Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 17, 1910, Image 3

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\ \VllliiiK- * Sit ) ' t. . . oll , . .
' .I' "I pay as I go , " declared the loud
mouthed person.
"No doubt you do , " answered the
juiet man , "but I'd rather see the
style of your departure than the color
of your money. "
When Rubber Become Jfecesimry
And your shoes pinch , shake into your
shoes Allen's Foot-Ease , the antiseptic
powder for tne feet. Cures tired aching
feet and takes the sting out of Corns and
Bunions. Always use it for Breaking In
_ New shoes and for dancing parties. Sold
. everywhere 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy N. Y.
. - Will Know Later.
Stranger-I am told you have a "pur
chasing agent" in this city. WhaJ
does lie do ?
. Native-Mister , we're payin' the
Murriam commission $50,000 to fini
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup for
children teething , softens the gums , re
duces inflammation , allays pain cures
wind colic. 25c a bottle.
Quoth the Vegetarian. .
Well when no more your purse can
' The uplift In the price of bejeJC ,
There's more nutritious food at hand ;
Eat beans and rice and find relief. ,
, .
U i '
\ .
. , " ' _
I ,
A late model in a simple evening coat : ;
baa a queer little cape-hood arrangement ,
tij would be nice for the girl of slender
_ ! nes. Fur collar , cuffs and tie ends , make
a rich trimming , but heavy lace , or some-
hing Persian in effect , would be equally
. good for finishing the neck and sleeves.
Head Bookkeeper Must Be Reliable.
The chief bookkeeper in a large busi-
ness house in one of our great West-
ern cities speaks of .the harm coffee
did for him :
"My wife and I drank our first cup
of Postum a little over two years
ago , and we have used it ever since ,
to the entire exclusion of tea and cof-
fee. It happened in this way :
, , „ "About three and a half years ago
r I had an attack of pneumonia , which
left a memento in the shape of dys-
. pepsia , or rather , to speak more cor
rectly , neuralgia of the stomach. My :
' 'cup of cheer' had always been coffee
-or tea but I became convinced , after
& time , that they aggravated my stom
ach trouble. I happened to mention
the matter to my grocer one day and
- ie suggested that I give Postum a
"Next day it came , but the cook
- ' . made the mistake of not boiling , it
, - sufficiently and we did not like it
much. This was , however , soon reme-
. , died and now we like it so much that
7a , we will never change back. Postum.
feeing a food beverage Instead of a
A drug , has been the means of curing
" ? my stomach trouble I verily believe ,
for I am a well man to-day and have
used no other remedy.
"My work as chief bookkeeper In
f our Co.'s branch house here is of a
very onfining nature. During my
coffee-drinking days I was subject to
nervousness and 'the blues' in addition
to my sick spells. These have left
me since I began using .Postum and I
I can conscientiously recommend it to
J those whose work confines them , to
long hours of severe mental , exertion. "
I : k "There's a Reason. "
Look in Pkgs. for the little book ,
"The Road to Wellville. "
Ever read the above letter ? A
mew one appears from time to time.
, They are genuine , true , and full of
. . fctiman intercsi. : .
Government Report Shows Live
Stock Receipts of 1909 : Small.
est Since 1904. :
Last Year's Aggregate Meat Ship-
ments from Chicago Is the Low-
est in Five Years. \ .
One contributing cause to the high
price of meat , according to a report
of the Department of Commerce and
Labor , is the fact that live stock re
celpts for the year" 1909 at seven lead-
ing interior markets of the United
States were the lowest since 1904. . The
live stock receipts for the year 1909 in
these markets aggregated 39,545,725
head. The receipts of hogs for the
last year fell off particularly. For each
of the four years previous to 1909 the
hog receipts had been in excess of
19,000,000 head , totaling more than
22,000,000 in 1908 , falling to 18,834,641
last year.
Cattle receipts for 1909 in these mar-
kets , 9,189,312 , while comparing favor-
ably with those of the previous year ,
fell 'helow : the totals for the three years
before 1908. , Sheep fell below those in
1905 to 1907 , but compared favorably
with 1908. Receipts of hogs at the
Chicago market for 1909 show a de
crease of 1,627,074 , as compared with
the year before , or a decline of 19 per
cent , receipts at Kansas City decreased
17 per cent , receipts at Omaha 12 per
cent , at St. Joseph 28 per cent , while
the decline at St. Louis was only 4
per cent.
While the total number of cattle re
ceived at these seven principal mar-
kets was larger than the year before ,
the 1909 cattle receipts at Chicago , 2-
929,805 head , fell below the 3,000,000
mark for the first time since 1902.
The annual aggregate shipments of
packing house products from Chicago ,
2,151,663,713 pounds , were below those
reported for any of the previous five
years , says the report. All the items
in the grand total with the exception
of pickled beef and pork show large
declines , as compared with the figures
for the previous years.
The report also shows that grain re-
ceipts at fifteen of the principal mar-
kets during 1909 , 744,624,068 bushels
were lower than for any year since
Gas Explodes in Pennsylvania Coal
Workings-110 Held Prisoners.
One American and ten Hungarians
furnished the death toll of a gas ex
plosion the other day in No. 2 slope of
the Ernest mine of the Jefferson and
Clearfield Coal Company , five miles
north of Indiana , Pa. The explosion
occurred in a heading where twelve
workmen were located , and one of these ,
Andrew Krazcer , escaped by crawling
a quarter of a mile on his stomach to
evade the noxious gases. His inabil-
ity to speak English prevented a lucid
explanation of the cause of the explo
sion. Some of the dead were found
near the entrance to the heading , oth-
ers lay along the track at short dis
tances from each other , akngst at the
face of the coal. Two bodies nearest
the face were burned slightly about the
face and arms. The position of the
bodies showed the men had made des-
perate efforts to crawl away from the
heading. One hundred and ten meu
working in the same slope escaped
through other headings of the mine ,
although they were held back for about
ten hours by the black damp until a
rescue party of twelve mine bosses
reached them.
Buy Hill City , Minn. , Site and
Wooden Ware Company There.
Arcnour & Co. have begun to make
Hill City , Minn. , a model factory town.
New houses are under way and. 175
families will be moved from Ithaca ani
Marble , Mich. The Chicago packers
have closed a deal with the owners of
the Hill City town site and will ex
pend $200,000 in improvements within
a year. They have purchased all the
property of the Hill City Wooden Ware
Company. The Mississippi , Hill City
and Western Railway , built into that
section six months ago , was backed by
Armour interests.
Death Takes . Borub Suspect. i
Prof. Martin Ekenburg , the Swedish i
scientist , who , on being arrested in
London last fall charged with com-
plicity in several bomb outrages in
Sweden , became temporarily insane
but was later committed for- extradi
tion to Sweden died suddenly in Brix-
ton jail. The cause of his death. If
officially attributed to apoplexy.
I ,
Merchant Prince End * * LUe. <
Blood dripping through the ceiling I
led to the discovery of the suicide of
Henry H. Schwabacher , 55 years old ,
president of the wholesale grocery
arm of J. and M. Schwabacher , Ltd. , at
his store in New Orleans. ! Mr. Schw r
bacher , who was a millionaire , had
suffered from stomach ailments for
some time.
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First In peace , in war the leader , .
Ever firm for country's right ;
Bringing all to naught but Justice ,
Reconciling truth with might.
Using every power in mercy ,
Aiding men to live liko men ;
Richly sowing seed that flourished ,
I Yielding love of countrymen.
r Though his life was one of struggle
Weighted , fraught with toll and
care- , I
Every year revealed a triumph ,
None : ; else gained but all should share. I
True to God , to right , to nation ,
Yet upheld by dauntless will ,
Service rare to each he rendered
Enemy to evil still.
Custom long has usurped mem'ry
One and all fond tribute pay ,
Now to freedom's fearless champion
Dearer with each new-born day.
Washing-ton as Husband.
George Washington married Mrs. .
Martha Custis , widow of Daniel Parke
Custis , January 6 , 1759. The wooing
I ( was brief , but the married life long
and happy ; for Washington , unlike
many of the world's great men , made
a most devoted and affectionate , hus-
Mrs. : Washington was rather below
medium height , but daintily formed
with a pleasing face and hazel eyes.
She had a graceful dignity of manner
that enabled her to fill creditably her
exalted position as First Lady in the
Land ; but she was not an intellectual
woman. One who knew her well de-
scribed her as "not possessing much
sense , though a perfect lady and re
markably well calculated for her posi- .
tion. " Her eccentricities of spelling
were enough to raise the ghosts of. .
every dead lexicographer in hades. :
I "I carried my little patt with me , "
she writes to her sister , "and left Jack-
ey at home for a trial to see how well
, ( I could stay without him though we
i i were gon but wone fortnight I was :
( . j quite impatient to get home. If I at
aney time heard the doggs barke or
a noise out , I thought thaire was a
person sent for me. I often imagined ;
he was sick or some accident had hap-
pened to him so that I think it is im
possible for me to leave him as long as
Mr. Washington must stay when he
comes down. "
Yet Washington was , apparently ,
well satisfied ; for , even after so long
a period as six months had passed
since his wedding day , he refused to
wander from his wife's side , and wrote
from Mount Vernon : "I am now , I
believe fixed at this- seat with an
agreeable Consort for life. " And long
after , when one of the great men of
the world , he wrote to her :
"I should enjoy more real happiness
in one month with you at' home than
I have the most distant prospect of
finding abroad if my stay were to be
seven times seven years. "
His devotedness is best shown in the
loving care he took of her all through
their long married life. He not only
assumed the entire management of her
own large property , but also that of
her children , and gave to them the af
fection and care of a father. He even
spared her much of the details of send-
ing for her own clothing ; and such or
ders as the following may be seen in
his own handwriting : "A salmon-col-
ored Tabby of the enclose pattern , with
satin flowers to be made in a sack" ;
1 Caj , Handkerchief , Tucker and Ruf- -
fles , to be made of Brussels lace or
point , proper to wear with above neg-
lee , to cost $20" ; " 1 pair black and 1
pair satin shoes , of the smallest" ; and
" 1 black mask. " Again he writes to
his London agent : "Mrs. Washington
sends home a. green sack to get
cleaned , or fresh dyed of the same col
or , made up into a handsome sack
again would be her choice , but if the
cloth won't afford that then to be
thrown into a genteel , Night Gown. "
There can be no question but what
Washington had a happy home life ,
and * made a loving and faithful hus-
band. Washington the husband , the
homemaker , as well as Washington the
soldier , the statesman , the patriot ,
should be held up as a pattern for all
youth to cut their coming lives by.
"Called" a Pompous Corporal.
It Is told of Washington that upon
one occasion he rode by a group of
Lolter& wlw : eiito : ! yId : H9t > kno.v
him. The men were engaged upon a
difficult piece of work-that of trying
to raise a heavy beam to the top of
some military fortifications. The cor-
poral was shouting at the top of his
voice , but otherwise doing nothing.
"Why aren't you helping them ? "
Washington asked quietly. "Every
man counts. "
t f "Sir , " was the pompous answer , "you
do not seem to recognize that I am the
corporal. "
"I beg your pardon , Mr. : . Corporal , "
Washington replied , "but I find it diffi-
cult to recognize that fact. " Then , dis
mounting , he fell to helping the men
and the beam was soon raised.
"If you should need such assistance
again , " he said to the corporal before
leaving , "just call upon Washington ,
your commander in chief and I shall
be ready. "
WashIngton Family's Carryall.
The most interesting relic that of
recent years has been added to the
historic collection at Mount Vernon
was presented by Robert M. Bromfield
of Philadelphia , and is the carryall
used by Washington and his family
for many years for light service.
When he traveled abroad the father
of his country commonly used a big
English coach drawn by four horses
and attended by negro postillions In
, a livery of scarlet and gold. It was
an Imposing spectacle , but for com-
mon use the carryall , drawn by two
horses was better , and it is a curious
1 1 " ;
- - - - - - - - -
vehicle. There is no dashboard , and
the driver sits with his legs over the
whiffltree , supported by a small foot
rest. The passengers climbed through
a door behind. The carriage is still
in very good condition in spite of Its
age , and demonstrates the excellent
workmanship of those days. Its ex-
istence has been known for many
years , but it took a long search to lo
cate it , and it was finally found stored
with other properties in the winter
quarters of Forepaugh's circus at Phil-
adelphia. The identification was made
complete , and the interesting relic was
transferred to Mount Vernon and
placed in the coach house which was-
built in 1733 and restored In 1894 by
the ladies of the state of Michigan.
Found It Wise to Confess.
J 's 11
. (
11 \ '
Bell-Even you men change 'youi
ninds sometimes.
Ben-Yes , I suppose that whea
: George Washington commenced on tin
cheu ' tree &e. 1ut ° delf to lie about it
- -
Commercial War Averted and Door
Opened for Other Settlements.
By the tariff agreement with Ger
many announced the other day the
United States has not only avoided a
commercial war with the. empire , but
has paved the way : for a settlement ol
the differences existing with France
and Canada.
It seems certain now , that the busi-
ness interests of the United States may
look forward to a period of peace In
the commercial relations of the coun-
try. To obtain this result , Secretary
Knox and his advisers In the State
Department as well as the tarifl
board , were compelled to abandon
their demands for concessions on
American live cattle and meat prod-
ucts and for the modification of the
German customs rules governing draw-
back of duty allowed on flour when
exported from Germany.
A promise was obtained , however ,
that the German government would
discuss these matters diplomatically
with the United States. As German
goods 'now will enjoy the benefit of
minimum rates of duty , the French
government must seek like treatment
for its products , many of which com-
pete with those of Germany. Other-
wise the market here will be lost to
If an arrangement be made with
France as expected American goods
will enter French territory upon pre-
cisely the same grounds as those of
other foreign countries. This will
mean that the Franco-Canadian reci-
procity treaty will be of small benefit
to Canada , and the latter probably
will decide , in view of the circum
stances to accord to American Im
ports treatment equivalent to that of
fered to those of France.
Charles W. Fairbanks Fails to Visit
Pope After Delicate Intimation.
The visit to Rome of Charles W.
Fairbanks , former Vice President of
the United States , brought about a very
delicate situation , owing to the fact
that he wished to pay his respects to
the King , the Pope and the American
Methodist church. By a tactful ar
rangement Mr. Fairbanks' audience
with King Victor Emmanuel was fixed
for one day , and that with the Pope
for two days later , and when every-
thing seemed satisfactorily planned ,
the Vatican suddenly announced that
It . would be impossible for His Holiness
to receive the former Vice President
if he carried out his announced inten-
tion to speak in the American Meth-
odist church there , because the Meth : ;
odists had been active in proselyting
among the Catholics.
Negotiations were immediately be-
gun with a view to avoiding any un
pleasantness , and a situation which
might give rise to misconceptions , and
in these negotiations : prominent Vati-
can officials exerted every influence to
remove the difficulties which had so
unexpectedly presented themselves to
Mr. Fairbanks' audience with the Pope.
But Mr. : Fairbanks finally declared ,
that , although he was animated by a
strong desire to pay his respects to. .
the head of the Catholic church , whose
followers had played such an impor-
tant part as good American citizens ,
he could not withdraw from his prom-
ise to deliver an ad < lress before the
American Methodist : church.
Three Men Commit Bold Robbery on. .
the Missouri Pacific.
Three unidentified men held up and
robbed the passengers on an east
bound Missouri Pacific passenger train . .
five miles east of Pittsburs , Kan. , the
other night. They were unmasked.
About $400 and a _ small amount of jew-
elry was taken from the passengers.
The robbers boarded the train on
the outskirts of Pittsburg. They tool
seats in the chair car and rode quietly
along until the train was near Cornell ,
Kan. There they leaped from their
seats , backed Conductor Garrity into
a corner and drawing revolvers warn-
ed him not to call for assistance. One
of the robbers then covered the pas-
sengers with two large revolvers. "You
will now prepare to give up your val
uables , " he said. "My partner here
will pass among you. Please je quiet. "
The "partner" thereupon produced a
gunny sack and started on his collect-
ing tour. From each passenger Us
took everything of value. Money ,
watches , diamonds and rings all went
into the sack. '
Disagreement in JFord Trial Shows !
Eight Jurors Voted for Acquittal.
After twenty-four hours' deliberation
the jury in the case of Mrs. Jeannette
Stewart Ford , charged with blackma
ing Charles L. Warriner , defaulting
treasurer of the Big Four Railroad ,
was unable to reach an agreement and
was discharged in Cincinnati. Judge
Swing stated after he dismissed the
jury that he had been informed that
on the last ballot eight jurors had
I stood for acquittal and four for convic :
tion. The unexpected end to the case
was explained by two of the jurymen
as due to the fact that a majority
of their colleagues refused 10 give any
credit to the testimony of Warriner.
They asserted that a man who had
confessed embezzling for twenty-five
years would not hesitate to perjure
himself against a woman whom he
believed to have been the cause of hur
- - - ' w -
Coroner's Jurors Say Death WaIY
Caused by Capsule Given
by Hyde. ;
Verdict Follows Testimony Given by'
Nurse , of Deceased Kansas
City Capitalist.
Colonel Thomas H. Swope came to- ,
his death by reason of strychnine ad .
ministered in a capsule by Dr. B. C. |
Hyde , husband of the millionaire's !
niece , according to the verdict of the !
coroner's jury in Independence , Mo :
Whether the drug was administered
with felonious Intent the jury declared
It was unable to determine. The jury
was out but a little more than an hour.
The greater part of this time was de
voted to discussing the case. But one
ballot was necessary to agree upon a
With the testimony of Miss Pearl
Keller , a nurse ; of Dr. Ludwig Hek-
toen of Chicago of Mrs. Logan H.
Swope and of Dr. Frank Hall in the
inquest over the body of Colonel Swope
in Independence , Mo. , came develop- |
ments in the mystery of the million '
aire's death more startling than anyi . \
facts heretofore produced.
Miss Keller's detailed story of tho ( !
last moments of Colonel Swope's life ,
replete with features of happenings in {
the Swope household , produced a sensa-i
tion. Miss Keller testified that im- .
mediately following the death of Colo '
, nel Thomas Moss Hunton , Dr. B. C. ,
Hyde asked her to use her influenced
with Colonel Swope to have him ap-f
pointed administrator of the Swope es-
tate. Mr. Hunton had been the ad-
On the morning of Colonel Swope'sj (
death , the nurse said , she gave him a <
three-grain capsule , supposed to con-i
tain dyspepsia medicine. This she did ;
at the direction of Dr. Hyde. Twenty !
minutes later Colonel Swope was in a.
convulsion. His death soon followed
Five minutes after Colonel Swope's
death , according to the witness , Dr.
Hyde appeared , and with Attorney
John G. Paxton secured . Colonel
Swope's will from his vest pocket. '
Dr. Hektoen testified that one - sixthj !
of a grain of strychnine was found In !
one-seventh part of Colonel Swope's ;
liver. He believed there might be ai
grain in the entire organ. Half aL
grain would cause death. -
Operator on Sinking Steamer 3 en . .
tucky Off Hatteras Brings Aid.
Thanks to wireless telegraphy and
the international distress signal "S. , |
0. S. , " which has superseded the fa. ( I
mous "C. Q. D. , " Capt. Moore and hiai
crew of forty-six men are safe onj
board the Mallpry line steamer Alamo , (
bound for Key West , while their ves- ' '
sel , the steamer Kentucky , lies at the
bottom of the sea off Cape Hatteras.
The Kentucky , a wooden vessel of 996 !
gross tonnage and 203 feet long , was
bound from New York to the Pacific1 !
to carry passengers between Tacoma
and Alaskan ports for the Alaska Pa-
cific Steamship Company. E
First news of the Kentucky's dis < :
tress was received at the wireless sta-
tion at Cape Hatteras at 11:30 a. m.
There the operator heard the "S. O.
S. , " quickly followed by this message :
"We are sinking. Our latitude is
32.10 , longitude 76.30. " Almost simul-
taneously the operator beard the .
steamship Alamo respond to the Ken-
tucky's : call for help , informing Capt.
Moore that the Alamo was making all
speed to the sinking vessel's assistance.
The Navy Department at Washing-
ton in the meantime flashed wireless
messages along the Atlantic coast dis
patching the battleship Louisiana and :
two revenue cutters to the scene but :
later word came from the Alamo that1
it had arrived first and had taken off. :
sll hands in safety. This is the mes-
sage as received in New York from.
the Cape Hatteras station : "Latitude'
82.46 , longitude 76.28. Steamship Ala- :
mo has just taken Capt. Moore and1 !
crew of forty-six men' from sinking
steamship Kentucky. Water already
had reached fireroom and steamer will
sink before midnight The Alamo is
now proceeding to Key West. " -
Swedish Monarch Submits to Drastic :
Remedy for Appendicitis.
King Gustave of Sweden was oper-
ated on in Stockholm for appendicitis.
The official reports given out state that
the operation was a success. The King ,
had been suffering from continual in-
nernal pains. It was not for .several
hours that the physicians diagnosed
his case as one of appendicitis. requir-
ing , an immediate operation. The phy
sicians first diagnosed the King's ill-
ness as catarrh of the stomach , and
the matter was taken with such little
seriousness that several members of
the royal family attended a concert.
At 10 o'clock they were all summoned
to return to the palace where they
were apprised of the physicians' In-
tentlon to operate on his majesty.
- .