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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
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" - ' - ' . . . " . - : . I' > : , . . . , . , I - . : , , I . . , ' ' , : I . . : , . ' ; ; . , : I , . t , , , . n. , . - : ' . " ' " ' . " . . . . . . : . - . ' , . . , " . , ' " . . " " j . , ; ' , . . . . - , I 'L' . - II I1 I . . \1 , " . . If It ' ' , -.i' ' . . . - ) i'L . . : ' n ee cI a. . ' , . . . , . , . . : . 1 , , : " ; . . : ' . . ' . ' . . , . , . . . . . - ' -I-- . . . - . . . , : . ' .t. : Biscuit are more than mere soda . " . . - ' ' . \ , , ' - crackers. They are a distinct , . - - " - , individual food article made from - - : . : " < . . , ' , ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' < . : special materials , by special " . ' ' , . methods , in specially constructed . , : : ' baker . I . . : . I : : . ' " : ' They are . s'ealed in a special _ I / . \ " \ way which gives them crispness , : . . cleanliness and freshness which , ' , . : . ! crackers" from the . paper bag i I , . i i always lack. They are the Na / ; : " . tion's accepted soda . i ) F . - I ' ; > . . ' . II . , . , , _ i ; . ; . ' . . r Jr % /l Biscwt I . ' 1 " "c. , " r. . , . . - . ' " , _ - : . . " . I . " . . . _ / y- / NATIONAL . BISeU IT COMPANY L . //41/4i ' . . . ; - . . . . , - j. ' ' . - > . . - . ! ' . . . . . -I ' . : , , c. ' . ' - - . ' : ; : ' - . ' ; - , / . , . . . . i - . : . - - - SCHOOL NOTES r . _ . . - ' - , . . z. . . . . . - ' " " * ' : ' . , . , . EDNA Honsox .AND SM T > . ; 3 ° 3 . . . I EDNA BROWN. - . . Examinations . . will be held next - - , ' - " * week. . : ; < . " . Robert Garrett was promoted tp the fourth grade. I Zina Parry is in school again J ' after a few days absence. We will have no more recess until warm weather comes again. . ' The children are looking for- ward 10 [ a pleasant Thanksgiving vacation. The Philomathean society will give another entertainment Dec. I l v. The program will be pub i lished later. Florence Young of the second gjrade ( is improving. She has been out of school more than a week on account of sickness. Miss Carlson and Miss VanDriel read some very interesting selec- , I tions to the high school for open- ing exercises ; last week. Kev. Shaw gave an interesting chart talk to the high school Wednesday morning , showing the part the intellect , sensibility and will take in the well balanced mind , and that everyone should . . . . . try to cultivate and strengthen that faculty wherein he is deficient. Prof. Bettenga "What is the court called that can dissolve a partnership ? " Harold "The divorce court. " I The second primary room have I been much interested in the study of the bat , a live speciman having been borrowed from the high school. The fourth and fifth grades are getting ready for a Thanksgiving program to be given on Wednes- day afternoon , beginning , . at two o'clock. ' The normal training class visit- ed Miss ' Nelson's room Tuesday morning to hear the arithmetic class recite. The recitation was real interesting and very well con- ducted. Peru Normal Notes. Saturday , Nov. 13. the Kearney and Peru football teams met on the Peru field. The result was a score of 2 to 0 in Peru's favor. It was estimated by Supt. Mc- Brien and Supt. W. S. Stephens that one-half of the attendance at the state teachers' association was made up of former and present - - - - - - - i _ The highest medical authority - on foods , Sir . James Crichton Browne , LLD. F.R.S. .r . . , - ' of London . ' . , .t gives the best reasons for eating more L : 'l | , ' ' Quaker : Oats - . a 5. In : ' an article published in the YoiitV's . , ) Companion of Septem- , ber 23rd , 1909 , Dr. Browne , the : : , re ' , . t medical authority on fiaodssays ; , about brain and 1nu ; J , . cle . " , i' building ' . . : . ' : There is one kinji of food " that seems to me./bf marked " . . : . value as * .foGd to the brain and , . . to ; th's ; . . whole Jx > dy throughout - c - 11l tioodi''and f adolescence " ( Yut . . < t..o.p" ) r"2nd . . . ' that , . is i . oatmeal. : t. + r. , g ; 1 ; e the . .mostJnutritious : . of , all . ttiert riV-S-t ; .er . _ j1Jsb / ing richer , - - I I ' jn fats . . . . organic . phosphorus and c , 1 , . . . , . Lf.LS. , ' : o ' J 5' { . . ; ' 1ttJj , > , ays J atmeal. is gaining- , " . gr91n - -with the well-to-do of Srcaf : Britain. He speaks of : it fl "the.'mainstay of the Scottish ; f4 b Jrti : JI : dt sad Say * it { 1tcJ. . , - . . . . r . , ' .t . . , " . , . . ' - , ( , . . - , . . . . . . . . . , . . . ; . . . . . , . . .i . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . .Ia. . . f _ . . " ' h . . . . w A , ' > . " , I ' + well-devel- duces a big-boned , - oped , mentally energetic race. . His experiments prove" -that good oatmeal such as . Quaker Oats not only furnishes the best food for the human being , but eating it strengthens and en- larges the thyroid gland-this gland is intimately connected with the flourishing processes of the body. ! n conclusion he says- "It seems probable therefore that the bulk and brawniness of the Northerners " ( meaning the Scotch ) , has been in some measure ' due to the stimulation of the thyroid gland by oatmeal porridge in childhood. J The Scotch eat Quaker Oats because it is the best of all oat- m 15. of. . . . . . . . " " -4- : : : . I , , ; " - . . . . . . . . , J Peru students. The first snow of the season is being greatly enjoyed by all Peru I people. I . Miss Julia VanDrill , class of ' 09 r J and principal at Valentine , has of- I fered a gold medal to the best lady debater of the normal , pro- vided at least ten register. A medal for the best debater , either lady or gentlement , has been of- fered by C. B. Moore , president of class ' 09 and superintendent of schools at Osceola. Peru's debat- ing spirit is very earnest and reg- istration for the preliminary de bates is being taken up with great enthusiasm. Dry Creek Cracklings. Dora Grewe spent Sunday at the home of C. Miller. Mary ' and Bertha Byschon are working in Crookston at present. Josephine Miller of Crookston spent Sunday with her parents on Dry Creek. Don Kellogg , wife and son of Beaver Creek spent Sunday at the home of D. A Kellogg. W. F. Bullis , Mrs. D. Dunn and son Willie , Mrs. A. Brown and son Bud and Joe Ryschon were Valentine callers Saturday. Bud Brown who has been em- ployed b.v Louis Taylor the past two weeks is at home nursing several pets on his arms and hands. Jas. V Novak who was employ- ed by D. A. Kellogp during corn husking is i now husking corn for Pat McIlhon. We all look for- ward for the time when James will be with us again. Lester Kellogg who has been engaged as farm hand for his brother ) D. A. Kellogg the past eight months has accepted a posi- tion as drayman for Mack Cramer of Valentine. Lester will be greatly missed by his many friends who were sorry to see him go. go.EXCURSION EXCURSION . RATES TO CHICAGO Via the Northwestern Line Account International Live mck ; Exposition Nov. 27th - Dec. IOth. U S. Land and Irrigation i Wxposition ( , Nov. 20th-Dec. 4th. \ itinnal : Farm ; Land Congress \ ! t\T 16th - 20th. Tickets on sale M > V .14th , _ 19th. 27th , 28th , 29th , ; JOrh. : Upc.4th and 5th ; return ; n It. D.-C [ 13th. . For ; full particu- ; ' jtpply ( } to any ticket agent of the Northwestern Line. It , . . , . ; . .i. , . , . . , . - - ' " . , / . - . L - / ! . - Cherry County Teachers' - Association. The following program of the Cherry County Teachers' Associa- tion will be rendered at Valentine on Friday and Saturday. Nov. 26 and 27 in the high school building : FRIDAY. 1COP. 31. I Theory of Teaching , chapters 13 to 19. - - - - E. P. Bettenga. Music. : : Sense Deception - - Evelyn Baird. Liberia - - W. Harrington. What will America Gain by Theodore Roosevelt's Trip to Africa ? - - - - - H. W. Funke. Natlonnl Educational Association - - - - - Dora Grewe. Roll Gall by Quotations. SATURDAY. Plays : and Games , pages 61 to KG - - - - - Mrs. L. K. Hudson. Music. : : A Noted Statesman of Our Day , O. W. Roby. Parsifal - - Edith Adamson. Olay Modeling and the Sand Table - - - - Mrs. G. H. Mossman. Consolidation of Country Schools - - - - G. E. Porter. 1:30 P. 31. Life and Work of Frances E. "Willard , - - - Mrs. Adelia Stewart. The National Convention of the W. O. T. U. - - Lillian E. Nelson. Music. State Teachers' Association , E. P. Bettenga. Care of School Property , Grace Waggoner. Music. Tickets for tbe banquet to be given Friday evening , Nov. 26th , at Church's hall will be on sale at Chapman's drug store Monday a. m. , to Wednesday p. m. , Nov. 22- ' 25. Lrt..LIAN'E. . NELSON Sec' j' . Mrs. M. Brinda was in town last Saturday and called on us to insert a local in THE DEMOCRAT warning hunters from camping or trespassing on their place. Mrs. Brinda says. Since the fire which started 2 ! miles south of Thacher on Nov. 6 , I warn all Valentine hunters , and especially the parties who started this fire ( we know them all ) to not hunt or trepass in any- way on our land. They were not : even gentlemanly enough to apol- ogize , even saying they found the fire in the hills and their wagon I already away ahead.V ho will believe that Then when the " farmers gathered to put the fire out , one of the hunters was heard I to say : h come on boys ; they have ; it ; corraled , " . instead of helping put it out.Ve thank our neigh- bors for assisting putting the fire out. It was due to their eff orts that only 75 tons of hay } , burn- ed and the breath of winter . upon . . " " . ' - -y. - . . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . d us. Two big fires in less than I three years , and all through such carelessness. I suppose when the hunters got back to town they told what a jolly time they had. The law should punish such offenders , or the people will take the law in- to their own hands. . I think my I neighbors agree with me in this. "Mrs. M. ' Brinda. " . Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. . In the county court : of Cherry county , Ne- braska. * STATE OF NEBRASKA , l I County of Oherr " . ( ss To the heirs and all persons Interested In ' the estate of Jennie Barnes , deceased : On reading the petition of Edward Satter- lee praying a llnal settlement and allow- ance of his account filed in this court on tho 3rd day of November , HXW , and for his dis- charge as administrator. It is hereby ordered that you ; and all per- sons Interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 11th day of December A. D. , 15XP ! ) ! at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause if any there be , why ; the prayer of the pe- titioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons matter Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In The Valentine Demo crat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. [ SEAT ] JAMES O. QUIGI.KT . 45 4 . County Judge. Walcott & Morrissey. attorneys. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , ( ( &s & Cherry County I To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of Lewis H. Smith. deceased. On reading the petition of Charles H. Cor- nell one of the executors praying a final settlement and allowance of his account tiled in this court on the 16th day of November 1909 and for their discharge and the distri- bution of said estate. It is hereby ordered that you and all per- sons interested in said matter may : and do appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 11th day of December A. D , 1909 at 11 o'clock a. m. , to show cause if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted and that not- ice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter- ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat a weekly newspaper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. JAMES C. QUIGLEY. [ SEAL ] 45-4 County Judge. Logal Notice. Herleann Johnson , Mary Johnson. his wife , real name unknown , and the unknown : heirs and devisees of Emil M. Perrig , de ceased , will take notice that on the 4th day of November , UX)9 , P. Flor Digmann filed his petition in the District Court of Cherry county , against each and all of the aforesaid defendants , the object and prayer of which are to have the title of the said P. Flor Dig mann In and to Lot One (1) ( , and the east half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-four (24) ( : ! , in township thirty-five (35) ( ) , range thirty-one n(31) ) , west of ' the Sixth . principal meridan , in Cherry county , Ne- braska , quieted and confirmed in the plain- tiff as against the claims , Interests and de- mands ot the defendants. That the defend- ants and each and all of them be decreed to have no Interest in , lien upon or claim to the real estate described above and that all the claims of the various defendants be can- celled , annulled and satisfied of record. That each and all of the defendants be for- ever enjoined from asserting any interest in , lien upon or claim to the aforesaid premises. That the court decree that the title taken by Emll M. Perrig from William S. Hatton to the real estate described above . was taken in trust for the plaintiff by the said Emll M. : : Terrlg , and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday : , the 20th day of De cember , 14X > . ) . . Dated this 6th day of November , , lro.1. P. FI.OK DIQMAXN , 44 i Plaintiff. . ' . I - r - " 0 . 3 - - - V , - . . . . . . K. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address-Valentine or Kennedy. r Some branded < ipron left - thigh. / e I Horses brarded on left \ [ shoulder . ! or thigh r' Some Some branded branded on rl brandedi1 [ shoulderg on 16ft J iI or shoulder. shouldei - or thigh . - - P. H. Young. dimeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left ildo v Some CLyon left side. - en left Jaw of V horses. Range on CnrdoA Cre k north of SIme n. Albert Whipple & Sons. . ' ; r CIdUn y , j > . . .fo.j r. ' . . .t"rIUJt1. . " . ! . h _ r- ' _ R . 'f' . . : ( $ . . ; . - ' . . . O - : ' . 5tth s. ii ; ' : .i . . . . : . .lt . attltJaya / ' . + ' " - 1 .J - \ - j 011a. . \ h a -r ou neck Some with A on left shoulder and dome branded with two bars ' . + ' ; ron hirul qtmr- -TS Some Texas . _ , : -r" .t.\J " H I Jell ade : anll4nO , C II at' J'UI .t \ ' wme. I."t. : . . : Li : . . ' . II' . " ' . - on loft hh : . tiutut : > . . . . .It. . . . . a' I. . . . 'J\ . ' n , u"'ltsod "n bot' ' sidMS ' . .1"t lt'1t hi.1 ! u.l'-"s _ _ _ _ _ - - _ N. S. Rowley. t4 ' : ' ' trrr. ' 1 . . tiurnnK \ tlallle as : : cut on le J -tide and hip , aud on left shoulder of hor - se * . AlsoKSV 011 left Hide . \ud hip. If X on left se zT-4 cat . . L Some \ - . . ! ! . . . ! / _ . , . . ' Wi"-T' tie brctul- ed husk- ing peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. F ou left Jaw and left shonlder of horseu ! , UJ Q on left hip of horses. N on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattle same aa cut ; also ! ® OJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. . A liberal reward . for information leading to detection _ _ _ _ _ _ of rustlers of . stock hearing ' * TIV of these brands. E. M. Ten-ill , Pro r. Brownlee , Neu. Cattle branded . , In CHC on left . si d e. Home V 1..J branded K. T Y . . . on left hip. Range on North Loup river two mites west of Brewnlee , - - J. A. Yaryan.Pullman. Pullman Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder J y Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re- covery of cattle strayed from my range. / I f . E > . M. Sears. ; Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. S - Horses same on left shoulder. Range- Square Lake. . Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas Jamison Sac&Treaa _ . Cattle branded on any part ofanimal ; also the ' following brands : ' rllil. horses randed thb same Range betweei Gordon on the F .H. &M V. , R R. and yannis on M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebr. JJARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebr. - - -J ohn Kills Plenty. St Francis Mis- a sion. Kosebud. S. D. Cattle : branded ? as in cut ; horses JKP 8Hme 0 n left _ thigh. ttange he- - tween Sprin C'k and Little White river. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr. G. I { . Sawyer has cbarne of these cattle. H rses S ® S It fconleltshoul- ! der. Some left Somefj . Hors : s same left thigh. Range on Snake river. Metzger : Bros. Kolfe N'ebr Cattle branded . anywhere on left side. Ii i I Earmark square . . . . . . . . . . . . . /.j. crop right ear. I "E . ( Horses have " same brand on eft thigh. I Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. ' * ' A . Reward . of $250 wilt h. - T aid to any person for lufonimt.on leading to the arrest aud final ' conviction . of any IHTSOII . or persons : stealing nattla with : at oVP hrad I Roan Bros. " . Woodlake Neb f \ \ "Range > on Long R B . . _ _ _ Lake and Crook ed Lake. . I ' . . . , . . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . i . .J 4 4t " w . 55 t 5 , - 3 1