q I , - . . . v . 3 - . . . . - . t . . , . . . l . . . . \11 " ' , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . _ _ _ , , . . . . . , . , . . , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . , . - - ' . , , " . . . , , _ . , . . . , - > . > 9 < ' - " " " . , . ' " ' , " . . . 'illS t 0. ' ] SOCletY . . . > . > , . V ,00/ ; > m.n : " " " " LRe.a . : S-Jlllr- ' " ! " ' .f ESL : a1 ' t SdM ' ' ' 9 qh4 . U .I.r ; ' Y1C " . 11 G ' 4 fc3 : 'f a r ' " M1 " ' 'V" ' " * * " : : 4'4Ai .t - - ' , " ' : " ! ' , _ , . . . . l' . ' ' . ; . . . ; : ; 't a . " . . . . . - . " : ' . , . , "jo. : 'It' 'r ' , ' I - - . ' - - " ! - " 'J : ,1 a ) . : afi > " : " 'rHE V ' AljryM 1JN hi DEMOCRA1.6 . ' : " ( : s . . .6 , ; ' . . . 1 I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 18 , 1909. . . Volume 24 , No. 45 , . _ _ _ 'Tm _ _ _ . - . . . - - . - - . , . - . - - . - - - . - 1 : . SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES . : . 1 l The largest and best lir.-o , of stoves and ranges , - ' V in Cherry Bounty. Call and see them. r 6 3 ' f . 11 / iI I i . , - , , . ; BRIDGE BEACH & CO.'S rto " " _ L ; / "NOVEL SUPERIOR19 t1 , . REVERTIBLE FLUE HEATER t/ t4 : ' . Heat radiated from . 4 every square : . inch of surface because 1 or its , it u drawn downward through both i e 9 I side openings > in the linings to the , t F bottom and up the tack as indicated : in cut. I Will hold fire 36 hours with soft coal 48 hours with hard coal. b v Ct v . . . ' Easy to regulate. 6 _ = J VOR SOFT COAL I rFt - r- OR ,4) 4 ; ) a 1 fil r , . . , f wa. FOR HARD COAL. ll li jSSS'r / r , , 1 tM00taKM a01 it rl ' ; r ( I fir' ' ; f' ' : s I NOYEL5VPERIOR 0o n a Highly Ornate Design. ; Beauti fully finisnecl Nickel Top Panel . c .4- . U - : Side \Vings Base and Foot Rails. Large Illuminated Door. Perfectly ta t .cL. .c . Air Tight. fOVELSUPERIOR s , FOR SALE BY s RED FRONT ? iERC. CO. , toy . . . . , - - . " - - . . ' . . . . - . . 1 : . _ _ ' , . - - - - - . . tt ' . - - - - . : , -I. ' II u Sk5ES3S3K & ; . SEM :3g3 3 ! l - : . . Eureka SalOOVfll' , . ROBERT McGEER , Propr. I . \ i Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars \ t , Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : , I : Old Crow , Sherwood . . . Hermitage , Guchenheimer , 4 V ' Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , i1 Spring Hill , and 8/'year/old I and Jas E , Pepper , O F , C ; Taylor / These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov- _ . ernment warehouse. They are guar- ' . . . . anteed pure and unadulterated. Un- i ' excejled for family and medical use. , . , Three : Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies Imported ' Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stoat. . Bass Ale. Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer . . t - . . . _ , Valentine = Nebraska * C = = : . ' U - - - Chartered us n Stnte Bunk 0bartered us 11 National Bank June 1 , 188V1. August 12 , KX)2. , The FIRST TIO.HAL ; BANK ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) , Valentine , - Nebraska. OAIUTAI PAID IN A General Banking , Exchange . $25,000. and Collection Business : : : : O. H. OOUNELL , President. M. : V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. J. ' 1' . Muy : : , Vice President. Miss GLEX HOE ± IY , Ass't Cashier. - - . , - O e . ( t- " l.New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. ) > : Chicago . House : , ; - , A NEAR OEPOT , ' MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Yalentine , Nebr. I I 1 , Rates $1 1 per day , Calls for all trains. ' : ; : e-c. . ' , : @ _ _ - - : . y Read , . . the Advertisements- , J . C. & N. W. New Time Table. WKST BOUND : No.7 , 1:10 p. in. New passenger train. No.3 , 1 : a. ) 11. JIl. Old " " No. 110 , 11:55 p. m. Through freight train. No. 81 , IU : ( ) u. in. Local freight train. EAST HOUND : No.2 , 11:00 ( p. m. New passenger train. No. 0 , ; :0 : ; 11. m. Old" " No. 110 , 0:10 a. m. ' Through freight train. No. 82 : , 3:50 p. m. Local freight train. Talk of the own. . Robert Lee of Brownlee is in town today. See Charley Abraham's new ad- , vertisement in this paper. Bud Me Donald went to Crook- ston Saturday on business. Cecil Barnes of Lake was in town Saturday on business. Mike Ja , 'is makes a change in his advertisement this week. I Billie Bordaux was down from Rosebud Sunday and Monday. Don McLeod and Dan Cox left f. r Brunswick Tuesday night. G. W. Klingaman was up from Wood Lake on business Monday. Guy Reed , a Cody merchant , was in Valentine on business Mon- day. day.Ge George Stetter came down from the Stetterranch south of Cody the fore part of the week. J. W. Wood has been appointed U. S. Indian agent at Rosebud , taking the place of Major Kelly. Don't forget the cooked food sale at T. C. Hornby's store next Wednesday , Nov. 24 at 10 o'clock. Buy your : Thanksgiving dinner at the food sale given by the ladies of St. John's guild Wednesday , Nov. 24. Sherriff Rosseter returned Mon- day night from the 'south western part of the county where he had been on business. There will be services in , St. John's church in Valentine on Thanksgiving Day at 10 a. m. All are invited to attend. Weak inflamed eyes , cross eyes , headache , dizziness , etc , relieved by Dr. Perrigo of Omaha. At Donoher hotel Nov. 29. 45 2 Wanted - Married man to milk and care for thirty milch cows. will furnish three room house , , milk and pay $60 per month. 45 Fischer's hardware is expecting an electric or pneumatic vacuum cleaner , which will be good news for the housewife. Makes house- keeping a pleasure. Further no- tice next week. 42 Services on Sunday next 21st. in St. John's church as follows : Sunday school at ten , followed by morning prayer with address at eleven. Evening prayer with ser- mon at ! 7:30 : p. m. Farmers and stockmen should read the advertisements in TIlE DEMOCRAT and call on the \ erch- . ants who offer goods for sale. It is an invitation for you to call ] ] on them. Accept the invitation. E. E. Dillon and wife were in town Sunday from Long Pine visiting their son William who is in jail waiting to go to the pen - itentiary for defrauding the bank at Kilgore. /They returned home Sunday night. Mrs. W. W. Wells and little daughter Sarah attended the con- secration of the new St. Paul's Episcopal Church at O'Neill. While there they also stayed a short time in Ewing visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Green. A. Kneeland came up from Omaha the first of last week to spend a few days visiting friends and relatives In and around Valen- tine. Mr. Kneeland -located : in Omaha about seven years ago and is at present running a rooming house there , from which he makes a good living. Mr. Kneeland called on us Saturday before re turning to Omaha Sunday morn- ing. Ing.The The regular fall term of the District Court in and for Cherry County , Nebraska , has been fur- ther adjourned until December iiOth , 1909. The jury will not be in attendance until the following ] ) day December 21st , 1909. This term of court was first set to con- I vene on October llth , 1909 , later was adjourned to November 22nd , 1909 and now adjourned to the last date ( Of December 20th- , 1909 , I - - - - 4 ; _ _ _ _ _ e-e , , rU4iw : ; R e The cold , chilly , wintry season demands a comfortable e and warm under garment. Take a peep at the display assortment in our window. You can get into one of these . for from 70 cents to § 4.00 per suit. Ladies' Two - piece Cotton Fleece , per suit 70c to $1.00 .Ladi s' Pure White Unions , per suit - 1.00 to $1.50 e Ladies' Wool Unions , , per suit - - - 3.00 ( e Men's Two-piece Fleece Lined , per suit - 1.00 Men's Two-piece Wool faced , per suit - h25 : Men's light weight wool , two-piece , per suit - 2.25 Men's heavy weight , two-piece , per suit - ,2.25 Men's Union Suits , per suit - - 1.25 to 4.00 e I. ' V e @ ! " ; ! : 4 ! _ < < t _ _ _ - - - - - - . , A Crime. Some time ago Yank O'Bryan moved to town from bis ranch on the reservation and bought the dwelling formerly owned by H. B. Forester. Mr. O'Bryan's health has been failing the past two years as he advances in age and he went down to Omaha the latter part of October to take spec- ial treatment for Etsthma and as he kepta team and cow he secured I the services of Wiley Howard to do chores for him during his ab- sence. Aoout the 3rd or 4th of November , or about a week after I Mr. O'Bryan'went to Omaha , Florence' Young , the little ten tfgbr ' old niece of Mrs. O'Bryan who has been making her home with the O'Bryan's and going to school , was caught in the coal house and raped. : Under tbreats of : death the girl did not tell the story until she became dangerous- ly ill. Drs. Lewis and Jornpton were called in and the child's mother was sent for and to them she told of how she had been thus brutally treated and accused Wil ey Howard of the crime. How- ! ard was discharged by Mrs. 0' Bryan and she sent for the girl's father Geo. Young and for her husband fearing to do anything until they arrived as their lives had been threatened. Mr. ' Young arrived Sunday morning after riding horseback all night from his home north of Cody. Upon hearing the girl's story he called upon Henry Graham the day marshal to place Wiley Howard under arrest and he was taken into the presence of the girl who claimed to identify him as the man who assaulted her and he II was placed in jail to await a hear- I ing but the critical condition of the child has kept her confined to her bed and the preliminary set VVednesday had to be postpon ed until the improved condition of the cbiH will permit her to be in attendance at court. Mrs. : O'Bryan claims to have seen Wiley Howard and another man hanging around their place several evenings after he was dis charged and she , feared that he was entending to carry out the threat referred to by the girl. Wiley Howard denies being guilty of the offense and says that somebody is trying to put up a job on him. Ho is about 63 years old and has bpon around Valentine for nearly twelve ypars , working out on some ranch during the sum- mer and stays in lown 1 during the winter. He was looked upon as being a harmless oM , fellow and never before did anyone any harm that we know of.YaR sup- posed to be a trustworthy person and was trusted here and then ) to be with children. This serious charge reversing former appear ances is a shock to the community. . Large Ben Davis apples , § 1.50 per bushel. - Mike Davis. 45 2 For Sale-Five : French Spitz pups , all males , white and curly. -A. G. Shaw. 44 4 . - Cakes , pies , chicken puddings , jellies , bread and all good things to eat at the food sale Wednesday , Nciv 24 > at T : C Hornby Store - - ' - - _ Farm Implements II We sell farming implements as well as other . , \ . merchandise , - at reasonable piices. - , / . ' . , Call and try us. - t. ! . , VV . . . ' ; . , : . . - ' . , ? - r- CROOKSTON , ' MAX E VIERTEL. NEBRASKA. I V I I Li. . DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . The"-Genuine Round.-O k > \ : Heating Stoves and Base Burners . Are the Most Famous in the World " . These are the stoves you have always heard about , the origi- nal - the genuine. They are known as the stoves that hold' " V the fire , that save the fuel , that last a life-time. The Gen : " uine Round Oak Heating Stoves Durn Hard or Soft Coal. A close inspection of our lirm of Round " Oak Stoves , will easly convince you that they are , the \ most nearly perfect stove made. < Prank scher. , . , . . . - - a 1 ! 1,1 , liTR ML&T 1 Stetter & Tobien Props. 1 e7 DEALERS IN ' ' All Kinds of Fresh | and Salt Meats. . . . q Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules \ and - t anything you have to sell. - - - - - ; = ' " " " ' r "l AT THE FA.IR , . in GOOD SUITS AND OVERCOATS $15 to $40 i G The new fall styles are here in every fabric and. .de- 1 , sign. Splendid effects . in durable Scotch and English mixtures. Snappy Suits and Overcoats of the Friend , ' z made quality for men and young men. _ : . $ I ' . . Yours is R.eady'V. V . ' : * . I b H. W. HOENIG , : ' , Clothier and Furnisher. L ; ' - - - GRANT BOYER , . - - - - . . . CARPENTER & BUILDER. I X . I ; . . ' ' , - - All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 ' N e brask a" , ' - . References : My Many Customers ' " , ,