Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 17, 1910, Image 8

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A : ! . : W. A PARKER - $
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r. Gener l Merchandise :
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\ . .
Men's : Clothing and Furnishings , Ladies' I
, . . .
, Skirts , Waists , Pattern Hats , Millinery
, 'Goods , Notions , Ladies' Furnishings.
Underwear and Hosiery , Boots and .
" Shoes , Groceries , Patent Medicines.
e , - . fit
Flour , , Ground Feed and Grain.
: : ' . .
Wood Lake , = = Nebraska
e _ @ g"8e @
. . , . ' ' : ' _ ' - . U _ " . - ' . . k . , . - . - . . h , . , ; ' - - . - - - - ,
. ' . J. H. DAY
. . , . .
: We Buy and Sell Horses
/ Wood Lake. - Nebraska
T HC PyVV f f " fys _ _ , _ _ . . . _ v . , . . . . . , _ " . . : . , , . _ ' . _ . . . . " . " . . . , . ' " . . . . , . " Jh ?
8 tt ot9zct tt4 9U. ' e g..9.ll--- 9 flUU . . i1Q I
yiBIER TA 8i , , HOWE ' & MONTAGNE 19 I
. : 1 If Livery , Feed and 16to E I
i Sales Stable ] . . . . . , . . toto *
j $
. ' _ Wood Lake , Nebraska jj
= Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. e
i Q. . . ir . . C
( Successor to "Welker & Lyons ; )
. , ' Wood Lake , Nebraska /
Am. still doing driving and freighting. Special attention , to hunting 1
x and fiihing : parties.
Contest Notice. 1
U. S. Land Office , Valentine. IMebr.tska. : l I
February : ' 2:1.1010. : t
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Joseph E. Frazey , contestant ,
against / homestead entry No. 01271 , made ] Jan-
uary is . 1999 for the Sl/2Sys of section :1 : ! , and
N % . and the N % S1/ * of section 10 . township 29 ,
rauge . 33 by Earl Bardwellcontestee : , in which
it is alleged that said Earl Bardwell
has wholly abandoned said land ; , that
he has changed his residence tberefrom
for more than six months last past : ; tha. , said
land is not settled u pin and cultivated uv said
party as by law required , and he Ins failed to
cure his laches up to this date.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear re-
spond , and offer evidence touching laid ! alleg2-
tioa at 10 o'clock a. in. , on A pnl ( 5 , 19to ! , \ ) R-
. fore the register and receiver at the Unites
States land office in Valentine Nebraska. "
the said fontestant having in a proper affi
davit , filed February 23 1910. set : furtti facts
which show that after due diliirenue personal
service of this notice cannot be made it is
hereby ordered and oirecied that such notice
be given by due and projnu public ' . .
8 4 M E. OLSUN , Receiver.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court within and for Cherry
county , Nebraska ,
In the matter of the estate of Carl Beckman
To the creditors of said estate :
You ara hereby notified . That I will sit at the
County Coat Room Valentine in said county
. on the 30th day of .March : , 1010 at 10 o'clock
. a. m. to receive and ( examine all cMms against
said estate , with a , view to tiic-ir adjustment ami
allowance. ! The time limited for the prt - ' ' euia-
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from the : Wth : day of Seltenn.erA.I)1909aud { 1 ) the
time limited for payment : ! ot debts is one year :
from said 30th : day of September. 1909.
. - - . . - - Witness my hand au-i ! the seal of said
SEAL County Court this2ml day of March :
- -v - 1910. JAMES C. QUIG1-KY , I
S 4 . County Judge
" . Notice to Creditors. !
THK STATK OK NKRUASKA i , _ In the County .
. " '
. CiiKttitY COUNTY. ) * b Court.
In the matter of the estate of .Margaret
Connolly , deceased : .
To the Creditors of said Estntei
You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the
Coi nty Court Room in Valentine in said comi'v
-on the 30th day ot March 1910 , lit 10 V.loclc
a. . in. to receive ana examine all claims against
' said estate with a view to iheir ndjusununt and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta-
tion of Ifiims auninst said estate is mouths
from-IieCMih : ! o : > y of bept. \ . 1) . 1909 and th .
time limited . for payment of o > bt.s H one year
from said 3tli : ( ) day or Si-pte nlipr. 1909 ,
Witnens lilY haml : ; iit sent of said : county court
- : - : - tliis2u l day nl I , March ; A. D. : 1910. !
- - - . - - 84 County Judge.
w- . . . . . Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne
. braska.
" State of Nebraska , t (
Cherry County lbs I
To the heirs and all persons Interested in
the estate of John Ford deceased. .
Qn reading the petition of A. M. Morrissc ) ' ,
attorney for the executors praying a llnal
settlement and allowance or their account
flled in this court on the 3rd day of March ,
' It is hereby orderedthat YOU and nil per
sons interested in said mafter may , and do
appear iit.tU county court to be held in and
for said county on the 2nd day of April ,
A. D , 1910. at' 1 o'clock , p. m. . to show cause ,
if any , ther : hc , < why the prayer of the pe-
titiouer.jih'ouW not be . granted . and that not ,
ice of llni , eiulenay ot said petition ! and the
hearing'th'ejrt'df be gfven to all persons ' inter-
usteil in saTdvniaticr by publishing a copy of
thjtfrJcr. ' The Valentine Democrat ,
thj , ' . lir . < : a
wexrtly fiCM pa.i ; > ' wrprinteJ ; in said ounty for
f p' r . ' b u ci. 'eSatrt wcelrsipnor . iay of
Keariog/-- : " ' ' . . JAMES G. QU1 : . . , . 'l.
; ti1iAY i.-j - -9-4 , . ' , , _ , CoutJ ' . udge. - .
- ; , ttlc6lt . & irorrJsst-y ; nlturnuys.
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Gets $25.00 and Costs.
Last week Ray Parker was fined
25.00 and costs for an assault on
Kalph 'Bishop at Broken Bow last
The latter , with a number of
companions , were doing the town ,
and , while attempting to over-
throw an outbuilding belonging to
Prof. Cornett , the Professor and
his brother-in-law , Parker , . re
monstrated , rnd Parker fired a
charge of shot into the back of
Parker was permitted to plead
guilty to assault. We think the
Mne ( ] justly should have been im
posed upon the other fellow. There
is no law worth considering , to re
strain a band of marauders when .
no police or officer of the law is
present for 'protection of one's
property , excepting the right to
protect it himself and if necessary
with fire arms.
What ' other means had he ?
Under the cover of darkness the
owner of property has no means
of proving which one of a mob
did the damage , excepting that
he lay out all night to watch and
have a few witnesses also lay out
with him.
Why isn't one justified in shoot-
ing to protect his property from a
marauding mob ? If it be law
ful for a band of toughs to over-
throw and destroy property on
hallowe'en without the fear of be-
ing shot at , then it is lawful every
night in the year and one may be
at the mercy of these toughs and
suffer destruction incalcuable with-
out any hope of redress , for it is
almost a hopeless task to learn
who did you damage , unless by
chance , or that every such band
be prosecuted and held accountable
for damage in the vicinity . in
which they operated.
It is high time to put n stop to
these depredations and also chari = :
vari and hoodlum gatherings :
I '
Grass seeds at the Red Front.
They suit you or cost nothing.
10 2 Phelps Photo Co
. ,
A ' car or two of Early Ohio po
tatoes for sale. E. ORMESHER
9 " ' . Valentine , Nebr.
Call on me atNenzel for hard-
.ward-and implements. , '
9 HENRY & 1IAE "E'R. ' I
, '
, "
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: Wood Lake Department
, Loc.-ils or rending notices .1 i-t-ats per line each Insertion. Display advertising
50 cents per Inch per month each Issue ; $1.00 per Inch per month double column.
Lw . . .
, .
Ray Gilbert has accepted a po
sition on the dray.
lVli Mildred Ferell has been
visiting in town.
Tuesday witnessed a large num-
ber of ranchers in town. *
, y , . G. Ballard has been on the
sick list for several days.
Roscoe Ward spent Saturday
and Sunday in the country.
Mr. Whetstone nade a business
visit to , Ainsworth Saturday.
B. E. Johnston took a load of
freight to Brownlee Tuesday.
Rev. Carpenter preached , to a
nice audience Sunday evening.
Sunday , Mr. Tetherow and son II
Pearl drove in a bunch of cattle.
Frank Krampert has begun lev
! eling up the site of his lumber
yard. .
Rex Gulick went to Omaha the i
, , other day to receive medical treat-
i ment.
G. A. Waggoner , who has been
quite ill for several days , is about
again. ,
Joe Wiesnei5- has been having
I considerable trouble with his lights I
. C. A. Ruby was seen ' to board
the passenger for thewest Sunday
J. B. Leader made a business
trip to the eastern part of the
state " . last week. I
Several land buyers have , been
looking over property in this vi-
cinity recently.
N. J. Uck and wife have return-
ed from a visit in Eastern Ne-
braska and Iowa.
Mrs. Mary Thompson left . Tues-
day morning for Brownlee to'live
on her homestead.
The Wilka Concert Co. failed
to show here Wednesday on ac
count of conflicting dates.
It is expected that Woodlake
I will be well represented at the de I
bate in Valentine the 19th.
The young ladies of the city held
a tea party at the home of Miss iI i
Leola West Friday evening. 1 J
Miss Norma Kirkraan , who is
teaching in district No. 23 spent
SaturdayJand . Sunday at home. I i
Quite a delegation from Goose '
Creek and the southern part of
the county was in town Monday.
Charles Salle will depart in a
few days .for a visit with home
folks and friends in North Dakota
and Wisconsin.
. .
Monday , the 14th , Mrs. Eliza-
beth Soule made final proof upon
her homestead. Her witnesses
were : Bernie Tinkham and 0.
W. McDaniel.
Several farmers from north of
the river have been in town su-
licting aid to replace the bridges
vlhich were washed out by the
recent high water.
Tuesday e'vening , March 29 ,
Senator Aldrich of David City
will lecture in the' opera house.
Senator Aldrich has met with
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universal approval wherever he
has appeared. You will undoubt-
edly regret it if you fail to hear
State Senator Aldrich spoke to
an appreciative audience at the
opera house Tuesday afternoon.
He was very earnest in the pre-
sentation of his subject and made
it very plain. Many words of
praise were spoken of Mr. . Ald-
rich after the meeting was over.-
Wilson ville Review.
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March 18th and 19th , s
One-half west Bank. of State block Johnson's Millinery
S. D. A. Church. r
Prayer meeting next Wednes i
day evening at 7:30 : at the church.
Sabbath school every Sabbath
( Saturday ) afternoon a 200. :
Bible study at 3 p. m. Subject
March , 19 : "The Testimony of
Jesus"-REV. 12:17. '
Our subject next Sunday night
will be 'Christ , the Creator. "
We purpose to show that Christ
created the world and personally
directed the affairs of the Old
testament Times. This will solve
some questions that will interest
you. You are invited. . . .
. ' , "
r . . . . . . . ,
. ' . : ' ! . -
: " , " , " ' ; " ' - ; " , ' : _ . - ) " . _ - _ - " -aa ' " . . . 4 . . . . . . . FY.ASFV19 . . ' . : i . .o. : , " " " " .5T.4M ' p . ' ' . " . : . . 'IIio. < ! . " ' > . -S v9 _ . .t- " . . . . , cF
Town Herd.
To the owners of cows. I want
to take care of the town herd of
cows next summer and promise
you faithful work.
48 R. A. . McQuADE.
They suit you or cost nothing.
10 9 Phelps Photo Co.
Fresh garden seeds in all va
rieties at Fischer's Hardware. 9
Eggs for hatching , from pure
bred single comb White Leghorn ,
51 per 15 , S ± : per 100.
8 - M. D. YPHERS.
- , ,
" . _ ' . . . " . . i : , . ' . _ - ' , . ' , _ . . ; " . . . - : . " . . . . . . . . . . , . " , ! ' ; ' . . -
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. ' .
, " " L. . . . , . . . ' ' . ' ' ' . , ; : ; " , ' ' . - ' . - . _ . . ' , . , , . . - _
Furniture and I Paints and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Johnson Bros. , .
Lumber , Machinery , Hard
, . . . ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , . Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , - = Nebraska I
Hcsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsaa :
I Q ( Wood Lake , Nebraska .
, . Everything in Fancy . ,
I and Staple Groceries
We have a complete line of
e G ee e e
. Uck , _ lausen & CO. ,
General Hardware , e
. j
Wagons and
V . ' Machinery.
! / " 5. .
, A complete line of
Harness and Saddles :
" -
Household and Kitchen Furniture e
Lumber and Fence Posts
. ;
_ e _ _ _ _ e
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
: . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . SOS on left side
OSO on rightside
Some cattle also
have af - on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind Quar-
_ . ters. Some Texas
_ _ ' ' ' '
cattle branded S O on left side and some *
on left side.
Horses ! branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle
branded AW har connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. \ 1. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip. S
. . -
I Horses same on
left shoulder.
. . .
Range- Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas :
JI. L . Cattle branded on
, its3 ; ; : any part of animal ;
S also the following
- : > ' ; f . . # 4.- L - ' brands :
' . , ' , "W ! & , ; : , . WJ.I' t- : "
. 'iJ . . < = ( . M..5 . ! ! . . . . " . . . . . . , . . r " I. .
In. , -.I _ ; . ; " . ' > ' ' , , " . { r ; . ; , , - . t. " _ . - a I
f [ ; ' ' ' - ; -
" ( ; k t ( ; j' ? horses randt'd lilt
' ' S1
_ _ _ _ _ ( 11 Range between
ttwwtl .w3rLew : Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V. , R. R. aid
Hrannis on B & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr.
BARTI.ETT , RICHARDS. Ellsworth , Nebr .
Sawyer Bros
Oasis. Nebr
G. K. Sawver has
-har'e of tin'se
cattle. II rsp . .
S . . . , S tt J . . 0''JftsIlOUl-
der. Sum-
left Hllm"'fl
Hors s ,
ame lef' tlilgh.
Kange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Kolf Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark square
crop right ear.
Horses have
pame brand on
eft thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will hI raid to any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or , persons stealing
( 'JI.tthIt.h nliovft rand.
J. A. Yaryan. , .
Fullman NebJ
Cattle branded JT
on rightside
Horses branded J"i
on right shoulder
Reasonable rewarr
for any information
leading to the rt-
covery of cattlt
strayed from in ?
" . . . . " - .
R. M. : Faddis & Co
Postofflce address-Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
1 11 dn left
tt. : thigh .
- , /
Horses bra
on left
or Utir
J Some " Some branded
branded j on brandedil
on left or .shoulder.
shoulder ]
or thigh I
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr. M
Cattle branded
as cut on lef ; side
Some a. yon left
' : - en left jaw of
'kL V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
N. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left , ,
side : and hip , and on v
left shoulder ! of hor-
SC * * . Also on
left : ! AlSOIl 'md
hip. .
* ' X on left se.
Some cat : . - P'
tIe brand- . ! ' ,
ed husk-BgJEBMfiug peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses UJ
Q on left hip of horses. - .
N on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan. ' . .
Rosebud , 8D
Horses and cattle
ame aa cut ; also .
. S CJ BE JJ on rlffht
hip. '
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
- of rustlers of stock
hearing-iTiv ' of these brands.
R. M. : Ten-ill Propr.
Brownle'e , Neu.
" .
( 'attle.branded as '
In cat 'on. left
side. Home
V .i branded JLTY
_ . . . . . on lelt hip. Range
on NorthLonp
river two miles
west of firawnlee
, .
, . : . . . - . . .
" Roan Bros. ;
Woodlake Neb ! _
c -
R B .
Range on Long
Lake and Crook- o.
ed Lake. -
I _
. .
- :
t . ,
. . t
\ .