Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 17, 1910, Image 8
( f. - _ - - , , - a - . - _ . .C - Y , . S " . - ' " . . / . , . ' - - - ' a ' - - ti . e _ p. . , , . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . R. . " ' . " " " - ' - . . . . - . , . i . ' .I . ! ' " ' - * rev * ? ? ? * WV'yYWYYwyvY1 YJ' F " } 1 : { Wood Lake Department I .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . A . . > C . . . . . . . " . .a. 4. " - . 4. A. 2 " . .a. ; A. ; A # . L' ; ' * l,1'c ' .3..4 LA I . . i 1 A 1. . J I . . . . , Miss Maud Bailey is again in t " I R1Tn. y Grandpa Shaul is recovering : from his late illness. s i John West boarded the west- bound local Tuesday. Harvey Johnston has been in , town for several dajs. John Deihl and wife of Thacher . ' . . . . &rt visiting Mrs. Deihl's mother. Sunday , Chas. Salle was heard fc order "the best team in the or table. " The dance Friday evening was . well attended and a good time is reported. Frank Rickett and family visit- ed at the home of G. A. Waggon- It Sunday. ' It is reported that Roy Randall ] ] , the popular tonsorial artist , is toon to become a "Benedict. " Geo Dew disposed of his hand- ome saddle horse to Chas. Krey- cik of Arabia for a fancy price. The "Hoodu" club reports a flourishing condition since the de throning of the queen of disturb- Irl. rs.Uck Uck & Krampert have had the interior of their ranch house re- . papered. C. F. Miller did the "or k. Cy Hagen and son marketed tome 600 rat skins at a good price recently , receiving 60 cents per hide for the majority. . Ray Tinkham , Joe Leader , Joe Pogue , George and Mathew Roan , and Mr. Lotspitch of the Red Deer ranch were on our streets recently. U. G. Welker and son Russeli have disposed of their furs caught this winter , among which were some fine secimens of prairie cooris . and tkunks. ! C. J. White has installed a light plant in his blacksmith shop and the forge r can be seen in a blaze t many nights till a late hour , his N being crowded with work. Mrg. W. F. Parker left for Lusk , Wyo. , to visit her parents. Miss Maud Bailey has assumed charge of the grocery business in the absence of Mrs. Parker. . \ Gus. Klopping has a number of friends here from Randolph , la. , who are looking the country over I with a view to purchasing land here. Gus. is certainly a hustler. \ Miss Gusta Fe rtlinsky has sev- ered her connection with the Lake _ View hotel and goes to Dodge r eountj. Sorry to lose her but wish her success in her future home. j The Royal Neighbors sprung a . return box social on the M. W. A. ! : ' it Uck & . Lausen's opera house ; ; on Valentine's day , and a very en- ; jojable time was spent in dancing : and singing. . The Royal Neighbors of Wooc ) - : ' Lake camp were tendered a sur : , : prise by the M. W. A. lodge. A , rery enjoyable time was spent , ' after which covers were laid for f. . fifty people. , . : . Miss Francis Bates , neice to . George and W. L.Klingaman , : succumbed to an operation for ap ' ' . pendicitis at Omaha. The young lady l was visiting , here about six weeks ago'nnd seemed in the best . ef health. A delegation of our M. : . W. A. yjbited Johnstown camp Saturday night and assisted in confirming . ihp . tbret1decrees of woodcraft to ' ' tEree alieks of timber , after which the . camp nave an oyster supper , 1 prepared by Tom Johnson and . : " .llitan ts. I - Joe Weisner : ; : our worthy land- ' . lord.Site recently : . installed new * . . . lights in the diking' ' . . . . room , parlor , of iQ a . > d kitchen : The uaw . lights -I 4F8 a grivhlt ; improvement over the i old. Thpra is one drawback how- ever , for. Until they get sorked . d W.h- the p make a , noise itle > ? a Ibeob'oliro ' whis'ttew hmt Ocing . - - ; --"X'1. ; . . : . . , _ .3-.J ; - . . : : ' = - . . - - lighted. Great fun to watch the traveling men scramble for their suit cases when Joe lights up. . Kev. Vanvalkenburg of Ains- worth , in company with Robert Herre , Chas. Ferguson , Dr. Ship- herd , Mr. Beatty and James Gal- lagher , took charge of the remains of George Sawyer and removed same to Ainsw . rth on the mid- . I night train. The many friends of Mr. Sawyer here tendered their heartfelt sympathy to the bereav- ed family. . . -s- SCHOOL NOTES. Mabel Whetstone has been out of school several days. Monday afternoon the pupils of. . the lower room enjoyed a like pleasure. John Burleigh spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents in the country. A light attendance was reported Tuesday , weather conditions being unfavorable. Friday afternoon the children of tbe intermediate room enjoyed the pleasure and surprises of a Valen- tine box. One day last week W. A. Park- er visited the primary room. The same day the Misses West , Dun- can and Wiesner visited each room in turn. The teachers meeting Saturday was not very well attended , there being but six present. Teachers of this vicinity should take ad- vantage of the means afforded by the reading circle held here to ac quire reading circle credits. Messrs. Ruby and Ward were quite busy last week setting up and installing new desks in the in- termediate room , outside of their regular work. The new desks are a great improvement and it is hoped that the students will take a just pride in keeping them in good condition. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. Valentine , Neb. , Jan. 18 , 1910. -Board met as per adjournment. Present , James Mone ; chairman , and J. A. Adamson. The semi-annual statement of Lulu Kortz Hudson , county Sup- erintendent , beginning with Au' - ust 1 , 1909 , and ending January 6 , 1910 , was examined , found to be correct and approved as follows . : ttECEIPTS Balance due August 1 1909 S 41 63 Kxamination fees 140 50 Total $ 182 18 EXPENDITURES Paid State examiners S 53 50 Rxprss on examination papers 5 83 Thanksgiving Gen association 21 85 Balance due January 1 , 19IO > 101 no Tolal Sl8'J 18 A refund of $2 was ordered made to James C. Quigley on er- roneous assessment ! ; ; in Valentine village for the year 1909. A refund of § 2 50 was ordered made to T W. Cramer on tax re ceipt 1049. . ear 1909 , he having been assessed with labor tax in both Table precinct and Valentine village. e.n A refund of § 1 44 was , ordered made to J. H. Burr on account of erroneous assessment in Buffalo Lake precinct , for year ' 09. A refund of 13 93 was ordered made to J G Gaskill on tax re ceipt 1064 , .year ' 09 on account of erroneous ! ; ; assessment. A refund of § 2 50 was ordered made to Linea Gheens for labor tax paid by him in Cleveland pre- cinct for year ' 09 , same being an erroneous a assessment. The petition of Marcus ! ; ; Eaton and others for a bridge across the Niobrara river in Lavaca : precinct , at the site known as the Cass bridge , was approved and the county clerk is i instructed to ad- advertise : for bids for the erection of said bridge. Upon the completion of the ex- amination nf the accounts of W. D. Armstrong , county treasurer for the first half of the year 1909 , beginning : at thp close of business December 31 , 1908 and ending at the close of business on June 30 , 1909 , the following statement is \ . . I = - . . . . . . - - . - . - " . . - . . . . . a..4- . . " .W. , , - , , , , . . . . .f- + . , . - . ---.t. . . . . ' ' : : : . . r found to be correct and stotme iR t hereby approved : . I 'COLLECTIONS Cash on hand last examination $32 005 39 Tofci taxes collection 32,305 92 . Schoof lands 6,719 74 Miscellaneous receipts ' " 5,502 29 Redemptions 3,261 22 Fees 45365 Total 4P,228 DISBURSEMENTS General .J fund warrants $ 12,644 33 Bridge fund \nrrants. - 1,731 84 Koad fund warrants 5,128 34 Soldiers relief warrants 10 00 Protest. 716 14 Redemi , tion 3,253 61 Free high school 189 00 Schooltionds 980 02 School district 23,782 11 Road receipts ' . ' 36 00 Village 3,311 63 State treasurer's receipts 4,766 89 Special road 5 20 Sinking fund , 300 00 MIscellaneous' 68 78 Salaries and commissions ! 1,750 00 Cash balance on hand _ 51,544 ! 54 Total HO,228 53 Upon the completion of the ex- amination of the accounts of E. B. Quible , county treasurer , for the last half of the year 1909 , begin- ning with the close of business on June 30 : , 1909 , and ending with the close of business on December 31 , 1909 , the following statement is found to be correct and same is hereby approved : COLLECTIONS , Cash received from former treasurer . ; ? 51,544 54 Taxes ; collected . . 62,038 29 * J School lands 5,043 00 Miscellaneous 2,832 53 I Redemptions 2,553 29 ! . . . Fees 244 75 Total $124,236 ; 32 DISBURSEMENTS I I I St : ue treasurer's receipts $ 7,987 43 fund vouchers 14,698 46 Bridge fund vouchers 8,018 17 j I Road luIK ! vouchers . 2.98S 32 | Road receipts 300 Sinking fund vouchers 200 00 School districts 14,834 47 School bonds 484 26 . Fn-e high school ' 46 08 | . Frecincc bond " - - ,108 15 Cody Village , 2 00 ' Wood Lake 50 00 . Valentine 503 34 Red emj tion " . 2,218 38 Soldiers relief 150 00 Protest 8 20 Fees 43 SO Salary and commissions 1,050 00 Cash balance on hand 70.702 20 ( Total 124,25G 32 Board adjourned to Jan. 19. Jan. 19 , 1910. Board met as per adjournment. Present , James Mone , chairman , and J. A. Adumson. The board entered into an agree- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , " - -2 ' - ' - - ' " I r I ment with the Christian Home of * Council Bluffs Ta . whereby . is agreed ! that in fhe case the. Chris- ! ; ; tain Home should ! ; ; accept Rosc " e Warner Bowers , a feeble minded child , whose residence is .Valen- tine , Cherry county Nebraska , for care and treatment , and in case said child should develop mental trouble ; to such an extent as to be beyond control of such institution , that , said child may be returned to Cherry county , Nebr. , at the ex- , . pense of said county , to be dispos- ed of by the proper authorities , and said Home shall in no way be held responsible for its care and I maintenance after its return , and j j i s that during the time which the j : said child shall be in said Home I for treatment Cherry county shall i not be liable for any expense or allowance for its care. The commissioners rejected all bids for furnishing supplies for the use of the county during the year 1910 , and the officers ' are in- structed to purchase same in open . market. ' , The county clerk is allowed a salary of § ttOO for the year 1910 as clerk of the board of county com- missioners ; the superintendent is allowed a salary of 1,000 per year and an amount not to exceed $200 for expenses in visiting schools and organizing new dis- tricts. I W. D. Clarkson is hereby au thorized to replank the bridge across the Minnechaduza north of Valentine. . i i The commissioners designated THE VALENTINE : DEMOCRAT as the : paper in which the delinquent tax ; list for the year 1909 ; the semi- , annual statements and the publi- i i cation of the estimate of expenses : shall be published. The following estimate of ex- : penses for the year 1910 was . made : County and precinct officers $7000 Election expenses 5000 Jail and board 1500 Court and jury 8000 I , 1 Supplies for poor 3000 s , aroma. . t 'p. . . . . : \ : ' : \ . : . : : . . c : . : . " . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : . f / .f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . ' - ' . . . . : : : : ; ? - : : = - ? - - . . . . . . : : - ? = - , . . . . . . . . . ' - . . o . . . = - = - = = = : : : : : : : - . : . - . . . . . . = : - - = - : - - = - - = - = - . # = - - , : . . . . . . . . . . . : . ; . . . . : . : . : ; . - - . . . . . . . . . . . : - ' " = = - - f . . . . " : ; : - - ? v ° P .J. ' . . . * ' " : ' : ; ! % : ' r- " , . . . . _ - .7.- - ; . _ - _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ / - I PaSrisrrauj jj oJ JLUJxi : : ) : and * i4 SFk 4 I-f llT to A Praiseq by r. a JTUlJJll _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . , .L"'J. . . " " ' _ , , - - - - > ( t- . . - - , . , u. _ ' _ _ ' " " 1 _ i i I No Piano has ev ' jr been mors enthusiastically endorsed. I The Artistic Case , the Easy , Responsive Action , and above all the deep , sweet , rich Tone , captivates performer and lis tener. The united verdict is that / . / . . ' . : . i LOMBARD PIANOS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! I.I ! ' I Mrs. Helen M. Slaker , 244 Grand Ave. , Aurora , 111. , says : . ' ! cannot find words in the i ! I 1 . Eng-lish langualc to express my appreciation to you for having sotd me such a beautiful in- strument. I really think it is the most autiful case I ever saw , and the tone is simply grand. I shall be glad to gi'\"c you any testimonial , as I think the Lombard should take the lead. " I Rev. Gco. Doubleday , Pres. Corpus Christi College , Galesburg , Ill. , says : "We are using the Lombard in our College work at Corpus Christi , and it is a pleasure to recommend it. It is a beautiful instrument with a deep , sweet , rich tone. " ' . J. Purviance , Editor McNairny County Independent , Selmer , Tenn. , says : "The instru ment ( Lombard Piano ) fills our most sanguine expectations. It is not only a rare beauty in its outward finish , but the tone is round , full , rich and sweet. Your firm has proven to be prompt and reliable in its dealings with me. " , J. Ernest Paxson Editor Press , Parkersburjr , Pa. , says : : "I : must say that the Lombard sent me is a beautiful instrument , and-a credit to a standard firm. We are more than satisfied. " R. S. Knapp , President Federal Charter Co. , Washington , D. C. , says : "We now realize after careful and comprehensive trial of the Lombard by many musical artists of Washing- ton , that it stands second to none , rejrardlass of price or ! : make. Every one who has tried this instrument is enthusiastic in its praise " I These are samples of , hundreds of enthusiastic ( letters I I received m every mall. I 'Do Not Buy a Piano Until You Have investigated the Lombard. . We send the Lombard Piano to any reliable party on 10 days' free trial. It may be paid for by easy monthly or quarterly payments. Credit will be given to suit any honest customer. A discount allowed for all cash. I GALESBURG PIANO CO. , MANUFACTURERS. GALELSBUKG , ILL. . - See the editor : of this paper for further information about the Lombard Piano , and a special opportunity : to get one almost FREE. Some ORO will gat tto feferginn of hie life. _ . - . . - . . d _ . . . _ . - , _ u. _ \ < ' 'r - , Bount.v on wild ] animals ! 2000 FUP ! and repairs 2000 Books blank , ttatH.nory 2000 Bridges ! ; ; 8000 ( Roads 6000 Sinking fund 1500 The county clerk is instructed to draw a warrant for 87.50 on thegeneral fund of the Christian 1 I Home of Council Bluffs , la. , in payment of the amount due them on their contract with Cherry county for the care of the Bate- i man children during the-first half of the year 1910. The county clerk is' instructed I , to communicate with the commis- I sioner of public lands and build- i ings and ascertain the cost of se- i curing the field notes of the origi I nal government survey of Cherry county . The following appointments were made and their official bonds approved : Marcus Eaton , road I overseer , district 18 ; Bennett W. Smith , constable , Middle Prong : precinct ; P. C. Galloway , road i overseer district 28. I The following claims were al - lowed on the road fund : G- N HethA $12 50 C Pavlik ? 3 < 5 00 J C Herman 1 50 C Pavlik 122 00 L Ernst 15 00 M S Starr 6 00 J R Gardiner ! 3 00 J A Dennlson 3 0 ' L C Starr 78 oO J F oeyer : 43 75 J S Grooms 6 00 .J C Salmon 70 S 8 G H Folsom claimed $77 , allowed 04 09 . G H Mossman " " : 51 33 3i : The following claims were al- lowed on the general fund : Galloway & Erickson mason work 08 58 Inquest fees Geo Elliott 1 10 S Q Spain 1 10 W S Barker 1 10 II W Hoenii ! 1 10 . W Ball 1 10 E C Davenport 1 10 A G Shaw 1 10 A Lewis 1 10 J W Green 1 10 SB Weston 1 10 Chas Lewis 1 10 V Northrop 1 10 , J H Howe 1 10 C A Rosseter I 18 Geo Young 1 10 John Eaton 1 10 F A Cumbow ( ' recording bonds and exp 07 97 E B Quible fees paid and expense 8 53 Chas Heddleston wit fees 20 00 Klopp & Birtlett ; Co supplies 33 65 Margrave & Duerfelt supplies pauper 22 50 Earl Adams witness fees 3 : 50 Charley Jensen do 3 00 University Pub Co supplies / 3 00 E B Quible witness fees 2 : 10 Davenport & Co supplies pauper 35 J Mogle care paupers 30 00 W F McElwee witness fees 11 60 N S Kowley expenses 65 ' 10 James Moue commissioner fees 71 70 John Adamson do 37 20 A Lewis coroner's fees 13 15 An appropriation of § 100 wai made to be used atv- the discretion of the county superintendent for institute purposes dering ! the year 1910. 1910.V Whereupon the board adjourned subject to the call of the county clerk. JAMES MONE : , Chm. Attest : F. A. Cumbow , Clerk. Ordor of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne- braska. STATE OF NEBRASKA , tss ( I . &s County of Cherry. i To the heirs and nil persons Interested In the estate "William H. Carter , deceased : On . reading the petition of Mary E. Carter , praying a final settlement and allow- ance of her account filed in this court on the 20th ) day of January , 1010 , and for a decree of distribution. It Is hereby ordered that you and all per- sons Interested In said . matter-may , and do. appear at the county . court to be held In and for said county , on the 16th day of February , A. D. , 1S110 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause If any there be , why the prayer of the po- titIoner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested In said matter bv publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Demo crat a weekly newspaper printed In said county , for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. [ SEAL ] JAMES O. QUIGLET 2 4 County Judge. Wajcott , & : Morrissey , attorneys. Notice of Sale on Mechanic's Lien , Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of an order of sale , issued by F. A. Cumbow , clerk of the district court of Cherry county , Ne- braska , on a decree rendered In said court in the case of David A. Hancock , plaintiff , vs Lillie Beymer , defendant , In favor of said plaintiff for the foreclosure of a mechanic's lien , and to me directed I will at one o'clock p. m. , on the 5th day of March , A. D. , 1910. at the point where the house hereafter describ - ed is situated on the land described , offer for sale at public vendue the following de . scribed personal property to-wit : One cer- tain dwelling house situaded upon the northwest quarter of section 3 , in township 32 , range . 25 , west of the 6th p. m. , in Cherry county , Nebraska , previously foreclosed up- on in said action and named in said decree and order of sale and taken thereon. I 0. A. ROSSETER Sheriff. Dated this 8th day : of February , 1910. U. 8. Land umce , Broken Bow. 't . . hras . . . a , January 27 1910. A sufficient contest nfllduvit \ havnir ! been filed in this nfflC'- Inlohn L > - i-iier. c-'iiteslant. agaiiisT hOIlH'steacel'lry \ V 01251. made Jan 15 1909 loral of section 3 Towiiiln. ' 26n . . , range 31w CtP M. . In John it Black , contesree iwhiph it is i jln ir < i that JldtU. I . Black has whol ' y failed to reside upon cultiv-iti4 and improve said land ' as required by 'aw , that he has never i-stablished a r sideucr- on said ira < 'ttlw . sa.d tract is Ui iis wild and native : hiate and wholly / unmu > roved , at-d the lairaant : itiiiintnms n h"iii eNewheie than on s ald laud , alli wil h defects exist ' at his date and have not been cured Said j > artis t are hereby nofifi'-d to apu ar resp"t.d and offer eviince toudnuir sal apr. sa- t . on at 10 o'clock a. m on March 8 1910 t e- for County Judge Iloo . . .ker Count , Mullen Nehr. , and ; Hie final hi-armi will cs' bold at1" ' o'clock a. m- : on t + tren 11. 1910. c-e t fore the n-g -ter an ! receiver at inUnited Jtate- land OfQi-t in B . ok. n Bow , ebrji Jta The said couiest ' nit tt l vuin in a proper am- navit tiled J.-in 19 , 1910 s t f trth facts ! which show ttiat Htter dun tiiliirence peisouitl servict of this noriee cannot bf m , de it is here \ vrd r- ed and dcei'ted t at such notice he > . ' ! Yen by due and pr-per publication. , 4 4 H JOHN itEESE , Renter. . - . - - - Town Herd. fo the owners of cows. I want to take care ot the town herd of 1 cows next summer and promise .you faithful work. 48 R. A. McQuADE. , . - . . . . - t , - , ' . - - - , . - . . I L . . . . ' - . . . , 't - J . O .ra. ' ' ' -Hr . - . dI ! . . , . ' , - , . . 7 . . r : , .f4 ? : . _ , ------'T" : : . . - hi. . 1'v. l f. Faddis & Co - t' , ? oswOIc" . addr * ' ! - Valentine or Kennedy. Sonic branded ; 1 on . VII 1 . . . - . , , - , . , . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . ! thiylt . :1rJt" . . . . ' - - . . . " 't " ' . . , t. , " ' ! 'j " . ' , , ' , f .Ji Uone . ' ! .brA I . aJI on left - : ! . , gOb . ( ' or thlf i _ _ _ _ , " I Some - - Som branded l' branded on ? hrnnde"i1 on left El or shoulder. shoulder or thi ; , ; h ! I P. H. Young. Simeon. : : Nebr. - t Cattle brande as cut on left ilfle 1 V--A Some a. yon left 1 , side. ' - onleftjnrtf V horses. Range on Oordop Tre k north of Simeon. Albert Whipple l & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide v f OSO on rizhtsld y Some cattle als1 S 4on neck have a - on 4 t Some w th A o * left shonlder an * some branded with two bar , U 14 ' across bind nar- ters. Some Tex cattle branded S O on left side and _ on left side. k1iII . Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattw branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses . IST. S. Rowley. Kennedy , - No rask& Same as cut on left side and hip , and on left shoulder of ] tor- ses. AlsoBS9 on . left Alsomon hip. . F X on left s- , . , . Some cat- . - ' . - tie br.nd- _ . . . ' " " " ' > t. . ed busk-wsmg peg ( either Btde up ) oa left side or hip. F on left Jaw and left shonldtr of horses. U ( UQ I on left hip of horses. - " N on left Jaw of horses - 1 C. P. Jordan. t Rosebud , 8D Horses ! and cxttl try same as cut ; alM . iI CJ BE JJ on rlfkt hip. Range on Oak Ml " = 1 Butte creeks. A liberal reward for nfonnatl leading to detecWom _ _ _ as . of rustlers of ato l bearing * * Tiy of thes brands. " ; : E. M. Terrill Propr. , - Brownlee , KM. , Cattle branded M in cat oa Itft I side. Some branded JK. 9 Y . on left hip. Hani on North I/nip river two mile west of BrwalM J. A. Yaryan. . Pullman. Nebr Cattle branded TI on right side Horaea branded JT on right shoulder J y Reasonable revai * for any informatle leading to the * * - covery o ! e ttle' . strayed from mj / . range. / - - " - - - 1----- D. M. S ea r s. : Kennedy , Nebr. d / . Cattle branded as on cut.lef side Some on left hip. S / r Horses same on left shoulder. Range / Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V. P , Chas C Jamison Hec&Trwa Cattle branded . * any part anlnzl ' : also the followiti . brands : t f r l r ) - - " . . , . fiirsea ! ! . same Range beCtttyeit ' - - Gordon on the F J5. : . &M V. . R. B. M < Byannis on B & M. R . R. in Northwestern Neb BARTi ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth Kebr John Kills Plenty. , St FranclslMis- " sion. Rosebud S. D. nettle branded ' as in cut ; horses same 0 n left , . . - - - thh h. Ifsin-ie be- ttVMjri Sprim C'k and Little , White river. Snwyer tsro : . II. Oasis , Nebr G. K , Sawyer has " eltarze of the * * ! cattle. a rwi 8 l . :0. on left shoul I der. Some ) left side. J somtfI Horstis . . amp left tblgli. f < . . 'I : Jaug lefton Soak river. - _ . - - Metzger - Bros. Kult Xebr Cattle branded " anywhere on left . Ii side. Kurmark : , .square Jo'- ' < ' _ ' crop right ear. ; r" . . . . . . ; . . " Horses have -ame brass "U eft thigh. , _ Range on Gordon and Soalre . Cn.-ekt A RewArd of 3250 wil ! bI aid to any person ret luforiuat ou leading to thr srrtsst and flnjS convlctiou " 'trio with 01 SI' 1.l1Y oVo > rind or peraoa , siealip ; Roan Bros. -4 - . . \ , Woodlake Neb , . .r ' / ' . 'i " Ranjre ; on Long - Lake and Ojuok- , ' . rte ed Lake. I - , . : ' - : , ! " , , , , , , 1 " , - . . . . . . . : . " " . ' 4 . _ 1 - , - . It - Y