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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1910)
. / , -4. ITRIALS of NEEDEMS ] IIM NOT GETTING AN. ThROWAWAY LL11iIS1I GETJINCAN "WJbcrtl 'l h mJS' BETTER. THE DOCTOR tMEDCIN . JON. AND ( - t r : 1f . frAW-PAW } | ltJH It iDOESNTSEEMTOBE ; : AKE A - PIU ' - ' DOING ME ANY GOOD l , . ' ? ' - 'I. ( . . ; . " - I ' ma 'iI _ 1 _ 1 . - RESOLVED THAT FOR BILIOUSNESS. ! { 5 IPATlOn INDIGESTION MUNYONS PAW'PAWPILLS , . ARE BETTER TH/Hf A DOCTOR. PiLLS 1H A BOX.1O - , : Paw Paw Pills coax the , ' . ) Uver Into activity by gentle methods. " . : They do not scour , gripe or weaken. They - are a tonic to the stomach , liver and bervea ; invigorate instead of weaken. They enrich the blood and enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put Into it. These pills con. tain no calomel ; they are soothing heal- . ing and stimulating. For sale by all drug- gists in lOe and 25c sizes. If you need , tnedtcal advice , write Munyon's Doctors. - They will advise to the best of their abil ity Absolutely free of Charge. 3IUN- YOJV'S : , 53d and Jefferson Sta. , Phil - . adelphia , Pa. Munyon's : Cold Remedy cures a cold In - tone day. Price 25c. Munyon's Rheuma tism Remedy relieves In a few hours and cures in a few days. Price 25c. . Don't Coiigh-HJse ! _ . pJQs I CURE . mwsr tU\t\lt YOR UG\\S. \ \ . . t1S , . Will instantly relieve your aching throat. There is nothing like it for , . Asthma , Bronchitis and lung tr ubles. Contains no opiates. Very pleasant to take. AU Druggists 25 cents. - Coarse foods will keep the bowels - , active. Fine foods cause d" need for Cascarets. . Don'1 whip the bowels with a harsh cathartic. These candy tablet5 act in Nature's way. Millions know they act exactly coarse food would dof : 866 CUT THIS OUT , mail it with your ad- - dress to Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago , Ill. , and receive a : handsome souvenir gold Bon Bon Box FREE. H MODELB.NOISELESS _ _ _ , It is not a surrey with'la rattling air- icooled power plant. It is a regular ( Automobile , made in Jackson. . , Moderately high wheels , 2-inch solid rubber ! tires. Detachable rear ton- 'neau seat. A really handsome as - well : as strong car. It is not a racing car , but it climbs the big hills , handles the ; muddy roads and with top ( storm tfront ! always included ) it is a perfect winter car. Pioneer Implement Co. - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Send this ad. to us and we will send you a circular with full information. , WESTERr CANADA ! I > Senator Dolliver , 0 % Iowa , says : ! "The stream of emigrants from tho United States , . ( i Canada ' will continue. " \ Senator Dolliver recently paid a . t t I . ; " " " visit Western Canada . ) and snys : "There is a . , land hunger the hearts I c of Entdifah speaking peo , ple ; this will account for - tlt P tho removal of so many _ _ _ $ ! ' Iowa farmers to Canada. Our people are pleased with iia Government and 15 d the excellent adminis- - 4 tration of law. and they -n . are comIng to yon in , tens of thousands and VI - | they nro still coming. " , . lown contributed large ' . ' . ] ytotho7O,000AmerI- I can farmers who made Canada . t . , their homo during : 1909. - - - , r returns alone- t - . z ilurinsryearaddcd to the wealth jOtthooountry upwards of 4 c P § 1 © ,000,000.00 4 . * - Grain KTovrljisr. mixed fann ' * , ' . ing- , o.-.tilo raJMns and dairying - cro nil profitable. Free Home . . . , steads of 160 acres nro to bo had in theery best districts , . . 100 aero pre-emptions at $3.00 - ' per aero within certain areas. fcKjiools : and churches in every :1 ? IAt defilement , climate unexcelled 0 ualthorichcstivood wntcrand iMiddln.c material plentiful. 7d'4Y " ? 'j _ . For : particulars ns to location low F if : . . IIcttlC ! ' ' railway rates and descrip . . . -4- ' , tive " ' illustrated ! pamphlet. "Last , . - ' .j. . Best \ S est , " and other informa . . eft ) ; .th tion write to Sup't or Imraipra- , . , tlon. Ottawa. Canada , or to the . following Canadian Qov't Agents : E. T. Holmes. , 816 Jackson.St. . St. Paul. Minn. . and J.M.MacLachlan. Box : Wntertotvn. . South Dakota. ( Use address nearcdtyon. ) ; Ploaso say : where you raw this advertisement. AGENTS WANTED-To introduce our _ _ _ _ Beautiful : Spring Suitings , Silks and ' ' Jtne Cotton Fabrics. Large sample out- 1 . < fit : Free. by express prepaid. No money , i. required. Liberal credit to responsible . I . g0nt ! . Write and secure territory now. f .National . Dress Goods Company ( Dept. I I , f . B ) , 260 West Broadway. Xew York City. / -I 7 VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME _ _ _ _ . / r ' 2 0 0 year . and . upwards can be made : tnklaz oar : ' ! u VeUrifMT Cdun-o at houo urine : pparo . me : tau t&laetoKpieet KogUsh : Dlj > ! oin.i granted po r . ' t1ongobt4forsceessfuItudontr . ! : co t within rrxi eh ! .t ofe.ll : : tntlfffxtlOTi guaranteed : : particulars : : free. Oatorio _ _ . ; , 7 . Urln . r7 Correijoidene bcboul , Drpl. 10 , L""OIl , Cnnajta . . . : , . , . . . . ' 1iI ; . -.I. , ; ' < . . H _ " . , ' . . _ . . - " \ . - r. t , _ ' . \ . She Wan Too QuIck. There weIe : : three at the litle fab1. ; in the cafe , a lady and two men. Suddenly the electric lights went out , and the ' lady , quickly and noise- ' lessly , drew back. An Instant later there was the smack of a compound kiss. As the electric lights went ' up each maa was seen smiling complaisantly. "I thought I heard a kisfl , " said the lady , "but nobody kissed me. " Then the men suddenly glared at each other and flushed and looked I 'painfully ' sheepish.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. ' Dealer.WHY WHY PEOPLE SUFFER. Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer Is. not aware of it. Sick kidneys bring backache and side pains , lameness and stiffness , dizziness , headaches , tired feel- ing , urinary troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause. IV Nathan R. Hill , l Stryker , Ohio , says : "Kidney : troubles pull- Nsft p' ed me down until I l ATIIAN HILL. was skin and bone. i \ could not work and finally took to bed. Doctors said I had gravel and advised an operation. The secretions were painful and sometimes almost stopped. Doan's Kidney Pills brought relief and finally a cure. " Remember the name-Doan's. For sale " by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. And a flirt is usually her own re - ward. TO CURE RHEUMATISM. Prescription That Cnrcd Hundred's ' Since Published ' Here. "One ounce Syrup of Sarsaparilla Compound ; one ounce Toris Com pound ; add these to a half pint of good whisky. Take a tablespoonful before each meal and , at bed time ; shake the 'bottle well each time. " Any druggist has these ingredients or will quickly get them from his wholesale house. Good results are felt from this treatment after the first few doses , but it should be continued un- til cured. This also acts as a system builder , eventually restoring strength and vitality. One Amsterdam factory alone cuts 400,000 diamonds every year. PERRY DAVIS' PAINKII/LER should bo taken without delay when sore chest and tickling throat warn you that an annoying cold threatens. ; At all druggists In 25c , S5c and 50o bottles. Cartridges are used ; as current coin in Abyssinia. A NEW TOWN EVERY WEEK. And a Xew School Every School Day. The above caption about represents the growth of Central Canada. The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed'to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case. There is not a district of a fair amount of settlement in any of the three Provinces of Mani- toba , Saskatchewan and Alberta , but has its school , and the railways have stations every seven or eight miles apart , around which group the towns , some large and some small , but each important , to its own district. Schools are largely maintained by public funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum. The final returns of the grain pro- duction for Central Canada for 1909 are now in , and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is abo.ut 195,000,000 , as compared with $120,000,000 last year. American .farmers or those who have gone from the United States , will participate largely in these splendid returns , and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every state in the Union. One of the many proofs that might be put forward showing the ' mmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in the sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the farmers who have for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher , and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months. It is said that 50,000 people of 'these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes. Most of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars , for the round trip. Some 'Went to Great Britain , some to the Continent , others to their old homes in Eastern Canada , and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States. The amount paid alone in transportation would be upwards of two million dollars. Some make the trip every year. It need not be asked , "Can they afford it ? " With crops yielding : them a profit of $20 to $25 per acre , and some having. as , much as twelve hundred or more acres , the question is answered. The Canadian government agents at differ- ent points in the States , report that they have interviewed a great many of those who are now visiting friends in the different States , and they all ex press themselves as well satisfied , and promise to take some of their friends back with them. There is still a lot of free homestead land in splendid districts , and other lands can be pur- chased at a reasonable price from rail way and land companies. The number of timber sleepers on t&t railways of the world is calculated t * bt ibout 1,494,000,000. Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy C , . , Chicago for 48-page .illustrated Eye & ok Free. Write . all about Your Eye Trouble a3d they : will advise as to the Proper Appli cation of the Murine Eye Remedies In Your Special Case. Your Drusslat will tell you that Murine Relieves Byes , strengrthena Weak Eves , Doesn't mart , Soothes Eyo Pain and sells for BOe Try ft in Your Eyes , and In Baby's Byes tot 3caly Eyelids : and Granulation. , . . . . . . ' . ' . . - ' ' . . . . - . " . . ' . . , , , ' . . , S ' 's ' , c5 - _ _ . , " . - . . ; ' ) IZ . . . 4 ; ; r , . ' _ . . . . . . . . c , uf. . . . . . ' - . . _ , , $ : -4 . . . ' - - \ Remember yourself when buildinf poultry houses and plan them with th < least amount of trouble. I Stalls should not be boarded up more than four feet from ! the ground. Pui a grating of heavy wire netting above that point as high as you please. Ducks and geese may be raised jusi as easily away from a pond'or running water as with it. Plenty of drinking water is sufficient for their needs. The size at which a hog can be profitably marketed depends upon the kind of food afforded him. It is easiei to turn slop into young pork than it is dry feed. Better to spray once than not at all But the only right method is to be systematic and spray at the prescribed intervals. It is well to follow the spray calendars which are furnished by experiment stations. Live stock farming does not always mean diversified farming , and some forms of live stock farming may be come as objectionable in many ways as a form of farming in which a sin gle crop is grown for sale. . Cucumbers , long , green ones - IS inches to 21/ feet , without seeds , are the most recent arrivals from London In the fancy vegetable market of New York. They are the result of years of experiment on the part of Eng lish gardeners. Dairy cows should be kept clean , particularly the udders. Before milk- ing the udder should be rubbed with a damp cloth , but not too wet. This will prevent any dirt falling into the milk. Cattle soon get accustomed to being cleaned and appreciate it. It . is a good plan to sit down on a winter evening and make a mental im age of the soil on each field upon the farm. Think of what each spot has produced in the past years. Select the poor places and make definite plans for making them more productive. Investment iu Trees. Plant more trees. In a few more years they become a big-paying invest- ment. Utilize every available spacq on the farm for this purpose. Plan to never let a year go by but that you have put in a few trees. It is too late to set any out now , 'but up your mind that you will put in some In the fall and next spring. Finning th'e Separator. Flushing out the hand separator is very deceptive business. It is prac- tice quite prevalent in many "dairy communities to thoroughly wash the separator ; every morning after sep- arating , but only flush out with warm water at night. It has been found that 2ream from flushed separators con- ains ; an additional number of bacteria , . md a very good dairy authority claims that : it can never be transformed into the first grade butter. Increase of Sugar Production. The sugar crop of the world for : the pear just closing is placed by statis- ticians at 14,710,000 tons , which is an increase over that of 1908 of 244,596 : ons , or 1.7 per cent. The figures show that ; there has 'been an increase in the world's cane sugar crop of 4.9 per cent , or 370,606 tons. . A few years aog the cane sugar out- put was less than that from beets , but last year the product exceeded the beet by 663,000 tons , while this rear it will surpass it by 1,169,000 tons. ; There was a decrease in the European beet sugar output of 2.7 per ent as between the last year and this , ivhile the output of beet sugar in America shows an increase of 13.2 per 5ent in the same period. Oversupply and Reduced Prices. In a bulletin the Iowa station gives he ; result of experiments to determine he effect storage has upon Iowa-grown ruit. : As in adjacent states , gluts , iausing depression of prices in many ocal markets , are common in Iowa , as in many parts of the state prac- ically none but early apples are jrown. : One of the most important points sstablished by the experiments is that icrtain desirable fall apples which ire hardy enough to be grown suc- essfully : even in the northern part of the state can be held in good mar- ket : condition through the winter Qonths if handled carefully and stored luickly. . Wheat vs. Butter. A ton of wheat takes $8.50 worth of 'ertility ' from the soil on' which It jrows : and sells for about $ 30. A ton of butter fat , on the other hand , sells for about $500 and takes only 50 cents forth of fertility from the soil. Sell- Ing : wheat is selling soil , while sell- ing butter Is selling air , sunshine and rater. A dairy cow returns to the oil three-fourths of the fertility in he food she eats. The dairy cow pro- luces several times as much food as a beef animal. She yields on the av- rage about 1,000 pounds of the dairy ood matter each year for about six ears. The average beef animal , ac . , - . . - ' _ , ' . ' . . \ . ' " " ' . , . . , ' "l . 4 cording to careful computation , pro duces about 240 pounds of dry food matter In a year and has to die tc yield it. To Kill Weevil In Grain Bins. Weevil in grain bins can be de stroyed by the use of carbon bi- sulphdie , a liquid which readily vapor izes in the open air. It is comparative ly cheap and comes in sealed tin cans , and can be purchased , at drug stores. In using , pour into shallow pans at the top of the grain bin , and closa tightly all doors or other op'enings while the liquid is evaporizing. Do the work in the daytime , when no lantern or artificial light will be nec- essary , for the .vapor of carbon bisul phide is highly inflammable and ex plosive , and there is danger of a seri ous fire when flame is brought into it presence. A Dangerous Poison Plant. Look out for the water hemlock. It is a poisonous plant that grows in marshy places and kills cattle that happen to eat it. The owner thinks his cattle have "blind staggers" when it is hemlock poisoning. The plant has an offensive odor , which generally keeps stock from eat- ing it , but not always. The hemlock resembles the peppermint , and in good soil may grow to a height of several feet. It kills horses as well as cows. Sometimes it is known as "w ld par- snip , " and it is rapidly fatal to both man and beast. It is one of the most poisonous native plants in the United States. It accounts for the frequent and mysterious death of cows that often occurs while feeding on swampy pastures. Some notable cases recently occurred in Bristol , Tenri. , which were referred to government experts and resulted in the information given above. No remedy has yet been dis covered. Feeding : for Butter Fat. It cannot be that the butter fat in milk is obtained from fat stored in the tissues of the cow , otherwise the animal would soon become emaciated. Cows obtain the butter fat in milk from the food they eat and digest , and not from the reserve or accumulation of fat in their bodies. Reason as well as observation teaches that cows ex tract butter fat from the food they consume and digest , and to produce a large percentage of cream the rations of the cow should be rich in the ele ments of nitrogen and carbohydrates which 'are found in linseed meal , middlings , bran , cornmeal and ground oats. ' oats.At At the Cornell University cows that yielded 200 pounds of butter fat annu ally under ordinary feeding yielded 310 pounds when given liberal rations of feed Vich in nitrogen and carbohy- drates. Cream will not mal , e butter unless it contains fat , and profitable fats will not be produced unless cows are fed on rations rich in the ele ments that produce cream. Regenerating Worn-Ont Lands. Many a chapter has been written on the regeneration of Germany. Where once barren fields stood , so barren that food stuffs would not grow , there have arisen vast works bristling with the stacks of factories , and thousands of commercial flowers grow where once not even a weed would flourish. And in all these plants , writes Dr. Max- : milian Toch , in Science , chemists are working , controlling the products that are made and creating new things , and for every new and useful com pound : more work is found , and where- as emigration was the rule in Ger- many thirty to fifty years ago , and its best people left it like rats from a sinking ship , to-day many are im migrating , for it's a flourishing land which chemistry has retrieved. Ger- many was always poor up to ten or fifteen years ago. With one or two possible exceptions no vast industries existed , and it had nothing to ex pert , but to-day its exports are enor- mous : , its people prosperous , in sad comparison to its neighbor , Austria , where industry is making slow prog ress compared with Germans' Handling Cows Gently. , Milking under quiet , favorable con- ditions is quite Important for the o1- lowing reasons plainly set forth by John Burroughs , the eminent natural ist , in speaking of the supposed power of cows to hold up their milk. Says : Mr. Burroughs : "Most farmers and country people think that the. . 'giving lown' or 'holding up' the milk by the ow is a voluntary : act. In fact , they fancy that the udder is a vessel filled with milk : , and that the cow releases jr withholds it just as she chooses. But the udder is a manufactory ; it is i ! led with blood from which the milk is manufactured while you milk. "This process is controlled by the ow's : nervous system ; when she is ex- ited or in any way disturbed , as by a L stranger , or by taking away her calf jr ) any other cause , the process is ar- -ested and the milk will not flow. The nervous energy goes elsewhere. ' The whole process Is as involuntary , is is digestiqn in man , and is dis- urbed ; or arrested about the same vay. " . It is well for those who are inclined to ; use the milk stool on a cow when she refuses to "let the milk down" tc emember Mr. Burroughs' statements vhich are without question correct t . . . . . " " , - . - . ' . . , . . S Another Bwxma Tumbo Jlacle. ( Contributed by a depraved outsider. ) A lion then sprang into view , And roared , "There's no use flyln' ! I'm goIng to make a meal of you. ! " But he caught the lion lyin' . BREAKS : A COLD IN A DAY And Cnrea Any Couch That In Cura ble - Noted Phyalclan'B Formula. This is said to be the most effective remedy for coughs and colds known to science. "Two ounces Glycerine , half ounce Concentrated Pine ; put' these into half a pint of good whisky and use in doses of teaspoonful to a table- spoonful every four hours. Shake bot tle well each time. " Any druggist has 'these ingredients In stock or will quickly get them from his wholesale house. The Concentrated Pine is a special pine product and comes only in half ounce vials each enclosed in an air-tight case. But be sure it u labeled "Concentrated. " This formult. cured hundreds here last winter. The poor children of Exeter , Eng- land , are provided with breakfasts at uohool at a cost of a : farthing. Distemper In all its forms , among all ages of horses and dogs , cured and others in the same stable prevented-fi having the disease with Spohn's Distempej Cure. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last year. $ .50 and - $1.00. Good druggists , or send to man ufacturers. Agents wanted. Write foi free book. SpohIi Med. Co. Spec. Con tagious Diseases , Goshen , Ind. The ancient inhabitants of Sweden were the Finns , now the modern in . habitants of Finland. Tliis Will Interest Mother Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for ChIl- dren , used by Mother Gray , a nurse in Children's Home , New York. cure Consti- pation , Feverishness , Teething Disorders. Stsmach Troubles and Destroy Worms ; 30,000 testimonials of cures. All drug- gists 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. .olmsted , Le Roy N. Y. Russian contractors havo protested against the placing of the new warship contracts with British firms. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething , softens the gums , re duces Inflammation , allays . pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Lake Erie produces more fish to the square mile than any other body of water in the world. FOR DEEP - SEATED COLDS and cou hs. Allan's Luna Balaam cures when all other remedies fail. This old reliable medlclno has been sold for OTar40 years. 25c , 600. $1.00 bottles. All dealers. In London , lamps cause 500 fires ev . ery year : , gas 219 and chimneys 179. . ' MORE . ; " PMOAM 1j 1 CURES I Added to the Long List dud to This Famous Remedy. Oronogo , Mo. - " I was simply neii YOU3 wreck. I could not walk acros : : : : : : : . ! the floor w i ta h o u ; . : . : :0. : . : . ; . ; , ; ' . : : . ; : " : 'I..r. : ! ! . my heart fiutterin , L ljf ! ; . " " . " : tf and I could not eve ; .1 \ : , receive a lette . t I- "i : , Every month I had . 1. : ? 1' ! > . ; < i ; such a bearing . w $ , ij : . . ; . . . ; . . . ! . ; . . . k. ; > . . . , . , . . J . . : . : sensation , as if tht : : ' : : i : : : : . - - : : : : ! : : : ! . lower parts woulc : ; : i , : " , : , : ; : . - : ' : : > ' ; : . .A fall out. Lydia A : , . t . ) ; 1 ; -C : . , . . . :11 : : ; : : . . : . : . - . . t . . , . . ! . < . ! . . . , : . . . ' . . . . , . . . - . ' ft . . . : \ . Plnkham's vegeU. . . : : : : : : : : : < ha . : . . " . . . ( . " ble Compound h&f ' . : : " ' ,1'1. ' , . . 1.\ . ' . . . . .r.5 : : : .1" : done my nerves 4 4 : ' G-4D. ; ' " ' r : . ; . great deal of good ( * _ I- t - _ andhasalsorelievea the bearing down. I recommended it to some friends and two of them havt . . i been greatly benefited by it. " - Mrs. MAE MCKNIGHT Oronogo , Mo. Another Grateful Woman. St. Louis , Mo. : - "I was bothered terribly with a female weakness and : had backache , bearing down pains and pains in lower parts. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com . pound regularly and used the Sanatir wash and now I have no more trouble that way. " - Mrs. AL. HERZOG , 6721 Prescott Ave. , St. Louis , Mo. : Because your case is a difficult one , doctors having . done you no good do not continue to suffer withoui . giving Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable . Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases' of female ills , such as in- flammation , ulceration displacements , fibroid tumors , irregularities , periodic pains , backache , that bearing-down feeling , indigestion , dizziness , and ner vous prostration. It costs but a trifla to try it , and the result is worth mil lions to many suffering women. , I I r'rt ; r of all varieties . ' permu.neutl R ll'U fI E cured surgical Jays ! without In operation a few . or detention from buMnestf. No pay will be accepted until the patient Is completely cured. Write or call . on DR. FRANK X. WRAY Room 60 I , F L & T Oldg. , Sienx City la. , . . S. C. N. U. - No. 5-1910. < < - F , , A Do You Feel This Way ? , 1g'T Do you feel ell tired out ? Do you sometimes ,1 think you just can't work away at your profes sion or trade any longer ? Do you have a poor ape- tite , and lay awake at nights unable to sleep ? Are \ your nerves all gone , and your stomach too ? Has am- ' 1 bition to forge ahead in the world left you ? If so , yoa might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it if you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will I make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver , , ' to work. It : will set things right in your stomach , and ' ( . your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood. 'S J If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption , J it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con- sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of ft ' lingering cough , bronchitis x , or bleeding at the lungs , it will bring about a cure in 98 per cent. of all cases. It is a remedy prepared byDr. R. V. Pierce , of Buffalo , N. Y. , whose advice is given free to all who wish to write him. His great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice. Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi- tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines , recommended to be " just as good. " Dr. Pierce's medicines are OF KNOWN COMPOSITION. Their every ingredient printed on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit- forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. - - . Stops T. Neuralgia Pains . ji , " I : : : , . , . : : , . " \j , , 4b ' . . . . J - ' : ; I - t . . - A ' : : ii , ' I . The ' shooting , tearing pains of neuralgia are caused by excitement of the nerves. Sciatica also a nerve ' , pain. . " . . J , pain.Sloan's Liniment , a soothing external application , stops neuralgia pains ' at once , quiets the nerves , relieves that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of p paralysis , and by its . tonic effect on the nervous'and t ; muscular tissues , gives permanent as well as immedi . ate relief. relief.One Application Relieved the Pain. Mr. J. C. LEE , of 1100 Ninth St. S. Washington , D. C. . writes : " . . . . : - . ; ' . . from neuralgia to try"- 1.n1- f ' sufferer "I advised a lady who was a great left her and she has not been troubled ! ' ment. After one application the pain . , r " . " . . : with it since. , " loans - ' " . " & ; . . I . Lini"ment r " Q is the best remedy for Rheumatism , Stif Jdints and Sprains and all Pains. . At All Druggists. Price 25c. , SOc. and $1.00. Slaan'a Treatise oa the HorM seat Free. Address . DR. EARL S. SLOAN , BOSTON , MASS. - . - t- - ' ' - - - - : . ' . : : . . : : ' . . i. \ ' - _ " - . - "