for the ! ministry to fill his pulpit for one Sunday. The college young man does it , and all he gets is thanks. Such things happen sometimes , and I sup pose it's all right. I'm not blaming the preacher , understand. I'm only kicking because the young chap lets that sort of game be played on him by jucks ! " $100 Reward , $100. TEe readers of this ' paper will be pleased to learn tLat there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall's ! ! Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now Vnown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh /eing a constitutional disease , requires . z constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarra Cure Is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors haye so much faith In its cura- tive powers that they offer Orie Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. Sold by all Druggists , 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. With the Eye of Faith. "Dr. Fourthly , don't you believe the time is coming when the swords shall be beaten into plowshares and the epears into pruning hooks , and men shall learn war no more ? " "Indeed I do , Brother Millsap. " "But when ? " "About the time when that other prophecy is fulfilled - 'and then shall the end come.Chicago Tribune. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of # . A'oble Keveiigre. "Margie , if grandpa was cross to you you must be kind to him. " "What for , mamma ? " "Don't you know , child ? It will be heaping coals of fire on his head. " "Will it , mamma ? Then I'll be just zs kind as I can be to the old cros - patch. Yon know how bald he is- ! . - " - - Chicago T-P This Will Interest Mother Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil ! dren , used by Mother Gray , a nurse ir Children's Home , New York , cure Consti- pation , Feverishness , Teething Disorders. Stomach Troubles and Destroy Worms : 30,000 testimonials of cures. All drug gists 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy 1C. Y. A Soldier's Beginning ' We were visiting at Sandringham. Sir Evelyn Wood , who is very deaf , crept up as near as he could to the musicians , and in one of the pauses he said to me , "Are you fond of music ? " I answered , "Yes. " "Do you play any thing ? " I said , "No. " "Well , " he went on , "I am so fond of it that , would you believe it , I began to practice scales at twenty-four. But one day my sister came up and put her hand on my shoulder and said , 'My dear boy , you had better give that up , ' and so I did. " He also told me that he began life as a sailor , then went to the bar and finally entered the army. The only profession he had not tried was the church , and his enemies say he would have tried that , only he did not know what church to choose. - "Life of Sir William Broadbent. " Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago for 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. ' Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Appli cation of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes , Strengthens Weak Eyes Doesn't Smart. Soothes Eye Pain and sells for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for K"Aly Eyelids and Granulation. S. C. N. U. - - No. 13-1910. r QUEER VILLAGES. Some Peculiar One That 3Inr Bo Seen in England. The English village is very dear to the hearts of poets and painters , and thousands of them are certainly charm ing. A few , however , are more amus- ing than anything else - as , for In stance onewhIch consists entirely } of old railway carriages , even the chapel being composed of four horse trucks. Another village , with a population of 1,100 and taxed at the valuation of $8,000 , has neither school , church nor other public building , the only thing of the sort being a letter box on a pillar. Villages with but a single inhabi tant are not unknown , one of them being Skiddaw , in Cumberland. The single villager complains bitterly be cause he cannot vote , there being no overseer to prepare a voters' list and no church or other public building in which to publish one , as the law re quires. The lonely rate payer In a ! Northumberland village has declined I' ' to contribute money to maintain the I roads , remarking that the one he has is quite good enough for its use. In the Isle of Ely is a little parish with about a dozen inhabitants that has no rates , as there are no roads or public institutions of any kind and conse quently no expenses. Kempton , . near Bedford , can prob- ably lay successful claim to thedis - tinction of being the longest village . In the worl , as it straggles along the road for a distance of seven miles. Sometimes a village will entirely disappear , having been built either on the edge of the ' crumbling cliffs that make part of the coast line or over an ancient mine. One of the latter class is in Shropshire , and each year one or more of the cottages tumbles as the earth sinks beneath it. - Harper's Weekly. PILES CURED IN : O TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is iruarantced to cure any case of Itchinjr Blind. IJleedintr or Protrudiny Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c- CorrectIng a Mi.siipnrehen.Nion. Caller-I have been told that your bachelor brother is an avowed mis- ogynist. Mrs. Gaswell-Why , Mrs. : Jipes , there Isn't a word of truth in that. He's a Congregationalist.-Chicago , Tribune. USE A-B-C TEA for kidney liver and bowel trouble. Large package 25c - all dealers recommend it. "IluiMiJl tiac llsind. " The raising of the hand which re places the kissing of the Book in the oath which witnesses in England will henceforth take was in origin a point- ing toward heaven. The oath taker extended his hand toward the Being whom he invoked-a pagan , for in- stance , touching the foot or knee of his god's statue. "I have lifted up mine hand unto the Lord , " says Abra ham. Our Germanic ancestors raised their spears toward high heaven. A quaint case is that of the Shrewsbury parliament of 1398 , when the lords took a solemn oath by the cross of Canterbury , while the commons - -10 doubt to mark the distinction between the two orders-swore simply by lift ing their hands.-London Chronicle. A TRIFLING COUGH will become a permanf . one unless stopped. Allen's Lung lialsam will snro ly stop It. A 25c bottle Is large enough for that. Soli : at all dnicdsts 25c.Mc and $ LOO bottles. Advice front Artemus Ward. A certain Southern railroad was in a wretched condition , and the trains were consequently run at a phenom- enally low rate of speed. When the conductor was punching his ticket Ar- temus Ward , who was one of the pas- sengers , remarked : : "Does this railroad company allow passengers to give it advice , if they do so in a respectful manner ? " The conductor replied in gruff tones that he guessed so. "Well , " Artemus went on , "it occur- red to me that it would be well to de tach the cowcatcher from the front of the engine and hitch it to the rear of the train ; for you see , we are not lia ble ] to ovrtnkp : ; a cow. and what's to prevent- : cjw ; from strolling into this car and biting a passenger ? " - Boston Herald. A New York man who ate sixty buckheat cakes and two pounds of sausage said he would have done bet- ter if he had been : hungry. EflI4kSthqNjL BEING PAPA'WPI , a I S / ' )1' - _ (34 ( ? DEAR T3E SLWPEIS ARt FiN E1ERTMr1LXM. GPIi4 I WATF M rhEl. tS _ ? J..L.FtWE - _ 5' p - --7k 5- < ( 'S _ _ I..1.a.p . . . - . ; 4 \ : ' , . _ _ , ThKrwi' I . .5 - , $ : P _ _ _ _ S LVED THAT NOTHING LQQKS GOOD 10 ON SUFFERING _ r IGESTION ORCQW- ! STiATlON. MU NY ! ' : PAW-PAWptu.s . MAKE LIFE \VORTHL ! < il0 EILtS lOt. _ Munyon's Paw Parr Pills coax t1i1 liver into activity by gentle methods. They do not scour gripe or weaken. They are a tonic to the stomach , liver and nerves ; Invigorate Instead of weaken. They enrich the blood and enable tno stomach to get all the nourishment Iron food that Is put Into It. These pills Ou- tain no calomel ; they are- soothing ; hts Ing and stimulating. For sale by all di - gists in lOc and 25c sizes. If you need medical advice writo Munyon's : Doctor They will ! advise to the best of their abl ! Ity absolutely free of Charge. aitnv- YON'S , .Mill and Jefferson Sts. , Fkll adclphia , Pa. . ilunyon's Cold Remedy cures a cold m . one day. Price 25c. Munyon's Rheutna : tlsm Remedy relieves In a few hours : anct cures in a few days. Price 25c. , d. VIESTERN CANADA I Senator Dolliver , of Iowa , says : Tho stream of emlrrnnta from tho United States " . to : Canada will continue. " ' . Senator Dolliver recently paid a 3 . visit to Western Canada. and soys : "There Is a land huncerin tho hearts of Kntdish speaking peo . ple ; tlil.s win account for - , p ; the removal of to many - ' g Iowa farmers to Canada. & Our people : aro pleaaod . # ! , J' with its : Government and tho excellent : adminis I tration of law. and Ahoy aro coming to vca in tens of thousands and they uro still comin ! : . " Iowa contributed large ly to tho 70.000Amerl- - ? . , , _ _ . 5- can farmers ivlio uiailo Canada b r'- their homo during It ) pi ) . .p- . Field crop returns alone rc/sr . ! diirlii : ; ycarndded to tho wealth 5cr ' . of tho country upwards of { } , . ' S17@eOOooo.OO . . Grain srrowlnrr , mixed : farm- , t : S S Inrr , rnttlo raising1 ; and dnirylnsr S aro nil profitable l-'rco Iloaie- .5. . . 5- etcndi of 160 acres nro to be - ' t- had In . the very best districts. . 160 aero pre-emptions at $3.00 . . per aero within certain areas. .5 Schools and churches In . every , settlement climate unexcelled , soil tho richest , wood. water and S .5 bulldlnsr material plentiful. For particulars to location . low , : settlers' railway rates and descrlp- d tivo illustrated / panlplilct "Last 1' " Best West. " and other informa tT < tt ) : tion write to Sup't of Immigra - tion. Ottawa. Canada , or to the following ! Canadian Gov't Agents : E. T. Holcies. 315 Jack onSt..Ht. Paul. Minn. . J.M.lIacLachJan. . Box 116. Watertown. South Dakota. ( Uae address nearest you. ) Please say where you saw this advertisement. piso-5 " is the word to remember1 , when you need a reinerfp ThrCounis&Corn i"V"T Sow Flax Seed A Profitable Crop Its Advantages and How to Raise 1 It , is told in a pamphlet issued by 1 the American Linseed Co. : . ) Sioux City. Iowa : A postal card request will bring- f I you one. j ; -t- ' Fortunes made In a single season op erating the CIRCLING . WAVE amus . ment riding device. Write ArmltagiS Guinn , Springville. Erie Co. , X. Y. - t - - - - Each of the chief or- gans of the body is a i link in the Chain of [ Life. A chain is no- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stronger than its _ _ _ _ weakest link , the body no stronger than its veeakest organ. If there weakness of stomach , liver or lungs , there is a vveak link in the chain of liie which may snap at any time. Often this so-called " weakness " is caused by lack of nutrition , the result of weakness or disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs ere cured by the use of Dr. . Tierce's Golden Medical : Discovery. When the -weak or diseased stomach i3 cured , diseases of other organs ! which seem remote from the stomach but which. have their origin in ' a diseased condition of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition , are cured also. The strong man has a strong stomach. Take the above recommended "Discov ery" and you may have a strong stom _ _ _ _ _ _ ach and a strong body. GIVEN AWAY. - Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser , _ _ _ _ new revised Edition , is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay _ _ _ _ expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers , or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol _ _ ume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y. . . . . I rar np fJ1j Pink Eye Epizootic , Shipping DISTEMPt. Fever and Catarrhol fever Sure cure and positive preventive , no matter how horses at any age ard infected or "exposed. " Liquid. given on the tongue \ , acts on the . Blood and ! Glands ; expels the poisonous germs from the body. . Cures Distemper in C Dogs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling ! live stock remedy. . Cures La Grippe among human beings and is a fine Kidney remedy. 50c and ' - $1 a bottle ; So and $10 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your drug- \ - gist , who will get it for you. Free Booklet , "Distemper , Causes and Cures. Special agents ! wanted. Spohn Medical Co. E4.u Goshen , Ind. , U. S. 4. - [ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Coler more ioois brighter ' and lasler ' colors Ibao ' any otter dye. One 1 Oc package c . Iors all liken. They dye la ' cold water better ton any ether dye. "Ton cm dye m oiraecl wiftoul risplaj . , ut. Write . , feM baskjw . -H . . U Dye Muck u * Mix Uleo. MOffROE VRVG CO. . Qvincjr , Illinctl " , a f . . . . I . . I . ' . . . ' ,