Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 17, 1910, Image 7

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I \ . RIALS of the NEEDEMS
' h'HE. W . N EED T1 ( 1l 1
tTHEY HAVE D31Ewoh1r.p.S
. coI4YwEWrs
_ _ _
"T "
Mtmyon'a Paw Paw Pills coax tho
Hyer Into activity by gentle methods.
they do not scour , gripe or weaken. They
Are a tonic to the stomach , liver and
toerves ; Invigorate Instead of weaken.
They enrich the blood and enable the
tomach to get all the nourishment from
Tood that Is put Into It. These pills con-
" ain no calomel ; they are soothing , heal-
g and stimulating. For sale by all drug-
sts In lOc and 25c sizes. If you need
edical advice , write Munyon's Doctors.
eY will advise to the best of their abll-
absolutely free of Charge. 3STCTV- : :
ON'S , CHJd and Jefferson Sts. , Fnll-
i&elphfn. Pa. .
, Munyon ' Cold Remedy cures a cold In
tee day. Price 25c. Munyon's Rheuma-
tism Remedy relieves In a few hours and
cores In a few days. Price 25c.
. . .
Sticky Sweating
after taking salts or cathartic
waters-did you ever notice that
weary all gone feeling - the palms
of your hands sweat-and rotten
taste in your mouth - Cathartics
only move by sweating your bowels
I 1 -Do a , lot of hurt-Try a CASCA-
RET and see how much easier the
job is done - how much better
. you . feeL 908
CASCARETS xoc a box for a wee1 : : ' .
treatment all drug ists. Biggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a month.
The Army of
: ' Constipation
. jfo Growing1 Soadlcr E-raty Day.
! LtLE
' Utbe1
t6 1'RI'7
_ " " , , , . ,
. . . 5 ImSi ; ,
6eafor Sr - .P1 tits . ; ,
. . . . . S I&miac . Sa&nrS&k.
Genme. . . . . 6 r Signature
' ;
' 'i , . . . . _
\ : s \ . ' ' WESTERN CANADA
iWhat Prof. Shaw , the Well-Known Agri.
ieUlturfit ! , Says About It : j
1 = "I would sooner raise cattle In Western
Canada than in the corn belt of
the United States. Feed
S is cheaper and climate
[ better for the purpose.
1 Your market will im.
. tI j prove faster than , your
I farmers will produce the
( supplies. Wheat can be
& 1 grown up to the 60th por-
rndp jailel [ SW miles north of
' J tho International boand-
. W ; ; ; ary ) . Your vacant land
't1 . I trill be taken at a rate
g beyond present concep-
vt [ tlon.1 1\ e have enough
, . people in tho United
states alone who want
homos to take up this land. " Nearly
' , 10,000 Americans
't will enter and make their homes
I I ! ( ' Western Canada this year.
I ( I r" 1909 produced another large
i , ' crop of wheat oats and barley ,
in addition to which the cattle
. - exports was an immense Item.
r raising , dairying mixed
farming . and grain growing in the
' . . - p . . provinces Manitoba , Saskat
' chewan and Alberta.
. , Free homestead and pre-emp
I " ' ' \'n' tion areas as well tis lands held
J . # \lJ \ ! by railway and land companies , will
, , ' Cl' . provides homes for millions.
o . s't Adaptable soil , healthful cli-
. . . 1 mnte , splendid schools and
I clmrches and pood railways.
. . . , For settlers' rates ! , doscriptive
t .It. L literature Best West " how
I , to reach the country and other par.
I ticulars , write to onp't of Imml-
! gration. Ottawa Canada or to the
i following Canadian Gov't AeentB : E. T. Holmes ,
! l5 Jackson St. St. Paul. Minn. . and J. M. JIacLachlan.
Box 116. Watertovn South Dakota. ( Use address
nearest you. )
_ Please say where you saw this advertisement.
. Best tor Children " "
, _ _
, . FIso's
. nr. SS. tt1\t1 t tOR UG\\S \ \ JS
Gives instantreliefwhen little throats I
I are irritated and sore. Contains I
no opiates and is as pleasant to take
as it is effective.
, All Druggists , 25 cents.
l4b- -e-
_ A GEM atnonfloweringtree5 : Athemeforpocts ,
p Extra hardy flowers double-shell pink. delicious
'wlld crab odor. We plve it and our ETEJ | ErS ?
witlfuny illustrated Nursery Catalog FKCCi
QUARTER OF A CENTURY in Sioux Cityl Inits ,
. nor vno make & grand offer to all customers. Four
'latltul plants : Bechtol flowering CrabGrandPaeony ,
o rare vl * s , sir superb Cnnnns. Too jrood to miss
og tells all nboutlt , and how to plant. prune and
. -re for tft * s. Most complete line EXTRA HARDY
IrORTHERM GROWN trees shrubs vines , bulbs. ro5es ,
rvcnilais. : paeoni * ; . etc . In the northwest. Quality
pie best. PrlccH right. "Write today for catalog.
' _ _ sroux CITY SEED & NURSERY co. i sioux city , la.
) .
; BROWN'S : ?
. q _ _ An immediate relitf for Hoarseness , Coughs : Sot
: Throit , Bronchial and Asthmatic Trou ! t * . Aa
Article of superior ; merit , absolutely free from say
'I fxarmfut Ingredient.
Pricc.25 -ccite , 50 cents and $ J,00 pao bos.
Sample , Tna/icft ( > n j gticst.
_ .J.D'ld-.T. BrKKPTjjfc SON. Borton : , Maa.
- . , , . . . . . - ' : : : : : - . > t..m. _ - J
; . .
, . , ' - .
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; : wfl4. . L1JI ?
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To Make Farm Smokehomiie.
What I have found to be a good
smokehouse for curing 75 to 100 hams
should be about 12x14 feet. Build a
good , strong frame and fill the space
between the siding and ceiling with
soft brick , writes A. C. Wharton in
American Agriculturist. This will
make your house cooler in summer
and will keep the temperature more
iven in winter. Cover with shingles.
A good solid clay floor will do very
_ -
- : 1Z' -
. . . :
OOOfe _ _ _
L- .
well , but a tight plank floor Is better ,
but best of all is a good concrete flo . r.
In the center of the floor there should
be a firebox built of brick ; this is
about 12x18 inches inside measure-
ment and 12 inches deep. When cur-
ing build your fire in this and cover
with a piece of perforated sheet iron.
The house should be eight feet high
at the corners and left open to the
comb , the inside of the rafters pref-
erably ceiled. Place 2x8 joists two
feet apart on the plates , and 2 % feet
above these put in another set of joists
on the rafters ; these can be 2x6 , and
in both sets of Joists which will be
used to hang your hams place iron
meat hooks two feet apart and two ! .
Inches from the lower part of the.
joists. These hooks can be made of
one-quarter inch rod iron and should
be long enough to let the meat ha . * !
clear of the joists.
A window should be made in one
end of ; the house to give light when
/ )
I -
( ( )
needed , and this fitted with a tight
I shutter , as we do not want much air
and sunshine to strike meat before or
ifter curing.
Culture of the Orchard.
Cultivation of the orchard is mainly
for conserving soil moisture. If culti- I
vation is begun early in the season
and continued until midsummer , .
growth of wood will be stimulated and : .
fruit developed. Less moisture in late
summer and early fall is desired , so i
that wood will properly develop and .
harden to be able to stand the cold .
I of the folowing winter. Arrange toI I
! cultivate the orchard early in the
I summer and have the soil in good fix
for sowing to rye or other cover .crop \
" toward the last of summer. The cover
crop will afford some good winter pas-
ture and will . . keep hilly vland from
washing away.
JudginJVorth of Farm.
The best time of the year to look
over a farm for the purpose of buying
is in the. summer , just before the
binders get to work. The good and
poor places will show up theft as at
no other time , and , if the season prior
to that time has been an average one ,
the crop will be a fair index of the
value of the land. The common prac-
tice of going farm hunting just after
the spring's work is over has little to
commend it , save the inconsiderable
matter of time saved. The poorest time
In the whole year to pick out a farm
is when it is covered with drifts of
snow. ;
Control of San Jose Scale.
Although the San Jose scale is a
thing to be avoided , it is not dreaded
so much as it used to be. The lime
sulphur wash will prevent the disease
from spreading. It is a cheap wash
for small trees , but quite expensive
for large trees , but It pays. Spraying ,
cultivation , pruning and care of any
crop , if properly done , are to a cer-
tain extent expensive and troubleeome ,
but they pay in the end in the quan
tity and perfectness of the fruit.
Preparing : Corn Seed Be4.
It is a good rule in plowing never
to leave the corn field either at moon
or at night without first harrowing
the ground that has been plowed.
Spring plowing is often abused by
turning the clods up to the sun and
dry wind to bake and and '
dry , depemi-
ing upon a shower to mellow tie
erou&d before planting. No ground 2s
really properly prepared as a feed bed
for corn without the use of the disc.
A poorly prepared seed b . 4 means a
'P1or stand and an unerem growth.
Such corn suffers from drought and in
Corn Cat for 8ilage.
Cora et any variety is at its tst foi
feeding , . r silage as it comes from the
Held wk & n about half of the ars are
just past the age for taWe use ! - com -
monly called roasting ear stage - and
the lower leaves on the stalk are be-
ginning to dry out , says Hoard's Dairy-
man. For soiling purposes , it is im
practicable to have the crop at its > very
best for any considerable time. Com
mence to cut a few days liefore it
reaches its maximum value and con
tinue after this stage Is : -Ised. Ex
periments appear to have demonstrat
ed that for fodder the largest ; ! amount
of nutriment per acre is obtained by
planting In continuous rows and so
thick that the tendency to form ears
will be much lessened. The yield per
acre depends so much upon the varie
ty and the soil and care in planting
and cultivating that no satisfactory
estimate of the average can be given.
There is almost no limit to the amount
that may be fed , provided . ne com
mences with a limited amoumt and in
creases gradually up to the limit of
each cow's ! appetite , but probably thir
ty to forty pounds a day is about as
much as it would usually be profitable
to feed.
Stiff Tememe . for. Sled.
This is a very great improvement
over the old way of having the tongue
mortised into a roller which would
turn and when the team 'Would try to
hold back going down hill the tongue
weuld fly up , sometimes clear over
their \ heads , and prove to lie of very
littlo account. Many people , says a
writer , do not know of any better way
yet , so I will try to show l you a better
way , a way that takes tat weight off
r'- . .
- -
. . . . . .
YL : _
; fft
the ' horses' necks and at the same time
holds the tongue rigid when going
down hill. First get a nice straight
locust sapling for a tongue , one having
natural fork at the end for the neck
yoke , as shown. Have your black
smith make two loops from an old
wagon tire as seen at A , with half inch
hales and bolts to attach them to the
two forward cross-pieces of sled , holes
being bored in the cress-pieces to
match holes in irons. The tongue is
then notched a little to' receive th §
H . vr Often to Milk.
Most farmers and dairymen milk
their cows omly twlca a day , and that
is right. ; Sometimes a fresh cow needs
to have an exceis ef milk drawn be-
tween times in order to prevent con-
gestion and fever , but not for a long
period. Some cows again have leak-
Ing teats , which , waste the milk if not
relieved three or four times a day , but
such cows are a nuisance and should
be disposed of. To milk twice a day
is enough as a general rule. To milk
three times a day does not liom to
bring more milk , though SOMO people
kave thought so and a.etei em tkat
_ _ _
ICeoplus : Cellars 1 * Order.
Very frequently the cellar is lack.
Ins : in conveniences. . Tkla ihould not
_ -
be so ; there ought
to be a cement floor ,
bins for potatoes
and a rack for milk
pans and such arti-
cles. Here is a good
rack. Take a post
6 inches square ; on
this nail cleats , 1
inch thick and 1 #
inches wide , in pairs ,
that is , one on the
north side , one on
I ECONOMIZES SPACE the south side exact-
ly even , and just
above these one on east and one on
west , leaving 4 inches between each
two pairs , and have them long enough
to hold milk pans at each end. To use
for plates , cans , etc. , fasten some
boards on for shelves. - Cor. Farm and
Pointers in Farm Management. :
The wise farmer wants assurance on
the soil of any land that he may con-
template buying.
Clover alone can not indefinitely
maintain the land. A rptation will not
enable us to maintain the fertility of
the soil.
Acidity may be overcome by apply-
ing from 500 to 1,000 pounds of lime
per acre , or by the use of floats or
grounds shells.
There is much of value written these
days about work on the farm which
will never benefit some farmers , be-
cause they have the notion that they
are too busy to read.
No other people set so high a value
on good soil as the Hollanders , and
we are learning that not many acres ,
but rich ones , make the profitable
The roots of the cowpea penetrate
rather deeply into the subsoil and en
able the plant to feed upon the min
eral food that is not readily extracted
fcy other crops.
It Is the wise farmer who feeds all
he raises and then buys some from
kts neighbors to feed. The farmer
who carries such an amount of live
stock will be constantly improving his
land and making it more pr duatIY.
. .
Uaa Prave a Great Success - Thou
sand * Say It'a the Best Thing
They Ever Grew.
The Wonderberry or Sunberry , the
marvelous garden fruit originated by
Luther Burbank , and introduced by
John Lewis Childs , the well-known
seedsman of Floral Park , N. Y. , has
proved a great success all over the ,
country. Thousands of people say it
Is the best thing they ever grew.
Mr. John Burroughs , the well-known
author , Naturalist and bosom-friend of
Theodore Roosevelt , says it is the
most delicious pie berry he ever tasted ,
and a marvelous cropper.
A Director of the New York Agri-
cultural Experiment Station says it
fruits abundantly even in pure sand.
In the short season of Northwestern
Canada it is a godsend , and fruits long
after frost has killed most garden
D. S. Hill , Wichita , Kan. , says thirty
people grew it there last season with
perfect satisfaction.
K. S. Enochs , Hammond , La. , says
it yields ? 250 worth of fruit per acre
with him. Mrs. J. H Powers , 4732
Kenwood avenue , Cklcago , raised
enough berries on a space 4x10 feet
to supply herself and friends.
J. P. Swallow , Keaton , Ohio , says Its
equal for all purposes does aot exist.
Rev. H. B. Sheldon , Pacific Grove ,
Cal. , Bays he likes the berries served
in any and every way.
W. T. Davis , Enon , Va. , says ' it is
true to description in every way , and
fruits in three months from seed.
Judge Morrow , of U. S. Circuit
Court , says the Wonderberry is sim
ply delicious raw or cooked.
Mr. Childs exhibited one plant five
months old bearing 10,375 berries
which measured about eight quarts.
Mrs. Hattie Vincent , Hayden , New
Mexico , says it stands long , hard
droughts ; of that climate and fruits
abundantly all summer.
It is certainly the most satisfactory
garden fruit and the greatest Novelty
ever introduced.
A Wabash Avenue Opinion.
"Speaking of good things , I"d like to
show you something in the London
Punch that - "
"You can't show me nothin' . Jaci
Johnson's got a punch that has all
them furriners gasp in' fur breath- !
Chicago Tribune.
K w's This ?
We offer One Hunired Dollars Reward foi
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured to . .
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , T le4o , O.
: We , tie undersigned , have 6a . wn F. J
Ceiey for the laat 15 years , and 'bellevi
hIm perfectly honorabln ! IB all business tran
actions and flnan.c4llr-aUe ! ! : : to carry ou
any oWl5 ! tsas made by Us firm.
WLLINS . lnufJ.1f : : M.UTIN ,
Wi . i&le l Drugfflit , Toledo , 0.
Hall's Catarrk Cure IB taken internally
acting directly upen the blood and mncou-
surfaces of tk . Bjstem. Testimonials sen
free. : Price , 73 1l. per bottle. Sold by al <
Drng lliIts.
ffake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. !
Another Delusion Shattered.
The messenger boy was hurrying.
"Dere goes de champeen prize fi ht-
er , " he explained. "I want to git a
good look at 'im. "
PAZO ontTMBorr is muuramtaed to cure rar
case tl Itdtica. Btted. Bl * Aiagor Protruiia
Files fett * 14 4aya . . . . a . . r . . . . . . o4. SSc. Exp sure.
"Chumley , how did you catch that
beastly cold ? '
"I came away from horn this morn
ing -without me eye cl:1.wlils. "
an * ire * tat. * flm stop te Pitotnnouia. Tak Perry
Da1'-U" fninHKtr nud bo OABMT is averted. Un-
cq-ai.t for doldo UN threat. . 7iiur.SCo.3So \ nd50c.
British rate. ts.
According to the repsrt of the comp-
troller general of patents , patentap : -
plications In the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland ! in 190 ?
numbered 28,598 , a decrease of 420
from 1907 ; of the total , 572 were from
women and 1,459 from abroad , the
United States furnishing 572 of that
total and Germany coming second
with 515.
A Picture of Eternity.
The negro preacher is noted for his
enthusiasm and his picturesque
most poetic-way of expressing things.
In "Life in Old Virginia , " J. J. Mc.
Donald tells about a new colored min
ister who was conducting a revival
without much success. At last , how-
ever , he awakened his congregation by
asking :
"Does yo' know what eternity isT
Well , I tell yo' .
"If one of dem 111 sparrows what yo'
see roun' yo' garden bushes was to dl ? > >
his bill in de 'Lantic Ocean an' take : ,
one hop a day an' hop 'cross de coun-
try an' put dat drop of water Into de
'Cific Ocean , an' den he hop back to
de 'Lantic Ocean-jes' one hop a day-
an' if he keep dat hoppin' up 'twell de
'Lantic Ocean wuz dry as a bone , It
wouldn't be break 0' day in eternity. "
"Dar , now , " said one of the brethren ,
"yo' see for yo'se'f how long eternity
is. "
Italy's Rest Day
Under a law which went into effect
Feb. 8 , 1908 , all Industrial and com
mercial concerns throughout Italy
must grant their employes a weekly
rest of not less than twenty-four con
secutive hours. It does not apply to
public utilities , transportation lines or
places of " amusement. The general I
sense of the law is that Sunday shall
be the rest day , but it is provided that
freedom from work may be given on a
day otker than Sunday In the case of
restaurants , photograph galleries , phar-
macists , etc. I I
i Trial Bottle Fr . B7 Had
If yov suSet ftoni Epilepsy. Plti , J'a1lInI81
Bp&irns or h&TB children that do 10 , my N w . . . .
coTery will relieve them and all you are aikd ) It-
do IB to BcndforaFrcoTrlal Bottle of Dr.May
IEpllptlolde Oure -
It h&i cured thousands where CTerrthiuj e .
failed. Guaranteed by May Medical Laborator *
Under Pure Food and Drags ; Act , Jane 90iBlMl !
Guaranty No. 18971. Pleaaa write for SpedalTn
$3 Bottlo and give AGE and complete addreta
Dl W. H. MAY. 648 Pearl Street , NarjYort
PILES o.t.g , and
and Flirols Cora.
for Insurance and Investments. Sever .
al fine moneymakingproposals fee
bright men and women on Gilt Edge
matters. Address
Standard Finance Company
103 Park Avenue , New York City
_ _ nrfyear and upwards can be made takl
'P 12 \J\J Veterinary Courts at houo ; daring .aN
time : ttuehtlnitmpleit EntUih : Diploma grant .
Ulonsobtatnedforsuccesafnlftudenta : cost within t
of all ; satisfaction guaranteed : particulars free. Ontari
" ' - Urinmry Comipondtnee Sehe t , Dtpt. 10 , London , C-- I . . .
CAXXPOBNIA Beautiful building ! . . *
In the fast growing town of Del M nt *
Heights , on the Bay of Monterey. tn >
land of sunshine , fruit and flowers , nftw
$25 each. Title guaranteed , abstract wlUl
deed. Easy terms. Write quick. Ore * .
W. Phelps Co. , Seaside , Calif.
S. C. N. TJ. - - - No. 8 - 1919.
t _
, .
Woman's : Power Ii .
Over Man
. .
Woman's most glorious " endowment is the power _
to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a _ _ _
worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on ,
mo one in the wide world can know the heart agony If _ _ _
she endures. The woman who suffers from weak- _ _ _
ness and derangement of her special womanly or-
anism soon loses the power to sway the heart of
a man. Her general health suffers and she loses
ter good looks , her attractiveness , her amiability
and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce , of Buffalo , N.Y. , with
the assistance of his staff of able physicians , has prescribed for and cured msnr
thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman ' s oil -
ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive
specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies , rcgu.
lutes , strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer wIJ ! ) ,
advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit.
, .
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate end strengthen Stomach , Liver and Bowcft.
. , _
- - - - - r
- _ _ _ _ , - - - - , - - - - - - _ - - . .
- - -
- I
" t
, , . '
V There are no other shoes at popular prices
. ; that in any way compare with these classy ,
- fashionable , good-fitting shoes. , They are made
on lasts that insure the utmost comfort , yet
giveyour feet that trim and stylish look.
I .
o. .
shoes combine style and wearing qualities to a degree that
easily makes them the most popular , dressy and serviceable
ladies' fine shoes obtainable , at a cost no greater than ordin- i
ary shoes. Your dealer wiU supply you ; if not , write to us. ® j
To It sure you get the LEADING LADY . j
look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the soles. iI
FREE - If you will send us the name of a dealer who does ' . , S
not handle Leading Lady Shoes , we will send you free , post- . :
paid , a beautiful picture of Martha Washington , size : 15 x 20.
We also make Honorbilt Shoes for men , Martha Wash- f /
ington Comfort Shoes , Yerma Cushion Shoes , . Special - I / '
Merit School Shoes and Work Shoes.
r . . . . . 1 JF. Mayer : Boot & Shoe , i. .
Milwaukee , Wis.
; o. S
0".J " . . .
r - . *
Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid eiven on tin
I : t tonzue. Safe for brood mares and all others. V Best kidney remedy ; SOc sOM
. $1 a bottle ; $5 and $10 the dozen. Sold by all druccists and horse ffoCta
c $ ' houses or sent express paid , by he manufacturers.
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Improved Wonderberry
LUTHER BURBANK'S GREATEST CREATION. A Luscious Berry Ripening in Three Months From See *
This Is positively the GREATEST new Fruit and the best NOVELTY of modern times. These are facts -which noona can
get away from. The proofs are overrrhelaungr in number and conclusive in character. Grown last year by 350,680 people. V
J'rnltblue-bJ3ck like an enormous rich blueberry in Iooksa-nd taste.
Unsurpassed for eating raw , evoked , canned or preferred in any form.
This great garden fruit is equally valuable in hot , dry , cold or wet cli-
mates. Easiest plant ) a the world to jr w , succeeding aaywhere and
yielding rreat oiasaea of rich fruit all summer , .ad. fall. The greatest
boon to the fatally r rden erer knwn. Leaves and branches are also
used for greens aid ara superb. . Bveryl . dy can and will grow it. " -
Luther Burbaak , of Caiiteala , the world &MBOIM ylamt wizard , or
iginated the Wradarbwry axd framed it ore ' to _ e t * iBtrduce. He
says of it : "This absolutely .ew berry ptaat ia ef great interest and
value as it bears Uie nest delicious , wbole eme an * healthful : berries
in utmost profusion and alwaya comes true frvm se. . . "
READ MY CATALOGUE yages 3 : aad I , far fun description ,
culture , uses , etc. ( Also Colors ftate. ) WlBo . T a of testimonials
from , well.known and TeputmlHe yeoyle all 8TfJr tk . nntry. Also
the "Crime of the Wonderberry. "
THE SUNBCRRY is an Improved form of the \Vcraderb . rry wbJek
I : Introduced exclusively last year and which proved so satisfactory. .
It is greatly superior to the type and I alone have
original , & genuine see
_ _ _ _
SEED20cperpkt.3 pkte. for5Oc ; 7 f SI.OO.
With every packet of seed I send a booklet giving 100 . Recipes la * ,
using the fruit , raw , cooked , canned , preserved , jellied , spiced , pickled
Jam , syrup , wine , greens , etc. It is superior for any of the < e uses.
Also a copy of my 152-page Catalogue with every order - which ten *
MY GREAT CATALOGUE of Flowers and Vegetable Seed Bulbfc ,
Plants , and Rare and New Fruits FREE to all who apply. 162 page * .
530 illustrations and colored plates. I have been in the businesZ
35 years and have half a million customers all over the country.
Complete satisfaction guaranteed to everyone. Do not fall to see ta
many great Novelties I am offering this year of which the 8UM .
BERRY is the greatest ever known.
Address JOHN LEWIS CHILDS , Floral Park , N. Y.
p. & This offer . will not mppatr oprf . Wife tor Sonberry seed end Catalogue at one * . Do not oezlect QI' . . W" _