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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
. . l 1 0 ' . . Y ! , , . . , . . . . . ' . , - . . < . , . . . , . . . - 't ' - { \ , 3 \ / s " i . ' r . k . . ' S" , We've necn that came smile ! ' , .iii ! on hundreds since v/e've been I celling : " w . AGi { & \7riffE" I and it's no wonder. The equal of I f f en ordinary threc-fcr-a-quarter cigar m for a nickel ! f , would ! ( create on any body n the csiilc : that won't'come or ? a 1 BLACK ( & WiUTf" t ra , ! t contains a filler of Cuban-grown ,1 ° ! leaf , wrapped in excellent quality ' , ; 1 of Sumatra wrapper , and it's free , . burning fragrance makes its popu , larity greater than any cigar for 5c. that we sell. t . " Come in and smile too. , . _ - . . / - . ( ! A e - VALENTIE. : NED : I i : y5 , . - ' f , u E _ .5 : _ _ : . , CQ Y : o r , ' ' ? ii ' ' ' ' ' , , , , n . , , Lumber Piles l "It , keeps us busy to keep our 1 + - stock , . full , so we can meet all de- m nds. . We are especially pre- : pared now to take care of orders requiring long timbers. But our t . slock of ' t - ; , Finish Lumber . 1r is _ ' . also complete , , including . . . White . ' ' - Fine7 : ; elrowPineabd ' i - ' : . ; fir ' ' 'Fin ' . ish I , ' . etc. r ' .l. Lumber Co . Ludwi.gLumber : , , ( " : . A Safe - I . , ' IJ II J I Simple System 1 . I , I 3,1i.e 1 , ' system of paying . . . b Y check was devised by . all men-for any jnan - for you. . It is 111 ' ' : ' suited to the need of t.i i , # , any ' business , either ! - : large or < ; > small. It makes nV difference whether l we pay out $10 or $10000 , /a month. checking ' . account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the . . method puts system in- I to your business and ' , ' gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE , STATE BANK _ lc VALENTINE. NEBR. . . " \ 60 YEARS' rXPERLFNCE a - , TRADE : MARKS DESIGNS - COPYRIGHTS &c. eltetcb and description IDIl' ' sending a \ ; " qttlcltly An\'onO ru certnll\ our opinion % tree . Coether an Commn IC o " is rrobnbly pntentab1e. tlonslltrlcUyconlldentlnJ In\"onUon HAfII3BOUK on Patent r ' lIont. { rec. Oldest D enyoreecUr . efltS.6 1'lI.tont.8 taken tbroulh l\lunn c ! ; Co. receive ntcial notice : without charge , In tbe Scientific flnienccr. : I11nlltrnfpd weekly. J.nrlZest cr. ! blmdsomcly sst A I.e 3 IclCIIUtlc iournal . } 'erms 5 3 8 of ! clllnUon nny c iournalnee . , . cyear : fourof months , bI . Sold by n1111e\TsdCD.lers , HUNK & . 361sroadway . Hew York " Branch Office. C25 F SU Waahlngton. D. C. SHBP YOUR 1 . ' . HIDES 4f flIRS etc. ; p/F . Es&Hlshcd 1867 . . . . TO . . . . , . QLBERGMAN&COI $ STrPAUL , MINN. Deal direct with the largest and oldcsthouso in the West. Highest prices and immediate e cash returns. . , . Write for ' nrice . . . list , , ' tags , and tul ' ! liif riTh & > n , u _ ' , . , ' I' . . . . . , . . . 0. - . . - - . J . . . . . . - ' - ' The - Sand Hill Region. . On the front page of the N e- braska Farmer of Oct. 27 , there is an attractive picture of a plate of fine large potatoes. The line underneath says : , . Nebraska Sand Hill Spuds ; Six Make a Peck. On page ° 39 of the same issue , S. R. McKelvie , the responsible editor , prints a two column "View of the Sand Hills. " in the conclus- ion of which he says : " 1 surely would not advise a friend of mine to start out in that direction hop- ing to get a tract of land that will r-ver be worth the money and labor that it will cost before it is fully acquired from the government , to i say nothing of the unlimited hal'd-I ships that must be endured in liv ing under such conditions. " The two pictures do not fit well. On the face of things it follows that any country that can raise such potatoes-six of them make ! a peck-can raise other things . equally as good as well. Abd if , the soil is so productive , then the second picture painted by Editor McKelvie vanishes" " into thin air. Editor McKelvie wrote his ar- ticle after a visit to Cherry coun- ty. He says that he traveled through much of the , central and north portion and found the set- tlers comfortably situated with homes and belongings that enable them to get some satisfaction and return for their labors. And yet , after seeing that con- dition he writes as above , virtual- ' ly I putting the black eye on all the sand hill region. The Star-Journal is not so fam- iliar wit i Cherry as with Brown , but th editor has driven from Brownlee to Kennedy and from Kennedy to Valentine and has seen much of the country between Valentine and \ \ ' oCld Lake , and Valentine and the west line of the county. From : his observations he concludes that Editor Mc- Kelvie's conclusion is unwarrant- ed and that it casts an undue re flection on a fine and prosperous portion of the state. Old settlers who have been fam- iliar with conditions in Brown and Cherry counties since 1880 say that the Cherry county hill district is much more inviting now than the same district in Brown county was in those days. A great transformation has been worked in Brown county since then. Our sand hills , which were then dry and barren , are now CQV- ered with nutritiour grasses upon which the cattle feed , thrive and fatten. And the valleys and low- er places in between the hills have all developed into fertile places ! where the rankest of vegetation grows. These are facts , but they are only the beginning. At the Brown county fair in Sept. 1908 , the best corn , wheat , oats , potatoes , melons , cabbage and other farm products on exhi- bition came from our sand hill region. And everyone who knows anything about the Brown county farm lands will say that we have as rich and fertile soils on our flats as can be found anywhere in Ne- braska. There is no gainsaying this proposition. There are a number of people from Lincoln living in our sand hill region , and they will back every word herein contained- Among the number we will men- tion : J. P. Rucker , for eighteen .years a mail carrier in Lincoln , who now ownes a fine sand hill farm and is happy , prosperous and contented. He is living real life now , and is his own boss , ab solutely. He comes and he goes at his own good will , and his stock and farm are growing into wealth every : day. He recently sold fifty head of fine cattle of his own rais ing. Another Lincoln man is G. T. Bell , brother of Hon. O. C. Bell of that city. He has a fine place in the sand hill region and is doing well. He was connected with the I Burlington road in Lincoln for some eighteen or twenty years , and woulden't give up his sand hill , home and go back to the old life for anything. ' W. C. Butler is from David City and he can be interviewed [ any day in the week on what he thinks . . of a home in the sand hill [ region : C. S. Barrington is another Lin- coln man that is enjoying real life I in a Brown county sand hill home. Then there are the Halls , Feld- mans and ever so many more who p.ou Id be called to the witness stand. / Also Profps ' or E. W. Hunt of the. State University lecture bu reau knows of the worth of Brown county lands. , He may : be called to the witness ' stand. Say brother McKelvie , ve are going to have a corn show in Ains- -wortji ( between Nov. island Nov. 20-Brown county corn. Much . of it will be from thousand hill re- gitim Cohib up1 am } sfee iv t tidk / " " . . 1 , . . " . ' n - oJ < - . . - - , ---7 . . ' - - : - " - - - - - . ! . , 1 ( fi1Mr0 MII0,1 i " . No wcvr.rn ° ! I . Question I as tOtthe Superiority of . . CALUMET Baking Powder Received Highest Award , a World' Pare Feed Expositioft . Chicago. 1907. with our ppoplo and then it is cer- tain you will write another View of the Sand Hills. - Ainswortk Star-Journal. - Talk of the . Town. . I Hans Ulrick is up from Kenne dy to day. Sam Schneider of Crookston is in town today. For Sale - Old Catholic , parson- age. For particulars call on Father Blaere. 29 For Sale-Second hand Cash - Reg- ister. Total adder. Kegisters Ic to § 9.99. Chapman The Druggist. Yank O'Bryau went 'back to Omaha yesterday to continue the treatment he is takiag for asthma. Wm. Ogle came down from Crawford yesterday to visit with ani ' uncle from Missouri who is visiting here. , V m. Howden and son of Noda- way county , Missouri , shipped a car of apples into our town the first of the week , and one car to Gor on. A. G. Ward called on us today while in town as a witness for the final proof of Edr etch near Marsh lake. Ray Tinkham is also a witness. H. G. Becker was in town today and tells us thit he and his brother Oliver expect to take a trip to St. Paul , Minn. , in a couple of weeks for a two month's visit with friends. The Home Bakery changed hands today Thursday , L. E. Grarluck selling out to Thomas Van Buren and Al Webb who im mediately took charge of the busi- ness. ness.The The 500 club met last evening with Mrs. Logan Barker. Mrs. G. A. Chapman won the prize for the highest score. An enjoyable time and something eat kept them till the clor.k ' issued warning of time to retire. ' One house for rent. in town . , 4 rooms and city water. Two houses for sale. : Several farms and ranches for sale in tracts of 80 , 120 , 160 , 480 and 2480 acres. I. M. Rica , Valen- tine Nebr. Charles M. Shepard and Miss Inez Fairchild were united in mar- riage at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fair- child in Crawford , Nebr. , Ia3t Sun- day , Nov. 14 , 1909. A number of invited guests were present at the ceremony. They will make their home in Valentine. We extend congratulations to them andwish them prosperity and happiness. Facts why you should insure in the German Fire Ins. Co. , of Om- aha Nebraska. A Nebraska comp- any doing business only in the I state of Nebraska. : : Officers are I experienced Insurance . : - men. Prompt and efficient services di- lect from the company through a local agent , easy adjustment and speedy quick settlement of losses. No disputes from misunderstood policies. You know what you ; are getting. You can notify the company or an agent in case of loss. Rates are low. You need protection. You get the best to he had and costs you no more. I. M. Rice local agent Valentine. Agencies : Wood Lake , L.Nicholas J. W. : Groves , Kilgore , State Bank. Apples. A car of fine Missouri hanl pick- ed apples on track ; Ben Davis , Jen- netings , Milains , Black Twigs , Gano , etc. Plenty of sweet cider. Come and see us.V retail at car Saturday Ibis week. * Wm. HOWDEN & SON. _ t Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. Iu the County Court of Cherry county. I Nebraska. _ " STATE OF NEBRASKA . , [ I ' ' ' . fbh Cherry County. ! I To the heirs and . all persons interested In the estate of Edward R. Riclutr dsdectasul. : On reading the petition of Eiina Richards praying a llnnl settlement and allowance of her account tiled in this court on the 18th day of November , 1SKW ! , and for a decree : of llnnl distribution. It . is hel'eh orderecl that you and all per- sons interested in said . matter 'muy and do. appear at the county . court to be held in and for said county , on the Jltli J day of December A. : D. , 1W. ! ! ! , at 1 o'clock p. m. to show cause. If any there he , why the prayer of the pe- titioner should not be granted and that no- tice of the pendency of said petition ! and the bearing : thereof bo given . to all persons in- terebtiM In said matter by publishing a copv of tbh . order in Tho Valentine "Domocrat" a weekly newspaper printed in said county for Your .successive ! weqkp ! . prior to said day ofhearing. . JAMKS . QJDIRJET : : , . . . 0 pteAli ] t * . .1. t' ) 4. . \ . , ObUntB" Jud'gO. > \ \ alcott & Morribbey : : , attorneys. : . . o I L . , . f - - . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . , . ' . ' . . . - . . . _ . . , . ' " _ - - . . - . < . . . - . . . . " . " " , 7--- . . . . . . . . - . . . " " " . ' --r . . . . . . . . - . , . . , . , . ' " _ o. , " " ' " , - - 4 ' ' . " , . ' " . " . . - ' - . . . - ' _ . . . ' \ . ' - . . , . . " - _ . . . . , . . . . , . . _ . ' . . . . ' : : - < . . . . - . " . . " . . , : . : - Jo - . . 7 . . _ . _ r . . . ' . # , - . - . . 7- f . . " " ' - ' ' < - . - . " - > . ( - . - - . . . . . . " " ' - . , A1 : , . , , J I ' i- . . " . _ " . ; -t4f { -r rij " " " : : . ' All Leading Old Crow , t II' ; . i 7 . ' , ' . : . . ' ! . . , ' , < < . . , 1 . . : ' . t' . fft4f : . . " , ' ' . ' : . . . : . : ' rt' " I ' , . I . , \ : ' ; ; . ' Hermitage : Brand , . . . ; . . - . , j \ . and . - 1 13ottled > , . , < .1 : t I . . , ' , N-- I' i J 5. " . , . " , ' i 0 IG , \ rt chen- ' ' _ _ - : : + , w rr "t _ - Under the .1 1 . . . t . . ( } ' . ' . . I - . . r , , , ' ' . . , J heimer - " > ' 1 _ , _ . , uperv1810n 'f . . _ _ _ . . . . , , . . rl' . Eye .C r'F o.f the ' . . . . . . . . . .j ) ; . x 's7Y' ' t / , - . Wlnsk cYs . ; y U. S. Goy. ' # ; . 1 - - " . . . . . . . , . . . : We also handle the Budweiser Beer. < - THE PALACE SALOON , . ! i r y. HENRY STETTER , Propr. - - - - - ' - U. S. Weather Bureau Report. . I I WEEK ENDING NOV. 11 , 1909. Daily mean temperature 21 = . _ I " - ' Normal temperature : W ° . Highest temperature 5)0. ) I Lowest temperature 10. 1 Range of temperature 49 = . Precipitation for week 1.11 of an inch. Average for Ul years 0.11 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 17.aJ : : inches. Average for 21 years 20.38 : of an inches. . JOHN : : J. MCLEAN. : : Observer. I' - I t. . Sparks Items. I I - . We ' notice 3 on have no items fiom Sparks so will send some. I . , Florence } O'Banen was in Sparks Wednesday. . I The school children are practic ing for a Thanksgiving program. Our Sparks merchant , M. Sim- ons , is kept busy selling overshoes. Corn husking has stopped for a few days on account of the snow- storm. - 'Nancy iGeyer spent last week at home , returning to Valentine on the mail Monday. A new mail ] carrier arrived at Frank ] Thompson's : last week. Ev eryone concerned are doing well. Fred Francke made a trip to Val- entine Sunday , returning Monday with a load of coal for Chas. Hud- . son' Friday : the school children spent ; their morning recess ' getting kind- ling : under shelter. ( They were just . in . tlme. . , I Frank . Simons and Fred Francke j j i j went hunting t Tuesday and succeed- ed in getting a cotton tail and some woman's old rooster. Mrs.J.C. Geyer is in-Valentine this week helping take care of her new grand-daughter. Grandpa and the boys are doing their own cook- ing. ing.The The old bachelors have organized a secret society and do not admit I wo'men , but we think they would all be glad to find a few women willing to take them. Mr. Simons returned Monday from a four days trip to Spring- view. He found people from Tripp county who had waited several hours for flour. SNOW BIRD. [ We would be glad to get items from the Spark : neighborhood l'n'Qwl'ek. . Send them along "Snow BIJ' < l"so I they will reach us not later than " \ "l'dlll'sdagn. . ] Don't neglect to send a dollar for THE DEMOCRAT : and mention our special offer or send clipping. Every tenth subscript-ion free. See our advertisement in this paper. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be held as follows : In Crookston on Sunday , Nov. 21 , at 10 a. m. In Arabia on Saturday Nov. 27 , at 10 a. m. LEO 11. B AERE. Rector. To the Friends of Cherry . " County Schools : The Cherry County Reading Circle Banquet will be given Fri- day evening at s six o'clock , Nov. 26 , 1909. You ire cordially in- vited to attend thi = * banquet. Plates 50 cents each. Please let me know whether you can be present and how many . plates } yon want reserved. . . Money should reach Lillian' Nelson , secretary , Valen- tine , on or before Nor. 20. . " LULU KOKTZ . . . . HUDSON , . , 4' Co. Supt. - - For Sale - Six-room house , stable for seven head of ' horses , granary and ' hay stable ; One hou e. corn crib and stable" " , city water. in. both houses. Must I be sold soon , part time , part cash , or will take young heavy team , as part payment. - P. E. . Siitipns , Sparks , .I eJj . ' ' , or I , I \ I : Kic'e1 , Valentine l ! , l1 eb. 1 . - . CONFECTIONERY tXZfX ] . . . " \ " Tobaccos and Cigars. . Canned Goods XX Lunch Cpunter. r r Oakes an.d : Bread I . Phone 7 f Home B a k ery. I I falsr t l' : ' . Dci _ ; .ti..LI _ @ @ _ It4ll e . igoV W . . Or t Y . Go to the \S . . 8 I I Stock Exchange Saloon . i VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER , Walther F. A. L Meltendorff , Propr. . e _ _ _ . . , - - , - - " , , . - - -4.t ± A J > * ? < # ! jsSi-fif * & t ) T GREEN FRONT . : : . ' I pay cash for hides , Potatoes , taken . . in trade Apples on hand , ' , : ' , / " . . Fresh Stock of Groceries ! : : ' . : - . . " - Come in and see. Valentine Nebraska MIKE DAVIS ; - $ : . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . Dambly & Hitt " ; - . ' I _ LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLEt : ' , . Special attention given to farmers' teams ' I and sale Business. Rigs to _ hire. ' . - . ' : ' . , ' North Main St. Phone 11 / ' , . . " ; -.A ! < J'q" ' > r N'- & .t'v . . . ; \ , l" : HOOSEWISELY ; : . ' O < , h ) wfccn : you buy a SEEING MACHINE. Y wn finI all sorts : ' and Sdnds at J corresponding 1ic r. But if you want a reputable sarvkcalle Machine , then take < | , : , , : ' " < . -Q } " . . ' - - E : : : : : , - . . . ' . - : . " ' - , _ = . . . . . the - ' YJV 7HITE - . . . $ . - - i- , - - : : : = : = - - ' - . - . 27 years experience has . enabkd m to bring' < \ . . . " - : ; : - - " , : : - out a HANDSOME , SYMMETRICAL and , ' - : , . . - " WELL-EIHL1/ PRODUCT , comnintng ; in its j . ' -c , aH the good point found on fciga 4 \ . , 1r" ; . . . -"cf'I"'J . . , . and otlicrs tiat are ezdtcivdy : \7HTn : - f = r Stance : , our TFb'SIDNI1VD1- J ' - C ! 10I , a device tliat shows tie tcasioa at a , < , ' % 4r - glance , and we have others tnat appeal to care- , - f d bt - yctr. All Drop Heads have , Automatic \ - . - Lift and fceaatiful Swcl : Frort , Goldca Oak 5 .wt : ' Wccdworii . Vibrator asdRotary Chuta : : ; : St-/- - _ t on ? ; : : SLEQArrr H. T. CATALOGUES civE-Fua. > PARTIOULARG. FREE I , / ' IVfttTE ! SEWZK3 ' f&T" 5,0.'i ; . , . . . . . . . . ' " < -.f < ; . < f' . ? e\tf&&frf > & < Xf > * * f& " , . . ' " ' WA * I I For sale byJled Front Merc. Co. Valentine , r T eb. - - - . I ; I A heavy snow fell here and all j over western Nebraska Saturday , j , Sunday and. Monday. : The depth . , was ! about twelve inches here on ! i the level. - - I If you want a good sale you should l bejr.n two or three weeks lirerinus ' to the sale to advertise. We . print , _ goocl attractive . and readable sale ' bills. Call on us. . . . - - . - ' - ' . , . ' . r MILL m Es FOR FEED. , , - . ; . " . . : : ' , . . Per Cwt . ' ' PtTeli. . . . . . . # . . * - , . . ' - * * > " ' ' : . l : : ) Shorts I ; sacked ; -l . - 05' ' ' 2cb , ih , l Corn , sacked1 . .2&.24 ' : > OO. , Chop Corn , sacked 1 30 - . 25.01 : ! I Chop Feed , sacked 1 48 27 ro I Oats . sacked . , 1 45 / 28 00