Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 10, 1910, Image 7
1 , . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - f % CHICACO MERCHANT \ MAKES STATEMENT. ' _ 1 . \ , After Spending Thousands of Dollars \ and Consulting the Most Eminent I I ' , Physicians , He Was Desperate. . ' CHICAGO , ILLS.-Mr. J. G. - I Becker , of 134 I Van Buren St. , a - wpll-known wholesale dry goods 1 dealer : , states as follows : . "I 1 have had catarrh for more J than thirty years. - Have tried \ . . everything on earth and spent Ft J thousands of dollars for other - \ nedicines and with physicians , , K without getting any lasting re I , } lief , and can say to you that I have found Peruna the only rem- . \ ' . ti ( \ edy that has cured me per _ _ ! t manently. - n "Peruna has also cured my \ wife of catarrh. She always keeps . . It in the house for an attack of 1 Jf . . Cold , which it invariably cures in. a very short time. ( I f VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME 1'I . f > f\f\ year and upwards can be made taklnc our _ 1'---- - * BtJJ . Veterinary Course at IIOL.IO daring spare time : taushtIn : simplest English : Diploma granted po- . . ltlonsobUlnedforF < ! CCC83rnlEttidentscoBfw1thlnreach of all ; gatlgfoctlon guaranteed : particulars free. Ontario T . l . rin * ry Correipondenee School : , Ilrpl. 10 , London , Canada & 'VntAoD .Colemnn.Wash - , . PATENT ! Ington.D.C. Boolwfree. High. 1 est reference. Best results -.F For - _ ' . ? , Sprains . , ! t L , ' ' .y , . , - . 4 _ i - -S . . , I Sloan's Liniment is the best - remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once , and can be applied to the tenderest . part without hurting because it doesn't need to be ' rubbed - all . you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful prepa- ration and penetrates instantly- relieves any inflammation and con- - gestion , and reduces the swelling. . . Here's the Proof. . Mr. L. ROLAND , Bishop of Scran- / ton , Pa. feays : - "On the 7th of this present month , as I was leaving , the building at noon for lunch. I . slipped and fell , spraining my wrist. I : returned in the afternoon , and at four o'clock I could not hold a pen- . cil in my hand. I returned home later and purchased a bottle of , Sloans ' Liniment and used it five or six times before I went to bed , and the next day I _ p was able to go to work and use my 'L hand as usual. " . \ ' Sloan's Liniment \ is an excellent anti- \ JL septic and germ . killer - heals cuts , - _ _ _ burns , wounds and - contusions , and will . WHLd41 draw the poison : L ; . from sting of poi- & sonous insects. . _ , " 25c. , 50c. and $1.00 ' - Sloan's book on tUL'II\ ; ; : \ honclI , cattle sheep _ - = = - _ nutl poultry senfi ' _ ! . = : : - - free. jVUdresa ' Dr. Earl S. Sloan , - = - . - - ' - - . ' . . . - : - Boston , Mass. , U.S.A. - p - . . , , - . _ " . .ioli - . . 4 ; fr . iiM c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . . - . . - . . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . . . . . ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AV gefable PreparationfarAs. " - : tt1 sirailating ! theFoo [ arulRe u [ ! : , : ting ( ( lie tomacfas andtejis : ! 1 : gk . ; _ _ _ , : ri. ProraofesDigestionJta . : ji nessandRestrontalnsnEltter [ ] I : OpiunuMorphine norMiacraL : NOT NARCOTIC. ; , - . . . _ _ _ _ K . . r1 . . .Bqul'Old1JJSfMl1ZH11J : - . : & - l . ' .4Ir.J'tl = + : . .llddle Scll- : .AnistSml + ltsmmirtl- t . Jf l'irionuk - J'Ja. , i JtizzSttd- - ; V adr. . l " Ir&2l ' : ? - - - ' : M ! ApcrfecUl2medyforConsffpa- ' 1 . . tion , Sour Storaadi.DlarrtiDea - Worms , Convulsions , Fevcrish - ' ness andLoss OF SLEEP. , k11 . . . - , EacSimilc Signature of dhfF T i , YORK. / _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ - -I i ! I _ _ _ _ _ iranleed under IT ' f fT UfjfffwpifjjfiJri . Exact Copy of Wrapper. . . . . . ' ' 'r' ' ' 1 ; < ' . . . < < . - . . 1' . . . , W"f..IJ' " ! I'-.r ; ' ' 'Ai/ ( ' ' ' . \ \ . . , " , : . " . 'f - . . . , I a : ' Tk Center of the Earth. In the Zuni cosmogony , the earth Is conceived of as flat , and shaped like a pancake. Being a chosen peo ple of the gods they were commanded early In their tribunal career to go to the exact center of the world , and there build their homes ; and one of the . most interesting legends of the people relates the story of their wan derings in search of the middle place , and tells how they knew It when they reached It. It Is about 200 yards south of their village in western New Mex ico , 35 miles , south of Gallup on the Santa Fe route. It is marked by a crude shrine , built like a bake oven , out of flat stones. Two large -remov able flagstones close the entrance , which faces the rising sun. On the top are a number of concre tionary -formations , known to the In. dians as thunder stones. In the in. terior are large numbers of feather tufted prayer sticks , and several earth. enware vessels filled with sacred meal. Numerous remonial dances , In the nature of rain-making rites , are performed around this holy place. THE KENTUCKIAN WAS PLEASED , He Secured a Good Half-Section In Central Canada. ' . It Is not only from Kentucky , but from thirty-five to forty different states that there comes the expression of satisfaction from those who have taken up lands in Central Canada as a free homestead . or have purchased lands. Mr. E. K. Bell , of Frankfort , Ken tucky , writes to a Canadian \govern' ment official , and says : "I have just returned from Alberta , overjoyed with my trip. .Your , literature was very flattering , but not half what I found it. I bought a half section between , Calgary and Edmonton , one mile from railroad , near a good town. This is the ! best country I ever saw or ever expect to see. I will go in the spring and get to work on my place. I think it Is the coming country of the world. " Some of the papers describe the set. tling of the Canadian West as "becom ing a fever with a great many people. The lure of its golden promises is creeping into" their hearts and many : are they who are answering the , call of that unsettled territory. " This ! paper editorially cautions its readers to exercise care and thought before moving to a distant country. This would be a wiss precaution , and is ex actly what the Canadian officials aslr The success of the settler who has made Canada his home for years is the best evidence that can be offered And of the large number of Amen cans who have made their homes In Canada , very fAW have returned. Al ) are satisfied. California's petroleum output has been steadily increasing : for , several year , in 1908 reaching the record . fig- ure of 44,864,742 barrels. PILES CURED IN : 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any ' case of Itching Blind Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or moner refunded. 50c. : Great Britain's foreign trade in nina months of the present year has in- creased 4 % per cent. Imports hav risen $7,290,000 and exports $5,899,000. WHEX YOUIt JOINTS AKE STIFF and muscles so re from cold rheumatism or neural- pia ; when you slip. strain or bruise yourself use Perry IJavis' Painkiller. The home remedy 70 years. Amended Version. Alexander had defeated and captured Porus. "How do you wish to be treated ? " he asked. "Like a king ! " answered , Porus , with . dignity. "Good ! " exclaimed his conqueror. "I was thinking of using you as a plas- ter. " . For already he was beginning to lie stuck on him , as It were. . . . . - . . - . CASIO RIA For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bqught . Bears the Signature of. , . In k6r Use Lr For Over Thirty Years t ASTORIA THC : CCNTAOR COII ANY. NEW VOHK CITY. . . , ' . . . C I THINGS YOU HAY NOT KNOW ] " " " " ' This country has 90D trade journals. At the age of 70 years ' a man has consumed ninety-five tons of food. Soldiers in the Russian army are to carry compasses . with v luminous nee- dIes. Two thousand -million microbes are sometimes injected into a person's blood to cure diseases. Cavalry officers in Italy undergo a course of Instruction in pigeon train ing for military purposes. . The smallest screws are those made in watch factories. An ordinary thim ble would hold 100,0,00 of them. The Eastern states , from Maine to Alabama , produced gold worth $259,143 and silver worth $35,070 last year. Covering an area of 2,450 acres , the largest hydraulic gold mine in the world is in Trinity county , California. The lighthouse of Helgoland has a light of 20,000,000-candle .power. At' Nuremberg a lamp ten times as pow- erful has been made. There are about 170,000 oil pro- ducing wells in the United States , rep- resenting directly and indirectly an outlay of about $700,000,000. A young oak grows three feet in three years. In the same time an elm grows eight feet three inches , and a willow nine feet three inches. One Scotch casualty insurance com pany is offering policies to aviators , while another * will extend all future policies to cover the risks of aviation and ballooning. Consul Isaac Manning of La Gual- ra forwards samples of the jipijapa palm used in the manufacture of Pana ma hats , brought from near Barquisi meto , and which he is told grows in many other parts of Venezuela. Among the important improvements contemplated in Japan are the quad. rupling of the Tokio-Yokohama rail way , and the improvement of the Kioto-Kobe line , so that a very much higher speed may be devel ped. The study of foreign languages is making rapid progress in German schools. Most of the teachers are na tive born French and English. This work is a powerful factor in Ger many's progress as a power on inter- national commerce. Breweries and tanneries and print ing ink factories confer exemption from tuberculosis , and employes in turpentine factories never have rheu- matism. Copper mining excludes the possibility of typhoid among the work ers.-Harpers' Weekly. The wife of. a Jerseyman was ad vertising for a serving maid. The Jerseyman is an editor and his wife has learned the habit of cutting out unnecessary words. This is the way the advertisement read : "Wanted- maid servant.- A white , semi-green , ' New York Sun. There is no such thing as a forest of mahogany. The mahogany tree lives by and for itself alone. It stands solitary of its species surrounded by the smaller trees and dense under- growth of the tropical forest , 'rearing ' its head above its neighbors. Two trees to the acre are a liberal esti mate. In Berlin the waiters' association is considering the plan of making tips obligatory and according to a fixed table. In the cheaper places they pro- pose that the customer shall pay to the waiter 12 per cent of the amount of his bill and in the large establish ments the attentive "Kellner" will be satisfied with 8 per cent. This one comes from Missouri , where one editor "showed" them why : "An evangelist asked all the men present who were honest and paid their debts to stand up. All rose but one. He said he was the local editor and couldn't pay his debts , because the men standing were his deliquent subscribers. " - Atlanta Constitution. In the Russian campaign the per sonal baggage of Napoleon's brother , Jerome Bonaparte , who married > Eliza beth Patterson of Baltimore , contained lixty pairs of boots , 200 shirts and 318 pocket handkerchiefs. The transpor tation of his wardrobe entire required several heavy wagons , while his whole campaigning kit stretched over half a mile. Thackeray was six feet two inches in height and Sir H. W. Lucy says the great novelist wore a 7-inch hat , beating Dickens and John Bright by a full half inch. Mr. Gladstone's hat was 7-inch measurement-the same as \Iacauley's-while Beaconsfield needed a full 7-inch. The hat of Dan iel O'Connell , however , would have beaten them all , measuring 8y3 inches by 10 inches. A portrait bust , heroic in size and erected on an artistic pedestal , of Marie Wilt in the part of Norma , was unveiled recently in the foyer of the Royal Opera House at Vienna. Wilt died in 1891 after a brilliant career , but the acceptance of the bust by the management was , nevertheless , a great surprise to the patrons of the opera , Because previously no woman had beem honored in that way. Canada's legal gold coinage is that of the United States. If a man goes to a Canadian bank to demand gold for notes or for credit of any kind - , the law says that he shall be paid In United States gold. Again , if Ca- nadian gold from a Canadian goldv mine is to be sold it must go to the United States mints. There is no place in Canada where this can be assayed and stamped with the offlciaj } estimate of its value. i I ) . . A Disappointment. . "Uncle Jed , " asked his neighbor Tiow is your bey getting along a ; college ? " "First rate , " ' answered Uncle Jed "He , hasn't cost : ; me a cent. He's work ing his way through , he's winning al' the class honors , and they've prom ised him a professorship of some kind. " "Great Scott ! " gasped his neighbor , "is that all ha is doing ? With that big husky frame of bis I supposed he'd be playing center by this time ! " - Chica - go Tribune. I Bad Doble , The greatest of all horsemen , says : "In my 40 years' experience with horses I have found Spohn's Distem per Cure the most successful -of all remedies for the horses. It is the greatest blood ! purifier. " Bottle , 50c and $1.00. Druggists can supply you , or manufacturers. Agents wanted. Send for Free Book. Spohn Medical Co. , Spec. Contagious . Diseases , Goshen , Ind. Convolution. First lobster-My : children were caught on the shore this mor"ning and taken up to that fashionable hoel. Second lobster-That's too bad , but there's one consolation. First lobster-And that is ? Second lobster-They will get into the best society. - Cleveland Plain Dealer. WHEN YOU'RE AS HOARSE as a crow. When you're coughing and gasping. When you'vo an old- fashioned deep-seated cold , take Allen's Lung Bal sam. Sold by al ! druggists : , 25c , 50c and $1.00 bottles. Side Lights on History. Peter the Great had started in to learn the ship carpenter's trade. "I would have shipped as a sailor before the mast , " he explained , "only I don't like the idea of being : called 'old , ' " salt Peter. Warning the jackies that "shiver my timbers ! " would be considered lese majesty and punished as such , he pro- ceeded to chase the shavings along the work bench.-Chicago Tribune. ' / Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething , softens the 'gums , re- duces inflammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. No Apologies to Offer. Stranger ( in Drearyhurst-You peo- ple tiere don't clean the snow off your sidewalks very well , do you ? Uncle Welby Gosh-No , sir. It saves the sidewalks an' we b'lieve In con- servin' our resources. See anything else you don't like , mister ? Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar- coated , easy to take as candy , regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bow- els. Do not gripe. An investigation of the boy workers of London revealed that the newsboys were the most healthy , and those em- ployed by the bakers the least so. $100 Reward , $100. ! The reader ) of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded diseasa that science has been able to cure In all its stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease- requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarri Cure Is taken Internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution aiid assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars f6r any case that It fUs to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addres , F. J. CHENEY CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by all Druggists , 75c. Take ! Hall's Family Fills for constipation. A Matter of Necessity. "Papa , why don't you close your store on Christmas ? " "Why , child mine's a cigar store. People have got to have their smokes on Christmas. same as any other day. " Children Who Are Sickly. Mothers should never be without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil- dren. They break : up colds in 24 hours , cure Feverishness , Constipation , Headache , Teething Disorders and Stomach Trou- bles. Over 10,000 testimonials. At all Druggists , 25c. Ask to-day. Sample mailed FREE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted Le Roy. N. Y. , At the Xifflit School. Teacher-You have heard , I presume , of the "fourth estate. " Have you any Idea what it is ? Shaggy Haired Pupil-Yes , sir ; it's a quarter section of land. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druffgrists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Queer Custom. Comanche Pete-Yeh , pard , I knowed 'Im. He died with his boots on. \ Foreign Tourist - Deah me ! How very singular ! Is that one of your-aw fads out here ? A good honest remedy for Rheumatism , Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Hamlins Wizard Oil. Nothing will so quickly drive out all pain and inflammation. Another Form of it. VisItor-Come here , my dear ; whose pretty little girl are you ? Housemaid - 'Sh , Mrs. JImes ! The courts 'aven't decided yet. Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago , , for 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Appli ! cation of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes , Strengthens Weak Eyes , Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain , and sells for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes'for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. ' Painted Lips. - The "Personal Recollections of Suth erland Edwards , " English music critic , records that after the peace of 1815 it used to be the rule for every hussar to wear a black mustache , and those who had neither a black mustache nor a fair one which they could dye were required to paint the semblance of a black : mustache on their upper lip. - . . . , . . . - . , ' . . . , . . ! ; - " ' . # . . " ; - . . . - - " . . . . , ' . ' , j .t11c1 . . . . \ . . r " - . ; : . . . . . , . . . . . , , , , : " " - , . , ' . . .i ; ' : - , : . : . ; . . I . . . . . . .3. . . . . ; . ' , . - I . , ; 0' e. ; I , . . I . : , i\ . # < ' if . f ; . _ J Qoi4.e.4s . . . ' ' - . . . " . . . - . . , ' - . " If you had positive proof that a certain ' remedy for . female ills had made many remarkable cures , would you not feel like trying it ? If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded in \ - fair-minded that E. Pink- , convincing every - woman Lydia . - ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou- . sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex , then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct'correspondence. Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee \ to be genuine and truthful. ' . . Hudson , Ohio. - " ! suffered for a lonpr time from a weakness inflammation , dreadful pains each month and suppression. I had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief , when a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I did so , and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully followed your directions and now , after taking only five bottles . of the Vegetable Compound , I have every reason to believe I am a well woman. I give you full permission to use my testimoniaL" . -IUra. Lena Carmocino , Hudson , Ohio. R. F. D. No. 7. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ; : : : : ; : : . . 1:1:1:1 : : : :1:1:1 : : : : ; II : : ; ' :1:1h1:1:1 : : : : : = 1 St. Regis Falls , K. .L r . - "T wo years ago I was . 'i ' il111miIWii11rIH1i11tim1 : : ; : : : : ' : " ! ! so bad thatl had to take to my bed every month 'ill1m ! i 1t' : :1mm1 : and it would last from two to three weeks. I . . 11mW : : ' . . " :1 : ! wrote to you for advice and took Lydia E. Pink- 11 ; ; iH. . . 1 .it liam's Vegetable Compound in dry form. I am . " . _ : ' . ' ) W happy to say that I am cured , thanks to your il ! : : - - ,1j1m1i , . medicine and good advice. You may use my ilN : : i1 * : ; : 111 ! ! ' ! m letter for the good of ' others " - Mrs. J. JH. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' " 'It : : : : : : : : : : : . . ' "L" ill : : ! ! ! : ' , : : ! - : : : ! : : Breyere , St. Regis Falls , N. Y. = 1:1 ; : : : . : , : . : : : : ' " " : : ! . i : , : : : : : ! ; : ! : ! : : ; : : : : : : ; ; : - There is absolutely no doubt about the ' 0 j' ability of this grand old remedy , made from - 0 the roots and herbs of our fields , to cure female diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact . enough to convince the most skeptical. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for ) I . female ills. No sick woman does justice to ( I herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs , and 7" - has thousands of cures to its credit. , i SSSS * ' Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women , , , " fiaPiF to write her for advice. She has \ j ' , ' guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. E PINKHAM I A - a Base. "Professor , is there any foundation for the belief that every particle of matter is a universe in itself ? " " ' ry dear sir , you can found any be- lief on human credulity.-Chicago Tribune. Raw Eczema on Hand "I had eczema on my hands for ten years. I had three good doctors but none of them did any goo'd. I then used one " 'box of Cuticura Ointment and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent and was completely cured. My : hands were raw all over , inside and out , and the eczema was spreading all over my body and limbs. Before I had used one bottle , together with the Cuticura Ointment , my sores were nearly healed over , and by the time I had used the third bottle , I was entirely well. To any one who has any skin or blood disease I would honestly ad- vise them to fool' with nothing else , but to get Cuticura and get well. My hands have never given me the least bit of trouble up to now. "My daughter's hands" this summer became perfectly raw with eczema. She could get nothing that would do them any good until she tried Cuti- cura. She used Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Ointment and in two weeks they were entirely cured. 1 have used Cuticura for other members of my family and it always proved suc cessful. Mrs. M. E. Falin , Speers Ferry , Va. , Oct. 19 , 1909. " _ Seeds Planted in Eggshells. Fill half an eggshell with good rich earth , stick in a seed or two , stand the shell up in a box of earth , keep it warm and moist , and then , when you think you can trust the weather out of doors and the seeds have sprouted , you knock the shell off and put the little ball of ea"rth Into Mother Earth , and there you are. Not a root has been disturbed , and if you choose a favorable time for transplanting there will not be a wilted leaf to retard the growing of the plant. WESTER CANIDA yVhat Governor Daneen , of Illinois , , Says About It : ' - I- Governor Denoon , of Illinois , ovmn a sec - tion of land in Saskatchewan. Canada. Ho has said in I " an interview : - ' "A3 an American I am dolinhtcd to tho . eco re -t 7. , ' J - markable progress of Western Canada. Onr people aro flocking across ifr tho boundary in thou 'SrA . 1 sands and I havo not yet - 4met ono vrho admitted ' - . . . . ' ' , 'i ho had mudo a mistake. . d 4 They nro all doing troll. - . There it scarcely n com munity in tho Middle or Western States that has not a representative in Manitoba. : : . - . ' Saskatchewan or Alberta. " . . -i 125 Million Bushels cf : WIiea In 1909 . Western Canada Held crops for I , * 1309 will cosily yield to tho farm . - . er S17O.OOO.OOO.OO In cosh. . ; ; ' - - ; , . - - Freo Homesteads of ICO acres , . and pre-emptions of 16O acres . td.s nt 83.00 an acre. Railway and - - - J4 . Land Companies havo land for salo . at reasonable prices. Many farm ' i era have paid for their land out , ' of the proceeds of ono crop. Splendid climate , good schools , . excellent raUway facilities , low , . . - freight rates , wood , water and ig4- . lumber eaiilly obtained. : J , For pamphlet "Last Best West , " ? ( & ? c ! particulars and low Bottlers' as to suitable rate , apply location to . Sup't of Immigration. Ottawa. Can. , or to the following Canadian Oov't Azents : , E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackvon St. . St. Paul. Minn. , and J. M.MacLachlan.BoxllC.Watertown , South Dakota. ( Use address nearest you. ) Please Bay where you saw this advertisement. I For Asthma , Bronchitis and all Throat Troubles Take p150v p. CURE JRi ' tSo1tUtUt iOR @ .UGRSfius \ 11 The relief is as quick as it is certain. ( I 11 Pleasant to take and guaranteed 11 II absolutely free from opiates. n1 AIIDruggists 25 cents - - - - - - - - ----siW---s- Sere II afflicted Eyes , WIIb use THOMPSON' 8 fIE WAIER S. C. X. U. - - - No. 7-1910. - , - - - - - - I T The Tenderfoot Farmer It was one of these experimental farmers , who 'put greea spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory- was that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as she was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had - not entered into his calculations. It's only a .tenderfoot" . farmer that would try such . an experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feeds him self regardless of digestion end nutrition. He might almost as well eat shav ings for all the good he gets out of his food. - The result 'is that the stomach grows "weak" the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired end the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness. . To strengthen the stomach , restore the activity of the or ans of digestion and nutrition and brace up the nerves . . xrse Dr. Pierce9a Ga/cferr Medical Discovery. It is an un t failing remedy , and has the confidence of physicians as , - well as the praise of thousands healed by its use. . . In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery" is a temperance medi ; - cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics , and is as free from alcohol . . : : as from opium , cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients . printed oa its outside wrapper. Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach , liver and blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery. " \ I PUTNAM FADELESS . . DYES Calar more coeds brighter and faster ctUrs has ( Mr of her drc. One 1 Oc package c Urs all Ilta , Dcj ' jre la coM water teller than any olber dye. Too can dyt wr Raraufil wllkoal riBjin j apart Write In feM k Uit-H lw to Bye. Blue * uMix CcUo. MOM ROEDRVG CO. . Qrzincy . IIlIn"/4 . " - . ,