Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 17, 1910, Image 4
rK-r - - 'r - - - x - f j , . . . . . . I ' - , " , , ' , H' - ' . i , ' . . ' ' , " ' ' ' > \ . . . , , : . = : ? : : ; . , . " 1 : . : . - - - > " - ' - . ; . . . , . . . . . , , - - - , . - - ' e. _ _ CJ6)O I- .I r FarmImpIerneuits'4Cost. I : , ; . We will close out bur line of i , . _ J 1 . , ' - " : .e Manure Spreaders , Corn Planters , e I.ii I. ii , - Gang Plows , Listers , . John Deere ' . Rid , ' \ ' IJ" ing Attachments and Freight Wagons , af cost. Yon will save money by look- e - . ing over our ' line of - , e . Breaking , Plows , Stubble Plows ' and . . ' . Cultivators. - - - etVe sell the Superior Drill and have , a fit , full line of the Kock Island Plow Goods. J . ; We ' are , satisfied with a small profit and ' I . 'will close out our John Deere 'goods at e . cost. Save money by getting our prices . before purchasing. " . . , LUDWIG . LUMBER CO. , Valentine ' Nebraska ! " e , , _ I- i . ee _ _ _ - . . J \ , i i " I"81 * & i FRO ( i I "T" " ' : BftRFFN FRONI ' ' Vn I 1' ' II..TII . I > i I It VaX I 1 I . I pay ash for hides. New shoes on hand. Save ! , - , . money for cash. Fresh Groceries. f . . ' . Valentine hlebraska I MIKE I DAVIS : . = i S2635222K fit - - VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I I. M. ; RICE - Editor and Propr. , MarkZarr Foreman. Mark , Zarr , - - 4 ! . - : . . ' : . * : "Thursday , March 17 , 1910. . . 1 Congressman Hitchcock will be , a candidate for the U. ' S. senate to I succeed Burkett , and it is our , opinion that He is the strongest can- didate , . heretofore , : prominently . At t mentioned. H is work in the , low-1 l , . \ ' ' . house has been creditably - , er as per- . formed and the Second district of this state has been ably and well < "represented. We are for Hitch- cock. , . : , , , k " ' ' " W. ' . J . Bryan has caused con1- " siderable disappointment to his friends in Nebraska in refusing to t - : .become a candidate for the U. S. senate. The statement from Con gressman Hitchcock comes E.S a 1 . , surprise , and the people will won- der why Mr. , Bryan failed to take , them into , his confidence when his name was , being continually men- tioned as our next candidate. We do not know that anyone consulted ill , him , regarding the matter or that anyone ; thought it necessary to do so. The people generally expected him to become a candidate and 'looked forward to his election. ' It . may not be" his duty to help out " ' ' - his own state after they have fol _ ' lowed : him through three cam- I . . , paigns : for the presidency , nor can ' .we claim that he owes the debt of . gratitude which he has suggested . .that he can never repay. We : . : -thought ) _ there was , a unanimity of .1 I I . : ' : : feeling that he .should be the can : didate and that he would not re- ' . . ' fuse. rla ; ' \ , ( . _ I' ' a " " Our Lincoln Letter. I , . * < ' . I l- ' . . _ _ ' _ ( Special Correspondence. ) - . 1 . ) I \ . . " / . .A - I l i I : : : , : ; " * The" . \ trouble at the Peru normal ' f' I ' t , ' -'l , . school caused by partisan I I : : ! SC , : ; repub- \ t :1 : . lican members- ' the normal 1 .n 1 1 . _ _ ,1 " . school ) board , has reached acute I- i f ; ' , . ; : : stage. . . .Employees are ' resigning ' 1 i \ : . . ' - - ' . . .1 i j , ; < ; : , .disgust , claiming that the resi- . ! \ , I / . - , : dent. . director , Shellhorn ; is insist- ! . ' , ' . ing : that , they , play politics , instead , ' ; " of . .atte.ncling , strictly to their' du- ! I . ; " . .ties ; , 'The . : other . day . the ' engineer I : , . s ' . . : amT two . . or three , others threw up c ' . : , , ' ' their jobs rather than submit to j . . Shellhorn's political , demands , so ' 1 ' . { : "it is j alleged < and as a result the c I , . . . . , , ' 't \ eler.tricttlplantwisadftad" I : : ) and j I ' ' > . . . . , * the school would . ha.hropp vith- : : , : . I out , ' li'ght ] had not Principal i - ' rab - i I " " free" "induced a , wan to n.n theji i . - _ , , , I - . . . , , " . ' , . . i. . . . ' ' - t . - - . " - , - . . . - ' , - ' . . . . - . . - - - - ' . dynamos until engineer could b e secured. Politico-Preacher Ludden , who has long drawn il- legally a salary as secretary of the board , has not yet : made good his threat "expose Crabtree. " The secretary : is , confining his rebuttal to loud l and vociferous noise , the one .thing that , has made him fam- ous in republican conventions. The normal . school board law 1. , enacted by the democratic legisla ' ture , and which was declared void : by 'a partisan supreme court , would have made impossible such disgraceful I scenes as have been witnessed . in connection with the ' Peru institution during the past two or three months. But to take the ' management of that big insti tution out of the hands of the re- publican machine did not strike the republican machine tenders as a good political move , hence the willingness to sacrifice the educa- tional interests of the state in order to advance the interests of the g. o. p. machine. . * : . * . : : Lawson G. Brian , state treasur , er and one of the normal school directors who prefers playing poli- tics to the building up the educa- tional institutions of the state , has practically announced his candi- dacy for the republican congress- ional nomination in the Third dis- trict. If intense partisanship is a recommendation for congressional office in these times , or if "stand pat" doctrine is acceptable to the republicans of the Third district , then Mr. Brian has many things to recommend him. , * ( * " . . .y The men who handle the , trains of Nebraska , the passengers who , ride thereon , and the shippers who patronize them , should not overlook one law enacted by the last li I gilatureH01SP ; Roll 374. : This is known as the "full crew bill 1 , " and it not only makes for the safety of railroad men ' but for , the safety of the traveling and ' shipping trade. . This law com- pels all passenger trains over five cars in length to have a crew con- sisting l of an en1.1 , neer , a fireman , a conductor , one . brakeman and ] one ' flagman. The necessity.of a j flagman in these days ; of intensive railroading will bejvcognizfd by i : every traveler. ljY ; ight trains must have an equally large crew , ! and main line local freights carry-1 : I : . . ' I ing passengers , doing switching ) , ( and carrying merchandise niust i . . , , . . . , , . _ . . . , , . , . , . . " - u. ; : ' " yM ' P.- 4 ' : I 1 . . . . - - - - I - . : " " ' . 1 , ' _ " > . . ' . . , . : " ' . , ' " . r / , / . - . _ , - , . , . - - . - - - , - \ . ' "Y _ , , - v- _ . . . . ' " . . . I- ' ' ' ' ' r have three brakemen. * * : , * * I : Another law passed by tlm last legislature : ; is deserving oi. ! . more. . than passing : notice. It is i i'ue law ' requiring all paints sold in the I' state to be accurately ] labelc ] I. 1 and provides a ' 'heavy penalty fui- any one who s.ells ) flaxseed or Jinseed oil that , does not answer all the chemical ] te'sts for purity recog- nized in the United States Pharm- ! acopbei. The pressure brought i to bear to defeat this bill , and . to I have -vetoed after it was passed was terrific. This , of itself , was evidenae of the . necessity of the law. , , . . . . . * * * State Fire Commissioner John ' - son is now actively engaged in making an examination of all pub- lic buildings , storehouses , ware- houses , etc. , with a view to ren dering them less liable to fire. , All basements will have to be cleaned rut , fire apparatus installed ac : - cording to law l , and proper safe- guards taken. Although a new department , the fire commission has rendered splendid . service. ' Several incendiary fires have been discoveredthe perpetrators caught through the . activity of the depu- ties , and the danger of fire from any cause whatever greatly lessen- ed. Commissioner Johnson's force is now at work in Lincoln , and when the t investigation is complet ' ed the other cities of the state will be taken up as rapidly as pos ' - sible. * * * The assessors will soon be at work and the taxpayers of the state will realize more than ever . the good work of the .last I egi.s ! a- ture in providing , for the election of precinct assessors. It is no longer possible for the state board of equalization to arbitrarily raise * ? * or lower the assessed valuation of r' a county , and the precinct assess- ment is made more equable by one thoroughly , familiar with the local conditions. ' . . . . -X- - P 'It' ; T * : i * , The oil rate law enacted * * by ' be- * - f democratic , , legislature qjr : 1909 ; ' has .aJ read. " , saved to the oil consucbers t. of the state many thousands of dollars , and has worked to the ad- vantage Qf the independent ( 'r ' fin- eries of Kansas aiid Oklahoma. . i. . All attempts of the g. o. p. man- , ager to deprecate the good effects of this law have been thwartecTby the evident fact that oil isjch wer , the freight rate less and the qual- ity of the o.'l consumed better. The g. o. p. organs that strive so faithfully to belittle the work of the democratic legislature confine themselves tOmere assertions , but always carefully avoid any ap pearance of dealing , with-the real facts. " Teachers' Association Saturday , , March 26 , at 1 :30 : P. M. , Valentine School Building Theory of Teaching , chapk-rs 23-3(5 ( ; - - - - - E. P. Bettengn. Plnys'uncl Gaines " , pages I-1SS ; ; - D. F. story Book Review - - - EtheMlnJyn Industrial Work of Ht. Francis Mission School - - Sylvia Ajlnrd Aviation ' - - ' F. L. : ' Reader Nlebelungcw Lied ' - ' Julia H Vai iJriel . Prominent Educators of America - - - - - Esther S.chul/ Eeucation in Porto Rico , Lizzie Cavanaugh Education of the Blind - Hiram Newman Up From Slavery : ( hook review ) _ - - - - Blanche cl Shepard ; Planet Mars - . . - Roscoe "Ward The County ; Superintendent as an Edu- ' - ' cational Leader' - Earl Cutcomb' Aids in Drawing - Grace O'SuIlivan The Teacher In School and Out of ( * School - ' - Mrs. Mary Miller Php. ] ps Photos ! three days only , March'31 and April 1-2. ' 10 2 Ed Reiser and his brother Aug- ust were in town Tuesday. The latter- ' owns" a' farm'at PhiJlips , near Grand . . : Island. ' * ' " ? ' Don't stay away on account' " of bad weather. If you can - , get to the .studio we can make your photo , - Phelps Photo Co.- ' 310 : 2 Ed Clarke ' has sold his residence next to the ' Ludwidg Lumber Co. to R. A. McQuade and has ! ; pur- chased the Kyees- Austin- Thack- rpy home. . . , , . ; " ; " * * * A t the annual Easter cooked food sale , you \vilL find cnlorp.d - . - .Jt ster eggs , pies , cnkes , chickens , pud dings , salad , home majle candies : : , etc. At T. G " HQi : nliv'S. : ' store Sat urda , .Marth . ; 2G ' at 10 a , m. 10 . . " \ - - - ' - - - : < - " - , : : : : - - - . . . . . . . - - - . . " " . , _ , . . . " . - , . _ , J.C : - - : , , - - I . ' . - . _ . . -s-- . " ' . . . - , - . . , . - , .r.-- . - - , - - - _ ' Free If It Fails Your Money Back If You are Not Satisfied with the _ Medicine : We Recommend.- - . . . j We are so positive that our rem.- ; edy will permanently relieve con- ' stipation , no matter , how chronic it | I i may be , that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory re- sults. It is worse than useless to at- tempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs : Laxatives . Ot cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction , irritate and weaken the bowels and tend to make J constipation more chronic. Besides , their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and mus- cles of the large intestine or de- scending colon. To expect per- manent relief you must therefore" tone up and strengthen these- or- gans and restore them to healthier activity. / The discovery of the active prin- ciple of our remedy involved the labor ] of the world's greatest re- search chemists. As an activfe ag- ent it possesses the valuable quali- ties of the best known intestinal tonics as well as Being particularly pleasant , and prompt it its results. We want you to try Rexall Or- derlies on our recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take , being eaten like candy , and are ideal for children delicate per sons and old folks , as well as for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles-of the bow- els. They apparently have a neu- tral action on other associate or- gans or glands. They do not purge , cause excessive looseners nor create any inconvenience whatever. They may be taken at any time , day or night. They will positively relieve chronic : or habitual constipation , if not of surgical variety1 , and the 'myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments , if taken with regularity fora reasonable length of time. They come in two sizes of pack- ages , 12 tablets 10 cents ; 36 , tab- lets 25 cents. Sold in Valentine only at our store , - The Rexall Store. Chapman , The Druggist. _ APPLES ! , , We have them bearing- up to 25 bushels per tree-trees 28 years old , and set in the sand-the poorest soil we have - they could not do better or yield more in any country than they have been doing for 20 years. . We have the following varieties in the nursery : . SUMMER : Yellow Transparent , Duchess , Red Astrachan and Red June. . FALL Wealthy , Haas , Wolf River and Prices Sweet. WINTER Northwestern Greening , Janet , Ben D.ivis , Wine Sap , and other varieties md Whitney and other varieties of i rab Apples. . . We have 22 varieties of Summer , Fnll and Winter Apples , 7 varieties of Crab Apples. 5 varieties of Cher- ries , , 7 varieties of Plums , Peaches , 1 urrants , Gooseberries , Blackberries , Kaspberries , Grapes , Strawberries , Evergreens , Shade Trees , Forest Trees , Roses and other Ornamentals. GET THE CHEAPEST for a long time usefulness. ! A TREE IS A PER MANENT INVESI ' MENT. Get trees grown nearest borne. They are ac- climated and grown under same con ditions you want them to grow , and where they can be had fresh and planted the quickest , and from those that are g'owingorchards for thein- selves and are producing fruic and wiil-iurnibh any information desired for you to succeed. I Write for catalogue or come - to I our nursery and see the stuff. 50 i acres in nursery and our own orchards Chas , J. Boyd , Brown County Nursery Ainswbrth , Nebr Nursery one block north-east : : : of the Court House. - Phelps Pho tos , threTe days only , March , 31 , and " April 1-2. . . 10 2 Kerosene oil , best , grade 15 cents per gallon , at Fischer's Hard ware. * 9 - Call on Henry Schaefer , , Nenzel , Nebr. , for hardware and farm im- . pl mpnts. ' . ' 9 . Wanted : A middle , aged wom- . . an and girl , . 'or two girls , .to cook , and do restaurant work. Must . . understand ; restaurant work. , M E D. < ibHOTA/ Valentine-- -Nebr. - , . . . . . . ' , ' . ' - - - , , . . - - - - - - - - . , _ - . - : - - - - - - - , ' - - - - _ : . _ . : , , _ . _ . ' : ' : " : . , ; ; : . _ _ : : : . : . . . , ; : . . . - - - : : , - . . , . ' . , - . - " , . - . . , 1 , - , . - - . . . . . . . : : . - - r ciRE DI ClIARRow.s' D , JJ . - . : . . . ' STRONGEST.DEAVIEST.BESTt. STRONGEST . . ; w Durability TO do good work and be durable seems to us strong points ; on the disc harrow question. Good worK demands : a harrow that pulverizes the ground thoroughly , that cuts out dead furrows , . that adapts itself to , any uneven condition of the ground. - harrow must have Strong frame Sieei To be durable a a frdie shanks , 7/g gang boI' § , heavy gauge discs , and . a general construction throughout that leaves no room for question as to the strength of any part. All these pointe have been built ' into tha Deere Model B. o - II Is the most _ comfortable : It barrow to is the only harrow that \c\ \ III IA I V ride upon is flexible tvoric. ' y 1 II r' \ I I ' j-LII : , It is made in all sizes from 4' to 10' C < llf ? 16 , 18" and 20" Hses9 has improved oscillating scrapers , extension oil tubes , with or without weight boxes , and all sizes are furnished with a stub tongue. If you are in the market for a disc .harrow be sure to see tlae Model B at our store. Valentine Lumber Co. ' A. E. Morris W. W. Morrissey 0. W. Noyes i . , " " ' " r ; ; &jtJ AJ&Stf f f - Buy Bovee's Furnace at Factrpy Prices ' \ < And from one-th-rd one-half of first-class , < save one-th - to ( me. the cost any - heating plant , haying EQUAL CAPACITY. ' . - SIXTY DOLLARS ' , ' We sell a first-class furnace , suitable for a cottage with al'l pipe and fittings for $60 00 , and larger furnaces at proportionately low prices. , We manufacture 36 ( different furnaces of the leading styles. ' We x t ' ' own one of the best equipped furnace ; . t plants in the west. : We manufacture c . - . .a the very best and sell at the lowest -.I .n1LiT , , ' p - ' ' possible manufacturer's price. Our ' . 4r , _ - ° furnaces burn any kind of fuel. K , The'Bovee furnace is the only furnace having perfect.forced Ven , . . % tilating System , thnt Insures pure air I k in every part of the house. The value' I of this forced ventilation cannot be { fiw over-estimated , especially in case ot , 1 had lungs or sickness. . J ) We ship ever3Tthing properly'pre : ' pared ready to install so that any. ' . / jl " ; ; , -N handy mai can properly install our ' . . , , . ' furnaces without any assistance from " x Nyf < 1 c n , ; i a tinner. . > Send rough plan of [ building to be I . ° ' , ' , , 1 fq ) heated and get our three-colored cata- t / , , log and best plans for heating plant. ' Ilu n it 3' A letter to us will ) } save you about half the cost of a heating plant. - . BOVEE FURNACE . WORKS 496 8th St. , = WATERLOO , IOWA 1i ' il ( { ; W 11 Wf ( ? l o@ ; r , A"l l1 \ 1 & . 'fgji g . . 1 ; g - ' < = c:7. ' = d Pool ' and Billiard Hall 0 iI I Cigars and 1 Ci01l O > > - . ? . ' . . .1. - Soft Drinks 'ji I JOHN ' G. STETTER - PROP. ' 1 & . t J @ ' t'CJl\ \ "s i ; : : ; re l Lr.1t1i ! ! @ B'j ; 'j.JJj ! ( lfI I . illU ! ) m , - - - e _ _ e --e e Y Or Whiske' Y . Go to the _ It y - - ' A 8 Stock Exchange Saloon * .e VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER ' Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. ' _ e _ e GRANT BOYER. CARPENTER & UJLolRT i. , . . . . . . . - , . BUIL.DE , . \ I. , x . . . All kinds of . wood work done to order. ' Stock tanks ] . . . ' . made . Residence and shop blb'cklsouth { ' in all SIZes " : ence an s op one soutb of passenger depot. . _ \ . - Valentine , , PHONE 72 . Nebr . ras References : My Many Customers a . . . . . m rs : i. ; . . , , - , , ' f - , ' ' . I / } , l / j _ _ _ _ . . . - . ii i i 'p . I 1 . .P ,11 , I ' 1 , r j _ _ _ _ . . '