1 r 4 - ) I . H'\ ' , AFTER kL FOURYEARS - 11 ; MISERY IL. Cured by Lydia E. Pink iii I . ham's Vegetable Compound , -1 Baltimore , Md. - For ' four yeare - ay life was a misery to me. I suffered ( f . . ' ' ; ' : : . . . . . . . . : . . , . . . . . .1' . . . . , . , . . . . . . ; . 'I . ! . ' from irregulari . ' ! 'I' : : : : : : : : : : : - : : ' ; i . ti ' terrible . . . ' lli -I , ! . : . ! ! . : I'mJt ; .ii : . ties , e drag . . . : IA'Ni 1 . ! : g. : ; _ I : ' : ! i 'lli. ' 1ij . . : mng' sensations , - . i. . . ' ' _ _ , ' : : , i : ! : . extreme. nervous _ , t' 11m. ness , and that all - r ) , : ' , . - _ _ : jHH ! gone feeling in my 14 ' . , : ji H stomach. . I had ' 1' : ' : ' ; ' I . J :1i : ! : : : given up . hope oi : t ' 1' : ' : ' ; ' : - . , . : . : i : . , ; . H . . ! . . . ever being well ] J . . . . . . ; ! " 1hj .f : ! 1 ; 1 when I began to -t : : ' ' . . ' ; " . "HHHj1m ; take LydiaE.Pink- : 4 j1' ' I " : : : : ' . ' ' H ham's Vegetable -a _ _ : 77 ; Compound. Then _ _ / ; Jes / I felt as though . : _ _ _ _ new life had been given me , and I am recommending it I- . . to all my friends.-Mrs. W. S. FORD , 2207 JV. Franklin St. , Baltimore , Md. 1 The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of r female complaints is Lydia E. : Pink- , ham's Vegetable Compound. It has - stood the test of years and to-day is r . used than - more widely and successfully : i- : any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who' have been troubled with displacements , inflam mation , ulceration , fibroid tumors , ir regularities , periodic pains , backache , . that bearing-down feeling , flatulency. Indigestion , and nervous prostration , - after all other means had failed.t _ f , If you are suffering from any of these - ailments , don't give up hope until you p. have given Lydia E. : Pinkham's Vege- I , table Compound a trial. If you -would like special advice 1r write to Mrs. Pinkham , Lynn , 4 , . Mass. , for it She has guided - i thousands to health , free 'of . / charge. L _ i TAKE A DOSE OF I _ _ _ - , . - . - P150'5 - , CURE _ _ \\\t BIST flUNCJIfc ' \ TOR @ .UG\\S"b@.u \ It will instantly relieve that racking cough. . Taken prompty : it will often prevent . : 1/ Asthma ' Bronchitis and serious throat and - - - _ . lung palatable. troubles. , Guaranteed . safe and very AD Drugsrists , 25 cent - ' - - : : . . : . . . _ _ . : . . . . . ; . . - WESTERN . CANADA - Senator Dolliver , of Iowa , says : - Tho stream of emigrants from tho United States Canada will continue. " . . Senator Dolliver recently paid a I 4 visit to Western Canada | and says : "There is a - land hunger in the hearts of Emilifih spooking pco- . pIe ; this trill account for , the removal of so many I lovra farmers to Canada. _ ! - - I Our people are pleased I 'with its Government and ] the excellent adminis tration of law. and they _ _ _ _ _ _ . are. coming to you in \ , " ' - \ . I tens of thousands , and I . . . . . they are still coming. " . \ . . Iowa contributed large . \ . , ly to tho 70,000 Ameri : \ f can farmers who made Canada , . their homo during 1909. . Field crop returns alone . durlngyearadded to the wealth . oftliocountry upwards of - _ _ j IJ l7'OOOOOQO.OO ; ' Grain crowing , mixed , farm ing1 , cattle raising and dalryJng - - $ are all profitable. Free Home- steads of 160 acres are to be _ _ _ _ _ _ , . I had in the very best districts. - ' 160 acre pre-emptions at $3.00 per acre within certain areas. i Schools and churches in every - ! settlement , climate unexcelled. I- soil therichest ; , wood , water and bnUdlny material plentiful. . for particulars as to location , low . . , settlers' railway rtcs.and . ' : > . I rsltes descrip . . - oef'lj. 1 tive illustrated pamphlet "Last - . oW Best West. " and othet informs- ' dt. ) " [ tion , write 'to Sup't of Immigra - tion. Ottawa Canada , or to the , following Canadian GoV't Agent ; : E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson . St. Paul. Minn. . and J. M. MacLachlan. Box 116. Watertown , South Dakota. ( Use address nearest you. ) . I - Please say where you saw this advertisement r1 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - J , , fOR SALE. . . . - . ' * Printing , Oiiice Outfits I for large or small establishments. Estimates furnished - S . promvtl . -for full particulars address The CHICAGO HW IS.\PEU lJi' ION,411 Douglas St. , Sioux ( JltyIa. ( HWWhat What , coarse U food does to help the bowels is done - _ - . . by ' : candy Cascarets. Their ac- - J " - tionisas naturalas that of food - End as gentle. Why callous the - . bowels with a harsh cathartic . - " when science has provided this 'delightful ' , harmless way ? , Vest-pocket box , 10 cents-at drug-stores. 868 i 'r ; Each tablet of the genuine is marked C C C. \ , - - 1 , " , . ' ormanon of all varieties 1tly _ 4 , 'R RUPTURE U U R E days cured without In a few a I surgical operation or detention from bnsl ness. No pay wl U be - accepted until the patient Is completely cured. Wrlto or call on * r. . DR. Z. E. MATHENY . B * oa oOJ 1 , fLit T BIdo. , Sioux Cily , la. I IIJ' , - oS WntKoa K.Coleman.Waan : PATENTS Ington , D.C. Books free. High. . . . . est references. Best results - : VETERINARY COURSE AT-HOME : ' -I . m1200 2Lcar : and upwards can ' be made taklae our ; V t ' \f\J Veterinary Course at ho jo during spare mma : t&ulhtlneJmplest English : Diploma granted po- ( Itloni obtained forrocccssful student , , : cost within reach . , fall : ctl ! faction zuaranteed : particulars ! ! rw. Ontario - - T.terimmry Corrrspondrnce School , IYri. 10 , London , Canada . _ . 't -M PRINTING : TYP :4 : . PRESSES / S . . . . . . /All Li/ . . . . . . j// 4 Printers' Materials ' - Of all kinds for sale at lowest market prices. Neprspa- I per Outfits UHjieciultr. For estimates and full partica . lira address CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION , til Ilouclna fit , Sioux City , Iowa , ; \ . _ : - ' , I SwcEyes.Bse 0 attllctcd with THOMPSON'S fYE WAJfR ' .io . . , " ; k . . , . . ' " t' . . ' : J - . _ 4 ; . . . . . " t.f " . , .7" " : . : . . . ' " " , ' " : , . . 4 * - ' . I . 4f , S . S .5 , I , S T . ; : f ILJ.ft cr a _ _ _ _ _ Farmers and. Hlffli Prices. The farmer is not guilty. He is a very small factor in the high prices aow being paid for products. A study jf prices paid in Chicago for beeves , 3heep and hogs and for produce will 3how that the farmer is not getting nore than his share. , Recently the writer purchased a hind quar- rer of beef , dressed and delivered = on nis farm for 9 cents a pound. This 3ame piece of meat would retail in Jhicago for twice that amount. Any one can buy dressed meat from the farmers for ' that price - 7 cents a pound for fore quarter and 9 cents for hind quarter. Our hogs sell for nearly 8 ; cents a pound on the hoof and can be pur- hased from farmers , , killed and . iressedt at 12 cents. There is no waste * in either dressed pork or beef purchased from farmers-the same } ' / rfnd' as that you get from your local I ( tmtcher. The farmer is paying high prices for everything he uses and his , I land ' must earn an income on an in- I : Hstment of from $100 ( ) to $200 an acre. I i His farm machinery ( and horses have . : .loubled In price. I Don't blame the farmer ; he is work- : ing hard for very ordinary wages. I ! urn farming 160 acres. I will be high- jly I pleased if I get $20 an acre for ! .ny crop , or $3,200 for the year. The landlord gets one-half the crop for rent leaving me $1,600 for a year's work for myself , wife and son , and $2,500 worth of horses and machinery. 'ro earn this $1,600 we ' ork from 4 ' 'I. ' . m. until 8 p. m. , eight months , of the year , and during the otherfour months put in more than eight hours n day at hard manual labor. It is not all -milk and honey on the farm , and the writer believes that the farmer , as a consumer as well as a producer , is buying too many automobiles for mid- dlemen , paying dividends on too much watered stock and being the "fall guy" is well as the cliff dwellers of the city. -A Farmer. To Clean the Well. It is well to make one of these de vices against time of need. The dry season ) is the best and only time to fix and clean the farm well , writes J. L. RIsley. Any floating .matter may be removed by using an ordinary hand sieve. . After marking off the rim into hree parts attach a wire to any of I hese parts or points , and for a handle ise an attached rope. Fasten the end : if the rope to the third point in the -im and a weight to the sieve , so it I .vill sink after lowering. In using -ink the sieve edgewise in the water , II I II I I I -I It I ; SIEVE TO CLEAN THE WELL. 4- I pull the rope with a single attachment , lifting out of wll all the floating sticks and other debris from the sur- face of the water. . . I Keeping : Accounts. , It has only been in recent years that farmers have been awakening to the I fact that by taking an inventory once a year and by keeping an accurate ' book account that many valuable les- , : sous could be learned and that by so ! I doing they could place their farms on I , H more profitable basis. With business men , competition is so keen and profits necessarily so small that without keep- I ng an accurate book account they would soon be forced out of business , ' > ut with farmers more slack methods : do not necessarily result " In bank- 'I ' uptcy , due no doubt to the fact that , i he farmer gets most of his living from I he farm without any cash outlay , J hereas the merchant must pay cash 'or everything he eats and wears. Not- t I ' \ withstanding this fact , however , the t I armer'who keeps a" book account will I find it just as profitable , if not more so , as , the merchant. . . Fattening : Fowls. I A fowl should always be fattened as : illicitly as possible. Ten days is long I . . . -nough but it should be confined either in a coop or a nuinber in a small : yard. They must have a con- tinual supply of fresh' water , and should be fed four times a day , the first meal being given early and the last onee ) late. A recommended mix- ture is ! three parts corn meal one part ground oats , one part bran , one part crude tallow , the entire lot scalded and fed for the first three , meals , wiQi all the corn and wheat that can be eaten up clean at night Weigh the articles given. Cholera HOST s ' Carcasses of hogs which have died from cholera should be Immediately ' burned or buried'deeply and covered 'I with quicklime. Separate the sick from the well hogs and divide the well I hogs into two or more groups and separate them as widely as practical. As the germs of cholera gain access to the system only through the diges- tive tract , the line of prevention Is , , ' , I a- awell well marked. All feed and drinking troughs should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. If the troughs are of metal holding them over a blaze will be effective. Streams that do not rise on the homjs farm should be sus- pected as a possible carrier of infec- tion and for this reason water from wells should be given. Feed sparingly. Where hog , cholera serum is used the hogs should remain in the Infected yard. , Brace , , for Fence Post. y In about four cases out of every ten sagging of wire fences is due to poor , improper bracing. It- is not enough to staple theseparate strands secured to each post - - that is splendid as far as it goes. To have 1 a well-stretched , fence and keep it taut , it is absolutely necessary that ' a good brace or anchor post be used' and that the fence be stretched from these anchors. A good brace is illustrated. The construction is very simple and the cost Is as mod- erate as any. . , The end post should , be of good size and perfectly sound. The brace rj \ . \ \ \ . : . . . . . . \ : jYv rt ! ' ' \ ) \\1 \ , 'I- " , \ \ \ \ \ . . . . . \I 1j\1-'I" . . " . . . . - . ' . , . . . - < rOO FENCE POST BRACE. post need not be large but must be in good condition if it is to wear. Other posts may be easily reset with- out interfering greatly with the fence , but this is not the case with either of the bracers. The 4x4 running from the top of one post to the base of the other should be well selected , as con- siderable stress Is placed upon it. It is best to mortise the ends' of the cross bar or brace into the posts , as blocks nailed on give way In time. A fairly soft wire ,1s , better for the binding strand than one more liable to break with winding. Live Stock Builds Up Land. It is very well known that in the old agricultural districts of Europe where land has been under cultivation for 2,000 years there is an increasing tendency to expand live stock indus try. It is now recognized that animal husbandry is a wonderful help in. not only maintaining , the fertility of the soil , but also live stock Industry builds up'the land. Germany now has 10,967,000 milk cows an increase of 500,000 In the past seven years. The total number of cattle in the empire agregates 20,631,000 a gain of nearly 5,000,000 sinpe . . 1883. Pigs total 22- 147,000 , as against 9,206,000 in 1883. The only class of live stock which shows a decrease is sheep , which de clined 2,000,000 In the past seven years. Tungsten Lamps for Farms. Th introduction of tungsten lamps Is dQing much to advance the use of electricity on farms. It Is possible for the farmer w th a small plant driven either by a gasoline engine or by damming a small stream to obtain sufficient current to light his house and barn with this economical type of incandescent lamp. The use of elec- tricity on the farm , by the way , is growing , and , as pointed out by the Electrical World farmers will in time come to consider electricity a neces- sity. Then it will be found profitable to establish central generating stations for farmipg districts to take the place of the small individual plants now be ing installed. r Milk Production. , Where help can be obtained to oper ate , the dairy , milk production is one of the best paying branches of animal husbandry. The farmers operating their holdings with milch cows are enabled to market all the roughage and grain produced on the farm in milk butter , cream or cheese. The dairy industry is especially adapted to build up and increase the fertility of the farm. It is popular among farm- ers because the farmer realizes a monthly income on his investments. As a rule dairymen are thrifty and prosperous agriculturists. - Drovers' Journal. Care of Turkeys. In -mating turkeys , one gobbler tc ten hens is sufficient Turkey eggs while being saved for incubation , should be kept at an even temperature of 50 or 60 degrees. If temperature is not extreme either way It is not of so great importance as the frequent turning of the eggs. Turn them at least once v a day , and twice a day is better. Keep them covered from the light and dust. If good care is' taken of the eggs they will keep for three. weeks or more and hatch well. - Field - and Farm. , . Satisfaction in Rich Cream. A rich cream testing 35 per cent fat or more is the most satisfactory to both farmer and factory. The best sep- arat rs will skim a rich cream as effi ciently as a thin cream , and more skim milk Is left on the farm when a rich cream 's sold. J . . 4 , . ' . . . \ ' " T" ' ' ' , " ' ' . l' : ; : ; I - II . . Misfortune of Dullaeav. Dullness means a lack of imagina tion and -without imagination life and happiness are both impossible. Re- ligion and art from one ; point of view , share the same mission. They bring to : man the sense of amazement They teach us that 'the ' world is a woxderful fairy palace , the place of hourly . mira cles. Then we discover that we our- selves are most amazing qreatures. The dull man is not interested . in himself - has no self-Jove. I am certain that , no ma.n . can love hig neighbor } unless he has learned to love himself. From oUr- selves we discover humanity. WHEli YOUR BACK : ACHES SUSPECT THE KIDNEYS. . " Backache is kidney ache , in most tases. The kidneys ache and throb _ u . . 7tTyP1T s I 5- r . - with dull pain be ( caule there is inflam I mation within. You can't be rid of the i ache until you cure the cause-the kid- neys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- [ neys. J.M. : Wright , 107 W. State st , ; | Huntington , Ind. ' , suf I fered for 15 montlis i with pain in the hips and back , felt worn out and was annoyed with irregular action I of the kidneys. "Doan's Kidney Pills cured me so thor oughly that the trou ble never came' back , " says Mr. Wright. Remember the name-Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. - ' . Genuine Alarm. "Madam , your pet dog bit my little . boy in the face this morning. " "Oh , you alarm me ! Had your little boy's face been. antiseptically washed ? " "Of course not. I - " "Good heavsn , wqman ! How could you let the little darling run such a risk ! James , telephone at once for the veterinarian.-Baltimore Amer- ican. How to Keep Baby's Skin Clear. , Few parents realize how many es timable lives have been embittered and social and business success pre vented by serious skin affections which so often result from the neglect of minor eruptions : in infancy and childhood. With but a little care and I the use of the proper : emollients , baby's skin and hair may be preserved , puri fled and beautified , minor eruptions prevented' from becoming chronic and torturing , disfiguring rashes , itchings irritations and chafings dispelled. . To this end , nothing is so pure , so sweet , so speedily effective as the con stant use of Cuticura Soap , assisted , when necessary , by Cuticura Ointment. Send to Potter Drug & .Chem. Corp. . sole proprietors , for their free 32-page Cuticura Book , telling all about th ' care and treatment of the skim The Point of View. Because each rose must have its thorn , The pessimist Fate's plan opposes ; The optimist , more gladly born , Is glad because thethorns , have roses. " -Nixon Waterman in Saturday Even ing Post. - This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil- dren , used by Mother Gray a nurse In Children's Home , New York , cure Consti pation , Feverishness , Teething Disorders , Stomach Troubles and Destroy Worms ; 30,000 testimonials of cures. All drug- ' ists. 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy. N. Y. The Practical View. ' "Do you believe in table tipping ? " queried the woman advocate of spirit- ualism. "Not me , " replied the matter of fact man. "I have found waiter tipping more satisfactory when I'm hungry.- BostonHerald. . Deafness Cannot be Cured ! by locpl { applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only onp way to cure deafness , and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness IJ caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu- cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you ' have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing , and when It Is entirely closed , Deafness is the result , and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored' to its normal condi tion hearing will be destroyed forever ; nlno cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We wIll give One Hundred Dollars 1'or any case .of Deafness ( caused by Catarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by Druggists , 75c. , Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Hopeful Indication. Traveler ( in Drearyhurst ) - Nice , clean little town you've got here. Uncle "Welby Gosh ( on his dignity- Thanks ; it hain't been muckraked in none o' the magazines yit I b'lleve. AIXEITS LUNG BALSAM Is the old reliable cough remedy. Found In every Iras : store and In practically every home. For sale by all druggists , 25c 60c and $ l.OJ bottles. Sensitive. "You didn't seem to like it , " said her brother , "when Mias Gwinpley hoped your shadow never would grow less. " "The spiteful old thing ! " snapped the elderly spinster. "That was only her way of hinting that I'm in the after- noon of my life , and that she likes to see my shadows grow longer ! " Free to Our Readers. . Write Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago for 48-page illustrated. Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Appli- cation of the Murine Eye Remedies 'in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine : Relieves Sore Eyes , Strengthens Weak Eyes , Doesn't Smart , Soothes Eye Pain , and sells for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for a a.ly Eyelids and Granulation. S. O.'X. U. - - - Xo. 9-1910. " Lived Too F. . . "Poor fellow ! He Is quite broken down , and the doctor says that his condition is due to fast living. " I ! " " "Fast living ? "Yes ; you see , he is a traveling man , and he was obliged to eat so many dining-car meals and lose so much sleep in sleepers that his constitution gave way. " - Brooklyn Citizen. Our JLuclcy Age. "Speaking of the Wright brothers it's a good thing for people who like to travel by water that Fulton lived a good many years ago. " "Why that ? " "He would undoubtedly be tryjng to get an injunction on all the boats afloat. " - Boston Herald. Those Loving FrIends. . ' think this . . . . Maybelle - Do you photo- . graph looks like me ? Gladys-Not in the least , dear ; but it's a splendid picture. I1 Ha * . to Be ' CnrcfnX. ' ' 1 never dare to look down whe I'm standing on a high place. " said Whl . . Lapsllng. "It always gives me an at tack of vf > rrtl - H < 5" PH.H8 CURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS * PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure aar case of Itchlajr. Blind. lilecduur or Protrudlsi Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. SOc. Arranged ' in a straight line the rail. 8 road tracks of the world would reacll to the * moon and back again. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first pat up 40 years ago. They regulat and invigorate , stomach liver and bowels. Sugar-coated tiny granules. The first iron wire was drawn ft | Nuremberg In 1351. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup fo * children teething , softens the gums , f3 duces inflammation , allays pain curst wind colic. 25c a bottle. On June 30 , 1909 , Japan's currency circulation was $229.300,000 an Increasl . of $5,150,000 over June 30 1908. & . . - 'Kc , Patriotism . . . . The : stomach is a larger factor In "life , liberty and the pur suit of happiness" than most people are aware. Patriotism : can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dys i . . peptic is fit for treason , stratagems and spoils. " The msa who ! : goes to the front for his country with a weak stomaca will be a weak soldier and a fault finder. I. A sound stomach makes for good citizenship as well as for - : . , health and happiness. Diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition are promptly and permanently cured by the usc of . . . Dr. PIERGE'S GOLDEN ffEDIGSL DISCOVERT. . ' It builds up the body vrlth sound flesh ant solid muscle. , , ' The dealer who offers a substitute for the "Discovery" ! * only seeking to make the little moreprofit realized on tha , sale of meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent / rt ( ' ' on receipt of stamps to pay' expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book , or 31 stamps , for the cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association , R. V. Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffalo , N. Y. . - , 4 .For . . - . . - I i leumatic . I I PainsJ J .tr41\ wi . . S 'V j I t _ , t " . _ _ 1 4' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " - t . \ _ _ 1. } J " 0& , - . -4 - . - - , As we get older the blood becomes sluggish , the mus- ; , cles and joints stiffen and aches and pains take hold I easier. Sloan's Liniment quickens the blood , limbers : up the muscles and joints and stops any pain or ache with astonishing promptness. < Proof that it is Best for Rheumatism. , Mrs. DANIEL H. DIEHL , of Mann's Choice , R.F.D. , No. i , Pa. , -writes > . It Please send me a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism and stiff joints. It is the best remedy I ever knew for I can't do without it. " . , . . " Also for Stiff Joints. f- ' Mr. MILTON WHEELER , 2100 Morris Ave. , Birmingham , Ala. , writes : - i " I am glad to say that Sloan's Liniment has done me more good for stiff ! joints than anything I have ever tried. " Sloan's _ - ' Liniment . is the , qickest and best remedy for Rheuma tism , Sciatica , Toothache , Sprains , Bruises _ _ and Insect Stings. _ _ _ j Price 25c. , 50c. , and $1.00 at AU Dealers. Li1 Send for Sloan's Free Book on Horses. Address , ; DR. EARL S. SLOAN , BOSTON , MASS. _ - , : : I , _ . . . . iI _ _ _ . _ ' : - - ' r I - The Right Way In all Cases of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DISTEMPER , PINKEYE , INFLUENZA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COLDS , ETC. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Of all Horses , Brood Mares , Colts , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stallions , is to "SPOIINTHEM" -7' ' Oa their tongues or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid _ _ _ Compound. ! Give the remedy to all of them. It _ _ acts by expelling on the blood the disease and glands. germs. It routs It wards the disease off the . ( . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trouble no matter how they are "exposed. " Abso , . . _ _ _ lutely free from anything injurious. A child can . . . and . 55.00 and 810.00 : . . a eafely take it. 50 cents , $1.00 ; _ _ _ the dozen. Sold by druggists ! , harness dealers , or sent , express paid , by the manufacturers. . . Special Agents Wanted n \ , SPOMN MEDICAL CO. _ - . Chemists and Bacteriologists ' p- ; GOSHEN IND. , u.s. 3. _ . 4fI ( { 1 SHIP RAW' PUR AT ONCH Wullsohn Camss Fsag Co. , Inc. ' Capital $50,000.00 216 NicoIIet ! Ave. , MINNEAPOLIS _ , MINN. c The only MinneapoHs house which has branches in New York > Leipzig and London. Ship your raw furs to us , then you ar & sure to get SiiSS values and a square sort Reference : Northwestern National Bank 34 W. 26th ST. , NEW YORK CIT1 WE PAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES I : PU-TNAM , FADELESS DYES CeUr a . re goods briahfcr and faster coltrs Ibio ny elfcer dye. One I Oc pscStaae ! colors all fibers. They dye In cold wofer belter t&an any other dye. YOB caa th * au iimael wiibevt ripgioir ejarL Wd4ciir ins fc * . . .Jt-J1. w to Blucfc cod Mlz ClIHL l MO./'i'R.OE D1 V G CO. . Quincy. ini.sc . - . . . ,