Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 18, 1909, Image 3
. , : If.if I , ' " . , , , . - - - - - - V r EDGAR S COOKE.MllXES S. . HAKES DENIAL , \ Returns to His Home After Avoid , . ; ing : Reporters for Several ; Days. Edgar S. Cooke has returned to his home in the Leasing Annex , Chica o , from the place where he had been - avoiding reporters for a week , and one ai of the first things he did after his re- ' appearance was to deny he is a black- f mailer. "I don't believe { Charles L. Warriner will , even Insinuate that I ever got a dishonest dollar from him , " declared , Cooke when asked to what he attrib utes the action of the "Dig Four's" for- mer treasurer In dragging Cooke's g name into the scandal surrounding ac- 1 knpwledged thefts said to aggregate c (643,000. ( Cooke went on to de _ , scribe how he was occupying the posi tion of chief clerk In the treasurer's 1 office of the "Big Four" Railroad at rj Cincinnati several years ago , when he r met Mrs. \ Jeannette Timmins Ford , who had obtained a divorce from her 4' ' husband. "She became Infatuated with me and : : r l was around the railroad office so much , i , that I was discharged in September , . .y 1901 said Cooke. "I came to Chica- c } go and she followed. Soon there were , y stories afloat that I was $23,000 short " in my accounts. I went back ready to face the charges , but it was ex- plained that the whole thing was a mistake. I want to deny emphatically fi a report In one of the dispatches that Mr. and Mrs. Warriner met me in a r certain hotel and paid me $25,000 to cease my alleged blackmailing opera- _ _ _ _ tions. " Cooke said , he would go to Cin cinnati voluntarily with counsel When , Yari . er's case goes before the grand jury there. > Charles L. Warriner , charged with a shortage of $643,000 in his accounts with the Big Four Railroad , is a } iys- Ical wreck , according to statements of friends of the family. It Is denied by memJJers . of the family however , that War & er's condition is serious. 4 ' STEEL PLANT TO GO UP. i .F McClintic-Marshall Concern Buya 50-Acre Site at Indiana Harbor. Indiana Harbor , the Standard Oil tovm , which sprang , like its neighbor , Gary , from the lake front sand dunes of Northern Indiana , was given a boom Monday which was such as it probably : never felt before. Announce- ] ment ; was made that Honore and Pot- ter Palmer , Jr. , have negotiated the - sale of a tract comprising fifty acres In Indiana Harbor to the McClintick- ! Marshall Construction Company of Pittsburg , Pa. , manufacturers of struc i tural steel. The purchasing company is to erect a giant structural steel , plant on the ground at once. The v , plant and the dock and .railway ship- ; ping facilities incident to it will oc- cupy the entire space , and the new Western home of the Eastern concern u is to be established at a cost of half a million dollars , aside from the pur- chase price of the land. I \ NO EDDY WILL CONTEST. " " % _ f v Christian Science Leader Gives Son \ , I ' 245OOO and Adopted Son $ < 15000. 1 . Financial peace has been quietly - t effected between Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy and her sons , according to a statement made in Boston by Alfred Farlow , local publication secretary of the Christian Science Church. In con con- I George W. Glover , a son of Mrs. Eddy , -I and Ebenezer .T. Foster Eddy , an adopt- ed son , these men relinquish all rights In their mother's estate. "A family settlement between Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy and George W. Glover and Ebe- nezer Foster Eddy , an adopted son , has been concluded , " Mr. Farlow said , "and the deeds evidencing the terms of " saId settlement have been duly execut- k ed and delivered. Under these settle- ments , arrangements and the trust herefore established by Mrs. Eddy , . - George W. Glover and his family re I : ceive the > sum of $245,000 and Ebenezer J. Foster Eddy the sum of $45,000. DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST MINERS. u. - KomeKtalcc Mining ; Compimy Brings $10OOO Action in South Dakota. I A decisive step in the agitation over the efforts of the Western Federation I of Miners through the Lead territory to make Lead , S. D. , a closed camp was taken the other afternoon when the Homestake Mining Company brought suit in the United States Circuit Court in Deadwood against the Lead miners' union for $10,000 damages. No In- junction was issued. The company al - leges threats of bodily harm and inti midation against nonunion men by the miners , and charges the union's efforts with reducing the efficiency of the employes last month. The union voted not to work with nonunion men after Noy. 25th , and this suit shows the company's stand. GIMLET BURGLAR IS KILLED. I Watchman Shoots Robber While He IN Trying to Enter Home. The "gimlet burglar , " who has been robbing St. Louis homes for a year and a half was shot dead by William I F. Mann ion. watchman in the yard of , , r Colonel Edwin A. Batdorf's home , 5057 Washington boulevard. The burglar , / . a negro was surprised while trying to I break into the residence of JamesI I 411 j I Kavanaugh , next door to the Batdorf ' 4 03 residence. . In the dead man's pocket I was found the gimlet with which he I had bored holes in the slats of window t .shutters loosening them . . so that he f'eould lift the latch. His identity has not been established. ' , - - " . Y. ( : - . - - _ . _ - - WHITEMAN AND NEGRO .1 LYNCHED BY CAIRO MOB Negro Confesses Attacking and Kill ing Miss Pelley and Is Shot 'and Burned. WHITE UXORCIDE . HANQED . . Illinois City in Hands of Frenzied Throng-Women Are Promi- nent in Rioting. The city of Cairo , 111. , all Thursday ' night was in the hands , , of a blood- maddened mob. Ten thousand per sons , a large number of whom were women , after lynching a negro and burning his body , broke into the local Jail and dragged forth a white man , whom they hanged almost before he had had time to pray. The men roaming the streets all night had access to many saloons , which remained open all night. Mayor Parsons and the chief of police were unable to close the saloons because they were shut up at home by the mob. James , "The Frog , " after having been trailed by bloodhounds , was ar- rested for attacking and murdering Miss Anna Pelley. On Wednesday , after being spirited out of the Cairo jail by Sheriff Davis , and after hav- ing remained hidden in the custody of that officer In the woods near Don- gola , James was found by members of the mob which during two days had been scouring the whole southern part of the State , and brought to the city on a freight train commandeered for that purpose. Surrounded by a great crowd , he was marched to the public arch of the town. Here he confessed. There , after all the electric light had been turned on , he was hanged. The rope broke and the mob shot him to death. The body was then dragged to the spot where he murdered Miss Pelley and burned to cinders on a pyre built by his slayers. Women helped pull the : 4 S' lltll _ C , . 2" ) ' < - . ' \ , , . . . J - . < VL-LS-S > ATWIE : 'PELLEY - body up to the arch and women set fire to the pyre. The white man , Henry Salzner , a photographer , was killed after the negro's body had been burned. A sec- tion of the mob broke into the county Jail and battered its way into the steel cage where Salzner was confined on a charge of having murdered his wife. The prisoner , almost speechless with terror , was dragged into the street , given a minute in which to compose his soul for eternity , and then hanged to a telegraph pole. Before he died Salzner made a full confession of his crime. He said that his sister was responsible for his mur- dering , his wife. He cried and begged piteously for his life , but the mob only hooted and beat him. Company K , Fourth Regiment , was sent out in squads to guard the homes of Mayor Parsons and Chief of Police Egan against possible attack. Tele- phone calls to both of these residences failed to bring any response and the whereabouts of these two officials could not be learned. Governor Deneen , who was in Chi- cago immediately upon being Inform . ed of the foregoing occurrences , or dered several outside companies of militia to the Scene and placed the city : under martial law. Five outside companies arrived before Friday noon and quiet was restored. " ' > - . , ' \ I , . . 1 . . . . . . - " . . . - , - - - " " - ; * . . . . , . - - - - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - - - r---- r ANYTHING TO GET THE MONEY. I " . . . - . T - - - _ . : . . . ' ' ' . to. " . , . tl _ , . . . . . ' . . .t" - ' , . , , t 47) " (1 r-i i ' - ' - \ : F .j P1 ti I - - , /i ; - c E /M I 7 - - 1 % i7'1rir 0 't I . I fr ' 4 . - ffliItff1ll\ ! \ I J % I I ' I'll/I ' / I I A VJ2 7 . QUkR , \I 6 ' 'Mck . , , / ! " \ # ' A YS 2' ILK 'if 7 . . , . . . Chicago Journal. "DARK HORSE" MADE SENATOR. Gov. Burke Appoints F. L. Thomp- son , Former Illinoisan. Passing all of the favorities , Foun tain Thompson of Cando , born at Scottville , Ill. , in 1854 , and a "dark horse" in the race , was Wednesday ap pointed United States senator from - GIRL VICTIM OF THE NEGRO LYNCHED AT CAIRO. / µ aA : s' t - : N Z 4 4 ; ' " > ; # ' + i . ' ] \ + ' ; . t C y nsa o * * . . 5 5 - - Vx . VVNvi frW. . * ' " -i ? * * > * I ( . : . Y I I I | I I I I I | | I ! / / s > , r ' CmCAGO 't' _ $ : . - - 1I.LL-f OlI $ ) ' SPRINGcILLD - H ST. lotus ASutEY ! I 0 voL 1Q 0 AR6oNDAtE - r- . ' Auuti North Dakota by Gov. Burke to fill out. the unexpired term of M. N. Johnson , who died three weeks ago. The ap pointment was a big surprise to Demo- crats of the State. Thompson had not been reckoned among the party lead- ers , his activities having been large- ly confined to Towner County , where h'e * cvas a member of the board of town- ship supervisors and has been engaged in a banking business. He is a close personal friend of Gov. Burke and it is said that he was turned to as an appcintee after it was seen that the Democratic leaders of the. State were divided as to a choice for the senator- ship. . . - - - - - BLACKMAILERS KILL 250 HORSES Use Poison on Many New York Ani mal When Demands Are Retased. More than 250 valuable horses in east side stables in New York have been poisoned to death in the last few months by a gang of blackmailers , for whom the police are eagerly search- ing. Detectives declare that owners of horses in that section of the city have already paid at least $10,000 to the blackmailers , and that their animals have so far enjoyed immunity. Dr. H. Stark , chief inspector for the So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , declares that while more than 250 and less than 500 horses have been killed by : poisoning , more than 2,000 animals have been given poison , but saved. The method of the blackmailers Is to demand , through a letter , several hundred dollars from. the proposed victim on penalty of l av- ing his horses killed. After the sec- ond demand has been ignored one or more of the victim's horses die. Later it is found that the horses have been given arsenic. IDENTIFIED AS MAIL ROBBER. 31 an Held for Express Hold-Up Ac- cu.ied ' of During Deed in 1908. Charles D. Howell , charged with holding up the clerks in the Great Northern Express office in Seattle , ' Wash. , and stealing $12,000 a short time ago , was identified the other day as the bandit who impersonated a postal Inspector , boarded a Great Northern mail car at Bonners Ferry , Idaho , March \ 15 , 1908 , and rifled the registered mail. J. H. Hoagland , a hotel man of Bonners Ferry , and J. W. Nystuin , a mail clerk , identified Howell. The bandit boarded the west- bound Oriental limited as it pulled out of the Idaho town , and holding up the two mail clerks at the point of a re volver locked one of them in a clothes I closet and tied the other to a chair. Then he rode 109 miles to Spokane , devoting four hours to rifling mail and loading and unloading sacks along the way. PASTORS BAR OUT REVIVALISTS. Aa-ree That They Will Do Their Own COJlT'crslonVork. . At a meeting of the , pastors of fifty northern Ohio Baptist churches reso- lutions were adopted barring profes- sional revivarlsts from that field , so far as the Baptists are concerned. The Rev. James A. Francis , of Boston , who advised the move , addressed the preachers. and at the close it was re solved that when revival services are wanted the regular pastors will do the work , exchanging : churches for the purpose. Cleveland , Ashtabula , Lo- rain , Wooster , and other large Ohio towns are affected. $ , OOOOOO TO MOTHERLESS BOY. Lad of Ten on Georgia Plantation Shares Standard Oil Millions. Hunt Tilford Dickinson , a 10-year- old motherless boy , now with his fa- ther on a Georgia plantation , has in- herited $4,000,000 from the estate of his granduncle , Wesley Hunt Tilford , a former vice president of the Stand- ard Oil Companywho died last March , leaving an estate worth more than 11000000. The will gives $7,000,000 outright to Henry M. Tilford , his brother , and the balance is divided among other relatives. Indicted for Graft ; Freed. Louis H. Young , a contractor , in dieted in connection with the .graft investigation in Mahoning County , 0. , was found not guilty. This Is the first of the cases which has been allowed to go to the jury. \ ROBS BANK SECOND TIME. 18-Year-Old Bandit and Companion of 17 Are Hunted Down. Earl Ross Bullock , a boy of IS. who robbed the State Bank of Eudora , Kan. , Oct. 11 , returned to the bank Friday with Willie McKay , aged 17 , and attempted a second robbery. In the first robbery Bullock escaped with nearly $1,000 , went to Lawrence , his home , and shot Policeman Pringle , who attempted to arrest him , and es caped. . When Bullock entered the Eudora bank this afternoon with his partner there were three men present : E. E. Wilson , cashier of the bank ; Fred Starr , cashier of the Kaw Valley Bank of the same place , and Wilson's son. Bullock commanded the trio to hold up their hands , then without a word of warning , shot Starr , who fell with a bullet through his jaw. The two Wilsons had their hands high in the air by this time , while Bullock's com- panion stood guard at the door with two revolvers. Bullock gathered up all the money on the counter , took the bag which Starr had , then looted the vault and the two boys fled through the back door. They ran south to a small river on the edge of town and started up the river. A posse , led by the two Wil sons , followed them and about a half mile up the . . . . river . overtook the boy bandits. A "running .fight took place in which Bullock was shot through the head. The McKay boy gave himself up without firing a shot. He was im mediately taken to Lawrence in an auto and placed in the county jail to avoid lynching. The money was all recovered and returned to the bank , while Bullock was taken to Eudora in a dying condition. He was shot through the temple , the ball passing clear through his head , and was not conscious after the-shooting. Bullock has been reading dime novels and his parents in Kansas City blame this fact for his crimes. 888 ( ND3 OF D O o - - Work has been started on the new $85,000 Yale boathouse , the memorial to George A. Ade , ' 67 , by graduates in- terested in Yale boating. At Folkstone , England , the Moderate : 2-year-old Plate of 100 sovereigns , dis tance five furlongs , was won by J. R. . Keene's Coronal. Twelve horses ran. ' Incidents during the recent Latonia meet were plentiful , the main one de- veloping with the running of the han- dicap , when Woolwinder and Old Hon- esty scored a dead heat. Carleton's eleven played the Uni- versity of North Dakota at Northfield , Minn. , and each side scored three points. The game was somewhat slow I as the rain had made the field a sea oi mud and open playing was almost im possible. A race for motor boats from Phila- delphia to Havana , Cuba , the longest ever held for this type of water craft , has been arranged by Thomas Fleming Day , the yachting editor , with the yachtsmen's club of Philadelphia and the Havana Yacht Club. The race will take place in the spring. James J. Jeffries will not accept any theatrical engagements between now and the time that he fights Jack John- son , but will retire to the mountains of California and devote the entire period to active and systematic train- Ing for the championship battle ao- conllng < . < . , to Sam Berger ! , his manager. , . . . . 'I- TAfT GAINS WISDOM AND WEIGHT ON TRIP President Back in Washington After Traveling 12,759 Miles In Fifty-seven Days. . HE SURVIVES FIFTY BANQUETS Has Crossed Thirty-one States , Vis ited Seventy-six Cities and Made 250 Speeches. With his arrival in Washington Wednesday night , the President com- pleted a journey of 12,759 miles , ex - tending over a period of fifty-seven days. During that time-the trip ex tending from Boston to the Pacific coast and back again by way of tho South to Washington-the President crossed thirty-one States and Territo- ries , visiting seventy-six cities , not to mention as many more towns where brief platform speeches were made. He has made 250 speeches and attend ed at least fifty banquets. During the journey he left United States territory for a brief period and met and dined with President Diaz of Mexico. : He went down into a copper mine , climbed down a mountain trail , participated on horseback in a cattle round-up , sailed down the Mississippi , rambled through the Yosemite Valley and the Grand Canyon of Colorado , saw the Seattle Exposition , visited an ancient Indian village In the New Mexican Desert and saw the rebuilt city of San Francisco. _ From 8:15 : Wednesday morning un til 5:15 o'clock that afternoon Mr. Taft was the center of an enthusastic demonstration in Richmond. Sum- ming up the results of the trip , Presi- dent Taft said that they would be- valuable to him all through the four years of his term. From time to time the President will consult with the -y Congressmen through whose districts he has traveled in order to straighten. out the impressions he has formed. : . The President returns slightly heavier than he was , but in perfect physical . condition. YOUNG WOMAN IS STKANGLED. Cairo Dry Goods Clerk Is Left Dead in Alley. The body of Miss Anna Pelly , 24 years old , was found in an alley in Cairo 111. , Tuesday morning. She' - had been strangled to death. The clothes had beentorn her- torn from herbody and she was bruised in numerous places , showing that she had made a terrible struggle for her life and honor. A gag of toweling cloth was in her mouth and her wrists were torn and skinned. It Is thought the deed was committed about 7 o'clock Mon day. night. Miss Pelly who was a clerk for the Pupkin Dry Goods Com- pany , left the store about G o'clock with Miss Ella Dolan a friend. When she left Miss Dolan at 14th street and Commercial avenue she stated that she would take a car at 14th street and Washington avenue for her home. This was the last seen of her alive. As there was absolutely no clew , . Chief of Police Egan decided to put bloodhounds on the trail and secured several. The mouth gag was taken in the hope that the dogs could get . the scent from It. Two hounds from . Kentucky followed the trail through the alley from the spot where the body was found to < the rear door of 2515 Poplar street twice. A pair of hounds from Charleston , Mo. , arrived on the scene about 2 o'clcfck and were placed on the trail with the other dogs. Twice again the four dogs fol lowed a trail to the house mentioned. Six times in all the dogs made this trip. No one was found at home at the cottage where the dogs went , but later a negress named Green was ar rested. Three negroes , Arthur Alex- . ander , Will James and Will Thomas , who were frequent callers at the cot- tage. were also placed in jail. . tOFFICIALS OFFICIALS SHOT BY BOBBEB. Prenldent and Cudhier at Xetv Al- . ' AJ-l. bnny , Ind. , Wounded. . Cashier Carrett Fassett of the Mer chants' National bank at New Albany , . Ind. , was shot and fatally wounded , , and President J. K. Woodward of the- same . institution was wounded severely about 11:30 o'clock Thursday : morning ; by a man who entered the bank and ordered them to hold up -their hands. The man was captured a short time- afterward and it is reported that he- has taken poison. The man had two- confederates. , ' \ . I' SLAYER IMPLICATES A WOMA1T. Kansan Claim She Told Him How Much Poixou to Use. , . Following a confession that he mur- . dered Mrs. Mary Short in the hope of gaining possession of her property , Fred Fanning in Topeka. Kan. , impli- cated Mrs. Minnie English in the crime , and she was arrested as an ac complice. Fanning In' his original confession said he put poison In Mrs. Short's coffee. Now he declares Mrs. English told him how much poison to use , and that he gave her $1,460 of Mrs. Short's money. Fanning had pre . pared to go Into the restaurant "busi ness with Mrs. English. _