Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 10, 1910, Image 4

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" , ; 'l. M. RICE - Editor and Propr ,
IftarkZar'r - - - Foreman ,
t Thursday , February 10 , 910.
, I ,
. January 6 , 1910.
The County Clerk is hereby in-
structed to have the public road
. leading from the bridge known as
the Wilson bridge in Section 10.
Township 33 , Range 36 , to the
now established public road sur '
I veyed by the County Surveyor ,
platted on the road plat book and
entered into the road record of his- !
office according to the waiv ' ers and
consent of land , owners now on file
in his office.
Matter of the petition of the C.
& N. W. Ry. Co for the cancella-
tion of the assessment and ab te-
. ment of the taxes on certain lands
purported to be included in the
right of way : of said Railway Com-
pany for the reason that the same
is a duplicate assessment , taken up
and said petition is laid l over for
further investigation.
The official bond of J. T. Kee-
ley as deputy County "Clerk was
approved in the sum of 5000.
The County Cler ' . . . . ) wis allowed
$600. from the excess fees of the
office to pay for extra assistance
during the year 1910 and $900. to
pay the salary of ' a deputy for
each year of his term. .
The following claims were l . . . al- .
lowed on the general fund :
Lula Lortz Hudson , salary < ana expense $ 321 : 15
National Fidelity &fauMidlty ! Co. pre ,
mium on bonds 63 < o ( ) < )
3 F Gllman light for Decem er 23 45
I M Rice printing ' 237 40
John M Tucker expense 17 u .J ,
. A Ji Morris commissioner fees " 228i
W S Barker printing . 219 ! 55 !
1M Kice supplies - 01 ! ( 75
M. V Nicholson Premium on bond 90 co
J T Keeley delivering ballots ISO 011
James C Quigley lees 400 t.O
The following claims were al-
lowed on the road fund : ,
Will Hartman $ 1850 CE Sherman § 108 50 ( )
W Strattoir 40 50 Bert Spall 42 DO
Lines Gheins ' 41 25 Ben Gannow 70 50
Hazle Stratton 9 00 Harvey Lore 7 50
Richard Gheins 90 00 Charles Smith ' 39 7i °
, A . M Sherman 70 CO Dave Archer 300
Samuel Burgct 42 00 H W Harper _ 203 : ; i5 ,
Tlie following statement of fee *
received and . disbursed by J ; , T
Keeley , County Clerk and Clerk
of the District Court' of Cherry
- , County s -Nebraska for the year
ending January 5 , 1910 was ex
amined , found to be' correct . . and
Statement of fees received by
J. T. Keeley , County Clerk and
Clerk of the District Court foi
the year 1909 : : .
First Quarter :
Recording fees .j ' $ 411 05
District Court fees - . : - ; 51 ( . 05 ' ' ' ,
, Claims filed 36 50 $ ' ' 498 0 . ( '
, Second Quarter : . .
. Recording fees . C01 45
. District Court fees 92 70 .
, Claims filed , - 349 ! ) 90 ! 944 ) OJ ;
. Third Quarter : '
Recording fees . 353 90
District Court fees' 53 10
t Claims filed ' 4 00 411 01 I
Fourth Quarter :
Recording fees f 99 ( ) ! ) 00
District Court fees ' 193 50
Claims filed 743 00 - 1540 51.1 ( t
/ Total - -
- , $339-115 1 !
Salary of Clerk S 150) 00
Halary of Deputy 700 oo
Extra Asjistance 720 00
By check to County Treasurer ' 474 ' 15
- - - -
Total ' S 3391 15
Whereupon the Board adjourned
to January 7th , 1910 .
January 7th , , 1910- . ,
The Board of county commis-
sioners met persuant to * adjourn- i
. ment , present : James Mone ,
Chairman ; N. S. Rowley . , . and J.
A. Adamson.
The County Clerk is hereby . in- "
structetuto call for bids for fur-
- nishing one car of Olympic lump
coal , delivered in bin at Court
. House.
A refund of § 2.00 is ordered ,
made to W. Robert MeGeer . same
being ' for poll tax l paid b.hi . ; , u in
Valentine Village for the year of
1909 , he being exempt by reason
of his age. .
Settlement of the accounts of J.
R. Ayers , chairman of the Soldiers
- ' Relief Commission , \vas examined
and approved with a balance of
i. - § 9.35 on hand. "
Bids were opened for furnishing
_ ' one car load of coal for the court
house and thi . contract : awarded : ) to I
/ ,1 . \ \ ( . Yeast : , suit ! eml to t h. ! deliv - ' I .
, ered in bin at 4l' . i h JH'f' ton. . . ,
" : : , . . . . > : l ' ; tb11tfWinll aft4l(1I1 . , s : " , t ' tie-
. " " . ' , ' " . I . . .
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; : ' * - .
. iiicted from the claims allowpd 1 at
this session of the Board and ap
plied on delinquent personal taxes :
lJl'tJdolll BruB , $ 5 'c/o / H W lIa.rpt'r 514 iG
Edward 3 85 > GeoW ' HOl" ! 3 55
.J DEaton J 8 10 AIt' Fi511er - G 95'
.John Bo vers 10 10 Robcrt Bayer 3 7Q
.Jame" Hudson 12 00 Fruk Ashburn 7 80
E D'p neer 8 65 : ; .T Ii : Burleigh 4 15
N .J Uck 10 f'0 Urias Bo'er r ;
Jt AlJllerson 7 70 ' , 'John Hambly. " 3 8j
Gco lJarden 1 35 G Carlson ' 1 50
v R Sherman 10 m : JasIrvin ; I'20
\V E Haley 2 10 . J A W Jobnson G 55
A If Itand12 55 Wm Story 3 00
Dr It J Baldwlll 7 60 Lee Shepherd 1 10
Geo Ayers 1 10 F Uandall 2 30
luron Grooms ' 7iO Ben Paxton 4 , CO
Mel Doty . 4 00 Ed mesber 4 00.
. \lIiu W pke 1020 Henry Detgen 400
Hcnry Porath 4 00 JOl1n MClshaw 4 00
G U Mossutan 11 80 G H Folsom 4 Oil
J T Naylor I . -OO , . I B Spencer 4 00
N 'rlIk Lee 8 ! 42 Ed A Lee- ' 400 ;
la Satltrl 9 UO .J oe . Lorenz , 4' 00
Ge r CllrItotJb : : 4 001''H YJung 4 00
W E I'ackeuliam l 4 00E B Wilkinson 2 60
A. B l\cAlevy 4 00 W Mrbchani 4 ; 00'
.Johu 'Vlay 4 00' Julius Hauer 4 00.
P lJ 1l1oway 1130 L Piper 4 00
H. It GileS ' 4 00 L GIles 4 00
L F Neubauer 425 It n. Cllstila 180
A G l'almer 400 B K tioyer 9 ) 00
Jes Reeves 4 00 J U. Keller 4 00
G W HOi1l 4 00 W 1\1 RR'ian 4 00
Jas Alley 3 GO J L Collins 3 55.
I' . W N rlgbt A 4 00 G W Coleman 10 20
Joe Vmy 40 1 Uothleutucr 4 00
\\'m Cohee 1 86 E Coder . 400
Dave Fowler 4 00 , Clem llahn 4 00
R F IJsborn 100 ' F ! oW Pool 4 00
Wm Efilow 9 ) 70 .1. Stansiill l 4 00
Ii It Westover 1 45 C/E LawsoD , 2 00
G W Be ge' 4 00 A U Coleman ; 4 00
Ardll a'ers 1 45 WHl Cady 4 00
o H iwuer : 2 25 0 C Hrooks 2 00
Cyrus Hogen 2 70 Nicholas Uck 4 00
lJ tt IGnbea ; 2 70 J R Spencer : : 1 85
Chas Ura'IY 4 00" Eli S..encer { ; ?
B Prentice . 4 00 Alex Allen 4 Ou
\ \ III tl lase I 4 00 Vhas Polen . 4 00
Jubn Grooms 4 00 Cllas [ r Hoyer 4 0tJ
fhos VV hismanu 4 00 E'P i'lksell 4 00
li E Sllertuan 19 5d Dan Barnes 4 00
A L illasple 4 00 Bert l\Ieanl 4 00
J W Stetter 2'00 W Volteutine 4 00
W 11 Sellers 3 35 Albert PIke . 4 00
fl.I Sauerwein , 4 00 - 'L E Shepar1 00
L C Starr 75 ; ; W D Rickttts. ; - 8 70
Ch : s Larson 4 00 P Ei\Ncl501l 4.QO
I\d l < oster. 7 )5 George I"ost" r 18 lJO
Krutter- & Hall 43 OS 1 t F P"ttycrew 11 64
A 1) , 'Ia - sun' 15 00 IV C.tdy , 1855
.1V III Geyer . 4 40 Hoy Geyer . 6 OU
Ciitsllers ; ' 3 00 Fled Uruoms . ' 150
C 0 lJl'uislJn .7 ,38 . J'rtJd ! guwards 12 20
1' ; A :5erby : 9 03 G .J Gaski I 7 50
.J .JV Wertz G 00 . WllfDah grn : 16 GU
G II 11eNantee 5 00 F W Bnechle 17 52
\ia1l1iel Halton 11 ' 45 Thus .Jones 2 00
" Ed Allen ' 6 0I I Joe ltuth 3 70
J Shel"ourue Jr 5 00Vm Fosrer 15 1'i5
Geo 1\1 Heath 9 ) 45 D II White 1G 55
Will Grooois 7 911 U W Guskill 3 50
D , VaJlIlcrllleer 50. ; T \ V'crt ? 3 uU
J W 3eed V 17 75 T P Gret'll 8 55
olger ! 1 Arent 5 35 : 11 F , riiller 10 5-1
Geu St .tts 2 65
" 'hereupon.the . Board adjourlled
until 'January 8th ! 1910.
January 8th , 1910-
The Board"met pursuant to ad-
journment , present : James Mone ,
Chairman N. S. .Rowley and . J. .
A. * Adamson.
The following official bonds
were approved , said persons hav .
ing been appointed to their offices : :
\V m. H. Morgan. Constable , Nen-
zel precinct and Chas. St ' -John , ,
constable , Lavaca precinct.
The following claims were al-
'lowed on the general fund :
Cherry County Tel co. Service $101 00
Suite Journal Co. Supplies - 19 00 (
C C Parker Supplies for pauper 11 30
Parker & > 'airhead supp.ies for pauper ,26 50 (
J C Quigley Fees ' y : ' 5 (
E B Quiole Postal cards , . ' , 5 00 (
- -
VV E Haley Premium on bonds . 54 00
1M Kice Prin ! iug. - ' N 2 50
I tteo Elliott supplies . . 1 00
Hutt & Frllz Supplies for jauper . , - , . . . . ' 9 15
- '
J. li. A jers Commission ' 11 5t
The following claims were ' al l-
lowed on the road fund. '
ChaB : Lason 7 50 Arthur \lay : .6 00
.las > \ ells 4 50 .Jcrry Vian 12 00
Marcus Eaton C3 00 , Ira Johnsoll 3 00
W Vol entiim ' 33 00 .Jolm May 300
; J itylstra 18-30 Alva M.I.Y : 4 50
F Stine 2475 C B \ \ ren 4800
b M Wuodward 5 00 Frt'd Tinun .JO : 00
Wm i liankms 3 CJO Jl Borneman ' 6 00
G o M sir ; . : rave G 00 Ed 'rICe ' 15 00
.Jas Tice G 00 Earl Saunders 12 CO :
U Alf.xamlcr 27 00 1'llIIm ' 36 .00
Geo .J udan 3 110
The following amounts were de -
ducted from. the claimi allowed on
this . date and applied on . delinquent
personal taxes. .
Chas Larso.u $ 7 50 ArthurJay : $ 6 00
Jas We-ls 4 50 Jtrry'Viall 6 95
M Eaton 4 10 Ira Johnson ,3 10 1
\V Vflleiitlii 33 00 John May 3 CO
J By sira 17 65 Alva May 4 50
F Stine 12 25 C B Wren „ 31 10
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until January 10th , 1910.
. -
. January 10th 1910 - . .
The Board met pursuant to ad-
journment , members all present.
The Board proceeded to' make
an examination of the books 'and
records in the County Treasurer's !
office , beginning ! with the balance
on hand at the close of bu-iness on
December 3Ur.190S. . -
hereupon the" Board adjourned ]
until January 11th , 1910.
January 11th , 1910- "
The Board met pursuant to ad-
journment , members all present.
The Board continued with the
examination of the County Treas ' i
urer's office. , . ' I
Sixty names. were selected "from
I which the pettit jury ' for the regu-
lar spring term of the district
court shall be dr wn . * ,
I The bnar.l 1 arranged a schp3ule :
of rates which will be , paid by the
count.\ " for work performed on the :
pQgni : v' roads during the 'ear" . 10i4 '
. '
' " " t
\ .
. r 1 . .
> 0--- _ _ _ - - _ _
t- .
. . - . , , . .
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, . , . \
' . _ . . . . , w . . ' ' . - -.fF" _ r. 0 e . . . . . ; : 'Jf' . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
, - . . - .
. ' . . .
. as follows : . - : . ?
For man . , and one team . . , * § 3 ; 00 . pnr flay. : .
For man" and two teams ' r * ; 4 v > : > < r.d.iy. ; : .
F > r man alone ' IJio jierday : . 1
.For each road overseer 2 . -.o.I t ' er ' day . ,
The following amounts ' are al-
lowed for the purpose ' working
the roads in eash road district - 'to , .
be expended by the overf'p.f : of {
said distsict and in no are
any expenditures allowed to be .
made by the road overseer iaex ; =
cess of the amount set aside for
each district without the consent - ,
of the Board of county commis-
sioners , said amounts to be used
during the year 1910 :
No. 1 S ; 5. No. 12 S 75 No. 21 S 75
2 75 13 75 22 40
, * 3 55' 14 75 23. 30
\ * 4 iOO ' 15 50 275. " . , .
* -
5 75 1C ' 50 25' 30'
:6. ) 75 17 40 26 33
. . ' 7 75 18 75 27 30
9 50 19 ( ) 75 : ' ,28 75
10 50 20 75 & 29 75
11 75
, *
The County'Clerk is instructed
to'i otify each road overseer for
the year 1910 of the above sched-
ule and rates.
Whereupon , the Board adjourned
until January 12 $ , 1910.
January 12th , 1910- ,
The Board met pursuant to ad
journment , members all present.
Frank Thompson was duly ap-
pointed road overseer of District .
No. 1 and his- official bond was ap-
proved. - .
The fee book of C. A. Rosseter
was examined and checked up and
his settlement with the county was
approved , the amount found to be '
due the county being $133.15.
The Board continued ; with the
examination of the accounts of the
County Treasurer.
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until1 January 13th , 1910.
January 13th , 1910 = '
' Board ad-
The met pursuant to - :
. journment : , members all present. " : t
In the matter of-the application
of Lou McDill , of Wood Lake _ vil-
lage , filed in the fiffice of County
Clerk on January 4th , 1910 , ask-
ing that the county commissioners
of Cherry county vacate the alley
between lots 1-2-3 ; and lots 17-1
in block 23 in the Village of Wood
Lake , Cherry county , . Nebraska
and the said Lou McDill agreeing
to deed to the general public an
alley 16 feet wide on the south
side ' of ldt l - 17 , . . block 23 in the said
village of Woo d vJJake , the follow-1 ;
ing ' named. - p.el ' ops < were appointed
as the three . disinterested house-
holders of said ' : village of Wood
Lake , tov examine : the alley now
located as running between lots
1-2-3 and lots 17-18 , block 23 of
said village of Wood Lake , and
file a report at the next regular
session of the Board of county
commissioners { of Cherry county ,
Nebraska , ' whether in their opin-
ion i ' any injustice or inconvenience
' will be worked by the vacation of
said alley provided a deed is se
cured to the general public for an
alley 16 foot wide on the south
side of lot 17 , block 23 in said vil-
lage. viz.-G. A. Waggoner , W.
A. Parker and' W. Honey. .
The Board continued with the
examination of the Treasurer's
office. , *
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until January 14th , 1910.
January 14th , 1910-
The Board met pursuant to ad-
jourment , present : James Mone ,
chairman : and J. A. Adamson.
, Wm. p . . H. Francke was appointed
deputy county sheriff by C. A
Rosseter , sheriff , ' and said appoint-
ment is . 'this day approved and his
bond is also , approved in the sum
of ' $ lO , , OOO.OO and his cOlXp ensa-
tiori is fixed at such fees . as he maJ .
earn. .
earn.The following claim was allowed
on the general fund : Walcott and
Alojjrissey , defending Coryell , $50.
The Board continued with the
examination o'f the 'county treas . .
urer's office. . . - '
, Whereupon the Board adjourned
until January 15th , . Jr' 1910. . .
January 15th , 1910-
The Board met pursuant to ad-
. journment , present : James Mone ,
chairman and J. A. Adamson.
, An application for'th'e purchase-
of school land ha-ving been filed in
the office. of county clerk on this
date by Ifrancis McDermott ask-
ing that a certain parcel of school
land to-wit : commencing at a
point5 chains west of 'the north-
east corner of sec. 16 , twp 34 R
29 , running thence south 7 chains ,
thence , west 7 - chains , thence
North 7. chains , thence east 7i
chains . to place of beginning , be
appraised ' for tlie purpose of" sale
as provided by an act of . the legis-
lature approved March ' 5th , 1885. , , : .
James Mone ' and J. A. Adamsou
county comrmssioners : , proceeded
to view saicl l parcel of land for the
purpose of appraising ! ame and-
said , appraisement was'made : at § 7
per acre.
- vThokBoard , , continued ' .with the
' ,
. / .
, - ,
. A .
k .
- - - - - - - - -
, . . .
P . "
, , . . - "
. I
. : " t / " ' # " . ' " ' . ' " ' , " : . . - - . . . . - . . . - . . - , . . . . . . \ ,
r The Cause ; of Colds . : ,
. . ' .
1 I t . I
: '
Good Advice Regarding the
I. I . . ' . .
Prevention of Coughs
" and Colds ,
, K
If people , would only fortify and
strengthen the system the ma '
. jority of cases of coughs , colds and
: ' pneumonia might be avoided.
Dhese trouble are frequently due
to " "weakness , , which produces a
catarrhal condition of.the mucous
membrane , which is an internal
skin of the body. When this skin
is weakened it , becomes easily in- '
fected with germs which cause
, many of the diseases to which
health is heir.- Healthy mucous
membranes , are essential safe-
, guards of the " body's general
An excellent aid in the preven- .
tion * of coughs , colds , pneumonia ,
and such like infectious diseases ,
is a remedy that will prevent or
. cure catarrh. '
We have a remedy which we
honestly believe to be unsurpassed
in excellence for the prevention of
coughs , colds and all catarrhal con-
ditions. It is the prescription of a
famous physician , who has an en-
viable reputation of thirty xyears
of cures gained through the use of
this formula. We promise to
make no charge for the "medicine
should it fail to . do as we claim.
We urge everybody who has need
of such a medicine to try Rexall
It stands to reason that we could
not afford to make such state
ments and give our own personal
guarantee to this remedy if we
were not prepared to prove the
reasonableness of our claim in ev
ery particular , and we see no
reason why anyone should hesi
i , tate to accept our offer and try ; it.
We have two sizes of Rexall NT u-
, cu-Tone , price.s 50 cents and § 1.00.
Sometimes a 50-cent bottle is suf-
ficient to give marked relief. As
a general thing the most chronic
case is relieved with an average of
three large bottles. You cab ob-
tain Rexall Remedies in Valentine
only at otir store , - The Rexall
Store. Chapman , The Druggist. :
V =
checking up of the ; Treasurer's
office. .
Whereupon the Board adjourned .
until January 17th , 1910. "
' January 17th. 1910 - ,
The Board met pursuant to ad-
journment , present : James Mone ,
chairman and J. A. Adamson. '
The statement of fees received
by the county judge , during the ,
year 1910 was examined , found to
be , correct and same approved.
Commissioners tax voucher No.
648.issued January 3rd , 1910 is
hereby cancelled and the county
clerk instructed to draw a warrant
on the road fund for $3.50 payable
to Geo. W. Gaskill.
The Board continued with the
examination , of the county . treas
urer's office.
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until January 18th , 1910. *
S. D. A.
Sabbath school at 1:30 : Sabbath
" ( Saturday ) afternoon. Bible study
and praise service at 2:30. :
Last Sunday evening it was
clearly proven from the'bible that
i omplete annihilation % of body and
soul is the punishment of the wick
ed. This takes place at the close
of the Millennium.
. Next Sunday night our subject
, is : The Nature and Events of the
Millennium "
Question box at the door.
This contractor got results.
He knew how to feed his men.
. Some . years ago a contractor build-
ing a railroad in a warm climate was
troubled a great deal by sickness
among the laborers.
He turned his attention at once to
their food and found that they were
getting . full rations of meat and were
drinking water from a stream near by.
He issued orders' cut down the
amount of meat and to increase greatly
the quantity of Quaker Oats fed to the
He also boiled Quaker Oats and
mixed the thin oatmeaP water with
, , 1 their drinking water.
. Almost'instantly all signs of stomach
disorders passed and his men showed
. a decided improvement in , strength
and spirits. . -
This contractor had experience that
taught him the great value of good
oatmeal. 53
. . ' . ' ,
' U. , S . Weather Bureau Report3 J
WEEK ENDING FEB. 10,1910 :
Daily mean temperature 24 ° .
. . ,
" Normal temperature 20 = . - * . ' .
- -
Highesf temperature ° .
Lowest temperature '
Range of temperature 4l = > . .
Precipitation for week O.OtJof an inch. .
. Average for ' . 2J : years 0.14of-an inch. : ' . ' .
Precipitation March 1st to date 20.63 inches.
Average . . . for 22years 22/p4 of an inches.
. - , _ tJIOII."i _ JI McLii ; ' f" get . V rr " :
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. . . . . . _ _ _ : to. ' . - . _ f . , _ . . . " . . . , . . . . . : : : . : _ : . . : : ; : , . . .
. ? ? 1 r:1 ' . . . . ' _ , _ -AT- - -
, , , - " : u - - - >
' ' ; .t. 1 j ' t tt C ; , _ > - ' _ _ ' _ ' ' ' --U _ L E 5 5 / :
- ' kgt ; , + r : ' Lodye s t Prices
w.LL Quickest Largest Best + Materials Service Stock COST ' > ! " . ,
. - . and not in the : .
, . , _ n , Trust. .
Hundreds of people in this state , many of them your neighbors ,
are ready to testify to the merits of the HAFER PLAN. .
We have filled their Lumber and Material orders with better goods , , 1 (
in quicker'time : , at lower prices than their local dealers could give. , ; .
. 1
You have never had as good a chance to buy the best at right price _ , " , _ : ' . :
' Our independent policy will save you money. You can get a better _ I
assortment of high quality materials than you can find in fifty line yards. ' i
\Ve zre Independent the trust , and sell at prices which our great P
buying , manufacturing and . , shipping facilities . . make possible. ' . . !
. This is YOUR Great Building Opportunity . .
Get your local dealer's bid-then get ours. The prices will be lower , . -
quality . better . . , service . more satisfactory. < I
. - ,
- ' '
i A/on " cr B 10 We want to tell 'ycm about oar , .
- R "E US - " . .
\IM R I 1 - CL . . U 3 method of doing business Direct. : : -
If you will come here and buy a carload we will pay : your round trip .
railroad fare up to 150 miles each way , also your hotel bill. We pay
freight on carload shipments. Remember our South Omalia branch office. . .
. ,
- - -
. . 1
i- . ' , . , . > . < ' . , ' ' > ' 4 . . , . . . . . " . " , . . . '
Buy Bov e's Furnace at Factroy Prices " .
And save from one-th'rd to one-half the cost of any first-class ,
heating plant , haying EQUAL CAP AUITY.I ' . l
We sell a first-class furnace , suitable for a cottage with all pipe
. ' and fittings for $60 00 , and larger furnaces at proportionately low
. prices.
: ? We mlnuf-tctnrp : 36 different furnaces of the leading styles. We , .
: : own onp : of the best equipped
, , < iE ' plants . in the west We manufacture ,
the very btst and sell at the lowest .
'ti : i- ' 1 possible manufacturer's price. Our
' , furnaces burn any kind of fuel. _ .
: The Bovee furnace is the only
" furnace having a perfect forced Ven =
: . ' " tilating System , that Insures pure air
in every part of the house. The value
. , it ' . of this forced ventilation cannot be
' r . q , over-estimated , especially in case ot
"mss r- bad lungs or sickness.
t _ : i , 4uP We ship everything properly pre
+ - pared ready to install so that any . .
: - v.M ' handy man can properly install our
1 ll'h , „ r , . , . , ' , r furnaces without any assistance from . . . .
. a tinner. . "
.c UIGjt4 - , .
Send rough plan of building to be
r heated and get our three-colored cata '
; , log ] and best plans for heating plant. -
A letter to us will save you about half'
- A't2 - = the cost of a heating plant.
496 8th St. , - WATERLOO , IOWA '
: . .
- , - - . - , - - , . " , . - . . , " . , . y < ' - ! . ,
a- @ ii @ } IIDJJw.r \ ! @ ! jmtf ? . il1\ \ '
' ; . , b ; @ : @e { g 5 fj
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I 0 1 Pool I and BIId I , Hall r . ; , l' , J' i'
I . . and I
. . ' " , : Cigars ;
. : , : , .
@o > > ) - . ' ; .
ill Soft Drinks , ; .1- , .
@ < @ Q
. { [ lli f ' 1 llJ\ { ( f. .ilJlfa c lilig.lUID ( t
_ -U '
i- ii a
. Or .
. Go to the Y .
e e t
e . A
A Stock Exchange Saloon I
- . . ' .r-
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. I
O _ 8 e e
. . .
_ e @ . . . _ _ _ i
A Near Depot. Good Rooms. A f
, -
gThe City Hotel : '
A - R. HOWE , Propr. " . .I
Rates $1 per day , Calls _ for all trains. _
_ e 88 . _ f
. I
. i - - - j - - , - - _ - . - - _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , ,
. .
. X ) $ . - . . . _ . , ' .
All kinds of wood work . done to ordjer. Stock tanks : made in ' all s es' . . . . : - . '
" Kesidence and shop one block sontE of passenger ' depot. ' . "
Valentine . , PHONE 72 Nebrasfea- : _
. - ' - . , , . ' , : . . -References : My Many , Customers - : " " . " , . . , : . . . . . , . . : . - " . ,
\ ' _ - ' . _ . . . . . , _ , ' 'ti : ,
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