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\p \ PILLS IN A BOX 1O $
anyoa'a _ Paw Paw Pills coax the
flyer into activity by gentle methods.
. TFhey do not scour , gripe or weaken. They
'firs : a tonic to the stomach. liver and
t ' feerves ; Invigorate instead of weaken.
They enrich the blood and enable the
I fctomach to get all the nourishment from
; tood that is put into it. These pills con-
i tain no calomel ; they are soothing. heal-
fcg and stimulating. For sale by all drug-
> | rlsts in lOc and 25c sizes. If you need
'anedical ' advice write Munyon's Doctors.
I , . They will advise to the best of their abil-
lity I I absolutely free of Charge. ) UN-
TON'S , rjJJcl and Jcffcruoii StN. , 1 > > 1111-
delpliiii , Pn.
Munyon's Cold Remedy : cures a cold in
. Cne day. Price 25 ( ' . Munyon's Rheuma
' ; tism Remedy relieves in a few hours and
Cures in a few days. Price 25c.
What Prof. Shaw , the Well-Known J1 i.
sulturlst : , Says : About Et : - - - -
"I would sooner raiso cnttlo in W ( ' ! 'tern
Canada than in the corn belt of
the United State1 Feed !
is cheaper nnd cliinuto
( better for the- purpose.
I Your market will ira-
t [ prove fuhtcr than jour
farmors will producetho
I supplies. " Whoat can bo
I grown up to tlioCOtli par
.i allel [ FOO ! , milps north o
I the Int ° rnationnl bound-
arri. Your \acant land
_ .1 ( will bo taken at a rate
_ ; ; , Ibevond present concep-
, . tion. \\o havo enough
rneoplo in tho TJiiited
J 'States nlono who want
. : : homes to take up this land. " Nearly
; , V11f ¶ 10 OOO rne ! C E1S
' 1. ' will enter andiuakotlioirhonics
. hJ ; . in Western Canada this } ' 'ar.
t",4J \ \ Ii' 1909 prodtsc-wl another Inrpo
, ' of , oats and " ' ,
r " , , , crop vrlieal barley
. , in addition to uliich tlio cattle
exports was mi Immense item.
. : Cattle raising dairying mixed
, - farming and grain n growing in the
f c provinces of Manitoba , Saskat-
_ ' - chewan and Alberta.
' / Freo : homestead and pre-emp
1 . tion areas , as well as lands held
. , by railway and land companies , will
'rV JIiT provide homes for millions.
Adaptable soil , healthful cli-
mate , splendid schools and
J c , churches , and pood railways.
, " For settlers' rates descriptivo
, I' ' It - literature "Last Best Wet.t how
, 'H . 'r to reach tho country und other par.
' I ticulars , write to Sup't of Immi
. ' " gration Ottawa Canada. or to tho
following Canadian Gov't Agents : E. T. Holmes.
815 Jackson St. . St. Paul. Minn. . and J. MacLachlan.
Box lie. "Watertowa. South Dakota. ( Use address
nearest you. )
Pleaso say whero you saw this advertisement.
_ _ _ _ _
The Army of I
: Consnpanon
Is Growing Smaller Every Day.
, LIVER PILLS are . A , .
g ' , B
bkS\ ' : : : -AeynotJ H" Ssl i-Z _ - _
: = . . . . , . \RTW
\ - thcypcrmeai1y
cmc Caama- . .
tiGL w. . . . NWER
. IIonsvo PILLS.
4 bcmfof _ _
: B3Hoos- !
B3HooskJages&e , Sick Headache , Sallow Skin.
Genuinetr.mt Leozr Signature
.r _ I
. - - . - - - - -
ZVovellstd and Love.
Charles Lever believed that novelist
should retire or at all events refrain
from writing love stories in due sea
son. In his fifty-ninth year the authoi
of "Charles O'Malley" writes to hi
publisher : "What you hint about a real
love story is good , but don't forget tha !
Thackeray said that 'No old man must
prate above love. ' I remember the
duke of Wellington once saying to me ,
referring to Warren's 'Ten Thousand
a Year , ' 'It is not that he never had
ten thousand a year , but he nevei
knew a man who had. ' As to writing
about love frc.m memory , it Is like
counting over the banknotes of a bant
long broken. They remind you ol
money , it is true , but they're only
waste paper , after all. "
Tiny Jlah"s Pitiful Cane.
"Our baby when two months old
was suffering with terrible eczema
from head to foot , all over her body. :
The baby looked just like a skinned
rabbit. We were unable to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to be a few
mattered pimples. They. would break
the skin and peel off , leaving the un
derneath skin red as though it were
scalds. Then a few more pimples
would appear and spread all over the
body , leaving the baby all raw without
skin from head to foot. On top of her
head there appeared a heavy scab a
quarter of an inch thick. It was aw
ful to see so small a baby look as she
did. Imagine ! The doctor was afraid
to put his hands to the child. We
tried several doctors' remedies but all
"Then we decided to try Cuticura.
By using the Cuticura Ointment we
softened the scab and it'came off. Un-
der this , where the real matter was ,
by washing with the Cuticura Soap
and applying the Cuticura Ointment ,
a new skin soon appeared. We also
gave baby four drops of the Cuticura
Resolvent three tknes daily. After
three days you could see the baby
gaining a little skin which would . peel
off and heal underneath. Now the
> aby is four months old. She is a fine
picture of a fat little baby and all Is
well. We only used one cake of Cuti
cura Soap , two boxes of Cuticura Oint-
ment and one bottle of Cuticura Re-
solvent. If people would know what
Cuticura is there would be few } suffer
ing with eczema. Mrs. : Joseph Koss-
mann , 7 St. John's Place , Ridgewood
Heights , L. I. , N. Y. , Apr. 30 and May : I
-J. I 1009. "
Hound to Malcc : a Sale. '
" ' ' like bottle of'
"Wouldn't you to try a-
my celebrated eye remedy ? Only 20
cents. "
"No ; there's nothing whatever the
matter with my- eyes. "
"Well , it's equally good for removing
corns. As a corn remedy I sell it for i
10 cents. "
How's This ?
We o2er One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ! y
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
We , the undersigned , have known F. J. :
Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business trans.
actions , and financially able to carry out
any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucou ,
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price , 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
As in Laundries.
A California woman in training a
new Chinese servant "to wait on the
door had her daughter ring the bell
and present her card. Next afternoon
a friend called and handed her card
to the Celestial , who pulled out of his
sleeve the card the daughter of the
house had presented the afternoon be-
fore and carefully compared the two.
"Tickee no matchee , " he exclaimed ,
handing back the visitor's card. "No
1 , ' - - * - _ . . - " , . " : : -a- - - . - ' - or.-
{ . ' - , - . . - . . . . ' - - ' . , , - . " ' ' ' ' ' , , - - - _ _ _ _
I Kansas Takes
- - -
i 1 i 1,000 Overland Cars
- - ' - -
r Our agents In Kansas have ordered for 20 Per Cent Reduction
, , er en e UC Ion
' thIsseason 1.000 Overland automobiles.
season .
: - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nebraska takes 750-Iowa 1,000-Texas The Overland's success Is also due to
1500. Thus . has the Overland-after one Its price. No other maker ever gave near-
I jrear's experience - captured the farming ly so much for the money.
. % states. Yet we have cut our costs this year
It has captured the cities , too. New about 20 per cent through enormous In-
" ' - York City takes 1,000 Overlands this year. crease In production.
' 'I Boston takes 500-San Francisco 500- The Overland we sell for $1,000 this
, Washington 500 - Philadelphia 450. year is better than the $1,250 Overland
b last year. It is a 25 H. P. car with a
t Our agents have contracted for 20,000 speed of 50 miles an hour.
: Overlands - for $24,000,000 worth of OverSo with the $1,250 , $1,400 and $1,500
.nds-to supply the _ demand for this year. Overlands. Each offers a fifth more than
, ( That's a larger sale than any other car ever before for the money.
, commands. All prices Include Magneto and full
f' lamp equipment.
f Yet , two years ago few had ever heard
af an Overland. This sensational success Ask for the
I { l 3 due to the creation of a remarkable car. _ _ _ Story
, The Overland story is one of the great-
. The Simple Car est business stories ever told. It tells how
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ this car-the creation of a mechanical
genIus-has in two years reached the top-
The success of the Overland is mainly most place In this field. And it tells all
4ue to its amazing simplicity. A 10yearabout the car. Send us this coupon to-
Old child can master the car in five min- day for this book.
.utes. Push a pedal ! orwa d to go ahead ,
end backward to reverse. Push another C42 ,
. pfdal lfie to for do high but steer. speed. There is nothing The W'II ys- 0 ver 1 an d Co. , Toledo , Oki
Licensed under Selden 1'atent ,
Any man with the simplest instructions , Please mail me the book.
8.n run an Overland a thousand miles and
k.run _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
There was never a car so easy to care
. r - so easy to keep In order. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. , . Price 1000. 25 h. p. - 102-inch wheef '
baae. One or two rumble seat or Toy ;
, Tonneaa at small additional price.
_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
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; pF I
onstrate ' the value of Peruna in all ca-
tarrhal troubles we will send you a sam-
ple bottle absolutely free by mail.
The merit and success of Peruna is
so well ! ! known to the public that our
readers are adviced : to send for sample
bottle : Address the Peruna Company ,
Columbus , Ohio. Don't forget to men-
tion you read this generous offer in
the _ u _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ u _ _ . . _ _ _
If in need of advice write our Medical
Department , stating your case fully.
Our physician in charge will send you
advice free , together with literature con-
taining common sense rules for health ,
which you cannot afford to be without.
At the beginning of the present year
there were 1G3.20S telephones in use in
Ache all over ? \hl"oat soro , with chills ? That is La
Gnppo. Perrv Daws' Painkiller will break It up II
taken promptly. All dealers 25c , 85c and We bottles.
' "
If I p
Is . = , -
= : : - -
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LL'.d ' 1
cN"it 1 . . i . .
Iju ; ?
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"Something Russian and something
new , " has a queer button and chain
effect on each side of the coat. It isn't
clanky and prison-like , but very dashy.
The hat shown here is of the extreme
rolled type , a winter straw and roso
creation for the South.
Let the Debtor Beware.
Briggs-A safe conversational rule
Is , When in doubt talk of the weather.
Griggs * - Safe nothing ! I met my tai
lor yesterday , and on my speaking of
the weather he replied , "Yes , it is un-
settled , and that reminds me of that
little bill of. yoursBoston Tran
Sticking : to a Habit When It Means-
Discomfort ?
Old King Coffee knocks subjects out
lolerably : flat at times , and there is no
possible doubt of what did it. A Mich.
woman gives her experience :
"I used to have liver trouble nearly
all of the time and took medicine
which relieved me only for a little
while. Then every once in a while I
would be suddenly doubled up with an
awful agony in my stomach. It seem-
ed as though every time I took a
breath I would die. No one could suf-
fer any more and live.
"Finally I got down so sick with
catarrh of the stomach that I could
not turn over in bed , and my stomach
did not digest even milk. The doctor
finally told me that if I did not give
up drinking coffee I would surely die ,
but I felt I could not give it up.
"However , Husband brought home a
package of Postum and it was made
strictly according to directions. It
was the only thing that would stay on
my stomach , and I soon got so I liked ,
it very much.
"Gradually I began to get better ,
and week by week gained in strength
and health. Now I am in perfect coni
dition and I am convinced that the
whole cause of my trouble was coffee
Drinking , and my getting better was
due to leaving off coffee and taking
"A short time ago I tasted some cof-
fee and found , to my astonishment ,
that I did not care anything about it.
I never have to take medicine any
more. I hope you will use this letter
for the benefit of those suffering from
the poisonous effects of coffee. "
Read the little book , "The Road to
Wellville , " in pkgs. "There's a Rea-
son. "
Ever read the above letter ? A
new one appears from time to time.
They are genuine , true , and full of
human interest.
. .
- to
. -
- - - - - - - - . - -
/f07 of To-Dnr "Would Scorn Delights
of the Old Svrlmmlnsr Hole.
Poets may sing them in the sweet-
rst ' songs , artists paint them In the
brightest colors and our memories
may deceive us regarding the days of
long ago when we were boys on the
farm or in the village , but sober reflec
tion , says the Washington Herald , with
glamour omitted , leads to the belief
that more myths date back only a
score or so of ' years than stretch to
the days when the world was in Its in
How many of us of mature years
had the comforts , much less 'the con
veniences , of modern life ? The great
majority grew up without street car
service , without gas or electric light ,
without steam radiators in our rooms ,
without the telephone and without an
abundant water supply for the kitchen
and bath.
The old swimming hole sounds ro-
mantic , and there were many days of
bliss. But the boy of to-day has so
many sources of pleasure and delight
that he would scorn the swimming
hole. ' It is by contrast that pleasures
are derived. The lad of forty years
ago was forced to get up at daybreak ,
go out into the dew-laden pasture and
drive in the horses and cows ; he had
to carry in wood and in some cases
start the kitchen fire , and some of us
were required to do part of the milk-
When we were fortunate enough to
find a nice red apple after the holidays
it was a treat Indeed ; when a half
dozen oranges were brought from the
grocer's it meant a delight that was
not forgotten for some days. Instead
of going to see the best actors and act-
resses of the age the lad of our mem
ory was supremely happy at the
thought of going to see the circus once
a year. It was an anticipation that
surpasses anything within the range of
possibilities to-day.
The first company In the world to
undertake the production of radium in
a commercial way is building a labora-
tory at London.
France , like England , is a great lend
ing company. It has an enormous ac
cumulation of wealth , and uses it to
finance less affluent foreigners , who re
turn annually a large income to French
bankers and investors.
The women of Norway voted for
members of parliament for the first
time last year , the women of Den
mark took part in the municipal elec
tions for the first time , the women of
Michigan voted on questions of local
taxation and the women of Victoria
cast their first ballot for the state par-
Cornelius Dircksen was the first offi -
cial ferryman on the island of Man-
hattan. The mooring place on the
New York side was about where Wa-
ter s'treet crosses the present Peck
slip. He started the system in 1637.
Passengers who wanted to be rowed
over blew a born for the skipper , if
he chanced to be absent when they ar
rived. From Dircksen's skiff grew the
present ferry system of the city.
What is known as the "Old Spy
Oak" ' stands close to the intersection
of ( Westchester , Hobart and Morris
Park avenues , In the Bronx. It is a
tree of fine appearance , having a di
ameter of five feet at a distance of
five 1 feet above the ground. There I ?
no 3 definite history of the old monarcn ,
but 1 tradition has It that it was the
tree 1 from which spies were hung dur-
ing the revolutionary war. Efforts are
being made to preserve it.-New York
We have extirpated gross humor
from ] our modern literature , but we
must ] not suppose that we are there-
fore ] more moral than the Elizabethans ,
whose literature was full of gross hu
mor. ] It may be that we are only .more
afraid of ourselves and one another.
This kind of fear is destructive , not
only ( of gross humor , but of humor of
all ' kinds. In its essence humor is
brave as it is honest , but wi _ cow-
ardice and dishonesty there come base
substitutes for it , substitutes that
make fun of noble things with a hu-J )
morous air and so bring humor Itself
into discredit. - London Times.
p ,
Again the Cxjst of Living
It is much easier to talk about
spending money than it is to find It
to spend. A story from the Philadel
phia Record puts the matter in con
crete form. A western man who has
since attained great success was tell.
ing of his early difficulties in securing
"We had , in those days , " said the
man , "wonderful offers , magnificent
promises , but when it came to the ac
tual i laying down of money , then
gloom descended on the scene.
"Our friends' with their mouths
full of millions % and their quite empty
hands , reminded me of a barber in my
"This barber said one day , as he
shaved me :
" 'That's a fine pup of Simmons' .
I'd give anything for It. '
" 'Well , it's for sale , isn't it ? ' said I.
"The barber burst into sneerlnj
" 'Oh , yes , it's for sale , ' said he , 'but
do you know what Simmons want
for It ? Why , two dollars ! ' "
Some men's ways of flattering them-
selves Is to exaggerate the clevernew
of those who cheat them.
, .
. ' -
, -
" - - .
' -
' < r ,
- - _ - _ _ _ . it - - -f. - _ - ' - - - . - - - - _ -j-i- _ _ - . - . ; " " - " - _ -
- I
I , ffoaoraby Women I
. # I When a woman speaks of her T" : . : . . ' . !
ii ' * '
' ; J . silent secret suffering sho , . 'J'
- . ' = - - . . . ! JI trusts you. Millions have be ' .J - :
: :
, ' I -II _ stowed this mark of confi
I' " , , ' IY' : ! dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce , _ _
of Buffalo , N. Y. Every .
m ; -b6 f I where there are women who
fit p . ai1I 1) ! bear witness to the wonder _ _ _
- . _ - : 11.1 1 working , curing-power of Dr. _ _ _ _ _
fllt ih rddCl : i : ! Pierce's Favorite Prescription _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
. - ! itj i -which saves the suffering sex _ _ _ . ,
JU ) ) ; q , from pain , and successfully
} ' [ ; ! grapples with woman's weak
; . -'I of ) : : : : : : ; . . . . - " ij ( I , " ! nesses and stubborn ills.
, WLi { I S : r - irji i ' . ' IT 11AKE5VEAK WOHEN STRONG } !
. - . . . ; ! -ji . IT flAKES SICK WOMEN WELL.
, sS . . LI . . . vssf - i : ; r.J'j _
' 50N . . 'p .G : _ ; 8 . Uii' No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con- -
I _
I l ' - . Jil ! fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice , to
. J ± ; : ; -'It.'c : : : . : ' , ) the WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , Dc . !
, , r R. V. Pierce , President , Buffalo , N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Induce mild natural bowel movement once m day.
t - - - - - - - - - .
- -
More than 9 per cent of the cities ot
this country with a population of 10-
000 or more are equipped with electric
fire alarms.
Is splendid for rheumatism and sore mus-
: les. Your dealer recommends it.
Covering an area of 2,450 acres , the
largest hydraulic gold mine in the
' world is in Trinity County , Cal.
PAZO OINTMENT is trnaranteed to cure any
case of Itchinjr. Blind. 'Bleeding or Protrudinz
Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. SOc.
The peanijt acreage of Burma in-
creased from 3,800 in 1903 to 80,000 in
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu-
late : and invigorate stomach , liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
The Chinese soya bean has been
found to contain from 15 to 16 per
cent of oil suitable for soap making.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
children teething , softens the gums , re
duces . inflammation , allays pain , cures
wind colic. 25c a bottle.
Three thousand persons are engaged
in the shell and pearl industry of the I
Western United States.
When Rubbers Become Xecessnry
And your shoes pinch , shake into your
shoes Allen's Foot-Ease , the antiseptic
powder for the feet. Cures tired aching
feet and takes the sting out of Corns and
Bunions. Always use it for Breaking In
New shoes and for dancing parties. Sold
everywhere 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address , Allen S. Olmsted Le Roy , N. Y.
Uncle Jerry.
"There's two things about this blam-
ed grapefruit that I can't understand , "
said Uncle Jerry Peebles. "One is that
it's called 'grape' fruit and the other is
that ' ' ' "
it's called grape 'fruit.
- - - - - .
- - . . . . .
, If you butj
knew what harsh
cathartics do , you'd
always use Cascaret !
Candy tablets , vegetabl <
and mild. Yet just as effectivf
as salts and calomel. Take on
when you need it. Stop thj
trouble promptly. Never wait
till night. as ,
Vest-pocket box , 10 cents-at droz-stores. I
Each tablet of the cenuioe is marked C C C.
. .
is the word Co remember
ivlifia you need a remedy'
fa and Timber lands Fruit and Truck
farms any size. Price list FREE.
GREEN & GREEN , Hope , Arkansas.
BR. : .ZWN'
An absolutely ! harmless remedy for Sore Throaty
Hoarseness and Coughs. Give immediate relief t *
Pronchial : and Lung Affections.
rifty years' reputation.
Price , 25 cents , 50 cents and $1.00 per box.
Sample sent on request.
JOHN I. BROWN & SON , Boston. Mau.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .u- _ _ _ . " . . _ -
S. C. If. U. - - No. 12-1010.
I _ -J-
J - _ _
a e These Free
, f
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_ _ _ ;
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_ _ . _ _ . _ rik .
. .
We will send you free of cost , a complete color plan for , J
the walls of your home. < We will furnish free stencils to
help you make your home beautiful. \
. - - The'S' : . axutaiWaflCdating
comes in all sorts of rich , soft That saves a lot of work , trouble
shades of color that enable you to and money.
decorate your walls in the same : People do not like kalaomine ,
style as the handsome city houses. "f' as all ? kalsomine ! . mixed with
glue to make it stick. The glue
Alabastine is a powder off
. rots and the kalsomine comes
, from . pure native alabaster 1 , you . - on your clothes and on the
mix it with clear cold water and .S . . floor. Alabastine adheres to
apply it with a flat wall brush. the wall of its own cementing
Simple directions printed on Qualities. It requires no dirty
every package. Anyone can glue , nor paste , as with kalso-
do it. Then v/hen you want _ mine or wall paper. These
* * attract insects and
'I to redecorate , just put.iJ always
; i , the new coat ; over the old. disease germs.
Our Free Offer
. . s _ _ Send us the coupon ( or _ 4 : _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iabai3 . : - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: a postal card ) and-we-will r
IsSEt5rV3C.atj1t mail you a copy of our I Alabastine Company , ! .
ompany . i
- home
3 _ decoration FREE book , and tell you I | 482 CramMfe ! Ave. , GniaJ Rapids , HkL. .
_ _ _ _ . about cnr offer of free j At no cost to me , please send your .
. color , and freo
.4 plans | Alabastine book ana tell me about your
_ _ stencils to help yon make | free offers. I
your home cheerfulclean (
, and beautifuL . . Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !
_ _ _ , . Alabastine C 0. , :
" " ' 482 GrandTilleAve. P. o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
s.I74E.d " ' .
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; j SE ? 4 O it
- It is not necessary for
. a work shoe to look clumsy . .
I „ to give good wear. Have your dealer T -
. show you the good looking , comfortable .
well-fitting , Mayer Work Shoes.
Made of tough tcd : , heavy soles , solid counters ,
double leather toei , double seams. Made solid and
will last longer than any other shoes you can buy. . .
are made for working men of all classes and are
" built on honor. " You can save money by wear
ing them. Will I outwear any other make.
To be sure you are getting Mayer Shoes , look for
the Mayer Trade Mark en the sole. ! Your dealer
will supply you ; if not , write to us.
\1 \
\ FREE - If you wll send UJ the : name of & dealer who doe
not handle Mayer Work Shoes , we will send you free , paS1-
paid. a beautiful picture of-Ceoree Washington , aze 1510. -
. We also make Honorbilt Shoes for men , Leading Lady . ' . -
Shoes , Martha Washington Comfort Shoes , Yerma Cush. . . '
" ' Uion Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes. . .
'lil ; I F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. I
VlS.'I - - -