s , . i I . I . - - - - , - - _ - _ ' - : . : , ' : ' . - . - - - . . , - - . - . , i . , , . . , - - 1Irf VJ.u : : ( " . " ' ; < f. . . . . . i ! . JIr - , I ; ' , _ ' . , it > , . . . . , . : " 'if srY..iI ; p ; . . . . 1 ; ( , j 'I . , .1 i- . . . . , ; ! ! J . _ : (1 : _ _ . , - _ , , . N , f ' rf6 , : . . . - ' I , : H l r r i if , + , i i r 1 / r' . - ' - - C . 0 - . I ' . I , . . . - r/ j -.J , r t' r tt'\l IS-- " ; < I. w n . , : IL - ( Foe-simile of the genuine packase slightly reduced. ) 94 Burdens Lifted Prom Bad , Backs - . . r' ' J Wea-r.y is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the man or \ woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. I ' It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps , up. Any sudden movement sends a sharp twinge through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten. At , , night the sufferer retires to toss and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache-a throbbing , , dull 1 , r aching in the kidneys. To cure backache you must first cure the kidneys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause , inside. ti r a Doan's Kidney PiUs Cure Sick Kidneys " - Six Months of Misery ' Twice-Told Tes imony HOW TO 'TELL WHEN THE KID- Doon's Kidney Pills Brought About a &EYS ARE DISORDERED A Wonderful Cstro Fully Verified By Complete Restoration. the Test of Time. Painful Backache , side- . _ . . , . . , . SYItlptomBackache . side- c . . . , , . , . . , CHARLES EASTER E. Locust St. Watseka. , MRS. J. M. BARNHART 932 N. Jackson St. . . " ache , pains -when stooping or lifting- , sud - . , ' 111. says : "In thts summer of 19041 < was attacked by . " ' . ! . " . . Frankfort , Ind. , says : "Several years asro I was run- pains in the small of my back and as the time passed , den sharp twinges rheumatic pains , neu- . . . , . . , nine into Bricrht's disease. My body bloated a ereat the trouble increased until mywholerilrht hip was af- my ralgia i , painful , scanty or too frequent fected. For six months I could not sit in a chair and : : Yd deal and I had such terrible pains in the small of my , . urination , dizzy spells , dropsy. I was unable to sleepnights. I lost forty pounds in back that I could scarcely stand. I rested poorly weight and was so lame and sore that I could not . . . . raise my ha'nds to my fa.e. I was languid , had no Urinary Symptoms - Discolored or and the kidney secretions contained a sediment also eneriry and was bothered by a shortness of breath. cloudy urine. Urine that contains sedibeing distressing in passage. I tried various prepa- During- all ihat time I doctored and used . a great ment. Urine that stains the linen. Painrations but steadily grew worse and when Doan's amount of medicine but to no avail. Sometimes there . . . . was an almost complete retention of the kidney secre- ful passages. Blood or shreds in the Kidney Pills were brought to my attention , I pro- - tions and there was much sediment in them. . My : wife urine. Let a bottleful of the morning cured a supply. The contents of the first box did finally They pave persuaded me such me prompt to try relief Doan's that Kidney I continued Pills. urine stand for 24 hours. If It shows a me so . much good that I continued takine . the remedy taking them and gradually my condition improved. cloudy or fleecy settling , or a layer of until I was cured. I gave a public statement on The trouble with my kidneys was corrected and my . fine grains , like brick-dust , the kidneys July 19 , 1906 , recommending- Doan's Kidney Pills I cure aches that and I pains cheerfully were removed. recommend I am Doan's so grattfulfort Kidney Pills ls aro disordered. and now I can add that I have had no need of a kid to other persons sufferin from kidney complaint. " ney remedy in over a year. " ] I ' - Test Doan's Kici- . Rl I'r-al f rU ney Pills Yourself ' , . , . " . . Cut out this coupon , mail it to Foster-Milburn i Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. A free trial package of i . . T Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed you I , . promptly. - c. u. u. . I : , ' J 'i ; . ' - , . . . , .O U ' r r . ' . . ' ; , . " , ' , I f K ID r TE , Y"p - " J 1 [ L ] = j . . - - l jffi / > ? Mtra'SoIdby ' all - dealersN Price 5o cents iFosTE'R-MiLBUR i ' rCoBaffaTor'N : . _ Y- - ! : 'Proprietors IFtlieftinls ] e It Your idneys _ ItSYoar Kic n . ' - . . . . " , . . " - . . " - . . , . . , . . " - ' , , , IE23E2 gSHS , ----H tc-vcusojt : l ' tip of r Ilscry. R. X * . Stevenson , writing in 1893 to George Meredith , in an epistle quoted t in his "Letters , " says , with heart touching pathos : "For fourteen years : I have not had , a-'day's ' rial health. I have awakened \ ck and gone to bed weary and I have done my work unflinchingly. I have written in bed and written out-of it , written In hemorrhages , written in sickness , written torn by coughing , written when my head swam for weakness , and for so long , it seems to me , I have won my wager and recov I ered my glove. I am better now - have been , rightly speaking , since first I came to the Pacific-and still few are the days when I am not in some physical distress. And the battle goes on - ill or well is a trifle so that it goes. I was made for a contest , and the powers have so willed that my battlefield should be this dingy , in- glorious one of the bed and the physic bottle. At least I have not failed , but I would have preferred a place of trumpetings and the open air over my head. " Couldn't Stand Satire. A burglar while attempting to rob a bloated bondholder of Maryville by mistake got into the humble residence of an editor next door. After unsuc- cessfully fumbling about for suitable - -sets for some time he w ? .s disgusted to observe the tenant of t . . e house sit- ting up in bed and laughing at him. "Aren't you old' Skindersen , the capi- talist ? " Inquired the hdusebreaker. "Nary time , " chuckled the journallst. . "I'm the editor of the Screaming Ea gle. " "Jerusalem ! " said the burglar , look- Ing at his stemwinder. "And here I've been wasting four precious hours on this branch almshouse. I say , old quill driver , you never poke fun at your subscribers . , do you ? " "Not the cash ones. " "Exactly , " said the burglar , taking out his wallet. "Here's six months ' subscription to call this thing square. If there's one thing on earth I can't stand it's satire.-London Tit-Bits. Drinking ? and Smoking : in Korea. The Koreans are inveterate smokers of green tobacco , which they use in pipes with tiny bowls and stems two or three feet long. They stick their pipes ' down the back of the neck when not using them. 1 There is a deal of drinking , too , though . they have many proverbs ainst it-"Heaven and earth are too , smaU for a drunken man , " "White A , . . whisky makes red face , " "There is ' 'F no bottom to the appetite for drink. " ' Tryinsr to teacourajve Him. " 0 , Guy > you mustn't allow yourself to be scared by papa's piercing eye. " "I'm not so much afraid of that , El- . ilcda , as I am of his cutting 'nos ! ' " Strength at Various Ages. According to excellent authority the muscles , in common with all organs of the human bpdy , have their periods of development and decline , our phys- kal strength increasing up to a cer - tain age and then decreasing. Tests of the strength of several thousand j individuals have been made and the following figures are given as the averages derived from such tests : ' . The lifting power of a youth of 17 is 280 pounds ; in his twentieth year this increases to 320 pounds and in the thirtieth and thirty-first years it reaches its height , 365 pounds. At the expiration of the , thirty-first year the strength begins to decline , very grad- ually at first. By the fortieth year it has decreased eight pounds and diminution continues at a slightly in- creasing rate until the fiftieth , year is reached , when the figure is 330 pounds. Subsequent to this period strength fails more and more rapidly until the ' weakness of old age Is reached. It is found impossible to obtain trust- worthy statistics of the decline of strength after the fiftieth year , as the rate varies greatly in different indi- viduals. The Man-of-War Bird. The frigate pelican , or man-of-war bird , is usually met with by travelers in the tropics. Although when stripped of its feathers it is hardly larger than a pigeon , yet no man can touch at the same time the tips of its extended wings. The long wing bones are ex ceedingly light , and the whole appa- ratus of air cells is extremely devel- oped , so that its real weight is very trifling. It flies at a great -height above the water , and from that elevation pounces down on fish , especially pre ferring the poor , persecuted flying fish for its prey. According to some au thors , the name of man-of-war bird was given to it because its appearance was said to foretell the coming of a ship , probably because the frigate peli- can and real frigates are equally ad- verse to storms , and both like to come into harbor if the weather threatens. Mixed. A sergeant was once drilling a squad of recruits. They were incredibly ig norant. One of them could not tell his right hand from his left. The ser geant proceeded to teach them and at last attained some degree of success. ' Sergeant - Now , yer : blessed idiot , hold yer hands in front of yer and twist them round one over the other. Stop ! Now , which is your left hand ' and which is your right ? Recruit ( looking at his hands for a 4 1 moment-I'm blowed if I know. I've gone and mixed 'em-London ! An swers. 1 . The Australian State of Victoria spends nearly $500,000 a year in its warfare- against the destructive rabbit - - " , A QUEER WEDDING RING. An African Tribe Whose Wives Wear a Ileavy Brass Ornament. Among the Bayanzi , who live for many miles along the upper Congo , there exists a strange custom which would seem to make life miserable for the married women. Brass rods , which are the favorite currency in the coun try , are welded into great rings around the necks of the wives. Many of these rings worn by the women whose husbands are well-to-do weigh as much as 30 pounds , and this burden must be carried around by the poor I women as long as they live. Frequently one sees a woman whose neck is raw and sore under the heavy weight , and In places the skin is rubbed off. This is a sure sign that the ring has been recently welded around I her neck , for after a time the skin be- ; comes calloused , and then the strange ornament produces no abrasion. But the weight is an inconvenience ; they never ge : used to it , and it is a per. petual tax upon their energies. In ev ery crowd of women may be seen a number who , are supporting the rings with their hands , and thus for a time relieving their weary shoulders of the heavy burdens. . It may be said that with every movement of their bodies the rings give discomfort. Once on , it is no easy matter to get them off. The na tives have no such thing as a file , and though they can hammer a lot of brass rods into one , it is very difficut for them to cut the thick mass of metal in two. Women who increase largely in flesh after the rings have been fasten ed on their necks are in danger of strangling to death , and instances of 'this sort have been known to occur. : Yet these women regard the cumbrous ornament with pride , imagine that it enhances their importance and beauty , and wear the burden with light hearts. Trapping the Parson. William Morris did not always get his jokes right end first. In a biogra- phy of her husband , Mrs. \ Edward Burne-Jones tells of the ease with which he reversed them. A dinner gathering had all been ask ing conundrums. "Who killed his brother Cain ? " asked Burne-Jones. Morris fell into the trap at once. "Abel ! " ho shouted. . Later in the day he came In laugh- ng. ng."I "I trapped the parson , by .Jove ! " he exclaimed. : ! "I asked him , 'Who killed lis brother Abel ? ' " 'Cain he said at once. . . " 'Ha ! ' I said. 'I knew you'd'say ' that. : Ever , one does. : I came away md left . him puzzled enough , and I ioubt If he's found out yet what the oke ' was. " i 4 - ' I . An Unexpected Promotion. I Benny's intellectual ; achievements were far from notable , but in the eyes . of his small sister he was none the i i less a wonderful personage. She I keenly resented allusions to his lengthy stay in the last desk row at school , although Benay himself took quite a cheerful and philosophic view of the matter. One afternoon the little girl ap- I peared , flushed and panting , in the li brary doorway. . "Daddy , " she exclaimed , "you prom ised Benny a dollar when he got .moved off the bottom bench , and now he's up in the next row with me and- " Benny himself entered just then , In his usual unconcerned way. "Why , what's this I hear , my son ? " his father welcomed him. "I'm very glad you've worked your way up - " The boy started uncomprehendingly. "Elsie says you're in the second row now , " his father continued , in explana tion. , "Course ! " returned the youngster , imperturbably. . "We're all in the sec ond row--the bottom bench's being painted. " . SHhtIy Acquainted. As an instance of the "marrying in haste" principle that obtains in some American , cities an English lady who visited Chicago relates how her maid , who accompanied her , quickly became imbued with the desire to Decome Mrs. : : Somebody. One morning she appeared before her mistress and , with glowing eyes , announced that she had named the day and would became a wife at the end of the week. "Are you going back home , then ? " the lady asked. "Oh , no , ma'am ; it's an. American gentleman , " . .replied the maid. "But , " remonstrated her mistress , "we've only been here a fortnight. "That's no matter. He wants the wedding to be oh Saturday. " "Well , can't you get him to postpone the marriage just a little till I can get another. maid ? " "Well , ma'am , I'd like to oblige you ; but , you see , I don't feel well enough' ' acquainted to ask him to do that.- London Answers. Fnll of Meaning Richard Croker , a few days before his departure for Florida , was a : guest of honor at a dinner at the St. Regis Mr. Croker , praising Judge Gaynor' . oratory , said : "His oratory is so concise. He packs so much meaning into so few words. He is like the old clerk whose master said to him : " 'John , that's a very shabby , office coat you're wearing. : . " 'Yes , sir , ' said the old clerk , mean ingly. 'I got this coat with the last raise you gave me. ' " I . - ' . o . . . . . . - - - - - - i7 'IT . . . fl . r _ GH EAAl CTqjirc TIES UP 0 P All PHILADElPHIA General Walkout in Sympathy with Street Car Men Takes Effect , . at Midnight. . . , MILITIA IS HELD IN READINESS Labor Lenders Assert 100,000 Union Workers Will Obey Order - Im - . partial Estimate 40,000. A general strike of the unions in sympathy with the striking street car men went into effect in Philadelphia ] at midnight the other night. Simul- taneously it became known , despite the denial of Gen. Clay , head of the police force , that every national guard regiment in the State of Pennsylvania has received orders to be ready to entrain for Philadelphia at an hour's notice. _ The labor leaders are shouting ex- ultantly that 100,000 men have lined up with the striking > motormen and conductors. The police canvassers make the figure less than 21,000. An impartial estimate is 40,000 , a little more or a little less. While the labor leaders are receiv- ing moral support from their fellow workmen in all parts of the country , many asociations of employers have sent letters and telegrams to the offi- cials of the Rapid Transit Company and the city officials commending the stand taken : and urging them to re main firm in their determination not to submit to the strikers' demand for union recognition. The struggle of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com- pany against the car men's union has broadened into a fight between em- ployers who insist on their right to run open shops and labor unionism. From now on the issue is the life or death of labor unionism in Philadel- phia. phia.All All policemen , firemen and specials who rave been on duty since the strike began received orders to remain at their posts. The emergency automo- biles in the city hall courtyard were increased in number and measures tak en to send a force of men to any sec- tion of the city at a moment's notice. Many : of these machines are driven by their owners , wealthy men , who have volunteerd for police duty and have been sworn in. The outlook is ominous , even to the most chereful observers. So much bit- terness has developed in the last few days that the people of Philadelphia are preparing for any kind of trouble. ON ICE FLOES FOR HOUR . Mother Saves Offspring ami Herself . After Accident in Miami River. I Huddled , drenched and shivering , on j cakes of ice , : lIrs.William Evans and her two little children floated for two hours in the Miami river near Spring- field , 0. , the other night before they could be rescued. The woman attempt- ed to ford the swollen river in a buggy. A cake of ice struck the horse , which reared. and overturned the vehicle. Mrs. Evans , keeping herself : afloat by holding to an ice cake , assist- I ed her children aboard the ice and : then mounted another herself. All were near collapse when rescued. Oklahoma Is for Income Tax. Both houses of the Oklahoma Legis- lature without a dissenting vote , adopt- ed resolutions ratifying the income tax amendment to the Constitution of the United States. In his message Governor Hask4ll seriously questioned the advisability of the amendment , but the Legislature did not seem to share his fears. , Flyer Hurls Cars from Track. The Pennsylvania special "side- swiped" a freight train six miles west of Wooster , 0. , while traveling at the rate of fifty miles an hour. No one was injured. Several freight cars were hurled across the track , but the pas- senger train did not leave the rails. TRADE AND INDUSTRY. The common council , of Duluth adopted the proposed franchise of the Canadian Northern road for entrance to the city. The road is required to pay street assessments the same as any other property owner. Exploitation of the benefits of good roads to both State and farmer meth- ods of road building , agricultural schools as a means of increasing the State's wealth and similar questions will occupy much of the time of the conservation and agricultural deve op- ment congress which will be held in St. Paul. The manager of the Millbrook Land and Cattle Co. . of Wyoming , has laid a wager of $10,000 with a syndicate of farmers , near Litchfield Alberta. Can. , that he can raise a heavier yield of oats upon the Laramie : plains than can" be raised anywhere else in the 7orlJ. This farm took the gold medal at fhe St. Louis world's fair formats in com- petition with the whole world. Armour & Co. of Chicago closed in Minneapolis a deal which means the establishment at. Hill City , Minn. , of arse factories for the manufacture of lard pails and other packages for thtr : own use. This part of their business has been carried on at Ithaca and M.-u- bie , Mich. , but the supply of hardwood having been about exhausted in Michi : gan they have been looking about for several months for a new location where the quantity of hardwood nee - 1- ed for their business ; : -as satisfactory- l r . SLIDE SWEEPS TRAINS OVER EDGEOFCANYO . Twenty-three Dead , Twenty-five Missing , Under , Avalanche in State \Vashington. . . , FALL 200 FEET INTO A GTJLOT . ' . Coaches in Twisted Debris at Moun- . tain's Base-Transcontinental Lines Suffer. . Conditions almost : unprecedented lm ' that section have I virtually cut off. the- entire northwest , and have tied up- traffic on half a dozen transcontinental. railroads. Thaws in the mountaias- have caused avalanches and snow slides that have swept away mountain towns and sections of railroad tracks from Nevada to British Columbia. Floods also have caused widespread damage. In the Cascade mountains in Wash - ington 'two Great Northern trains were buried by an avalanche. : Twenty bodies were recovered and scores are injured or missing. The exact num- ber of deaths caused by avalanches in the Rockies in Idaho , and in western Montana probaDiy will not be known until the summer sun melts the great- masses of snow and ice in the canon. .into which several mining towns were- swept. Further details of the disaster in. ' which an avalanche swept two Great. k Northern passenger trains and a part. of the town of Wellington , Wash. , down the mountainside at the west portal of the Cascade tunnel shows it to be more serious than first reported. , Twenty-three lives are known to have ; been lost when the mass of snow , | stones and uprooted trees hurled the- cars containing seventy sleeping per ' sons over the narrow ledge to the bot- . tom of the canyon 200 feet below , and:1 : ' / twenty-five more were reported miss : ing. Besides these a score were in- jured. The avalanche rolled down the moun- tain at 4 : HO : a. m. The two trains , three locomotives , four powerful elec I tric motors , the depot and water tank were swept off the ledge and deposited in a twisted mass of wreckage at the foot of the mountain. The noise from the snowslide , which was a mile long , . could be heard throughout the valley. . The wrecked trains lie piled on top , - of each other 200 feet below the sid . ing on which , they stood when the avalanche swept over them. The cars : were crushed into kindling wood and. no one in the train escaped injury. The slide filled the shelf on which the , tracks at Wellington are laid and roll ed over the edge into the valley. Messages : telling of the disaster were- . sent to Everett and a relief train , bearing physicians , nurses and work- ers , was made up and dispatched. Ow- ing to previous slides which blocked the road and swept away parts of the track , the rescue train could get . no I further than Scenic , whence the res - cuers had to make their way on foot over the snow. In the later wreck of Oriental lim . ' ited train No.2 , east bound , on the Great Northern , one person was killed and twelve were injured. The entire train escaped plunging down a fifty- foot embankment near Milan : : by a nar row margin. It carried 175 passen- gers. As the train was rounding a curve the engineer , Alonzo Carle , of Spokane , saw a great mass of bowlders blocking the way. Carle throw on the emergency brakes twenty-five feet be- fore the train ran into the rocks. When the train struck the -mass gas tanks in the cars exploded. Fire started im mediately in five of the forward cars and they began to topple { over the em- bankment. Conductor B. S. Robertson ran forward and uncoupled the last three cars , saving them. The exact number of dead in all the disasters will not be known for weeks , . not until the snow , which is over forty feet deep in the canyon , has melted. ' . . Workmen digging in the snow and wreckage report finding dismembered bodies severed arms and hands. Four transcontinental lines into Washington and Oregon are block- aded. Only one railroad is operating into Salt Lake City. West of Utah the Southern Pacific and Western Pa- cific lines have been cut by swollen . - ' mountain streams. TRAMP SAVES CHILD'S LIFE. . Handier Traces 3Ian : : Who Pulled-1 ! Girl from in Front of Train. Frank Strome a few days ago was a tramp beating his vay westward on a freight train with Ei Paso as his des- tination. To-day he owns a half in- terest in the Valvedere cattle range said to be valued at nearly $1,000,000 , , with its 30,000 head of cattle and 100 ( square miles of land in Jeff Davis and Pecos counties in Texas. The range is owned by Samuel W. Jennings , reputed to be worth several millions. A .few- days ago the 7-year-old daughter of Jennings was crossing the railroad track. A train -was bearing down on her and she seemed doomed , when- Strome grabbed her and pulled her from the track. Strome went on his . way , but persons who witnessed the - . ' rescue reported the matter , and three days ago he was located by Jennings and taken to the ranch. A day or two later a deed was filed transferring a half interest in the property to the1- ' - girl's resr-uer. ' - _ _ / "