Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 24, 1910, Image 5
, - 'r. ' " " - " " - " , " , -r , " ' ' " ; : 'Y. , , : , . , . ; . . - ' - , , ' . . . . ? . r/.rr..r r \ . - - _ $ _ * ' - - - ; \ 1 I i-For Salef-i ! ' 1 i ! . . , Two-Horse Power j l Fairbanks-Morse a w _ Gasoline . I : I. Engine , I I D | Hangers , Shaft- J Lt p ing o and Pulleys , at a I I I Bargain ! I . . . ' " " ' " ; # - . . " . . : . < ' - _ 6 . . . . . . ' : t , - ' . ' ; ' . " " . a . VALENTINt. NEB . I _ _ _ ® : . . . - . . " ' . . , . . .a _ _ I A Safe , . Simple System t The system of paying by check was devised by ail menfor any man - for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 + a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by , check , the method puts system in- to your business and , L "gives you a record of " every transaction. i VALENTINE STATE BANK , VALENTINE. NEBR. v H. DAILEY , Dentist. I ' Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. . ! . , " . , . , . . . , . , j . JOHN D. EATON , . Drayman : , , i < : Light and Heavy Draying- : . Furniture and pianos handled : < in a careful manner. Coal : . . hauled and trunks and grips : . , , a specialty. Phone No. 134. : : . . W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJK & FEED General Merchandise _ THOSE 125 fc " ' + u.- cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. M JOHN F. PORATH Bnrge , Kel > r. r Tubular wells and windmills. Q'Call me up by Telephone. Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST , . c .Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , . St. Nicholas Church. Services : will be held in Ihe ! Catholic church as follows : . On Holy Friday. March : 25. Rosary and Stations of the Cross , at 3 p. m. On Holy Saturday , March 26 , atS a. m. , Blessing the Pascal Candle , Blessing the Baptismal and Easter Water. I High mass on Easter Sunday , ' March 27. First mass at 8 a. m. , , 2 second mass at 10. Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- . ment after Mass. At 3:00 : p. m. , Instruction for the children. In Arabia Sunday , April 3rd. Mass . at 10 a. m. ' . I/EO M. BL&EBE , Rector u. ' , r - ' - ' : : ' 9r.1 , ' < - txr ffirST : ) - ' - 1'j' . . . . - I \ U , S , Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING MAR. 24 , J910. Daily mean temperature 59s. } . Normal temperature St3 n ghest temperature 87 ° . Ixnvtst temperature 33 : ° . - Range of temperature M ° . Precipitation for week 0.00 of an inch. ' - Average for 22 years 0.28 of an inch. "Precipitation March 1st to date 00.50 inches. Average for 22 years 00.82 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer. The excess of temperature -for : the month to date is 406 ° . Every day during this month the excess of teraporature has varied from I ° to 30 ° . At no time has the temperature been below the norm al. The highest temperature was 87 ° and the lowest 17 ° - . The highest temperature known for 22 years hitherto was 84 : ° and the lowest for the same period was 26 ° below zero. Talk of the Town. . Garden seeds at the Red Front. . Herman Reimers was in town Tuesday on business. Four-room house for rent. I. M. RICE. Alva Green of Merriman was in the city over Sunday. They suit you or cost nothing. 10 2 Phelps Photo Co. F. M. Hackler and wife are again residents of Valentine. Phelps Photo , three days only , March 31 , and April 12. 10 2 Mrs. Robert Robinson left yes terday ; for a visit at Hot. Springs , S. D. D.Harry Harry Harper was in town last Saturday , trying his little red wagon. Messrs. Parmalee and Miller : of Rosebud and Oak Creek were in town Tuesday. Red River Ohio seed potatoes shipped from the east , for sale. It MIKE : DAVIS. Jim Felch has started a con rec- tionar.y , fruit , cigars and tobacco stand in the south half of H \ Vin - dy's" building. Frank Peacock , formerly a resi dent of Merrirnan but now living at Hay Springs was in Valentine on business last Friday. Mrs. [ Charles Cornell and son Elmore are in Omaha this week , v here Elmore is taking medical treatment at the hospital. Don't stay away on account of bad weather. If you can get to the studio we can make your photo.-Phelps Photo Co. 10 2 A. 0. Coleman and son Cecil were in town Tuesday and yester day. II. D , Coleman was also registered at the Chicago House. . ' T. J. McLean started it by wear ing his straw hat the past two weeks and the buds are breaking on the trees and grass is starting fine. fine.Win. , y ID. Thacker came out from Atherton , Mo. , last Friday to build on his homestead out near Oasis which he filed on last fall. He is a cousin of Al Thacker. Easter eggs ! Easter eggs ! Col ored eggs , pickled eggs , stuffed eggs , deviled eggs , candy eggs , egg salad , at the sale given by the ladies of St. John's church. The Presbyterian ladies gave a chicken . supper at the home of H. W. Hoenig Tuesday evening and had such a big -crowd that they run short of everything toward the last. Tbeo will be an early commun- ion on Easter Day , March 27th , at 6 a. m. Sunday school at 10. A second Eucharist with sermon at 11. Evensong with address at 7:30 p. m. At the annual Easter cooked food sale , you will find colored Easter eggs , pies , cakes , chickens , pud- dings , salad ] , home made candies , etc. At T. C. Hornby's store Sat- urday , March : 26 , at 10 a. m. 10 Dr. M. F. Meer , a dentist of Chadron . , has decided to locate in our town and has taken rooms ov- er the Rpd Front storer He is now in town getting his office f fit ted ; up and will be ready for busi- ness in a few days. Charles King , Eugene Fry , William Enlow , B. . F. Piester , Jake Ganow , H. V. Downing and Mr. Vaughn were in town yester day. We hear that the government has a contest case on against J. A. Denny's homestead and a num- ber of these men are witnesses. Miss : Van Driel entertained the debating team and visitors from O'Neill and the hTme team and friends at the home of Mrs. Pet- ty crew Saturday afternoon. A very "pleasant time was enjoyed in playing games and becoming ac- quainted with the O'Neill friends. Light refreshments'were served. ' , " r. ; , , : , + ta : , . . . 5c ! . " ' ' .7"- ' , .gr rr ; : 1yP "f " . ; > < } : f. ; ; , f J " - _ z. . , . . . _ . . . , ' - . , r - : " ; . . ' "f'1 ; -.tV ' - P' . . O ; f.i.f ; r u j , ; ' 9 e . ' 1 + ; 1 ; its ir O : u I \ : P' < i f as to the 7 Super o ity G Pd a of V rwcso CALUMET Bakircg Powder Received Highest Award ' 1 / iWorld's Pnre Food Ezpositioa W Chicago , 1907. Grass seeds at the Red Front. Judge Zarr is home from Sheri dan , Wyo. George and John Roan were in town this week. - John Neiss is down from the reservation. * Lace curtains 49c per pair Mon . day at Mike Davis. ' Phelps Photos three days only , , March 31 and April 1-2. 10 2 Rollin Poland and wife came down from Cody yesterday. They suit you or cost nothing 10 2 , Phelps Photo Co. , ' We noticed the name of George Teliier on the register this week. L. K. Travis was in the city a couple of days this week on busi- ness. ness.Tom Tom Yearnshaw of Neligh .was in town yesterday and also several days last week. George : Shadbolt of Bailey and John Smith of near Pullman were in town yesterday. P. H. Young is in town and goes to Woodlake tomorrow to meet some of his deputies. Henry Schaefer , the Nenzel hardware and implement dealer was in town today on business. ) Our correspondents should see that their items reach us not later than Wednesdey morning to in- sure publication that week. The earlier the better. Food ] Sale ! Food Sale ] ! Cooked ] food on sale by the Ladies' Guild of St. John's church. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock , March 26 , at T. C. Hornby's " store. ' 10 Willard Ellis came in with Hen- ry Clapp last week and went up to Harrison where he will go on his uncle's ranch for awhile until his mother returns there about I April 1st. JP. . Sweeney , Isaac King , Grant Gasken Ben Reeves and Frank Huft'er are some of the witnesses in the government con- test case against the J. A. Denny homestead. Charles T. Maxwell has added much to the appearance of his residence property the past month The house has a fresh coat of green paint and a brick walk with cement curb is being laid. Floyd D. Valentine has bought the old First National bank build ing from John Kazda , and Mrs. : Ward's stock of confectionery , and will establish a bakery , lunch counter , confectionery and cigars. The building will be remodelled and a bake oven added to the rear. Mr. Valentine had made arrange- ments to go into business else- where when this proposition was offered him. A large number ! Woodlake people were in town last Friday to attend the trial of Smith vs I Hancock , the latter being charged with assault. The case was heard before Judge Quigley and at the conclusion of Mr. : Smith's testi- mony the defendant waived furth- er hearing and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $1,000 bond for appearance. A. W. Scattergoo l of Ainsworth , ap peared in behalf of the defendant. The O'Neill-Valentine debate was pulled off last Saturday night at the opera house which was crowded. The hall was beautiful ly decorated and the stage bril- liantly lighted. Class yells inter- spersed and preceded the debate. Several songs music and declama- tions also helped to enliven the occasion. Valentine : was given the decision by the judges by only a few points. Both sides did ex ceptionally well and it was not easy to predict which would get the decision. The judges 'were I T. V. Golden of O'Neill , Dr. R. P. Hoxse.v of Valentine and Prof. C. A. Ruby of 'V ood lake. Sev eral O'Neill people came up with the debaters and have no reason to feel otherwise than proud of their debating team. The utmost good feeling prevailed and the O'Neill students and their super- intendent were given a reception Saturday afternoon by Miss Van Driel and the Valentine high school.Ye would especially recommend Mr. McNichols : of the O'Neill team as a worthy debater in the ' state contest. 1 . . . . ' 7' " , fif < ! l- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ; - , , -v ; " " ' . ' , . < . "i'tft- ; " ' . - - " . . - - - - - ' - ' . ' , . , . ' " , " ,1 r. - . - J' " I a _ ' _ - . , : . . . . . : . ! . _ . " , i > , . ' " . ' . . ' . "i'tft'C. . ' , . . , , - ; ; t' - . , _ . " ' I"I I . " . . I . ' S I . I J , . - , . . , - . > . . . . : - " t , . ' . . All Leading ! Old Crow , . ; . . . . . . j - rf . " , . r : , , " Brands ; , Hermitage , A . , ( t e . . . Bottled and ' . i 4.t : " .6 , . tt- ; i-1 " i * t Guchen- = -4 - - - ' Under the - i- t . - . homer' ' d : -rte Supervision , . . / Rye i ' . - a. . , ; . p of the , . ; . , ' . . & r , ' , ; V Whiskeys. . : , . t We also handle the Budweiser Beer. . . . : . THF I PALACE OML-vJ1 OAI ON , s . . ' , HENRY STETTER , Propr. Don't Be Bald. . Almost Any One May Se = cure a Splendid Growth of Hair. You can easily find out for : your self if your hair needs nourishment . , if it is thinning , get ing dry , harsh nnd brittle , or splitting at the ends. You simply have to pull a hair from the top of your head and closely examine its root. If the bulb is plump and rosy it is all right ; if it is white and shrunken your hair is deceased and needs nourishment. We have a remedy for-hair trou bles that cannot be surpassed. It has a record of growing hair and curing baldness in 93 out of 100 ( cases where used ! according to directions for a reasonable length of time. It will even grow hair on bald heads if tho scalp is not glazed and shiny. That may seem like a strong , statement-it is , and we mean it to be , and no one should ( doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test. ' We are so sure that Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic will completely eradicate baldness stimu dandruff , prevent , ' late the scalp and hair roots , stop falling hair and grow new hair , that personally give our positive guarantee to refund everv penny paid us for Eexall " 93" Flair Tonic in every instance where it does not do as we claim or fails to give en- tire satisfaction to the user. Rexall " 95" Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spring wat- er. It is perfumed with a pleasant odor , and does not giease or gnm the hair. We have it in two \ sizes ; , prices 50 cents and § 1.00. We urge you to try Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic on our recommendation and with our guarantee back of it. You certainly take no risk. Remember , you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Valentine only at our store , - The Rexall Store. Chapman , The Drug- gist. Britt Items. . a , Mr. Schmidt has purchased hay from Mr. Kellogg. - Ansel Broad was a business caller at the store Monday. . Quite a number of Brit.tites at- tended the Pettycrew sale. Is has not been decided where the * hoodooites" are to meet next week. . Miss Dora Grewe went to Fair- view Friday evening visit her sister Mary. Three new pupils at Dry Creek I school : Bessie Green , Adolph and Annie Schmidt. Will , Joe and John Ryschon , Dan Miller and Bud Brown start- ed bright and early Monday morn- ing week for Tripp county. John went to commence work on Will's barn. Dan and Bud went on to Carter with their freight. S. D. A. Church. Prayer meeting next Wed nes- day evening at 7:30 : : at the church. Sabbath school every Sabbath ( Saturday-afternoon ) a 2:00. : Bible st.udv at 3 p. m. Subject "One Phase of Bible Tern per- ance. " Subject Sunday ' night , "Stirring Up the Eaglets } Nest. " A new lesson on God's love. Special music. Phelps Photos , three days ; only March 31 : , and April 1-2. 10 2 Russ Carter , Carl Micheel , Joe Wiesner , Frank Krampert , John Day and Harry Hooker , all of Woodlake and vicinity , were in Valentine Tuesday on business. . . ' ' " ' ! . . , . ; . : : ' . . . ' . : . . . " " . : . . . - - ' . : : : . - " . . " . : . . . . : . . . : . . . : . . . : : . : . ! . . . . . . l . . . . . ; _ . . . _ _ . . - - " - - J ' " " / . . . . ; _ . I. . . ' . . . - _ : - : . . .1 " . . , -J"-- - _ . . ' ' . ' - , . J'- . . . . . - ' . . J'7 ' . . , S-- . . . . . I - . ' " - ' ! ! ' 1 . " . ; = , ' ' ' ' " - - ' . . - - - : : : ; - czr ; . . ' ! . . . . , o. : E1.h e = A . - . . . , " " : ; : : " - . . - , - . I . - - - = - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . , . . : : _ - - - - - - - - - ' . . . ! . . - . . . . . - = . . = . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , I . ( . . : . - " . ' . . . . . SE : , ' : : - - . , . - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : n.a. - . , - " .fl. . ; , , ; : ; --r. : ; : ; - - :0\0 : \ I . . . . ' . : . : : : < ' : 1r 1 " fr' ' " . f 1alOS ) , pi : . 1 I 71-- " ! ! " : " & ; _ _ , , : { . ' TM ; " , , ---Ll"- . : . . .L.Hrt" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' test ( , : : \fr { } : \ , ; , k$1 I : I . , ; I - 1 Praise4 J : : teess and Pulpit o. I sganrvsv ? ? . , . _ . I No Piano has ev 5r been more enthusiastically endorsed. The Artistic Case , the Easy Responsive Action , and above I all the deep , sweet , rich Tono , captivates performer and lis tener. The united verdict is that t : . : . : . : . LOitf BARO P ANOS ETHE ; . . ! , - BEST , - y N . THE WORLD " M a ? Tr : : ! . Hclf'11 :1\1. : f . 2 . ia . , . . . . . ' . ; lalcr. Granl Avg. , Aurora , 111 , says ' : " 'I cannot fi id . wnrdi > in the I Fnrlish laIlua ; c to e''ClJrs my appreciation to you for ha\'intr sold me sud1 a beautiful iD- struGi : : t. I really thlJl is in Ute m05t b-autiful case I pre. ; saw , and the tuue ig simply I jrrand. I shall be fjlad to IT1V you any testimouial , ai I tlank the Lombard should Ukc tho lead. " Rev. Gco. Douh1cday , Pres. Corpus Christi Collepe , Ga : s 1r& - , 111. , says : " 7c are usiug the Lombard in our oltce ; work at Corpus Christi , and it is a pleasure to recommend it. It m a oeautilul iiistrumenc with a deep , oWtet , noli tone. " ' J. < ' \T. Pnrriancc. Editor McNairny County Independent ! , Sclmer , Tech. , nays : "The lustra- ; rcr . ( Lombard Piano ) fills : onr nnt-.f sangn : < ie exj 1 ctatiiriv is not only a rare beantr in onuvard finish , but the time is round full , ncli au. sweet. Your firm has proveu to be prompt and reliable in its dealings wilh iae. " " . J Truest Paxson Editor Prr-s ; : I'lrl.-ersbu , Pa.ays : : " 1 : : nnst say that the Lombard sent me is u. ba .J.utl1'Ji instrument , a I a cretl it to a sL . ndar : t firm. \Vt are more thau sz.listied. " R. S. Knapp , Pre..idet1 . : Feller.1 Clt : Co , Wariiingto i . D. C. , says : "We now rca1ie : lftcr acare ; . : : a.1(1 crlr.J pr .i ° r ! "ivc hrial of t'.1 Luiubard 17 1ntuy llittsical artists of R ashintr - - ' u ' . Hlo't it stauds second to nwc. retard's5 : of , rce ' ' / ' . m : : : . : ; Que who 11:18 : tried this instrument is euthusia&uc in its : praise. " These ere sampies of hundreds of enthusiastic , letters trsceh'cd : in ; every mal . . . Do Mot Buy L aPiaflo _ ; I _ O Kffi.Yc ' - } Have Snvgs gatcd the Lombard. . Wo send the Lombard Piano to any reliable party oa 10 days' free trial. ' > t : na Y be paid for by easy monthly or qtmrterly'payrnents. Credit will be ' riven to suit any honest cu & tomer. A discount allowed for all cash. ' GA-L , SBUR.G PEANO CO. , . . . b.N"UF LCTU sEi S. GALE.s & 'QRG . ILL. - See the editor cf this r ser for further information about tho , .J111 hard Piano , and a special : opportunity to gc : DZ.S almost FREE. : om : nne will get the bargain of his life. . c . . Fill Out this Coupon and Stop L U M B E R Paying Hold-up Prices for . II I . NOW s the time to buy. Don't delay. Others have advanced their prices and we will soon have to. Get our figures , and they will prove how you have been held ! up by 100011 combin:1t1ons. WE SELL DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER at wholasal prices. Lumber , Millwork. Builders' Hardware. Roofing. Paint , Cement etc. We I do not have to "assemble" your order from Iwlf a dozen different _ points , but can and DO supply all of a builder's needs from our immense stock here in Council I Bluffs. You can have your entire bill loaded hero without delay. We pay freight on all carload lots. We will pay the expenses of your trip to Council Bluffs. Sand I us this coupon AT ONCE for particulars : and catalogue. I C. .HAFER lUMBER COMPANY ? . COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA ! ! 1 want to know triers about The HAFER PLAN Send your catalogue. I expect to build-------------------------------------- When-------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name----- aDle- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I I Post-Office-------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . .State _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . - . - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - . I ' - - MILL PRICES FOR FEEDi I Per Cwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked. . . . $1 10 $21 00' Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00 I Chop Corn , sacked 1 40 27 00 . _ Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 28 UO : Oats , sacked 1 45 28 00. ' . t ' . . . , . I 4 C LV " John Kills Plenty. Rt Francis ! " ) Jis- - . sion. Kostbud. S. D. f . , tt1P hrnndsd as in cut ; horses same or -'I\P mi - Mr tliieh. Kuiee ! ' h"tween } p"in : ; C'k ami Uttle V ? hile ririx. " . . .0I..1 Ef > .i. + .Ji , ' . . , . \ ,