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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1909)
I f " . ' _ _ " \ . - _ ' . P. . . . . . , . . -1. . . . . . : ; " , , ' - . , . . . . , . " - . - - . . . . , , r f I , from woman's ailments are invited to write to the names and -t . addresses here given , for positive proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does cure female ills. Tumor Removed. c . , ' Chicago , IIl. - Mrs. Alveua Sperling Lang- : don Street. i .JJndlcy , Ind. - Mrs. May Fry. 'Kinsley" ] { ans.3r rs. Stella Gifford g " d .Scott : , N.Y. J = Mrs. S. J. Barber. Cornwallville , N.Y. = Mrs. Win. Boughton. - O5iciuriatiO.aMrfl.W.lC.Ifoush.7Eastvic\vAv v Milwaukee , VTi3. = Mra. JJmma Imao , 883 1st r c St. , German. ' Clmiijyo of T.ifo. w South Bend , Ind. = \Irs. Fred Cortia , 1014 S. o Lafayette Street. ! : : Noali , Kontuckv. = > Mrs. Lizzie Holland. 4 * . . .Brookflold , Mo. ' : = Mrs. Sarah Loubiguont , 207 S. Market St. P Tatcreon , N..J. = Jtrs. Wm. Somerville , 195 IfamburgU Avenue. i ' Philadelphia , Pa. = Mrs. K. E. Garrett , 2407 North Garnet Street. Kowaskum , Wis. = Mrs. Carl Dahlke. s' Maternity Troubles. ' ! & * ; Worcester , \lass. = Mrs. Dosylva Cote" , 117 ; . Soutlijjate Stroet. 1 . ' , Indianapolis , Ind. = 3Irs. A. P. Anderson , 1207 ; i : . . E. Pratt Street. A. Big Run , Pa. = Mra W. E. Pooler. Atwdtor Station , O. = Mrs. Anton Muolhaupt. < Ciuciuuatl , Ohio. = Mrs. : E.fU. Maddocks , 2135 Gilbert Avenue. .Mbgadoro , Ohio. = l1rs. : Lee Manges , Box 131. . Dewittville , N. Y. = Mra. A. A. Gies . .Johnstown ; N.Y. = Mrs. Homer N. Seaman , 108 E. Main Street. \ "Bortoiiviow , IlL = ttrs. ] : Peter Langenbahn. Avoid Operations- 'Hampatead ' , Md. = Mrg. Jos. II. Dandv. Adrian , Ga. . . . Lenr. V. Henrv , Route Xo. 3. : Indianapolis , Ind. = Besslo V. 1'iper , 29 South : Addison Street. - Lonisville , Ky. = Mrs. ; : Sam Lee , 3523 Fourth St. .South West Harbor , Maine. co Mrs. Lillian Bobbins , Mt. Desert Lightetation. ! Detroit , Mich. : OCI Mrs. Frieda liosenau C44 Meldrum Avenue , German. Organic Displacements. Mozier , Ills. = Mrfl. Mary Ball. JMzonlor , Ind. = Mrs. Eliza Wood , It. F.D. No.4. Melbourne , Iowa. = Mrs. Clara Waterniann , R. F. D. No.1. Bardstown : , Ky. = 'Ifril. Joseph Hall. . - Ixiwiston , Mame. = Mra. Henry Cloutier , 56 1 Oxford Street. Minneapolis , Minn. = : ' 11"8. John G. Moldan , 2115 Second Street , N. Shamrock , Mo. = Joslo Ham , R.F.D. No. 1 ; Box 22. . " . Marlton , N.J. = Mrs. Geo. Jordy , Route No.3 , Box 40. Chester. Ark. = Mrs. : Ella Wood. t Ocilla , ( a. = : \r'i. T. A. Cribb. ' Pondleton , Ind. = Mrs. May Marshall , R.R.44. . . - Cambridge , Neb. = Mrs. Nellie Mo- > landcr. These women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses of the power of Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female " diseases. Not one of these women ever received compensation in any form for the use of their names in this advertisement-but are will ing that we should refer to them because of the good they may do other suffering women to prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's 4 ! ' ' Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine , and that the statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit are the truth and nothing but the truth. r c truth.For J fi f i c4r , F . } Rheumatic a \ 1 , 1 ( \4 Pains { F r P , t 1 - t t t 4 . r ; . i 1 I As we get older the blood becomes sluggish , the mus- cles and joints stiffen and aches and pains take hold ? J. easier. Sloan's Liniment quickens the blood limbers up the muscles and joints and stops any pain or ache . with astonishing promptness. t Proof that it is Best for Rheumatism. Mrs. DANIEL H. DIEHL , of Mann's Choice , R.F.D. , No. i , Pa. , -writes : - Tlease send me a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism and stiff joints. It is the best remedy I ever knew for I can't do without it. " r " Also for Stiff Joints. Mr. MILTON WHEELER , 2100 Morris Ave. , Birmingham , Ala. , writes- ' .11 I am glad to say that Sloan's Liniment has done me more good for stiff joints than anything I have ever tried. " is loan.s . . Liniment . . _ , is the qickest and best remedy for Rheuma ' tism , Sciatica , Toothache , Sprains , Bruises & and Insect Stings. Price 25c. , 50c. , and $1.00 at All Dealers. ' _ ; m : , , Send for Sloan's Free Book on JIoi es. Address M - r . . - - = - DR. EARL S. SLOAN , BOSTON , MASS. ' ! . . ! i-11t- . \ - , . .k'-1' ; O , ; . .tn.$1 .i'Q . " " ' f : 9. ; , . . . . y. , . 'fr - . McINTOSII ! celebrated ! 1 . . 4 1 Natural Uterine ' Supporter Cites Immediate relief. Sold byallsur : Elcal Instrutnetit dealers and leading druszlfts In United State ana Canada. Catalog price lltt and particulars mailed ! on application. THE HASTINGS & : McINTOSH TRUSS CO. < J1S \ \Tanati , FUILLDF LFIIIArA. , nmiiufarturcrs of tru isea and . . . > lo niaLern . . of the Genuine , .m'ed " MclatoKli" Supporter. f . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pn1J'c The recent extension of the K. C. O. li U 11'1 ll- It. hrln ! : ! ' tlioui-ands ! oi ncres of fine covemmcut laud alone this lino on the market. Splondld noli. ! ! Cllo11o.tO. water timber and nuiso : alfalfa whent. etock.frult. train : am ! ve ; : etahles. / . < xx1 nilln > nl facilities and markets. Crops ! turovltli - rntlrrlcaUon. COME SOWand getaborne for nothing . , ln < tnd or paying bleb prices elsewhere. If you haro nsed .ourhmn"'k-ad rlebt. you can take 330 acres under tho IVscrt Land Act. homo etock ranchrannil deeded land tor aolo by aimer Fine opnaiuc for live land men. Addras II . O. POUUB. I.A.VD COM. , Duruth. California. Oregon It , . . . ItKNO , > EVA1 I .Sere IfaflHctedwtlb Eyes , use IHOMP80N'S ! m WBIfR 4. Painftil Periods. Goshen , Ala. = Mrh.\V. T. Dalton , Route No. , Clilcapjo ; : , ill. = Mrs AVra. Tully . 4w Ogden Av ] ' : nr la\r , Mich = .Irs. : Etnriia raper. Flushing , Micb. = Mrs. Burt Loyd , R. F. D. No. a ; care of I ) . A. Sanborn. Cuffcfvillo , Miss.caMrs. ! ; S. J. Jones. Cincinnati , Ohio. = Iia. Flora Alir , 1362 Ernst Street. Cleveland , Ohio = Miss ! Lizzie Steiger , K10 Fleet Avenue , S.E. TVcsleyville , Pa. = JIrs. : : Maggie Este1"R.F.D.l. Dyersoufg.Tenn = SIrs. Luo Hilliard , K.It.1. Uayfleld , Va. = . : , [ 3Iayme Wiudle. Jlrrcgularlty. Jlerrin , 111 = Vrs . Chas. Folkel. ! Winchester , Ind = Irs. : : : lav Deal. Dyor , Jnd. = lrs."rill. . Oberloh , R. F. D. 1'0.1. JJultimoro , \ Id. = Irs. . W. S. Ford , 1938 Laiis- downo Street. Roxbury , iMas8. = JIrs. Francis ilerklo,13 Field Street. Claikhdale , , Mo. = 'MiH3 Anna Wallace. Ou > avilJe : , Oliio. = Mr.s. Ella Michael , R.F.DJ. Dayton , Ohio. = Mrs. : Ida Halo , Box 25 , Na tional Military Home. Lebanon , Pa. = Mis. Harry L. Rittle , 203 Leh man fit r . ct. Svkes , 'l't'1lI1.Iinnle : Hall. letruitMtch. . < . Louise tTung,3. Chestnut st- Ovarian Trouble. Vincenne- , Ind. = Mrs. Syl. B. Jerauld 503 [ ) N. Tenth Stre , . t. G.irdiii'-r , : \ [ . = Mrs. S. A. Williams , K. F. D. No. 14 ; Box .19. Philadelphia. Pa. = Mrs. ; Chas. Booll , 2407 N. Garnet Street. Plattabur , MissVornaWilkes.'Il.F.D.l. : : . Female Weakness. Willimantic , Conn. = Mrs. Etta Donovan , Box JJV. Woodside : Idabo. = Mrs. Rachel Johnson. Kockland , Maine. = > Mrs. Will Young , G Col umbia Avenue. Scottvi 110 , Micl.3rrs . JohnsonR.F.D.3. . Davton , Ohio. = Mra. F. R. Smith , 431 Elm St. Erie Pa. = Mrs. : J. P. Endlich , R. F. D. No. 7. Be.ivor Falls , Pa. = Mrs. W. P. Boyd , 2109 Seventh Avenue. FairchancePa. T. A. Dunham , Box 152. Fort Hunter , Pa. = Mrs. : Mary : Jane Shatto. Earl , Pa. = Mrs. : : Augustus Lyon , R.F.D. Vienna , \V. Va. = Mrs. inima Wheaton. "Nervous Prostration. Oronogo , 7VIo. = : \1 rs. McKnight. Camd , N.J. = Mia. Tillie Waters , 451 Liber- ty Street. Joseph ; , Oregon. = Mrs. Alice Huffman. Philadelphia , Pa. = > Mrs. John Johnston : ; , 210 Sicgel Street. Christiana , Tcnu. = Mrs. Mary : Wood , R.F.D. 1'0.3. Pecos , Tcxas. = Mrs. Ada Young ; : Eggleston. Gramtoville , Yt. = Mrs. Chas. Barclay , K.F.D. Bottle Suicide. Drunkenness for deepest troubles is often a preventive or a substitute for suicldo , a "temporary suicide" as it were. Many men too cowardly to pull the trigger or take gas , deliber ately : and viciously commit suicide by the slow alcoholic route , and even say It is an easy way to die. And for this alcohol gets the blame.-Exchange. feecsrity of Beauty. Schiller in his esthetical and philo sophical essays wrote that "Beauty alone confers happiness on all , " that under its influence men forget their limitations. Happiness is our being's end and aim. And without beauty even happiness in its perfect flowering Is impossible. ' 1' VERDICT Of VOTERS THE COUNTRY OVER . Results of State and City Eleof tions in All Parts of the . . , Country. . GAYNOR WINNER IN NEW YORK Traction Matters Cause Defeat of Johnson in Cleveland-San Fran- cisco Retires Heney. : Important State aud municipaj . " } elec tions were held in many sections of the country on Tuesday , early reports on the results of which are brietly stated thus : William J. Gaynor , Democrat , was elected mayor of New York City Tues day by a plurality of .more than 70,000 I over his nearest competitor , Otto T. Bannard , Republican. He will be in complete isolation , however , in the board of estimate and apportionment. The borough presidents on Gaynor's ticket in Manhattan , the Bronx , Queens , Kings , and Richmond were de feated. His associates on the Tam- many city ballot-Moore for controller and Galvin for president of the board of aldermen-lost by probably 50,000 votes. The Chronicle and Call concede the election of P. H. McCarthy , Union La bor candidate , as mayor of San Fran cisco , the Chronicle estimating his ma- jority at 5,000 to 7,500 and the Call estimating it at 10,000. They both ' " 15,000 concede Fickert's election by , majority over Heney. The large ma- jority by which Heney , graft prosecu- tor , was snowed under shows that there has been widespread revolt against the present administration , which is in the hands of civic reform ers. These men have thrown out slot machines from cigar stores and sa loons , have been largely instrumental in killing betting on the racetrack : , have shut poolrooms and put the lid on a town that for years had been wide open. Herman C. Baehr , Republican , has been elected mayor of Cleveland over Tom L. Johnson. The indications point to 4,500 plurality for Baehr , with a tendency toward an increase' in these figures. Johnson admitted his defeat by a plurality of 1,500 , but declared that he would push the traction peace plans before he leaves office. He also said he would run again. Charles Sa- len , manager of many of the Johnson battles , conceded a Democratic defeat. Election results in other sections may be summarized as follows : Philadelphia-Reform ticket defeat- ed. S. P. Rotan ( Rep. ) re-elected over D. C. Gibboney for District Attorney. Estimated plurality , 45,000. Rest of city Republican. Pennsylvania - State Republican ticket , headed by State Treasurer , wins by 150,000 estimated plurality. Cincinnati-Dr. Louis Schwab ( Rep. ) elected Mayor by 10,000 plurality. Indianapolis-S. L. Shank ( Rep. ) won over Charles A. Gauss ( Dem. ) by 1,468 plurality. Republicans had claim- ed Democrats were aided by liquor in- terests. Black eye for Tom Taggart. Indiana ( cities and towns ) - Mixed results between parties. Terre Haute , Evansville , Muncie and Lafayette wet ; Kokomo dry ; South Bend for regula- tion. Illinois Towns-Jacksonville remains dry. In small southern towns of State , where liquor was issue , the changes from dry to wet were 8 ; from wet to dry , 8 ; unchanged , 20. Toledo-Mayor Brand Whitlock re- elected by about 3,500 plurality. Massachusetts - Republicans re- elected Gov. Draper by a plurality of 8,000. One year ago Draper received a plurality of over 60,000. Fight was , made by Democrats along tariff reform lines and the shrinkage of over 50,000 is attributed to dissatisfaction with the tariff. Virginia-Democrats elected State ticket headed by William H. Mann by 23,000 majority. Maryland-Disfranchisement , which would have deprived 50,000 negroes of vote , probably beaten. Democrats win State ticket and Legislature , insuring Rayner's return to Senate. Majorities , however , are reduced. Rhode Island-Gov. Pothier ( Rep. ) , re-elected over Olney Arnold ( Dem. . , by substantial majority. GAMBLERS HURL TWO BOMBS More Spectacular Outrages in Chi- cago's Long Series Arouse City. , Bombs No. U3 : ; and ' : ' \0. : : 4 , fired with- in twenty minutes of each other wrecked two buildings in the loop dis - trict of Chic-ago Sunday night , causeu nearly $10,000 . damage , frightened hun dreds of citizens and served notice on the people of Chicago that , in the face of the oft-repeated denials of the po lice , open gambling is still going on in the city. The two cases Sunday night left no chance for the police to ascribe the outrages to anything but a gam biers' war. Each of the places blown up sheltered gambling establishments. Four Children See 'l'razecly. Frank Miller , of Xew York , shot ana kilie- his father-in-law , John Sceain , in the yard or the latter's house in South Brooklyn , and then shot ana probably fatally wounded his wife Amelia Miller. He was arrested. The four children of the couple witnessed the shooting. . . Had bought Lightning Rods. Hotel Clerk-Just sign your name , please. The other guests would like to register. " "Don't you hurry me , young : man. I don't sign nothin' that I ain't read carl'fI11h--LI - - A rattle COM. He caught a little cold - \ That was all So the neighbors sadly said , As they gathered round his bed , When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little cold - That was all. ( Puck. ) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break ! : up a ! cold in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable mix twc ounces of Glycerine , a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure "Whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. You can buy these at any good drug store and easily mix them in a large ! ; bottle. After greasing pans for small cakes dust with flour thickly , shaking out all that is loose. This treatment prevents sticking. Bud Doble , The greatest of all horsemen , says : "In my 40 years' experience with horses I have found Spohn's Distemper Cure the most successful of all remedies for the horses. It is the greatest blood puri fier. " Bottle , 50c. and $1.00. Druggists can supply you , or manufacturers. Agents wanted. Send for Free Book. Spohn Medical Co. , Spec. Contagious Diseases , Goshen , Ind. , According bakers , people eat 20 per cent more bread in cold weather than in mild. Many : Children Are Sickly. : : Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil dren. used by Mother Gray , a nurse i' Children's Home , New York cure Sumrr.e Complaint , Feverishness , Headache Storr ach Troubles , Teething Disorders * iiiul I ) < ' . stray Worms. At all Druggists , : ? fic. Sam pip mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Ohr sted. Le Roy N. Y. In Russia , a declaration of love on a postcard renders the sender liable to a fine. The next time you feel that swallowing sensation the surp sign of sore throat gargle Hamlins Wizard Oil immediately with three parts water. It will save you days and perhaps weeks of misery. I.'bcrot. "What do you consider the best ol all the so-called 'best sellers ? ' " in- quired the caller. "Well , I have always liked old Col. Mulberry better than any of the oth- . ers , " answered the information editor turning again to his work. t ro' . j , . .t Not Sisters , % Now and again you see two women pass ing down the street who look like sisters. You are astonished to learn that they are mother and daughter , and you realize that / 1 a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be j ' ct her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so ? ' The Igeneral health of woman is so in- > " timately associated with the local health of the essentially feminine organs that there can be no red cheeks and round form where there is female weakness. V/oraen who have suffered from this trouble have found prompt relief : and cure in the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It gives vigor and vitality to tfce organs of womanhood. It clears the complexion , brightens th > e eyes and reddens the checks. No alcohol or habit-forming drugs is contained In "Favorite Prescription. Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter , free. Every letter i > held as sacredly confidential , and answered in a plain envelope. AddressC - _ World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.V. Pierce , Pres. , Buffalo , N.Y. Avoid Your Friend "I hear you spent your vacation with friends. " "We were friends during- the first week. " - Louisville Courier-Jour- , nal. ECZEMA COVERED HIM. Itching 'l'orturoVaJol Beyond Word -Slept Only from Sheer Ex- hnntion - Helloed In 24 Hour and Cured In a Mouth : by Cutlcus-n "I ain seventy-seven years old and some years ago I was taken with ec zema from head to foot. I was sMc for six months and what I suffered tongue could not tell. I could not sleep day or night because of that dreadfu. itching ; when I did' sleep it was from sheer exhaustion. I was one mass ol irritation ; it was even In my scalp. The doctor's medicine seemed to make me worse and I was almost out of my mind. I got a set of the Cuticurn Soap , Ointment and Resolvent. I used them persistently for twenty-foUl hours. That night I slept like an in fant. the first solid night's sleep I had had for six months. In a month I wa cured. W. Harrison Smith , Alt. Kisco N. Y. , Feb. 3 , 1008. " Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. . Sole Props. of Cutimra fl medic's. ! , Boston. Unfortnnale Habit. Patience-She says she never forgets a. face. Patrice - No wonder she's sub- ject to nightmare.-Yonkers Statesman. PERKY DAVIS- PAIIOvTTTEK has no substitute. No other remedy is so cffcctlv for rlieuniatibm , lumbago. stiHness. nouralijta. t cold of any sort. Put up in 2Cc. UCc : ; ; ; and 60c bottle The swiftest river in the world is the Sutlej , British India , which has a descent of 12,000 feet in 150 miles. f ; ' Cauw tlwl Children's Coughs 5 etJa Ones Much Unnecessary Sufferfaa Jsos rw CURE 1\\t 6ES.t "t\\Qlt \ ) \ YOU UGS.US \ Giro instant tdief - soothes and he li the little throats and prerenls more senoua iIlne ' . QnJdren ! like it too - so pleai&iU to take tod does : not cp / ct the ttotniK-h. All DruBgists 25 cents. . z\ FREE : MaryT. Goldman' . - , , , Gray Hair Restorer , . restore original color In V. " mild healthful monnex in from . 7 to 14 dnys. En. Urely different from 6111' : s ft : thing else. Itn effect a Tnd1larkkslrxnd permanent. Dow not wash off nor look unnat ural. Has no sediment , BO it's ncUthcr suck/ nor gn'881-lt.'s on pure and clear us wuter. Don't experiment - nso what thousands of others havo found wife un < satisfactory. ! Sample find comb " ' . nbnolnttth free. Bo snro to mention original color of > our hnir. MARY T. GOLDXAX.WJ Goldman1 Blda. , 6f. Paul , Minn. : : : 3 - Peper-Haogers i Painters You can greatly increase your bnstnfm with no e _ trn investment by nolluiR Alfred IVata PrJz < Wnllpaper. We want one Kood ivorkpr in e&ca vicinity , and to thn first worthy nppllonnt will . en FIIHE. by prepaid expreaa. flvo , largo sample hookH showing a $2'uJiptllfr : Stoc for cut ! > tomurs to eelect from We offer Jil > cral profit * to our representatives. Answer quickly thut jou Bet the agency in your vicinity for 1910. AlfrcdI ' catsCo. , 11-14 Wabaah ATP. , Chtcaza. U IC PAY IF CURED PILES fff par poitaga sasad * * aA FRKK UKD CROSS I-u. and Fistula Cure. REA CO. DEPT. ® 5 , MIHHEAPOLIS HIMI. S. C. N. U. - No. 46-1909. -t ( , . . . . . . . ' . _ , , . .Wi ! J -kt' : ; < f-rl ! ( f. il".t _ ; ; , . . . . . . . , t' ! ' . . . . . . _ . _ . ' . . ' : " ' . _ _ _ ! t-f'- _ Physicians Recommend Castoria ASIOBIA has met with pronounced favor on the part physicians , pharma ceutical societies and medical authorities It is used by physicians witfi : i results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably th $ result of three facts ifrs i * - The indisputable evidence that it is harmless ? , Second That it not : only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves , but assimi lates the food l Third It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium , Morphine , or other narcotio and does not stupefy It is unlike Soothing Syrups Bateman's : Drops , Godfrey's Cordial , etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty , how ever , is to expose danger and record the means of , advancing health The day for poisoning innocent children through , greed or ignorance ought to end To our knowledge , Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health , , by regulating the sysiem not by stupefying it-and our readers are entitled to. the information---Hall's , Journal of Bealf fha . . . , . , ' . . - l Letters from Prominent I Physicians s addressed to Chas. H ® Fletcher. Dr. B. Halstead Scott , of Chicago , Ills. , says " I have prescribed your : ! I t I I ' I I Castoria often for infants during my practice , and find it very satisfactory. " . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . Dr. William Belmont , of Cleveland , Ohio , says : "Tour Castoria stands , Q - first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can B ly'I never have I ; - - found that . " anything so filled the place. - = Dr. J. H. Taft , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , says : "I have used your Castoria ami i - - - found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for : : " ! many years. The formula is excellent. " ' Dr. R. J. Hamlen , of Detroit , Mich. , ' " I i ALCOHOL.3 PER CENT. says : prescribe your Castoria I P , - i AVe getabePrepalalianforAs ( extensively , as I have never found anything to equal it for children's , ° i I Sinlllatin g theFoodanllRe t. troubles. I am aware that there are imitations in the field , , but I alwaya ' . ting ( lie Stomachs andBowelsof see that my patients get Fletcher's. " P ' ; . Dr. Wm.J McCrann , of Omaha , Neb. , says : "As the father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great medicine , and aside _ ! , from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Caa- ' e9hOll elfill toria a popular and efficient remedy in almost every home. " . I ) ' ness and Rest-Contalnsiiditer ( Dr. J. R. Clausen , of Philadelphia , Pa. , says : "The name that your Cas 4 ' Opiuni.Morphine norMinEraU 1 toria has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the 1t ! NOT NARCOTIC , f j presence of children , scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse . . . . . ment of the medical profession , but I , for one , most heartily endorse it and . H rnfOldl& F believe it an excellent remedy. " : jfteSewa Jfapkur Sadm * i Dr. R. M. T rard , of Kansas City , Mo. , says : "Physicians generally do no * = prescribe proprietary preparations , but in the of Castoria JtxklleSitis- case my experi . I ArJar8ud ff url.'isl + ence , like that of many other physicians , has taught me to make an ex ° U 11rurtcurJel - ception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because I have found It IfanSud- , , to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's lnts. I ClarTied Stmr complaints. Any physi t . h " I cian who has raised ! a family , as I have , will Join me in heartiest recom ty ! e Aperfect Remedy for Consto mendation of C Jtoria . " Hen , Sour Storaadi.Dlantea I I WorrasConvulsionsFcvErisIi- Gggayifgg CASTORDA ALWAYS , , ness andLoss OF SLEEP. , Bsars the Signature of ? WflnT ! , . : DdC. lInlte Si tII9tare of - - | | li . ! h : : .z ; 7c o .f . m NEW YOR } & . . . . .q/ ill al ! i The Kind Yon Have llways Bought t " , ' 0 : rapt _ . under _ . the tood Exact Copy of Wrapper. Rto ! Use ! For . Over SO EWyY ear8 . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. Tt BB'JRRAY BTRCST. HEW YOHJ. CITY. . . . . . "JO 'U- > > ; ' > N ; ' ; : ' ; P.1.f7".H ; : ; . : < l"1i ) , ,4iaf1 1 jryp : ; l h : r r'.f. . : Carr s0.1'sy ;":2JJ : . ' . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . r - PUTNAM FADELESS ! DYES ttln mere goods brighter and faster colors ban ( any otber dye. . One ! 0c package ; colors all libers. Tber dye in cold water ketter 16an any olier dye. Yon eaa _ ur iirnta ! vilhoat rippSno jyarU ' WriJc ler I Ire boaUU - How to Dye Bleach Bad XUs Colon. MOffROE 2 > "R 111 G CO. . Qaincy , ! " ' "