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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1910)
1 1 ' t . \ CHERRYWORK 1 SLOW ; , \ * MEN ARE BURROWING , t . ; I ' 8 Explorers in Aline Have Penetrated Only 400 Feet of Many Miles Underground. ' . KICKING MULES TAKE LIFE Bodies of Animals Which Hurt Those , Trying to Escape Found-New Timbers Placed Under Roof. . . : a After three days of incessant labor , only 400 feet of the many miles of sub- i terranean passages of the St. Paul mine in Cherry , Ill. , were open , and it f was problematical when the 167 bodies could be brought to the surface. Ev ery effort was being made to clear a runway from the main shaft to the air pit. Inspection of the cleared portion of the second level showed that from , , the bottom of the main shaft 350 feet underground , westward for 250 feet , the main road is in good condition. Some of the heavy timbers near the shaft are charred , but they are solid and intact. The main passage to the east is walled up. Behind this wall is a smoldering fire. Back of the fire lie about 100 dead. About 250 feet west of the shaft the bottom level ends in a blind alley , in which lie the bodies of , bwo mules , cov- ered with disinfectants. These mules kicked viciously at several miners as the men ran for their ' lives through the smoky passageways after the fire started. One miner was kicked into unconsciousness and could not escape , while his companion was injured so se verely that he is still under the care of a surgeon. ' Near the end of the main road a tor- tuous runway branches off to the south , ending in the air shaft. The top timbers in this passage are bro ken , letting shale rock through. Some of the fractured scantlings appear half- rotted. Ther was no fire in this tun nel. nel.As As fast as men clear the runway new timbers are placed under ' the crum bling roof , making the ceiling so low that a man cannot stand erect. Rocks as large as a steamer trunk were piled as high as the roof. So narrow was the tunnel and so dangerous was the work that only two worked at a time. POISON FOUND IN SWOPE CASE. Cipher Telegram Discloses Result of Chicago's Experts' Analysis. Clearly indicating that poison had been found in the stomachs of Col onel Thomas H. Swope , multimillion- aire philanthropist of Kansas City , . and his nephew , Chrisman Swope , and foreshadowing arrests to be made im- ' mediately , a cipher message was sent \ the other day to Attorney John G. \ Paxton at Kansas City by Dr. Lud- wig Hektoen immediately upon the . completion of the exhaustive analysis made by Dr. Hektoen , Dr. Walter Haines and Dr. Victor C. Vaughan . , of Chicago. . Mr. Paxton , executor of the Swope estate , agreed with Dr. Hektoen upon a code that was to be used in sending messages in the event evidence of murder was found In the stomachs of . Colonel Swope and his nephew. The code word tb be used in the event of the discovery of poison was "Positive , " and that was the word put on the wire. The precaution was taken to prevent a "leak" and a warning to the suspects. The finding of poison was essential to the making of specific charges. This was demanded by the prosecuting attorney. The alleged inoculation of eight members of the Swope family with typhoid will be Introduced at the trial as circumstantial or corrobora tive evidence to show the existence of a plot to exterminate the remaining heirs to the Swope millions. . - 35 DIE IN NEW HORROR. , Drakesboro , Ky. , Has Mine Catas " trophe-19 Bodies Taken Out. Nineteen corpses removed from the Browder mine at Drakesboro , Ky. , ten bodies in sight In the workings and six others known to be dead was the count at midnight In the death roll re sulting from the explosion of gases in the mine at noon the other day. Near- ly a score of men were mangled by the explosion , and many of these will prob- ably die. Rescuers worked desperately to save the miners who might yet be alive and to recover the bodies of those killed. Of the ten men who were taken out , : ' five were badly injured < and five prac tically unhurt. There is no fire in the I mine and both the fan and air shaft : II I I remain intact. j 0 Because of the accumulation of gases I in the entry where the explosion oc curred , 170 feet beneath the ground t and 700 feet back from the main shaft , 1 it was impossible to begin rescue work ! until six hours after the disaster. There ] were 100 men In the mine , many of : whom fought their way to safety. . ' J ] Aged Actrexs Hurt in Auto. , I Mrs. : Sol Smith , the retired actress , I was knocked unconscious in an auto. I mobile collision in New York. On ac- I 'count of her age-she will be 80 in IMarch-It [ is feared that her injuries 1 . iwill ( prove serious. . I 1 ! . , 1 " c. . ? . ST. VALENTINE I I IIII NIII Billllllllp plllp ' "u " H u , g ' iiP011 u mlu i11iIhI ullllllllllllll lllllliIlu ! ° "iIlPlil VIII r III IPIINRII ii ! m 4e , ,6 , , , moiouoi iiiiii iiii IOIIPIIIItl A 1 VIII 1I I N1 , o , i11111111110 VIII IIINIIIIII ' ' oiill mum au l % IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rm , - an . ' tl'Ph ' uNiiiiii Illlllfillll lllllllll + N6' I I ' Illlll l t l iinllllllll ll 11 ! ° ' ° ' r uNm"ow' w i. I IIN 1r1uiuumi ' / w mulllll l I { IIIIGM1Umm . : I mislom JIII OIMi , ° / ' ° mmu + ; m ll I IIIIII f I ' uin uo . JIIIIIIIII IIIIII fpiiuiuiiuquVU II III - io l R I , Illl l l I II I III j ' "a % 0aIIIItlIIIIVIIIIlll llfll l lll I ( I ll VIII . . . ( I/ U 111 . ' 111o l . o ( mea. 4 nv r p : - ; - I . : H ; . . . . , iiJf o - LTL : , : ' it\'fmDa ' > rofi1i iJ _ , " ' _ . . . j'qjjggjf - : - , . . - jtZ ) j n w WywiijciWM/ . L J6j \ r t $ P : ' , . Y r ae < s AD1 wm si ew r s9a eTear , ' L smis ps 6o &fr i 4p t &ijd xrac . Il III , . - - - - II lli _ % _ ) _ _ . . - ua _ _ _ tJlliIIw1J . " , ( , . , : " . , - . . . . ' . . . . . ' ' 00 1 a llJ' ' I ! 1 O o- 4' ' Hd i . e I . ry \ j ry'I ' 'I : j I T' I i I I _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MY VALENTINE. 1 valentine for father , And one , I think , will do For mother and for grandpa , And for Brother Willie , too. I know that dear old grandma Would ask for three or four And Sister Nell and Cousin Ned Would say they wanted more. And then there's someone else I know Would prize it quite as well , Now can't you guess my valentine , ' Or must I really tell ? . / No envelope contains it ; It bears no tell-tale line. Although two lips have sealed it No postal clerk may fine. , It has no gleaming golden hearts , Sly Cupid's tempting bait ; Nor has it got the feathered shaft With which he shoots so straight. . And yet It brings , this valentine , A thousand times the bliss. Now can't you guess ? Of course you can- My valentine's a kiss. "UNCOLN THE MERCIFUL. " A characteristic story of Lincoln's kind- ly interference in behalf of young men who had rendered themselves amenable to the law , but in whose case there was reason to hope for reformation , is told In the Portland Oregonian by Mr. J. B. Montgomery , who was a witness to the circumstances. - One Michael Lehman of Williamsport , ' Pa. , had a contract for carrying the mail from the railroad station. He was the personification of integrity , but his son , Michael , Jr. , 16 years old , who drove the mail wagon , was induced by evil associ- ates ! to take a letter from the mail bag , and ! was detected in the act of removing a check from it. He was sentenced to imprisonment. Great sympathy was felt with the fath- er , and a delegation of citizens , headed by Judge Hale , a member of Congress , Including Mr. Montgomery : , and accom- panied by the elder Lehman , went to Washington to see the President. Mr. Montgomery tells what followed : "As we entered the executive chamber , President Lincoln came sauntering in. He had on a faded and much-worn dressing gown. His slippers were run down at the heel. The President , as soon as we were seated , said : . ' "Well , gentlemen , what is it you want ? ' Judge Hale handed him the pe tition. He scanned it carefully , names \ and all , and possessed himself of all the circumstances. He then said to Judge Hale : " 'Judge , can I do so and so ? ' stating a legal proposition as to his power to do a certain thing. Judge Hale , after a mo ment's reflection , , replied : ' 'Mr. President , I don't think you can. ' "Lincoln then said , 'I know I cannot , but I wanted to see if you knew. But , ' he went on , 'I can do something else. : "He was sitting by his desk , and every one except this man , who 'swallowed all formulas , ' would have written on it , but he twisted his two long legs together like a whiplash , placed the petition on his knee and wrote these words , as near as I can recollect _ : " 'To the United States District Attor- ney for the Western District of Pennsyl- vania : You are hereby directed to enter a nolle prosequi in the case of the United States vs. Michael Lehman , Jr. , in con- sideration that the said Michael Lehman , Jr. , enlist in the army of the United States and serve three years , unless soon- er honorably discharged. discharged.'A. . LINCOLN. " " 'What do you think of that ? ' he said , handing it to Judge Hale. It was all that was wanted. "Lincoln got up out of his chair , shook hands with us all , telling us , 'A dozen Senators are waiting outside to see me , but this gives me more pleasure than talking to them about offices. ' Then , hold- ing Lehman by the hand , he said : " 'Tell your son never to be tempted 7'"I again , to be a good soldier , and how happy it has made me to get him . out of his scrape. ' " ' The old Dutchman ; who was short and fat , made a pathetic figure. He was be- yond the ability to express himself , or even to weep. He stood silent , his eyes almost bulging out of his head. His boy was saved. ' McClellan's Talent. President Lincoln one day remarked to a number of personal friends who had called upon , him at the White House : , "General McClellan's tardiness and unwillingness to fight the enemy or follow up advantages gained remind me of a man back in Illinois who knew a few law phrases , but whose lawyer lacked aggressiveness. During the trial of the case , the man finally lost all patience and springing to his feet , vociferated : . " 'Why don't you go at him with a fl. fa. , a demurrer , a capias , a sur- rebutter , or a ne exeat , or a nundam pactum , or a non est " , or any old fool thing ? ' . ' . , . , L - - . . r' ' " . . . . _ , . . ' - ' 7' "I wishsaid Mr. Lincoln , "McClel- lan would go at the enemy with some- thing ; I don'.t : care what. General Mc- Clellan is , a pleasant and scholarly gen- tleman. He is an admirable engineer ; but he seems to have a special talent for a stationary engine. " His First SJgrht of Lincoln. An interesting sheaf of reminis- cences could be collected under the general heading , "First Glimpses of Lincoln. " The first sight of a great cnan is likely to be recalled as more vivid and more significant than any other , except possibly the last. A gen- tleman whose friendship with Lincoln dated from 1852 , and lasted till the very day of his death , describes as fol \ , . . . . lows the beginning of tielr acqu int- ance : I had been invited to make a speech in the old State House in Iprlngfield , 111. Five minutes before I stepped on the platform the committee asked me to change my subject-the Maine tem- perance law-as they wished for some reason to defer it to another occasion. Under the spur of the moment , there- fore , I made patriptlc address. After I had finished , the audience called vociferously for "Lincoln ! Lin- coln ! " , He rose to respond , and I shall never forget his appearance. Before the meeting he had been consulting some law books In the basement "of the build ing , and the janitor , whom he had re- quested to call hi.m , forgot his duty , and at the last moment rushed in and cried out to Mr. Lincoln 'that ' the speaking was going on. Lincoln turned out the light and grabbed the first coat he- touched , which proved to be that of the janitor himself , who was a short man. Lin coln , on the contrary , was a very tall man. man.On On this occasion he wore , as usual , a faded red woolen shirt , buttoned neither at the neck nor at the wrist- bands. There was a space .of eight or ten inches between the top of his trousers and the lower edge of the coat , and his trousers were rolled up at the bottom , so that there was a space of nearly a foot of bare leg be- tween them and the tops of his .stock- Ings. Ings.He He had one suspender , and the sleeves of the coat reached little more than to his elbows. His hair looked as if it had never been brushed or combed since he came from the woods . of Kentucky. . He began to speak. His subject was law , its design , its essence , its mis- sion , its power. He spoke in a low , thin voice. I had heard Beecher , Gough , Phillips , Chapin , Starr King and Webster , but I had never before heard anything like this speech of Lincoln's. Nor du" I ever see an audience so scorched and kindled-so held breathless ! His speech lasted twenty minutes , and for fine logic and the most touching pathos , I have never heard Its equal. When he got through he touched me on the shoulder and said , "Come homo with me. " I I We talked all night , so oblivious of time that when light came I looked out of the window and asked if there was a fire. Mr. Lincoln replied , "It is sunrise. " ' Watchman. How' Lincoln PlayedVntchmnn. James Etter , a doorkeeper in the Wai Department , frequently occupies a chaii from which he could not be induced to i part , because it was once occupied bj Abraham Lincoln when he was President ! of the United States , although at the time he acted as watchman with a badge pin- ned on the lapel of his coat. Mr. Ette i explains the incident by saying : "One day during the war I was sitting here , when a tall , angular gentleman entered the main door and asked if the secretary was ! in. I told him that -it was too early fo the secretary to be in his office. " 'At what hour can I depend on find- ing him here ? ' he asked. I told him , and with a pleasant 'Thank you' he walked away. "Promptly on the hour the tall gentle- man ascended the steps , walked . . in the - - - door , and I was almost struck dumb when he asked me if I would not go into the secretary's room and tell him to step out in the hall. I could not leave my post ! of duty , and even if I could I did not think the secretary would come out to see . } him. * "He replied : ' 0 , I guess he will , and as for leaving'your post , I Afill be personally , responsible for that. I am Mr. Lincoln I and I will simply take your badge and keep l dc' A' while you step in for me. ' "Well , I couldn't doubt him , and he pulled off my badge , pinned it on his coat , I and took my chair , just like an old-time watchman. I "A smile played over his face as I left I him , and you can rest assured it was | i ' not long before he and the secretary were holding a quiet talk in an out-of-the-way : corner in the hall. " - Washington SpeciaL ( - , I - - 4WAIIAH . IN = . . II .9 0 iimnd wb n be f II in whirl wlft went down ' Jl s $ when a fchitjly C'Nar ireeii wltb bought . : o , s down wttb aigreat ' F c A& 2 jsbowf upoi ) tbe billi . I. I 3Ind leave 1 * a Ion $ ome . . o . l a9ajfl1 1 fbe.shy : Io ! . M - ' ' . . Eldwin Oarkham I , "f. f' - - 1 ' . - - 1\ \ ' 1 ; : i ' - . . 1 , t J It . . . " . I . I TERRIFIC MINE BLAST I DESTROYS 5 Mil LIVES - J , Underground Horror Occurs in Pri mero Pit of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. . . 79 BODIES ARE POUND IN A PILE .r Victims Die in Fight for Freedom . "Women Wail at Mouth of Pit. . . I More than , 100 men were killed by & terrific explosion in the Primero mine - I I . of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Compa ny PI imero , Colo. , at 4:30 the other . . . . afternoon. The bodies of seventy-nine victims ! were found piled in a mass at the foot I of the air shaft shortly after midnight. j I When the explosion occurred the men i evidently made a rush to escape - through the air shaft and were suffo- I cated as they battled with each other " for freedom. , It is shown by the timekeeper's : rec ' ' ords that there were 149 men in the . mine at the time of the explosion. The main shaft of the mine is completely wrecked. Only one man has been found alive. He is badly injured and has not been identified. Three men were killed at the mouth of the mine slope by the force of the explosion. Both fans with which the mine is i equipped were shattered and it wac impossible to enter the mine unti they were repaired. As soon as tht : . fans were repaired , General Superin- tendent J. F. Thompson and a rescue party entered by the main air shafts , but wejre unable to reach the main shaft , which is completely blocked. A party equipped with oxygen hel - mets replaced this party. The work I " ings were reached through the air- . shaft , and were searched for more bodies. Miners were rushed to Primero from Trinidad , Segundo , Starkville , Sopris and Cokeville , and labored frantically to clear the main shaft , relieving each other every few minutes. It is impossible to determine how far the main shaft has caved , and it ' may be days before the shaft is cleared ' and the total death' list known. Most- of the victims are Slavs and Hungari ans. Electrician Will Helm is among the missing. The camp is a scene of indescribable horror to-night. Every able-bodied man is taking his turn with pick and shovel to clear the shaft. The women and children , kept back by ropes , gathered about the shaft , weeping and calling wildly for their husbands and fathers. Members of the first rescue party say that the effect of the explosion un der ground is indescribable. BISHOP FOSS , 76 , DIES. Taken from Stret Car to Hospital in Philadelphia. Bishop Cyrus D. Foss , of the J'Hho- dist Episcopal Church , died in Phila- delphia the other night. He was strict- ' en with paralysis in a street car on Jan. IS. His wife and son , Cyrus D. Foss , Jr. , and a daughter , Mrs. George . M. Wood , were summoned to his bed . side. -When he was stricken Bishop , Foss , who is 76 years of age , was Lrund ' \ to be paralyzed in the right side. Cy - rus David Foss was born in Kingston N. Y. , in 1834. He was graduated from. Wesleyan University twenty years later. After serving in various pastor ates , the general conference of the Methodist Church in 1880 elected him a bishop. From 1880 to 1888 Bishop Foss made his home Minneapolis. . In . . . . 1888 he went to Philadelphia. He spent nine months in Mexico in tin year 1893 organizing many Methodiat \ missions there. During 1897 and 1895 he was in India and Malaysia preach ing the gospel. In 1900 the bishop WtU retired from active work. , BIG PACKING HOUSE FAILS. . Mexican National Company Is Sem to Receiver by Bank's Suspension. The Mexican National Packing Com- - pany , a New Jersey corporation con- trolled by English investors and oper ating a string of slaughter-houses and packing-houses in the Republic of Mex ico , under concessions from the Mexi can government , failed the other day with liabilities , including stock , < of ' ap - proximately $37,000,000. The assets were not announced , "bill . it is estimated that they are in excess ! ) of the liabilities. The company will continue to operate its plants as us ual. Henry De Kay was appointed re ceiver by Judge Lanning in the Uni ted States Circuit Court in New Jer sey. sey.The . The appointment of a receiver was not brought about by any condition in the live stock market , but by the ty - ing up of part of the company's fund in the 'United States Banking Company in Mexico " ' ' - City , which suspended re . cently. Ex-SIayc I.i Dead at 119. . \ "Uncle" John Ramsey , 119 years old . ' . mown ! as the oldest - person in Ohio , ' " . died at the county infirmary near Ely- ria. Ramsey was a slave and escaped forty years before the civil war. He went to Oberlin , which later became a station for the "underground railway . . . . tar escaping slaves. . " . . .