Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 03, 1910, Image 7
. - " TACK THIS UP o' Prescription . that Break Up the TVorat Cold in n. Day. Every winter this prescription Is published 'here ' and thousands have , been benefited by it. "Get two ounces ef Glycerine and half an ounce of Con centrated Pine -compound. Then get half a _ pint of good whiskey and put the other two ingredients into it. Take * teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of ' this njlzture after each meal . and at r bed time. Shake the bottle well eacb time. " ' But be sure to get only the cenulne Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce bottle comes in a tin screw-top case. Any druggist has it on hand or will quickly get it from his wholesale house. Many other pine extracts an Impure and cause nausea. . Cabinet Families. When people talk about old-fashioned families , it is rather a vague saying , is for instance , take the officialdom in WashIngton. President Roosevelt has I the largest number of children in the , executive set , six , and the Vice Presi- flent isa close second with five. The Postmaster General and Mrs. Cortel- fou . have four children , two girls and . two boys , and the Secretary of Agri- , , culture has the same number , three . . . boys and one girl. The Secretary of ' - State and Mrs. Root have two boys , ' Elih , Jr. , and Edward , and one daugh- = ter , Miss Edith Root. Three is the favorite numtber of children In the , I labinet families. The Shaws have two ; laughters { and one son , the Tafts have , . , I- . two sons and one daughter. The Hitch- . I cocks have three daughters. The Sec d' ' retary of Commerce and Labor and ( Mrs. Metcalf \ have two sons , one of " whom is in the army and the other . d A student at Annapolis. i/ " ' Had Wo Fear. ' Mrs. Vera Ritch - Were you fright I : . . . . , ned when you proposed to me ? . ' : , , Mr. Knottso Ritch-No , your father t' had previously told me just how much , ' . . money he was going to give you.- Cleveland Leader. - - , OWES i - ' " tiER . i' ' .J1tI" R" i ; . . : . . ' . : ; < , ' ' 'j. : . . . " . , : , " : ; : > ; ' , t. ' liFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's ! : Vegetable Compound Chicago , III. - "I was troubled with falling and inflammation , and the doc . : : : : : : : ! : ; ! ' ! ! " . : . ' " : ! , , ! , , : : : i ; , : ; : ; tors said I could not jm ; i : ! " : ' : ' : ' _ _ ; ; ; m get well unless I rJr.g. " . r : . : : ! i had an operation. : " , , ( ; 1tjJ "Hi ; dft I' ' I knew I could not 4 /E.1. : f stand the strain of . - - one , so I wrote to ; : : . _ @ f ' ; you- sometime ago h r/ . about health , \ i : i my a . , ) . ; ; ; : : :1. t- : ! ; ; : : and yon told me ! ! ! ! 'iii ; ; ! ' . " : ! 1 , what to do. Alter , : "J" . . " : ! : : ' ! : : : ! : _ . ! , : ! ; : : : . , : = ! : " ' , , ' : i ; ; taking Lydia E. . ' . ; ; r I Pinkham's r e geta- jV' } 7 l uIjg : 'f. ' 1 ' W r ble Compound and i / : , 1//1 II , / Blood Purifier I am to-day well W'oman.-Mr . WILLIAM , AILKENS , 9S8 W. 21st St. , Chicago , IlL Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com \ \ pound , made from native roots and licrbs contains no narcotics or harm- ful drugs , and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi- -ciue in the country : and thousands of : voluntary testimonials are on file in ' . 4.the . Pinkham laboratory at Lynn , ; ' , , Mass. from women who have been ; . ' ' cured from almost every form of . , . . female . .complaints , inflammation , ul- : ' : , " - ceration , displacements , fibroid tumors , irregularities , periodic pains , backache , indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's , . . . , Vegetable Compound a trial. ' ! f you would like special advice , . , aTjoniyour case write a con- ! den- . . . . . xfi : \ tial . letter to Mrs. Pintham , at . , ' ' - , , : ' , " Lyna ! , Mass. Her advice is free , and always helpful. . , " 1 am now retailing big tracts of fertile farm . land in the famous Judith Basin , Montana , near . good taarkets. Write for particulars. ' S.-J. SMALj , Judith Gap , Montana. ! Agents Wanted-By reliable manufactur- , commission er man to sell on commission basis complete electric light plant consisting dynamo , gasollno engine , switchboard and storage battery giving . ( " ' day and night service. $280.00. American B. Co. . 113G Fulton St. , Chicago. , -"x" ' i The Army of . r Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PII..L.Smc - , . . . . ; { espondblo - they not fe&SiPJgaLN - - caiy gihre relief - # i . . . . 'I ; . : ; . . . . . . , r they 1 : : pcnaoncntl . y 4 , ' Aran.hw : :7. . d > , \ . frf . , r&n. Cc.n . ) ; " ? " . " " , " ' " ' tic 2. M1 ; - . . . ; . ' r..t".c- " , T ! ' : ' , ' . lions taa ' . lLh them . for . : I- , E tlcac- , _ c oc. . , ; tt 3 , la : eclioa , Sick Eeasacse , Sallow Sra. SPILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PSICS , - r Gen'iiine . : be.u signatlne : f Y. r VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME : . 1 2 rC7ear and upwards can be made taklne our i > S W Veterinary Course at houo durlnj spare . time : taneht In simplest Enjrllsh : : DIploma granted po- t' ; JaedforBUcccsstvilstudentscofvirJtlilnrc&ch : 'i ' * Olall. catlffactlon cuanmtetd : particulars free. Ontario : . p. " ' TrterlBiry Corrttpondrnee School , D J1t. 10 , Xomioc , Csnada fr - ) , " A ; GO amonpflotrenngr : A tbt'm fcrJ1oet.c : . ' ' - . . Err ; ! Jjordy : , flowers douBlc-shell pink d.1 Jxts ' 'A'Ud crab odor. We trlve it and our SSfT55S . : ; : be + utifa'ly Illustrated Nursery Catalog ErfldB-Ui , A QUARTER OF A CENTURY In Sions City : ! In Its / _ honor we make grand offer to all customers. Four r t beautiful plants : Bechtel flowering , CrabGrondPaeony , . t two rare vines , six superb Cannns. Too rood to mJ > < s. Catalogtells all aboutit , and how to plant prune und t care for trees. Most complete lino EXTRA HARDY | NORTHERN GROWN trees , shrobs. vines , bulbs. roses , . ? . * porrennials , paeonlrs. etc. in tho northwest. Quality Jfj J' the bt > -.t. Prices right. Write today for catalog' ; l iiSiOUX CITY SEED & NURSERY CO. I Sioux City , Is. ; : SE. : . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ' " ' . ' 1 I -I I FACTS EM TABLOID FORM. I Submarine fog signals can be heard fifteen miles. I The Chinese decline to buy phono- graphs having black trumpets. Taxicabs have displaced the han- soms of London to a very great extent. A hive which contains 10,000 bees in February has 15,000 in March , 40,000 in April and from 60,000 in May. x Every winter more and more wom- en are going north to camp in the pine woods and to hunt moose and deer during the snowy season. Although the first American patent for a metal pen was granted a Balti- morean in 1810 , it was half a century later that the industry began to flour ish. The number of marriages in the county of London last year was the lowest per thousand of the population on record. The number was 38,209 , and the rate 15.9 a thousand , whica compares with 17 a thousand in the previous year. Dr. Lyman Abbott , at a dinner in New York , interrupted with a witti cism a chorus of voices praising the oratorical powers of the suffragettes. "How true it is , " said Dr. Abbott , "that , as Keats said , a thing of beauzy may be a jaw forever. " " Leon Flint , of Norway , has sold his pet bear to people living in West Vir- ginia. The shipping crate bore the words : "My name is Jennie. I have been in captivity since I was a year old and am quite tame. Please give " me a , drink. " It was shipped by tha Canadian 'Express , and needless to say will be taken care of.-Lewiston ( Me. ) Journal. The Increase in the exports of the Dominion to the mother country the second year after the McKinley tariff became operative was over $15,000,000. Since 18SO - when' the exports to Great Britain were less than $50,000,000- Canada's export trade with England has been steadily mounting up , until this year it has reached nearly $ iav ' 000,000 26,000,000) ( ) . The death has just taken : place at I Lennoxtown of Andrew Robertson , . ' who it is stated held the record for . the longest employment under the same firm in Scotland. He commenced work ; : in 1830 as a tier boy to a calico block printer in the firm of R. Dalglish Falconer & Co. He filled various posts during the course of seventy-nine years , and latterly was a color mixer. . -London Globe. It is estimated that the loss to the State from forest fires in Nassachu- I , setts in 1909 amounts to $236,478. There were 1,531 different fires , and the number of acres burned over was 42,808. Analyzing these figures , the State forester finds that the careless smoker who persists in the habit when in woodlands or passing through ; the country during the dry time is the greatest menace to future forestry ii Massachusetts. A certain local candidate was ad dressing a small bunch of farmers at a district schoolhouse in the western part of Columbia County a week or so ago. 'Vhile . he was in the midst of I telling them how bad he wanted the , , office , a tall , hungrylooking.fellow . rose up in the back of the house and said : "If you git elected I'll .move. " All you'll have to do , " returned the quick witted candidate , "is to throw a gourd. ful of water on the fire and call your dog.-Lake City ( Fla. ) Index. It is proposed to hold an interna I tional congress to take steps to pre serve all marine mammals , including : I I seals , sea lions , walruses , sea elephants and whales. Some of these animals I are almost extinct , and it is necessary to take sonie immediate steps to cara for them and to protect them from the inhumanity of the hunters , or they will be wiped out entirely. It is said that the Japanese are the worst offend- ers in the onslaughts upon the valua ble animals , for they seem to recog nize no laws in their work of destruc tion. tion.Fifty Fifty years ago an American natur- alist , Dana , discovered on the surfaca of the sea a little animal of so singu lar a character that he named it "mon strilla. " It is a small custacean , akin to the cyclops so common in ponds. But , while the latter are furnished with all that is necessary to capture and digest their food , the monstrilla has neither apparatus for seizing prey nor any digestive tube. It is richly provided with muscles , nervous system and organs of sense ; it lacks only what is necessary to prolong life by alimen tation. The monstrilla is doomed , J therefore , to natural death. - Harper' * : Weekly. Uncle Sam's campaign for "moral "uplift" among his , vast army of In dian wards has been chiefly significant because of the almost total suppression of the sale and use of "firewater" among the braves , and the consequent diminution of warlike outbreaks on the reservations. Washington officials evinced much interest in the report to Assistant Indian Commissioner Abbott that seven hundred Navajo Indians went recently to their "white father" superintendent and , surrendering- c'normcus stock of gambling parapher- - nalia , enrolled thenr names alongside those of the "simple life" exponents. These gambling devices of varied sorta and , descriptions were shipped here and have been placed on exhibition with the immense collection of relics and trophies at the Indian bureau.-WuJ& . , Ington Star. . : , : ' k . ; ' . : . . : . . , . " " ' . . . ' 1' . . . . , ' , : - J' , -h.v' : " ' . " ; . , . . I Sparrows Stunt Vacate. I Philadelphia's sparrows may soon nave to go to house hunting , for the recent transfer of the old Lippiucott property , through the death of t'he late ! owner and the rumored sale of the same , is likely to force them to vacate their present quarters in the branches of the old tree on the grounds at Broad and Walnut streets. This will be the second time the great family of birds- has been ousted from its aerial lodg- ings. For many years an old tree lo- cated on the grounds of the Baldwin estate , situated on the south side of Chestnut street , between Eleventh and Twelfth , was their chosen home. When this blew over they went to the tree on the Lippincott estate. - Philadelphia Times. ' TRAINED NURSE SPEAKS. , Ha Found Bonn's Kidney Pilli Invaluable. Mrs. Emeline Green , nurse , Osage , Iowa , says : "I have nursed many \ cases of terrible kid- ney disorders and have found Doan's Kidney Pills the best remedy for such treubles. In confine- ment when it is so' . meccseary to have the kidneys in good con- dition , Doan's Kidney Pills are in a class alome. They are splen- did also for backache , dizziness , bloating , retention and other kidney and. bladder troubles. " Remember the name - Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N.y. : . The House of Representatives costs $3 , - 000,000 a year and the Senate $1,400,000. In Asony with Eczema. t I "No tongue can tell how I suffered for five years with itching and bleed- Ing eczema , until I was cured by the Cutlcura Remedies , and I am so grate- ful I want the world to know , for what helped me will help others. My body and face were covered with sores. One day it would seem to be better , and then break out again with the most terrible pain and itching. I have been sick several times , but never in my life did I experience such , awful suffering as with this eczema. 1 had made up my mind that death was near at hand , and I longed for that time when I would be at rest. I had tried many different doctors and medi- cines without success , and my mother brought me the Cuticura Remedies , in- 'I sisting that I try them. I began to feel better after the first bath with Cuticura Soap , and one application of Cuticura Ointment. "I continued with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment , and have taken ; ! four bottles of Cuticura Resolv- ent , and consider .myself well. This was nine years ago and I have had no return of the trouble since. Any person having any doubt about thjs wonderful cure by the Cuticura Reme- ' dies can write to my address. Mrs. Altie Etson , 93 Inn Road , Battle Creek , Mich. : , Oct. 16. 1909. Saxony has even : special industrial schools founded for the sole purpose of training locksmiths and blacksmiths. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSA3I has been ) used successfully for ycarsfordcep-scatcd ? coughs colds and bronchitis. } Everybody should know u.boutlt. It Is simple safe and sure. War is being waged energetically against the locusts in Egypt , and tons of eggs have been destroyed. - . Sari Birds Travel Far. That birds of the family termed snrf birds in the Hawaiian Islands should leave that paradise of the Pacific to go and rear their young in the tundras of Alaska would. seem to many an extra- ordinary proceeding. Yet the turnstone and the black-bellied plover and the Pacific golden plover make the long journey of about 4,000 miles thither an- nually. A Mild Appeal. "My dear , " said Mr. Lushlelgh mild ly , ' after his wife had been at it for more than an hour. "Well , sir. " The best authorities agree that no sermon should be more than twenty minutes in length. l " . . C Trial Bottle Frao By , . r. If yoti softer frotEpf epsy. FIts , ] ling j Stcknes Spurns or have children that do to , xny Iiew Bl- corerr will relieve them , and all you arc a " kcd : to do is to send for aPrco Triale2 Bottle of D t . .MAI' . Epllp lclde Oure - , It has curod thousands where eTerrthlng elsi filled. Guaranteed by MAT Hedlcal Laftorato' ? Under Pnre Food and Dregs Act June 30th , IMS Guaranty No. 18971. Please write for Special Free $ = Bottle and pive AGE and complete addreia DR. W. H. MAY 548 Pearl Street , MaTI York. Wntlloa E.Colfm:1n , ' Caeb : ' ! PATENTS lagton.D.C. Books : . mglla eat references. Best result ' S. C. N. u. - - No. 10-1910. - - - - . in i . .Fadsfor Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement & ! or ds . case of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured-is curs4 every day by Dr0 byPiercers Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong , Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restora : : tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning , examinations : and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors , and so abhorrent ( b cvery.modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women , but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com- mon Sense Medical Adviser - 1008 pages , newly revised ' and up-to-date Edition , sent free on receipt of 21 one. cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only ; or , In cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y. . - . . . ; \ a r : t r . - We WiD Pay You , - ' I : . b . b ; 5o. In } . . 0 iII I I + ' , e t . :1I : : . ' : j To NameOor New Corn sr'ia i - - - Shakespeare says there is nothing in a name but John A. Salzer says A 1 y t k\ GOOD NAME IS WORTH A FORTUNE. He backs up his statement by offering you $500.00 in gold to name his wonderful , loog-keme1ed com , pictured in life size at the left on this page. - - t - fi I A prominent ricultural Expert , on seeing this m new corn , exclaimed : BILLION $ GRASS r "Salzer , you have startled the Agricultural the Positively greatest World in discovering this most remarkable breed of ! " grass of the century. corn Sown when the ground is ' Indeed , it Is the most remarkable corn eve seen by mortal eye. . thoroughly warm , it will r , But not a bushel of it is for sale. For there Is produce : from two to four - not one-tenth enough in existence to fill the t r e m e n- crops of hay the first sea- r t , t doua orders that will pour in when this new corn son , yielding all the way TT. ' goes on the market. from 10 to 15 tons per Next year vie may have enough to * sell. Right acre. It is prodigiously , now . the best anybody can do is to obtain a sample , prolific. , package - enough to grow % bushel of seed for 1911. It requires 20 lbs. seed You are mighty welcome to a sample. Please send per acre. Sc in stamps to pay mailing charges. Price : Salzer's Supe ' / .f * * * * * rior , 20 lbs. , $1.75 ; 50 lbs. The thing that puzzles us is , WHAT ARE WE $3.00 ; 100 lbs. , $ 5.50. GOING TO NAME OUR NAMELESS CORN ? Salzer's 20th Century , , . Mr. Salzer will not be content with anything but 20 lbs$2.25' . ; 50 lbs. $ ; ) . .00 ; 100 lbs. , $8.50. a slashing , smashing good name. So he offers $500 f ' / In gold > to the seed-buyer who hits upon the most 1z 1Y We commend our 20th suitable name. Century strain as the pur- We .want you , reader , to help us out. Name this l est , we believe , on earth. t cora , woa't you ? ' It does not cost a penny to use . below. Fill it out send .r tho corn-naming coupon * , ALFALFA it to-aight and be a candidate for the $500 cash l ,1' .y , + prize. Pronounced Absolutely Pure , No Weeds. , prize.THE Largest growers of Clover , Timothy and Grasses , THE JUDGES Oats , Barley and Potatoes in America. EX-GOV. HOARD , OF WISCONSIN , from 30 Salzer's 20th Cent Alfalfa har , , ' acres sown . s Century , - , , I- We are' fortunate in securing three of the most f vested within 24 weeks after worth ' ' seeding $2500 capable , and prominent men in Wisconsin to sit as 'YIthm r t ; Qin " of magnificent hay , at the rate of § 83.33 . magll1 or per acre. . Judges in our big cornnaming"contest. . They are ' J Salzer Alfalfa Clover will : produce a crop on. t4 Prof. R. A. Moore , Wisconsin State Agricultural . 3 . Wisconany farm in America where timothy will grow. It is 1 College ; Hon. J. J. Esch , Congressman from Wiscon- ' sin ; Hon. Robt Calvert , U. S. Customs ! , La Crosse. famed for its stubborn hardiness and prodigal vigor. i f ; { I " ' Price , 20th Century ( Pure Seed-sow 20 lbs. 4 i These eminent men will weigh carefully the . y erA. 201bs . 4.90. 100 lbs. 22.00. boat per - Ibs. , $4.90 ; , $22.00. t name you , suggest , and , if it is most suitable , you d r will get tho $500 prize. . No matter who you are or \ t : H ' s- where you live , you will be given a fair , square POT A\TOijiS r 1 - opportunity to land the1 money. - b , .Y Fill out the free corn-naming coupon with pencil 100,000 Bus. Pedigree Seed Potatoes. \ . t or pen as you please , but be sure to give your cornLargest Growers Seed Potatoes in America , yield plete home address. ing from 150 to 600 bushels per acre for each and " ' - ) - every acre you plant Price range from $2.00 to $4.00 ' I Salser's Catalogue per Barrel. " , f , No other Seed House has kept In such close touch It's the most original seed book published , and with State Agricultural Colleges as uie John A. Sal- 1 is gladly mailed to intending purchasers free ; or zer Seed Co. This great Seed Hduse specializes in , ° i J , remit 10c and get lots of remarkable farm seed the pedigreed varieties of seed that are brought 1 y- samples , including Billion $ Grass , Alfalfa , Speltz , forth by State Colleges Wisconsin , Iowa , Minne - etc. , worth a little farm to get a start with , or send sota , the Dakotas and all other Agricultural Colleges ' 18e and we add a package of Nameless Corn. in - the Middle West. R24 - - I WH1TE , t o 'ta r-1 ; zn t5& ' t - 1 -r , y . r , Q Cfrtt . 7At5& fe : -t. : r. & 1 rt- > < , = y ' i - * / > © f SHSJ , . R "Y' l r :1 fT rf jf.- . : K : : Htre & a : foj j eofteetios & , r - - beating the world , com - posed of . 10,000 kernels l ! : ' & 1IREE CornaNaill 1Gg Coupon of the richest , juiciest , ; - " - - . - ' " m , . - tenderest seeds. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. 1JSt South 8th St. 1500 Each , Lettuce . , Turnip , Rutabaga. La Crosse , Wis. 1000 Each , Onion . , Celery , Carrot. ti = GcntIcmen-Pleaso send aie your Free 1910 Seed Catalogue. : : I IOGO Rarest Radishes , alone worth 16 cents ! ' Whose Seer's I : ; a 100 Each , Parsley , Melon , Tomato. Have You Used ? J- 1200 Brilliant 50 Sorts. V r Flower Seeds , . ' , In all ; IOOOO kernels , Including big catalog , all postpaid , For your nsw com I snccest this : : : - . i only ISc in stamps. Above collection of 10,000 kernsls of r chcs * . , finest , most de . . . Would you be willlnc t J licious vegetable and brilliantly beautiful flc\ver seed , -will ! ! Name to try S . Ler's Seeds ? J. furnish all summer long , BUSHELS and BUSHELS of vegetables : and basket after basket of exquisitely beautiful flowers ALL Do yon wish a sample packet of the corn FOR 16c POSTPAID and , if you send 22c : ! POSTAGE ; we will add P . O . vrf i = ; : h we offer you $ Soo to name ? _ ( If you a package of our corn Prodigy , for which we are seeking a name. do Its sure to enclose Sc to pay mailing charges. You will be greatly n.t the quantity of vegetables However need have . ! surprised you , s \' you not sample to name Oan grow from this 16 cent seed collection. ' - g. . . a . . R. F . D. . . State the corn. JOHN A. SALZER SEED , CO. , IS. So. 8th St . La Crosse Wis. ; .a r . t . - - . I .w I . . ,