T ; I / r r ' \ r , . . , : - ' ' ) " \ A Warrler an * His Boole. Real book ' lovers are likely to own , fc ! few books' that they especially treas f ure. If these be bound worthily in handsome leather ; it is not being too fussy to'make a little chamois case or light box for each one to protect it from ; , the chance knocks and scratches that mar ' the beauty of the leather. It is true that the best binding is one that , like the old white vellum , is durable , I cleanable , attractive and serviceable ; but not all bindings can be left unpro- tected , and If Alexander the Great be- lieved nothing better worthy of a place In the jeweled casket of Darius than his copy of Homer's Iliad , even the most manly boy need not be ashamed to provide a safe-keeping wrapper for his dainty books.-St. Nicholas. l' . t I : : ; n ; - 4 t ; 1 . ' . .1t , r In ItcMtoiie.se. "Come. in , Waldonm , " said her mother. "You have been in that swing long enough. " , ; "Present ! } ' , mamma , " answered the lit- tle Boston girl. "I am permitting the I . carnivorous quadrtipeu of the genus Felis to slacken its physical activities.and pass by imperceptible gradations into a condi j tion of total extinct vitality. " . . . . A. Great : Offer. f , We call special attention to the re- markable offer in this issue made by a the oldest seed firm west of the Rocky Mountains , namely the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. Will you please read their advertise- ment , and It will surely pay to send for the handsome IGc bargain seed collection , if you are fond of rich , ! Juicy early vegetables. That's a great proposition they make of 500.00 in gold to the party I naming their remarkable new corn ! I ? 'Just look over the names of the I jUdges , all honorable , successful wide' f , awake men , who keep close to the people. If you wish to see the corn before suggesting your name , send them Sc for sample package and big catalogue. ; Address John A. Salzer Seed Co. , ISG South 8th street , La Crosse , Wis. Did the : ilest It Conld. The photographer was preparing to take a negative of the prize bulldog. "Look pleasant , " lie said , mechanically. The intelligent animal showed its fangs xctill more , but the effort could scarcely be called a success. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu- late and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny ; granules , easy to take as candy. ! jVot at Its Rest. Yes . , your town is pretty smoky : , " ad mitted tbe visitor "but it isn't a circum stance to Pittsburg. " But the old resident stoutly ] refused to I yield the point. "Huhl" ! lie exclaimed. "You ought to see this town when it's Indian summer ! " -Chicago Tribune. Mrs. : Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething , softens the gums , re duces inflammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. About to Make a Change. "Norah , are you engaged to that po liceman who comes here to see you so i of teu ? " "Yis , ma'am , but I've given him warn- in' : " I PILES CURED IN C TO 14 DAYS. , PAZQ OINTMENT is traaranteed to cure any case of Itchine Blind Bleedin or Protruding Piles i:16 to 14 dars or money refunded. 5i > c . Bids and Proposals. "Has Count Fucash made a proposal for your daughter's hand ? " "Not exactly , " answered : : . Cumrox. "He is waiting for me to put in bids -for a title. " - Washington Star. DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE when you wlutPtrT1/ Drltu' .Pahlldllcr , as nothing As ! as good for rheumatism , neuralgia and similar : troubles. . . . . . . 70 years In constant use. 25c : > , 35c and EUc. Bird's Construct Prisons. Among the hprnbills of Southern Asia the Malayan Island and Central and Southern Africa most of the species have a curious habit of hatching their young in the walled-up hollow of the tree chosen for the nest , says the Sci - entific American. The birds have im mense bills and horny crests. The mother bird is walled up by her mate and remains Imprisoned until the eggs are hatched , and in some species until tbe youngs birds are able to fly. Meanwhile the mother has become tem- porarily incapable of flight , as she has , moulted , or at least shed all her wing feathers ' during her captivity. But the male is indefatigable : in providing for liis family : , ' and is said to work so hard that be is'-reduced almost to a skeleton at the end of the brooding season. According to " the theory of many na tives the female is imprisoned to pre- vent , her neglecting her duty of brood- Ing , and if she has been unfaithful or negligent her mate closes the little window of her cell and abandons her to a painful death by suffocation. ' " ' 'The true story , perhaps , is . this : The female walls herself in so that she can- not fall from the nest after losing her : feathers , and also to protect herself from enemies. This version is less poetical than the other , but it is prob- ably nearer the truth. It is supported by statement that the female liberates 1' herself as soon as the young birds are well grown , so that her prison is less ' r . formidable than It appears. . . i. . . ' 0 " .AD WOLGAST OJ { A TvIPION. Defeat of Battling Nelson Brings Him Liglit-Weight Title. Battling Nelson ; is not the durablt Dane any more. The conqueror of Joe Gan was forced to relinquish his hold on the lightweight boxing champion ship in forty rounds to Ad Wolgast of Milwaukee ; at Point Richmond , Cal. Nelson was not counted. a out. , , but prob ably would have been in that session had not Referee Smith called a halt and awarded the fight and title to Wol gast. When the battle was stopped the Dane was in a pitiable condition. One of his eyes were completely closed and the other parts of his face were swol len to twice their size. Besides he was tottering around the ring too weak to held up his hands. This was the first time that Nelson , since he sprang into the limelight in 1903 by beating Geo. Mcnisic in Milwaukee , was beaten to a standstill at his own game of slugging. He met his master at the identical style which won him the lightweight championship of the world and alsc made him famous. Wolgast's victory was complete and decisive. Had Referee Smith not stop ped the contest and it had gone the limit he would have been given the verdict. He had the better of nearly every round and during the course ol the forty rounds struck probably five blows to Nelson's three in every ses- sion. Wolgast has been fighting exact ly four years . , having entered the game in 1906 in Cadillac , Mich. , where he < : was born Feb. 8 , 18SS. ST. LOUIS CAB RUNS AMUCK. - - Brake Do 2fot Work and Trolley Takes Incline at Ili rh Sliced. Its brakes out of commission , a Park avenue car dashed a quarter of a mile down a steep incline on Park . aven\ie , St. Louis , at full speed , spread. : ing , death and destruction , before it' ' was halted by colliding with the curb. One man was killed outright , seven- teen persons were injured , seven of them seriously , and two carriages were demolished , while the car was a 'com- plete wreck. John Voyoe , 54 years : old , was thrown beneath the wheels of : the car when it struck : his- carriage : I and was crushed to death , while his companion was badly hurt. Raise ? : ; . ' WOOO for Y. 31. C. A. When the millionaires , newsboys , . : doctors , clergymen and merchants who have been combing Cleveland for a I $500,000 building fund for the Young Men's Christian Association wound up i their campaign they had $530,15LG9.1 The money was raised at the rate 011 $130 a minute. Sixty , Poisoned at Church Feasit. Sixty residents of Delaware , N. J. , ! who attended a Washington's birth day festival in the ' Presbyterian church several days ago have developed symp , toms of ptomaine poisoning. ' Six are ! seriously ill. Tainted ice cream 'is blamed. Ruler of Tibet Deposed. The Chinese government has de posed the dalai lama as head of the Tibetan government and in an official statement explains its action on the ground that the nominal ruler desert ed the capital following an attempt by I him to organize a general revolt. ' ' Rich Public . ! Withdraws Lands. t Secretary Ballinger has withdrawn ; from entry in Montana 121,210 acres ! : I of land pending the classification and ' valuation of rich coal deposits there- I' in , and about 122,10 ; : ; acres of possible coal lands pending examination. Fierce Gale Sweeps Britain. A fierce gale has swept over the j British Isles , doing an immense 1 amount of damage. The harbors are II j I all crowded with shipping seeking j shelter. Incoming vessels report exI I tremely rough passages. Deputy Sheriff and Xegro Slain. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Lucy , in an effort to arrest a negro near Memphis : : , I j ; was shot and instantly killed by the ! I negro , who in turn was killed by two ' 'I other deputy sheriffs. ' Killed in C. , 31. & St. P. \Vreek.1 A broken rail wrecked a Chicago j t Milwaukee and St. Paul passenger i j ; train , near Hastings , Minn. John Wil- J lis , baggageman , was killed. I TRADE AND INDUSTRY. To prev-ent the possibility of anj I more trip-pass frauds being perpetrat- ed , the Great Northern has decided to I organize a labor agency of its own. The common council of Duluth adopted the proposed franchise of the Canadian Northern road for entrance to the city. The road is required to pay street assessments the same as any other property owner. Exploitation of the benefits of good roads to both State and farmer , meth- ods of road building , agricultural schools as a means of increasing the State's wealth , and similar questions will occupy much of the time of the I conservation and agricultural develop ment congress which will be develoP-I St. Paul. The manager of Millbrook Land t and Cattle Co. , of Wyoming , has laid 1 I a wager of $10,000 with a syndicatq of farmers , near Litchfield ; Alberta , Can. , that he can raise a heavier yield of oats upon the Laramie plains than can be raised anywhere else in the world. This farm took the gold medal at the St. Louis world's fair for oats in com- petition with the , whole world. " - Armour & Co. of Chicago closed in Minneapolis a deal which means the establishment at Hill City , Minn. , of large factories for the manufacture of lard pails and other packages for their own use. This part of their business has been parried on at Itha.ca and Mat- ble , Mich. : , but the supply of hardwood I having been about exhausted in Michi gan they have been looking l\IiChi-1 several months for a new location where the quantity of hardwood need- ! sd for their business was satisfactory I i . 1 . , _ _ . . - . . . , : _ d . . - _ . . . . . . . > , . . . . . . . . " AI . ' . . . . , - ' . . - " . . . . . . . - ' " " . . - I - UP AGAIN ! I , ] wG. . , ' i + . t frY , f ' l ' ' ! 'ry . .caR ti I . J ar . , > " & 1 y t Jx' r arc } . a + r i a 1 a r ty ti I a I r r 1r n. + ray i G . . . rid . - < r j Ij II I I I r , II \ rfr I , . " . . . . . . . . . . . ° "t r Y'S f 'v d li w ' , r I w ,1 r r I ' , j F n r f i y L I I 'WI 'I Sty ' , dIt ¼ y . L _ - - - . - - - - - - _ -r-- j " Hey de diddle , the cat and the fiddle Little pig came along , with a shout and a song , The cow jumped over the moon ; Vaulted comet and planet and moon ; The little dog laughed to see the craft Doggie no longer laughed at that kind of graft , And the dish ran away with the spoon. For sausage he might be , so soon. - -Minneapolis Journal. I - - - - - - - - - - 8200,000 BONDS ON S720 PLANT. llliiioi.Nan's Suit in Imiini Reveals Gas Company's ; Holding. The suit of D. E. Brooks , of Illinois , to prevent the disposal of land which he deeded in connection with the pur- chase of $75,000 of bonds issued by the Rushville Gas , Heat and Water Company , has developed some sensa- tional facts in respect to that corpora- tion. It has been found that the total holdings of the company are worth not to exceed $720 , yet on the plant of this alleged value it issued $200,000 of bonds and sold $75,000 of the issue to Brooks , taking in exchange real estate in Chicago and some farm lands in Illinois. The corporation was formed with Owen L. Carr as president and Fred : Carroll and John and Henry Wal ters as directors. Bonds were issued and a mortgage covering the $720 gas plant in favor of the Farmers' Bank of" Rushville for $100,000 was made. The Farmers' Bank became merely the pay- er of the interest. Brooks bought $75,000 of these bonds on the supposi tion that the - bank was the trustee. He now wants the court to prevent the sale of the property he traded. PIERRE , S. D. , ADOPTS BEFOB : S. Indorses Commission Form of Gov ernment by Majority of 21 : ; . Pierre , S. D. , adopted the commis- sion form of government the other day by a majority of 215. The new plan was generally favored by the business interests. At a special election Dell Rapids , S. D. , adopted the commission plan of government by an overwhelm- ing majority. The voters of Mitchell , in the same State , defeated the com- mission form of government by a ma- jority of 336. Every ward in the city went against the proposition. BANKER IS SAVED EBOM PRISON. - - Minnesota Court Revokes : Drew's Sentence ami Orders Vew Trial. The Minnesota S'uprem Court set , aside the conviction of A. Z. Drew , former president of the failed Bank of Hamline. The conviction , was secured on a charge of accepting deposits after the bank was insolvent. The court revokes tbe sentence of two years' im- prisonment and orders a new trial be- cause of error in the lower court. Drew has been out on bail. The bank , which failed Jan. 15 , 1908 , was a small State institution. Football Hurt Ends in Death. From a disease brought on by an in- jury received in a football game last November at Bryan , 0. , Walter J. Lichtie died in Toledo. Lichtie was struck in the neck by the elbow of an , opponent in a rush. A few weeks later a growth appeared on the neck which developed into a goitre. Egypt's Premier Is Dead. Boutros Pasha Ghali , the Egyptian premier and minister of foreign af - fairs , who was shot by a student Sun- day , is dead. The assassin , who is in custody , is a nationalist and declares that he sought to avenge certain acts of the government which were dis pleasing to the nationalists. Two Killed in Hotel FIrc : Two .men lost their lives when the Forney Hotel at Forney , Texas , was destroyed by fire. Three store build ings , with , stocks of dry goods , . gro- ceries , and" drugs , were consumed. To- . tal loss , $50,000. r . ASQUITH IS HELD IN COMMONS. _ J First Trial of Streufcfli on Cluuu 1Jcr- lt.in'Fh.eal Aiiteiirtment. The first trial of strength in the new English House of Commons ; oc- curred the other night at a crowded session when Austen Chamberlain's fiscal amendment was rejected by a vote of 285 to 254. Speeches were made by ] , ,11' Balfour , leader of the opposition ; Chancellor Lord George and others. The government may re- gard the majority of thirty-one as satisfactory , as there was no cross- voting and no evidence that the dis contented groups intend to try to over- throw the ministry. All the nation- alists , O'Brienites as well as Red- mondites and three liberals abstained from voting. The laborites voted with the government. CONFESSES A BANK ROBBERY. Suspect ill Bourns Case Implicates Four Others , One u. Youth. J. Bear , one of the two men in cus tody in Hutchinson , Kan. , charged with being implicated in the robbery of a bank at Ford , Kan. , is reported by the sheriff to have confessed to his participation in the affair. According to Sheriff Bell , Bear , in his statement , implicated four other men in the crime. One of them , Earl Maw , the IS-y ear-old chauffeur who drove the robbers to the bank in a motor car , is already in custody , and the arrest of the others is expected Hourly. Bear is said to have admitted he was one of the ringleaders in the planning of the crime , but says he was in Okla homa at the time of the robbery. ' - ' r + = ' 3 7Li www The German emperor and ministry of war have decided to introduce the aeroplane in some form into the regu lar army equipment , with the intention of attaching a flying corps to every regiment. Theodore Roosevelt , with his son and other members of his African ex pedition arrived at Gondokoro , Soudan , at the head of the Nile , all reported well and enthusiastic over their ex periences in the jungle. A native baud escorted the party into the town with bugles and drums , headed by the tribal chief. The party next day proceeded down the Nile to Khartoum. At Des Moines : , Iowa , the court room at the police station was recently turned into a church , and a service was conducted by the Rev. J. Calfee , an evangelist , who took the judge's usual place and preached a sermon to the entire night shift of the Des Moines police force. One convert was made , John Bergquist , a policeman , asking to be received into the church. Serious affrays between the police and thousands of Socialists occurred in Berlin and other cities of Germany when the Socialists held meetings and marched in the streets to protest against the proposed franchise bill of the government. The police used their sabers in dispersing the marchers , who in some places made a show of resist- ance by throwins : . . . stones and other mis- siles. Many were wounded' both sides before the police , with the aid of soldiery , were' able to repress the demonstrations. . MTLITABY SPECTACLE PLANNED. : Hoped That Army Maneuvers Will Supplant Fourth of July Carnagre. A vast military spectacle , composed of 5,000 troops of the regular army and their equipment , is to be staged on the lake front in Chicago this summer , according to plans announced the oth- er day. The troops , including infan infantry try , artillery , signal corps , engineer corps , and bands are to be drawn from many sections of the country and are to assemble in Chicago June 28. Be- tween July 4 and 14 , in view of an am- phitheater large enough to seat pe . * - haps 40,000 people , exhibitions are to be given , afternoons and evenings. It is expected the tournament will be of great educational value to the public. The plan was fostered by the Chicago Sane Fourth Association , it being the intention to let the maneuvers supplai-t the usual Fourth of July carnage brought about by cannon/crackers an. } sky rockets. U. S. LEADS WORLD IN TOBACCO. Value of Exports from Aiiieri-eaii Port Since 1SOO SJ4GOOOOOO. . The United States leads the world as an exporter of tobacco and is the second market of the world for im ported tobacco , according to statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Last year the United States supplied $41,000,000 in a total of ap proximately $150,000,000 worth of to- I bacco and tobacco manufactures which entered international markets. More than one billion dollars' worth of to- bacco and its manufactures has passed through ports of the , United States since 1890 , the value of the exports in that period having aggregated $646- 000,000 and the imports into the Uni ted States $380,000,000. Snow Hides Light ; Train Wrecked. Unable to see the danger signal on account of a raging snow storm , an east-bound Northern Pacific passenger train ran into a stalled west-bound freight train one mile east of Stewarts- dale , N. D. , fatally injuring Fireman i Dahl and slightly : injuring Engineer Wendall of the passenger train. Restores Three-Cent Rail Fare. Following the recent decision of Judge Hook at St. Louis temporarily restraining the Oklahoma corporation commission from enforcing the 2-cent . passenger rate , the Missouri : , Kansas and Texas Railroad Company has be- gun charging 3 cents a mile in Okla I homa. ' { Train Smashes a Street Car. One man was instantly killed , anoth I er was fatally injured ana six persons I suffered minor hurts when a north bound California and Kedzie avenue street car in Chicago was struck by an east bound Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul passenger train. The car was de- molished. Admits Part in Ruler's aiurtler. Asserting he took part in the assas sination of Elizabeth. Empress of Aus- tria , in 1898 , Christian Keppler , aged 49 , gave himself up to the police in Cincinnati. Blackmail by a former convict , says Keppler , drove him to surrender. , $100,000 Plant Burns. The pattern storehouse of the Minne- - qua "plant of . the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company was destroyed by fire. The loss is l.nnn.nno. . . ' - , . . - J - : . . . " . . . . . . n . . k . . . . . . . , , . . . ; KING SAYS "PrHT IOBDS. " . : _ "Undivided . .l1\ : l.orty on Piln.nce."n L eg"13 : Ittil' to Commons. King i : cuaiMiuiiutj aiternoon. , S . opeaeu in : ; . : : tc the in.iU 1Jar1ia1ll nt- of his reign. In a momentous speech from the throne his majesty outlined . , the plan of the ministerial campaign-- against the House oi Lords as follows : . . . - " > j. "Recent experience"has disclosed se . r1 f rious difiicukies due to recurring dif ferences or strong opinion between the- , two branches of the legislature. Pro- posals will be laid before you : with all. onvenient : : speed to define the rela tions between the houses of parlia ment so ! : as to secure the undivided , . authority of tho House of Commons . . ; over finance and its predominance in , " " < : legislation. These measures , in the- opinion of my advisers , should provide- that this house shouRl be so constitut- , ed and empowered as to exercise im- partially in regard , to proposed legis- - lation the functions : of initiation. re- . viaicn and suuject to proper ; safe- ' . . . " Y 1. guards of delay. " , . King Edward was . , accompanied by , , ! Qtieen Alexandra and the state open- ' ing was marked by all the pomp and pageantry associated with these occa- sions since the accession of Edward II. . . GIRL CAPTURES : TWO BO3BEBS. - " . " Sees Them : Rob Father , Chases Bot7 : anll A ills isi Arrests. . , - To the courage of Carrie Montgom ery , 17 years old , is due the capture . of two highwaymen who had assaulted ! : : j her father , Joseph and robbed him of ' $60. From the window of her home- on the outskirts of Kansas City Miss- Montgomery saw : her father struck e down. Rushing out , she pursued the robbers. One highwayman turned and . felled her with a blow. She was threat . ened with death if she persisted in following. Undaunted , the girl re- sumedrhe ' chase until detectives who had been notified by neighbors of the Montgomerys : , took up the pursuit and captured the men. PERCY IS MISSISSIPPI SENATOR. ' > Long ' Deadlock m Successor to Lute - U. S. Senator SleLaurin : : Broken. ' Le Roy Percy , of Greenville , one of .j the most brililant lawyers in Missis sippi , was elected United States Sena- tor from the State of Mississippi to . fill out the unexpired term of A. J. McLaurin , who died Dec. 23. " ti The election was on the 5Sth ballot by the legislative ! caucus and aftfr a # deadlock : that had continued since Jan. . I" . ; ; , 4 with one or two ballots nearly every w- _ day. When the result of the ballot ! . " ' "f was announced there was a scene oL : wildest confusion. The vote was : . Percy , 87 ; Vardaman , 82. , ) . . FIND EDuCATOR POISONED. . ; , - Strychnine Is Diiicaverctl In the- Stomach of Prof. Vausrhn. Poison was found in the stomaclu ind liver of Prof. J. T. Vaughn , edu . cator and author , in an analysis made * - . by Dr. Paul Schweitzer of the Univer- sity of Missouri. Strychnine was lo- cated in the amount of nearly ono grain. The grand jury of Adair Coun- ty , according to a long-distance tele- ' phone message will immediately take . up the case and indictments are ex pected. Mrs. Vaughn is related to sev- aral of the wealthiest families in North Missouri as was her husband. Die in Series of AccI entH. A whisky warehouse in Cincinnati . tvas burned Wednesday preceding , / Christmas. On a recent Wednesday a wall of the ruined building collapsed * In a small frame building and three . .ives were lost. Later the fall of a lerrick in the ruins killed two men . : and seriously injured four. Persons residing in a rooming house beside the ' ruins are preparing for a hurried exit. ' ' ' : \1 ill iuuairc Tramp" Killed by Traim - Alexander Blackman , 50 years old , mown as the "millionaire tramp , " was - Killed by a train near Buffalo , N. Y. : ' , Blackman received monthly remit- . - . . . : ances from New York which would aave enabled him to live well , but he ; - Dreferred the life of a wanderer. " Death for Wife Slayer. Antonio Mangano , husband of the \ \ 'omanvho , with her two little chil- 3ren , was found murdered in her home in Cleveland Dec. 4 , was found guilty 3f murder in the first degree. With- jut a reversal by higher courts , the , rerdict means that Mangano must die. . . . . Kills Alabama : . Franchise Tax. : : By declaring the franchise tax law ! of Alabama unconstitutional , the Su- preme Court of the United States knocked out another one of the anti- corporation ( : acts of the radical Comer . , Legislature , and loses to the State - $136,945. 1 Nebraska Seed Corn Poor. - As a result of continuous tests oi Nebraska seed corn , the Commercial Club of Omaha announced to-day that only 27 , ' per cent of the corn held by farmers for seed in Nebraska would _ : if grow. $1OOOOOO "Xear-Beer" Tax Valid. . The Ohio Supreme Court has an- , ' nounced that all saloon-keepers 1 i:1. : I , "dry" counties who are selling "near - beer" must pay the Aiken liquor tax : - of $1,000 a year. About $1,000,000 is. : involved. . Fifty Die in Theater Panic. Fifty persons are reported to have - . been killed in a panic following a fire in the municipal theater . at Trujillc ! , a - . town of Northern Peru. The fire start . . ed among the apparatus used in cca.-- , " "i . ' nection with a moving picture show. - , tl Clay Cleaicat Jtt Dead. Clay Clement , the actor , died sud-- ; denly at the University Hospital , in * h ' , , . _ Kansas' : r , of uremic poisoning. r