Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 18, 1909, Image 8

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.t. : Biscuit are more than mere soda
. " .
. -
' ' . \ , , ' - crackers. They are a distinct ,
. - - " - , individual food article made from
- : . : " < . . , ' , ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' < . : special materials , by special
" . ' ' , . methods , in specially constructed
, : : ' baker . I
. . : .
I : : . ' " : ' They are . s'ealed in a special _ I
/ . \ " \ way which gives them crispness , :
. . cleanliness and freshness which , ' , . :
! crackers" from the . paper bag i I
, . i i always lack. They are the Na /
; :
" . tion's accepted soda
i ) F . -
I ' ; > . . ' . II . , .
, _
i ; . ; . ' . . r Jr % /l Biscwt I . '
1 " "c. , " r. . , . .
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. . . _ / y- / NATIONAL . BISeU IT COMPANY
L . //41/4i '
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, . , . EDNA Honsox .AND
SM T > . ; 3
° 3 . . .
. . Examinations . . will be held next
- - , ' - "
week. . :
; <
. " . Robert Garrett was promoted
tp the fourth grade.
I Zina Parry is in school again J
after a few days absence.
We will have no more recess
until warm weather comes again.
. ' The children are looking for-
ward 10 [ a pleasant Thanksgiving
The Philomathean society will
give another entertainment Dec. I
l v. The program will be pub i
lished later.
Florence Young of the second
gjrade ( is improving. She has been
out of school more than a week on
account of sickness.
Miss Carlson and Miss VanDriel
read some very interesting selec-
, I tions to the high school for open-
ing exercises ; last week.
Kev. Shaw gave an interesting
chart talk to the high school
Wednesday morning , showing the
part the intellect , sensibility and
will take in the well balanced
mind , and that everyone should
. .
. .
try to cultivate and strengthen
that faculty wherein he is deficient.
Prof. Bettenga "What is the
court called that can dissolve a
partnership ? "
Harold "The divorce court. " I
The second primary room have I
been much interested in the study
of the bat , a live speciman having
been borrowed from the high
The fourth and fifth grades are
getting ready for a Thanksgiving
program to be given on Wednes-
day afternoon , beginning , . at two
o'clock. '
The normal training class visit-
ed Miss ' Nelson's room Tuesday
morning to hear the arithmetic
class recite. The recitation was
real interesting and very well con-
Peru Normal Notes.
Saturday , Nov. 13. the Kearney
and Peru football teams met on
the Peru field. The result was a
score of 2 to 0 in Peru's favor.
It was estimated by Supt. Mc-
Brien and Supt. W. S. Stephens
that one-half of the attendance at
the state teachers' association was
made up of former and present
- - - - - - -
i _ The highest medical authority
- on foods ,
Sir . James Crichton Browne , LLD. F.R.S.
.r . . , -
' of London
. ' . ,
.t gives the best reasons for eating more
L : 'l | , ' ' Quaker : Oats - .
a 5. In : ' an article published in the
YoiitV's . , ) Companion of Septem-
, ber 23rd , 1909 , Dr. Browne , the
: : , re ' , . t medical authority on
fiaodssays ; , about brain and
1nu ; J , . cle . " , i' building ' . .
: . ' : There is one kinji of food
" that seems to me./bf marked
" . . : . value as * .foGd to the brain and
, . . to ; th's ; . . whole Jx > dy throughout
- c - 11l tioodi''and f adolescence
" ( Yut . . < t..o.p" ) r"2nd . . . ' that , . is i . oatmeal.
: t. + r. , g ; 1 ; e the . .mostJnutritious
: . of , all . ttiert riV-S-t ; .er . _ j1Jsb / ing richer ,
- -
I I ' jn fats . . . . organic . phosphorus and
c , 1 , . . . , . Lf.LS. , ' : o ' J 5' {
. . ; ' 1ttJj , > , ays J atmeal. is gaining-
, " . gr91n - -with the well-to-do of
Srcaf : Britain. He speaks of : it
fl "the.'mainstay of the Scottish
; f4 b Jrti : JI : dt sad Say * it { 1tcJ. .
, - . . . . r . , ' .t . . ,
" . , . . ' - , ( , . . - , . . . . . . . . . , . . . ; . . . . . , . . .i . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . .Ia. . . f _ . . " ' h . . . .
w A ,
' >
. " , I '
duces a big-boned , -
oped , mentally energetic race.
. His experiments prove" -that
good oatmeal such as . Quaker
Oats not only furnishes the best
food for the human being , but
eating it strengthens and en-
larges the thyroid gland-this
gland is intimately connected
with the flourishing processes
of the body.
! n conclusion he says-
"It seems probable therefore
that the bulk and brawniness of
the Northerners " ( meaning the
Scotch ) , has been in some
measure ' due to the stimulation
of the thyroid gland by oatmeal
porridge in childhood. J
The Scotch eat Quaker Oats
because it is the best of all oat-
m 15.
of. . . . . . . . " " -4- : : :
. I , , ; " - .
. . . . . . . ,
Peru students.
The first snow of the season is
being greatly enjoyed by all Peru
I people.
. Miss Julia VanDrill , class of ' 09
r J and principal at Valentine , has of-
I fered a gold medal to the best
lady debater of the normal , pro-
vided at least ten register. A
medal for the best debater , either
lady or gentlement , has been of-
fered by C. B. Moore , president
of class ' 09 and superintendent of
schools at Osceola. Peru's debat-
ing spirit is very earnest and reg-
istration for the preliminary de
bates is being taken up with great
Dry Creek Cracklings.
Dora Grewe spent Sunday at
the home of C. Miller.
Mary ' and Bertha Byschon are
working in Crookston at present.
Josephine Miller of Crookston
spent Sunday with her parents on
Dry Creek.
Don Kellogg , wife and son of
Beaver Creek spent Sunday at
the home of D. A Kellogg.
W. F. Bullis , Mrs. D. Dunn
and son Willie , Mrs. A. Brown
and son Bud and Joe Ryschon
were Valentine callers Saturday.
Bud Brown who has been em-
ployed b.v Louis Taylor the past
two weeks is at home nursing
several pets on his arms and
Jas. V Novak who was employ-
ed by D. A. Kellogp during corn
husking is i now husking corn for
Pat McIlhon. We all look for-
ward for the time when James
will be with us again.
Lester Kellogg who has been
engaged as farm hand for his
brother ) D. A. Kellogg the past
eight months has accepted a posi-
tion as drayman for Mack Cramer
of Valentine. Lester will be
greatly missed by his many
friends who were sorry to see him
Via the Northwestern Line
Account International Live
mck ; Exposition Nov. 27th - Dec.
IOth. U S. Land and Irrigation
i Wxposition ( , Nov. 20th-Dec. 4th.
\ itinnal : Farm ; Land Congress
\ ! t\T 16th - 20th. Tickets on sale
M > V .14th , _ 19th. 27th , 28th , 29th ,
; JOrh. : Upc.4th and 5th ; return
; n It. D.-C [ 13th. . For ; full particu-
; ' jtpply ( } to any ticket agent of
the Northwestern Line. It
. , . ; . .i.
, . , .
. - - '
" . , / . - .
! .
Cherry County Teachers'
- Association.
The following program of the
Cherry County Teachers' Associa-
tion will be rendered at Valentine
on Friday and Saturday. Nov. 26
and 27 in the high school building :
I Theory of Teaching , chapters 13 to 19.
- - - - E. P. Bettenga.
Music. : :
Sense Deception - - Evelyn Baird.
Liberia - - W. Harrington.
What will America Gain by Theodore
Roosevelt's Trip to Africa ? -
- - - - H. W. Funke.
Natlonnl Educational Association -
- - - - Dora Grewe.
Roll Gall by Quotations.
Plays : and Games , pages 61 to KG - -
- - - Mrs. L. K. Hudson.
Music. : :
A Noted Statesman of Our Day , O. W. Roby.
Parsifal - - Edith Adamson.
Olay Modeling and the Sand Table -
- - - Mrs. G. H. Mossman.
Consolidation of Country Schools -
- - - G. E. Porter.
1:30 P. 31.
Life and Work of Frances E. "Willard ,
- - - Mrs. Adelia Stewart.
The National Convention of the W. O.
T. U. - - Lillian E. Nelson.
State Teachers' Association , E. P. Bettenga.
Care of School Property , Grace Waggoner.
Tickets for tbe banquet to be
given Friday evening , Nov. 26th ,
at Church's hall will be on sale at
Chapman's drug store Monday a.
m. , to Wednesday p. m. , Nov. 22-
25. Lrt..LIAN'E. . NELSON
Sec' j' .
Mrs. M. Brinda was in town
last Saturday and called on us to
insert a local in THE DEMOCRAT
warning hunters from camping or
trespassing on their place. Mrs.
Brinda says.
Since the fire which started 2 !
miles south of Thacher on Nov.
6 , I warn all Valentine hunters ,
and especially the parties who
started this fire ( we know them
all ) to not hunt or trepass in any-
way on our land. They were not :
even gentlemanly enough to apol-
ogize , even saying they found the
fire in the hills and their wagon
I already away ahead.V ho will
believe that Then when the
" farmers gathered to put the fire
out , one of the hunters was heard
I to say : h come on boys ; they have
; it ; corraled , " . instead of helping
put it out.Ve thank our neigh-
bors for assisting putting the
fire out. It was due to their eff
orts that only 75 tons of hay } , burn-
ed and the breath of winter . upon
. . "
" . ' - -y. - . . . . . - . . - . . . . .
. .
us. Two big fires in less than
I three years , and all through such
carelessness. I suppose when the
hunters got back to town they told
what a jolly time they had. The
law should punish such offenders ,
or the people will take the law in-
to their own hands. . I think my
I neighbors agree with me in this.
"Mrs. M. ' Brinda. "
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court : of Cherry county , Ne-
braska. *
County of Oherr " . ( ss
To the heirs and all persons Interested In
the estate of Jennie Barnes , deceased :
On reading the petition of Edward Satter-
lee praying a llnal settlement and allow-
ance of his account filed in this court on tho
3rd day of November , HXW , and for his dis-
charge as administrator.
It is hereby ordered that you ; and all per-
sons Interested in said matter may , and do ,
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 11th day of December
A. D. , 15XP ! ) ! at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause
if any there be , why ; the prayer of the pe-
titioner should not be granted , and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all persons
Interested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order In The Valentine Demo
crat , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for four successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
45 4 . County Judge.
Walcott & Morrissey. attorneys.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne
State of Nebraska , ( ( &s
Cherry County I
To the heirs and all persons interested in
the estate of Lewis H. Smith. deceased.
On reading the petition of Charles H. Cor-
nell one of the executors praying a final
settlement and allowance of his account tiled
in this court on the 16th day of November
1909 and for their discharge and the distri-
bution of said estate.
It is hereby ordered that you and all per-
sons interested in said matter may : and do
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 11th day of December
A. D , 1909 at 11 o'clock a. m. , to show cause
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted and that not-
ice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons inter-
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The Valentine Democrat a
weekly newspaper printed in said county for
four successive weeks prior to said day of
hearing. JAMES C. QUIGLEY.
[ SEAL ] 45-4 County Judge.
Logal Notice.
Herleann Johnson , Mary Johnson. his wife ,
real name unknown , and the unknown :
heirs and devisees of Emil M. Perrig , de
ceased , will take notice that on the 4th day
of November , UX)9 , P. Flor Digmann filed
his petition in the District Court of Cherry
county , against each and all of the aforesaid
defendants , the object and prayer of which
are to have the title of the said P. Flor Dig
mann In and to Lot One (1) ( , and the east
half of the southeast quarter of section
twenty-four (24) ( : ! , in township thirty-five
(35) ( ) , range thirty-one n(31) ) , west of ' the Sixth .
principal meridan , in Cherry county , Ne-
braska , quieted and confirmed in the plain-
tiff as against the claims , Interests and de-
mands ot the defendants. That the defend-
ants and each and all of them be decreed to
have no Interest in , lien upon or claim to
the real estate described above and that all
the claims of the various defendants be can-
celled , annulled and satisfied of record.
That each and all of the defendants be for-
ever enjoined from asserting any interest
in , lien upon or claim to the aforesaid
premises. That the court decree that the
title taken by Emll M. Perrig from William
S. Hatton to the real estate described above
was taken in trust for the plaintiff by the
said Emll M. : : Terrlg , and for such other and
further relief as may be just and equitable.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday : , the 20th day of De
cember , 14X > . ) . .
Dated this 6th day of November , , lro.1.
44 i Plaintiff. .
' .
- "
0 .
- -
. . . . . .
K. M. Faddis & Co
Postofflce address-Valentine or Kennedy. r
Some branded
< ipron left
- thigh. /
Horses brarded
on left \
[ shoulder .
! or thigh
Some Some branded
branded on rl brandedi1 [
on 16ft J iI or shoulder.
or thigh .
- -
P. H. Young.
dimeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left ildo
v Some CLyon left
- en left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on CnrdoA Cre k north of SIme n.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
. ' ; r CIdUn y , j > .
. .fo.j r. ' . . .t"rIUJt1. . " . !
. h _ r- ' _ R . 'f' . . : ( $ .
. ; . - ' . . . O - : ' . 5tth
„ s. ii ; ' : .i . . . . : . .lt . attltJaya / ' . + ' " -
1 .J - \ - j 011a. . \ h a -r ou neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
dome branded
with two bars
' . + ' ; ron hirul qtmr-
-TS Some Texas
_ , : -r" .t.\J " H I Jell ade : anll4nO ,
C II at' J'UI .t \ ' wme.
I."t. : . . :
Li : . . ' . II' . " ' . - on loft hh : . tiutut : > . . . . .It. . . . .
a' I. . . . 'J\ . ' n , u"'ltsod "n bot' ' sidMS ' . .1"t
lt'1t hi.1 ! u.l'-"s _ _ _ _ _ - - _
N. S. Rowley.
t4 ' : ' ' trrr. ' 1 . . tiurnnK \
tlallle as : : cut on le J
-tide and hip , aud on
left shoulder of hor -
se * . AlsoKSV 011
left Hide . \ud
If X on left se zT-4
cat . . L
Some \ - . .
! ! . . . ! / _ . , . . ' Wi"-T'
tie brctul-
ed husk- ing peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. F ou left Jaw and left shonlder
of horseu ! , UJ
Q on left hip of horses.
N on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also !
® OJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks. .
A liberal reward .
for information
leading to detection
_ _ _ _ _ _ of rustlers of . stock
hearing ' * TIV of these brands.
E. M. Ten-ill , Pro r.
Brownlee , Neu.
Cattle branded . ,
In CHC on left .
si d e. Home
V 1..J branded K. T Y
. . . on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river two mites
west of Brewnlee
, -
- J. A. Yaryan.Pullman.
Pullman Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
J y Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re-
covery of cattle
strayed from my
range. /
I f .
E > . M. Sears. ;
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip. S
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range- Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas Jamison Sac&Treaa _ .
Cattle branded on
any part ofanimal ;
also the ' following
brands :
' rllil.
horses randed thb
Range betweei
Gordon on the F .H.
&M V. , R R. and
yannis on M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebr.
JJARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebr.
- -
-J ohn Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis-
a sion. Kosebud.
S. D.
Cattle : branded ?
as in cut ; horses JKP
8Hme 0 n left _
thigh. ttange he- -
tween Sprin C'k
and Little White
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr.
G. I { . Sawyer has
cbarne of these
cattle. H rses
S ® S It fconleltshoul- !
der. Some
left Somefj
Hors : s
same left thigh.
Range on Snake
Metzger : Bros.
Kolfe N'ebr
Cattle branded
. anywhere on left
Ii i I Earmark square . . . . . . . . . . . . . /.j.
crop right ear.
I "E . (
Horses have "
same brand on
eft thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. ' * '
A . Reward . of $250 wilt h. - T aid to any person for
lufonimt.on leading to the arrest aud final '
conviction . of any IHTSOII . or persons : stealing
nattla with : at oVP hrad
I Roan Bros. "
. Woodlake Neb f \
"Range > on Long R B . . _ _ _
Lake and Crook
ed Lake.
I ' .
, . . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . i
. .J 4
" w . 55 t 5 ,