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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1909)
It t I , - . ' , ' . ' . . , - / a , , w7' , . , t . . . fq\ . _ r _ \ , I _ . . , t ) , . Ifs , . 1 = i' . The Cause of a Cold i , i . , . , ' . . . ' ' . . OR cough cannot always : be' : , r " ; - . . ' , traced. 5 % It is sufficient , - ' ' however , to know that . 'you . have one and ought to gel , rid ! of f 'Ii ! . * Great oaks from little , acorns grow , " 'and too ' frequently the slight cough of today : is i : the "pneumonia of tomorrow. - . 'C I , : , ' . ' . : ' . .J _ . " CfienyMceCoughyrup § . . t Is iKctcst cough : Insurance in the world. As a remedy for coughs , hoarseness , dif- , - ficult breathing , etc. , it is : without a peer. ' * It soothes and heals the inflamed throat .f ' ' and-passages and restores the voice to its natural tone , all in a , very short time. Cures the most : ; stubborn coughs. Very pleasant to take , perfectly harmless end- good for children ca well as adults. Try . . abotiblY ai s * B . = v BIV _ . I , : ' . - . VALENTINE. NEO - . . . z - - - ---1 . n ) . .5 . . . I I - , . . f ! l + . ' * : . Lumber Piles " It keeps us . busy to keep. our ' stock full , sq we can meet all de- .fn nds. We , . are , especially pre- p'afecTnow : 'to taske care of orders requiring long timbers. - But our - jstqc-k-of1 ' : ' . - \ \ " . - - , ' , , / * i ' - _ : Finish , . Lumber , . . . ' , . ' i\alsQcrapl i | 1 ' 1 , le. , including : . jXVhite- ; . Pine . . . , YelloV ' Pine and Fir Fl in- is , " \ . ; , etc. tjiidwiq l : Lumber Co = ' ' ' . . ' . ' - \ . ? , * A Safe , " . "Simpl * . e' System , The system of paying by check was devised , "by , all. men - for any , . " man - for you. It is . : .suited to the need of I any business , either , large : or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method ' in puts system ln- , to your business , and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK. VALENTINE. NEBR. " i 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE l - * I 1 TRADE MARKS DESIGNS &c r w - COPYRIGHTS * Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may oiUcUly Mccrtniii our opinion free whether an rnrSiit ion is urobablr pntenUiblo. Conrtnunlcn- . MOT "rtrict yconildentfel. HANDBOOK on Patents eei t , frea Olrtcst neency f6r securing patents. PatcnW taken throuch iluim & Co. receive Munu I tpecial notice , without charge , liitho - Scientific Jlmmm 1 A hl\ncJsomely l1lu\tmtnd ! weekly. Lnrcest , : clr- culution ot IIn1 IclcntlUC journal. 'I'erms. ' 3a year : foar months t. t3oldba newsdealers. MUNN & " . 3618roadway , New Yor \ Brancli Omce , G25 F Bt , WaablDfiton. D. C. . , SHIP YOUR = ' HIDES 1 FURS - , , , to Established 1667 * . . . TO . . . . _ j/ D.BERGMAN ; ST. PAUL. MINN. Deal direct with the largest and oldesthouso in the West. Highest prices and immediate cash returns. Write for price , list , taes and full information . , , . . ; . . . . - . . , . ' . . : . . . . - . \ t , - , . , " PJ.S y1 Talk of the " Town. ( " . . - . . f { Large ' . Ben Davis apples - , § 1.50 k per bushel. - Mike Davis. 45 2 I For 'Sale : - Five French Spitz I pups , all males , white and curly. ) -A. G. Shaw. . ' 44 4 . Dr. JPerrigo : , the Omaha specialist , will be at the Donoher hotel Nov. 29 , only. 45 2 . Will Shepard returned from Omaha Monday where he has been in the hospital l for some time. I E. C. Cole a general merchant and J. W. Mann the druggist of j Cody were in our city Tuesday. . ' Frank Fisher Jr. returned from Omaha Wednesday morning where , he had been' to have an operation performed on his n' ) se. , V. B. Grace and family arrived Monday ! from Sioux City , la. , to make their home in Valentine. Mr. Grace will assist his father in the Doqpher hotel. Wanted - Married man to milk and care for thirty milqh cows. will furnish three room house milk and pay ( § 60 per month. 4(5 ( MAKK : D. CYPHERS . Mrs. S. r ? ' . Green and little I daughter Jane of Ewing came up ' on the afternoon train yesterday Y . to speLd thanksgiving with her parents Rev. 'V.V. . Wells and wife. , . . . . - Fischer's hardware is expecting an electric or pneumatic vacmira cleaner , which will be good news for the hou . wtte. ' Makes house- keeping a pleasure. Further no- tice next week. 42 J. C. Nort-hrup has bppn given a position with the C. & N.- i 'V. as , amaged freight inspector with headquarters at Chadron but he will cont.i.nue for the present to live at Valentine. ' Thomas Huston of Chesterfield shipped in this week 11 cows and " : \ I a bull of the Reg. thorobred stock b imported from England and rec- ently sold by Minier Bros at their r. Reg. stock sale at Oakland , Nebr. Your attention is called to the thoroughbred stock sale ad\T of M. Nansen of Gordon on the last of page of this paper. He has some \ ) , fine stock which he is going to sell at Gordon on Saturday , Dec 17 , 1909. < n , e : , John Cordier came down from his rancty ' , ' on th. - .r.p , rvation . last , .M Saturday after a load of coal anfl J repairs for his hay binder. Mr. Cordier has a hay contract at the al tl agency and gets § 10 par ton for A his bay. tl G. W. Gaskil ! left forx the Old OJ Soldiers ] Home at Milford Nehr. OJ with Danny McVey whom he is at is taking there to the home. He B will visit for a few days at Omaha Cf and Nebraska City before return- tll ing j home. lVrrs.- Nettie \wo : Bradley and two youngerchildren returned last , Thursday from a three weeks' visit with her father in the eastern V : part of the state. Her father had been ill but recovered and was he glad to have his daughter visit ; him ti ] and it was equally pleasant for Mrs. Bradley. ' ' wee Another snow fell Sunday about G seven or eight inches deep , com ing i down softly like a drizzling rain with very little wind. fi'Ionze day morning the house tops , L ( , fences , trees and posts were heap- I ed up with snow. Sidewalks and ' flat roofs had to be shoveled off 't again and it takes the best part of tur : a day for the ordinary force to clean up after a heavy snow. But bor we' re glad to have the snow and at the weather following- was warm , and it mostly melted ] Tuesday. . day George 0. Weisflog had the se misfortune Monday of last week to lose his dwelling in the German : . Settlement ] by fire which started ] : in an upstairs room from an un h known cause. They saved all of aft the household goods down stairs , J but found it impossible ] to put out ard arc the fire . which they tried to do for { some time by carrying water and They SP throwing on but the smoke was so Tr : dense . that they couldn't get near too the fire. Mr. Weisflog carried ni ( ] only § 400 insurance i on hrs house but got § 341 for household goods V burned or destroyed. time of Harry L. Nelson and Miss Olive A. Bright were married at Watei- lems loo la. , Wednesday , Nov. : 17 , heard 1909. Mr. Nelson returned to that Valentine with his l ride Sunday them noon where they will make their future home , Mr. Nelson resumS ing his former position as express : ma agent at this place. Miss B'right's birl home was Independence , Iowa , h ra and she had been for some time a home ' stenographer for a .business firm , were ) in Cedar Rapids , la. : Mr. Nelson ' joy ' Valen- tainly tine . who will , be _ glad . to learn ! of . her pis return and ' w6' ' join with them day. in- congratulations : : . . . . . " " , , , . . , - " ' 1 . I ' " . I \ r J e " , , - - . , . " , .7 . 'N : . " " , : ' r Grortft1 Tobien is drvn'from ! " ' Crawford ' . . for Th1lnk gTing ; ' 1' r . Frank Brayton and family are _ , , visiting . friends in AILS worth. ' - I Good winter apples § 1.00 per bushel Abraham Joseph's. 462 . ' I II I For Sale ] - Old Catholic parson- j ac e. For particulars call on Father Blaere. - - 29 I Carl Myers a teacher of the west end of the county is among j the many teachers in town today. I For Sale - Spcond hand Cash Reg I ister. Total adder. Registers Ic ! to 999. . Chapman The Druggist. Some one toojt : John St , I tter' : check book and sales book. What for or vho the party was is ' a ' mystery. ' s. , O. D.Gary of the ' boarding school 'is enjoying ' his annual vacation visiting friends in and around Valentine. ' Sarn Hudson is in town to spend Thanksgiving with his "wife \ the ' county superintendent , and ' attend the teachers' banquet. ' I . W. S. Jackson is having the fror of his : hardware dept. of the Red Front taken out and a plat ] form built preparatory to erecting a second story. . One house for rent- in town , 4 rooms and city water. Two houses for sale. . . . . Several farms and ranches for sale ; in tracts , of 80 , 120 , 160 , 480 and 2480 acres. I. M. Rice , Valen 1 tine Nebr. Thomas Van Buren and Al I Webb have been making ) ' ome im- provements in. the Honrm Bakery and expect : to kppp up the former I record ot a first class all night res < : taurant ; and bakery. John Eaton has leased the Chir r cago : house from Mrs. Sena Sears and takes possession Dec. 1st. Mr s. Spars retains a room in the ( ' hotel when she is in town and ex0 pects to make her home there. " \ ' u W. K. Palmer ] & Co. will be u here next week with a lot of ada vertising for the new electric road ' 1 f C. H. Cornell's and the latter P vyill start shortly to finance the 1 > proposition which it is believed will be forthcoming and during , J next summer great activity may be } expected ( along the border land. ( lo ii' ' Obed Bean the Is'tepfather { , ' of ' I McArthur" ' arrived this Friday n : morning from Cedar Rapids Ia. and identified the body. He says the man's name was Oscar Mc Arthur instead of Charles and u that he was 28 J ears. and 11 in months' old at his death. His K mother , a sister . and a brother live 1 * i Ceder Rapids Ia. , where ! ' 1r. : u Bean will take the body of the de- the cpased \ and the funeral will be held p there Monday. - di - fo - gt Sparks Items. ' m In < ur dim Hudson delivered cattle in not Valentine the first of the week. ceed f 3d Mrs. J. C. Geyer returned f J home Monday night from Val en'd : : tine. ! ' : 'Ie thl ( Ruth Geyer is home " after a vlole weeks' visit with her brother Roy allud accui Geyer. andJU Sparks lost one of her old citi and ns this week when Charley izen Lower moved away. the . / supr Jettie Hamer , who "has been asrcJ siting , Mrs. Frank Thompson , rebJ' turned home Sunday. to ed The chicken-pox is in the neigh- of borhood. The pupils and teacher Highland ] have all had th them. I Dr. Lewis was in Sparks ! 'Tues pic Df y night , called there by the ers' serious illness of Chas. Hudson. reiv Miss Myrtle Searby of the for , Highland district called at the just ( Chas. Hudson home as. Saturday Luck afternoon. tcjtc by Robert McCormick and HowJ IK'Sii } I Burleigh were obliged to Ib spend Saturday night in Sparks. : pron expected to reach home in now Tripp county but found the roads I bad for farther travel that = = night. - . . . Wess Osborne is spending his Ie trying to puzzle the brains the school teachers in the neigbs borhood with all the catch prob- , F 1S and conundrums he ever 1 rd of. If anyone knows of any : : b t are puzzlers please forward m to him. x . unday ) , Nov. 21st. , was Grand- .t Hudson ; seventy-seventh ; birthday. ' The children and grand-childern . gathered at her oe to help celebrate. Nineteen w ' e present andvall I seemed to en- themselves. The dinnp-r cer re I 1I.rVa ! ? good and all wished many. . , ha " py.returns . Qf..the " : " ' . .v.-- : . , ' . : ' , , . . ' - . > , " : : ' SIOW' mra' . - ' _ _ _ ' , . ' , . . , . . ' . , . . . - I I t , L I . ' , " . . ' . , . . - . _ ' - : : : : : , . . I ' , ' " - , 1r : . . " . i j : ' _ . _ . 4 , . . ' - , ' . " > . ' \ . , ' , ' ' . , " . 'I . . . . " . . - / ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - t , .w.-- ' - MnTV.M "Tf-m . ' , . . . . * , " . -f"'rt.n"J"- . " , , . , ( : : ; , , . V . / . ' , ' ' . . , ' ' - . .ytrsmww % . - Old " ' . ' ' All La. ' C. ' . , . . ' " , ' : ; . , ' , - " . " , , ' " , 1 Lqading , . - " " v. ' \ - I.atl 4 1gN j - - , . . . . . Hermitage r Brands { ' ' , j. . ' > * } : , , , , . * ; ; . . . " " ; . ' " ' ' and" : \ - . Bottled , / : ' - ; f 'I : : J I " : Griicheh- / j IC E11 . - ' - . Under the ] . . I I . - ' . t heimer . . . . , . - . . , , ' Supervision ' a I . . . , . , : f , ' : Eye . . . . of the . . . . . - V' , Whiskeys. & . i - , .y U. S. G o Y. . . V\r e also handle the Budweiser Beer. . ' : V THE PALACE SALOON ' . , i - i HENRY . STETTER . Propr. . - - " ' Warren's ' Speach. _ , The . Court In Doubt , but Pronounces , Sentence. TVith halting tones and in a manner plainly denoting the confused condi tion of his mind. a Pollock ( began the pronouncement of the sentence with an apology in part and an attempt at . argument in reply to Warren's speech. According to the Fort Scott Tribune , Warren's impassioned address made a most profound impression. "The fact that Judge Pollock stated he had given the case weeks and wcel of dellbcratiqn ! } and had hardly ! known what to do shows ; that Warren I may have had some merit in his claim ! I that the government had -sanctioned ; : idl1npin ; . The RH'h11' ! : . Warren de livered will be kept as a treasure l by , many , who are with him in this case/ ' declared the Tribune. , " "Warren's Great . Speech. , The speech } which is destined to be C011K immortal in revolutionary ! lit erature ' , is as follows : " * I wish to call the attention of the court to the fact that this casr is the outgro.wth of the kidnaping of three workmen by the agents of the great mining corporations , with ' the con nivance of the state officials : of Idaho and Colorado. ! The kidnapin-r : : } of thc e workingmen was : acquiesced in : by : t :1 : u' president ; and , sanctioned ' by the su - preme court of the United Slates. { In referring to the manner : in which these ! workingnicn were ' taken from iheir homes as kidnaping } I wish ! it un derstood that no less distinguished ! a personage < than Justice MeKenna of the supj-eme court of the ! UnitedJStates 'uVed tfiis term in dissenting from the opinion of his associates. : ; Justice Me- : Ken : na. ; after reviewing ! : , the facts laid before the ' ' ' supreme court said : : Jn the f-ase at bar the 'statl' , tlmni : : ; ; ' ! ' their oHicer.s. ! aro lt t b e ofTendoi ' . ' : . They I' l y 1 illegal exertion of , power . l ! ' p-ivocl thi t accused ; of a constitutional right. * * ' * Kidnaping i is a crime pure and simple. * * All of the oJIicers : of the law are supposed . . to he on guard against th's. ! * * But how , , ' is it when the law becomes .e kidnaper-when the officers of the law. using the forms and exerting its power , become abductors This is not a distinction without a difference , another forin of the crime of kidnaping , distfn- guished : only from tha committed by an individual by circumstances. If a state may say to one within her borders and I upon whom her process is served , "I will It inquire ! how you : came here ; I must execute my laws urul } re-nit you to pro : ceedings ! against those \\'io ; have v : rang- you " may she so p1r' vd against her of fenses ? 1\I ' she . . . - May v.-.t-n ! that by mere physical presence , \'ji Ilia her borders an accused person is within her jurisdiction denuded of his constitutional rights , hough he has been brought the-e ! by her violence ? And constitutional rights the ' accused ( ll-e three workingmen : I have alluded to ) in this case certainly did have , d valuable ones. Justice ! McKcnna voiced my views I d the views of every law abiding cit n on this important matter touching rights of the individual. But the suprQme court declared otherwise and refused : to grant the relief asked ! for these workingmc'i and guaranteed them by the constitution of the Unit States and by every consideration fair play and justice. ' N To Test the Supreme Court. it was during the heat of this strug- = : between -the Western Federation Miners and the wealthy Mine Own : ' association of the west that I con ceived' < the idea of offering a reward ( , ex-Governor Taylor , " , ho , as was generally known , was a fugitive from justice : ! from his home state of Ken 'k y and in hiding in Indiana pro tected from the service of requisition the governor of Indiana whose position , was indorsed by Governor Iljosevelt ] bf Xew York and every prominent Republican politician } and newspaper ; in the United States. , ( to be continued ) " " "You , I said Judge Lindsey to the I policeman " want to save bicycles. , ) want to save ' ) oys. " . - From CThe Beast and the j Jungle , " in the - DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S " i It's ' a big " , human well- ! Dai written Get it and ! tr story. : Uig , read it. S Loi Kai . , Special display , Jy - : . _ , Pr George Elliott. : . VnA 1 j . . . - , - - - - . If g CONFECTIONERY ' , I tofe , feB B - Tobaccos and Cigars. , - , , . . , . . . ' Canned Goods 2 . . , : 00 s .1L.Lunch Counter. ' * I , Pl.ea : : > iLncI : Bx' ® , d 'Il" I 8 Phone , ' r 1 7 Home , Bakery. ; , . . .i'.u.B ! " ; " -Ii ; ; * ! & zsxa&jwx , . O- @ @ _ _ e . for' W ! , ( Y ct Go to the . ! 'S. . 'S A Stock Exchange Saloon e S I VALENTINE'S PUgE 'LIQUOR CENTER . V Walther , F. A. Meltehdorff , Propr. ' , e. . . _ _ _ @ e e.- . . . . 54. ' " . . . ' . ' . . - . 4 ' _ . . . ' , ' " ' . , . . _ , . " , . . . - . , ' , . . GREEN FRONT ' . 1- . : . I pay cash for hides/ Potatoes taken in trade , Apples on hand , . Fresh Stock > of Groc ries' L. Gome in and see. : Valentine . MIKE DAVIS . Nebraska . J . " . , , , , ' " . Y , , , / - , , ' . . . - . . - , . , / . t Dambly & Hiftf . / LIVERY , _ FEED AND SALE STABLE - ' : : " : I { Special attention given to farmers' teams 1 and sale business. Rigs to hire. - . ; orth Main / St. ' Phone 11 V .t. V . f , -t' . . . . ; ' . ' " : - . \ . ' . . , . . . . ; ' J.'ri"- --.rA vvwwvvvyvvv .r. _ _ , lj $ # s . . > ' ' - , 1 , : " < ' . " ' . . .J't WISELY s' d..CyOSL , ; ; , ' , . . , ] . IS 14Y O . " < . . V . ' r , wl1zn , you fcuy ? GZ : : VI TNG MACHINE. You'll Gad aH sorts and lands at . . I : > . . . . , . " . .r . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ f ' ? c.r.i.n : . ; ; plat . Bui if you : v/ant & recutiHs " serviceable Machine , Inea taic ' . ' : 'iJ 7- , . . ; < - " " " , " , : " - ; - " . " . . _ ' - - " - ' _ - ; ' ? - _ . - : ; > - . ; _ . _ . _ . ; . . - . . . _ _ _ the o "WHIT { ' . . fcv , _ . , . _ . J ; . .y , i " 27 yccrs erccriencs fus cnaikd to to fcring" ; : - } + ' : 1 : oct a KAKDSOSIE : : , SVHMETRICAI ; and ' 1 ! E. . : t } 'i r ; : > > Xif WELL-ELfILT : . . . . . . . : - i PRODUCT , ccmiKniag & H * I ; fy _ _ _ _ . . ' . . . _ _ . - : - f ' . ( ( 4 1 .1 -'f- nl ' . , p taaks-up all ttc jjocd coiata fouad on higa , OR jp uts rr cufncs and others that : are exclusively . > > ' , ' , . . , J \ : : : = : - . : - for frstancc , car , TFNSION INDI , ; ; , .j . 1.\ ' . 4 t. . , CATOR s. device that shows the tension at a ' \-oj \ . = - - D . . . . . . " , . , : ' . = k . glance ! : , er.d we have others that appeal to care ' , ; ; . . - : > j"y'R. ! . _ _ . _ . . . . . . ; J " ' " r..i- - ; s' = = . - y - -'R. ; < ; ful tx ; rers. AH Drop Heads have Automatic . . ' : = = - ' 'F ; I ? ) , ijf.f41.Uf . . . . . . ; , . , j ; ! ' : ' f.f'q ' ; . , .i/ ' " lt Lift and beautiful , Swca : Front , Golden Oak . ; ; ; ; ; .j.i . . ' 1 , r . \7ocd-worfc. Vibrator aadRotary Shuttle Styles. ) ou i ELCGAHT . ? ; . T. CATALOGUES GIVE FULL PARTICULARS. FREE. r t WtiSTE SEIWKC MACHINE CO. .cw-vELAl\1 ! : ] L ) , O. th'f"'t " < ; e . .f'-'ifr..P . . : : } . " > 1 y CVrv1J : y ' ftif 'S A A/V AAi _ . For sale by Red Front Merc. Co. Valentine , Neb. . . " - , - - , - _ . - U. S. Weather Bureau Report. _ - WEEK ENDING NOV. Vi . 1009. illy L mean temperature 33- : . , Normal temperature 31 = . ' ghebt temperature 60 ° . west temperature,9c. mgeof tcnipcrature 5I : . ecipltat'.oii for week .50 of an inch. j \verage fgCflJl : 3fear ' O.lCof an Inch x-cipitation March 1st to date IT . 83 inches. Average for 21 years 19/rr of an inches. Joux J. McLEAs ; O"bserVfe'r. : ! , - . . . , \ MILL PRICES FOR FEED \ Per Cwt. Tor Ton. ; . Bran , sacked. . . . $1 05 . § 18 00 . ' Shorts , sacked . I 05 20 00' ' : . ' Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00. _ - I Cfiop Corn , sacked 1 30. " 25 00 ' - . Chop Feed sacked 1 40 27 00 , Oats sacked - 1 45 2 $ ' 60 - , . : . + I . . . . . . S